Additional Internet for MTS Tablet. MTS Tariff "Tablet": Description

Tariff MTS Tablet It will be useful for subscribers who need access throughout Russia to the Internet. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis tariff plan is to use mobile Internet And television in Russia with a fixed payment in the amount of 300 rubles per month. The fixed monthly fee includes access to the Internet throughout Russian Federation, as well as access to hundreds of mobile television channels. The only limitation - traffic should not exceed 3 GB per month.

What happens when the traffic is exceeded? If you do not use additional featuresThe option will be available in the month following the current. The renewal date is determined by the calendar number of connection option.

Questions arising from the use of the MTS Tariff Tablet

How to quickly restore access to the network when the quota is exceeded? This includes the "Turbo Button" option. Enough to replenish account for 75 rubles and make USSD queryScreening *167# . What to do if there is no need to access high-speed Internet - Connection every day? To do this, there is a comfortable daily mode in the MTS Tariff Tablet - the ability to use the Internet service for the day.

By connecting this option, unlimited high-speed Internet access with traffic up to 250 MB per day is available. After exceeding the connection speed will be reduced to 64 kbps. The connection speed will be restored starting from 3:00 hours of the next day. When using the Internet for the day, the subscription fee is written off daily. How to find out how used the limit of high-speed access to the Internet connection?

Enough make a query: *111*218# By pressing the "Call" key. After that, get an SMS notification. The distance of the traffic to use high-speed Internet connections can be found in USSD request with a combination: *111*217# . To disable the service you need to dial *111*219# .

How to connect the tariff MTS tablet?

For MTS subscribers enough to send SMS. At the recipient 111 With content 835 . You can connect the "MTS Tablet" service in the Internet - Assistant service, a description of all tariff conditions can also be found on the MTS website. Also, the activation of the tariff can be accomplished at: https: //ihelper.nnov.mts/selfcare/, having passed the registration. To resume the option, it is enough to make the next USSD query: *111*835# . How much is the tariff? The set "MTS-Tablet" can be purchased for 410 rubles. When reconnecting from an existing MTS tariff, a positive balance is required to 401 rubles.

The use of smartphones and tablets implies the presence of a large amount of Internet traffic, which will allow using the existing mobile gadgets. MTS specially for tablets and smartphones offers an appropriate option called MTS Tablet. As part of this action, the Subscriber is invited to a large number of Prepaid traffic, and the cost of the Internet will be lower than in other similar tariff plans and suggestions. We offer you a description of the option "MTS Tablet".


A feature of the "MTS Tablet" option is not only the allocation of the required amount of the Internet, as well as access to digital cable television. In fact, subscribers of tablets that are signed for this option can view various TV channels, and they receive access to sports broadcasts, a variety of films and cognitive programs.

To date, the cost of the option "MTS Tablet" is 400 rubles per month. Note that, depending on the geographical zone, rates can change. Therefore, we recommend that you first find out on the site or in the information center, the subscriber value it has the option "MTS Tablet" in your particular region.

Terms of use option

It is proposed to use the option on any MTS tariff. The exception is only the tariffs "Onliner", "cool", "ultra", "super online". Subscribers are provided monthly 4 gigabytes of traffic. The estimated period of connection of this option is to activate it on the phone. Therefore, if you have connected this option on February 15, it will be disabled exactly in a month. Appropriately charged with the payment for the Internet.

Traffic can be obtained in any networks, including in high-speed 4G. We only note that in distant regions, for example, in Yakutia, the Far East and individual areas of Siberia, there are restrictions on access speed of 128 bits per second. If the subscriber exceeds its quota, the issuance of the Internet will be suspended. Therefore, you can not be afraid of internet recalculation and additional tariffing of megabytes already at high rates.

Internet television is also provided, for which you need to download and install the application from the MTS website or from the application store. The application itself is called MTS TV, and its use and configuration does not represent any complexity. You will only need to log in in this application And connect the appropriate tariff plan to the tablet. Subsequently, viewing such an Internet television can be performed not only through cellular networks, getting through them the Internet, but also through Wi-Fi. Such television traffic is not charged, so you can view completely free hundreds television canals.

How to connect the option "MTS Tablet"

Connect the "MTS Tablet" option different ways. So, for example, you can connect the tablet through your personal account. You must first log in in your account, then go to the "Service Management" section and turn off the option there. You can also use the appropriate command that is dialing on the phone and automatically connects the gadget to this option. You need to dial the following * 111 * 835 #. You can also send SMS with text 835 to number 111. SMS completely free.

How to disable "MTS Tablet"

If for some reason the use of this option you are not needed, then it must be disabled to prevent the readback from the account of the subscription fee. Turn off this option in various ways. So, you can use your personal account, where you need to go to the section with connected services and select Disable. You can also send a free text message from the phone with the text 8350, which is sent to the number 111. The easiest way to use for such a disconnection is the corresponding command * 111 * 835 #.


The option "MTS Tablet" is a fairly interesting offer from MTS, which allows you to get 4 gigabytes every month, and access to television is provided, which is not charged. And you can view such an Internet television both through cellular communication and via Wi-Fi. This offer from MTS combines the allocation of the required amount of Internet traffic, as well as the available cost of this option, which is currently estimated at 400 rubles per month.


Few people will argue with the fact that these days without the Internet are simply nowhere, and its presence needs to be like water. After all, the Internet opens the whole world in front of us. What is only worth talking with those who live far from us, and there is no possibility of seeing. Truth?

For the internet on the phone, modem or tablet, you must first select the appropriate tariff plan. So, who has a tablet, he will definitely appreciate the tariff MTS tablet, using you do not have to seek a free point with Wai Fame. In the article below we will consider complete characteristic of this tariff, and also learn how to connect or disable the option.

This tariff provides a small amount of Internet traffic that can be used for a month. It should immediately note that the volume of traffic may differ depending on the region. So, for the capital it is 4 GB, for many other regions of the country - up to 8 GB. This information It is necessary to specify the MTS consultant. To contact the living operator, you just need to mobile phone score short number 0890. Just keep in mind, contact the living operator is not so simple, so it is often this process takes a lot of personal time.

The feature of the Tariff "MTS for tablets" is a free service MTS TV. That is, when you set this tariff for the tablet, you will have the opportunity to enjoy free viewing of various TV channels. It is thanks to this option that the tariff plan enjoys considerable popularity among subscribers.

Another positive moment of the tariff - it is valid throughout the Russian Federation. That is, you have the opportunity to take your tablet while traveling, vacation or business trips. In any case, you will have the opportunity to go into a worldwide network and continue to communicate with relatives.

How much you need to pay for the option

For the use of the tariff you need to pay 400 rubles per month. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that the size of the subspecies can be changed. Therefore, before connecting the option, it is necessary to clarify the cost of the consultant. You can do this by phone, as mentioned a little higher, or on the official website of MTS -

It is worth noting that in the promotional period, the option managed to subscribers in just 5 rubles. per day. Then the subscription fee was enlarged this moment Makes up 400 rubles per month.

By the way, almost for the same fee operator cellular communication MTS proposes to connect a tariff called MTS Smart. This tariff plan involves almost the same number of traffic, as well as free SMS messages and calls. You can learn more about this tariff on the official website of the operator or using a personal account. Also, all the information you are interested in can be found with mobile application For smartphones, which is popular among young worship.

How to activate the service to your tablet?

Have you acquired a tablet and start searching for a suitable tariff? Then you should definitely turn your attention to the service on MTS for the tablet. This service is activated very simple. There are several simple methods for this. The first one is a personal account. This method It is very simple, so enjoys considerable popularity.

If you do not have access to your personal account, you can simply send a request with the next digit combination - * 111 * 835 #.

In addition, you can use no less simple method - Send an SMS message to number 111 with text 835. After sending a message, the notification must come to your device that the option was connected.

How to disable the service?

If for one reason or another you no longer need a service from MTS for tablets, then you need to turn it off. For this, there is almost the same set of features and teams, as well as to activate. Therefore, you have no problems. If questions still appear, then contact the operator or the nearest service center. Just keep in mind, with yourself it is better to have a passport.

Also, subscribers can enter your personal account and deactivate the option. It also needs to be said that if the Internet is needed for use not every day, it is best to activate the service MTS tablet mini.

Finally, it is worth noting that the operation of the service from MTS for tablets is distributed exclusively to the tablets. Activate it on mobile or modem will not work. For this, there are many other more suitable tariffs, to choose which Consultants of the MTS company will help. MTS employees will also help you quickly replace the disabled tariff for more profitable and suitable.

Before connecting the MTS tablet to your number, you must definitely specify the compatibility of tariffs. For example, this option cannot be connected to such tariff plans as "cool", "ultra", "online". The entire list can be viewed on the company's website.

A new offer is available for connecting in all operator service packages. The exceptions are the following services - "SIM", "online", "super online", "caring", "cool", "Smart Top" and "Ultra". MTS Tablet "Tariffthe best choice To view "MTS TV" without additional expenses for the traffic used.

The main goal of today's review is to introduce you to the features of this option and help determine whether it needs you or not.


The main advantage is the absence of billing while watching television channels in standard Annex Operator. In any region of the country, you can access more than 100 channels in unlimited mode. For subscribers a favorable moment will be additional package traffic. The residents of the metropolitan region are added 4 GB, and in most other zones - 5 GB.

Main characteristics:

  • payment for monthly use - 350 rubles, for Moscow and Moscow region - 400 rubles;
  • the traffic limit is not taken into account when watching MTS TV view;
  • additional 5 GB for most regions of the Russian Federation;
  • action available throughout Russia. At the same time, for a number of areas, the connection speed is limited to 128 kbps.

It is important to remember that the service does not include SMS packets and minutes, they will have to pay according to the requirements of the established tariff plan. When using MTS Connect, one minute will cost you 4 rubles, and a conversation with a subscriber outside home region It will be even more expensive.

Before connecting the option, it is advisable to consider in detail all the options to select the most profitable rate.


From the point of view of using the Internet, the option is considered. But for many attractive is the possibility of free viewing of a television product. It is for such users to consider ways to connect:

  • the most popular method is a set of commands on mobile * 111 * 835 # and challenge;
  • to number 111 send a text message 835;
  • you can use the "My MTS" application or go into;
  • login to the site directly from the tablet subject to the availability of an operator SIM card;
  • many prefer to use customer support services to which you can call around the clock.

No payment for the connection procedure is provided. It is necessary to produce only a monthly fee. And the subscription fee will be written off automatically at the time of connection. The cost of the monthly contribution on MTS Connect plans below other tariffs by 50 rubles. With a lack of money in the account, the mode of daily write-off is activated by the time until the amount sufficient for the work of monthly payment appears on the balance sheet.


The option under consideration exists for a long time, and users often reveal the desire to connect to newer operator offers. In the event of a tariff with attractive conditions for you, it will not be difficult to disconnect from the existing Option "MTS Tablet":

  • set on your mobile combination * 111 * 835 # and call;
  • sending to the number 111 SMS messages with text 8350;
  • the common option is the service in the Personal Account;
  • convenient method - application of the functions of the application "My MTS";
  • call to the operator to the duty at any time of the day.

So we got acquainted with the main characteristics of this tariff. The information received should be enough in order to objectively assess all the advantages and disadvantages of the tariff.

Tablet devices today have gained quite serious popularity, because in many cases they are almost completely able to replace the laptop, or even personal ComputerHaving at the same time very compact sizes.

That is why cellular operators offer separate tariffs and services for such devices today. And below, we will consider the MTS Tariff "Tablet", its detailed conditions and nuances of use.

What is necessary for the Tablet MTS tariff

In general, any explanations on the application of this offer are not needed, because it is extremely obvious that this package is the ideal choice for installing the SIM card to the tablet, and further gain access to the network.

In essence, MTS "Tablet" is not a tariff, but the service connected additionally to the tariff package used on the SIM card.

Detailed description of the MTS Tariff "Tablet"

Considering the fact that this proposal, as we have already noted, is an option, and not full tariff plan, Subscribers should not be expected from it a whole package of services and quotas for calls or sending text messages. This is an exceptional Internet option that is recommended for use in modern. tablet computers.

And in this tariff for the MTS tablet offers the following conditions for the use of mobile Internet:

  • Subscription fee For use: 400 rubles per month;
  • Web traffic quota: 4 gigabytes for the month of use;
  • Access to the use of the MTS TV service without restrictions on watching TV channels.

It is also important to emphasize another advantage of using this package: traffic in it can be used throughout Russia. That is, if you go to a business and tourist trip, you may not worry about what the additional fee for the use of megabytes will be charged.

It is worth noting that in the case of the use of the entire traffic provided within the framework, further access to the Internet is blocked. That is why, if you want to resume access to "Puttin", it is recommended to use any of the available additional services From the group "Turbo Button". By activating the corresponding turbo-button, you can get an additionally from 100 megabytes to 5 gigabytes of traffic. True, of course, for such services it is also necessary to pay additionally (from 30 to 450 rubles).

How to connect MTS "Tablet" [Connection Closed]

If you have decided that this option is ideal for you for further use, we hurry to upset you a little. The fact is that not so long ago to connect the MTS "Tablet" could be in the company's personal account, as well as using a USSD request *111*835# However, as of today, the option has already left the archive and is inaccessible to connect.

As for the current customers of the company, which continue to use the MTS "Tablet", then at the moment they are nothing to worry about, because they have the opportunity to use the package and then until the company initiates the transition to other proposals on mandatory and compulsory.

How to disable MTS "Tablet"

In case you come to the solution to disable outdated MTS service, it is as simple as it is just like to connect it. To successfully deactivate the "Tablet" you can use the personal account of MTS (registration instructions), or send SMS to 111 whose text indicate "855" (without quotes). In addition, the disable option can be initiated and entering the USSD request. *855# or *111*855# .