As the Instagram algorithm works: it is necessary to know. The correct selection of hashtegs in instagram according to which principle is sorted by subscriptions in instagram

Media: 1525 Followers: 6.4m Follows: 617

Music Love Peace.

Audience Ververa.

Your Followers Is Your Audience. Audience Analytics Shows Where Doe these People Come from, Which Gender, What do you do, Whether the rabl. All These Metrics Will Help You Understand Your Followers Better.

GENDER: Male / Female

SHOWS THE RATIO OF MALE AND FEMALE PART OF THE AUDIENCE. Globally Are More Registered Instagram Accounts Belonging To Women, Rather Than Men. IF Your Account Theme Is Intended to Lean To Specific Gender Audience, You May Estimate How Well The Audience Is Managed.

PUBLICITY: Private / Public

Ratio Between Public and Private Profiles. Usually Private Profiles Belong to Normal People WHO Use Instagram to Communicate With Friends and Receive The Information the Are Interested. The Network As a Whole Shows ApproxiMately 40% Private and 60% Public Ratio. IF Your Ratio Shows More than 60% of the public Profile, It May Be The Evidence of An Account Being "Spammed".

Country Distribution


City Distribution

Followers Distribution by City. Sometimes Most Popular City May Come from Not-So-Popular Country. In Such Case It's Better to Review Total Ratio of the Cities from The Top Ranked Country.

Categories (Themes)

SHOWS THE RATIOS OF THEME-BASED ACCOUNTS. These Analytics Is Experimental. WE'VE DISCOVERED A RANGE OF ATTRIBUTS, Which We Considered Interesting. We Tried to Make Their Names Talk for themselves. This part IS Actively Work-in-Progress and We Can Add the Categories Which May Be Interesting for You. You may Send A Request to Add New Category to [Email Protected]website


Lets You Estimate How easy it is to Reach The Audience.
easy-Reachable - The Backbone of Your Audience, These People Never Miss Your Post. These People Have No More Thank 500 Subscriptions ..
soft-Reachable - People with Subscription Amount Between 500 and 1000. They Sometimes Can See Your Posts If It Was Not Lost Among The Others.
hard-Reachable - Subscriptions Between 1000 and 2000. Needs Some Serious Luck to Make Your Post Noticed.
unreachable - Over 2000. Usually Are Business Accounts Searching For A Larger Audience by Subscribing and then unsubscribing. THEY NEVER CHECK OTHERS POSTS.

Follows Distribution.

SHOWSSCRIBERS DISTRIBUTION BY THE NUMBER OF THEIR SUBSRIFTIONS. IN FACT, IT's Just Another Representation of the "Reach Capability" with more detail. You may be Especially Interested in Those Whow Have 7500 Subscriptions. This Is The Largest Allowed Amount of Subscriptions: Most Likely This Account Belongs Automatic Subscription Spammer Who Hit The Limit.

Followers Distribution.

Will Show How Many Followers Your Followers Have (in Percentage). In Oter Words, This Chart Shows How Popular Are The Followers of this Account. Keep in Mind, This Metric IS Somewhat Unreliable Sign of the Popularity, Because Quite A Number of Users Like to Artificially Grow Their Popularity with Bots.

Audience Activity

Audience Activity Distribution by The Number of Posts.
sometimes. - Posting No Often Than ONCE IN 8 Days.
weekly. - Make at Least One POST PER WEEK.
daily. - More Thanne Per 2 Days, But Less Than 2 Per Day :)
blogger. - FROM 2 TO 10 PER DAY.
spam - More Than 10 Posts Daily.

How does an Instagram tape algorithm work? This question was worried about marketers since its launch in July 2016.

It was introduced to give users the opportunity to view only the most interesting and urgent content every time they enter the tape.

Until recently, the principles of the Instagram algorithm were kept secret. But in this year, the representatives of the social network still told about 6 key factors sorting posts.

In today's article, we will consider in detail the principles of the ranking of content in Instagram. Go!

How does Instagram algorithm works

If you interact with the records of a certain genre more often (for example, food), Instagram will display posts about food and restaurants to the first position.

An Instagram representative told Business Insider that the social network algorithm is not a popularity rating. Posts with less involvement, but relevant to the user will be displayed on the upper positions.

2. Publication time: how long ago post was published

The second key ingredient Instagram algorithm is publishing time. Socialset wants to show new and current records. After all, even the popular post since last week will be not so interesting to the user as published an hour ago.

Judging by the application of the representative of Thomas Dimson Instagram changes the order of only new posts since the last visit of the user.

Consequently, the best time for publications in Instagram when your audience is most active. The graph below is between 9 and 10 in the morning.

3. Relationships: Accounts with which you regularly interact

By the way, the algorithm is also used for the interesting tab, when choosing records, focusing on the interests of the user and its past behavior. This is another amazing opportunity to tell about your account as much as possible users.

Now you know how Instagram news feed algorithm works. Consider this when planning a strategy.

I use SMMPlanner and Flume - I answer comments and private messages.

2. Post as part of a big picture

Subscribers watch photos not only in the tape, but also in accounts. To stand out among others, some users apply the technique of large pictures. Take a large image that is cut into small. It turns out such a joke, like MICAH404.

3. References in the account description

Now I will say a banality, but in publications, even if you insert a link - it will not be clickable. And if your pationer or requires to insert links, change the place of work or the PR. These are sick people, they can come up with something else.

Work with a webmaster, let it register a short domain for your site, and will configure redirect to the main site, through a short domain. Suppose you have a flower shop with address, a short domain CVET.OK. Now in Instagram, you can place the abbreviated page on some bouquet, for example, CVET.OK / ROSE.

4. Your list of filters

Now in Instagram over 40 filters! I use 2. To clean the workspace, I can hide filters, or change the order of filters to a more convenient one.

Clean the filter and drag it to a more comfortable place or remove ...

or scroll to the end of the filters to the end, and select "Edit".

5. Filter intensity

Stunning results can be obtained if you click on the filter and change the intensity of the filter. In addition, in this mode you can apply a frame.

6. Edit photo

If you do not like any filter, you can use a thin editor. In the filter selection mode, click Edit.

7. Chernovik in Instagram

When you apply a filter to the image, and you want to go back, instagram will suggest to keep the publication in drafts. In the evening, made two drafts, and in the morning and at lunch published them.

8. Disable comments

Before publishing, collice down and click "Extended Settings". Turn off the comment. Now your photo is dialing only huskies. Conveniently, if you constantly raise spam comments on you.

9. Monitor Publications of Favorite Users

First subscribe to the desired account, then click on the settings button, and select "Enable publication notifications". If you have 2000 - 3000 subscriptions, such a button will help not miss really important publications. And also, this feature can be used to monitor competitors or watch their comments, invite Lida.

10. The story of Lykov

You can always find a list of those publications that are liqueurized. I am so checking the quality of the work of Massinging service.

Go to the account settings, wipe down to the Publication you like.


When I just studied to take pictures, I did hundreds of screenshots to save an impressive frame. Now there are bookmarks in instagram, and screenshots are not necessary.

12. Clear search history

By default, Instagram stores your search queries. If you were looking for a gift to my wife, and we fear that through the search for your surprise will open, you can clean the search history, and no one will find anything \u003d)

Click on the settings of your account, and skip down to the "Clear Search History" item.

13. Activity of subscriptions

From ancient times, it was possible to know what was liqueurized, commented on or who were signed by your subscriptions. But few use it to analyze your target audience. So you can understand - what aua like that is now in the trend and adapt your content plan.

In the Notifications tab, click on "Subscriptions" and analyze subscription activities. So you can find subscriptions that use massioning.

14. Multikk

This is the most favorite instagram update for the 2016. Now I can simultaneously sit and monitor notifications, comments and posts from five accounts. Unfortunately, when you have five accounts connected, the application is sometimes buggy and resets the password from the account or in one account displays private messages and notifications of the other.

In the account settings, find the "Add Account" item, enter the login and password from the new account, and switch between the account by clicking the avatar icon in the lower right corner of the application.

15. Share a reference to an interesting publication with friends.

16. Preview of the photo

When you watch someone's account, a long pressing of the publication causes the preview mode.

17. Enlarge photo

Previously it was impossible to consider small details on the screen? Spread the publication with two fingers.

18. Save photos

Sometimes you need to quickly get a photo, which I recently published in Instagram. Enable the "Save Photos" and "Save Video" settings in the account settings.

19. Keep strangers Photos

Smoking must use custom content, to increase the reputation of their brand. There are three ways to use the subscriber's photo.

  1. Application repost.
  2. Insert a link to the publication in the telegrams and you can download the picture.
  3. Download mobile wallpaper via page code. Right-click on the Publish page → Select "View page Code" → Press "Ctrl + F" → Start entering "JPG" → Copy the first line that is highlighted. This will be a direct link to the image in high quality.

20. More than one photo filter

Sometimes, the desired visual effect can be obtained only if you apply a few filters. To do this, apply one of the filters first. Then turn on the "Airplane" mode and publish a photo. It will not be possible to publish, but in the gallery will be saved by the desired photo, it is necessary to apply a new filter to it.

21. Business account

Business accounts in instagram introduced recently, not everyone is used to them, but there are already different myths:

  • The coverage of publications is reduced.
  • The likelihood of getting into the top of geo and hashteg is reduced.
  • People are afraid of business accounts and go from them to normal accounts.

Translate a regular account in a business account or not, must solve the mixer, I made my choice.

22. Brush Spam Comments

The number of comments enhances ER and hypothetically, it is good for an account in the era of algorithmic tapes. Only spam comments with a proposal for work can spoil all the impression of the account. Such comments are better removed.

You can delete any comment to any publication. I do not recommend deleting negative. Correctly processed negative comment, sells as 4-5 good reviews.

23. Automatically monitor comments

If you have got the fake accounts that you spite in your account, or you do not allow that your account fools, you can configure automatic check comments on the keys.

Each time the flow of spam comments will be picked up on me, I choose keywords and bring them to the list of prohibited comments.

24. Delete or hide photo marks

Sometimes you need to remove some photos from the "photo with you", especially this is relevant for large brands that are constantly celebrated in photos.

We go to the "photo with me" → Choose an objectionable photo → Click on the label → "Remove the label" you shoot the label from the photo, if you move the slider, the photo will not be displayed in the "photo with me" but the label will remain.

25. Paragraphs or how to make indents in texts

All you write in instagram can be glued against you! Therefore, instead of reading text, you can get a sheet of letters.

So that this does not happen, after the point, there should be no sign. Smileys, gaps, letters, dash, brackets are signs. It helps to make text in notes or notepad, and then insert it in instagram. But easier and faster use our service. It does not knock down the lines, and paragraphs are not slipped.

26. Video with different scenes

You can create real sketches and meaningful videos using only the application "camcorder" inside instagram. It is not as professionally as inviting a video operator and take a roller for half a year, but quickly.

Closed the shot key dropped the desired scene. You can continue to take on.

27. Video without sound

By default, the instagram video is broadcast without sound. If you were removed in natural conditions where there was a lot of noise, it is better to disable sound.

28. Change video cover

Click on the invisible "Cover" key in the filter selection mode, and select the appropriate cover for video. SMMPLANNER You can download your video cover.

29. Selection of Hestegov

While there is a myth that hasties help to promote the brand, any tools for searching and selecting hashtags will be relevant. In the search for Instagram, enter one hashteg, and instagram will offer others with which this hashteg is often used.

30. Photos from archives in instagram history

Instagram-stories were conceived as an alternative to a snow, so that only mobile content can be downloaded in instagram here and now. Fortunately, you can download cool photos into the phone, and then use them in stories.

To do this, take the old photo and edit it in any graphic editor. After that, the photo will update the creation date.

Go in history, and make the screen from the bottom up, photos and videos will appear in 24 hours.

31. Built-in boomerang

Boomerang is an application that helps create looped gifs. In one of the recent Instagram updates, the developers have built a boomerang in history. Now you can remove the boomerang from the phone, and use instagram.

Located in history, and chose the Boomerang button.

32. Stories for selected

Publish instagram history for your favorites.

33. Hide stories from chosen

You can not only show stories only with selected accounts, but also hide them from other curious eyes. To do this, go to the account settings and in the settings of the stories, in the settings of the stories choose those people who do not need to show stories.

34. Additional colors in stories

Select text or brush. Palette will appear at the bottom of the screen. Pulling one of the colors, an extended panel panel will open.

35. How many stickers and text in instagram stickers

Press the sticker key, or text. Init, increased the size, changed the position, and press the sticker or text key again. So you can build various wonderful structures.

36. Tags in instagram stories

Just start entering the login of the target account, through @

37. Keep stories in the gallery

If you use boomerangs, then stickers, then tassels - can get a cool story that you want to save on the phone.

38. Skip boring and uninteresting stories

If you hit the line of 25 pictures of the same, feel free to skip. Double click on history will miss one scene from the account history, and brushing takes you to the next story.


We looked at 38 tricks of work with instagram and features of working with them. Recall all the tricks voiced in this article.

The most common misconception during the promotion of his instagram is to search for and publishing, instead of those that match the photos and are able to interest users. This can be judged by the activity of search queries, such as: " popular Hestegi Instagram"And" most Popular Hestegs in Instagram". Popular Hesteg - does not mean that he is the right hashteg for promoting instagram. There is a direct relationship between the popularity of Hestegheg and" his life time "- a temporary interval for which by Hesteg, the user can deliver a like or go to your page. This addiction can be displayed Using the graph.

For example, the life of the most popular in Instagram Hesteg (on Point A) is only a couple of seconds, because Avalanche photos is published. According to my latest measurements per minute of hash-shelf #Love, it will be filled with 500 to 1000 photos and the volume of published photos on this hashthega is approaching billion. But, for example, the Hesteg can live forever until he becomes popular, but the likelihood that the user will switch throughout this hash for all day or even the week is very small (in the graph of the point C), because Housteg new and not familiar to anyone.

So it turns out that these two extremes (points a and c) are not suitable for a typical case of promotion instagram, except for those options when you already have 30000, 90,000 or even more subscribers. For promoted accounts, completely different tactics are needed. In the meantime, you have 1800 - 900 subscribers or even less, then you need to be particularly thoroughly approaching the choice of hashtegs for each new photo, and these hashtags are located at a point in or more precisely in the dots area B1, B2 and B3 in the graph below.

It is not difficult to collect these hashtags, for a start, it is enough to go through users who are postponed by the same photos as you, for example, let it be a hashteg and see which hashtags use people on the topic of a landscape. The scenery includes photos which depict the sunrise or sunset, snowy mountains or forest glade, green meadows or lifeless desert - all this landscape, but in different thematic groups. Pay attention to what tags are used if water is depicted in the photo (ocean, sea, lake, river), there will definitely be a haze-forming word _water_, if there is huge clouds and a beautiful sky, then you will certainly be treated in the haze such words like: _Sky_, _cloudscape_, etc.

To the collected list of Hesy will be left to add another country and the place where the photo was shot, as well as special hashtags of various thematic contests, so that you have a pretty decent hashmaassive. Today it is allowed to place a set of 30 hashtegov under the photo in Instagram, i.e. Not 2 or 3, but as many as 30, so that there is where to turn around! There are truth some chips that allow you to publish more hashtegov, but these are already tricks that can be found only in a private conversation :) So, you have collected some hashtegov, for example 50 or 130 and you need to systematize them now and determine on our curve Graphics, as a result, get such a sign.

What do you need for you? And to solve such a task, you are extremely necessary and the most useful for promotion in Instagram service -. On this resource, you can collect lists of competitors, and the most popular hashtags in the instagram look, and for one to get full statistics on your list of hashtegov and expand the List of Hestegs due to the search results for tags (Tag Search Results).

The case is already a matter of technology, we sort all the hashtags in numerical values \u200b\u200bin descending order, mark the color or put it opposite each tag (water, sunrise, sunset, forest), pass through the links of each hashteg and visually control the issuance of pictures so that there are no many spammes not responding with topics, such hashtags better delete, as a result you will get a ready-made array of haze in size in 100-500 pcs. Now you can already work with these data to place this photo in instagram.

Video lesson with Excel table

Before publishing another photo using filters "Turn off" all "clouds", all the "water", all "sunrises" and "sunsets" and leave classic hashtags (brown text), mixed (black) and competitive (green), those which are most suitable for the new published photo. We highlight 30 hashtegs from the middle of the list, and we use them for this photoharphic. The selected list of the entire Heshe array falls in approximately the Tusamy "area in" on the curve of our schedule, where not the most popular hashtags on the selected subject, but not the youngest.

Of course, for each new photo, which will have its own unique topics every time, it is difficult to keep such a selection of hashtegs, the easiest way in this case is to pry to competitors and copy their hashtags, but if you have most of the photos yet about one topic, It makes sense once to assemble such a tag table once, smash them by groups and before publishing photos to make a sample of data you need.