Where to find hidden friends in contact. How to hide friends in "Contact": Step-by-step instructions

And it is very necessary to do, then do not worry, because it is extremely simple and does not take much time and strength. The first thing you need is to figure out how the social network works. You do not even need a special software.

More recently, no one could have thought that it would be possible to hide friends, but now it is possible. It is difficult to say what exactly the option came up with such an option, but it is not a secret that it is popular among active users of VK. It is worth noting that it is extremely simple to do it, but if you are a beginner user, then you can cause some problems, so you need to deal with all the details you are interested in. As practice shows, the management of this social network Periodically change the permissible number of friends you can hide. Once it was possible to make the entire list invisible, then there were 15 people, well, and now about 30, which is also good. It is possible that in a week it will be banned at all, but if you need to do it right today and that there are good reasons, then all this is possible.

Hide friends in "Contact": why it is necessary

In fact, the reason can be completely any, starting from a banal reluctance so that your friends see or knew who you communicate with. But it happens quite rarely. Since this social network is quite popular, then they are playing gambling, traded various goods and offer a wide variety of services. All this collects a huge number of people, then even competition is exactly the same as on the usual market. So why show your customers to competitors? After all, it can damage the business. Well, this is the example. As noted above, the reason may be any, and by and large, this is a personal matter of everyone - to hide or not hide. Someone likes it, and someone annoys. You can make invisible only a certain number of people. If you really need it, choose with the mind. And now let's go to the practical part and answer the question "how to hide friends in" Contact ". And it is simple enough and quickly.

How to hide a list of friends in "Contact"

The first thing to do is to go to your own account. Then you need to go to "Settings". After that, you will find a page with a lot of tabs, it is necessary to find "Privacy". This is what we are looking for. Here you will see a menu with several lines, including the inscription "Who can be seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions."

You need to select "All Friends" item. If this is not done, then nothing will come out, consider it. Our next step is directly the moment of hiding the necessary people. To do this, you need to choose a person who is going to make invisible, and then click on his photograph. You will see a cross in the appropriate form, which indicates that everything has passed successfully. Similarly, we do with the remaining friends. Remember that 15 people are available, so choose carefully.

We maintain changes and rejoice in the result

If you did everything right, you will see how the marked friends will go to hidden from the "All Friends" tab. But do not hurry to go out, because you first need to save changes, because without this I will have to repeat everything again, and it is unpleasant, even though everything about everything will go throughout a couple of minutes. But how to understand that all those you have made invisible is really not visible. This can be done as follows. Go to main page his account. After that, we get in the menu "My Page". Here you will see the entire list of your contacts. Opposite each of them it will be written "Who can be seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions." You must see the inscription: "Everyone, except Ivan Ivanova, can be seen. If all that is, then the operations were made correctly. If you saw the inscription "Seen All", then, obviously, forgot to keep changes or choose people who were going to make invisible.

in contact with"?

This question is asked even more users. It's hard to say about motives, because, in fact, without a difference, whom you can see, and who is not. However, each user of this social network has the ability to view hidden contacts. There is nothing complicated here, but you need to know the user ID. First you need to deal with some details. For example, how to determine the same ID. To do this, go to the page "In contact" of the person who you would like to see hidden friends. Next, look at the address bar. There we see the corresponding address and the letter ID, after which the numbers go. This is just what we are looking for. All that is written after the ID, copy. In fact, it was done, the most interesting remained. In our hands there is a unique code, we take it and go to the page of Pavel Durov (creator "in contact"). Here we have the ability to insert the code in the appropriate form and view the hidden friends of any user of this social network.

Another actual way

We have already decided on how to hide friends in "Contact", there is nothing complicated here, but above it was noted that many are interested in the opposite question, that is, watching invisible friends of a certain user. We have already considered one method, but if it does not fit for any other reasons, then do not despair, since there are some more working ways.

It also applies to the photo albums. Click "Send Message", here you will see the very user ID, which we actually need. Next, the process passes in the same way as already written above. Do not forget that in the network many sites offer this kind of service as viewing photo albums, users, etc. Personal information. Do not visit each of these resources. As practice shows, they require a password from your page, or rather, they offer you to log in, after which you can easily lose your account. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to use proven resources based on visitors' feedback.

A little useful information

Now you know how to hide friends in "Contact. If you need it, then use, but know that with a great desire, almost any user of the same social network can easily view your hidden contacts. From you there is little depends on, and In most cases, there is no difference, the user is hidden or not.

Usually prosecuted personal goals. But if it is still important for you, it is recommended to do the following. We will try to make your ID unrecognizable for other users. This can be done as follows. Go to "My Settings", then "Total", and then - "Address of My Page". Select the "Address Editing" string and write everything you want.


I would like to summarize the foregoing. There are several ways to view other people's contacts. At the same time, there is only one method of their hide, and that is not all, but only 15 people. Although it is worth noting that with each day the settings are changing, so today it is 15 people, and tomorrow - already 100. As noted above, someone can watch your hidden contacts. To protect yourself, hide your ID address. Thus, you can be confident that no one will know about the existence of invisible contacts. Moreover, there are currently ways that allow you to fully or partially make an invisible pageBut this is a separate topic for conversation. Here, in principle, everything that can be said about how to hide friends "in contact" in just a few minutes.

For some time, it became completely open. We are talking about user friends. As you remember, first of friends could be hidden without any problems from prying eyes, but then Pavel Durov decided that people should meet more on social networks and made the "Friends" section open to other users. Of course, it was done not so much for dating, how much to increase the time of attendance of the social system, but no matter how it was, the Durov kept his word. True, he still took care that a certain part of people could be hidden at will. At first, it was about 15 users, then their number was increased to 30.

It is not surprising that the network began to appear questions in which users ask how to see hidden friends. It is understandable - suddenly your boyfriend has a lover / lover in friends? Is it possible to do this?

I answer - no, it is impossible. Of course, unless you are a super boiler who is able to get into someone else's account in a matter of seconds, which, by the way, has long been a criminal offense. I also extremely I do not recommend to believe in all kinds of programs, where it is written that, they say, install the utility to the computer and find out all hidden friends from anyone - this is a hoax. Either the program is hidden by a virus / trojan, or it will be necessary to send an SMS message for its installation. Noticeless, of course.

Nevertheless, there is one interesting waywhich allows you to indirectly determine the number of hidden friends. But to trust 100%, I would not decide to him and at the end of the article I will explain why I think so.

So, first we go to the page to the user you need. We look at the number of friends - their 75 people. We remember this figure, we will need it.

Now we count the number of female friends. In my case, there were 19 people.

The total number of friends we already know - their 75 people. Now we develop men's and female users (50 + 19) and we get a figure of 69 people. We take away from 75 friends 69 and get 6 users in the dry residue. Does this mean that the person needs 6 friends are hidden? No, in essence it does not mean anything. The fact is that banned and remote users are automatically counted ones. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate how many in friends of the user banned and remote users, to subtract their number from the specified digit 6 and get the total number of friends.

VKontakte is the fastest growing and popular social network in the CIS. Functional, convenience, speed and regular innovations - what users love Vkontakte and prefer it to other social networks.

Regular updates and functionality expansion is a distinctive feature of VK. One of recent updates Some time ago removed the ability to disable the display of the "Friends" block, leaving the right to choose a limited number of people who will not be displayed in total list. To make hidden friends VKontakte, you will need to make appropriate actions in the profile settings menu.

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List of hidden friends

All parameters for displaying certain materials on the user page are located on the "Privacy" tab in the "Settings" section:

  • Being on any page of the social network, you must click on the "My Settings" button on the left side of the screen;
  • Then go from the "General" tab to the "Privacy" tab;
  • In the "My Page" block, find the line "Who can be seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions" and click on the left mouse button in the "All Friends" parameter.

A dialog box opens in the left part of which users from the list of friends will be displayed. Using scrolling with a mouse wheel or a search string, you need to find the right person and using the "+" button on the name, add it to the "hidden" list.

The number of already hidden friends will be displayed on the left side of the window, and when the maximum amount of 30 people is achieved, the page displays the appropriate notification. After adding all the necessary friends to the list of hidden, you must save the changes using the corresponding button.

Setting up the display of hidden friends

VKontakte allows you to hide or vice versa, display a list of hidden friends only for a certain circle of persons:

  • Being on any page of the social network, you must click on the "My Settings" button on the left side of the screen;
  • Go from the "General" tab to the "Privacy" tab;
  • In the "My Page" block to find a line "Who sees my hidden friends" and click on the left mouse button by the "only me" parameter;
  • In the drop-down menu, select the appropriate setting by clicking on it with the left mouse button.

All steps on the "Privacy" tab are automatically saved and do not require additional confirmation. making needed changes, You can continue to work on the site with the settings already accepted.

I will say right away that it is possible to do this only in the full version of the site VKontakte, in the mobile version of VK and in the VKontakte application, hide friend will not work.

But what to do if only the phone is at hand, and you need to hide a friend right now.

The answer is simple, you need to open mobile version Website VKontakte in any browser installed on the phone, further go to the full version of VK, then hide friend.

How to do this, I will explain step in step in the instructions below.

How to Hide Friends in VC via phone

1. Open the mobile version of the VK site in any browser installed on the phone.

2. Go to the menu by clicking on the icon in the left upper corner.

3. Scroll to the open menu at the bottom, and go to the full version of the site.

4. In the window that opens, choose the browser with which to open the full version of the VK site, I have a google chrome.

5. Now that we have opened full version VKontakte's social network, go to the menu by clicking on the icon with the name, in the upper right corner of the page.

6. In the drop-down menu, select the "Settings" item.

7. In the settings, we need to choose the item "Privacy".

8. In the "My Page" section, we find the item "Who can be seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions", then go to the link "All Friends".

9. Highlight the checkbox of the friends of which you need to hide, then click on the "Save Changes" button.

After performing these actions, all the specified friends will be hidden. I have everything on it, I wish you success.

Often when using the social network, we do not know how to hide one friend from unwanted eyes, although it is often necessary for us very necessary. This article will also be told and given. detailed instructions How to hide Vkontakte a friend.


  1. The first thing to be done in order to hide your friend Vkontakte is to enter the "Setup menu". Of this menu You need to go to the tab called "Privacy".
  2. In the new window that appears on the screen, you need to find a line "Who can be seen in the list of my friends and subscriptions." On the contrary, by default, the link "All friends" will be indicated. You must click on this link.
  3. After clicking on the "All Friends" link, a new window appears with the title "Select friends you want to hide." On the left side will be a list of all your friends. A C. right side There will be a list of hidden friends. Then it will be necessary to simply choose a friend you wish to hide, and click on the plus sign, which is opposite the name and surname of the selected person.
  4. After everything is completed, you just need to click on the "Save Changes" button. Everything, the necessary friends are hidden from prying eyes!

Now you know how to hide a friend in VKontakte, and you can do it if necessary! It also needs to be remembered that according to the rules of the VKontakte's social network there is a limit on the number of people who the user can hide from prying eyes. According to the rules of the site, you can hide no more than fifteen people!