How to make good posts in contact. What is a post on "VK" and how to create one? The optimal size of a Vkontakte publication

By going to social networks, newbies and even experienced users often come across strange, in their opinion, terms. For example, in VKontakte, popular among Russian youth, which is abbreviated as VK, you can see the following phrases:

  • "Post" / "posts";
  • "Post a topic";
  • "Repost, please," and so on.

What are these phrases in the environment of the famous social network? Let's take a look at this word. Below you will find answers to questions about what a post on VK is, how to make it. In addition, in order to understand what this is about, it is advisable to briefly understand the structure of the site. We will also talk about this below.

The meaning of the word "fasting"

To a beginner, especially a believer in adulthood, it may seem that we are talking about fasting, that is, about limited in meat, milk and eggs in the diet. In fact, we are not talking about religion here.

Also, the term can be associated with the workplace of the military, watchman or security guard. And again, this is not about that! Although, if you think about it, it’s closer to the truth. The fact is that under the post is meant the place where the service takes place, some certain functions... And the post, as a rule, is located in some specific place.

In social networks of modern Runet, posts mean the placement of various information and content. It is worth mentioning separately about the last term, since it is very often found on the Internet. Thus, we are already getting closer to the answer to the question of what a post on VK is. Content is any information that contains:

  • text;
  • image;
  • video;
  • files;
  • links.

But information such as comments, discussions and answers to questions cannot be called content (except for a special design in the form of a full-fledged source of information).

The structure of "VKontakte"

Let's now take a look at the social network on a computer or laptop / tablet. Please note that on the left there is a column with a menu where you can view news from friends and groups in which you are a member, see messages from users, find videos and music, play games.

A little closer to the middle, you already see the main photo on your page, information about yourself. Just under the personal profile, as well as under the photos (similarly on the page of other users), you will see a special place where entries are posted. There is also the text "What's new with you". In its place, write whatever you want. Thus, we are already directly answering how to make a post on VK. All friends will see your information.

What kind of records are there?

Typically, posts are news, informational or advertising. There are also the most ordinary entries on the wall of your own page, for example: "Today I am in a great mood!" For a post, even one symbol or emoticon is enough.

If you want to somehow entertain your friends, attract someone's attention, then you should post an interesting and useful information... What is a post in "VK" on a personal page? This is absolutely any record that is not forbidden to post (except for information prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

About post types

Also, an information post can be any thematic post. For example, you have created a group about Fiat cars. Now you are trying to figure out how to post on VK in a group. Actions are almost the same as with a personal page. Under the information about the group and under the photos, products on the right there is a button "Add record". By clicking on it, you write, for example, the history of the origin of the Fiat plant, which equipment was produced by the very first and by whom. And also attach a photo of a factory or a modern car. If you wish, you can add a survey there. Next, save the entry. It can be edited or deleted.

Advertising posts in "VK" are created with the aim of attracting people. As a rule, a post is added with a description of the services, positive sides advertised object or subject. Most often asked in this case repost.

Mysterious repost

We have considered what a post in VK is, now let's talk about a repost. That is, the record can be duplicated to your page or to your group by clicking on the corresponding icon (at the bottom of the record on the right).

You have learned what a post in "VK" is, how to add it. We wish you the best of luck with writing interesting and useful entries.

We have released a new book, Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand.

Each social network has a separate block of rules for advertising posts. On Instagram, the focus is primarily on the image, while Facebook prefers the shortest possible text. Nevertheless, there is an effective formula for how to create an ad post to increase conversions, brand awareness and other tasks. To use it, it is enough to make small changes, depending on the requirements.

What's on sale in the post

One of the main questions: what to sell? In addition to goods and services, the following are also common on social networks:

  • recruiting subscribers interested in the topic;
  • an increase in the number of transitions to website pages;
  • likes / reposts on posts;
  • polls, comments, etc.

Determine what exactly is required from the reader, what the result should be advertising campaign.

Selection of target audience

The creation of an advertising post necessarily includes an analysis of the target audience. He must describe the problem, put pressure on the pain, so that the reader understands: a record about him. Interest will arise, but what to do next, what to do? And a person should get an answer to this question: it is your product or service that will help solve the problem. Time spent on correct selection target audience, save investment and bring more efficiency. In the future, it will definitely pay off.

Where to place sponsored posts

Publishing to other resources expands your audience by attracting potential customers to your business. What should be a group to advertisement brought the maximum effect?
What to look for:

  • group topic;
  • the ratio of the total number of participants and active;
  • characteristics of the main audience;
  • number of views;
  • frequency of new posts publication;
  • how the community gives feedback subscribers;
  • visual design: community picture, title, post style;
  • the cost of an advertising campaign in a given group.

The community's topic may not be the same as yours, but there may be a specific target audience for the business. The problem that they face when searching for a site is winding up subscriptions. Advertising in this case becomes ineffective. According to observations, 15-20% of followers like and 5% comment on posts. If this ratio is violated, there is a high probability that this is an artificially created audience.

To search, you can use special advertising exchanges for each social network, or manually scroll through the groups according to your criteria.
Now let's consider how to write selling and advertising posts, how to fill them, so that they not only stand out, but also grab the soul and fulfill their tasks.

How to write the right sponsored posts

Catchy headline

It is by the header that the user in the first seconds judges whether to read the ad or go to others. You can keep it with the help of psychology.

The headline attracts the reader's attention, but a well-written and formatted text has to keep it. We create an advertising post for the group further.


Success criteria:

  1. Fully visible and the user does not need to make unnecessary movements to finish reading the ad.
  2. Clear, understandable. Lightweight and to the point. If a person does not understand what this is about, he skips the announcement.
  3. Long records are structured: divided into paragraphs, information blocks.
  4. Reading just a long text is boring. Smilies and symbols visually divide it into even smaller parts, add emotional coloring. And this is what the brain needs.
  5. The most commonplace and true advice is to correct spelling and punctuation errors in advance. Illiterate advertising records not only scare away, but also cause rejection of readers. Recovering readers' trust will be more difficult.

You need to remember about creativity. Banner blindness is ubiquitous, and only original approaches make their way through it.


A correctly selected picture evokes emotions in a person. It is with such posts that he will want to get to know better. 80% of the success of an advertising campaign depends on a bright and beautiful photo... This is especially true for Instagram, which is tuned in to emotionally serve content.

  1. The image should be of high quality, large and relevant to the interests of the target audience or its segments. Important: for the latter case, you need to create various advertising posts.
  2. Color and bright photographs are psychologically better for the perception of information.
  3. Laconic text is overlaid on the picture. It can be a flashy headline or short key messages that grab attention.
  4. The optimal position of the text on the banner is the center.
  5. A selection of 2-9 drawings should be the same size and look harmonious.
  6. It is imperative to check the attached images in preview... Make sure they don't move out in mobile version, do not cut off or hide text fragments.
  7. Show users the results after purchasing a purchase or service. Before-After techniques are often used in photographs. But be careful: Instagram and
  8. Facebook has a negative attitude towards these types of posts.
    Unique pictures are more noticeable than boring ones.

Before applying text to a picture, make sure that the rules of the selected social network allow it.

Attached files

Attached files bring additional traffic. What is added to posts:

  • audio;
  • video;
  • text documents;
  • high quality images;
  • other document formats.


Shorten links. Vkontakte has its own internal service, which also shows conversion statistics. This is how you can track the effectiveness of your ads.
Link pointers grab attention and encourage the reader to click.


Hashtags are popular on Twitter and Instagram, but they are also common on other social networks, except Facebook, where their use is prohibited. This is a link, and if you click on it, you can find all the posts that match its subject. Their variety helps to expand the audience, attract new customers. To do this, it is important to use relevant hashtags for the post so that interested people find you. An analogue of a hashtag is keywords on websites. Both tools make it easier for the right people to come.

The brand name is your personal link that no one will steal. Users will share it as well as post their opinion about the company through it. It is important to avoid ambiguity, mistakes and misprints at the moment of creation. This increases the visibility and recognition of the promoted brand.

Search and use requires preliminary research in order to select the right target audience. Exists various services to speed up this process: Hashtagify, Keyhole.

As with semantic core, aim to find low-frequency hashtags, less than 100k posts. This will give you the opportunity to get close to them in the feed and easily get into the top.
It is important not to overdo it with quantity: it should not hurt your eyes. Use at least 11, the first is the most important. Instagram is actively using this method. Twitter has a significant character limit.

It's important to regularly change hashtags to bring in audiences from different sources. But the brand is left in every post. It will be useful with the indication of geolocation: so locals can easily find your brand.

Competitor analysis

  • check: suddenly original idea will be ubiquitous;
  • what pricing policy to set;
  • what characteristics of the product should be made the main ones;
  • formation of future sales forecast.

Based on their ads, you can add missing pieces to yours and improve your offer to make it stand out from the rest.
Check your competitors regularly, set and compare criteria that are important for your business, adjust the advertising campaign.

Interaction with users

After creating an advertising post, it is important to maintain feedback: answer questions, motivate people to take action, respond to positive or negative comments. This increases customer loyalty and encourages them to contact your company.

Examples of the best sponsored posts

Let's summarize

After launching an advertising campaign, you need to analyze the payback and profit, this is the only way to find out how successful the idea was. And only after that, edit, modify or redo completely. Follow the rules of how to make an effective advertising post: what to write for whom, where to post.

VKontakte selling content marketing is a smart word that newbies are often afraid of. By the way, in vain.

In fact, writing VKontakte selling posts is not so difficult. It's hard to force yourself to start learning this.

In this article we will talk about how to write VKontakte selling posts and where to start for a beginner.

I want to ask you, dear readers, one question:

Why does business need a VKontakte group?

Of course, in order to make a profit! - you will say and you will be right.

These are obvious things and everyone knows about it. However, two extremes are often encountered:

  • Communities on VKontakte, in which anything can be posted on the wall, but not selling content.
  • VKontakte communities in which only content that sells is published on the wall. Although in fact, he is not a salesman at all - it's just the group leaders who think so.

Many owners of VKontakte groups and publics are sure that it is enough for them to simply place their goods in photo albums or in the block of goods and EVERYTHING - potential customers should fill them up with orders!

It's actually not that simple. Business on the Internet opens up tremendous opportunities for entrepreneurs, but it is SAME BUSINESS like any other.

And in order to achieve serious results here, you need to know a lot and be able to, invest time, effort and money in your business, as well as be patient and work DAILY with your VKontakte group.

And today I want to talk about selling content, because without it you will be waiting for sales from the VKontakte group for a very long time and most likely you will not wait ...

What questions do many VKontakte entrepreneurs ask themselves?

Models, schemes and techniques for writing marketing texts are all great! And each of those who read this post can learn how to write selling posts for their VKontakte group.

This is not some kind of secret knowledge - thousands of books have already been written on this topic and information on selling texts is full on the net. But you don't need to start with diagrams and models ...

Do you know what questions the authors of VKontakte selling posts most often ask themselves when they undertake to write them? They are in front of you:

  • Where to start a marketing post?
  • What headline should you come up with for your post?
  • What to write in the first paragraph?
  • What should I write?
  • How to shorten the text so as not to lose its meaning?
  • How to add emotions to the text?
  • How do I show the benefits of my product, product or service in a post?
  • How to show in a post that my product is the best?
  • How to end the post and what to write at the end?

But these are not really the questions to ask yourself in the first place before writing a selling post. No, they are certainly very important, but DO NOT START WITH THIS!

You need to start with completely different questions, and only a few authors do this. Moreover, all these questions will begin with the word WHY.

The most effective and working sales posts are obtained if the product is really cool and useful for people.

Therefore, first of all, we begin to think about the product itself and about the value that we give to people, and only then we move on to the schemes and models for writing selling posts.

What questions do successful entrepreneurs on VKontakte ask themselves?

Here are six questions you need to answer before writing any sales post. Of course, there can be much more questions, but even if you answer these six, it will already be a lot of progress:

  • Why would a customer pay attention to your product or service at all?
  • Why is the product useful for the buyer?
  • Why is the purchase beneficial for the client?
  • Why will the buyer buy this product from you and not from your competitors?
  • Why does the product cost so much money?
  • Why should a buyer trust you?

By answering these questions, you yourself will be able to understand why a potential buyer should spend their money and time to purchase your product. And when you explain this to yourself, you can clarify this to your client in your selling post, as well as dispel all his doubts.

If you sell several products, then you need to answer these questions for each of them.

And one more feature. After your selling post is written, go back to your questions and analyze if there are answers to all the "why" in your text.

Do you think this is all too complicated? Well, how did you want to build your business on the Internet? Remember, friends, success comes only to those who are not afraid of difficulties.

So we collect all our will into a fist and start working.

And yes, I have good news for you - at the very beginning of any new business it is always difficult, and then you just develop a new skill and life becomes easier.

Hello friends!

Today I will tell you about how to publish VKontakte posts correctly in order to get the most out of it for promoting your group or account. I'll give you some ideas on what posts to publish, where to get content for posts, and you will also get some tips on how to publish it all competently.

Let's start with content ideas for posts.

Idea number 1. Text posts

Text posts help collect search traffic from the social network as well as from search engines.

The idea of ​​collecting content for text posts is discussed in detail in the article. Therefore, I will not dwell on this idea, read the link and use it in your practice.

Idea number 2. Manual search. News, quotes, humor, anecdotes and so on

In fact, this is an analogue of the previous idea, only this time you will have to open Yandex or Google yourself, type in the search key request and manually rummage through the search results.

A plus self made in the fact that, firstly, you will find a lot of high-quality, fresh, interesting and practically ready-made information.

Secondly, you will find sites that regularly publish news, humor and other fresh information on your topic. Add these sites to your bookmarks, from which you will further draw fresh information for your group.

Thirdly, in the search results you will also find pictures and videos for your queries, and this is also material for posting, but let's talk about this further.

Idea number 3. Images for posts

In the previous idea, we have already touched on how to find interesting pictures for posting. Use both Yandex and Google for this.

In addition to search engines, you can search for excellent quality images on various photo hosting and photo stocks.

You need images like air. They attract the eye perfectly, and Vkontakte users love them very much. You can publish them as separate posts, or attach to your text posts to attract attention.

Some particularly successful posts with images shoot and work as powerful viral advertising - when Vkontakte users begin to actively share a picture with each other and, accordingly, attract a lot of new members to your group.

Idea number 3. Thematic video

In fact, everything is the same. Base keywords you have. Open Yandex.Video, YouTube and look for interesting videos on your topic. Feel free to repost all found videos and publish them to your group. With video materials, you will attract a considerable number of new participants and keep the existing ones.

Indicate in the description of the video the address of your VKontakte community with a call to join. Although, it will be more tempting "more videos on this topic here -> your_address". Thus, when the video is posted on the social network, users will go to your group.

Idea number 4. Posts from other communities

About 10% of your daily posts, you can repost posts from other communities on topics similar to you.

Of course, such reposts can lead your visitors to other groups, so use this idea as little as possible. However, to save time, you can sometimes take advantage of competitors' content.

You can, of course, not repost, but simply copy posts and publish in your group on your own behalf - this is a matter of conscience and honesty, it's up to you ...

Idea number 5. Memes

Enter in Yandex or Google "create meme online". You will see hundreds of meme maker sites. Go to them and imagine how you can use the proposed memes in your topic.
Make, save and upload to your group.

Idea number 6. Paid post publishing

If you have a budget, or from the moment your group begins to bring in a stable profit, you can outsource the process of publishing posts in your group.

How to do it?

Firstly, for this purpose, you can hire an employee for 5-10 thousand a month and entrust him with searching and publishing posts. You can hire an employee for such a position on the same Just do not forget to control the quality of posts and periodically "insert caps".

Secondly, there are special services that specialize in this service.

For example, here is one of these services: The cost of publishing posts here is quite inexpensive - around 1000 rubles per month. There is only one minus - your posts will not be unique, in addition to you, they will also go to other groups that use this service. You can use these services, for example, to publish 50% of daily posts (for the mass), and publish the rest of the posts unique - by yourself or with the help of a hired employee.

Here is another service that allows you to find and publish posts at The service has a free period of 14 days, and the further cost of service is low - around 250 rubles per month. A big plus for this service is the independent selection of posts for publication. The downside is the same, the lack of uniqueness of posts.

Above, I gave you a few ideas that I use myself to publish posts. Using these ideas, you will provide your group with interesting and useful content for years to come. I'm sure with experience you will also find your additional posting ideas.

Now I want to give you some more tips regarding posting so that your work is productive and leads you to success.

For all graphic, video posts or documents, be sure to write a text annotation. It is important. The fact is that your posts perform two functions, they serve as content for the members of your group, and at the same time they serve as content for search results - to attract new members to the group. So, search results analyzes only the text content of your posts. Therefore, in order for users to find your posts in the search and come to your group, each post must have a text part and it must contain keywords.

Always attach a juicy, meaningful image to your text posts. People don't always want to read text, more often than not they just scroll through the content. And when they see your picture, they can catch a glance at it, and then read the text of the content, and after that, go to your group and, possibly, become a member of it.

In addition to pictures, you can also style the text itself - to attract more attention. You can find various symbols for the text here or here Just don't overuse it. It's no good when posts start to bloom like parrots.

Importantly, your posts should be as unique as possible. It is very bad form to just copy the text along with the picture somewhere. Edit the text at least minimally, add a couple of your thoughts. If you copy text from somewhere, and an image comes with it, be sure to look for and insert another, your picture into the post. If you are friends with Photoshop, you can slightly change the pictures themselves. In general, the more unique your posts are, the better for you and your group. If you publish unique, your images, add your group's logo or watermark to them - when the image begins to spread over the network, they will begin to recognize and find you.

VK users don't like to read a lot. They respond to short posts 23% more often. None of the design elements should contain a lot of text. The optimal post size is between 100 and 220 characters. Thematic selections and text master classes can be up to 1000, some entertaining posts can be up to 600-700 characters. Product information and announcements must not exceed 220 characters.

Separately, I would like to once again draw your attention to the category of humor. It doesn't matter how serious your topic is. Everyone loves humor. The presence of humor in your content will help you keep your members active enough high level... Therefore, be sure to publish at least 5 posts a day with humor, anecdotes, funny pictures, videos, etc.

The same goes for the news category. Track the latest news on your topic and publish it in your group, thus, you will accustom your members to receive the latest news on the topic in your group, and this will bring great success to your group as a whole.

Gifts for participants. Periodically post gifts to group members on your topic in your group, in the documents section. It could be some kind of e-book, useful program, there may be a coupon for a discount or for free in a thematic institution (such can be found on coupon sites or through independent negotiations with institutions of your theme). Just do not forget about the copyright law, do not publish materials that cannot be redistributed without the permission of the author. On the site reseller club "Master of Resale Rights" You can search for materials on your topic with an official distribution license.

I give a chip. Everything we talk about is good, useful and works. But. In addition to the fact that group members will view your posts in their feed, it would be nice that they visit the group itself as often as possible. How can this be achieved? First, as we said above, you can train them by regularly posting news on your topic. Secondly, the trick itself, periodically publish unfinished posts. For example, you posted an interesting video in the video section - great. Now start a post in which you write about how cool this video is, and at the end of the post write: "You can watch the video itself in our group" and a link to the group. Or make a picture that will contain the anecdote. Post it in photos. And in the post, write the beginning of the anecdote and add: "Read the continuation in our group." You can also do with the gifts that we talked about above. Got the idea? Be sure to use.

Another idea. Collections and Tops - Organize any of your or copied material into "Top Most", "Top 5", a selection of something for something, and you will get many likes on the same material. Redo other people's tops, and get the same. In general, the idea of ​​organizing something “best of” works great in any topic.

And the last thing. It is advisable to distribute the publication of posts throughout the day. It makes no sense to throw out all posts at once at the same time. Moreover, it is better to publish 60% in the evening, when Vkontakte users are most active. How to do this so as not to sit at the computer all day? For this purpose, Vkontakte has a special timer tool. When you publish a post, at the bottom, in the drop-down menu, there is a special link "timer". Click on it and set the date and time when this post should be published, the tool will save your post and publish automatically to the right time... With this tool, you can plan your posts even several years in advance. This means that you can work hard, for example, on weekends, "adjust" posts for a week in advance, and then not even turn on the computer for the whole week - your posts will be published automatically at the time you specify. Highly handy tool, use it in your work. With its help, you can work only at a convenient time and constantly publish your posts for the future period, making yourself a constant reserve and a head start.

I hope that I have laid out before you the issue of publishing content in sufficient detail, and now you already clearly understand what and how to publish. Remember, it's important not to miss a single day. Every day you should have 10-30 posts in your group.

By regularly publishing interesting and useful posts, you will ensure sustainable development for your group. And if you want a comprehensive guide to creating, promoting a group and bringing it to profitability, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with business package "3 monetary goals with the help of the VKontakte group" .

Perhaps the most an important part promoting a VKontakte group is filling it with content. Newbies are often faced with numerous questions. How many posts to publish? What content should I publish? When to publish? What is the purpose of doing all this? I will try to answer all these questions in this article in order to give you a clear vision of how to fill your VKontakte group with content in order to ensure usefulness [...]

Hello friends! Today I will tell you a secret way to create an unlimited amount of content for posts in the VKontakte group, which the group admins are silent about. The method, frankly, is not very honest, but with its help you will collect text material for publication in a group for several years in advance. Moreover, without much difficulty and almost completely automatically. Collecting content [...]

Hello friends! Today we will consider the possibility of creating a serious business on the Internet using the VKontakte group. Why exactly the VKontakte group? Because, today, this is one of the best ways to create permanent income. Moreover, the income is SELF-GROWING. And it is still possible to start this business only by our own labor, and this opportunity is melting every day. Where to begin? […]

Hello friends! In today's article, let's figure out how to choose a profitable topic for a VKontakte group. We will select the topic for making money. That is, for those cases when you purposefully create a group in order to earn money on it later, for this we will select a profitable topic. If you already have your own direction for making money on the Internet, then [...]

Many administrators of Vkontakte groups and publics are trying to promote their own communities. Most The best way from the existing ones - this is to order advertising on other public pages and groups in the form of a "post with a cliff".

Quick navigation:

How Vkontakte "Post with a cliff" works.

What it is? Surely every person has met such records at least once.

The group contains an intriguing article with an original title, it contains an interesting picture. And at the bottom of the short introductory paragraph, a link to your public is inserted. As a rule, people willingly go to your page in search of a continuation of the story, but it was not there, because in order to read the continuation, you invite users to join your Vkontakte group. After the introduction, the full text of the entry opens in front of them in all its glory. This can be done in different ways, but the essence is clear to you.
Experiment given view ads are most effective among young people, because it is thanks to this method that you can attract many users to your page at a low cost.

How to properly arrange a post with a cliff.