undeclared capabilities. Undocumented features Undocumented features of windows

Is it possible to create a registry key that will be visible in Windows as part of the active (enabled) registry, but not visible to programs that work with the inactive (disabled) registry? It turns out that if you have the ability to change only one kernel variable (for example, using a driver), then yes, there is a way.

Why is this needed?

Hiding registry keys from programs that work with an inactive registry, while maintaining the ability to work normally with these keys standard means The Windows operating system (as part of the active registry) can be used to achieve two goals:
  1. hiding changes made to the registry from forensic investigation (for example, hiding keys of a certain service that will be correctly read and used by the Windows operating system during the boot process, but will not be visible to third-party programs that work with an inactive registry during the drive investigation);
  2. hiding changes made to the registry from preboot integrity control (for example, making such changes to registry keys that will not be visible to trusted boot modules during integrity control, but will be visible to the Windows operating system itself).

How does this happen?

The Windows registry consists of two parts: a volatile part (registry keys and values ​​that will be lost after disabling the hive due to the fact that they are not saved to a file; example: the "CurrentControlSet" key of the "SYSTEM" hive), a non-volatile part (synchronized with registry hive file).

Since it is necessary to ensure the integrity of the saved data while writing the non-volatile part to the hive file (for example, in the event of a power failure that interrupts data write operations), the Windows kernel uses registry journaling - the data being written is first saved to a log file (this file is located in the same directory as main file and has the extension ".LOG", ".LOG1" or ".LOG2") and only then to the main file of the hive (if the write to the log file is not completed successfully, then the main file will remain intact and untouched, and if the write to the the main file does not complete successfully, its integrity can be restored using the log data that was successfully written before the failure).

The suggested way to hide keys (and their values, as well as other elements) is to store the corresponding data only in the log, and not in the main registry hive file. Third-party programs that work with an inactive registry will, in the vast majority of cases, ignore the log file(s), and therefore registry keys stored in the log, but not in the main file, will be invisible to these programs. The Windows kernel, on the other hand, uses the log to restore the integrity of the hive when it mounts, so the keys in question will be visible to the kernel, and thus to other running programs.

You can use the debugging mechanism introduced in Windows Vista to block writes to the main hive file. To understand the essence of this mechanism, it is necessary to consider the logging scheme introduced in Windows Vista.

Logging to Windows Vista

On Windows XP and earlier Windows versions each non-volatile registry hive has one main file and one log file. The exception to this rule is the SYSTEM hive on Windows 2000 and later. early versions Windows, which is mirrored (to a file named "system.alt") rather than journaled, to simplify the loader code (which must load the specified hive into memory) and not add support for restoring from the journal (mirroring refers to writing data one by one to two main files, which as a result will have the same logical structure of keys, values, and other elements).

Logging occurs by compact (without alignment by offsets) saving to the log file data to be written to the main file along with a structure - a bitmap of sectors of the main file, which allows you to determine at what offsets you need to write data blocks from the log file to the main file. If it is determined when the hive is mounted that the write to its main file has not been completed, then the blocks from the log file will be read, the offsets of these blocks in the main file will be determined (using a bitmap), and then these blocks will be written to the main file, thus completing the previously interrupted recording due to a failure.

Such a scheme has a significant drawback - if an I/O error occurs during writing to the main file (for example, due to an attempt to write to a bad sector), then further hive synchronization operations with the main file will be impossible until the computer is restarted (even if if the bad sector is neutralized by sector remapping at the driver level file system or storage). This is due to the fact that logging clears the log file of old data each time, which means that a write error to the main file will lead to a violation of the integrity of this file, and a new attempt to synchronize the hive will require erasing data from the log, which remains the only way to restore the already broken the integrity of the main file.

Therefore, if such a log erasure is allowed, it is possible that a new failure will break the integrity of a single log file, while the integrity of the main file was violated by a previous failure.

Logging since Windows Vista (up to Windows 8.1)

To solve the problem of synchronizing the hive with the main file in conditions of repeated failures, a double logging scheme was implemented. In this scheme, each main file corresponds to two log files (with extensions ".LOG1" and ".LOG2"). The default is the first log file (".LOG1").

If an error occurs while writing to the main file, then the log file is changed (from ".LOG1" to ".LOG2" and vice versa). This approach ensures that there is always a valid log file that contains data from a previous sync attempt. As a result, a failure to write to the log file (after a failure to write to the main file) will not lead to an unrecoverable violation of the integrity of the registry hive (by the way, if this situation does occur, the Windows kernel has self-healing mechanisms that correct obvious errors in logical structure bush).

But such a logging scheme needs to be debugged, and therefore a variable has been introduced into the Windows kernel that allows you to simulate repeated write errors in the main files of all registry hives - CmpFailPrimarySave. For unknown reasons, this variable is also present in regular kernel versions (not just debug versions). If some value other than zero is written to this variable, then the function of writing data to the main file will simulate an error at different stages of such writing.

It should be noted that in the process of mounting the registry hive, the kernel must choose which of the two log files to use for recovery, for which a relatively complex algorithm is implemented that determines which of the log files is intact, which of them contains more late version data being written, etc. Prior to Windows 8, this algorithm contained a serious bug that resulted in almost all cases, regardless of specific details, choosing the first log file (".LOG1"). In particular, for Windows 7, the corresponding algorithm fixes were released only in March 2016 (hence, all this time, double logging in Windows 7 provided integrity protection no better than Windows XP). To overcome the described error, it is necessary not only to block writing to the main hive file, but also to block the transition to the second log file (“.LOG2”) in case of failure (so that the first log file always contains the latest data, even if at the expense of integrity in case failure; otherwise, at the next boot, the system registry hives may be restored to a state unexpectedly earlier than when a normal computer shutdown was completed). Fortunately, the next value of the variable in question allows you to achieve the desired effect without changing the log file - 3.

The same variable will also work on newer versions of Windows (8.1 and 10) that use a different logging method (outside the scope of this article).


As an experiment, let's create an invisible key and its value in the operating room Windows system 7 (Service Pack 1). To do this, in the running operating system, change (by memory editing) the value of the CmpFailPrimarySave kernel variable from 0 to 3, and then create the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\invisible_key" with a value named "invisible_value" containing the string "123456". Then turn off the operating system in a regular way and export the registry hive files SYSTEM.

After turning on the operating system again, launch the registry editor and note that the key and value you are looking for are visible in it (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1: Windows Registry Editor

At the same time, in the exported registry files, the searched key and value third party programs(for example, Windows Registry Recovery and Registry Explorer) are not displayed (Figures 2 and 3).

Rice. 2: Windows Registry Recovery

Rice. 3: Registry Explorer


Do not place undue reliance on programs that work with an inactive registry while investigating an incident information security, as well as during integrity checks. This article has demonstrated one of the many ways to hide the registry key, its values ​​and other items from such programs.

Undeclared Capabilities or implant programs(by analogy with medical implants) - a deliberately modified part software, thanks to which you can get hidden unauthorized access to a secure computer system.

The source of such implants and the undeclared capabilities associated with them can be both the creators of various applications and government intelligence agencies. And if the activities of unscrupulous developers are able to attract only limited attention (in the minds of an ordinary user, they are on a par with other hackers), then any reports of bookmark programs from the special services invariably cause heated discussions.

The special services are really interested in unhindered access to computers and smartphones of any users, individuals and organizations, and bookmark programs are one of the best ways to solve the problem.

Classification of undeclared capabilities (implant programs)

Depending on the purpose of the capabilities, implant programs can be divided into several categories:

    • Full access to a remote computer or system. In fact, such programs are similar to hacker rootkits and backdoors, with the only difference being that their functionality is embedded in one of the user's legal programs. They can be used for spying or disrupting the operation of computers, telecommunications equipment and smartphones of commercial and public organizations, wide groups of citizens.
    • Theft of access passwords, i.e. keylogger functions. Having a password remote access access to a computer provides as extensive opportunities as the best backdoor, and access to email and Skype accounts will allow you to track conversations and correspondence even in cases where a person uses other computers for communication that do not have bookmark programs. Of particular interest is the theft of passwords in cases where you need access to the entire internal network where the computer with the bookmark works.
    • Unauthorized modification of data and destruction of computer systems. Such programs pose the greatest threat in automated process control systems, especially in critical facilities, control of military or dual-use equipment. The installed software bookmarks made it possible, if necessary, to disable the infrastructure and military facilities of a potential enemy

Objects of implementation of software implants:

  • Computers and servers. Access to content hard drives And random access memory- the eternal dream of all hackers and intelligence officers. Bookmark programs can either directly copy and forward information, or open access to other spyware.
  • Telecommunication equipment. The conversations of suspicious persons are no less, and sometimes even more valuable, than the contents of their hard drives, since they make it possible to identify and stop current criminal plans, and with the presence of GPS, special services can also track all the movements of an object without any external surveillance. Bookmarks in network equipment will allow you to control traffic from large groups of the population.
  • Board and industrial computers. Now almost any serious equipment is equipped, if not with a full-fledged computer, then at least with a microprocessor. By introducing bookmark programs into it, special services will be able to both receive information about the periods and modes of operation of equipment, and, if necessary, easily disable it.

Threat Sources

Theoretically, a bookmark can be embedded in any program code. However, in some categories, the likelihood of finding undeclared capabilities and associated risks is significantly higher.

Programs developed directly in the departments of government agencies, or by their order. Having received an order from a higher authority, the developers will include any functionality, including undocumented functionality, in them.

Programs subject to state certification. First of all, these include information security products. Having the appropriate access, by order of the special services, the code can be modified in them and additional modules introduced.

Messenger programs, especially of average popularity. Listening to other people's conversations is one of the most important interests of the special services, and having bookmarks in programs that are used for communication is the easiest way.

Software for military and dual-use equipment. Due to their importance, they are of particular interest and are the most likely target for bookmarks. In addition, almost all arms manufacturers, if not directly owned by the state, are at least focused primarily on orders from the national defense ministry, and therefore are very vulnerable to pressure from state structures.

Risk analysis

The danger of getting bookmarked depends on the reliability and decency of the program developers, the interest of the security services, as well as measures to analyze the source code and search for undeclared features.

Widespread programs used by millions are also of great interest to the special services. As a rule, when developing software, programmers use other people's libraries and Open source software (Open source), which may have open vulnerabilities used to collect information, for example, “The NSA used a vulnerability in OpenSSL to collect information”.

As for unpopular programs, due to the small number of users, they are of little interest to the special services either. If there are tabs in such programs, then the author introduced them not for the sake of state interests, but out of his own indiscretion.

Among citizens and organizations, representatives of extreme political and religious movements, persons engaged in various kinds of illegal activities or associated with them attract the greatest interest of special services. Various types of surveillance, wiretapping, hidden video recording are installed behind such people, and bookmark programs and other spyware are introduced onto computers.

State-owned enterprises, manufacturers of military equipment, as well as enterprises of strategically important industries can become an object of interest for foreign intelligence services.

It is more difficult to protect against bookmark programs than against other malware, the antivirus sees them, and there may not be any anomalies in the work. At the same time, bookmarks can be detected using specialized source code analyzers. In particular, government agencies and private firms that perform software certification have them, so in case of an increased risk of other people's bookmarks, checking for extraneous code and undocumented functions is mandatory.

Which were not provided by the manufacturer or were deliberately hidden by him (for example, some manufacturers of proprietary operating systems do this for the purpose of unfair competition). Later, they could be discovered by users or third-party experts.

In a similar sense, one can speak of undocumented features.

In cases where the manufacturer is responsible for the performance of the product or undertakes to implement it technical support, the corresponding obligations usually apply only to what is described in the accompanying documentation. This may be related to another motive not to mention in the documentation some useful features. In particular, it allows you to get rid of them in next versions product without notifying users. This carries certain risks for users who rely on undocumented features.

Of particular interest, especially in the case of software, are undocumented features that can compromise the correct operation, integrity, confidentiality - in other words, security - of a software or information system. In this context, the term is commonly used vulnerability(English translation. vulnerability) (in professional computer jargon also bug, « hole”), and in some official documents the concepts “” and “ undeclared possibilities"(see section" ").

Such opportunities can be used, for example, when working in the following areas:

  • computing and other hardware: computers, computer components, peripherals and accessories, as well as various electronics (alarm, mp3 players), etc.;
  • means of communication: cell phones, GPS-navigators, intercoms, communicators, etc.;
  • software: operating systems, programming languages, various software, games, etc.;

Undocumented features in various fields

In hardware

In software

In computer and electronic games

Undeclared capabilities (information security)

In the context of information security, the focus is on the functionality of the software, the use of which may violate its correct operation, as well as the integrity or confidentiality of information. Domestic information security standards for such undocumented features introduce a special concept - undeclared capabilities used, in particular, for software certification.

For example, there is a guidance document approved by the Chairman of the State Technical Commission under the President, dedicated, in particular, to the classification of information security software by the level of control of the absence of undeclared capabilities, which defines them as follows:

2.1. Undeclared Capabilities- functionality of the software that is not described or does not correspond to those described in the documentation, the use of which may violate the confidentiality, availability or integrity of the information being processed.

Intentionally introduced into the software functional objects that have such capabilities are called software bookmarks. These terms are also used by GOST R 51275-2006. Sometimes the abbreviation " NDV».

In the literature, a similar in meaning, but less definite concept is more widely encountered. vulnerability(English translation. vulnerability).

Software bugs should be distinguished from undeclared features that appeared due to errors in the program (sometimes called bugs and "holes").

The doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation among the threats to "the security of information and telecommunications facilities and systems" also calls "the introduction into hardware and software products of components that implement functions that are not provided for by the documentation for these products."


Technical devices and software

Examples of undocumented features and commands include:

Mass culture

  • the transition from the "matrix" to "reality" in the film "The Matrix" was carried out by the main characters through the introduction of an undocumented code in the booth of a virtual pay phone in the "matrix".
  • in episode 3.11 "Enter 77" of the series " Lost", the transition to the main features mode, which the heroes of the series did not know, was accidentally implemented by one of the characters by winning computer chess.

see also



In English

  • Gupta G. Computers in Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1991. ISBN 0791806227, ISBN 9780791806227, ISBN 0-7918-0622-7 (especially the "Documented and Undocumented Features" section, p.78)
  • Szyperski C., Gruntz D., Murer S. Component software: beyond object-oriented programming. Pearson Education Publishers, 2003. ISBN 9780201178883 (especially section 5.1.5. Undocumented "features", p.54)
  • Smith Sean W. Trusted computing platforms: design & applications. 2005, XX, 244 p. 28illus., Hardcover. ISBN 978-0-387-23916-3 (especially section 3.4 Undocumented Functionality, p.35)

In Russian

  • Adamenko M.V. secrets cell phones: service codes mobile phones; undocumented features; change the ringtone; unlock phones. Ed. 2nd. Moscow: DMK Press, SOLON-Press, 2002, 240 pages - ISBN 5-98003-026-3, ISBN 5-94074-191-6
  • Bukin M.S.. Secrets of cell phones. St. Petersburg: "Piter", 2005, 208 pages - ISBN 5-469-00638-7
  • Zykov N.K.. Undocumented Features Windows: A Handbook for the Practical Programmer. M .: "Radio and Communication", 1994, 176 pages - ISBN 5-256-01212-6, ISBN 5-256-01212-6
  • Kingsley-Hagies K. Undocumented GPS capabilities. St. Petersburg: "Piter", 2007, 304 pages - ISBN 978-5-469-01410-2
  • Kobernichenko A.V.. Undocumented features of Windows NT. Moscow: Knowledge, 287 pages - ISBN 5-89251-048-4
  • Sven Schreiber. Undocumented features of Windows 2000. St. Petersburg, 2002, 544 pages - ISBN 5-318-00487-3
  • Flenov M.. Programming in Delphi through the eyes of a hacker. Publisher: "BHV-Petersburg", 2007 ISBN 978-5-9775-0081-4


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Undocumented features" are in other dictionaries:

    Electronics MK 52 with the message "ERROR" (due to the specific display of the letter r, it was often read as "YGGOG") Eggogology & ... Wikipedia

    Electronics MK 52 with the message ERROR (due to the specific display of the letter r, it was often read as "YGGOG" hidden opportunities calculators. Contents 1 Origin ... Wikipedia

    - (Windows) ... Wikipedia

    Microsoft Word(Windows) Screenshot of Microsoft Word 2007 Type Word processor Developer Microsoft ... Wikipedia

    Microsoft Word (Windows) Screenshot of Microsoft Word 2007 Type Word processor Developer Microsoft ... Wikipedia

    Microsoft Word (Windows) Screenshot of Microsoft Word 2007 Type Word processor Developer Microsoft ... Wikipedia

    Microsoft Word (Windows) Screenshot of Microsoft Word 2007 Type Word processor Developer Microsoft ... Wikipedia

In accordance with PP 1119 dated November 1, 2012. threats of 3 types are introduced in one way or another related to the presence of undocumented (undeclared) features in the software.

Consider measures aimed at neutralizing these threats for PD operators who do not process information classified as state secrets.

So, we have two levels of threats:

1. Threats associated with the presence of undocumented (undeclared) features in system software.

2. Threats associated with the presence of undocumented (undeclared) features in application software.

Measures aimed at neutralizing threats are divided into four main components:

1.Measures aimed at preventing the emergence of a threat.

2.Measures aimed at identifying the threat.

3.Measures aimed at neutralizing the identified threats.

4.Measures aimed at minimizing the harm or the effectiveness of the implementation of the threat.

Now we will evaluate the implementation of the measures, but before that, we will take into account several important conditions:

1. We consider information systems (IS) that are built by PD operators. It should be understood that the vast majority of operators solve the tasks of creating IS only using standard products both at the system and at the application level ( operating systems, office data processing systems, DBMS and software). Development of special information systems and technology is rare. This is expensive, and for the most part, operators do not have such a task and cannot be solved with the available resources.

2. The operator receives the software components of the IS in finished form - without design documentation, without source texts, etc. Only the distribution kit and operational documentation. At the same time, it is important to understand that a significant part of operators do not build IS, but only operate it.

3. The main methods for ensuring the safe use of software include:

  • formation and control of compliance with the requirements for the safe design, implementation and use of software at all stages life cycle ON;
  • analysis of the software operating environment aimed at identifying characteristics that are considered dangerous or potentially dangerous;
  • software analysis aimed at identifying functionality and characteristics that are considered dangerous or potentially dangerous;
  • the use of methods and means aimed at ensuring the sustainability of the operating environment from the negative impact of the software;
  • control of the operating environment of the software (dynamic control of behavior, changes in characteristics, etc.) during the operation of the IS;
  • software control during its operation.

But these methods are hardly available to the operator.

Now let's try to build real measures that an operator can use to neutralize threats.

(Threat 1, Measure 1) Prevention of the appearance of threats is connected with the control of technologies for the secure development of system software. If we consider the threats at this level, then in the general case we get the following:

Sources of threats at the stage of formation of requirements for system software

  • formation of requirements aimed at creating conditions for the subsequent unsafe use of software;
  • miscalculations in the formation of software requirements.

Sources of threats at the system software design stage

  • purposeful introduction of a vulnerability or a bug at the level of the architecture and/or algorithm of the software functioning;
  • purposeful design of such testing methods that are aimed at hiding vulnerabilities / bookmarks;
  • introduction of vulnerabilities / bookmarks using the means used computer-aided design ON;
  • the use of architectural solutions that lead to the need to use resource-intensive methods of testing and debugging software.

Sources of threats at the stage of implementation (coding/compilation/assembly) of system software

  • purposeful introduction of bookmarks;
  • purposeful introduction of vulnerability;
  • use of third-party untrusted components;
  • hidden implementation special settings, allowing you to enable/initiate bookmarks or software vulnerabilities;
  • excessive compilation and assembly of software from "dirty" source texts containing various "software garbage";
  • introduction of vulnerabilities by means of software compilation and assembly;
  • implementation of tests that allow you to hide vulnerabilities and flaws in software.

Sources of threats at the stage of system software testing by the developer

  • Conducting testing by the developer or customer of system software

Testing of system software by an independent laboratory in the process of certification or other tests

  • purposeful use of testing methods that are aimed at hiding vulnerabilities;
  • testing is not carried out or is not carried out in full;
  • deliberate concealment of test results.

Sources of threats at the stage of system software implementation

  • replacement of system software components;
  • implementation of system software without taking into account the limitations and operating conditions of both the software itself and the environment for its operation;
  • using hidden system software settings to enable/initiate bookmarks or vulnerabilities.

Taking into account the conditions mentioned above, it is obvious that the operator does not have the ability to control and ensure the absence of undocumented (undeclared) features in the system software.
Conclusion: measures 1.1. – are not available to the operator.

(Threat 1, measure 2) Measures aimed at identifying the threat to the operator are available. To do this, the operator can independently or with the involvement of specialists:

  • monitor various sources of information about identified vulnerabilities in the system software used;
  • use self-control tools built into the system software;
  • use different tools security control, including those of our own design.

(Threat 1, Measure 3) Taking into account the measures (Threat 1, measure 2), the operator can independently or with the involvement of specialists:

  • install service packs, patches to neutralize identified vulnerabilities;
  • apply additional SRT, allowing to neutralize the identified vulnerabilities of system software;

(Threat 1, measure 4) the operator can independently or with the involvement of specialists apply measures aimed at minimizing the harm or the effectiveness of the implementation of vulnerabilities (both identified and not yet identified) of system software:

  • when building an IS, foresee the possible presence of threats and form the IS architecture in such a way that the possible implementation of vulnerabilities causes minimal harm to the goals and tasks assigned to the IS. Architectural solutions include: localization and segmentation of an IS that processes personal data, availability of periodic archiving tools, user access restriction, control of information flows, control of external storage media, depersonalization, minimization of technical means involved in data processing, use of system software integrity control tools and SrZI, the use of anti-virus tools, etc ... you can’t list everything ...
  • apply additional SRZI, allowing to neutralize possible vulnerabilities of system software;
  • apply additional organizational and technical measures related to changing the IS architecture, system software settings, etc.

It is necessary to proceed from the fact that the maximum threats are: - data leaks, destruction of data and information resources of IP, loss of control over IP resources.

It is necessary to ensure that the maximum threat to IP remains: the destruction of data and software, which is compensated by the integrity control and the system quick recovery performance of the IS.

Having considered the threats of the first type, we see that the same applies to application software.

General conclusions:

  • operators are not able to apply measures aimed at preventing the emergence of threats associated with the presence of undocumented (undeclared) features in the software.
  • operators for the most part do not have the ability to independently identify threats associated with the presence of undocumented (undeclared) features in the software.
  • operators have the ability to independently or with the involvement of third-party specialists to track the identified vulnerabilities of system and application software and take measures aimed at their neutralization, minimization of possible harm and/or effectiveness of the implementation of vulnerabilities.
  • operators have the opportunity to make architectural decisions during the construction and operation of the IS and the information security subsystem, aimed at minimizing possible harm and/or effectiveness of the implementation of threats.
  • operators have the ability independently or with the involvement of third-party specialists to ensure a continuous PROCESS aimed at...

Here I tried to collect a list of various additional features for the subscriber cellular communication MTS company - either functionally or in terms of cost savings. All information is taken from the Internet; MTS service service is either denied or ignored. For this reason, and also because all these services are provided free of charge by third parties, I have grouped them under the heading “undocumented”. This means that you can use these features, but no one guarantees you that any of these services will continue to work, or that they will remain free and will not be charged for them. You assume the entire risk of using undocumented functions and possible "hit on the money".

Part 1. Mobile phone and the Internet

GSM mobile phone owners have the ability to send and receive short text messages (SMS) to each other. But in MTS, as in Beeline, officially this can only be done within its own subscriber network, that is, an MTS subscriber cannot send a message to a Beeline subscriber and vice versa. Officially, no, but unofficially, it may well be. Moreover, it can receive and send messages via e-mail(e-mail) and ICQ using your phone.

International SMS Service Centers

Huge set GSM operators in the world allow you to send SMS from your service center not only to your subscribers, but to everyone, including MTS subscribers. By registering the number of such a service center in your phone, you can send SMS to any other user of a GSM phone. At one time, such sending of SMS was free. Now - paid, at the usual rate of $ 0.12 (including VAT). The only restriction: you must have activated international access, which is already included for all tariffs with the prefix “International” and is easily connected to subscribers of all other tariffs.

Why do we need international service centers? First, according to the responses from “ hotline”Western SMSCs are more stable on average; the percentage of delivery (rather than “buffering”) of the message is higher. Secondly, some people are annoyed by the non-disabled delivery notification. And, thirdly, if the operator has a roaming agreement with MTS and Beeline, you can send SMS to Beeline GSM phone.

Not all Western service centers work with Russia, but most of them don't care where the message comes from and where it needs to be sent. Below is a list of centers that work with SMS around the world.

Turkcell Turkey +90-5329010000
NetCom Norway +47-92001000
Sonera Finland +358-405202000
Mobilix Denmark +45-26265151
One2One UK +44-7958879879
Esat Ireland +353-868002000
E-Plus Germany +49-1770620000
Telfort The Netherlands +31-626000230
Proximus Belgium +32-75161612
PTT Luxembourg +352-021100003
North West Russia +7-8129600096
IDEA Centertel Poland +48-501200777
Radiomobil Czech rep +420-603051
Globtel Slovakia +421-905303303
Westel900 Hungary +36-309303100
TIM Italy +39-338980000
Swisscom Switzerland +41-89191
Itineris France +33-689004581
Sprint USA +1-7044100000

How to send e-mail from my phone?

Actually GSM standard supports sending e-mail from the phone. However, this function does not work in MTS - either there is no appropriate equipment, or they cannot make the appropriate settings. Luckily, there are independent sources on the Internet with a pretty good range of services that allow you to send e-mail directly from your phone.

eXcell (Italy) – send an SMS to +393388641732 with text like: EMAIL [email protected] body

Between the dots is the Subject, which you can not write at all if you are too lazy - in this case, you can do without the dots. Then the messages will look something like this:
email [email protected] Hello John!
The word EMAIL at the beginning of the message can be abbreviated to EMA, you can type instead of @! or *, and instead of _ you can type: (colon). Instead of the end of a line, you can type = or &.
EMA banzai*mail.ru.Alert From Provider.Vykhodi from Ineta, zaraza! = Ne can do tebja dozvonitsja!!!

Your phone number will appear as a signature. You can customize any other signature ( detailed instructions– on the eXcell website. Remember that each letter sent in this way will cost you 12 cents.

SgiC (Finns) - another SMS - e-mail gateway. For the lazy, briefly like this: send an SMS to the phone +358 40 517 4761, the first word is email address(you can use # instead of @). Then write your own message with a space.

[email protected] This is a test, whoa! (the Finns are so happy :)
evolving#oeoe.fi This is another test, hopla!*
Each letter sent in this way will also cost you 12 cents.

Want an Email -> SMS gateway? Write them a letter. Best in English and to the address [email protected]. And on the Internet they can be found here, only everything is in Finnish there.

And further. For reliability, it is best to use Western SMS centers, for example, Turkcell. They deliver mail almost instantly.

How to send a message from phone to ICQ?

In the same way as e-mail, with the only difference that the address will look like this: [email protected], where ICQ_number is the identification ICQ number your subscriber.

email [email protected] pager.icq.com.email express message.Are you still alive?
A proven way: messages reach the Finnish e-mail gate through Turkcell the fastest.

How to receive e-mail on a mobile phone?

SMS delivery by e-mail works in test mode. Send an e-mail to the address [email protected] for direct number, [email protected] for "curve". It should be remembered that Russian letters are transliterated correctly if the letter is sent in WIN encoding, therefore, to be sure, it is better to immediately write in Latin. “Testing” means that MTS does not guarantee you round-the-clock and trouble-free operation of this service. For each e-mail sent in this way, you will receive a receipt for the delivery or buffering of your SMS.

We also have one company that allows you to do this for free. You can register on this site and start your own mailbox kind [email protected], and in the settings on the site, write down the number of your mobile phone. From now on, all mail arriving at your address [email protected] will be sent as SMS to your phone. The limit is 160 characters, as in any SMS message. Attachments, of course, are not shown.

To use this opportunity in practice, you need to get yourself a mailbox that would allow you to simultaneously leave a message and forward it to your address on over.ru, and then you will receive notifications on your phone as soon as mail arrives. If you consider the message important, but you can’t read it (say, it will be longer than 160 characters or there will be a file attached), go online as soon as possible and read the message in a normal human way.

How to send SMS from the Internet?

Can be sent from the MTS server. But no one guarantees you anything (including in terms of money): “test mode”. The number must be written in the international format, but without the “+”, for example, 70957601234, 79026801234

difference sending SMS from the MTS server from others in that it transliterates Russian letters into Latin and also fills obscene words in his opinion with asterisks. What words, you ask? I have them. this is also a craft by Mr. Lebedev (who designed the MTS server). Here he is

There is also an undocumented ability of the MTS server to send SMS in Russian to devices that support Cyrillic. The algorithm is as follows: through the service center +70957699800, send a message to number 0 (zero) with the text “UCS2” (without quotes, of course). After that, messages from the MTS website can be sent directly in Russian. Cancellation of all this is done by sending a message with the text “DEFAULT”.

There are also many places on the Internet where you can send SMS to your MTS phone for free. Unfortunately, many of the well-known free SMS senders do not work periodically (or do not work for Moscow).

Pagergate 2.0 (Russia) - periodically does not work.
sms.pagergate.ru - for some reason it works better than PagerGate, although the same equipment is used.
Golden Telecom (Ukraine) - excellent service, it can send SMS in Russian to devices that support Cyrillic. MTS is temporarily, for some reason, not serviced.
German server - you need to register, after which you will be able to send SMS worldwide in an international format.

Part 2. Free calls

It is known that in MTS the first 20 seconds of incoming and the first 5 seconds of outgoing calls are free, but this is official. And how can you talk on a mobile phone longer without spending extra money? And is it even possible?

How to call MTS for free, including from the city?

It turns out it's possible. You only need to carefully, thoroughly, to the last letter, study all the instructions that you received when buying a phone (remember the instructions for Soviet goods, up to the comb, the period of developed socialism “clause 1. It is strictly forbidden to use the product before reading this instruction and strictly following it ”?) It is possible that the service department also does not read its instructions carefully enough 🙂

It turns out this is at the junction of two services: GP (voice mail) and SMS. The fact is that when a message arrives at your GPU, it sends you an SMS notification. But you can record a message on the GPU not only when forwarding, but also directly through the service 7661 “listening to voice mail messages”.

So, a little practice. We dial 7661 - this, of course, is free. Let's listen to clue 8 - carefully, to the last sound. Yeah, to send a message, type ** - that's the key combination! Now everything is simple: for a direct number, dial 57601234, for a “crooked” number 26801234, listen to the greeting, say a message, press #. The second subscriber receives an SMS, dials 7661 - again free of charge, listens to the message.

It's even easier from the city. We dial 7661111, go into tone, then for the direct 57601234, for the “crooked” 26801234, listen to the greeting, say the message, hang up. An additional benefit from this method: dialing to the “crooked” number without having to fiddle with the “eight”.

How to talk between two phones for free?

Well, if you can call from one phone to another for free, then what forbids calling from the second to the first?

That is, it turns out such a half-duplex mode: I slander a message to you, you listen; you talk, I listen, and there is no need to break the connection with the GPU: end of message #, exit to the main menu *. The only drawback: you have to listen to the greeting every time, but something must be wrong 🙂 Besides, after all, it's free, and for this it's worth the trouble.

Is it true that what is described above is really the way it is described? Something is unbelievable. But the customer service gave me a different answer. How can I be?

First: if in doubt, it is better not to use it. These functions are only for determined and risky people.

Second: regarding the service of the service and the reliability / inaccuracy, paid / free - carefully re-read the preface to the section.

And, finally, the third. How to be? Yes, very simple. Order a printout of calls for one day if you do not have a monthly one. It will cost you $0.24, in other words, about 7 rubles. “Pay and sleep peacefully” (c) you yourself know whose 🙂

P.S. MTS Service Message: GP does not connect to this moment nor to subscribers with federal numbers, nor to subscribers with direct Moscow numbers. Unfortunately, the Service Service has no data on the prospect of starting the connection of this service.

The article used materials from the pages of the MTS website