Disappeared shortcuts from the Windows 10 desktop. They disappeared icons from the desktop or from the taskbar, which in this case take

Displaying or hiding icons on the desktop is quite simple in Windows 10. You just need to right-click on the desktop, click " View"and then choose "Display desktop icons"to show / Hide Labels on the desktop. Sometimes you can not see shortcuts and other files on the desktop, even if the display of icons is configured on the desktop. If you have labels with the Windows 10 desktop, you can try a few solutions below.

Check the icon display settings on the desktop

  • Right-click on the desktop. Click View and Display desktop icons. If you have this parameter in order and shortcuts did not appear, then follow the next.

Automatic setup of icons

This method is suitable if, after disconnecting from the external monitor, shortcuts on the desktop are stopped. This option does nothing, but puts back missing shortcuts, which were previously out of the screen review zone.

  • Right-click on the desktop, select View, then click on.

Turn off the tablet mode

When yours windows device 10 is in tablet mode, you can not see your shortcuts on the desktop. Therefore, you need to turn off the tablet mode.

  • Open All parameters > System > Tablet mode And on the right, select in the string " When entering the system" Use desktop mode.
  • Restart the computer and if the shortcuts did not appear on the desktop, right-click on the desktop, select "View", and then "Display desktop icons".

Restore Windows 10 to the previous date

If the labels on the desktop were visible a few days ago, you can try to restore Windows 10 to an earlier date. Contact my guide like.

Create a new user account

If you can not live without icons on the desktop, you can create a new account User. Contact your further manual as.

Surely, many noticed that with the arrival of new operating systems, namely from Windows 8 and 10, after their installation, they were so familiar to all badges: basket, computer, documents. More precisely, they did not disappear, but simply disappeared from users and moved to the "Start" menu, where the tiles were displayed. But, finding these labels in the start, users arose new problem - They could not be back to the desktop. Calling the property of the shortcut, it could be fixed on the taskbar, well, and there was not a word about the desktop in the properties.

As a result, the question is how to return the icons to the desktop and why they disappeared, began to set users more and more. This is not surprising, since these icons position themselves like things that must be on the desktop. So I, always after or after, first, I return to the place of the icons of my documents, computer and baskets.

Return desktop icons back

As I said earlier, the desktop icons did not disappear anywhere, but simply moved to the launch, but this does not fit us, so let's show you how you can return the desktop icons to the place in Windows 8 and 10.

How to return the desktop icons in windows 8

Well, we put the right mouse button at any place on the desktop than we call the context menu in which I choose " Personalization».

Now, in the desktop parameter window that opens, with right side clay on "".

The parameters will open, where in the desktop icon area we remove or mark the name of those icons that will have to be displayed on the main screen. For example, for home computers, I note: computer, basket, user files and control panel. Having finished with the choice of click " Apply"And close the window by clicking on" OK».

That's all, now all the labels returned to their legal places.

How to return my computer icons and my documents on windows 10

Well, everything is clear with Windows 8, let's now understand with Windows 10. The principle of returning the desktop icons is similar to the eight, but some menu items have been changed, therefore, just in case, I will show how to do it in the new system.

To begin with, perform the tighter command as above, causing the context menu where we are clay on " Personalization».

In the parameters, go to the line " Topics"And then click on the first side by" ".

As you can see, no one removed anything, just the developers hid these icons from the eye of users, but left them only in the "Start" menu, which were able to simply choose which shortcuts should be displayed, and which should be hidden.

Enabling desktop icons alternative way

These lines will be useful for those who for some reason does not work "personalization", for example, because of or for any reason. Generally, this setting You can produce through the control panel, going to which the word icons will be prescribed in the search bar. The search results should appear "Personalization", the clatter on which you can restore everything as you need.

Another one alternative way It is the execution of a single command, which will return the desktop icons to our usual place. So, by calling the "Run" menu by combining the "Win + R" keys, copy and paste there, this command: Rundll32 shell32.dll, Control_rundll Desk.cpl, 5 . And confirm the entry by clicking on " OK».

In this way, everything will fall into place if you have any question, or there is something to add, then leave comments and how we usually invite you to join us in

Often enough windows users 10 faced with such a problem as the loss of icons from the main screen of the computer. Such a situation usually arises as a result of the next update of the system, system failures and other incomprehensible causes, for example, after rebooting the PC.

Microsoft representatives could not name the exact reason for the occurrence of the problem and can only recommend several effective ways to solve it. We will try to consider all options in the most detail all the options, and we will help you return the work desk in your previous condition.

Visualization icons

If your computer disappeared icons from the desktop after updating Windows 10 or the usual reboot, then, most likely got lost system settings. They should be checked first and, if necessary, change. It is possible that the visualization of icons is simply turned off in the parameters.

To check it is necessary:

If the tick costs, then try to remove it and put it again. In order for the desktop to change according to the settings, update it using the "Update" context menu or the F5 key.

Creating a new item

If the first method does not help, you can restore the desktop by creating it a new item. This helps in cases where the cause is the "glitch" of the system.

For this we do the following:

In some situations, this pretty simple algorithm is able to quickly correct the problem. If it did not help and the shortcuts are still not displayed, then the object we created should be deleted and proceed to the next item.

Failure of settings

The new menu that appears in Windows 10 has a huge number of settings, many of which may not even know the experienced user. And one of them is a special "tablet mode" - full-screen mode, most likely all your files from the desktop disappeared exactly because of it, and instead there were tiles quick access. It is usually turned on automatically, for example, after updating with more old windows 7/8 for 10tk.

Disable this mode is simple enough:

After that, his state should return to the same and your PC will again be ready for full work.

Fully disappeared desktop on Windows 10

Also, icons (icons, labels) can disappear from the desktop as a result of various system failures, one of which makes itself felt after incorrect completion windows work 10. Usually it happens after the light is blinking when the computer turns off sharply. As a result, some system settings may change.

All you need is to change them back:

Thus, you will return the desktop to the previous state, with all the missing icons and labels.

Invalid work of the conductor

Most people who still use the old woman Windows XP are familiar with this way and some of them probably tried it earlier. If before this "conductor" constantly had to restart the invasion of viruses, today this option is less likely to be less likely, but still has the right to exist.

Let's decide this problem And we will refund our missing desktop:

Thus, you can run the "conductor", which was turned off for some reason, and restore the familiar classic desk on the laptop.

File "explorer.exe"

If the message appears that the file was not detected or the tool is not available, then it's time to check the operating system to viruses and make sure that the file that is responsible for Windows window interface is not damaged.

The action plan is as follows:

If it did not help restore labels (icons, icons) on the desktop, mandatory try to do the following:

I would like to pay a separate attention to the first item, which is why we will analyze it in detail just below.

Registry errors

If you have come to this point, it means that the previous ways did not help you, and this in turn indicates that your desktop disappeared due to errors in the registry. To start briefly, about what it is. The registry is a kind of data database of the Windows 10 operating system. It stores all system settings, program settings, applications and connected equipment (printers, scanners, etc.). And even small mistakes can disrupt the valid operation of the OS.

Therefore, it should also be checked:

After changing the parameters, a black screen appears, which passes in a few seconds.

Additionally, it should be checked using the REG ORGANIZER utility. She will find and fix all the mistakes.

System rollback to recovery point

Another way to return all the icons and icons back to your desktop - roll back all changes in the system, until the moment when all icons and shortcuts are displayed. it effective methodwho will certainly decide the problem that has arisen even if none of the above methods brought due results.

To perform this task you need:

  1. Enter the classic "control panel" by pressing "Win + X" or through the Start.
  2. In the search bar (you can find it in the upper right corner) you need to enter a request "Restore".
  3. In the search results will be displayed by the section we need, go to it.
  4. Run the system recovery by clicking on the appropriate item.
  5. The Wizard "Recovery" opens. To make a rollback and return the normal look of the desktop, you just need to click "Next" and follow the instructions on the screen.
  6. An important step is to choose a suitable recovery point to which rollback should be made.
  7. Choose a point from the list available and click "Next". If you do not know what to do in this case and what point to choose, then you should use the "Search for Software" option. To do this, we highlight the point and click this button.
  8. A window will appear on the screen with a list of utilities that will be affected by system rollback. In the top list you will see applications that will be deleted, and in the lower - those that will be restored.
  9. By choosing a recovery point, press "ready."

After that, the process will be started and Windows 10 will roll back to the recovery point you need.

Based on the available data, you can summarize that it is not difficult to return the old desktop, while not needed specialized knowledge or skills in the computer sphere, since we explained in the most detailed every way each way.

It was time to consider the problem when the icons disappeared from the Windows 10 desktop. This can happen after the next update, and without the apparent reason, for example, after the PC is turned on. Oddly enough, Microsoft representatives never called the exact source of the problem, and only recommend a couple of options for its solution. Another users found themselves.

The simplest method of returning icons on the desktop

First of all, you need to check the system settings. It is possible to visualize the desktop icons is disabled in windows parameters 10.

To check the status of the option, call the desktop context menu, move the pointer to the first point of the drop-down menu and look at the "Display desktop icons" parameter stood the checkbox.

If everything is in order, remove it, then install it and update the desktop status through the same context menu or the F5 key.

Option number 2.

The next elementary accurate problem is the creation of a new desktop item. Open the context menu of the desktop, move the cursor to the "Create" option, click on any object, then click "Enter". Sometimes, so everything falls into place.

After, if the solution did not help, the created object delete.

Display parameters

In the new menu "Dozens" lighted its settings, which even an experienced user does not always know.

  1. We call "Parameters" Windows 10 (climbing Win + I or through the Start context menu).
  2. We visit the System section.
  3. Activate the Tablet Mode tab.
  4. We translate both switches to the "On" position, and then back to the "Off".
  5. We close the window and update the desktop if its condition has not returned to the previous one.

Problems with conductor

XP users are familiar with the proposed way to solve the problem, and some of them, for sure, has already tried the proposed option. If earlier the conductor had to be launched or restart due to the invasion of viruses type Win.32, now this option is less likely, but still takes place.

1. Call the tool called "Task Manager".

2. Using the Start context menu, if it is displayed by combining Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC or any other.

3. In the dispatcher we find the process of the conductor (may be called Windows Explorer) In the appropriate tab.

If it is, call the context menu of the item and execute the "Restart" command.

Or click on the button of the same name, highlighting the process. The latter will be restarted and the problem occurring is likely to disappear.

4. When the start is not displayed, and there is no conductor in the list of active tasks, click "File" and call the "Run" or "New Task" command.

5. Enter "Explorer" or "Explorer.exe" (no difference) and send the system to the system.

You can also run the command in the "Run" window, which opens using a Win + R combination.

In this way, the conductor will be launched, which for some reason did not turn on (the operation of malicious software) or was completed by someone.

Problems with file "explorer.exe"

If a message appears that the file is not detected or the tool is not available, it's time to check the system for viruses and make sure the integrity of the file responsible for the window windows interface 10. Checking system Disk and RAM on malicious programs, then execute the "SFC / SCANNOW" command via the "Run" window or task manager.

In order to check only the status of the file that is responsible for the graphic shell, follow:

sFC /Scanfile\u003dC:\\Windows oscplorer.exe.

In the case when all of the listed tips did not bring the desired result, the following can be implemented:

  • check for Explorer.exe on the path to the above, if the file is missing, you need to roll back / resume the system;
  • buy B. safe mode and check the availability of a problem if there is no - look for a source of a problem in Windows 10 launched services and programs;
  • enable your computer from the last successful configuration - it is likely that it will return it to a normal working condition;
  • replace Explorer.exe on its analogue, for example, copied from a friend who uses the same windows version 10 similar bit, making a copy or by archiving the original and completing the process of the conductor.

Writing about your ways to get rid of the problem. Write in the comments.

New operating room windows system 10, in fact, like other versions of the OS, did not bypass the same problem - the desktop icons disappear with this.

Those. Recently, everything was fine, but after the next launch of the computer, the graphical interface turned out to be empty. All folders, shortcuts, application icons disappeared, only the "Start" menu and the taskbar remained.

Below are the simplest actions that must be carried out primarily in this situation.

First of all, it is necessary to check whether the display of the desktop elements is enabled. Click in empty, free place graphic interface Right-click, go through the item "View" and see whether the check mark is opposite "display desktop icons".

Also, you can try to click on the "Update" button or create a new folder, file and see, they will be displayed or not.

Another way is to make changes to the settings. Go through the next start path - parameters - system. In the "Tablet Mode" section, we try to switch both switches to the "On" position, and then "off" again.

In most cases, these methods help restore the desktop icons.