Ready projects Logomir 3.0. Getting started in the program "Logomir"

Logomiri is an educational and entertainment program for children.


The product is focused on a children's audience - students of primary or middle classes. You can use this solution both for educational purposes and in order to diversify the leisure of your chad. However, note that if the child spends a new smartphone / tablet in his free time or plays modern computer games, such a program may seem boring to him at least because it has an oldcual interface and no less outdated graphics.


Interaction with Logomir 3.0 is based on the use of a logo programming language designed specifically for children. With the help of the program, the child will be able to create projects of varying complexity - drawings with a rustic, "children's", graphics, various models or even presentation videos. The logo program stores projects in MWX or MW2 format (depending on the version), however, it is also capable of opening MJ3 files created in the primary.

Users starting learning logo, advantaged to use the built-in reference systemwhich will help in learning from various commands and the general theory of programming language. When working with projects, the program allows you to slow down playback, in order to consider the details.


In the program menu, you can find such items: " New project"," Open Project "," Benefits "," Examples ", as well as the" Exit "button to close the program. Due to the fact that 3.0 logoomiers have a simple interface and completely translated into Russian, it will not cause problems in mastering the child.

Key features

  • creation of various animation and graphic projects;
  • support for MWX, MW2 and MJ3 formats;
  • integrated reference book with the theoretical part;
  • primitive interface (support for the Russian language) and the same graphics;
  • compatibility with all relevant windows versions;
  • distribution free of charge;
  • it is recommended for study students of junior and middle classes.

Logomirs are a program that contains "games" for the development and education of children the basics of programming. The program can explore the programming course for beginner programmers. Logomirs are used in schools, as well as for learning at home.


This software is designed for children who study in primary and secondary school classes. Logomiers are used to teach programming language for educational purposes and to leisure your child.

If your child is enjoys a smartphone or tablet, and also plays computer games, then this software can not like it. The program is created with a simple interface and graphics of the last generation. But if your child is interested in learning the engine initial levelThis course is simply necessary for general development and training the basics of programming.


Logomir 3.0 works on the "engine" logo interface, which is designed to train children. Using this software, your child creates "projects" with a different complexity. The program you can draw graphics, create models of different complexity and video in the form of a presentation.

All projects are saved in MWX or MW2 format. The preservation format depends on the software version. The new assembly of the program supports MJ3 files that are created in the primary.

For beginners in logoomiers there is an integrated directory that helps learn teams of different complexity and read general concepts In the initial level programming. By changing the speed of playing the roller, you can view its details in slow motion mode.


The program menu contains items: "New Project", "Open Project", "Manuals", "Examples", and the "Exit" button that closes the program. Logomir 3.0 is designed in a graphic environment without complex tools that will be understandable to the child. The presence of Russian facilitates the perception of software.

Key features

  • work with the animation of a different complexity with the addition of "graphics";
  • soft supports MWX, MW2 and MJ3 formats;
  • the program has its own reference to read theory;
  • simple interface with Russian localization;
  • graphic tools are not difficult to master;
  • the program works on new Windows OS assemblies;
  • this course is available for free download;
  • the software is ideal for learning the primary and middle school students the basics of the program code.

1 Basic turtle teams.




forward number of steps


forward 100 (or VP 100)

back number of steps


back 200 (or ND 200)

right degrees


right 30 (or PR 30)

left degrees


lV 310 (or PR 310)


Lower the feather of the turtle.




Raises the feather of the turtle.




Returns a turtle in the middle of the screen head up.




Returns the turtle in the middle of the screen head up and erases graphics.






new_h 100.


Moves the turtle to the point with the new axis coordinate w..


nov_u 100.

nm [ x. y. ]

New place. Moves the turtle to a point with the specified coordinates.


nm [50 80]


Leaves the impression of the current shape of the bug on the work field.



wait number


wait 1.


Shows a turtle




Hides a turtle




Disables all turtles on the project sheet



repeat the number of times [Commands]

repeat 20 [PR 50 PR 18]

2 ways to enter commands.

Let's start with the command input to the commands field (see Fig. 1). To perform a turtle command, you must click on the ENTER key. In order to insert the commands between the already entered, you need to press the Enter key while holding ctrl key. Let's create a turtle and try to make it something painted us.

So that the turtle leaving the line on the plane, you need to lower the pen. For this there is a team " by"(Pen down). Using the commands setting the movement forward and turn commands, draw a square (see Fig. 7).

If it took to remove everything that was drawn on the desktop, you need to use the command " sG"(Sottim graphics).

pOS 100.

pOS 100.

pOS 100.

pOS 100.

The task

Write the program, drawing a house, without breaking the pen from the plane (Fig. 8). Face length 100, diagonal length 142.


Carefully follow the syntax when entering commands: there must be a space between the command and the number, if the command has a lower-emphasis symbol, it means that it is necessary to use it, and not a space, etc.

3. Procedures. Own and incompatible procedures.

Procedure - This is a subroutine that has a name. The name of the procedure should not contain spaces. If you want to use multiple words in the name of the procedure, then use the "_" symbol, or the defisis "-" between them. It is necessary to call the procedure so that the title is clear what it does. Inside the procedure you can write various commands. To call inside the command procedures, you need to specify the name of the procedure in the program.

Syntax in LogoMir

This nameProcessure name


the end

To close the procedure with the word "end" necessarily!


this is a square

pOS 100.

pOS 100.

pOS 100.

pOS 100.


Procedure called uncommon If it is recorded on the "Procedures" tab on the right side of the screen. Incomplete procedures are available for execution at any time by any turtle on any sheet as opposed to own Procedures recorded in a backpack of a particular turtle.

So that the turtle performs the steps that are in the incompatible procedure, it is necessary to write the name of the procedure in the commands field and press ENTER.

We will mainly use our own procedures, recording them in a backpack of a particular turtle:

To get into the turtle backpack, you need to click on the right mouse button on it and select the "Open Backpack" menu in the appeared menu. Then you need to select the "Procedures" tab.

To make the turtle to perform its own procedure, you follow the "Rules" tab to place the name of the procedure in the most upper field, and then revive the turtle. You can do this either by clicking on the left mouse button on it, or from the context menu "Revip.

If you allow inaccuracy in writing a program, at least in one command, the computer will give you an error message

The task

Come up with the procedure, drawing a pencil shown in Figure 12. Record it in the turtle backpack. Place the name of the procedure in the rules. Relive the turtle with the left mouse button and see the result.

Lesson 1. Turtle clothes costume and come to life

Turtle - This is a programmable performer in the Logomir program.
To create any game, learning and fabulous plots, a bug can wear various costumes - "Forms". Turtle forms are in the tab "Painting" in two sections ( "Pictures" and "Movement" ).

1. To wear a shape on the turtle, you must first put the turtle on the screen (working area) using the button "Create a turtle" on the main toolbar, then select the appropriate shape and click on the back of the turtle. It is first necessary to deploy the head of the turtle in the desired direction of movement (depending on the shape and plot) - the head turns the pressed mouse.

2. Double (multiple) The shape of the bug dress as follows. In the tab "Traffic" Drawing panels highlight the first of the desired forms, then using a pressed key Ctrl select the remaining forms and click on the back of the turtle.

3. You can edit the available forms: to change the color, reflect vertical and horizontally, draw parts, and you can also create your own bugs.
To edit the selected form, it must be copied (through the right mouse button) to the bookmark "Forms" On the right pane. Next, open it double click. Using the drawing panel tools, you can change the color, draw part, etc.
At the top of the window there are buttons to change the size of the field size, the reflection buttons vertically and horizontally, as well as the window where you can give a form form, which will also be used in more complex tasks. The output is carried out with the "OK" button.

4. Opening a free form, you can create your own bug suit. You can also copy any drawings in the forms, turning them into the shape of the bug. The program allows you to create 128 forms.

The turtle comes to life

In addition to the form, the main advantage of the turtle is that it can perform various teams. The simplest launch of the turtle is carried out through the right mouse button on the back of the turtle and select the left command button. "Revive" .

To create your own plot and various training situations "Revive" It is not enough, so it is shown only with the very first acquaintance with the program. In the future it is necessary that students use the competent task of any commands through "Turtle backpack" .

Any turtle has its own "backpack" where the commands performed by it are stored, its own forms and various parameters.
A set of commands that can perform a bug is quite large. The most basic teams who students must master, working in the Logomir program, are presented in the Logo language table and in presentations (see Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3).
The simplest movement forward is set by the team "forward" (short "VP"), where the parameter is the number of steps of the turtle, or in a different way, its speed.

First plot. "Sea"

The simplest example is the plot "sea". It is drawn the sea and the sky, several turtles are put, which dress in the costumes of fish and ships (the head of each turtle must be rotated in the right direction). To edit sizes you need to use buttons "Lupa +" and "Lupa-".

Comment . The turtle, delivered later, will be in the foreground, supplied earlier - will be in the background.
To set motion with different speed, right-click on the back of the turtle, and enter the bookmark "Rules". In the top window of the fields, enter "Wait 7 Wait 3." For another turtle "Wait 5 wait 2", For the third "VP 10 wait 3" etc. Install the checkbox "Many times" For permanent traffic of the turtle. Team "Wait" - Pause - it is necessary that there is no continuous flashes of the bug on the screen.

Comment . The value of the speed (number of steps) and the pause value is selected based on the plot.
When setting the movement in the opposite direction "Back" (short "ND") indicating the number of steps.

Comment . At the same time, it is important to notice that the form will not turn around.

Mini-project "Street in the city"

With the help of drawing tools, draw a wide street of dark gray color, make a markup on it for a double-sided movement, add at home, trees, flowers, on the sky - the sun, clouds, etc. Create several turtles - machines, motorcycles, etc., which are moving in different directions and at different speeds.
This mini-project is given as the first offset in the Logomir program.

Comment. To add street execution, use ready-made pictures from the drawing panel and tools "Lupa +" and "Lupa-" and "stamp".

Comment.When setting the movement in the opposite direction "Back" (short "ND") indicating the number of steps. When adding such objects to the plot to be changed, but not to move (for example, the flag is fluttered, the fire is lit, the flower is revealed) the command is used. "VE 0 wait 3".

Using a finished background

For the convenience and speed of creating the plot in the program "LogoMirs" in the panel "Painting" There is a bookmark "Background" . To take advantage of the background, you need to click on the selected background, then click on the working program field and immediately stretch the background for one of the black squares that appeared on the entire workspace. The next step is to adjust the background, otherwise all the turtles will be hidden under it (!). The background can also be repainted using the drawing panel and you can add various elements-pictures, capturing them when the size and location matches the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author of the project.

Lesson 2. Text windows

The text box is created through the button of the main toolbar. The size of the window is determined when stretching with the mouse. (To edit the size of the text window, the mouse is necessary to select the area around the window, appear in the corners of black squares, and you can change the window size). In the window parameters (click the button "eye" On the main toolbar, then click on the text window name "Text1") Tick are installed Visible, named The name of the text window is imprinted in the field Name.

Task "Default on 2 sets"

Create two text windows, one - "fruits", Other - "vegetables". On the work field, create the desired number of turtles and dress them in the form of fruits and vegetables. Each turtle in the backpack in the tab "Rules" give the following command: fruits, write "Apple or vegetables, write "Cucumber (Depending on the shape that is hoping for a turtle).

If necessary, the number of windows is determined by the level of complexity of the task.
Create more turtles (by the number of windows), put them in simple forms (circles, square, ...), they will perform the role of "natural text" for a text window. In the rules to print the command: fruits, ethics_text or vegetables, Art.
Appeal to the text window goes through its name, a team is written through the comma. In advance in the text box, set the color and font size through the menu "Text" (Text - Font, Text - Color ).
In order to print the text of the task itself (exercise), create another text box, print the exercise text, Install the checkbox in the settings Visible, transparent , take a tick With name . Also added text with the name of the surname and the name and class of the student who fulfilled the project.
Similarly, you can find pictures and tasks for any level of complexity (for example, for Russian language - spelling of complex words, consoles "At-", "Pre-", spelling "N" and "NN" In various parts of speech, etc., for biology - classification of animals, plants, for MHC - architectural structures, for physics - physical phenomena and physical terms, values, etc.)

Task "Create a turtle suit in the form of text"

Sometimes it is necessary that the suit of the turtle consisted of some word and could move (for example, letters missed in words, answers for examples or equations from mathematics, etc.). How to create such a suit?
The easiest option when the turtle is dressed in a suit from one or two letters or one or two digits. These costumes are created in the field "Forms" Using drawing tools - for this, double-click open free shape and use the drawing tools to create the desired letter or digit.
If it is necessary that the whole word is dressed on the turtle, then it is difficult to do it through the form field. To do this, go to the following way.
Create a text box, write in it the desired word (text), set the desired size and color of the text. In the text window settings set Transparent, unnamed .
Take tools "stamp" From the toolbar and send text on the work field. Next, call the drawing panel, take the tool "Allocation", Select text (word), through the right button to copy in the form field (per free place). Create a turtle and from the "forms" field to wear a suit created by a suit. After that, as usual, as usual, set the command of the movement team.

Lesson 3. Creating a control button

Task: Create a project "Labyrinth-1"

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with the creation of a button, as well as with the commands of rotation "right" (short etc ) I. "left" (short lv ) (The parameter is the angle of rotation in degrees - pR 90, LV 60, PR 180 etc.).

On the working field of the program, draw a labyrinth, in which the walls are located and intersect at right angles.

Create two buttons using the command "Create a button" From the main toolbar. For the first button give name "right", Instruction "PR 90". For the second - name - "left", Instruction "LV 90". Set the execution of the instruction - once.The size of the button is determined when stretching with the mouse. After creating a button, its size can also be edited. To edit the size of the button, it is necessary to highlight the area around the button, appear in the corners of black squares, and you can change the size of the button in accordance with the size of its name. The button name is recommended to do short and concise.
Create a turtle (you can wear a suit), ask her a little speed, for example, vP 8 wait 2. Put it on "Login" to a maze and run. The turtle will start moving towards his head, further in the place of rotation of the labyrinth to use the buttons "right left" To control the turtle (we recall, the turn of the bug is carried out relative to its head).
If desired, the labyrinth can be complicated by adding various obstacles.
Similarly, a more complex labyrinth is created with the magnitude of the number of control buttons, for example, a turn not only on 90o, but also on 45 ° each.

Task: Create a project "Labyrinth-2"

In this task, we get acquainted with the team "New course".

When you specify a turtle of the turn team, we must take into account the location of its head. But when a suit will be suitable on the turtle, we do not see at all where it looks at her head. In order to set a fixed direction of the turtle movement, it is convenient to use the command "New course" (short - "NK") With the movement angle (0 - strictly up, 90 - strictly right, 180 is strictly down, 270 is strictly left). Accordingly, any intermediate values \u200b\u200bare possible, for example, the right-up will be nK 45., left and down will be nK 225..

Similar to the previous task, a labyrinth and 4 control buttons are created. ("Right", "left", "up", "down"), Instructions for them will be - nK 90, NK 270, NK 0, NK 180.

It is also possible to complicate the labyrinth and creating the magnitude of the buttons with different directions of movement.

Occupation 4. Turtle learning to draw figures

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with one very useful for various projects team: "The pen is omitted." This command allows you to leave the trail when the turtle moves along the working field of the program. As a result, we can, combining various commands for a turtle, set the movement trajectory you need, which will be drawn on the screen, and, in fact, we are approaching the Azam programming.

Reverse command "Feather raised - PP" Allows you to cancel drawing a trash trail.

The simplest acquaintance with these features begins with the task of the turtle to draw a simple geometric shape - a square or triangle.
First, a team is set for a square, which draws each side of the square as accuracy: by vP 70 Wait 2 PR 90 VP 70 Wait 2 PR 90 VP 70 Wait 2 PR 90 VP 70.

Comment. Pause "Wait 2" Inserted so that you can watch your eyes track how the turtle moves (otherwise it instantly draws everything and the eye does not have time to catch it). Rotate can be both right and left, but the turtle will draw the square also either into the right or on the left side.

Next, we draw the attention of students to the repetitive elements of this mini program and thereby summarize them to the perception of the "Repeat" team. For the square, the command can be converted as follows: by repeat 4 [VE 70 wait 2 PR 90].

Comment. Pay attention to the writing syntax of this command: Square brackets are used (for this you need to switch the keyboard into English). It is also important to monitor the arrangements of spaces, otherwise the program will not perceive the specified command.
Then the students are proposed similarly to "teach" a turtle to draw an equilateral triangle. But the difficulty lies in the fact that the angle of rotation during the drawing of the triangle will not be 60 o, and 120 o, because The turn of the turtle goes relative to her head (i.e., in mathematical language, we must take the "external angle"). The command will look like this: repeat 3 [PR 80 waiting 2 PR 120]. To the turtle drawn the triangular flag, it is necessary first to add her a step just forward (VP 40); To the triangle "not standing an angle," it is necessary to add a turn - PR 30.
Similarly, commands are selected for any correct polygons:
Hexagon - repeat 6 [EP 60 wait 2 PR 60]
octagon - repeat 8 [VE 50 wait 2 PR 45] etc.
The angle of rotation is determined by the division of 360o on the number of sides of the polygon. At an angle of rotation from 125 about the turtle draws various "stars" or polygons with a shift of the sides. For example, a five-pointed star must have an angle of rotation 144 o.
To complicate a little and diversify the execution of this task you can introduce students with the team "NC - new color". This team allows the turtle self (without a suit) and its trail to repaint in various colors from the drawing palette in the bookmark "Painting" . The color number is determined by pressing on any color and is written under the window of the selected color (for example, bright red - 15, bright blue - 105). To the trail to the bugs had a thick thickness, you need to add a command "NRP - new pen size" and set the parameter 3 or

4. Then the complete team will be written like this: according to the NC 115 of the PPP 3, repeat 12 [WP 50 wait 2 PR 30].
To secure this topic and increasing interest in the Azam programming of students to the house, a task is given in which they must write for a bug of a team allowing to draw a house (square + triangle-roof), in a row 2 or 3 squares, 2 or 3 triangles, etc. (See Appendix 4).
In the following lessons, students learn to draw circles - repeat 360 [PR 1 PR 1]. Then they are given a task to draw a circle of a good or smaller diameter and answer the question: what should be changed in the command (what parameter)? And in the same way, the task is given to draw two circles near horizontally. Answer: One circle, ranging from the central point to the right side, the other in the left). And the next question is: what should be changed so that the circles are located vertically? Answer: Initially, insert a team that turns the head of the turtle horizontally (PR 90). The next stage is to draw a snowman (3 circles).
If we use not a complete circle, i.e. arc, then we can create a variety of patterns, flowers, etc. For example, halfkrug - repears 180 [PR 1 PR 1], quarter of a circle - repears 90 [PR 1 PR 1]. Connecting several such commands with a turn, for example, on 180 °, you can create various "petals" and make flowers from them. (See Appendix 5).
Similar algorithm used and when creating various "waves". At the same time, we note that the Logomir program allows you to use and nested cycles.

Lesson 5. Creating a project from several sheets (transition from a sheet to leaf)

In many serious projects created in the Logomir program and consisting of several sheets, it is required to transition from the sheet to the sheet. Program capabilities allow this in several ways.

1 way. Creating a button

1. On the program toolbar to select an icon "Create a button" and pressed the mouse to stretch on the working area of \u200b\u200bthe program to the desired size.

2. A window appears. In field "Inscription" need to print the name of the button in the field "Instruction" Team track_list (briefly from the "next leaf) (for the next sheet) or pre_list. (Briefly from the "Previous Sheet") (to return to the previous sheet). The inscription (the name of the button) may be arbitrary, but most often the names are used: forward, on , list2/3/4 ..., Task2 / 3/4 ...

3. Comment. If the size of the button turned out noticeably more / less than the name, then to resize the button to change the button, 4 black square will appear, pressing the mouse on any of them, pull in the desired side to reduce / increase the size of the button.

2 way. Creating a button

The second method is similar to the first, but in the instructions for the button you can specify not track_list / Pre_list. , A point specific title Project Sheet. In order to change the name of the sheet, you need to choose a bookmark on the right side of the Workpiece "Project" . A list of project sheets opens, right-click on sheet1 (sheet2, ...) And choose a command "Change the name", After that, print a new sheet name. For example, sheet1 Renamed B. start , then in the instructions of the button indicate start .
Comment. It is important to ensure that the name of the sheets does not coincide with the name of the turtle shape (!), Because In complex projects, the coincidence of names in the names of sheets and the name of the turtle will result in a collection of project.

3 way. Suit turtle

1. Create a new turtle, put the suit on it (one of the standard options is the right / left arrow). In fact, you can use any bug suit.

2. Open turtle backpack, select bookmark "Rules" and in the command field to write a team track_list (for the next sheet) or pre_list. (To return to the previous sheet). Pointer to leave on the version "once".

4 way. Suit turtle

Also, as in the second method, you can change the name of the sheet, and then the name of the sheet is specified in the command field in the command backpack. Comment. The name of the sheets is easier to use without quotes. If the name consists of two words, then between them, instead of a space, you need to use the symbol " _ " - "underscore".

Buttons on the toolbar are a bit, only the most needed. Consider some of them:


When you click on this button, the "Graphics-Drawing" panel opens. To close the panel, click the button again.


Turns the mouse cursor into the arrow. If the button is pressed, the usual cursor is enabled.


With it, you can open a turtle backpack. To activate, first press the button, and then on the desired turtle.


Using this button, you can delete an unnecessary turtle, button or other object. To activate, first press the button, and then on the desired object.

"Take a copy"

Makes a copy of the desired turtle or other object.

To activate, first press the button, then on the desired object, and then into the empty place of the sheet.

"New Turtle"

Creates a new turtle in your project. First click on the button, and then in the place where you want to insert a turtle.

"New text"

Inserts a new text box to your project. To activate, press the button, and then to the desired location of the sheet.

"New button"

Creates a new button in your project. To activate, press the button, and then to the desired location of the sheet.