VC merges information. Vkontakte merges the data of the FSB and the eashboat: the technology of fabrication of a criminal case for likes and repost

On August 13, the managing director of VC, Andrei Rogozov, published a post, where he stated that free communication is the fundamental value of the social network. He told that "VK" will soon introduce the option that will make user pages available only for friends, the photo albums have already become closed by default, and in the coming days to see who fastened this or that material can only be the authors.

Rogozov complained that investigators often do not understand the context and prefer to immediately initiate criminal proceedings. Recall, on August 6, Mail.Ru Group ("VKontakte" enters into the group) made a call to amnesty the convicts for likes and reposities in social networks.

The publication with reference to the sources in the CPE of the Ministry of Internal Affairs notes that there is a considerable share of the lucavia in such statements. Inquiries, it is always indicated by what article is the investigation, the essence of suspicion and links to the pages of interest.

The example is given by the sensational case of a resident of Barnaul Maria Motubo. August 12, already under investigation, she published pages from a criminal case. From the materials it follows that "VKontakte" provided in advance by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on IP addresses from which Maria came to its page, the history of blocking and name changes.

Explaining this circumstance, "VK" stated that for failure to provide information on official requests, criminal liability is envisaged. The only thing that can make social network is to carefully check requests for compliance with the legislation and find out formal reasons for refusal. "VK" again emphasizes that from texts of requests is not always clear, whether it is about the serial maniac or a careless schoolboy, the repographing meme.

The source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the interview with Dailystorm noted that if the criminal case is already established, the entire Fabul of the case is indicated in queries. In the event that the request is made within the framework of the investigative inspection, then the police writes here, on what basis the inspection is carried out and the user can be brought to justice.

For example, the Robot-Review building publishes a copy of the user information request. The document indicates the article "Placing the materials of the extremist sense" and reference to the user page.

In Barnaul, a sanctioned rally is held in Barnaul in support of Marya. In the city in recent months, they were brought to justice for extremism in the network of still three inhabitants.

Previously, a rapper Oxxxymiron appeared to enter the rally. He stressed that the girl should be saved until she finally had to spoil life.

Reaction in the Kremlin

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Sadkov today declared that he was not aware of the situation in Barnaul before journalists informed him. He called for carefully deal with each special case Individually and do not even double all "under one comb." The sands reminded that during the straight line, Vladimir Putin said: "Common sense needed in every particular business."

Leonid Volkov, who previously headed the election headquarters of Alexei Navalny, published on his tweet proof that VK discloses user data, even without court decree. It provided photocopies of the request from the center "E" in Bashkiria and the Security Service for the Social Security Service "VK".

Oh, and let's still tell us how they respond only to legal requests by the court decision, cannot disclose anything because of the "secrets of the investigation" and withstand the deadlines?
Here see what charm, especially the attack at the end.

- Leonid Volkov (@leonidvolkov) August 17, 2018

The request was sent on January 18 as part of the inspection, which was conducted due to a promotion supporting the "voter strike". The implementation of this action was scheduled for the end of January. The center "E" requested data on activists of the Ufa headquarters, their pages, as well as the pages of this headquarters and the aforementioned action.

VC merges info about users

Materials promulgated by Volkov on Twitter prove that social network simply provided all available information about their users, even their phone numbers and IP addresses from which pages attended.

While wolves did not reveal its source of information. "Medusa" sent him a request, but he still remained unanswered.

It was repeatedly criticized due to the fact that it transmits all the data of its users to special services and the police, and those, in turn, use it for criminal prosecution (even for the reposits).

VK justifies its actions by current laws and calls for changes in the legislation and the amnesty of those who are condemned for the reposites.

But a comment on the news of the Press of the VC, we read and enjoy:

Press service VKontakte:

The fact of the presence or absence of an initiated criminal case from the point of view of legislation does not matter - according to the law "On the police" and the law "On operational-search activities", we must submit the necessary information to the law enforcement agencies to fulfill the powers assigned to them.

All interaction occurs only officially, we always require the provision of all documents on official channels and carefully check each request. Registered inappropriately, requests remain unanswered. IN this case The official written request was obtained. In addition, we note that the request was obtained from the official email address

As we have expressed several times, we consider it necessary to improve the legislation. We advocate the amnesty to unjust convicted users and the decriminalization of such cases in the future.

Wrote in detail. As a VKontakte in illegal tight cooperation with the state helps to plant their users.

This is not an exaggeration.

VK is not obliged to give information on requests of any cop (only by court decision), but they have a special mailboxTo which the cops direct IP / number scans, and they are answered.
VC helps to plant users.

Already a third criminal case for the VKontakte page in Barnaul, but still tell about these two girls.

No, they did not start criminal cases as you might think.
In case, the victim must be, so professional tolerances and pokcs are usually played by people.

This is Anastasia Betner and Daria Isaenko, who learn from the police.
They write statements, because they saw pictures and were very offended.
There would be links to their VKontakte pages so that you could explain to them about good and evil, but what irony - they also had to remove them.

Quote their testimony from the materials of the case:
"All the images that see me insulted me as a believer man, I became very unpleasant from those images that I saw. Images of black children rear me. I felt some hatred and dislike for them, which were passed through images and texts. "

If a person experiences hatred for black because of pictures and texts, he is just stupid (I'm not talking about the choice of police profession), and if it helps to plant innocent people - so more bastard.

And the problem is not that there are people who plant innocent or torture helpless. They will be everywhere and always.
The problem is that in Russia these people have power. But this, sooner or later, will end.

Terms for posts in social networks - long ago not uncommon for Russia, but here's a new precedent: law enforcement agencies are now expressing interest not only to publications, but also to files that users retain from social network In contact with. Ilya Shepelin managed to contact a resident of Barnaul Maria Motubo, which, before the court, was already included in the list of extremists and terrorists for publishing a photo in VKontakte, she faces up to 6 years in prison.