Mobile communications in Montenegro for tourists. Mobile operators and internet in Montenegro

We are talking about the features of cellular communication in Montenegro, interesting tariffs. How to save on mobile Internet and negotiations within the country.

In the midst of the season of tourists in Montenegro more than local residents. However, there are almost no special offers for travelers in the mobile market. This is due to the fact that the country is very small, and most of the guests come from the republics of the former Yugoslavia - this is for them just interesting options in Montenegro. But the Russians who wish to save, most likely have to forget about roaming and use Skype.

Starting packages are sold in cities almost everywhere: in kiosks, shops and supermarkets, but there is one nuance. Often, these places do not ask documents, however the number is still required to register officially.

This requires a passport and communication salon. If this is not done, after five to seven days the SIM card will stop working. Therefore, it makes sense to immediately contact the point of sales of the selected operator, the benefit that are also found often.

Popular excursions in Montenegro

The most interesting excursions are routes from locals to Tripster. It is always interesting to start with (during your dating you can see all the signs, outline the routes of future walks). Immediately after which go beyond the city, admirement on - a stunningly beautiful trip to the country (more than 12 hours).

Communication in Montenegro: Telenor

The only operator in the country that boasts almost two hundred base stations. For a small state, even located mostly in the mountains, it is enough to cover the cities, beaches, main roads, tunnels.

That is, from the technical point of view, Telenor is just fine. But there is a problem: the operator does not induce a variety of packages. In essence, he proposes to pay for specific services. The starting sim card will cost 5 euros, the call inside Montenegro will cost 0.1999 €, SMS - 0.0499 €.

The Internet will have to buy separately and its cost is rather big: 500 MB pulls on 3.51 €, 1 GB - 4,42 €, and 10 GB - 10.12 €.

The standard roaming price for outgoing calls to the first zone, which includes Russia - 1.21 €, for incoming - 0.5999 €. But specifically for those who often call abroad The company has developed a special service "Dodaj Međunarodne Pozive". For 2.02 € per month, you can call in the Russian Federation for 0.182 € / minute.

Communication in Montenegro: T-Mobile (Telekom)

The operator since 2005 belongs to Deutsche Telekom Group. It serves 360 thousand customers, which for less than 700 thousand people live, is an excellent coverage. In addition, he developed quite interesting tariffs. You can buy a SIM card for 5 €, of which only 1 € will fall into account.

Package line is focused mainly on local residents. Tourists can advise to pay attention to the basic options with prepayment. For example, Mix Mreža 15 for 5 €, operating 15 days and gives 500 minutes, 500 sms and 1 GB of traffic.

Given the fairly expensive roaming, and outgoing call It will cost 2.37 € per minute, you may have to separately buy packages on the Internet. For example, "Internet 15" with 5 GB costs only 3.9 €.

Some like "Internet Monster" for 15 days for the same 3.90 €. The peculiarity is that from 8 pm and up to 8 am are provided with 10 GB, and during the day - 2 more GB.

Local cellular operator M: TEL

Mountains - no cellular interference in Montenegro

The youngest and only provider with local roots. It takes about a quarter of the market, but quite confidently competes with the rest of the players. He managed to keep in the market mainly thanks to the tariff policy for customers who prefer prepayment. The main attractiveness M: TEL: starting packets along with the SIM card offer certain bonuses.

For example, "Hello Net" for 5 € gives 1 € to the account and 4 GB of traffic, "MRAK" - unlimited calls and the Internet at night (from 20:00 to 8:00) and 100 minutes for all networks.

There is a special tourist package "M: Tel Turist", but his bonuses are rather weak. When connected, the user receives 100 GBs that need to be spent in 7 days, as well as free Facebook and Twitter.

However, it is necessary to be attentive by choosing a tariff. The fact is that the cost of services at the end of the minutes provided may be different. For example, for "MRAK" one minute of conversation will cost 0.152 €, and calls in all international destinations - 0,864 €. But for "M: Tel Turist" Rates above: 0.224 € and 0.996 €, respectively.

Cards from drimsim - profitable or not

In all mobile operators in Montenegro, the tariffer system is quite confusing. On their background, universal attracts tourists simplicity. The traveler is enough to know that 10 GB of traffic will cost $ 15.36, a call to Russia - 0.9 € per minute, within the country outgoing on mobile numbers - 1.2 €, and in stationary phones - 0,85 €.

Obviously, the price of roaming and traffic from the company is quite competitive. But the conversations inside the country are unreasonably expensive. But if planned, first of all, the use of the Internet, and the Drimsim card is already available, then this option is quite attractive.

Specially buying it for 10 € Total for one trip does not make sense.

Flights from Moscow to Tivat

Aeroflot flies once a day in Chernogorsk Airport, once a week Victory and S7, 3-4 times a week Montenegro Airlines (Flights No. 611, 631). Cost - from 3,300 rubles. one way. Time on the way is about three hours.

The main Chernogorsk company - Telenor, actively compete with it German T-Mobile and local M: Tel. Everyone has approximately the same quality and breadth of the coverage area. The only zones where you can stay without a signal are mountain heights, and there are not so few in the country.

Where better to buy a SIM card

Maps of the Chernogorsk "Big Troika" are freely sold in grocery supermarkets, shopping centers, cellular salons and newsstands. For more convenience, you can buy SIM cards directly upon arrival in the airport hall. The cost of the card is from 3 to 5 euros (depending on the operator).

Chernogorsk legislation allows the use of a SIM card without registration no more than seven days. By their expiration, if registration did not occur, the card is blocked. Therefore, if your stay in the country is limited to a week, you can not worry and do not waste time - buy and use. If the journey will take more than 7 days, prepare a passport and highlight the time to visit the operator. There the package will register on you, but not immediately - at the official points of sales almost always queue.

Tariffs for cellular communication for tourists

For tourists only prepaid rates are available (there is no new new on that, since this scheme is standard for Russia), you can replenish the account via the Internet, in automata and ATMs, as well as a special card with a scratch strip. Nominal - from 2 euros: We recommend to stock for convenience, so that you do not ride anywhere.

One of the most attractive tariffs for tourists in Montenegro - 4G tourist Pack, especially since you will probably need the Internet on the trip.

  • Price: 5 euros.
  • Online: 1 GB for 3 days after the map has begun to be used, further - the alarm tariff.
  • Calls: To communicate with Russia, you need to connect the "International Calls" service. Cost - 0.99 euros. In this case, calls to their homeland will cost already at 0.049 euros, which in terms of being poured into a ridiculous amount of 3.4 rubles. If there are no services, the billing is 80 euro scents.

Total total costs of establishing uninterrupted communication with Russia - just 5.99 euros. The rest and costs will not call.

How to call in Montenegro from Russia

With this task, anyone who has ever called with stationary phone According to the Russian Intercord - after the "eight" you need to dial the exit prefix international Communications and use the country code (382) and cities.

On mobile phone

If the person with whom you want to contact is roaming, the call is no different from the usual call from the cellular in Russia. If the SIM card is local, dial instead of 8 prefix +382. Example:

  • +382-456-789-98-76.

On landline phone

We recruit 8, after a long beep of the prefix of the country (382), then the prefix of the city and, in fact, the phone number.

We give several codes of cities, which most often have tourists in the season:

  • Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro - 20;
  • Kotor - 32;
  • Ultsin - 22;
  • Herceg Novi - 31.

How to call to Russia from Montenegro

Use international communication code for our country (7) and the city code. If it is not in our list, you can easily clarify it in any directory or Internet.

On mobile phone

All international challenges to Russia go through the national prefix - "Seven". Consequently, you just need to make a call in format +7 and then the number without the usual "eight". Example:

  • +7-910-641-58-99.

On landline phone

We follow the algorithm and recruit:

00 (can be replaced by the "+" sign - identical to international communication), then prefix 7 (Russia), then the prefix of the city of interest and the number you want to call.

The cheapness of mobile communications in Russia was discussed repeatedly. Recently, after the Fint pushed MTS with an increase in the subscription to Smart Mini. up to 400 rubles. A month, I ventured to notice that the cheap connection would be started to go into the past. However, this process will be quite long, because the "margin of safety" in Russia is still huge. Communication and Internet We now really have a penny.

For the sake of interest, I looked through the tariffs of the leader's leading operator with their beloved in the Plan of rest Montenegro. Why Montenegro? Because the standard of living of people there, as well as we, very mediocre, is not Germany, where prices for communication are justified by the high income of the population. Montenegro lives mainly on tourism and housing. Something is practically not produced there. Many local leaving work abroad, because In my homeland, it is not impossible to feed. In the country there lives and works many Serbs, and if the Budva in the winter is still noticeable activity, then purely tourist places (for example, Becici) turn into ghost town. Purchased apartments (in which even hot water only in boiler) are closed, local leave for wintering to the same Serbia. By the way, in contrast to us, their power is at least trying to do something for their citizens, and, leaving for a time, the locals for the rent are given to the dear penny, because The most expensive in Montenegro is electricity.

We now turn to the tariffs and consider several examples. 1 Euro will consider 70 rubles at the current exchange rate.



  • Subscription fee: 35.9 euro / month (2513 rubles)
  • 600 minutes on all local networks
  • Unlimited inside the network. It is considered separately unlimited from the package - I did not find a restriction - up to 5000 minutes per month.
  • 3000 SMS.
  • 3000 MB of Internet (rounding up to 100 KB)
  • 4 "digital services" with additional internetnot taking into account the main traffic package (Messengers?).

In general, not the essence of the small misunderstandings of the tariff, the main thing now is to get the overall picture. I specifically started from the tariff for 600 minutes, because He is closest to the popular now MTS "SMART for their own". It turns out, in the "SDS" we have a subscription 200 rubles. per month (2.86 euros) also with the Internet package not 3, and 10 GB, and the supply of Telenor just almost 13 times more expensive.

Most a budget option Postpead (without "digital services"):


There is such a package of 5 euros, 1 euro - in the account.

You can call to Russia by adding the way * 123 # [Call] Option of international calls (Add International Calls) 99 euro scenes for 7 days. A minute of 44 countries of the world is announced 0.049 euros (3,43 rubles.). Without this option, the cost of the international, in addition to Serbia, did not find, bloggers write something about 80 euro-satellites / minute.

Internet at the preparing (packages)

I'm somewhat confused with the data transfer rates on the prepate-tariffs. This link contains the following package table:


Package volume



1 day internet

500 MB 24 hours from the moment of activation 0.95 Euro

15 days Internet

10 GB 15 days from the moment of activation 9.95 Euro

30 days of the Internet

20 GB

30 days from the moment of activation

19.95 Euro

Advise which Wi Fi to spend in the bar (Kotor Bay) to cheaper, and it was possible not to pay, when there is no one at home? Was in T-Mobile, they said, 12 euros will be standing monthly ADSL + 30 euro Internet itself. And if we do not want to pay, you need to come to them and Suspend The Account, and so every time. Somehow expensive and Mouorne.

What is all this? This article appeared in my brain after discussing on our forum the feasibility of using several SIM cards. I called the use of several sims for their everyday use in order to maximize savings when calling from local numbers. The topic was continued. As a result, someone considered my statement offensive. Sorry! Did not want. I wrote what I think and how I think. At a price of a question less than 3 Evrians, a month to think about the decline in this amount up to zero (and spend time at this time) is just ridiculous. We were spoiled in Russia with such prices and the Internet and do not stubbornly do not want to pay for this service at least the amount tangible for your budget. We have developed the mentality that you should pay the mobile phone should also be as easy and unnoticed how to buy a cup of ice cream in a summer. Despite the fact that the operator uses the most complex and expensive equipment in its work, and we only grow claims to the quality of communication from year to year. Therefore, look at how other people live with also small income on world standards and reprove your current tariffs.

I know that many readers are worried by household questions in Montenegro. Type, how much is the communal, the Internet, mobile conversations, rental apartments, etc. Today went to change the tariff in the office M-TEL.Since I learned that prices are changed and plus wanted more than more. Before this company Cabling Engaged in connecting the Internet and TV, and I went to pay bills to the mobile operator M-TEL. This insanity was in general owners who later diverged. My friends began to leave the M-Body to Kaables because of high prices, competitors offered a pleasant condition. I went back to them yesterday (the back side of the mail in Budva), and they tell me - we now have the same prices and conditions, do not do it, just go to the M-Body on new tariff. These two offices repeated again?

And why did they themselves told me that they had new tariffs, because my annual agreement for December 2013 was automatically extended at the same rate ... In general, in 5 minutes aunt switched me. I labeled the red marker today, such as the discount they have such. In the center of the column with prices for the past year. The first signator is a contract for 12 months, the second is 24 months. Note the nuance - a package of 8 MB is cheaper now than 4 MB, it's some kind of absurd ... I didn't see him immediately, I thought that they were mistaken with a tissue, but I assume me that I was paying for this speed exactly 20 euros .

In 2013, and earlier for connecting the Internet in Montenegro, 100 euros were taken, this amount for us - above all understanding ... We are accustomed to that the Internet is connected for free, and here such grandmothers are fighting! I was lucky - I did not pay when connecting 100 euros, because The cable in my apartment was held a guy who took me an apartment to me.

There is still in Montenegro Internet from WiMAX, reviews about them are different. But I noticed that in hurricanes and livne often disappears from familiar Internet. Their tariffs are learning online

If you live high in the mountains or away from civilization, then your option is ADSL from T-COM. Can connect for free if a telephone line has been conducted, with its absence, they will drive another bunch of money for connecting the phone. Info about prices.

About Mobile Internet 3G and 4G in Montenegro

We have 3 operators.

M-TEL (068) It is necessary to specifically connect the package for 5 euros per month. It will work from midnight and within 30 days is given 625 MB at a good speed, then - by low without restrictions. This package today has connected a friend, too, in their office, otherwise he did not understand where the money disappears from the account, because I called little, but I didn't think about the included 3G ... Even at the M-Body there is a Russian group, where unlimited Internet and calls on the network are free for some funny amount.

I have a T-Mobile operator (067)
Some ordinary tourist package, I don't even know the tariff. Internet for yourself I connect myself, dialing * 111 #, I choose a differ there
1. My option
2. Internet option
3. 15 days for 3 euros, gives 1 GB

If I miss 1 GB for two weeks and I will not sleep, burns money on the account ...
Similarly, you can connect so minutes and sms on your operator. You can mix the mix at once.
And also check how many minutes left or MB

And there is a Telenor (069)
They have 4G. At prices on the Internet, I do not know.
See the site and ask the office.

The easiest way is not to lure with the tariff, with a liquefaction of money for the Internet or conversations that are expensive in CHG, it will consult in the offices of operators or ask the local Russians who lived for a long time, what option they chose and why.

P.S. I know that many emigrants are reading me in arrivals, tell me if you have something to add or I am not right to something.

During the period of the information era, without mobile and Internet communications, it is almost impossible to live: without it, not phoned with loved ones and friends, do not send a resume to work, you can not order pizza and it will not be possible to call help. In an unfamiliar country during the rest or on a business trip, the issue of communication is very acute, because Roaming takes a large number of Money. But I want to always be able to call someone or enter the Internet for relatively little money.

While traveling to Montenegro, tourists are recommended to purchase a local SIM card to be able not only to cheaply talk within the country, but also pay much less when calling their relatives.

In Montenegro, on this moment Act 3 main cellular operators and Internet service providers who can easily choose a suitable tariff for themselves. Cost and set of services ( mobile connection + Internet) mainly in all supply providers are the same and vary on average from 10 to 30 eurosfor 30 days Use and depends on what service and a set of functions are needed personally.

Telenor (069)
T-Mobile (067)
M: TEL (068)

The numbers specified in brackets next to the operator is the operator code. Quality of communication and coverage area for all three suppliers mobile services Communication is equally good. It is known that the phone "catches" the signal from each of them on most of the country - 91% of the black mills covers the cellular communication. Exceptions are associated with some facilities of the terrain - the majestic mountain arrays, deep canyons or certain areas in the central part of the country, which are surrounded by mountain peaks from all sides. There, mobile communication can sometimes disappear and in this case, the operators are recommended simply drive away by 1-2 kilometers from this place and the likelihood is that again you can call.

As for the mobile Internet - it is also on high level And, as a rule, it is provided immediately when placing a local SIM card. Since 2009, 3G technology has been introduced in Montenegro, since 2011 it began to introduce 3.5G, and since 2012 4G Internet has already appeared. Tariffs on mobile Internet For tourists, all providers are also practically the same, differ only in the number of mega-or gigabytes provided and constitute from 5 to 30 euros per month.

How and where can I buy a local SIM card?

You can buy a SIM card in black, only on documents in special places provided by law. The simplest and convenient is to buy a symart immediately after arrival at specialized racks at Tivat or Podgorica airport. In addition, they can also be purchased in stores, post offices, railway or bus stations, on racks in shopping centers or in the offices of the company itself. In the latter, buying is not recommended, because there are constant purchase queues or view mobile gadgets. When buying a SIM card on it, this amount will already be posed for it.

Top up the SIM card account in Montenegro is very simple and in several ways:

1. Via bank card on the service provider website. Below are references to the account replenishment of each of the operators:

M: Tel:

2. Purchase a "voucher" card with the replenishment code. On this map, the very replenishment code is hidden under the protective layer and in order to replenish the balance of the mob. It is necessary to erase it with a simple coin or other metal object.

3. Replenishment of the phone's balance in any grocery store or in the kiosk. This service is called "ELECTRIC AMENDMENT".

4. The most common automatic payment terminals that are in shopping centers, hypermarkets and various stores. Many of them are Russian.

Tariffs for cellular communication in Chernogouria You can choose absolutely different. All prices are about the same on basic services. Below is an exemplary price list when purchasing the simplest tariff.

Another opportunity to go to the World Wide Web in Chernogi - modem. You can buy it in the office of the operator in the presence of documents confirming the identity. It is worth a similar service an average of 35 euros for the purchase of a modem and all components, and for the use of traffic - 10 euros for each gigabyte used.

If you still wanted to connect the Internet in your smartphone, but you do not know how to do it, you can safely ask for help in installing the necessary parameters from the operator in the office of the company. Here you can take advantage technical supportAnd also learn how to get SMS with all the settings for your device. Despite the fact that many local residents know a little Russian language, to explain still will have to be available for both languages, and most likely in English.
You can try to configure the phone on your own and enter. necessary settings manually. Below are the options that may help to configure or you can contact the World Wide Web - there you can certainly find an answer to any question. Only those fields that must be filled and if there is some field in the smartphone, and it is not necessary below, it means it is not necessary to fill it.

Name (Name): Telenor - Telenor Mne Internet, T-Mobile - GPRS, M: TEL - MTELINTERNET.
APN:Telenor - Internet, T-Mobile - TMCG-WNW, M: TEL - MTELINTERNET.
UserName:Telenor - GPRS, T-Mobile - 38267, M: TEL - Internet.
Password (RASSWORD): Telenor - GPRS, T-Mobile - 38267, M: TEL - 068.
IP:Telenor -, T-Mobile -
Proxy Port (if not working without it):Telenor - 8080 (possibly 9201), T-Mobile - 8080.

How to dial the number?

If the call in Montenegro.

Calls inside Montenegro is carried out with a three-digit code, without the country's code), for example, 069 and further a number of telephone. for example 069-123 456

If the call to Montenegro.

First you need to enter the country code - +382 or 00382 . The operator code (69, 68, etc.) is entered (69, 68, etc.) or the relevant city, and then the Mobile number or home phone If the call goes to the city phone. Respectively telephone number looks like that +382-69-123 456 . If you need to call from abroad, then the "0" number does not need to write and then follows the six-digit, sometimes - the seven room of the subscriber to which the call is made.

As a rule, in Montenegro one telephone code Used immediately into several cities.

40 - plug, chamber, Niksich,
52 - Zhablyak, Plevla,
20 - Kolasin, Danilovgrad, Podgorica,
51 - Berane, Plav, Andrievic, Riga,
50 - biielo-field, washing,
30 - Ultsin, bar,
32 - Tivat.

Cities with a unique code a little, just three:

33 - Budva
41 - Cetina,
31 - Herceg Novi.

If the call from Montenegro.

All calls begin with international Code.. For example, when calling on russian number You must enter +7 or 007. After that, the country code, city or operator follows and the subscriber number itself.

A pleasant stay and be always in touch.