On approval of the rules for the provision of telematics services. Reference Legal Systems "Consultant Plus" Rules for the provision of telematics services of communication 575

Government of the Russian Federation

On approval of rules

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Communication" and the Law Russian Federation "On the protection of consumer rights" "Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. To approve the accompanying rules for the provision of telematics services and introduce them to work from January 1, 2008.
2. Subparagraphs "A" - "in" of paragraph 4 of the section of the XVI list licensed conditions carrying out activities in the field of rendering communication services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 18, 2005 N 87 "On approval of a list of names of communication services introduced in licenses and losses of licensing conditions" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 9, Art. 719; 2006, N 2, Art. 202), shall be amended as follows:
"a) access to the licensee's communication network;
b) access to information systems information and telecommunications networks, including the Internet;
c) reception and transmission of telematic electronic messages. ".

Chairman of the government
Russian Federation

Decree of Government
Russian Federation
from September 10, 2007 N 575

Provision of telematics services

I. General provisions

1. These Rules regulate the relations between the subscriber or the user, on the one hand, and the telecommunications operator providing telematics services (hereinafter referred to as the telecommunications operator), on the other hand, when providing telematics services.
2. The concepts used in these rules mean the following:
- "Subscriber" - a user of telematic communication services with which a compensated agreement on the provision of telematical communication services is concluded with the allocation of a unique identification code (hereinafter - the Agreement);
- "Subscriber line" - a link connecting the user (terminal) equipment with a data network communication node;
- "Subscriber Interface" - Technical and technological parameters of physical circuits connecting the communication tools with the user (terminal) equipment, as well as a formalized set of rules for their interaction;
- "Subscriber terminal" - a set of technical and softwareapplicable to the subscriber and (or) by the user when using telematic communication services for transmitting, receiving and displaying electronic messages and (or) formation, storage and processing of information contained in the information system;
- "Malicious Software" - software, purposefully leading to a violation of the legal rights of the subscriber and (or) of the user, including the collection, processing or transferring from the subscriber terminal information without the consent of the subscriber and (or) of the user, or to the deterioration of the functioning parameters subscriber terminal or communication network;
- "Payment Map" - a tool that allows a subscriber and (or) to use telematics services, identifying the subscriber and (or) of the user for the telecom operator as payers;
- "User telematic communication services" - a person who orders and (or) uses telematics services;
- "Information System" - a set of information contained in the databases and processing it information technologies and technical means;
- "Information and Telecommunication Network" - a technological system intended for transmission over the communication lines of information, access to which is carried out using computing equipment;
- "Providing access to information and telecommunication network information systems" - ensuring the possibility of receiving and transmitting telematic electronic messages (by the exchange of telematics electronic messages) between the subscriber terminal and the information system of the information and telecommunications network;
- "Providing access to the data network" - a set of actions of the communication operator for the formation of a subscriber line, connecting to its user (terminal) equipment to the data network node to the data network node or to ensure the possibility of connecting to the data network of the user (terminal) equipment using telephone connection or connection on a different data network in order to ensure the possibility of providing a subscriber and (or) the user of telematic communication services;
- "Exchange Protocol" - a formalized set of requirements for the structure of a telematic electronic message and an algorithm for the exchange of telematics electronic messages;
- "Network Address" - a number of data network numbering resource, unambiguously determines when providing telematics communication services, a subscriber terminal or communication means included in the information system;
- "Spam" - a telematic e-mail, intended for an uncertain circle of persons delivered to the subscriber and (or) to the user without their prior consent and does not allow to identify the sender of this message, including in view of a non-existent or falsified address of the sender;
- "Tariff Plan" - a set of price conditions under which the telecom operator proposes to use one or several telematic communication services;
- "Telematic e-mail" - one or more telecommunication messages containing information structured in accordance with the exchange protocol supported by the interacting information system and the subscriber terminal;
- "Technical ability to provide access to data network" - the simultaneous presence of an unused mounted capacity of the communication node, in the zone of which is requested to connect the user (terminal) equipment to the data transfer network, and unused communication lines that allow you to form a subscriber line of communication between the communication node and user (terminal) equipment;

1. These Rules regulate the relations between the subscriber or the user, on the one hand, and the telecommunications operator providing telematics services (hereinafter referred to as the telecommunications operator), on the other hand, when providing telematics services.

2. The concepts used in these rules mean the following:

"subscriber" - the user of telematic communication services, with which a paid agreement on the provision of telematic communication services is concluded with the allocation of a unique identification code (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement);

"Subscriber Line" - communication line connecting user (terminal) equipment with data communication node;

"User telematic communication services" - a person who orders and (or) uses telematics services;

"Information system" - a set of information contained in the databases and providing its processing of information technologies and technical means;

"Exchange Protocol" - a formalized set of requirements for the structure of the telematics electronic message and the algorithm for the exchange of telematics electronic messages;

"network address" - the number from the data network numbering resource is unambiguously determining when providing telematical communication services, a subscriber terminal or communication means included in the information system;

"tariff plan" - a set of price conditions under which the communication operator proposes to use one or several telematic communication services;

3. With the implementation of the relationship, the Russian language is used.

4. The telecom operator is obliged to ensure compliance with the mystery of communication.

5. In emergency situations, the telecom operator is entitled to temporarily stop or limit the provision of telematics services.

6. To use telematic communication services, the subscriber and (or) the user must apply the user (terminal) equipment that meets the established requirements.

7. The communication operator provides a connection 24 hours a day.

26. Communication operator must:

a) to provide a subscriber and (or) to the user with telematic communication services in accordance with the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, these Rules, License and Treaty;

b) notify the subscriber and (or) of the user at work with subscribers and (or) users, through the media and (or) information systems on the change in tariffs and (or) tariff plans for payment of telematic communication services for not less than 10 days before the introduction of new tariffs and (or) tariff plans;

27. Communication operator is entitled:

possess the provision of telematics services to the Subscriber and (or) to the user in case of violation by the Subscriber and (or) a user of the requirements provided for by the Agreement, as well as in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

28. The subscriber is obliged:

a) make a fee for telematic communication services provided to him and other services provided for by the contract and the term provided for by the contract;

29. Subscriber is entitled:

b) appoint new deadlines for the provision of telematic services with the operator with the operator of communication if non-compliance with the established period was due to the circumstances of force majeure;

30. The user must:

a) to make a fee for the telematic communication services provided to him and other services provided for by the contract;

b) use to obtain telematical communication services User (terminal) equipment and software that meets the established requirements;

31. The user has the right:

a) refuse to pay telematics services not provided for by the agreement and provided to him without its consent;

b) Appoint new terms for the provision of telematics services with the operator with the operator, if non-compliance with the established period was due to the circumstances of force majeure.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007 N 575 Moscow

"On approval of the rules for the provision of telematics services"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007 N 575
(ed. from 03.02.2016)
"On approval of the rules for the provision of telematics services"

Document provided Consultant Plus


Retention date: 07/20/2016

Government of the Russian Federation


On approval of rules

List of changing documents

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Communications" and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the accompanying rules for the provision of telematics services and introduce them to work from January 1, 2008.

2. Subparagraphs "A" - "B" of paragraph 4 of the section of XVI lists of licensing conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of relevant communication services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 18, 2005

Resolution "On approval of the rules for the provision of telematics services"

N 87 "On approval of a list of names of communication services introduced in licenses and lists of license conditions" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2005, N 9, Art. 719; 2006, N 2, Art. 202), shall be amended as follows:

"a) access to the licensee's communication network;

b) access to information systems of information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet;

c) reception and transmission of telematic electronic messages. ".

Chairman of the government

Russian Federation



Decree of Government

Russian Federation


Provision of telematics services

List of changing documents

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 N 93,

from 31.07.2014 N 758, from 12.08.2014 N 801,

from 19.02.2015 N 140, from 03.02.2016 N 57)

I. General provisions

1. These Rules regulate the relations between the subscriber or the user, on the one hand, and the telecommunications operator providing telematics services (hereinafter referred to as the telecommunications operator), on the other hand, when providing telematics services.

2. The concepts used in these rules mean the following:

"Subscriber" - a user of telematic communication services, with which a paid contract for the provision of telematics services is concluded with the allocation of a unique identification code (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement);

"Subscriber line" - a link connecting the user (terminal) equipment with a data network communication node;

"Subscriber interface" - technical and technological parameters of physical circuits connecting the communication tools with the user (terminal) equipment, as well as a formalized set of their interaction rules;

"Subscriber terminal" is a set of technical and software tools used by the Subscriber and (or) by the user when using telematic communication services for transmitting, receiving and displaying electronic messages and (or) formation, storage and processing of information contained in the information system;

"Malicious Software" - software that is purposefully leading to a violation of the legal rights of the subscriber and (or) of the user, including the collection, processing or transmission from the subscriber terminal information without the consent of the subscriber and (or) of the user, or to the deterioration of the functioning parameters of the subscriber terminal or communication network;

"Payment Card" - a tool that allows a subscriber and / or user to use telematics services, identifying a subscriber and (or) a user for the telecom operator as payers;

"User telematic communication services" - a person who orders and (or) uses telematics services;

"Information System" is a set of information contained in the databases and ensuring its processing of information technology and technical means;

"Information and Telecommunication Network" - a technological system intended for transmission over the communication lines of information, access to which is carried out using computing equipment;

"Providing access to information systems of the information and telecommunications network" - ensuring the possibility of receiving and transmitting telematics emails (by the exchange of telematics electronic messages) between the subscriber terminal and the information system of the information and telecommunications network;

"Providing access to the data network" - a set of actions for the application of the subscriber line formation, connecting to the user (terminal) equipment to the data network node or to ensure the possibility of connecting to the data network of the user (terminal) equipment using the telephone Connections or connection on a different data network in order to ensure the possibility of providing subscriber and (or) the user of telematic communication services;

"Exchange Protocol" - a formalized set of requirements for the structure of a telematics electronic message and an algorithm for the exchange of telematics electronic messages;

"Network Address" - a number from the data network numbering resource, unambiguously determines when providing telematics communication services, a subscriber terminal or communication means included in the information system;

"Spam" - a telematic e-mail, designed by an indefinite circle of persons delivered to the subscriber and (or) to the user without their prior consent and not allowing the sender of this message, including in view of the specifying in it of a non-existent or falsified address of the sender;

"Tariff Plan" - a set of price conditions under which the telecommunications operator proposes to use one or several telematatic communication services;

"Telematic e-mail" - one or more telecommunication messages containing information structured in accordance with the exchange protocol supported by the interacting information system and the subscriber terminal;

"Technical ability to provide access to data network" - the simultaneous presence of an unused mounted capacity of the communication node, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is requested by connecting the user (terminal) equipment to the data network, and unused communication lines that allow you to form a subscriber communication line between the communication node and user (terminal) equipment;

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According to the established rules in paragraph 22.1, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007. No. 575, the employer must transfer the communications operator, which provides them with access to the Internet, a list of employees with personal data that use Internet resources in the workplace. We LLC, rent an office and pay this species Services through the landlord, and we do not have a contract with the Internet operator. What form should we provide this information? Conduct an additional contract or apply?


: If the landlord requires this information - provide him with a certified list of employees to transfer these information to the provider. Additional agreements are not required. At the same time, all employees must agree to the transfer of their personal data to third parties.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 31.07.2014 No. Changes were made to the rules for the provision of communication services for data transfer.

The contract with the Subscriber - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, in addition to the data specified in paragraph 26 of these Rules, provides for the obligation to provide an operator with a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur of the list of persons using its user (terminal) equipment, and establishes a deadline for the provision of this list, and It also establishes that the specified list must be certified by an authorized representative. legal entity Or an individual entrepreneur, contain information about persons using its user (terminal) equipment (surname, name, patronymic (if available), place of residence, details of the main document certifying personality), and updated at least once a quarter (p. 26_1 Rules).

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the system of lawyer.

These Rules regulate the relationship between the subscriber or the user, on the one hand, and the telecommunications operator providing telematic services (hereinafter referred to as the telecommunications operator), on the other hand, when providing telematics services.

Designation: Resolution 575.
Name Rus: On approval of the rules for the provision of telematics services
Status: suitable
Text update date: 01.10.2008
Date to add to the database: 01.02.2009
Date of introduction: 01.01.2008
Designed: Government of the Russian Federation
Approved: Government of the Russian Federation (09/10/2007)
Published: Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation № 38 2007
Russian business newspaper number 36 2007
journal "Svyazinform" No. 11 2007

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007 N575
"On approval of the rules for the provision of telematics services"

In accordance with Federal Law "Consessia" and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Pravders" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Record-recognized rules for the provision of telematic communication services and introduce them in the case on January 1, 2008.

2. Subparagraphs "A" - "in" clause 4 of the XVI list of license conditions for the implementation of activities in the field of relevant communication services, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Government of Government of February 18, 2005 N87 "On Approval of the List of Names of Communication Services made by Vlitizios, and License Conditions "(Assembly of the legislastry federation, 2005, N 9, Art. 719; 2006, N 2, Art. 202), shall be set forth the following edition:

"a) access to the licensee's communication network;

b) access to information and telecommunication networks information systems, including the Internet;

c) reception and transmission of telematic electronic messages. ".

Rules for provision of communication services
(appliance. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2007 N 575)

I. Communities

1. Present exploited regulates relationships between the subscriber or the user, from onestone, and telecommunication operator providing telematic communication services (hereinafter referred to as a telematory service), on the other hand, when providing telematics services.

2. The concepts are used in these rules mean the following:

"Subscriber" - a user of telematic communication services, with which a fee for the provision of telematics services with the allocation of unique codidentification (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement);

"Subscriber" is a link connecting the user (terminal) equipment with a data network communication node;

Subscriber Interface - technical and technological parameters of physical circuits connecting the communication tools with the user (terminal) equipment, as well as a formalized set of their interaction rules;

"Subscriber Serial" is a set of technical and software tools applicable and (or) by the user when using telematic communications, reception, reception and display of electronic messages and (or) formation, storage and processing of information contained in the information system;

"Malicious Program" is a software that is targeted to violate the legal rights of the subscriber and (or) of the user, in the number of information, processing or transferring information from the subscriber terminal of information without a subscriber and (or) of the user, or to the deterioration of parameters of the subscriber terminal or communication network;

"Cartoam" is a tool that allows the subscriber and (or) to the user to use theatic communication services, identifying the subscriber and (or) the user of the service for the advantage of the payers;

"Customatic Communication Services" - a person orders and (or) uses telecommunicative communication services;

"Information System" - a set of information contained in the databases and processing information technology and technical means;

"Information and TelecommunicationsNight" - a technological system intended for transmission over lines of information, access to which is carried out using consuming machinery;

"Provide accessibility to information systems of an information and telecommunication network" - ensuring the possibility of receiving and transmitting telematics electronic communication (by the exchange of telematics electronic messages) between the subscriber terminal and the information system of the information and telecommunications network;

"Provides a data transmission network" - a set of actions of the communication operator to form a subscriber line, connecting with its user (terminal) equipment to the data network node to the data network node or to ensure the use of the user data network for the user (terminal) equipment using a telephone connection or connection a different network of transmitted to ensure the possibility of providing subscriber and (or) user communication services;

"Protocolobam" - a formalized set of requirements for the structure of a telematics electronic message and an algorithm for the exchange of telematics electronic communications;

"NEMEADLES" - a number from the numbering resource of the data network, which is unambiguouslying when providing telematical communication services, the subscriber terminal of the relationship of communication included in the information system;

"Spam" - a telematic e-mail, intended for an indefinite Circuit, delivered to the subscriber and (or) to the user without their preliminary statement and does not allow to identify the sender of this message, in the number of indicating a non-existent or falsified addressector;

"Tarhydic plane" - a set of price conditions under which the communication operator uses one or several telematics services;

"Telematic electronic message" - one or more telecommunication messages containing information structured in accordance with the exchange protocol supported by the interacting information system and subscriber terminal;

"Technical capacity to provide access to data transmission network" - At the same time, the unused mounted capacity of the communication node, in the values \u200b\u200bzone, the connection of the user (terminal) of the data transfer network is requested, and unused communication lines, allow you to allow a subscriber line of communication between the communication node and user (terminal) equipment;

The "unified indicator" is a set of letters, numbers, symbols that are unambiguously determining the information system with a format defined for such a network.

3. The correlation of the relationship between the operator with the subscriber and (or) by the user arising from the provision of telematics services of the internal territory of the Russian Federation, the Russian language is used.

4. Operations are required to ensure compliance with the mystery of communication.

Disclaimed subscriber information and (or) communication services can be provided with a subscriber and (or) to the user or their authorized representatives, if not provided for by federal laws or contract.

Obabonent information and / or a user who have become a well-known telecom operator to the contract, can be transmitted to third parties only with the written collisions of the subscriber and (or) of the user, with the exception of cases provided by the proposal of the Russian Federation.

5. Scroll-free situations of natural and technogenic character Communication operator, stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, every time to terminate or limit the provision of telematical communication services. Absoluted state bodies in accordance with the legislative and other formative legal acts of the Russian Federation have the right to priority use of the use of communication.

6. To use telematatic communication services Subscriber and (or), the user must provide custom (terminal) equipment, appropriate requirements.

The obligation to proliferate the user (terminal) equipment and the subscriber-sisterminal is assigned to the subscriber and (or) of the user, unless otherwise managed by the contract.

7. The operator provides a subscriber and (or) the user with the opportunity to use 24 hours a day with the user, unless otherwise provided by the proposal of the Russian Federation or the contract.

8. Operations can not only provide telematic communication services, but also services technologically inextricably linked with telematic communications services are indirect to increasing their consumer value, if a separate license is undecade for this, and they are followed by the requirements provided for in these Rules. The list of services, technologically distinct associated with telematic services of communication and directed by their consumer value, is determined by the telecom operator.

9. Operational Communications is obliged to create a reference service system for feasibility of subscriber and (or) a user with information related to provisional communication services.

10. In system information and reference services are paid and free information and reference services.

11. Operational information provides for free and round-the-clock the following information and certificates services:

a) providing information on telematical communication services provided;

b) providing information on tariffs (tariff plans) to pay telematical services of communication, on the territory of the provision of telematics services (zone service);

c) providing subscriber information on the status of its personal account;

d) receiving otabonent and (or) user of information on technical faults that prevent the use of telematic communication services;

e) Provision of information on the settings of the subscriber terminal and / or user (terminal) equipment to use telematic communication services.

12. The list of free information and reference services provided for in paragraph 11 of these Rules cannot be reduced.

The provision of available information and reference services can be carried out using auto-informators or information systems available in an information and telecommunications network in which the operator provides telematics services.

13. Operator communications independently determines the list of paid information and reference services and their provision.

14. Communication operator is obliged to provide the subscriber and (or) the user needed to conclude and fulfill the contract with information that includes:

a) the name (brand name) of the operator of communication, the list of its branches, their locations and the mode of operation;

b) the requisited operator of the communication license to carry out activities in the field of communication services (hereinafter referred to as a license) and licensed conditions;

c) the preparations of communication services, the conditions and procedure for their provision in accordance with these rules, including the subscriber interfaces used;

d) the range of value of the quality of the quality of the service provided by the data transmission network, which the subscriber is entitled to establish the necessary drugs in the contract;

e) a list of the heaping of advantages and restrictions in the provision of telematics services;

(e) Tariffs Natal communication services;

g) Order, form and tariff plans for payment of telematics services;

h) the reader of the information and reference service system and the unified indicator of the operator's information system;

i) List of services, technologically inextricably linked with telematic communication services of the connection to the increase of their consumer value;

k) List, where the subscriber and (or) the user can fully familiarize themselves with these rules;

l) listed on a voluntary basis additional obligations of the communication operator by the Subscriber and (or) by the user, including:

description of measures that impede the spread of spam, malicious software and the other information prohibited to the dissemination by the legislation of the Russian PEI;

responsibility of telematics communication services to the Subscriber and (or) by the User, using or inaction, promoting spam dissemination, malicious communication and other information prohibited for the dissemination of the propriety of the Russian Federation.

15. Operations are obliged at the request of the subscriber and (or) of the user to provide them with an inexformation provided for in this Regulation, additional information On the provision of telematics services.

It goes to the attention of a subscriber and (or) of the user through the means of mass innovation or a system of information and reference services in Russian (if necessary in other languages) for free in visual and accessible form.

II. Orders Conditions for concluding a contract

16. The coatic services are provided by the telecom operator on the basis of the contract.

17. Agreement is arranged by the implementation of conventional actions or in writing B2 copies, one of which is awarded to the subscriber. The procedure for implementing conceptual actions, as well as their list are set by the offer.

The coating agreement of one-time telematics services in the paragraphs of the collective is accessed by the implementation of conventional actions. Such a contract is considered to be conclusted from the moment the user of actions directed by incolment and (or) use of telematics services.

18. The provisions of communication services with the provision of access to the data network with the use of the subscriber line is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded in writing.

To conclusted with the provision of access to the data network using the Boncent line, a person who has an intention to conclude an agreement (hereinafter referring to), applies to the contract to conclude an agreement (hereinafter referred to).

Obragistration and application form are established by the telecom operator. Operator communicates to notify the applicant about registration of the application for a 3-day term.

The communication operator has the right to refuse the applicant in the reception and consideration of the application.

19. Operations for a period not exceeding 30 days from the date of registration of the application, carry out the availability of a technical ability to provide access to data transmission data. If it is presented, the telecom operator concludes a contract with the applicant.

20. Operational Communications has the right to refuse to conclude a contract in the absence of technical capabilities to provide access to data network. At the same time, the telecom operator is obliged to inform the applicant in writing on time, an unsolving 10 days from the date of the end of the inspection provided for in the 198-owned rules.

In the case of the order or evasion of the telecom operator from the conclusion of the contract, the applicant will be sent to the court with a requirement to coordinate the operator to its conclusion. For proving the absence of a technical ability to provide access to the data network, lies on the telecommunication operator.

21. A citizen, legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, on the one hand, and a telecom operator, the Solid Party, can act as a written form. Wherein:

citizen represents a document certifying his identity;

the representative library makes a document confirming its powers (power of attorney or the corresponding decision of the sole executive body), as well as a copy of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity;

an individual certificate makes a document certifying his identity, and tightness of the certificate of state registration as an individual strength.

The contract concluded by a citizen in order to use telematic communication services for personal, family, domestic and other needs that are not related to exercise is a public contract and is a mandated period. At the request of the applicant, a vectors can be concluded.

22. In a contract, concluded in writing, should be indicated:

a) the date of the apposition of the contract;

b) the name (corporate name) and the location of the telecom operator;

c) the detailed account of the account operator;

d) requisited license operator;

e) Obabonent information:

surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, details of a document certifying personality - for a citizen;

name (corporate name), location, place of state registration - a legal entity;

requisite documents certifying the identity and certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur - for an individual coherent;

e) address settings for user (terminal) equipment and subscription description (when accessing data network using the subscriber line);

g) technical equipment that characterize the quality of telematic communication services (including communication lines in the data network);

h) technologies, in accordance with which telematic services of communications are provided and technologically inextricably related services;

and) tariffs and (or) tariff plan for payment of telematics services in Russian rubles;

k) address of the shipping charge for the telematic communication services rendered;

l) the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties, including the obligations of the Operator's Operator Compliance with the Terms and the Procedure for troubleshooting, preventing the use of telematic communication services;

m) the terms of the contract;

h) Listed liabilities to the subscriber voluntarily accepted on themselves.

23. The following significant conditions are specified in the mapp:

a) compounded telematics services;

b) used subscriber interfaces;

c) tariffs and (or) tariff plans for payment of telematics services;

d) order, term and form of calculations.

24. Operations are entitled to entrust a third party to conclude an agreement on behalf of and for the service member, as well as settlement with the subscriber on behalf of the Operational Communications.

Under the contract concluded by an authorized third party on behalf of and at the expense of the telecom operator, rights and obligations arise directly from the telecom operator.

25. Communication operator is not entitled to impose a subscriber at the conclusion of the contract and (or) to the user to provide other services for a fee.

III. Orders of condition execution of the contract

The rights of the ignition of the parties in the execution of the contract

26. Operations must:

a) to the user and (or) the user with telematic services of communication in accordance with the constative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, these Rules, License and Treaty;

b) notewable and (or) of the user in places of work with subscribers and (or) users, through the media and (or) information systems for the change in tariffs and (or) tariff plans for payment of telematical services of communication at least 10 days before the introduction of new tariffs and (or) tariff plans;

c) appoint an agreement with the subscriber and (or) by the user new deadlines for the provision of telematical communication services, if the non-compliance with the established period was due to the progress of force majeure;

d) eliminate the so-established period of malfunction that prevents the use of telematical communication services;

e) notewable and (or) the user is convenient for them in a way no later than 24 hours about the actions taken in accordance with this Regulation;

(e) renewing telematical communication services to the Subscriber and (or) to the user for the timing of the provision of documents confirming the elimination of debt payments to these services (in case of suspension of services);

g) to ensure the purpose of providing telematical communication services allocation of the subscriber terminal address;

h) Expandments provided for by sub-clause "N" of these Rules;

and) eliminate access to information systems, network addresses of the orUnified pointers of which the subscriber reports to the communication operator in the provision in the form.

27. Communication operator is entitled:

posted by telematical communication services to the Subscriber and (or) to the user in the case of a subscriber and (or) a user of the requirements provided for by the report, as well as in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

the implementation of individual actions of the subscriber and (or) of the user, if takyed effects create a threat to the normal functioning of the communication network.

28. Subscriber:

a) to contribute to the telematic communication services provided to him and other services provided for in full and in the contract provided for by the contract;

b) use to obtain telematical communication services User (terminal) equipment and software that configured requirements;

c) report operator in a period not exceeding 60 days, on the termination of its rule and / or use of the premises in which the user (terminal) equipment is established, as well as the change in the name (name, patronymic) of the residence, name (corporate name) and location;

e) take measures to protect the subscriber terminal from the impact of malicious technology;

e) prevent the dissemination of spam and malicious software from this subscriber terminal.

29. Subscriber:

b) appoint an agreement with the operator of communication, new deadlines for the provision of telematic services, if non-compliance with the established period was due to the circumstances of the Power;

c) Require the elimination operator to eliminate access to information systems, network addresses or unified pointers of which the subscriber reports operating in the agreement provided for by the agreement.

30. The user must:

a) led to the telematic communication services provided to him and other services provided for in full;

b) it is used to obtain telematical communication services Custom (terminal) equipment and software that corresponds to setting;

c) take measures to protect the subscriber terminal from the impact of malicious technology;

d) prevent the spread of spam and malicious software from this subscriber terminal.

31. The user has the right:

a) refuses the payment of telematic communication services that are not provided for by the agreement of the Conducted Agreement without its consent;

b) Appoints the appointment with the operator of communication, new deadlines for the provision of telematic services, if non-compliance with the established period was due to the circumstances of the Power.

IV. The form of payment of calculations for the telematic communication services rendered

32. Fail-coated telematical communication services can be carried out on a subscriber, timeless or combined payment system, by volume of adopted, and (or) transmitted, and (or) sent, and (or) processed, and (or) stored information or on the fact of providing a single service. .

The telecommunications operator is entitled to demand a fee for the provision of telematics services for the period during which the provision of telematics services suspended telecommunications with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Operator communicating to conduct personal accounts of subscribers reflected in the receipt of the communications equipment operator, as well as the write-off of these funds at the expense of telemational communication services provided in accordance with the Treaty.

33. The board is secured by the access control operator to the data network is charged.

Tariff Personal access by operator of access to the data network is established by the communication operator independently, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

34. Uniformity of the consumption of telematics services is established by operator. Accounting communication services consumed by the user is conducted in accordance with the service operator by the Unit of Tariff.

35. Tariffs and (or) tariff plans for payment of telematic services of communication, as well as a cost-free unit of tarifications are established by the telecom operator, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

36. Forwards that use telematic services for personal intercourse, and pruridal and citizens who use telematics services in other sockets can be installed various tariffs and (or) tariff plans for the payment of telematic communication services.

The tariffplan may establish differentiated tariffs for the time of day, dayders, weekends and festive days, by volume of adopted, and (or) transmitted, and (or) sent, and (or) processed, and (or) stored information.

37. Payment services are carried out in Russian rubles in accordance with the subscribed subscriber and (or) by the user with tariff and (or) tariff plan for the payment of telematic communication services.

38. Foundation for invoices to the Subscriber or write-off funds from the personal account. Dimensional telematic services of communication are the data obtained by the installation of equipment used by the telecommunication operator to account for the volume of telematic communication services.

39. Payment services can be carried out using a payment card.

The payment card is contained by the information that is used to communicate the communication operator. Payment of telematics communication services, as well as the following information:

a) the name (brand name) of the telecommunication operator, the telematic services of which can be paid by using the payment card;

b) the size of the payment, which is confirmed by the payment card, or the volume of telemational communication services that the user can receive during its use;

c) terms of payment card;

d) reference (contact) phone numbers telephone numbers;

e) rules of payment card;

e) payment card identification number;

g) a number of topics on the basis of which telematics services are provided.

40. Subscriber and / or user have the right to contact the operator of communication with the requirement of funds made by them as an advance payment, including the use of payment card.

Operator communicating return to the subscriber and (or) the user with the unused balance of funds.

41. The account exhibited by the Subscriber for the telematic communication services rendered to the telematical services is a deduction document, which reflects data on monetary obligationsHabonent and which contains the following information:

a) the requisites of communication;

b) information Obabonent;

c) the calculation reader for which the account is exhibited;

d) a number of the subscriber's account;

e) the data of the inexperienced number of telematic communication services provided for the estimated period of the provision of telematics services, as well as the volume of each telemational communication service provided to the Subscriber;

e) the community for payment;

g) the size of the residue on the personal account (at the advance payment);

h) data dialing;

i) payroll;

k) the amount imposed on payment for each type of telematics services of communication is technologically generally inextricably related services;

l) Types of communication services.

42. Operations are obliged to ensure the delivery of the account to the subscriber to pay for payment of communication services within 10 days from the date of this account.

43. Calculated reader, for which an account for the provision of telematics services, is unable to exceed one month.

44. Completion of the Subscriber Communication operator makes a detail of the account, that is, the provisions of additional information on telematic service provided, for which it can set a separate fee.

45. Subscriber and (or) The user has the right to demand the return of funds paid by the advance payment of telematic services of communication, for the period when there are no use for the use of such telematic communication services not by the fault of ethihabonent and / or user.

V. The procedure for the suspensions of suspension, changes, termination and termination of the contract

46. \u200b\u200bSubscriber at any time in unilaterally Distribute the contract with the cost of providing telematical services incurred by the operator of communication to provide him. The order of one-sided refusal to execute the contract by defined by the language.

47. In cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or in case of violation of the requirements established by the Contract, including the term of payment for telematic communication services, the telecommunication operator has the right to suspend telematics services to eliminate violations, written by the Subscriber.

If the Subscriber eliminates the violation within 6 months from the date of receipt of the written office of the operator of the Operator about the intention to suspend the provision of telematical services, the telecommunications operator is entitled to terminate the contract unilaterally.

48. Posternaya statement of the Subscriber The telecom operator is obliged without terminating the contract to provide the provision of telematics services to the subscriber. At the same time, the fee for the entire period specified in the application, in accordance with the tariff applied for such cases.

49. The indicator providing for the provision of access to the data network to using the subscriber line can be suspended by the written conveyance of the Subscriber in the event of a hiring (former), rent (sublease) of premises, including residential premises, in which the user (terminal) equipment has been installed , for the term of the contract of hire (delivery), rental (sublease). With the employer (subtan), the tenant (subletomer) of the room in which the equipment is installed, may be concluded a contract of action of a hire agreement (delivery), lease (sublease) with the allocation of the forces of the same unique identification code, which was allocated at the conclusion, the action which is suspended, or other unique codidentification.

50. Extracts to the contract concluded in writing, including changes regarding the choice of another subscriber tariff plan To pay telematics services, is issued by concluding such Agreement CDAGOR. The fee for changing the tariff plan from the subscriber is not charged.

51. In case of submission of changes to the Agreement led to the need to fulfill the operators of the relevant work, these works are subject to payment by the party, changes were made at the initiative, unless otherwise established by the Treaty.

52. If theabonent has lost the right to possession or use of the room, in which the user (terminal) equipment is in charge of the contractor. At the same time, the telecom operator, which is the party to this contract, the demand for the new owner of the specified premises is obliged within 30 days a contract with it.

In the case of the specified room, members of the Subscriber's family remained to reside, agreed on one of them with the written consent of other perverts of the family constantly registered in this room.

53. Training of the inheritance provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which includes a room with the installed user (terminal) equipment to provide access to the data network, the telecom operator has no right to dispose of technical means, intended to connect this equipment to the data network.

The person who took the inheritance within 30 days from the date of entry into the inheritance to the Elemental Communications Operator.

Operator communicating within 30 days from the date of registration of the application to conclude with the heir.

If the statement is submitted within the deadline, the communication operator is entitled to ordered methods intended for connecting equipment for targeting access to the data network, at its discretion.

54. The submitting citizen's subscriber in the contract may indicate a new citizen. At the same time, a new subscriber can be a member of the Subscriber's family, registered at the place of residence of the Subscriber or being a participant in overallity to the premises in which the subscriber terminal was installed.

55. Realization or renaming of the Subscriber - a legal entity (for the exception of the organization in the form of a allocation or separation) in the contract may be indicated by the Right and the New Name of the Subscriber - a legal entity. Legalization of a legal entity in the form of allocation or division The question of which the contract should be concluded with whom of the successors are solved in accordance with the fireplant balance, which determines who from the legal entrepreneur will the room with the installed user (terminal) equipment.

Vi. Communication and consideration of claims

56. Subscriber and (or) The user has the right to appeal against the decision and action (inaction) of the Operational Communications associated with the provision of telematics services.

57. The operatories must have a book of complaints and suggestions and to issue it on the first removal of the subscriber and (or) of the user.

58. The inspection of the subscriber's complaint and (or) of the user is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

59. Advanced or improper execution by the communications operator of obligations to board telematic communication services Subscriber and (or), the User before the appeal is a complaint to an operator.

60. Claims awarded in writing and is subject to registration on the day of the presentation of the connection.

Claims of the Robbar associated with the refusal to provide telematical communication services, demolishing or improper performance of obligations arising from the abundance, are presented within 6 months from the date of the provision of telematical services, refusing to provide or invalidate the service for the rendered service.

A copy of the contract (in the case of the conclusion of a contract in writing), the attacks necessary for consideration of the claim to consider the claims in which the evidence of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the contract is presented, and in the case of a claim for damage to damages, information about the amount of damage caused.

61. Claims the operator of communication for no more than 60 days from the date of registration.

On the results of the results of the claim, the telecom operator must inform the subscriber in a written form and (or) to the user.

If a complaint is recognized by the telecommunication operator, the shortcomings identified in the provisions of communication services are subject to elimination within a reasonable period, designated and (or) by the user.

Requirements and (or) of a user to reduce the amount of payment of the provision of communication services, on compensation of expenditures to eliminate flawless forces or third parties, as well as on the return of funds paid for the provisions of the association and compensation for losses caused in connection with the provision of telematics services, recognized Operations are reasonable, subject to satisfaction within a 10-day period from the date recognized recognition.

VII. Responsibility of Party

62. Due to the non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Operational Agreement is responsible to the Subscriber and (or) by the User in the followingLesters:

a) disseminers providing access to the data network using theAbonent line;

b) a violation of the provision of the provision of telematics services provided for by the provision of telematics services;

c) non-appearances of communication services provided for by the Treaty;

d) poor-quality provision of telematic communication services;

e) disruptive restrictions on the dissemination of information on subscriber-citizen who have become a well-known telecom operator due to the execution of the contract.

63. Advance by the operator of the establishment of the established timelines for the provision of telematics services, a citizen subscriber for its choice is entitled:

a) Assign the new term communication operator during which the provisional service should be provided;

b) entrusted telematics services to third parties for a reasonable price and demand for the operator of reimbursement of incurred costs;

c) demand the cost of telematics services;

d) dissolved.

64. Advance of the timing of providing access to the data transmission network Operator The communication subscriber subscriber a penalty in the amount of 3 percent of the board is to provide access to the data network for each day of delay in the beginning to ensure access to the data network, if a higher dimensional is not specified in the contract, but No more than the size of the contract settlement.

65. In the case of the operator of the establishment of the established timelines for the provision of telematics services, the subscriber and (or) the user has the right to demand full compensation for damages caused to them in connection with the violation of the specified deadlines.

66. In cases specified in the subparagraphs "in" and "Mr." of these Rules, a subscriber and (or), customary to require their choice:

a) gratuitous elimination of the shortcomings identified when providing telematics services;

b) appropriate reducing the cost of providing telematics services;

c) reimbursement of expenses to eliminate their strengths or by the forces of third hypocritus identified when providing telematics services.

67. In the case of the telecommunications operator of established restrictions on the dissemination of the subscriber-citizen who have become known in view of the execution of the contract, the telecom operator at the request of a citizen subscriber reimburses damages caused by ethimony.

68. The operator is not responsible for the content of the information transmitted by the subscriber and (or) by the user when using telematical communication services.

69.Abonent and (or) The User is responsible to the telecom operator following cases:

a) non-payment, incomplete or late payment of telematics services;

b) violated the operation of the user (terminal) equipment and (or) of the subscriber terminal;

c) impairment on the connection of the user (terminal) equipment inappropriately established;

d) perfectness leading to a violation of the functioning of communications and communication networks of the communication.

70. In cases specified in subparagraphs "B" - "G" of these Rules, the telecom operator is entitled to contact the court with a claim for damages caused by the subscriber's actions and (or) of the user.

71. In case of championships, incomplete or late payment of telematics services, the Bonent pays the operator to communicate a penalty in the amount of 1 percent of the costs paid in incomplete volume or non-timely paid communication services, if the smaller size is not specified in the contract, for every period of delay, up to the day of repayment of debt, but Not more than the amount payable.

72. In chancepresentations, incomplete or late submission of information for the coating of telematics services, a citizen-subscriber and (or) customer refuse to refuse the execution of the contract and apply to the court with a claim for the returns paid for the telematic services provided by the telematic services and reimbursement of damages.

73. The parties are exempt from liability for non-fulfillment or improper commitment under the Agreement, if they prove that their non-fulfillment of factories occurred as a result of the circumstances of the Power, or the fault of the other party.