Federal and City MTS numbers: what's the difference? What is the city number service on beeline? Compliance of short numbers with federal.

When a user connects to an operator mobile communications, together with a new SIM card, he receives an 11-digit individual number, from which and to which he will subsequently receive calls, make outgoing calls, as well as use the rest of the possibilities of modern communications.

Users often have a question: what does the federal and city number mean for MTS or another operator? cellular?

What is a Federal Subscriber Number? This 11-digit number is a federal number. The room includes:

  • 8 (or +7) is the code for access to the federal line on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • 9XX - the prefix of the cellular operator from the pool of prefixes allocated to the operator by the Ministry of Communications (Federal Communications Agency). Each of the operators has a set of dedicated prefixes, which (at least in their region of service) have long been easily recognizable.
  • XXX-XX-XX is actually a unique subscriber number of the federal format. Can have any combination of numbers. Including operators, for an additional cost, select the so-called "Beautiful numbers" for implementation for separate money.

All calls made from this or to such a number are essentially "long distance", however, they are charged by the operator taking into account the unique sets of prefixes that are different and unique in each separate service area. To call such a number, we must dial the full set of numbers - 11 from any phone (both mobile and landline), regardless of its location.

Landline number

The full city number is also 11-digit. A complete set of city numbers (or "Geographic National Open Plan Number") includes:

  • 8 (or +7) is the code for access to the federal line on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • XXX is the region prefix (often with the prefix of the settlement XX).
  • XXX-XX-XX is actually a unique subscriber number of the city format. It can have any combination of numbers from the pool of numbers assigned to a specific geographic area by the Ministry of Communications and Communications (Federal Communications Agency).

Calls made to this or from such a number within your locality require dialing only a unique number - from 5 to 7 digits, depending on the region (“Geographic Local Open Plan Number”). Calls from mobile numbers, as well as calls from city numbers in other regions of the country, require dialing the full 11-digit subscriber code.

Differences in use

What is the difference between using a Federal number and using a City number?

  • Calls to city numbers within your region are free of charge.
  • Calls to city numbers within your region do not require region prefixes to be dialed.
  • Calls from all regions of Russia require the dialing of a regional prefix, which was previously rigidly tied to a specific region.

The difference in the set of numbers is only of psychological significance and in no way is an indicator of "solidity", "location" or anything else. There are, of course, differences: calls made within their own "geographical pool of local numbers" become more convenient due to the shorter number combination.

How does this happen?

So how do subscribers using mobile devices get "City numbers" if there is a strict geographic referencing of number combinations?

The fact is that by purchasing a new SIM card with a "City number" or by activating the "City number" service, you will receive two numbers linked to each other, duplicating the last 4 - 7 unique digits (local number depending on the region). These figures are the correspondence between city and federal numbers of MTS. That is, knowing the mobile federal number of the subscriber, we will be able to call him in the "City number" format. But how to find out the federal mobile number, knowing the city - difficult to tell. In the same region, there are a lot of prefixes of different cellular operators.

Mutual forwarding of calls takes place between your numbers. Providing the "City number" service, your mobile operator concludes a special trilateral agreement with a local fixed-line operator (MGTS in Moscow, Rostelecom mainly in the Russian Federation).

Connecting the City Number service to your existing federal number is not always possible - it all depends on whether it is possible to provide a duplicate landline number from operators.

How much does it cost to use a landline number?

The cost of the "City number" service depends on the region and operator. In MTS, the price of using the service is usually about 500 rubles per month, and regional users will pay an average of 120 to 350 rubles per month. Whether the difference in the combination of numbers for the use of your number is so important to you is up to you.

For people who are engaged in business or other activities that involve linking city or federal numbers, it is much easier to use the first option. This is due, at least, to the fact that city numbers contain only 7 digits, while federal numbers contain 11. In addition, now you can connect a Beeline city number at the "All" tariff.

What is the difference between such a phone and a federal one?

As already mentioned, unlike a city phone, a telephone in the federal format will contain 11 digits - the country code, operator code and the phone itself.

City direct number consists of 7, where there is only the country code, city code and a unique set of numbers. The latter can be bought from Beeline, in the code 495. That is, the translation of city numbers into the federal form will look like this:

* - operator code digits

# - city code digits

Most entrepreneurs are mistaken in thinking that it is worth choosing the federal one, arguing that telephone code this format will look more serious and solid.

However, in practice it turns out to be exactly the opposite. Such a short set of numbers is easy to place on advertising banner, business card or any other media.

Direct dialing looks great on commercial sites

And besides, it will be easier for a potential client to remember him. And dialing it from a mobile phone is also easier. For the most part, it is this factor that pushes entrepreneurs to choose just this type of phone.

In addition, a direct phone from a mobile operator will not be tied to a specific location. It is attached specifically to the SIM card. And besides, you can connect to such a number of profitable and very pleasant services from the operator from whom it was bought.

In fact, this is an additional telephone for the federal one. That is, in this case, the subscriber can call a short set of seven digits, and he will be automatically redirected to the federal one. The difference is imperceptible, and it is much easier for customers.

What is a "City number" and what is it?

This service provides for two types of communication at once - multi-channel and single-channel. Along with this, you can connect several options to it, such as, for example, " Virtual PBX"To make it easy for the user to create a convenient telephone network inside the company or even organize your own call center.

Beeline offers its customers several options for this service:

Activate this service for natural person is possible only on the terms of the "All" tariff plan, but legal entities you can choose any of the packages for business.

Survey for visitors


The operator points out that one of the most pleasant aspects of this service is that it is carried out without a monthly fee.

Useful video on how to become corporate client Beeline:

But in fact, the subscription fee is still written off for service. Its size varies from 90 to 210 rubles per month for individuals, and about 500 for legal entities. It must be entered before the 20th day of the next month, after using the service (since postpay is provided). Connection is free.

Otherwise, the exact cost of use will depend on which tariff the user has chosen. Basically, the same as if the subscriber used a certain package for mobile phone.

Current tariff plans

And the cost of tariff plans, when using a SIM with a landline number, can vary from 1,500 to 3,500 rubles per month if the subscriber is an individual.

For legal entities this service will be provided cheaper. They will pay only 300 to 3000 rubles.

Also, it is worth remembering that for the most part, for such cases, tariffs with a postpaid calculation system are offered.

How to choose and buy a number of this type correctly?

It should be understood that it is still only additional for the federal one. Therefore, much will depend on the latter. But the federal number will indicate the city code (for example, if it is Moscow, then it will contain the numbers 495 or 499, for St. Petersburg - 812), and in the city one it will be absent.

Therefore, the most correct way to make yourself such a number is to contact the service office, where you will be provided with the available combinations of numbers.

In addition, subscribers are given the opportunity to purchase a beautiful and quickly remembered set of numbers for their company, which sometimes works great for business.

How to connect the service?

If such conditions seem favorable enough for you, then you should immediately understand how to connect the second line. This is possible only after the client has contacted one of the Beeline offices. If such a service is provided to an organization, then a simple call is sufficient.

For example, you can leave a request to connect the service:

  • To do this, we go to this page of the site and select the package we like;

  • Next, click on the "Connect" button;

In the case of an individual, it is imperative to bring an identity card with you. Alas, but more simple and quick way does not exist yet - you cannot connect a direct phone by sending a USSD request.

In addition, you will need to switch to the "All" tariff. The activation of this package will be free if during the last month you have not changed your tariff plan.

The starter package will cost 500 rubles. In the future, you will have to pay the tariff in accordance with the established for it monthly fee... In the "All" line, she can be from 1450 to 3550 rubles per month.

Disabling the service

There are two ways to disable this service. To do this, the user will either have to contact the nearest Beeline office, where the decontamination will be performed manually by an employee of the department, or simply switch to a different tariff, which provides only federal numbering.

The cost of the transition, in this case, will depend on the tariff plan chosen by the subscriber.


This service from Beeline provides for the purchase of a short combination of numbers for a company or an individual. It can be tied to a mobile, which already provides for more convenient use than in the case of the federal one. Also, the subscriber will be able to use pleasant services from Beeline, especially for these types of phones.

Cellular provider Tele2 is developing a large number of interesting options that significantly improve and simplify the life of the subscriber. So, users are able to connect to their SIM card. It is much easier to remember it, because there are fewer numbers in the combination. A beautiful set of numbers greatly enhances consumer interest. But for some operations, you need to specify a long sequence. And they just forget about her. Today we will look at how to find out the federal short number on Tele2.

USSD team

In almost every area of ​​life, it is necessary to indicate the main telephone number... You are able to instantly get the data you need. It is enough to dial a simple three-digit combination on the call screen - * 201 #. After that on mobile device there will be a notification with the corresponding information - the cell number. This opportunity implemented on all tariff plans of the operator and is valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

For all clients of the company, a special reference menu has been developed - Tele2 Guide. Enter the command * 111 #. The display will show a window showing a list of options and functions. Follow the instructions on the screen to reach a specific goal.

Call a friend

Exists simplest method, how to find out the federal number, it is enough to call a friend in the standard mode. Next, ask the other person to dictate their phone number. In order not to face a similar situation in the future, write down the number combination and keep it in a safe place. Or add a new contact to the memory of the mobile device.

There is a small nuance, your contact information will not be displayed on the terminal of another user, if an option is knowingly installed on the SIM card that will automatically hide information. Disable it for a while. Enter USSD request- * 153 #. He will present a list, installed applications... Find the function you are looking for and cancel it.

Request to call back

The company provides an opportunity for its customers to stay in touch even with a zero or negative balance mobile account, and also find out the number on Tele2. How to do it? Just dial the encoding - * 118 * cell number #, then press the call button. After that, a notification letter will be sent to the specified contact, which contains detailed information about the sender. The newsletter is not charged according to the current contract, it is free. Subsequently, ask a friend to dictate the coveted sequence of numbers to you. The service is called.

Call to the call center and to the service number

If you have a short number, but you need to check the federal one, contact the specialists. The company has a well-developed service system and feedback... Remember only three numbers - 611. You may need them more than once. After a successful connection, the answering machine will answer you and provide a voice menu. Set the device to tone dialing mode, listen voice messages and select the one you want by pressing a specific button on the keyboard. If you want to communicate with a live operator, stay on the line and wait for the system to dictate all the messages. Ask a qualified professional to dictate the information you are interested in.

Attention! Calling technical support is free and not charged.

Personal Area

For each subscriber, a personal space is implemented on the official website of the provider. To enter it, you will need to register with your phone number and password to protect your data. After successful authorization, the system will remember the entered data if you check the box next to the "Remember me" button. To see your number, automatically enter the service under your account... In the main menu personal account there is detailed information about the state of the account balance on this moment, the main parameters of the active tariff plan, as well as on top panel- user's phone number.

If your smartphone has mobile app the process is greatly simplified. Run the utility, repeated authorizations do not require a username and password. The interface is based on a web resource. The program is freely available from many sources on the Internet. But download files only from trusted sites so as not to infect the terminal with malicious viruses.

Attention! To enter the LC, you must have an active connection to network resources.

Number on USB modem

Most consumers use a sim card for. It is inserted into a specialized USB device router. You decided to top up your SIM card balance, but forgot the combination. To determine it, use the algorithm:

  1. Dock the device to the corresponding port on the personal computer.
  2. Run official app for Internet access - "TeleModem". After the first connection of the gadget, the utility is automatically installed on the stationary terminal.
  3. In the main menu, open the "Actions" section.
  4. Click on the USSD codes button.
  5. In the field that appears, enter the encoding - * 201 #.
  6. The data you are interested in will instantly appear on the display.

Verification through a package of documents

You can find out the necessary information if you just rummage in your closets. When connecting to the services of the provider, an agreement is drawn up, which indicates the phone number assigned to the SIM card. Find the documents you need.

Now every subscriber of the mobile operator Beeline can get a landline telephone.

This feature was not immediately recognized as useful by customers, because it is not suitable for everyone.

The service is especially beneficial for those who earn serious money in the field of business, who work as a large private entrepreneur.

Besides, the landline number is more preferable in marketing. It is he who is indicated on various posters and stands, on TV, when any enterprises hold promotions, discounts, advertise their services.

If you want to activate the city number service from Beeline, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • You must be a subscriber of mobile operator B
  • It is necessary to pay for the service for the phone "All with a landline number".

By connecting such a tariff plan, you do not include the provision of a subscription fee for a direct city number. That is, you need to pay separately. In addition, the subscription fee itself in this case will be slightly higher than on the federal number.

What are the main differences between a federal number and a city number

The first one differs in that it contains eleven characters in its composition - this is a kind of request, the structure of which includes the following values:

  • Russia code;
  • mobile operator code;
  • directly the phone number.

The situation with city numbers is completely different. They have roughly the same structure, but do not contain the company code. Instead, a city code is provided.

How to connect an option

First of all, you need to turn off the current tariff and activate the "All" tariff plan, developed specifically for city numbers. In this case, you can choose the most attractive phone number for you. Directly the cost of changing the tariff will cost you zero rubles, that is, you do not need to pay for the transition. This is relevant for those who have not switched to other conditions within the last month, have not changed the tariff plan.

But for the service itself you will need to pay five hundred rubles. Subscription fee at the same time, it is quite high, it must be paid every month, and the amount, depending on the conditions for receiving the service, can be about one thousand five hundred to three thousand five hundred rubles.

The subscription fee is due after the expense invoice is submitted. You can enter it immediately after receiving the financial statement or within twenty days after that. Do not forget that the bill includes not only the cost of the room, but also the payment for the tariff.

How to deactivate the service

If deactivation of the service is required, it is necessary to go to the offices of the cellular operator. Here, the company's specialists will take care of your question - provide them with personal information, identify yourself as a subscriber and you can get rid of the option.

If you no longer want to use this option, be sure to immediately change the tariff plan to the one you need.

How to find your number

Many subscribers are interested in how to find out their city number. You can check it in Beeline communication salons. But for this you need to bring your documents with you to the office of the mobile operator.

For all other questions, you can contact the company's consultants - they will help you determine your number, get certain options, and report the prices for services in accordance with the city.