Speed \u200b\u200bup Windows 7 download time. Acceleration of the computer: how to increase PC performance

In this article, let's talk about speeding up the download of Windows 7 and Windows 8. In Microsoft, it is also concerned about increasing the speed of loading its products and have developed a bunch of interesting things for this. Our task, not to interfere with these things to work. How to do it - below.

1. Loading speed measurement

Before accelerating, you need to decide on the starting point so as not to measure the eye. Find out the exact time for which your download is loaded. operating system You can use the event log.

We open the Start menu, in the search string we write "View". Choose View events

Left go along the way

Application Logs and Services\u003e Microsoft\u003e Windows\u003e Diagnostics-Perfomans

Reveal the only magazine

For convenience, all events we sort by date by pressing the left mouse to the "Date and Time" column. Then find the freshest event with the code. 100 . Double-click on it with a left mouse to view details

In the window that opens, on the General tab, the Windows load duration is immediately seen.

The system is loaded for 145389 ms \u003d 145 seconds.

As part of this article, let's try to reduce the download time.

2. Restoring Windows Settings

The first thing that can and should be done to restore the mechanisms embedded in Widows constantly optimizing the speed of the operating system loading. This can be done automatically using the utility written by Vadim Sorkin - CheckBootspeed. For that he is a low bow.

Download the archive with the utility and unpack.

Come in account Administrator and launch Checkbootspeed.diagcab.

By default, the utility checks the speed of the computer and eliminates the problems. If you do not want the utility to change something on your system - click on the "Advanced" link and remove the "Automatically apply fix" checkbox. Zhmem. Further

The program issues a report in which it can be seen for how much computer loaded last time, the average time of 3 downloads and a lot of useful

After it is proposed to learn about the choice and optimization of SSD disks. Also strongly recommend.

Upon completion of the diagnostics, you will be shown that it was fixed

In principle, this procedure will already restore windows settings By default and with time (if something has been fixed) the download speed will increase. If you want to accelerate now - read further.

3. Bus load

Time until the desktop readiness, we have 84 seconds. That is, the desktop seemed, but it is possible to fully work only after 84 p. To reduce this time, you can deal with programs in autoload.

You can use the built-in system configuration. Find this useful utility You can search in the Start menu

And order all there by shooting ticks on against programs. About this below

It is more convenient for us to use the autoruns utility Mark Russinovich.

Download and unpack the archive.

Run autoruns.exe. and go to the tab Logon.

The figure above shows all programs that are loaded immediately at the start of the operating system. To reduce the readiness of the desktop, we need to reduce their number.

We leave the programs that we really need in the first seconds of work and system Programs. Systems include the manufacturer of which is Microsoft, Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, REALTEK and others. That is, programs and drivers for devices without which the normal functioning of the computer is not possible.

If you do not know what the program is answered, you can use the search for Google or Yandex or do not touch this program at all.

After all manipulations, we got the following picture

Distributed calculations went under the knife (since they will still stand in a pause before computer downtime), seagate utilities, Acronis, Punto Switcher.. Weather (desktop gadgets) We also do not interest us immediately after turning on the computer along with Skype and Picpick.

After removing the necessary ticks (excluded programs from the startup) simply close Autoruns.

Some programs (for example TeamViewer) need to be disabled in the settings of the program itself

After rebooting, open Auroruns again and check the disabled programs.

If any utility prescribes itself in autoloading, then you need to turn it off in the settings. In our case, this is an automatic keyboard switch - Punto Switcher

It is also good to check the Startup Tool in the Start menu. You remove all too much from there

Punto Switcher removed, Evernote left as the necessary program making my memory perfect.

After stripping autoloads, reboot and check the download time

Leaving 9 programs from 19 in the autoload, it was possible to reduce the desktop readiness time to 40 seconds and the total boot time of Windows up to 88 s.

4. Deferred launch of programs

In the previous section, we turned off a bunch of programs in the autoload, but they will still need them in work and they will have to be launched. This can be done manually, but you can make a deferred launch using the task scheduler.

We will make a deferred launch of voluntary distributed calculations 5 minutes after the computer is launched. Task Scheduler You can run from the search menu

Choose Create a simple task

We specify a name and description if necessary

To the question when you choose the task When launching a computer or when entering Windowsand Zhmem. Next\u003e

We choose action - Run the program

The program can be found using the Overview button ... And you can use the above AUTORUNS

Insert the copied to the string and leave only the path to the boincmgr.exe file is preferably in quotes. So as not to chat.

In arguments you can record

To run the program folded in the notification area. Click Next

Put a tick Open Properties window and Zhmem. Ready

In the properties window that opens, go to the tab Triggers. We highlight the only trigger and click Change ...

Put a tick Put on And choose 1 minute. Correct the value to the desired 5 minutes and OK

Just created task looks like this

Now we have automatically, 5 minutes after launching the computer, distributed calculations will be launched.

Similarly, you can disseminate the launch of the necessary programs to speed up Windows loading.

5. Superfetch and ReadyBoot

The utility described above automatically turns on and configures the Superfetch service and the readyboot function. If you want to figure out how to enable them below.

We are looking for the search in the Start menu and run the utility Services

Find Superfetch. We click on it right mouse button and choose Properties

In chapter Type of launch Select from the drop-down menu Automatically. Zhmem. Apply. Zhmem. Run and OK

Thanks to the running SuperFetch service, the function will operate READYBOOT. The latter, at the moments of the system downtime, analyzes which files were in demand during the last start and caches them in RAM for quick access next.

To the ReadyBoot function work is optimally desirable to check the registry settings


This can be done using the registry editor - regedit.

Double click on the parameter EnablePrefetch. And set the value - 3.

Similarly, do and with EnablesUPERFETCH

To apply the changes, you must restart the computer.

After we have turned on the ReadyBoot function, you should not wait for a significant reduction in load time. This is a long process. You need 3-4 times to reboot. And it's not easy to reboot, but a little earlier work, then wait for the inaction of the system for readyboot.

By the way, when the Superfetch service is enabled, you can work with the ReadyBoost function and increase the overall speed of the system.

6. Disk defragment

This section does not apply to solid-state disks (SSD). In the case of the latter, the operating system disables defragmentation as unnecessary. For simple hard drives - HDD and for hybrids - SSHD it is advisable to perform it. And it is desirable to do it automatically.

To defragment the disk, the service service that the same vehicle must work automatically turn on the utility described above

If it is turned off - translate it into a state - Works And set the startup type - Manually.

Then you need to specify a schedule for defragmentation. Open the disk defragmentation utility

If you want to do now to make defragmentation, first press Analyze disk. Wait an end of analysis. Then Disk Defragmenter.

If we want to maximize the loading of the operating system, it is desirable to observe 2 conditions:

  • use built-in Windows Defragmantor
  • keep on a system disk more than 15% free space

15% of free space is necessary for complete defragmentation. Otherwise, only partial defragmentation will occur.

In order to now speed up the download, you can defragment the boot files with the command

defrag C: / B / U

Run command line with administrator rights

we perform the command

Boot files are defraganized.

One of the most simple (and, most likely, the most expensive) ways to speed up the OS load - use as a bootable disk SSD.. Solid-state drives Different with high reading and write speed indicators, if you compare them with traditional hard drives. The incredible difference between the access time characteristic of HDD and SSD in favor of the latter and is the reason for speeding up the system booting system based on SSD: the system gets access to the necessary sectors much faster. If you are interested this feature, It is worth reading the review of the best SSDs on the market.

Result: very noticeable, but it is worth remembering that you have to spend a lot of time to transfer the system from the drive to the drive.

Install more RAM

Another hardware approach to accelerating the system load (and all processes at all) is an increase in the volume of RAM. More RAM modules provide a noticeable acceleration of all actions performed by your system, that is, she has more resources for work and, therefore, its total performance and speed increase.

Optimize programs downloading automatically when system startup

Another common reason that when loading your system is loading - it is a large number of Programs downloading automatically when you start using Windows. A wide range of programs is used to load when running OS in accordance with how they were installed. Such programs have a different nature - from critical programs (antiviruses, system utilities, and so on) to user-defined applications (chat clients, plugins social networks, Utilities of some equipment manufacturers). If everything is clogged with the program icons in the taskbar, it is time to think about to prohibit the automatic launch of some of them, which will speed up the system loading.

In the "Start" menu, you need to enter "msconfig" and look at the drop-down list of programs: they start automatically when Windows starts. Some (for example, antiviruses) are very important and must be launched immediately after loading the OS, but there are a number of other programs (including Skype), which can be excluded from this list and, ultimately, make the boot of the OS faster. But make sure you know what you are doing, in the event of each of these programs.

Result: different. Depending on how many programs are loaded automatically, you can save from a few seconds to several minutes.

Refuse unnecessary Windows services

During Windows start, you download many services that are needed to perform some functions during OS start. Many of them are critical - it is better not to joke with them, but there are also those that are not so needed. You can translate them to the manual mode, and maybe it is possible to refuse them in general, using the SERVICES.MSC system utility (the corresponding request must be entered in the search bar in the "Start" menu). Which of the utilities can be turned off, without fear for the stability of the system? First, it is worth reading about it - and many Internet resources will be useful for this task. These include a wonderful Black Viper website, which includes configuration information applicable to various versions of Windows and distinguished by the degree of stability and optimization.

Result: from insignificant to moderate. This approach Not for the weak spirit, since the disabling automatic launch of some services can adversely affect the stability of the system, but the method is quite eligible for existence.

Change download priority settings in BIOS

This is another way to save some time on the download of Windows. Some default BIOS configurations first check the status of the DVD drive or USB ports to recognize boot disk, Emergency recovery disk system or other boot options. It happens before the OS launches system Disk. You can reduce OS boot time for a few seconds, removing optical drives and USB ports from the download priority list so that the system immediately selected the default system disk for this. At the same time, do not forget to restore the "Download from CD / USB" functions if you are going to use the disk recovery or other drive to download Windows.

Result: moderate. Get to save a few seconds.

The disk fragmentation is that the various parts of the file are scattered along the physical sectors of the hard disk. In practice, this means that it will take more time to gain access to a specific file, since the hard drive head should look for various disk segments longer. The delay of the system loading can be minimal or very noticeable, depending on the degree of fragmentation, although the high-speed characteristics of modern hard disks Level the negative effect of fragmentation. But even taking into account this fact, the regular defragmentation of the Winchester will increase the efficiency of reading and writing operations and, therefore, will increase the speed of the system and reduce the load time - although most likely, slightly.

Result: Minor, but, in general, it is a very useful recommendation to optimize the performance of the entire system and also to speed up its launch.

It is worth noting: Never do the SSD defragmentation. It is not necessary, and many minor read and record operations can shorten the life of a solid-state drive.

Specify the process of completing the work by optimizing the registry

There are not many ways to speed up the process of completing the work, although you can list a huge number of solutions to speed up the system loading. But there are some focuses related to the registry work when using the procedure for completing the OS work faster. It is very simple, but, as in the case of any operation, the system registry, inattention or a small error can lead to the instability of the system. So I warn you: backup copy The system registry will increase the safety of work.

Enter the "regedit" in the search bar of the Start menu to call the registry editor, and then go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTROL directory. Find the variable "waittokillserviceTimeout", the default value should be 12,000 (or 12 seconds). This is the time that Windows is spending on the expectation of stopping the service before it is automatically completed. This value can be set manually by setting it in the range from 2000 to 20,000, that is, setting a lower value, you can speed up the process of completing the work. But it is not always desirable: if there are many applications on the computer, and you have enabled the process of completing the work, applications will use set time To save changes and perform other important operations before closing. If you reduce the time you need, you can encounter well-known problems.

In order to use the following part of this setting, you need to go to the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ CONTROL PANEL \\ Desktop" directory. Check if there is a variable "waittokillapptimeout". If not, you need to create it and set the value of 2000. As in the case of the "WaitTokillServiceTimeout" variable, this variable sets the time during which Windows will wait for the closing of the application before completing it forcibly. It is also worth checking whether there is a variable "autoendtasks", otherwise it should be created and set to 1.

"AutoEndTasks" is responsible for the Windows OS asked or did not ask the User, whether the application will complete the application that does not respond, forcibly or still wait for the completion of the program. The combination of these small tricks will allow Windows to force the work dependent or not responding applications without requesting the response of the user.

Result: moderate.

Create a shortcut "Fast shutdown"

Another way to speed up the completion of the system is to create a "quick completion of work" label, which uses some of the above operations conducted with the registry to create a customized rapid completion procedure. On the desktop it is necessary to create a new label leading to "shutdown.exe -s -t 00 -f". Using this shortcut, you can quickly organize the launch of the shutdown.exe utility using a custom timer (-T 00) and setting the parameters in which the system is forcibly closes the working programs without asking the user (-f). Double click on a new label must run the completion procedure. Make sure the label icon is noticeable on the desktop and placed where you can not click on it by chance.

Hi friends! Today I want to tell about how to speed up computer loading And thereby saving you to save you. You probably noticed how quickly your computer is turned on after reinstalling WindowsBy the way, I wrote this here. All because the installed operating system is still clean and in bus load There is almost nothing else. That's what about the startup, I want to tell you today.

- These are programs and services that are automatically started after turning on the computer. I think you have noticed that the computer is already like and turned on, the desktop appeared, but it is impossible to do anything as the system is shipping. Here it is just launches all these programs from autoload. This is of course useful featureFor example, antivirus, ICQ and other starts in the startup useful programsBut at the same time a lot of garbage starts. This is like Nero service, google services Or Adobe, they are practically not needed and our task to remove them. When I come to someone to watch a computer, I must check the startup in obligatory order. I check it with its special assembly Total Commander.in which the utility is built "Auto Tax Programs".

There are many other programs that you can check the startup, but I'm used to this Total Commander and only use him. You can download it. For example, the autoloader looks like this:

It still has little garbage, since the operating system reinstalled quite recently. I came across computers with such a startup that I was already taken for the head 🙂

If in order to clean your garbage system you will use Total Commander, which can be downloaded on the link above, then do it:

Accelerate the loading of PC

1. Swing, unpack and run.

2. When it starts, in the window above there will be the "Optimization" tab and choose "Auto Tax Programs"

3. You will make such a window, as I have above. In this window, you need to shoot ticks from programs and services that do not need you think. But my advice to you, if you are not sure, it is better Do not take a tickAnd then you can make business 🙂 I can not say for sure that you need to remove, since I do not know what you have installed.

4. After you removed all unnecessary, click the "Save" button and restart the computer to look at the results.

However, it does not matter which program you will clean the startup, there is even standard remedy In Windows. You can call it by completing the command. The main thing that I wanted to say is that cleaning and periodic testing of autoloading will help your computer will turn on and operate faster. Good luck!

PC is a complex electronic technique. So that everything worked at the desired level, you need to make the necessary parameters in the system settings.

It is from the wrong settings that most often, the computer can slowly work or hang. Setting different programs It is important to watch carefully if you are not offered additional applications, they can also slow down the system.

Working at the computer, I want all transitions to folders and files instantly, the same applies to the Internet. But it happens that for this you need to wait a few seconds, and when the program is loaded, even a few minutes. Let's figure out why this happens and what to do to normalize the process of working the computer.

Why accelerate PC

Having attached a little effort, and having spent once around the hour of time, you can significantly speed up the work of the PC.

This will give you the opportunity:

  • more good time;
  • before performing work;
  • less nervous;
  • work more efficiently.

Under acceleration meant:

  • fast folder opening;
  • quick program launch;
  • fast transitions on tabs in the browser, etc.

What gives acceleration system

If Windows 7 is used, then the question of the expediency of acceleration is always relevant. Not all users take into service a complete set of features of this system.

Therefore, the rational step will be accelerating the operation of the system by turning off unused programs. At the same time, such an acceleration allows you to free up system resources and transfer them to the execution of user tasks. As a result, it is possible to work more complex programs and a significant reduction in time processing. Such a priority shift allows you to more accurately comply with the goals of the owner of the computer.

Video: how to speed up the computer

Methods, how to speed up computer performance on Windows 7

Before you speed up the speed of the computer, you need to decide on those tasks that it will perform. In this regard, you can choose several ways to help improve productivity. They all mean exemption from use unnecessary applications, services, gadgets and programs.

SAME effective ways are:

  • disable graphical interface effects;
  • removal unnecessary programs From autorun;
  • stopping the work of unused services;
  • remove unnecessary files from the desktop;
  • disabling gadgets on the desktop;
  • cleaning the registry.

Clean the program in autorun

To clear the autorun and speed up the system, it is necessary:

Stop working unused services.

For this operation, you need to include those programs that you will constantly use ( text editor, player and others) in order to activate the necessary services.

This will allocate what is necessary for work:

Cleaning registry

This way will speed up performance Windows 7 is the easiest, if used for this purpose special program. For example, it is suitable for this cCleaner program. It will allow you to painfully part with unnecessary garbage not only in system Registry, but also in other places of the computer. The work of this application is simple:

Defragment HDD.

This operation, roughly speaking, collects in one bunch of scattered files. After that, the system is easier to find them.

To start the defragmentation procedure, it is necessary:

In the window that appears, you first need to select the analysis, and then, by the results, perform the necessary actions. Defragmentation must be made before accelerating the inclusion windows Computer 7 other ways. It happens that this procedure can reduce for a long time of inclusion.

Delete files from the desktop

For quick operation of the system important condition There will be a clean desktop. The fact is that Windows 7 constantly draws attention to files, folders and shortcuts that are directly lying in this place. Basically, they are constantly present in the memory of the computer as an unnecessary ballast.

If large-size films are placed on the desktop, folders with a large internal structure and other files, then they must be moved to a logical disk. This method is well accelerating the operation of the old computer, which is cluttered with files.

Visual effects

Any colorful transitions and animations in the computer work affect its speed. Therefore, it is worth finding a golden middleness between beauty and productivity or completely make a bias.

To disable effects, it is necessary:

Slow computer load when shutting down / turning on what to do

To answer the question: how can accelerate download Computer, you need to pay attention to the paging file. Before completing the work, the system always removes it and it takes a lot of time. Therefore, a radical way will turn off this operation.

To disable this feature you need to do the following:

As a result, it turned out that we set 0 seconds to execute the file deletion operation. After the fact, the file simply remains untouched.

To speed up the system loading, you need to produce the following operations:

Increase RAM

Adding to an existing voltage of RAM is simple way Enhance performance. The minus is that they will have to spend money on the purchase.

This method globally increases the speed of work not only operating system, but also all programs in general. But if Windows 7 has critical errors, this method is unlikely to help. It must be used only when the remaining methods did not give the desired result.

Selection of video card

Noticeable performance improvement will be when installing a more powerful video card. It will work faster and does not take a lot of resources from the system. You need to pay attention to the amount of your own memory in the video card than it is more, the better.

It is also worth noting that powerful video cards need separate nutrition. They consume an impressive amount of energy compared to the computer. Therefore, you need to make sure that the power supply will endure such a load.

Check for viruses

The most common problem of reducing computer performance is to infection with its viruses. They can get into the system mainly via the Internet, or by means of removable media.

For constant connection The Internet needs a constant work of the antivirus program. If it is not, then you need to regularly check the system for viruses. On the Internet, the speed of which is large, the viruses are much easier to get into the system. therefore antivirus program Must be alert. This article should help configure Windows 7 on maximum productivity. Regardless of the computer parameters, these tips will help ensure stable operation. After the actions of the actions, which are described above, will be a guaranteed improvement in the speed of operation.

When working on performance, it is worth it to keep in mind the features of each computer assembly. Imaging changes to the registry must be extremely careful not to delete data without which the system will stop working.

User's question


Tell me why my Windows 7 is running normally, everything opens and boots. After 2-3 weeks, it seems to be replaced: the computer starts loading for a long time, the conductor reluctantly reacts, all work somehow slowly goes.

Is it possible to optimize and speed up the system, without its systematic reinstallation, so that it quickly worked, as after reinstalling the system?

Good day.

Pretty typical behavior of Windows, and, by itself, the seven here is not to blame, the same would be, for example, with a dozen ...

The fact is that over time in Windows accumulates a large number of "garbage" (temporary files, cache, etc.), new programs prescribe themselves in autoload, all sorts of gadgets appear, etc. - all starts "there" rAM, load the processor, disk subsystem, which ultimately affects performance.

In this article, I will give some of the most important recommendations to optimize and speed up the system. (By the way, options with upgrades, for example, in the form of a purchase of additional races of RAM or SSD disk, I do not consider the article).

9 steps to eliminate brakes and speeding Windows 7

Description of the problem:

As already said above, with time, as programs are installed, some of them prescribes itself in Windows startup and starts each time the computer is turned on. All would be nothing, but some of these programs are sufficiently demanding to resources and affects the boot rates of the PC, sometimes significantly.

I want to pay special attention to UTorrent. If you have a lot of torrents and the program is in autoload, then Windows can be downloaded for tens of seconds longer!


Logical and simple - you need to open the settings of the startup and remove it all too much and not needed. In general, in my opinion, in the autoload you need only those programs that you use absolutely each time the computer is turned on.

To view the startup in Windows 7 - click the Win + R key combination, then enter the msconfig command and press ENTER (example below).

By the way, check windows startup and delete extra programs From computer, special utilities can help. One of these is CCleaner (an example on the screenshot below). Pretty convenient: To view a list of autoloads in CCleaner, just open the menu.

Services: what can be turned off

Description of the problem:

By default, Windows includes sufficiently many services that take up the RAM and one way or another affect performance. (I must note that the disconnection of "superfluous" services is particularly noticeable on low-power PCs with small quantity random access memory).

For example, if you do not have fax - Why do you need this working service, or print Manager - If there is no printer?


Optimization in this step is to disable those services that are not needed on your PC. To disable some service, you must open their list. To do this, press the key combination Win + R.Enter services.msc., click OK..

Next, select any SERVICE: its description appears on the left. To disable the service - open it double-clicking the left mouse button (in your example I chose update centre ).

Then in the "Startup Type" column, put the option "disabled", and then click the "Stop" button. Thus, you will stop the service, and it will not be launched more.


Do not disconnect everything in a row, some of them are needed for normal operation of the system. In any case, before making changes - read the description of the service, is the meaning understandable. In general, (backup) - if suddenly what, calmly roll back ...

What services "can" disable in Windows 7:

  • Windows CardSpace;
  • Windows Search;
  • Offline files;
  • Network Access Protection Agent;
  • Adaptive brightness adjustment;
  • Windows archiving;
  • IP Support Service;
  • Secondary entry into the system;
  • Grouping network participants;
  • Dispatcher automatic connections remote access;
  • Remote Access Connection Manager (if there is no VPN);
  • Network Participants Manager;
  • Magazines and performance alerts;
  • Secure storage;
  • Setting up a remote desktop server;
  • Smart card removal policy;
  • Software Copy Software (Microsoft);
  • Listener of the home group;
  • Windows Event Collector;
  • Network entry into the system;
  • Tablet PC input service;
  • Download service windows images (WIA) (if there is no scanner or fotika);
  • Planner Service Windows Media. Center;
  • Smart card;
  • Shadow copying of volume;
  • Node of the diagnostic system;
  • Node of the diagnostic service;
  • Fax;
  • Host a performance counter library;
  • Security center;
  • Centre windows updates (I recommend to disconnect for a while. And the update is carried out in manual version, because in auto-mode often this service creates a high load, due to which the PC slows down).

Cleaning garbage from the system

Description of the problem:

No matter how carefully used their Windows, it's all the same, with time, a large amount of garbage accumulates in it: old tails in the registry from long remote programs, temporary files remaining when installing some software, browser cache, etc. All these files, as accumulated, begin to affect the performance of the system as a whole.

Sometimes, the user has such a "garbage" accumulates for several tens of gigabytes!


To not repeat here and do not paint, like that, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with my instruction (link is slightly lower).

Unnecessary visual effects

Description of the problem:

Windows 7, compared to Windows XP, has become more beautiful: effects, shadows, Aero, etc. But all this affects the performance of the computer (very noticeable on weak machines).

To the same problem can be attributed gadgets (Small windows on the desktop, which can inform you about the weather, currency rate, etc.). They appeared just in Windows 7 - and everyone became actively using them. Meanwhile, they are rather demanding to the system ...


Regarding gadgets - They are enough to close, and they will disappear from the desktop (no longer consume your resources). The same weather and currency exchange rate are also convenient to recognize in the browser ...

As for visual effects - To configure them, open at:

Control Panel \\ System and Security \\ System

In the Advanced tab, open the speed parameters (see screen below).

In the tab "Visual effects" Remove the checkmarks from those effects that you do not need. To maximize system acceleration - put the slider to the "Provide best speed"Next, save the settings.

The appearance can be somewhat spoiled, but the system will become much more responsive.

Drivers: whether everything is fine with them

Description of the problem:

Driver - Drive Return! Very much depends on the driver version. For example, those drivers that are installed in the system together with Windows are far from always working optimally (for example, lAN card It can not work on all its capabilities (with reduced speed), the driver on the video card cannot be configured at all, etc.).

In addition, you can not be installed in the system at all drivers to part of the equipment (as in the screenshot below). By the way, to look at what equipment there is no driver - open (Keyboard the Win + R keys, then enter the DevmGMT.msc command).

There are no drivers to: a video card, a network controller, an Ethernet controller, etc.


  1. Best option: download drivers from the manufacturer of your computer / laptop. You can also use a disk with drivers, which went with a PC when purchased (if preserved 👌). If you do not know your equipment, you can use.
  2. You can use. My site is dedicated to them several articles, one of the links in front of you ...
  3. If possible: I recommend checking several versions of the drivers (especially on the video card). Often happens that more old driver Works better than new.

Power settings

Description of the problem:

This problem is characteristic of laptops, netbooks, etc. Compact gadgets running from the battery.

The fact is that there are several modes of operation: economical (when to the detriment of performance, the laptop saves energy for longer operation from the battery), normal, and high performance.

And by default, most often the usual (balanced), or economical ...


Control Panel \\ Equipment and Sound \\ Power

Selection of the Power Plan // Windows 7

For a detailed setting of the power supply: First, click the "Setting the Power Plan" (opposite the selected power mode), then open the "Edit Ext. Power Parameters" link. Next, you can disclose the necessary tabs and configure each parameter separately.

For example, you often need to configure the work hard disk (To ban it to stop), or adjust the brightness of the monitor (remove the adaptability), etc.

In addition, power parameters can be set in special utilities. For example, these are found on sony laptops, Acer, Lenovo, etc.

As a rule, you can open their settings through an assistant in the tray, next to the clock (screen below). If there is nothing like this, check the panel windows management.

Indexing files

Description of the problem:

By default, Windows 7 includes indexing the contents of files for more quick search (for example, enter some phrase from text FileAnd Windows finds you on the disk. Conveniently!).

But I noticed that 10% of users are used by this feature. So if it does not need it, but eats decent disk subsystem resources, maybe it should be turned off?


To do this, go to My Computer, select the disk and open its properties.

Disk defragment (speech only about HDD)

Description of the problem:

Defragmentation is the process of redistribution of files on the disk so that they are located in continuous areas (so that they can be read faster from the disk).

If you do regularly defragmentation of the hard disk (HDD) - then the read speed and file recording will be slightly higher (especially, fragmentation is subject to file system FAT 32). You can learn more about defragmentation on.


Is it necessary to turn off the PC if there is sleep mode

Description of the problem:

Many users for some reason do not use sleep mode, hibernation, etc. Computer transformation varieties / laptop in low power mode. Turn off the computer completely even when they are going to turn it on again in an hour or another ...

Meanwhile, sleep mode allows you to quickly restore your work, literally in 1-2 seconds. Thanks to which, you can save a time tool.


It is enough to press the Start button, then select from the option of completing the work "Sleep" (as on the screen below). If you do not have this option - most likely the problem with the drivers (wrote about it above).

Note: In the power settings in the Windows control panel, you can configure how time to translate the computer into sleep mode (example below).

Here are such modest tips to help make your Windows 7 faster and responsive (checked more than once on their PCs 👌).