The Internet does not turn on automatically. Auto connection internet

2016-09-07 September 7, 2016 Internet and network 13 46026

Good time dear reader! If you do not have a router that independently installed the Internet connection (via PPPOE, L2TP, PPTP) and each time you turn on the computer, you have to manually connect to the Internet, then you probably would like to make this ritual automatic. In this article, we will deal with how to implement it in Windows 10 using the "task scheduler".

Step 1 - Run the task scheduler

And so to start the task scheduler, we will use the search bar on the taskbar. For this in the search field, enter the "Task Scheduler" and in the search results you will see the application you need, as shown in Figure 1. Click on it. To go to the next step.

Figure 1 - Task Scheduler Start

Step 2 - Create a task

If you did everything right, you will see the window, as shown in Figure 2. And so, in this step you will need a login and password from your Internet provider, usually it is specified in the contract. As well as the name of the connection through which you are this moment Connect to the Internet.

Figure 2 - Task Scheduler

In the first step, specify the name of the task: in the Texto field the name, enter the name, such as "Automatic Internet Connection" and click Next.

Figure 3 - Creating a simple task

After that, in the second step, we need to answer the question of the wizard, how often do we want to run the task? Here you select the item when entering Windows, as shown in Figure 3. And again click on the Next button.

Figure 4 - Trigger

And in the next step "Action", select the item "Run the program" and click the Next button.

Figure 5 - action

Finishing step, in the "Program or Script" text field, enter the following:

For 32-bit systems

C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ rasdial.exe

For x64-bit systems

C: \\ Windows \\ syswow64 \\ rasdial.exe

Next, in the "Add Arguments" field, enter: Password_nate login password. Specify the connection name through which you connect to the Internet If it contains spaces, take it in quotes and, accordingly, enter the login and password from your Internet provider via space. As shown in Figure 6. After that, click Next and the button is ready.

Figure 6 - Starting the program


If you did everything correctly, the next time you turn on the computer, on the screen, a black window will appear for a few seconds, after which it will happen automatic connection to the Internet. It is worth noting, this method Does not work when leaving the sleep mode.

This instruction will greatly facilitate the life of users of operating systems. Windows 7. and Windows 8. PPPoE connected to the Internet. Connection technology can be like ADSL or FTTB., so I. Gpon. in case if optical modem configured in bridge mode - Bridge . Each time after turning on the computer, you have to go to network connections and run the Internet connection manually. I will tell how to make an automatic internet connection.
So, the procedure:
1. We go B. Network and Shared Access Control Center. ()
2. On the right side we are looking for a link in the menu Change adapter settings And click on it.
3. Right-click on the desired high-speed connection and select the menu item Properties.
4. Select the tab Parameters And remove flags Display connection progress, Request a name, password, certificate etc..
5. Click the button OK.
6. Again with the right mouse button on a high-speed connection and select the item Create a shortcut. The system will tell you that it can create a shortcut only on the desktop - agree with this and click Yes. On the desktop the label will appear High-speed connection to the Internet.
7. Open menu StartAll programs. We are looking for an item. Click on it right-click and select the menu item - Open.

8. Drag / fold the created shortcut connection from the desktop in the open folder. To the question of Windows - copy or move - click Move.

Now every time with download windows You will automatically connect to the Internet .

  1. How to make an automatic internet connection In the absence of my router? My computer has installed two Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems, the Internet services provides Beeline provider, I want to connect automatically when the Internet is turned on automatically, for example, I turn on the computer and the Internet connected itself, and you do not need to press any Beeline labels. Himself, I tried numerous recommendations from the Internet, but did not help: 1) created a task using the task scheduler. 2) Created a BAT file (batch file) and placed it in the "Auto-loading" folder at C: \\ ProgramData \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup. 3) Created a switched connection and everything is useless. Especially alarming Windows 8, according to rumors, in it without a router to make such a connection is not at all possible.
  2. Hello Admin, Be kind, tell me, how to make an automatic internet connection When you start the Windows 8 operating system, the most important thing is that this method be simple and approached all existing Internet providers, for example: Beeline,, MTS, and so on.

How to make an automatic internet connection

Hi Friends, I often have to drag into my friends and after installing the operating system to configure the automatic Internet connection. In today's article, I will show you how it can be done if you have not bought a router. In fact, there are a lot of options and one could write with dozen instructions, but almost all of them are inoperable in the new Windows 8.1 operating system.

But there is one universal, and most importantly simple way working with all providers and in all the most common operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 8, and even Windows XP. We will use little-known windows features, RASDIAL command, it is it that performs an automatic dialing for Microsoft customers.

Note: After successfully creating an automatic connection of the Internet, thump and your Opera, Mozilla or Google Chrome. Also will start automatically!

We will create a string parameter in the registry and indicate in it the name of our provider, login and password, then reboot and automatically log in.

So, before work, just in case, create a system recovery point, then click the right mouse button in the lower left corner and select "Run",

we enter the command "Regedit" in the input field and click OK.

We are in the registry, here we find the section responsible for autoload

For all users:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Run

or for the current user:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run

In my case for the current user

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\RUN.

Click on an empty place section with the right mouse and select Create -\u003e String Parameter,


The method works on 8.1, only under the condition that the connection name consists of one word.

Will work - Beeline

Will not work - Beeline Internet.

Click on the right mouse you just created and choose to change,

then, if your Beeline provider, in the value field, write:

rASDIAL SPACE "The name of your connection in quotes, which can be viewed in the center of network management and shared access-\u003e Change the adapter parameters, for example Beeline,"

Many providers worldwide offer their Internet services through the so-called high-speed PPPoE connection (Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet). To communicate with the Internet via PPPOE, providers usually give their clients a unique username and password that are necessary to connect to their networks.

The lack of PPPOE is to run the connection manually each time after the computer is turned on. This is an annoying inconvenience, which many users would like to forget once and forever. In this article, I will talk about the settings with which the computer with such a connection will be connected to the Internet automatically during startup.

1. Launch task scheduler

First of all, we need to launch a regular task scheduler. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to use the system search window. Enter the first few letters key queryAnd then click on the "Task Scheduler" element in the search results.

In Windows 10, the task scheduler can also be run from the Start menu: All applications \\ Administration ToolsWindows.

In the control panel, it is located on the next way: Control Panel \\ System and Security \\ Administration.

Regardless of the selected method, as a result, you will see this window:

2. Planning an automatic connection when entering the system

Now we need to schedule an automatic connection to the Internet each time you enter the system.

In the task scheduler window on the right click "Create a simple task."

In the task creation wizard window, enter the name of the task, for example, Avtodozon. You can also enter a description, but it is not at all. Click "Next".

Next, you need to choose when our task should be performed specifically. Since our goal is that the PPPoE connection is automatically connected to the Internet each time you enter the system, select "when entering Windows". Click "Next".

The penultimate stage of creating a task is the choice of action. We need the PPPoe connection to start automatically with Windows. Accordingly, choose "Run the program". Click "Next".

And now Sameya an important part Process - setting up the script that will be performed automatically.

In order for the system automatically connected to the Internet via PPPoE, you must enter the following information:

  • In the program or script field, enter the command rasdial.
  • The "Add Arguments" field (optional) must contain the connection name (in quotes), as well as the username and password with a hyphen in front of them. For example, suppose your PPPoE connection is called Wwwand for connecting to it you use the username Ivan. and password 123456 . In this case, you must add the following arguments: " Www "Ivan 123456..

Field Work folder»Leave empty.

At the final stage you will see short description Created task. We click "Finish."

After closing the wizard, you will be returned to the main job scheduler window, where you will see that your task has been added to the list of other scheduled tasks.

3. Restart the computer and check

Finally, restart the computer to check the result of your actions. If all the steps were executed correctly, after rebooting the system should connect to the Internet automatically. Please note that from now on, each time the login log, the console window will appear on the screen, signaling the start of the connection process.

Excellent day!

Tired manually connect the Internet? Every day it is spent ~ 15 seconds, multiplying on 365 will be 1.5 hours! In an hour and a half of your life, you spend at such a useless occupation. Let's optimize it a bit, eh?

What needs to be done in order to automatically connect the Internet when the computer is turned on (the way for Windows owners). Will the method work on Linux, Mac OC, etc. - There was no need to check the need.

Little lyrics: Connecting an Internet manually, the average user spends about 15 seconds. Suppose it does it daily. In the year, 365 days, multiply, it comes out: 5475 seconds, or 1,5 Hour! Is it really possible to spend with a greater benefit?

So, there are several options Automatic Internet launch on Windows 7.

Recipe number 1.. or "banal." Everyone writes about him, and you probably saw his variety on other Ineta's buds. Anyway, here it is:

1. Connect to the Internet (in the settings you need to put a daw on the "save password")

2. Then go to " Network connections", We are looking for a" virtual private network VPN "and clicking the PCM on the Internet icon. We go to the "Properties", item "Parameters. (Screen below). Exhibiting similar connection settings. Click "OK"

3. I again click on the Internet icon, but this time I do not go to the "properties", but click "create a shortcut". Or stupidly dragging the icon itself to the desktop, closing for this LKM. Never mind.

4. We go to the startup (located at the "Start" address - "All Programs" - "Autoload", that on Windows XP, that on the seven - the same)

5. Restart the computer.

Recipe number 2. It assumes the creation of a file with extension.Bat and the subsequent throwing on it (again) in the autoload.

At the same time in the file itself it is necessary to register next line (Naturally replacing current values \u200b\u200bin your own):

@START RASDIAL CON 000 111\u003e NUL

Son - you need to change the name of your connection, the numbers "000" - on the login, and "111" to the password.

Add: Work through the usual notebook, then when saving a document, change the extension on V.Bat

Automatic internet launch in Windows 7. Method number 3.

Previous methods let both workers, but they are not entirely correct. Introducing the "right" solution to the means of the Windows itself! (Tadadadam, drum fraction)

We go into the control panel, item "Center for network management and something else",

after clicking the LKM in the left menu (as in the picture below), click on the "Change of Adapter Settings"

Step 1. In the list of icons, we are looking for your own online. PCM on it, properties, "Parameters" tab, put a tank to "request a password name", the rest can be left blank.

Step 2. Through the control panel go (here I apologize, I finish an article from the tablet, items may be called a little different). In short, in the "Security Center, then" Observer Properties ", interests the Connection tab. It is necessary to put a daws in front of "always use the default connection". Then, in the settings, put a tank: "Automatic definition of parameters".

If the login with the password coincided, then everything is OK, save the changes. Mission accomplished.