What is landing page. Landing - what is it in simple words with examples

  • 2. Types of landing page
  • 4. Landing page features
    • A/B testing landing page
    • What should a selling landing page look like and what should it contain?
  • 5. Landing page taxes
  • 6. Conclusion

Landing, what is it? Many aspiring entrepreneurs and people who are going to sell something are interested in this term. In short, a landing page is normal internet page on your domain, subdomain in format by type html/css or in another format. We heard about such pages, but most likely never delved into their essence and purpose.

The main task of such a page is that the visitor of the page leaves the corresponding application, contacts by phone, subscribes or purchases goods.

Such a page differs from the mass of other Internet pages in that it does not contain unnecessary, distracting advertising, unnecessary text, various flashing banners and pop-up menus.

From this article you will learn:

  • Landing what is it;
  • What types of landings are there;
  • How to create a landing page yourself and for free;
  • Everything about doing business and taxes from the landing page;
  • etc.

1. What is a landing page on the Internet

In the Internet, such pages have various names, in particular, they are called: landing pages, landing pages, capture pages, one-page sites, landing pages, etc.

With these landing pages, 20-30% the level of sales increases compared to conventional online stores or just advertising sites.

As for Russian-speaking companies, it should be noted here that such a tool as a landing page is just beginning to develop in the post-Soviet space, but every year it is rapidly gaining momentum.

From Russian companies, winlanding.ru can be distinguished. We tried many companies but finally settled on them. All sites that winlanding creates are created from scratch, templates, functionality, constant communication with the client are developed, which is important in our time. And you will know for sure that they will not get lost, like many freelancers with your prepayment.

Here are some of their work:

  • http://olymp.winlanding.ru
  • http://autogazkz.kz
  • http://zub.winlanding.ru

And the entire winlanding portfolio can be viewed here.

The use of the landing page is especially beneficial for the following organizations:

  • Any company involved in the sale;
  • wholesale companies;
  • MLM leaders;
  • Manufacturers of various types of products;
  • Info-entrepreneurs;
  • Companies selling especially valuable, unique goods;
  • Companies specializing in the sale of training programs;
  • travel companies;
  • SPA salons, fitness clubs.

The perfect example of a LANDING

Thus, the landing page is beneficial to use by many who are interested in increasing the client base and a significant increase in the target audience.

The main purpose of such pages, as already mentioned, is to induce a targeted action:

  • Apply for a free consultation;
  • Purchase a product;
  • Apply for a variety of calculations (calculations);
  • Subscribe to any newsletter;
  • Register to participate in the promotion;
  • Apply for a price list
  • And many more options...

The landing page can also be used by those involved in real estate. This page will increase the sales of any property. After all, now it is the Internet that plays an important role in the choice of any product or service. And by the way the site is made, people evaluate you, you can immediately understand that your property is not a decrepit house, but a beautiful estate. And if you have not connected your life with real estate yet, or rather you don’t know how to do it, then download the video course from a specialist who knows a lot about his business.

2. Types of landing page

There are four types of "sales page":

  1. long page: landing page - is a long landing page. It is these types of landing pages that prevail on the Internet.
  2. Short: A landing page is a short landing page. Its function is most often to redirect to collect email addresses and growing subscriber base.
  3. one step: landing page - is a one-step page;
  4. two steps: landing page - such a page, respectively, is a two-step one. The essence of the page is that on the one step page the client's interest is warmed up, and on the two step page the necessary action is directly executed.

By its nature, the landing page acts as a certain mini-site, which may not even be related to the main type of your activity, but works as an independent page.

Examples of conversions, in the field of travel services (a popular and demanded business area), a conversion rate of 9-14% is a good indicator, but in the field of luxury car sales, a conversion rate of 4-14% is not just good, but an excellent conversion rate in landing page.

The minimum conversion of a landing page, as a rule, ranges from 1-4%, but does not exceed the level of 30-45%. In practice, achieving conversion 25-30% is a good indicator.

A good conversion rate is 5-10%. In the case of infobusiness, the conversion can reach the level of 25% - 30%.

These include the following:

  • Percentage of refusal;
  • The average time spent by a visitor on the corresponding page;
  • Map of clicks on the page, etc.

There is no average conversion. This is due to the fact that the conversion directly depends on three things:

  1. The immediate quality of your landing page landing page;
  2. Quality of traffic landed on the relevant page;
  3. Features of business, level of competition.

Now, having heard the word "landing", what it is you will already know well.

3. How to create a landing page for free

Introducing popular services, where you can create a one-page (landing page) for free:

  1. www.setup.ru
  2. landingi.ru;
  3. ru.wix.com ;
  4. lpgenerator.com;
  5. freelance sites - where for 1500-2000 freelancers will make you a custom landing.

By entering a query into the search bar - "create a one-page website (landing)", the search engine will return a large number of services and sites that already have either ready-made pages, or you can create them yourself thanks to the constructor. You can do the same if you have extra. questions - what is a landing.

The perfect "landing page - landing page" - video

Algorithm Landing creation Page - video

But not always what is free will be of high quality. Free services more for those who have a very limited budget or just want to understand the principle of creating these pages. If you want your company to acquire a large number of customers, you have reached the top in popularity, then we advise you to order websites from professionals who will tell you exactly what and how to do, and take into account your wishes. For example prices of the company with which we work.

4. Landing page features

  • Usually, this site is a business card that is not overloaded with files ( graphics, video etc.). Due to the minimalism of the page, the text on it is well read.
  • On the landing page, advertising should not be placed, it is already an advertisement for your services and goods.
  • The landing page should not contain unnecessary information that is not related to the product or service being sold.
  • The landing page should have a certain structure: advertising text, images, minimal page navigation,

The term "landing" comes from the English word "Landing", which means "landing". This term reflects the main meaning - a landing page is a landing page.

A landing page is an independent site or a separate page that encourages visitors to take a targeted action. For example: leave a request for the selection of a tour, buy finished project sip-panel houses, place an advertisement for the sale of an iPhone, leave your phone number, subscribe to a newsletter, etc.

There are 4 main possibilities where a landing page is placed:

  1. On a separate domain: domain.ru;
  2. On your subdomain: landing.domain.ru;
  3. Website page: domain.ru/landing.html;
  4. On a third-party service: service.ru/yourlanding or yourlanding.service.ru.

The main task of a landing page is to induce to perform a targeted action. For example, you can make a separate landing page for recruiting subscribers for your newsletter. For each task, there is a separate type of landing page, and below you will find out which types exist, as well as which type of landing page is better to use in individual cases.

Types of sales pages

All landings are divided into three large groups:

  • microsites;
  • Separate pages of the site in the form of landings;
  • Complete landings;

Landing pages are also divided into several categories according to tasks:

  1. Sellers;
  2. Subscription;
  3. Informational;
  4. Viral;
  5. differential;
  6. Other.


Microsites, or “business card sites” in other words, are sites with a small number of pages (usually up to 10), where main page is a kind of landing, and auxiliary pages are created so that the user can better understand the product or service.

Consider such a microsite on the example of a hotel website - https://fenixhotel.ru/ .

The main page of the site is a full-fledged landing page, the task of which is to get the contact of the visitor, for an individual calculation of the cost of the house.

In addition to the main page on the site, there are other pages:

  • Examples of built houses;
  • Standard projects;
  • Construction technology;
  • Other.

Each auxiliary page, one way or another, ends with an offer to leave your contact details. That is, several additional pages “upsell” the main service or product from the main landing page.

The disadvantage of such micro-sites is that they work best with purchased traffic, and they are very difficult to SEO-promotion.

A separate page on your website can also act as a landing page, for example, https://nethouse.ru/internet-magazin or https://moi-biser.nethouse.ru/czechbiser.

Separate pages allow you to collect internal project traffic. For example, a person from search engines came to your site on one of the pages from where you send him to the landing page. By clicking on the link, the user enters the site page, made in the landing format. This format gives you more opportunities to sell a product or service than most classic styles of information sites.

The advantages of this format are that you can drive traffic to such a landing page from various sources, including using Yandex.Direct and other sources.

Full Landing Pages

Full-fledged landing pages are one-page sites built on the principle: “act or leave”.

Most often, visitors get to such landing pages from advertising (contextual, targeted, media, Vkontakte audio ads, email newsletters, etc.). As a rule, landing sites have a higher conversion than pages within a site in a classic design.

High conversion rate is key advantage landings. Why is it so? It's a matter of psychology. The right landing pages capture the visitor’s attention (clear structure, beautiful graphics), convince him of the right choice (emphasis on the benefits of the product), and as a result lead to a call to action block (Call To Action) - all this literally forces a person to take the action that is needed to you.

As with microsites, the maximum that a webmaster can do with a landing page to promote it is SEO-optimize it for a group of targeted queries. But the possibilities SEO promotion landing pages are limited. You will have to buy the main traffic - on your own or with the help of an affiliate marketer.

Types of landings and their purpose

Depending on the purpose of creation, there are five main types of landings. Here is a handy table to understand the purpose of each type:

The purpose of such a landing, as the name implies, is to sell a product or service. Often, paid methods are used to attract traffic - contextual advertising, teasers, etc. You may have seen such landing pages when there was a fashion to sell the “talking hamster” toy. An example of a selling landing page is https://nabor-noskov.ru or http://www.maxitrip.ru/.

The key element of a selling landing page is the presence of one Call To Action (call to action), and all other blocks direct the user's attention to it. There are also alternative examples of selling landings, where mass CTA elements are used to encourage them to make a purchase.

If your sales are offline, or your type of business does not involve impulse buying, then a sales landing page will not suit you. In this case, landing pages for newsletters, which are often called subscription selling pages, work better. An example of a high converting subscription landing page: https://www.unisender.com/en/about/bonusy/correct-email/ .

Such landings are created for one purpose - to receive the visitor's email or phone number for further work with him in the form of mailing lists or a call from a consultant.

The format works very well - you give me your contact, and I give you a free gift. The bait could be a free book, a quote, or a discount on a service related to your landing page theme. As a rule, a good newsletter landing page consists of literally one or three information blocks.

Often, this format is used to subscribe to an Internet service newsletter, to receive an individual promo code that gives special privileges when presented in an offline business, a subscription to a TV series, etc.

An informational landing page is created to stir up interest in a new company product or a special event that will happen in the foreseeable future. The purpose of the informational landing is the subsequent transition of the visitor to the main site, or adding a specific date to the user's calendar. A good example of an information landing page: https://www.coca-cola.ru/product .

The difference from other types of landings is, as a rule, the absence of any call to action. On such a landing, as a rule, description, images and infographics prevail.

This format is suitable for you if you want to talk about new feature your project, for example, that now your White Label project will show in detail the conditions of baggage transportation.

A viral landing suggests having entertaining or educational content that visitors will be happy to share in in social networks and thereby increase the advertising reach of the brand.

Examples of high converting viral landing pages:

Such landing pages can look like a landing page for collecting contacts, and like an information page, and have any other format, they main feature- the presence of wow content.

The company logo should not be too conspicuous. It is better that he was somewhere in the background. In this case, your brand will be subconsciously associated with the audience along with the wow effect that you have prepared for it.

In most cases, this type of landing page is used by online stores and includes a combination of almost all of the above landing page types. An example of such a landing page is https://www.mvideo.ru/promo/predator-50 .

Differential landing pages are integrated into the main site and provide complete information about your product or service. Such landing pages are often used for promotional offers and serve as information landing pages.

A differential landing page usually has contact collection forms, just like a landing page for collecting email addresses.

In addition, differential landing pages are often used to attract and process traffic by low frequency requests search engines.

The advantage of this solution is that the user who has landed on this page does not have to search for the information he needs all over your site for a long time.

What type of landing is best?

We have posted examples of informational landing pages and other types of landing pages. Compare all types and choose the one that best suits your task. Unfortunately, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of which type of landing is the best - start from the goals that you are pursuing and try different options.

Share your experience in creating sales pages in the comments, as well as ask questions to our team and website builder experts

What is a landing page and what are its features? How to quickly make a cool landing page with high conversion? What landing page builders are popular right now?

Hello dear readers! Alexander Berezhnov, one of the authors of the HiterBober.ru business magazine, is with you.

And I decided this way - I will tell you about landing pages, about the main techniques that I used to create them. I will give examples of good one-page sites. And each of you will draw conclusions for yourself. Deal? Then let's start.

The theme of creating a landing page is not easy, but very relevant and interesting. Knowing how to do it, you can earn money different ways, for example, as . Understanding this direction, you can start your small business by simply selling goods or services through the landing page.

1. What is a landing page - an overview for beginners

Hundreds of articles have been written on the topic of creating landing pages. It is difficult to “shove” all the advice, all the experience into one material. But I will still try to tell you about the most important thing regarding the landing page.

Landing is a one-page site or just a page, the purpose of which is to encourage users to take some action: buy, subscribe, call, leave a request.

Landing page is literally translated from English: “target” or “landing page”.

You have probably seen such one-pagers on the Internet.

Why do landings:

  1. They are very motivating the visitor to take the desired action.
  2. They are quickly built. And they often cost less than a regular site. Another plus: you can make a landing page yourself.
  3. Landing page is easy to redesign- improve, change, add missing information.

Landing pages are created for:

  1. Product sales. For this, calls are used: “buy”, “leave a request”, “call”.
  2. Collection of information. Here visitors are offered: “subscribe”, “learn more”.
  3. Software distribution- sale software.

Landing and sales funnel

Funnelsales is the process of selling a product/service. At each stage of this process, a part of the people - potential customers of a commercial company - is eliminated. We have a separate article on the site about.

The landing page sales process looks something like this:

  • 100 people saw a link to the landing page;
  • 40 users followed the link;
  • 10 people left the application;
  • 2 people bought the product.

Out of a hundred, two sales. Return - 2%. This is a good option. Not perfect, but not failing either.

A sales funnel looks like an inverted kitchen funnel: a wide base and a narrow neck.

The widest part is the transition to the page. At this stage, we test the work contextual advertising, messages in social networks, publications on other sites. Determine CTR.

CTR- the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions. Measured in percentage.

The middle part is the application. We analyze the effectiveness of the landing page - its design, text part.

The narrow part is processing applications and selling. Here we evaluate the work of living people - operators, managers.

When analyzing a landing page, another indicator is calculated - EPC.

EPC- this is the average indicator of earnings from one thousand visits to the landing page.

The higher the rate of return, the higher the effectiveness of your advertising campaign.

In what cases is it necessary to create a landing?

Below we will consider a number of cases when you may be faced with the need to create your own one-pager.

People who are just starting to get acquainted with the principles of e-commerce are most often interested in what a “landing” is. This concept is mentioned in passing in informative articles and reviews, but its features, advantages and disadvantages are ignored. Although many large companies have long adopted it and managed to use all the opportunities that a landing page provides for business.

What is a "landing page"?

It is easy to guess that the concept of "landing page" has a foreign origin.

Landing page in literal translation means "landing page". This is a one-page site, business card site or the main page of the main site located on the Internet, the main purpose of which is to push the user to perform a certain action. As a rule, an action is a subscription to a newsletter, registration on a website, or a purchase of a product or service.

So far, the word "landing" and, accordingly, the phrase "landing page" is not found in the educational literature on marketing. Yes, and in the dictionaries this word has not yet been recorded. There is a second spelling, namely "landing". But it is worth noting that this is a less common form. This conclusion is based on data from Yandex Statistics - 1 million requests against 120 thousand.

If we consider the purpose of landing pages, then they are created for:

  • Selling a particular product or service.
  • Gathering information about the target audience.
  • Distribution of software and information products.

But, despite the purpose, the goal of such sites is the same - to increase the level of sales. With its help, a 20-30% increase in orders is achieved, especially if the business has one of the following specifics:

  • Selling goods or services in the lower and middle price categories.
  • B2B sales.
  • Network business.
  • Product manufacturing.
  • Selling unique specific products.
  • Infobusiness.
  • Sale, rent, purchase of real estate.
  • Tourist services.
  • Beauty salons, fitness clubs and other services related to the Beauty and Health category.
  • Transport services, etc.

From the presented list, it is clearly seen that landing pages are suitable for almost all areas of entrepreneurial activity. Moreover, they are attractive not only for their efficiency and versatility, but also for their low cost of implementation and ease of split testing, which can be replaced by multi-landing.

Multilanding is a page with dynamically changing content that adapts to certain group users. Anything can change: title, text, contact details, and so on. This feature allows you to divide the total mass of the target audience into small groups and make the site as personalized as possible.

Landing page types

Before development, the main characteristics of the landing page are established, including its appearance. The classification is based on their size, necessary to display information about the company or its product.

Landing pages are:

  • One step - one-step. A one-step landing is a classic version of sites that consist of one web page. Their main goal is to attract and “warm up” leads.
  • Two step - two-step. Two-step pages are less common, but no less effective. A two-step landing page is a stand-alone page that offers the visitor several options. By choosing one of them, the client gets to an additional page, which can be represented by a form for placing an order, subscribing to a newsletter, etc.
  • Long page - long pages. A long page means that the landing page scrolls down two or more pages.
  • Short page - short pages. The short page has a size of one screen without scrolling. A short landing page is appropriate to use only for promoted brands that do not need to be introduced to users, or as a tool for redirecting to other pages of the site to collect the necessary information.

How much does a landing page cost and how to order it?

If the idea of ​​introducing a landing page has already matured, then the question of the cost of this “pleasure” remains open. The price for a landing depends on how it is developed. There are only two of them: independent and with the involvement of specialists. And, of course, the development of a site by specialists will be much more expensive.

For example:

  • The average cost of a landing page for freelancers is 5,000-20,000 rubles.
  • Design studio services - 50,000–100,000 rubles.
  • Development of a landing page by a reputable agency - 100,000–500,000 rubles.

You can create a landing page from scratch on your own, but it will take more time and effort, in particular for training. And again, it’s impossible to implement the idea for free, because one way or another you will have to attract a programmer or buy a paid template. It will be especially problematic for those who do not even have basic knowledge of website development.

To order a landing page from a specialist, first determine the budget that the company has. And starting from this, look for a performer. If this is a freelancer, then register on the exchange. If an agency, view portfolios and job reviews. Further, the scenario will develop according to a single scheme:

  1. Filling in the brief (technical task).
  2. Coordination of the main wishes and preferences with the performer.
  3. Signing a service agreement.
  4. Making an advance payment.
  5. Evaluation of work and launch of the page in the network.
  6. Full payment for the service stipulated by the contract.

The final price depends on many criteria. Before signing the contract, the contractor draws up a preliminary estimate, with the help of which the estimated cost of the work is determined. The main factors affecting the final price can be:

  • The structure and design of the site (the more complex, the more expensive).
  • Content (unique selling text and photos can be valued up to $1,000).
  • Setting .
  • The specifics and features of the business.

If you have basic knowledge in the field of creating websites and a conscious idea of ​​what landing pages are and what they are for, then it is more expedient to opt for self-development. In practice, this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

How to create a landing page for free?

The landing page contains the same elements as a regular website. The only difference is that it consists of one (maximum two) pages, and the methods of its construction are not much different from the usual site development.

Real ways to get a landing page for free:

  • Create a website or buy a ready-made WordPress template.
  • Use a specialized constructor (generator).
  • Download a ready-made template and “rewrite” it in accordance with the individual characteristics of the company.

When creating a page on your own from scratch, you will need not only knowledge in the field of web development and design, but also the ability to choose the right content. Very often, the text that is placed on the page is treated with disdain. While the level of conversion directly depends on it.

For beginners, it is easier and faster to launch a landing page using special constructors. They are free, shareware and paid. Conditionally free are called programs in which some options are available to the user only after purchasing a subscription. But even if you use a free constructor for development, you still have to pay for the domain and hosting on which the site will be stored.

Landing page design and structure

Landing page design is highly appreciated by experts and that's why. It depends on the design of the page whether the user scrolls through it to the end and whether he does what is required of him. Good design will take the client from headline to form. feedback leaving only positive emotions after viewing. Bad design will force the user to close the page after 15 seconds of browsing.

Features good design landing page:

  • Simplicity and conciseness.
  • Block submission of content.
  • Bright graphics.
  • Logical page structure.

In addition, the design must fully match the content of the page. Heavy blocks with black monograms for the page of a transport company are, to put it mildly, not the best option.

As for the structure of the page, it has long been worked out by specialists. No need to rack your brains and "reinvent the wheel", you just need to build the landing page in a clear sequence.

Landing page structure:

  1. catchy title;
  2. Product Description;
  3. Benefits;
  4. special offer;
  5. order form.

Complete the structure with product reviews and Q&A blocks. The key is brevity. After all, Steve Krug's rule "Don't make me think!" is still relevant.

13 commandments for creating an effective landing page

Experienced specialists who are professionally engaged in the development of selling pages have their own strategies for creating high-converting landing pages. And none of them is in a hurry to reveal their secrets, otherwise the demand for their services will simply disappear, as well as a stable income. But, nevertheless, there is a list of recommendations that help increase the conversion rate.

Rules for creating an effective landing page:

One landing - one product

To get the most out of landing, focus the visitor's attention on a specific product. In other words, you can not put the client before a choice, because it is difficult to choose. It's much easier to skim a page, close it, and forget it exists. But the purpose of the landing is completely opposite. An effective scheme looks like this - Product-Discount-Order Form.

catchy title

Not screaming, but catchy. If earlier they wrote the word “Promotion” in the beginning of the page in a huge font and it worked, today this technique has the opposite effect. To get the visitor to view the offer, the title should puzzle and cling to the "live".

For example, a good headline for a clinic for plastic surgery“Do you want to see the new you?” Of course, people who thought about plastic surgery visually imagined their ideal appearance. This headline makes you come up with a far-fetched image and take the step that the landing page leads to in order to make your dream come true.

Clarity of target action

Getting to the page, the visitor must clearly understand what exactly they want from him. And he must understand this before he loses interest in her. Most often, low-converting landing pages lose customers for two reasons:

  • The ambiguity of the target action. That is, there is simply no call to action on the page. For example, a feedback form does not push the user to complete it. It is important to explain what it is, why it is and why the client should devote time to it.
  • Page overload. Remember about the simplicity and conciseness of the design. Inexperienced developers try to fit everything on the landing page at once. This results in a page overload with content, graphics, and incoherent elements.

To clearly define the target action, directly and specifically write what is required from the page visitor (subscribe, order, download, etc.), and make a button for this within a second's reach. If the client has to look for how to do what they want from him, he will take the easier path - he will simply close the page.

Selling text

Text content has a special "magic". With its help, they cause different emotions in a person - from nostalgia to anger, but in this case he has to sell. Man by nature is an emotional being and makes important decisions based on his inner feelings. Therefore, a good copywriter must also be a psychologist who knows what “strings” to pull in order to make the reader do what is required of him.

To write a really selling text, you need to:

  • Know who it is for. The manner and style of presentation of information varies depending on the intended reader, so before writing, draw up a portrait of a potential buyer.
  • To study classical marketing techniques and principles of psychological perception of information.
  • Be able to present information concisely but comprehensively. While reading, the landing visitor will certainly have questions, the author’s task is to answer them before moving on to the next block of the page.

To write a good sales copy, think in the same way as a potential buyer. This is difficult, but without it, the likelihood of a high return landing page is minimized.

Text decoration

For better perception of information, format the text correctly. If you place even a professional selling text in a continuous canvas, hardly anyone will read it. Because it will seem heavy, long and of little interest.

Text formatting rules:

  • Font size and style. Optimal size– 16 px, in exceptional cases 14, the most common styles are Arial, Meiryo, Georgia.
  • Offers. The text should contain simple sentences without complex phrases.
  • Block submission of information. Each block is a paragraph. The paragraph should be no more than 3-5 lines.
  • Subtitles. To break up the body of text, use subheadings every 3-6 paragraphs.
  • Tables, graphs, lists, quotes. These elements also help thin out the text and make it easier to read.

To check how well the advertising text is written and designed, they recall the “slippery hill effect” of the American copywriter Josev Sugerman. To do this, let the text “rest” for a while, and then try to “ride down the hill” on your own, that is, read the text from beginning to end. If the reader is “stuck” while reading, review and correct the problem areas of the text.

No aggressive and intrusive advertising

  • A large number of exclamatory sentences;
  • Capitalization of the entire text or its individual phrases;
  • Obvious phrases like: Limited offer”, “Liquidation of goods by low prices”, “Only today discounts up to …%”

Advertising should be smart, not aggressive. Today, users can easily distinguish explicit advertising from a really worthwhile offer; a landing visitor should not get the impression that they want to “shove” something into him.


The location of blocks of text does not need to be tied exactly to the center of the page. For example, a product description might be in the middle, benefits on the right, reviews on the left. Structuring can be anything, the main thing is to direct the reader in the correct sequence. To do this, use arrows, pictures, leading lines, etc. In no case should the visitor's gaze wander aimlessly around the page.


Relevance is the alignment of user expectations with reality. That is, if the results search results a person saw the heading “Exclusive jewelry”, then the landing page should have a similar or similar heading.

A low conversion rate is often associated with the fact that not only random visitors, but also random visitors get to the page. To avoid this, you do not need to initially mislead users.

Work with objections

The objection is an essential link in the sales chain. A person thinks about a trade offer and this is quite normal. But in the case of a landing page, the work is complicated by the fact that there is no direct contact between the buyer and the seller. Think in advance about the possible doubts of the client and be able to convince him of their unfoundedness.

To convince the client of the security of the transaction is used:

  • 24/7 support.
  • Warranty return period.
  • Feedback forms.
  • Free trial period.

Limited supply

Limited supply is a powerful but risky method of attracting customers. Previously, countdown counters on landing were widely used, which allegedly showed the remaining time until the end of the action. But now more and more entrepreneurs are refusing them, because when a client, after 1-2 days, returned to the seller’s page and saw the same counter, the level of trust in the company dropped to zero.

To apply this method of increasing conversion, it is more expedient to use real counters of the balance of the promotional product. This will show the potential customer that the product is really in demand and available in limited quantities.

Client's trust

Probably every second network user has encountered unscrupulous sellers. Therefore, Internet users began to behave more carefully when shopping online. Hence the task of the seller is to convince the client of reliability and safety.

To do this, the landing should contain:

  • Company contact details;
  • Links to communities in social networks;
  • Awards, certificates, licenses received by the company;

Victoria Kuchinova

The main problem with most modern landing pages is that they all seem to be made in carbon copy. And where is the creativity, the fire, where is the design frenzy?

In this collection, I have collected interesting chips and unusual effects. Some of them were made by Texterra developers and web designers, and some were found on the Runet. Not without examples of disgusting design and outright shiza - at the end of the article you will find an acquaintance with a killer hamster and a Snow Maiden with a bucket.

Watch, get inspired, put ideas you like into practice, mix them with your own, and don't forget to A/B test - this is the only right recipe for creating killer landing pages.

And, most importantly, remember that a landing page is not a self-sufficient tool. For conversions, leads, and sales, you need high-quality traffic. And it is difficult to get it without a comprehensive promotion.

Extended form

Usually, one-pagers use a standard application form with several fields. Most often, the client needs to provide contact information - first name, last name, mail or phone number. But in some complex areas it is better to cover the topic in more detail. Here's how they did it in Texterra: in the form of a dellservers.ru landing page, the client can select a module, parameters, and server tasks. Can reset values ​​if something went wrong.

What is it for? In any case, the owner of the landing page will receive their leads – even if there are only two or three fields in the form. But here it will be interesting for the client to dig deeper. Not just to order, but to choose your own option.

Two STA buttons

On the landing page of the task planner at wunderlist.com/ru, there are two calls to action at once, which reinforce each other: “Create a free account' and 'Download Wunderlist'. Users click on both links, the conversion goes up, and the landing page does its job perfectly.

Specific figures (results)

It's not new, but it still works. Show clients what you have achieved in numbers: this is clearer than the abstract phrases “we are the best”, “we have hundreds of completed projects”, and so on. Look at the smartprogress.do landing page: you can immediately see how many people have already joined the project, how many goals have been set, how many achievements have been achieved.


Faceless template landing pages - br-r, what could be duller! Liven up your one-pager, add fire, interest a potential client. For example, on the page of Texterra services for creating websites, there are photos of employees who are directly involved in this. The visitor comes in and sees: yeah, not abstract developers, but quite living Svyatoslav, Polina, Artem and others will deal with my resource.

Convenient answer form

On many landing pages and websites, you can only ask a question through a form. This means that you need to indicate the name and surname, leave a phone number and e-mail. Sometimes you even have to enter captchas and codes - horror! It is clear that this is done in order to get leads. But there is another option - as on the Cerebro Target landing page. If you are registered on VKontakte, you do not need to fill out anything - take it and write. Both the client is comfortable and the owner is well - the contact is left, you can continue to work.

Customer Reviews

You can ask clients to talk about their experiences and publish the received texts on the landing page. But the catch is that the visitor will not check in any way whether these are real reviews or fake ones. It is better to go further and convince visitors of this. The huskypark.info landing page, which was developed by Texterra, cites the words of clients from Instagram with links to their accounts. Everything is fair - come and see.

Demonstration of results

3D graphics and augmented reality

The landing page was created for the Qubi app. This is a game for kids 3+ years old and adults. The essence of the game is simple. At the first step, the user, according to the proposed scheme, glues a real paper, cardboard or wooden cube.

Then he installs the application, opens it on his smartphone and "looks" at the cube through the device's camera.

On the screen of a smartphone or tablet, the cube comes to life. The user plays a three-dimensional version of "Snake", "2048", "Labyrinth". In this case, you need to control the game using a real cube. To control the cube with two hands, you need to use a special stand for your smartphone, which you can assemble yourself.

The three-dimensional model of the cube can be seen in the illustration (gif).

What the client wanted

The client asked to make a landing page that emphasizes the feature of the game: the use of 3D augmented reality. In particular, he wanted to see the effect of moving faces of a three-dimensional cube, the active face of which is inscribed on the screen of the visitor's device.

What have we done

We have implemented 3D using CSS3 3D transforms. The transitions between the faces of the cube are done using pure JavaScript with drag and touch event tracking. Thanks to unusual transitions between screens, the user creates a feeling of three-dimensionality of the screen. This is especially pronounced on the working version of the landing page.

For the final version of the landing page, we made a more realistic version of the cube. Unlike the working version, in the final version, the rotation of the cube occurs from the outside, not from the inside. The 3D feel is enhanced by title animations.

The landing page is fully responsive.

Interactive selection of interior and furniture colors

The peculiarity of the DSK.Color landing page is the ability to independently choose the color of furniture and interior items using an interactive palette.

The DSK.Color company paints any surfaces in different colors. You can order the coloring of furniture, household appliances, bicycles, musical instruments and other items. The customer can choose any color.

The most requested service is the painting of furniture and interior items. It accounts for about 80% of the client's work.

What the client wanted

The client asked to make a bright and memorable landing "with a call to color everything around." He had ideas to make 3D representations of the furniture so that the visitor "could twist and view the painted object from different angles."

What have we done

We offered the client an idea: to give the visitor the opportunity to independently choose the color of furniture and interior items.

To do this, the landing page offered an image of a room in which the visitor can paint the main objects using a palette that opens on click. Based on the selected colors and items, the user can calculate the cost of services. The first prototype looked like this.

The client really liked the idea, so we made a working prototype of the landing page. On it, the main part already looked like this.

We agreed with the client to leave the possibility of painting the table, chairs, door and kitchen unit. These are the main items that the company paints.

After the approval of the prototype, the designer and layout designer got involved in the work. The first one drew all the items in svg (this is a graphics format). The second one made up and added a palette of colors to the svg areas. After that, they implemented modal window. With it, the user can double-check colors and items and submit a request for a service.

Unusual and ordinary preloaders

With the help of a preloader or a spinner, you can make any landing page more convenient and visually attractive. In this section, we will talk about preloaders and look at examples of these elements created by Texterra specialists.

What is a preloader and what tasks does it solve

A preloader or spinner is a sign that appears on the screen before the page is loaded. You see these elements every day when you use the Internet. Below is an example of a preloader.

The preloader solves a practical problem: informs the user that the page is loading, and also replaces the visually unattractive loading picture. This needs to be explained.

Because of technical features work of browsers pages of sites are loaded unevenly. During loading, the layout may “float”. If the page loads in a few seconds, rather than a fraction of a second, the user observes an unattractive picture for some time.

Preloaders are implemented using standard tools front-end development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and additional libraries and frameworks, such as jQuery, React.

How we improve landing pages with preloaders

We create unique preloaders, including animated ones. Here are some of our works.

  • Qubi

For the Qubi landing page, we made a preloader that mimics the navigation menu. This allows the user to understand how the page is managed before it is loaded.

  • levellen

On the Levellen Interiors website, we used a preloader in the form of a company logo. This is an additional element of website branding.

The landing page provides information about the lease of premises in the business center. The main secret of the landing page is in the "Offices" section. Here the user can see the availability of free offices on each floor of the building.

When you hover over a free office, the "Details" button pops up.

Pressing the button directs the user to a page with information about the office and its photos. From this page, you can leave a request for renting a room.

Implementation Features

Our designer drew the shapes office space, drawings are made in svg format. These drawings are superimposed on the floor plans. When the site administrator in the control panel notes that the office is free, the script turns on the display of the picture on the plan and the ability to go to the page with information and the order form. When the administrator notes that the office is busy, the script turns off the image on the plan.

Own design

In this example, there are no complex technical tricks and design effects - the whole landing page takes out a beautiful picture: background, colors, mouth-watering photos of Astrakhan caviar. one page astrahancaviar.ru is a good example of how a designer makes you want to buy a product. And eat immediately!

Finally, about the painful - a few examples of terrible landings. For contrast, facepalm, impotent agony and all that. I will not describe what is wrong with them - I suggest that you solve these problems yourself. Ita-a-ak...