What is count. Frequency of requests, high-frequency and low-frequency requests

What are LF, MF and HF requests? How to determine which query is high, medium and low frequency? This article is devoted to these and other questions.
There are two terms - "frequency" and "frequency", which should not be confused.

Frequency - the frequency of the process over a certain period of time, measured in units. Frequency - a characteristic of the occurrence of a given request among a certain set, measured in percentage. In the case of search queries, the frequency of the request is the number of times the keyword is used in the search engine, and the frequency is the percentage, determined by the ratio of the use of the word to the text on the page in question. In this article, we will talk about the concept request rates.

Requests are of the following types

  • HF (high-frequency queries) is the most key word or phrase on a particular topic.
  • LF (low-frequency queries) is a keyword with a low query frequency.
  • MF (mid-frequency requests) is a keyword, the request frequency of which is between LF and HF.

Determine HF, LF and MF requests

As we wrote earlier, there are services that allow you to view the statistics of certain requests. These, of course, include Yandex Wordstat, and the KeywordDiscovery service for English words.

Let's say you need to pick up queries for a duct site. We enter the word "ducts" into wordstat and see that the number of its views is 113,260 times. For our site, this request is high-frequency, since it reflects the essence of the site's subject matter and, in comparison with other queries on our topic, has the highest views.

In our case, the lowest-frequency request is “air duct sale” with a view rate of 163. What kind of requests will then be medium-frequency?

In theory, the midrange is the average value of the frequency between the HF and LF requests. But sometimes it is difficult to determine in what interval of views medium-frequency requests should be regarded. Many webmasters "don't bother" with this and take it "by eye". The exact way to determine which request belongs to this or that type is difficult. Even the mathematical formulas presented on some sites cannot unequivocally answer this question, since their compilation is more based on assumptions.

    - HF = from 5000 (10000).
    - MF = from 500 (1000) to 2500 (5000).
    - LF = 100 to 500.

What requests to promote the site for?

Your budget will answer this question.

HF requests have a clear advantage over other requests - the number of visitors per day. The disadvantage of HF is high competition, so getting into the TOP for them is to spend a lot of money. Not all webmasters can afford RF. But even if you manage to promote the site through them, the achieved result will not be long-term.

Advantages of MF and LF requests

  • high-quality target audience;
  • achieving results in a short time (3 months);
  • low competition;
  • small investment.

Disadvantages of promotion on low frequency requests

    - promotion for low-frequency requests requires optimization a large number pages;
    - sites that sell well-known brands, promotion for LF and MF requests may be ineffective.

Sincerely, Andrey Yuriychuk

Website promotion queries are keywords or phrases used by Internet users to search for information about specific goods, services, etc. All search queries are divided into three types: low-frequency, mid-frequency and high-frequency. In addition, an additional category “long tail” is highlighted.

Low frequency queries

These are keywords that Internet users use to search for information no more than 1,000 times a month. The search is carried out using special search engines The most famous of them are Yandex and Google.
Examples of low-frequency queries are “buy spare parts inexpensively in Moscow” and “Lenta Style dress, model 1068”.

By creating a page for low-frequency keywords, you will attract your first audience to the site. And in two months (or maybe less) your site will get into the TOP-10 search engines for the queries you are promoting.

Mid-frequency queries

Most popular queries. In search engines, they are entered from 1,000 to 10,000 times a month.
An example of midrange queries is "asus monitors".

You should start promoting by keywords in this category when you have already taken at least some positions in the search for low-frequency words.

To promote MF requests, it is necessary to carry out internal linking between the pages of the site, as well as purchase external links from third-party Internet resources. In doing so, it is important that third-party sites have a good reputation and trust, and that the links do not look like outright spam.

High-frequency queries

The keywords in this category are the most popular among Internet users. This group includes queries that appear on search pages more than 10,000 times a month.
An example of an RF request is "Apple".

To be in the top for this kind of words, you need patience, attention and hard work. The term for getting into the top ten sites for high-frequency requests can take from six months or more.

Before you tackle the promotion of high-frequency queries, you must firmly establish yourself in the mid-frequency and low-frequency words. Internal linking should be in perfect condition, and external linking mass on verified sites should be steadily increasing. In addition, you will have to become familiar with concepts such as “ behavioral factors"And" promotion through articles. "

Long tail

Queries for which users are looking for information even less often than low-frequency ones.
An example of a long tail - Alcatel phone one touch reviews.
Promotion of such keywords often happens by itself. And if not, then they should be given attention. After all, if a user goes to the site for such a request, the probability of buying a product or service is 99%.

Today I will tell you what a request frequency is, I will show you what low-frequency requests (LF), medium-frequency (LF) and high-frequency requests (HF) are, I will tell you how to define them and show you how to write an article for a particular request. What do you think are the main mistakes of a blogger? He writes an article for a high-frequency request, incorrectly puts headers and generally writes not about what the user is typing in a search request.

Search query- initial information for performing a search using a search engine. The format of the search query depends both on the device of the search engine and on the type of information to be searched. search query is specified as a set of words or a phrase, sometimes - using the advanced capabilities of the search engine query language.

Types of search queries:

  • navigational - queries that are used to search for a specific site ("Alfabank", "Kinomania")
  • transactional- requests aimed at performing some kind of action ("take a loan", "download music")
  • information- queries used when searching for some information are most often formed in the form of questions ("How to stop worrying and start living", "How to pay a fine through the Internet").

Yandex request frequency and classification

Classification of search queries by frequency: By frequency, it is customary to divide search queries into low-frequency (LF), medium-frequency (MF) and high-frequency (HF). There are no strict numbers and key separation frames, they are only approximate. But, as a rule, low frequencies include those that have a frequency less than 1000 requests / month, to mid-frequency - from 1000 to 5000, and to high-frequency - over 5000... In rare cases, ultra-low-frequency requests (ELF) are also highlighted, those whose statistics do not exceed 300 requests per month(all meanings - taking into account the morphology of the Russian language, that is, various word forms). Let's take an example each separately. If you want, for example, to make money in contextual advertising through Profit Partner, then you need to see in practice what the frequency of requests is, I suggest using the service from Yandex wordstat(service of statistics of search queries).

Types of Yandex search queries

  1. High frequency interrogation (RF interrogation)- the word or phrase that has the highest popularity (over 5000 searches). These are the words and phrases that have the highest number of impressions within their topic.

According to statistics key request“Download the book” - 3,826,168 requests from users of the Yandex search engine per month. Respectively, given request in its subject matter falls into the rank of high-frequency queries.

  1. - these are the words and phrases that have in the search engine the average number of impressions from the total number of impressions on a given topic (over 1000 impressions, but not more than 5000).

The picture shows that the query "science fiction books" has 2033 impressions per month for the Yandex audience, respectively, this is a mid-frequency query. As a rule, promotion of a resource for medium-frequency queries is easier than for high-frequency queries.

  1. Low Frequency Query- these are words and phrases that people quite rarely enter into the search bar of any search engine. Concept "Rarities" here is relative, because it directly depends on the topic.
  1. Ultra-low-frequency interrogation (ELF)- these are the words and phrases that have the least number of impressions; accordingly, rarely requested, with low popularity among the audience.

When promoting a website about investments in Forex Trend and broker Pantheon Finance, you must constantly refer to them. LongTail requests should also be mentioned. Such a query, as a rule, consists of a large number of words, which is why the name LongTail (English "long tail") appeared. However, such key phrases can bring up to 50-80% of all visitors to the site. For example, my reports on investments on the Internet.As a rule, the site itself is promoted by longtail-requests without any costs or seo optimization... These queries are highly convertible and have low competition. As a rule, these are requests that users requested 1-10 times a month. Competitiveness is an important parameter of search queries. According to the degree of competitiveness, queries (keywords) are usually divided into low competitive (NK), medium competitive (SK) and highly competitive (VK). This parameter is of great importance for the conditions of promotion. As a rule, high-frequency requests are highly competitive, and promotion through it, attracting traffic is the greatest difficulty. After the user has entered a request (for example, in search string Yandex), the search engine gives the visitor organic results and a list of advertising messages, in the order of the highest relevance. The visitor does not perceive organic results as advertising, although in fact it is one of the ways to promote your business. By clicking on a link from organic search results, the user gets to the site, thereby bringing some "traffic" to this resource (10 -20 people a day is not traffic, traffic is a large number of visitors).

How the website is promoted on request

So, how many LF, MF and HF requests should be on the site? My answer is this - if you want a site with a traffic of 300 - 400 people per day, then I advise you to write articles for low-frequency queries (LF) and medium-frequency queries (MF). There are a lot of articles to write, about 200 I think you need to write for such attendance. If you link them and write correctly with H2 headings for a specific keyword, then the traffic can grow to 600-800 people with only 200 articles. So let's take a look at how I promote this article.

Consider the keywords of this article:
1) "Yandex request rate" - 585 (LF),
2) "analysis of search queries" - 320 (LF),
3) "Yandex search queries" - 227 (LF),
4) "types of search queries" - 169 (LF),
5) "website promotion by request" - 152 (LF)

Now check out my headlines - they contain keywords, watered down with text. it is the search robots that scan them for their correspondence. Do not write a lot of keywords in the article, otherwise you will fall under the filter and there will be no attendance at all. I think that the following ratio should be maintained on the site - 60% LF, 30% MF and 10% HF requests. And the higher you want to see the article in search results on a given request, the more you should link to it, increase the link mass. For example, you can read the article "Where to invest on the Internet" this will be link mass, all the weight will be divided equally between the links and transferred to the articles that you link to. Thank you for your attention, subscribe to articles.

Keywords that are included in the semantic core of any project have, from which the priority of their promotion or use in their materials may change. One of these characteristics is the frequency of the request.

What is Request Frequency?

Frequency of a query is the number of times that a user has entered a given query into a search engine string within a certain period of time. One of the most popular and accessible services for checking the frequency of search queries is the Yandex service - Yandex.Wordstat (wordstat.yandex.ru). Accordingly, the more frequent requests we use in our materials and articles, the more traffic we will receive. However, not everything is so simple and first you need to understand the types of frequency of requests and their application.

Types of request rates

In SEO, it is customary to classify queries by their frequency. It is believed that the higher the request frequency, the more traffic it will bring(if you look strictly at the numbers).

Frequency types are as follows:

    High-frequency requests, they are also HF requests.

    Mid-frequency requests, they are also mid-frequency requests.

    Low-frequency requests, they are also low-frequency requests.

This classification is used by SEO specialists in their work. For example, when communicating with colleagues, in order to indicate the traffic potential and the difficulty in promoting a particular group of requests.

Frequency of request as a relative value

Frequency is not an absolute value. It reflects user demand for certain goods or services in a specific niche... It turns out that if we take all queries in the "notebooks" category and sort them by frequency, then the first place will be a one-word query with a frequency of 5,295,645 impressions per month (conditionally). If we are talking about the niche "cat food", then the upper threshold there can be much lower, about 249,968 impressions per month.

It follows from this that we will assign the form to the request based on the upper threshold of frequency in the subject. As a result, we will have 3 groups, for each of which a frequency threshold will be assigned for phrases that are included in this group.

For example, for the "children's trampoline" theme, the boundaries will be as follows:

  • HF - everything above 20,000 impressions per month
  • Midrange - from 3,000 impressions per month
  • LF - up to 3,000 impressions per month

You shouldn't stick too much to boundaries and spend a lot of time classifying queries by type, because this segmentation is rather arbitrary and has no practical value.

High frequency requests (HF)

High-frequency requests (HF) are requests that have the highest frequency rates among all requests in our chosen niche. As mentioned above, an RF request can be either with a frequency of 5,295,645 impressions, or with a frequency of 27,811 impressions, as you can see from the example below. In some topics, for example, a request less than 5000 is no longer high-frequency.

Almost alwayshigh-frequency queries are token queries, one-word, or the so-called.

Examples of such queries are “computer,” “car,” “apartment,” and other general queries.

Photo 1: An example of a super-high-frequency request for a niche with stable, heated demand.
Photo 2: According to statistics, cars are the second most popular topic for discussion among men.

An example of narrower, but high-frequency queries might be the following phrase (only if our niche is express weight loss courses):

Photo 3: Losing weight, losing weight is perhaps the most pressing problem for women. The frequency of the request signals that there is a clear demand for a given topic.

The request is not one-word, but the semantic meaning or intention of the user is clear from it, in contrast to the request “car”, when it is not known whether to show him a site for car repair, car wash or sale.

The advantage of high-frequency requests is potentially high traffic. The difficulty lies in the fact that there is unrealistic competition in high-frequency queries and it takes a lot of time and effort to get to the top for them.

Important! Do not try to promote a young resource exclusively for HF requests, it will be much more profitable to focus on promoting MF and LF requests for the rapid growth of the project.

As practice shows, high-frequency requests make up no more than 5% of semantic core project. There are times when one common (HF) request covers 50% of the frequency of all other phrases from the core. This is a normal situation.

We can understand the relative difficulty of promoting a particular keyword by evaluating its Competition Index. You can compose the index yourself by analyzing the results, or you can use the Mutagen service, which will calculate the index using your own formula. For example, if we see that, according to Mutagen, the competition of phrase 25, then we will not advance on it soon and it is better to focus on other, less competitive phrases.

Medium-frequency requests (MF)

Medium Frequency Interrogations (MF) are the group of interrogations following the RF interrogations. For different topics, midrange requests can start from both 1,000 and 50,000 impressions per month.

Mid-range queries are usually (but not always!) Less competitive than high-frequency queries. In them it is possible to find queries with a longer "tail" and less competition... In addition, the midrange query in most cases contains more words. Thus, it is easier for us to understand the intent of the user who entered this request and show him an article with a solution to his problem or offer a product.

Photo 4: Such queries make up about 10% of the semantic core of the project.

It is easier to promote midrange queries than high-frequency ones (for the most part) and it can take less time and effort. However, in in this case It will also be relevant to look at the competitiveness of requests in order to build the right strategy for promoting documents (pages) on the site.

Low-frequency requests (LF)

Low-frequency queries are queries with a frequency of less than 1000 or 100. It is this type of queries that is most interesting SEO specialists and semantics, because they can make up 80-90% of the entire semantic core.

Why are there more such requests? It's simple. Many people, when they drive a search query into a string, for example, Yandex, know in advance what they need.

Interesting fact! People learn to work with search. According to a study by Yandex, in 2016 people entered 30% more phrases with 7 words than they did in 2015. Thus, the "tail" of requests will continue to grow, and the user will refine his request more and more.

Example. There are 2 people - Petya and Masha, both want to buy a multicooker. Petya is an amateur in this business and does not know what types of multicooker are, so he wants to see everything possible options... Therefore, his request may look like a high-frequency - "multicooker".

Photo 5: As a first step, Petya decides to just see what he has to deal with.

Masha, on the other hand, consulted with her friends and knows which product to take. Therefore, her request may look like this “multicooker polaris pmc 0347ad”.

Photo 6: Masha found out everything from her friends for a long time and went straight to compare prices.

Moreover, in this case, there can be several options for writing a request - “multicooker polaris”, “multicooker polaris pmc”, “buy multicooker polaris” and so on. If we assume that each person tries to find the model of a multicooker that interests him, then at least 100 requests will be collected.

In some topics, requests may appear due to a lack of knowledge or names of any things, diseases, products. Differences in knowledge, vocabulary, experience of people who enter queries into the search bar generate a large number of low-frequency queries.

For example, one user types in the query: "How to grow a money tree?", And the second user, who has great knowledge, writes "How to grow a fat woman?" In fact, these requests are about the same, but the second request will be less competitive and less frequent than the first.

Competition for low-frequency requests is usually small and it is not difficult to advance on 95% of them.

In no case should you ignore low-frequency requests. It is not uncommon for a large number of low-frequency requests to make up 80% of a project's traffic due to the quantity, while HF and MF requests the remaining 20%.

Another characteristic feature of LF queries is the “long tail” of the query - that is, a query with a large number of words. For example:

Photo 7: And also + free + without registration + without SMS.

Gathering groups of similar low-frequency queries, led by the 1st marker

Photo 8: Tails "with their own hands" and "at home" - these are twins brothers. Usually, if you see one in the request, then sooner or later you will find the second :).

We will receive a full-fledged group of requests and will be able to write good material that will advance on low-frequency requests and gradually, increasing the confidence of the project and document, will rise to the TOP and on high-frequency requests.


We examined the main types of HF, MF and LF requests. Summarizing the main part, the following recommendations can be highlighted:

    Don't focus on RF requests. If our core consists mainly of high-frequency queries, then there will be difficulties with its implementation and promotion. It is better to supplement it with midrange and bass and then implement it. In this case, it will be much easier to promote the project.

    If we want to advance on RF requests, it is better to first assess the competition of each of them in order to better understand where the result will be faster.

    Do not ignore low frequency requests. It is they, due to the number and total frequency, that help to cover all the semantics and desires of users and, as a result, get traffic to the site.

    Before the implementation of the SN, it should be analyzed for the amount of HF, MF and LF - this will help determine how complete the core is in front of us. If HF requests are 50%, MF - 30%, and LF - 20%, then there is the potential for expanding the SJ due to MF and LF. ...

HF requests are high-frequency user requests. Usually, high-frequency queries are those that are searched by 10,000 people per month or more.

You can view the frequency of requests per month for Yandex in the wordstat.yandex.ru service. To check requests, you must have an account in Yandex mail.

In order to find out the frequency of the request in Google, you need to register with Google service Adwords. Then, using the Keyword Planner tool, you can find out the frequency of the queries of interest:

Virtual hosting of sites for popular CMS:

With rare exceptions, there is more competition for high-frequency requests. What requests are considered HF, MF, LF? By frequency, requests are divided:

  1. 10,000 per month and more - high-frequency inquiries (HF);
  2. 1000 - 10,000 per month - medium-frequency requests (MF);
  3. 100 - 1000 per month - low-frequency requests (LF);
  4. up to 100 per month - microLF requests.

RFQs are the hardest to promote. In addition to the frequency, there are transactional and informational queries.... Transactional imply an interest in buying:

  • Buy refrigerator samsung.
  • Sony vaio laptop price.

Information requests:

  • How to grow petunias.
  • Population of Yekaterinburg.

Medium-frequency requests (MF)

Midrange queries are medium-frequency queries. These include requests with a frequency of 1000-10000 per month. If high-frequency (10 thousand and more) requests consist mainly of "tails", then midrange requests are often self-sufficient. LF (low-frequency - from 100 to 1000 per month) according to wordstat.yandex.ru.

What are mid-range queries - an example.

An example of a midrange request:

The base request rate is 1026, and the exact rate without "tails" is only 100 requests less.

It is usually easiest to promote a site with low and midrange queries "without tails."

Medium-frequency queries are calculated based on the average amount of search statistics.

The mid-frequency requests also include seasonal requests, which right now are either HF or LF, but on average their frequency ranges from 1 to 10 thousand. Here's an example of such a request:

Despite the peaks on New Year's Eve (at the peak - 20,000+ per month), the request is medium-frequency. To save you from mathematical research - the average value of the frequency of the request for the period is a little more than 5.5 thousand.

Midrange queries - how to collect more accurately?

Advanced level of frequency counting - taking into account the share of search engines in the country... The numbers from the example are multiplied by 30-40%, because Yandex provides statistics only for its search, and there is also Google. We look at the data in Yandex, because its query viewer tool is more convenient.

To view data in the Yandex Wordstat service, log in to Yandex services.

Low-frequency requests (LF)

LF requests are requests that are requested by from 100 to 1000 people per month. In addition to the monthly frequency, seasonality is also taken into account. Without this, some of the micro LF requests will turn out to be HF. An example is requests for ski equipment in the summer.

It's not just the frequency of the request that matters.

In addition to the frequency, pay attention to the concurrency of the request. In many areas of traffic - crumbs, but hundreds and thousands of sites apply for it.

This indicator is determined by a combination of such factors:

  1. The number of words in the search query.
  2. The number of main pages in search results.
  3. Average age of domains in top positions.
  4. Number external links to web resources in the top.
  5. Presence of Wikipedia, youtube, market.yandex and other giant sites among the results.

The more indicators the publisher analyzes, the more accurate the result will be. This is done in order to estimate the costs for increasing the site's position by key phrase to a certain level and, accordingly, - the cost of such work. It also helps to determine the methods and develop a strategy for website promotion.

Advantages and examples of selection of LF requests, which requests are considered LF.

LF queries are used to estimate the demand for a product or service. The more LF requests, the more field for activity. Mostly low frequency queries in broad topics (women’s topics, cars, computers, etc.) consist of 3-4 words.

Examples of LF requests in the Yandex Wordstat service:

Website promotion in Yandex for low-frequency queries is an almost free method.

To promote a site for low-competitive low-frequency queries, it is enough to write a detailed article on the topic, in the absence of competition in the search results.

Low-frequency queries usually go to the top 3-10 within several updates of search engine results.

Micro LF queries

Micro LF queries - queries with a frequency of up to 100 pageviews per month on Yandex wordstat and the key hint tool words google... You might be thinking - is it worth the candle - it's 15 people a month at best? What you need to pay attention to:

  1. Statistics tools do not provide accurate data.
  2. New requests appear every day.
  3. According to search engines, up to 20% of daily queries have not been entered before.
  4. Query statistics show data in elapsed time for certain period time.

This data is for October 2016. If you do not know that Yandex Wordstat shows data for the last 28 days, it will seem that this is an unpromising request. We look at the seasonality:

It turns out that at least 250 users are looking for a request at the peak (this is only Yandex). And the request seemed almost micro LF. The selection and promotion of such topics will increase the site traffic several times.

Where to collect such requests?

You need to pay attention to micro LF requests, because they reflect the real needs of the site visitors. You can collect them for free either in the statistics of your site, or by monthly collecting data in the Yandex Wordstat.

You can collect data on such queries either in site statistics or in various keyword databases.