Cell phone harm to the health of children. Damage to radiation from a mobile phone

It is already difficult to imagine modern society without gadgets, fast communications, smartphones. But more and more often you can find information that these are far from safe devices and the harm of a mobile phone to human health is very great.

But we use it all the time: to make calls and send SMS-messages, as navigators, photo and video cameras, game consoles, for going online, studying documents, reading books and in many other cases.

With the advent of these gadgets, scientists immediately began to actively study them, conduct a variety of studies aimed at identifying their effect on the body. However, regular replenishment mobile phones new functions, different know-how makes it difficult for researchers who simply cannot study and test all innovations.

Why is a mobile phone so dangerous? What is its negative impact? How to protect yourself, your children and your loved ones from the harmful effects of gadgets?

What are the dangers of cell phones?

The main danger posed by cellular telephone- electromagnetic radiation (radiation). It only seems insignificant.

Many may even say that these devices, if they emit certain negative streams, are in such quantities that the harm to a mobile phone cannot be too serious. Although this is absolutely not true. Radiation of radio waves does not pass without leaving a trace. It certainly leaves its mark on the human body.

How does the gadget work?

When turned on, even if it is in standby mode, in a pocket, in a bag, in a case, on a table, next to its owner, the mobile phone constantly maintains contact with the cell phone mast.

If a person moves, moves somewhere, the device periodically switches to other stations, connecting to the one giving the most powerful signal. And this means that it still functions - in "sleep" mode, and radio waves continue to be transmitted to it from the antennas.

Impact of towers on people

Cellular towers are found almost everywhere today. And all because people try to be available always, wherever they are. BUT mobile operators just take advantage of the ever-increasing demand for their services.

But if there is harm from a mobile phone, does it mean that the tower also refuses to negatively affect a person? The harmfulness of antennas is the generated electromagnetic fields. After all, they give signals to mobile phones so that their owners can communicate with each other. Moreover, such antennas are installed directly on the roofs of houses, and not one by one, but several pieces. But the most important thing is that those who live in neighboring houses receive more harm from them, because the action of the towers is directed not downward, but sideways.

To make the radiation level from the antenna located on the roof of the neighboring house lower, you can remove the bed away from the window, move the sofa or chair to the side a little. This will allow less and less often it is under its radiation. Although, do not forget that in addition to the phone and the antenna, radio waves emanate from routers, microwave oven and other appliances, equipment, which are also found in many houses and apartments.

Mobile operators, for their part, also adhere to certain standards and try in every possible way to reduce the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on people. These measures include:

  1. Placing antennas as high as possible, since radio waves travel horizontally, and not down into houses, towards people.
  2. The location of the towers is at the maximum distance from residential buildings, since the radiation propagation radius is no more than 33 meters.
  3. Installation of antennas in most cases in office buildings.

The harm of mobile phones

The radiation emanating from the phone causes serious changes in cells, can become a causal factor in gene balance disorders, the formation of diseased cells, and malignant neoplasms. It is absorbed by various organs:

  • auditory;
  • visual;
  • vestibular;
  • the brain and other tissues of the head;
  • retinas.

Electromagnetic fields, their impact in the most negative way affect human health. However, the following systems are most susceptible to mobile phone radiation:

  1. Nervous.
  2. Immune.
  3. Sexual.
  4. Endocrine.
  5. Cardiovascular.

Electromagnetic waves affecting the human body for a long time can be the reasons:

  • formation of malignant tumors in the brain;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • leukemia (blood cancer);
  • the development of Alzheimer's disease;
  • cataracts;
  • memory disorders;
  • the development of Parkinson's disease;
  • slowing down blood circulation in the brain;
  • dysfunction of the central nervous system, its degeneration and other ailments.

Radiation of radio waves from a cell phone has a very negative effect on:

  1. Pregnant women and embryos emerging in them.
  2. Small children.
  3. People with weak immunity.
  4. Patients with violations in the work of the heart, problems with blood vessels.
  5. People suffering from hormonal diseases.
  6. Allergy sufferers.
  7. Patients with disorders of the nervous system.

Signs of negative impact

Even short calls for one to two minutes can have a negative effect on a person, and prolonged use of the gadget, long calls can cause symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • pain, dryness, pain in the eyes;
  • temperature increase;
  • headaches;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • memory impairment;
  • fatigue, tiredness;
  • violation of concentration;
  • irritability;
  • discomfort;
  • drowsiness.

Such signs, as a rule, are found in diseases of the autonomic nervous system. Radiation from a mobile phone quite often causes disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, it is in a tense state, it becomes more difficult for it to resist diseases and other external influences on a person.

Very often people who talk on a mobile phone for a long time feel a rise in temperature, excessive heat near the ear, which is also a negative effect.

Scientists believe that sources of electromagnetic radiation that are near a person for a long time can cause disruption of metabolic processes in the body and the work of the nervous system, the appearance of asthenic syndrome, lead to premature aging of the body and other diseases.

Research conducted by scientists has shown that only 15% of mobile phone users, smartphones do not feel electromagnetic waves emanating from gadgets. The same number of people - 15% of users of these devices, even after short, one-time calls, feel unwell.

They are worried about headaches, unstable pulse and blood pressure, increased fatigue, drowsiness, and in some cases something similar to allergic reactions.

In 70% of mobile phone users, protective (compensatory) mechanisms are triggered to restrain electromagnetic waves and their negative impact. But their possibilities are not endless. Therefore, after a while, the influence of a mobile phone will still affect human health.

Harm to the head

The telephone has a particularly negative effect on people's heads. Unlike other devices and devices that emit electromagnetic radio waves, this gadget is often applied to the ear, being very close to the cerebral cortex.

Even short calls, lasting about a minute, have the most negative effect on the brain. And if the conversation drags on, the effect of the device on the blood-brain barrier, which keeps toxic proteins from entering the brain, becomes very dangerous. And it takes a long time to recover.

Communication on a cell phone also causes excitation of the cerebral cortex and can lead to epileptic strokes. A similar reaction, as a rule, affects those who have a slight excitability of brain cells. These people include people with neurological diseases:

  1. Neuroses.
  2. Neurasthenia.
  3. Psychasthenia.
  4. Psychopathies and others.

Obsessions, hysterical and asthenic disorders are clearly expressed in their behavior. In these patients, memory deteriorates, working capacity decreases, both mental and physical, insomnia is observed.

Deterioration of vision

The damage to the visual organs of cell phones is also very great. Electromagnetic waves seriously impair blood circulation in the eyes, leading to poor washing of the lens, which becomes cloudy and collapses over time. The person begins to feel pain in the eyes, severe headaches.

Vision problems can also arise due to constant overstrain of the eye muscles, due to long-term focusing of the gaze on the display of the gadget, and they are accompanied by serious, negative changes in the eyes.

Sexual problems

Today there is a lot of talk about the negative impact of mobile phones on sexual function. And this is a problem not only for men, but also for women. But is the mobile phone really that bad?

Numerous studies have shown that the use of these devices significantly reduces the number of sperm in men, as well as significantly impairs their quality (up to 30%) and motility. At the same time, scientists note that harm is caused not only during calls and conversations, but to a greater extent when the gadget is in a trouser pocket or is attached to a belt.

The fair sex is no less susceptible to electromagnetic radiation than men. With constant, long-term use of cell phones, they may have the following problems:

  • miscarriages;
  • premature birth;
  • the birth of children with congenital pathologies, defects, deformities.

Sleep disturbance

Leaving a mobile phone next to him at night, a person runs the risk of harming himself. Even in standby mode, the device continues to emit radio waves, which have the most negative effect on the nervous system and disrupt sleep. They are capable of causing disruptions in the nerve centers that regulate the body's work, for example, wakefulness and sleep.

Wanting to sleep well, the gadget should be placed no closer than at arm's length away from you.

Impact on children

Electromagnetic waves are especially harmful for a developing, growing organism. Therefore, when it comes to the benefits and dangers of mobile phones for children, there can be no compromises. The child should neither play, nor make calls, nor even just hold these devices in their hands. Radio waves emanating from cell phones are able to quickly penetrate into the thin, not yet strengthened skull of a baby, causing the development of various diseases and ailments:

  1. Weakening of immunity.
  2. Insomnia.
  3. Dizziness, headaches.
  4. Neurasthenia.
  5. Hyperactivity.
  6. Hormonal disruptions.
  7. Deterioration of the nervous system.
  8. Instability of cells in the body.

Children are much more susceptible to harmful radiation than adults. This must not be forgotten.

Video: radiation from a mobile phone.

How to reduce the negative impact of mobile phones on the body?

Of course, not many will agree to completely abandon the use of gadgets, even knowing about their harm to health. But you can try to at least partially protect yourself from the radiation that they emit.

Protection against mobile phone radiation may not be complete, but there are a number of measures to limit human exposure to electromagnetic radio waves:

  • Place the handset to your ear only after the connection is established, when the called subscriber picks up the handset.
  • Try to make less calls in buildings, and more on the street, where there are no obstacles in the form of walls that reduce the signal strength.
  • Call more often, but spend less time on the call. It is better to call three times for two minutes than once, but for six minutes.
  • Give preference to those gadgets with less radiation power.
  • Use as often as possible wireless headset or speakerphone.
  • Before going to bed, put your mobile phone away from the bed, away from you.
  • Less often carried in pockets, put in a bag.
  • If you do not need it, put it aside, 0.5 meters away from you and further.
  • Use less frequently during pregnancy.
  • Do not give to children.
  • Disable when there is a thunderstorm.

By following the advice of experts and following their recommendations for using telephones, you can significantly reduce the level of their radiation, which is provided to the body by microwaves.

"Voluntary exposure of the brain to microwaves from a mobile phone is the largest biological experiment on humans."


Swedish neurosurgeon Professor Layf Salford

Recently, a cell phone was fashionable, but rare, but now almost everyone has one, especially in big cities. New tariff plans provoke people to talk on the phone more and more.

Consequently, the dose of electromagnetic radiation that a person receives per day increases. Since the appearance of mobile phones, controversy has not subsided: whether their constant use is harmful or not for human health. Opinions differ on this point. Representatives of cellular companies argue that there is no harm and cannot be, and if there is, then no more than from an ordinary household electrical appliance. Proponents of this opinion refer to the absence of any long-term studies on this matter.

Studies of the influence of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on living organisms have been conducted for more than a decade. The World Health Organization (WHO) even established special program"Electromagnetic fields and human health". The closest attention is paid to this problem all over the world.

The most sensitive systems of the human body to EMF: nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive, although the whole organism suffers from the EMF of a cell phone. The biological effect of EMF under conditions of long-term exposure accumulates, as a result, the development of long-term consequences is possible, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, hormonal diseases. Electromagnetic fields can be especially dangerous for children, pregnant women (embryos), people with diseases of the central nervous, hormonal, cardiovascular system, allergy sufferers and people with weakened immunity.

The most typical manifestations of cell phone exposure, which we ourselves often felt, are: dizziness, discomfort, a feeling of "warmth" around the ear, nausea, neurological disorders, and increased fatigue. Moreover, the maximum temperature rise was observed at about 30 minutes of exposure, up to 36-39 ° C.

Consider the effect of a cell phone on the human brain. Already from the 15th second of the conversation, the inhibition of the alpha and theta rhythms of the bioelectrical activity of the brain is noted. Further, there is an increase in the temperature of the ear, tympanic membrane and the adjacent area of ​​the brain. Thus, the expression that a cell phone "roasts the brain" is not without foundation. Prolonged exposure to cell phone radiation can damage the blood-brain barrier, allowing toxic proteins to enter the brain tissue. Studies by Swedish scientists in 2003 proved that even a two-minute conversation on a mobile phone can damage the blood-brain barrier, which does not recover even an hour after the end of the call.

In 2006, Italian scientists stated that cell phones, by stimulating the cerebral cortex, could cause an epileptic stroke in people with mild excitability of brain cells. Doctors do not recommend the use of mobile phones for persons suffering from neurological diseases, including neurasthenia, psychopathy, psychoasthenia, neuroses, the clinic of which is characterized by asthenic, obsessive, hysterical disorders, as well as decreased mental and physical performance, memory loss and sleep disorders.

Employees of the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology Russian Academy Scientists recently discovered that a mobile phone operating in standby mode can shorten and upset the most important phases of nighttime rest - REM and Slow sleep. If you are using your cell phone as an alarm clock, place it away from your head, at least at arm's length.

Mobile phones also negatively affect our vision. As a result of electromagnetic irradiation of the head, the blood circulation of the eyes deteriorates. The lens of the eye is worse washed by blood, which over time leads to its clouding and further destruction. These changes are irreversible. This process accompanied by pain in the eyes and noise in the head. And yet, according to the latest research, long-term focusing of gaze on small screens of cell phones near the eyes overstrains the eye muscles, which causes irreversible negative changes in the human eye. Also, a cell phone has an effect on the cardiovascular system. For example, in the UK, people with heart problems often complained of pain when they carried their phone in their breast pocket. And David Sheffield of the University of Steffordshit even managed to establish a connection between a cell phone and high blood pressure.

Japanese doctor Hajime Kimata of Unitika Hospital in Kyoto believes that microwaves emitted by mobile phones can "trigger" antigens that trigger allergic reactions such as asthma. A cell phone is also harmful to the reproductive system. Sexual dysfunction is usually associated with a change in its regulation by the nervous and neuroendocrine systems.

Researchers from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, after studying 364 men, concluded that those who used their mobile phones for 4 hours a day or more had lower sperm count. Moreover, the sperm of these people were less mobile and of inferior quality. The reports of researchers from the United States are confirmed by the Hungarian scientist Imre Fejes from the University of Szeged. After examining 221 volunteers over 13 months, he found that a mobile phone can degrade sperm quality by 30%. At the same time, it is not necessary to talk a lot about it, it is enough just to carry it with you - in your trouser pocket or on your belt.

The cell phone also has a negative effect on the reproductive system of women. For example, women who talk on the phone all day are 1.5 times more likely to have miscarriages, and the number of children with congenital defects is 2.5 times more. Therefore, in many countries, from the moment of establishing the fact of pregnancy and throughout the entire period, women are strictly prohibited from using mobile phones. The results of the conducted epidemiological studies allow us to conclude that the presence of women in contact with electromagnetic radiation can lead to premature birth, affect the development of the fetus and, finally, increase the risk of developing congenital malformations.

The WHO medical organization, in its program "EMR and Human Health", unequivocally states: "... medical consequences such as cancer, changes in behavior, memory loss, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, sudden death syndrome of an outwardly healthy child and many other conditions, including suicides are the result of exposure to electromagnetic fields. " Thus, the statement about the harmlessness of cellular communication does not correspond to reality.

While "scientists are arguing," Levi's announced that it is preparing to release new model jeans "Icon S-Fit", which will protect their wearer from the harmful radiation of a cell phone. Their pockets will be made of impervious "anti-radiation" fabric.

The National Committee for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation, as well as the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, recommends to owners of cell phones:

Don't use your cell phone unnecessarily;

Talk continuously for no more than 3-4 minutes;

Do not allow children to use the cell phone;

Limit the use of cell phones by women during pregnancy;

When purchasing, choose a cell phone with a lower maximum radiation power;

In a car, use the MRI in conjunction with a hands-free hands-free system with an external antenna, which is best positioned in the geometric center of the roof;

Limit the use of mobile radios by people with implanted pacemakers (pacemakers).

The Research Center for Bioelectromagnetic Effects at the University Hospital in Aachen (Germany) has accumulated the results of more than 10,000 conflicting studies of the effects of mobile phones on human health, which we will discuss in this article.

  • Since the end of May 2011, the World Health Organization has recognized the radio frequency emissions of mobile intercom a potential carcinogen.
  • But then, since 2013, the position of WHO on this issue has changed dramatically and radio frequency radiation has been removed from the list of risk of oncology.

RF radiation is no longer on the list of cancer risks. Why?

On several occasions, WHO and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have come under severe pressure (even from the US Air Force) or lobbying for the interests of mobile phone manufacturers. Several major scandals are associated with these facts:

  • With Professor Anders Ahlbom - Head of IARC Experts Preparing Materials on the Carcinogenicity of RF Radiation
  • Also proven in court was the fact of writing by Canadian scientists (Mulder, Krevski, Relaholi) customized articles on the security of mobile communications.

Meanwhile, countries such as Switzerland, Luxembourg, Italy, Belgium have introduced rather strict restrictions on the standards of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. For Switzerland, the limit for electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones is only one tenth of the standards adopted for other countries by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

  • From 2000 to 2013, the main news on the impact of electromagnetic radiation on human health was published on the website of the Basel (Switzerland) Public Health Institute Elmar.
  • Since 2013 these publications have not been renewed !!!
  • Currently, all the latest news from this area, including the conclusions of the BERENIS expert group, are published under the heading Electrosmog on the website of the Swiss Federal Society for the Protection of the Environment.
  • And that's it!

The approximate number of mobile users in the world is seven billion subscribers. Subscription fees, imposed services, annual updates of branded phone models are a multi-billion dollar business. Does anyone else believe that mobile communications are found to be the culprit of cancer?

Influence of electromagnetic radiation on the body

Electromagnetic radiation used for telephone connection in mobile devices ah, does not possess the properties of ionizing radiation, BUT:

  • More sluggishly, it starts a cascade of free radicals and peroxidation, which directly damages our cells (see).
  • Radiofrequency radiation can raise the local temperature of living tissues and provoke chromosomal aberrations in cells.

In general, all the effects of such radiation can be divided into thermal and non-thermal. The degree of their severity depends on the power of the radiation and the time of its exposure.

  • Thermal effects - an increase in body temperature, an increase in the number of heartbeats, a drop in the immune response,.
  • Non-thermal effects are diverse today, but they have varying degrees of evidence.

Effect on human ear

As a rule, the head area is irradiated as much as possible by a mobile phone or smartphone. At the same time, the impact on the ear, applied to the phone, and the superficial areas adjacent to it, is 100,000 times greater than on the opposite ear or deep layers of the brain. In this case, tinnitus often occurs, not severe headaches.

Effects on sleep

Interesting facts were established by the BERENIS group in a 2015 study of the effects of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on human sleep. The experiment involved 20 healthy young men, who on encephalograms during sleep gave disturbances in the sleep rhythm of the cerebral cortex (see).

Brain tumors

In the same 2015, based on data from hospitals in New Zealand and Sweden, a relationship was established between the incidence of brain cancer and mobile telephony. An unprecedented growth of tumors of this localization was noted in the last 20 years, in the absence of other reliable environmental factors as prerequisites for such cancer:

  • In Swedish hospitals, the number of patients increased from 2007 to 2013 by 4.5%,
  • and mortality from cancer of the central nervous system by 23%.

Nevertheless, in the conclusion, experts point to the errors of both this statistical study and a similar one for 2010, referring to the increase in the average age of patients and the aging of the population, insufficiently correct coding and the possible registration of one patient in several groups, etc. And again, they are inclined to believe that there is no direct evidence of a link between brain cancer and mobile phones.

Influence on offspring

June 2015 was marked by the report that in an experiment on rats that had undergone exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation for 28 days, data on impaired blood-brain barrier permeability and impaired spatial memory were obtained. The blood-brain barrier protects the brain from toxins, microorganisms, and immune defense factors circulating in the blood, and maintains the constancy of the CNS environment, protecting it. This is especially important at the stage of intrauterine development, when the central nervous system of the fetus is carefully protected from food or drug addictions of the mother, part of her infections.

However, the Swiss found no direct evidence of the effect of mobile phones on the fetus during pregnancy or on the sex cells of the parents before conception.

Although in 2014 the same group did not reject the influence of radiation with an absorption coefficient of 2W per kg. and higher within 24 hours for the development of the central nervous system in children and degenerative-dystrophic changes in nerve cells in mice.

For mobile phone radiation, the exposure threshold is in the SAR10 range of 20 MW / kg and 2 W / kg. Under these conditions, a temporary or permanent change in the hereditary material of the cell and gene expression is possible.

And some more reports

The specific absorption coefficient for high-frequency electromagnetic radiation is safe at the level of 2 W / kg (according to the standards adopted in most countries). Most of the mobile phones and communication cells between towers in model experiments seem to meet this threshold. However, BERENIS in September 2015 published the data of an experiment, as a result of which in REALITY this threshold is exceeded in most cases.

In the March 2016 BERENIS Bulletin, there is evidence that high-frequency electromagnetic radiation doubles the number of spontaneous DNA mutations, albeit only at high exposures. In general, the bulletins of this society, starting from 2014, more and more concern low-frequency radiation, since high-frequency mobile communication devices somehow fell out of the area of ​​interest of scientists (they were not even included in the 2015 study of the appearance of physical discomfort in the Netherlands due to electromagnetic emitters in everyday life). Small additions to the bulletins are the comments of the expert group about their agreement with the proff's research. Michael Hässig on the POTENTIAL impact of mobile base stations on cow health.

In 2015, BERENIS refuted the teratogenic effect of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on the liver, lungs and blood vessels in mice, proved in 2010 by Tillman, but again acknowledges the potential risk of this type of radiation for genetic material.

The main point on which they rest when proving the harmlessness of mobile intercoms latest models is that with a modern decrease in the radiation power of telephones (within 125 mW on average), a balance is achieved between their thermal effect on the subscriber's body and the dissipation of thermal energy into the external environment.

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity

  • decreased performance
  • irritability
  • nervousness and sleep disturbances in people using mobile phones.

There is another report covering the period from 2002 to 2006. He dealt mainly with mobile phones and their impact on human and animal health. Most of the results relate to experiments on living people, that is, they are quite reliable and as close to reality as possible. The report begins with the fact that although not all the effects of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation have been studied (except for thermal), the presence of electromagnetically sensitive citizens is already indisputable, and even if everyone else is in perfect order, this category of citizens suffers and has every right to protect their interests. In 2004, in tiny Switzerland, there were about 5% of those.

The summary of this report is not so much a problem in mobile communications as in exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (frequency, intensity, duration, frequency of exposure).

Fighters of the invisible front

A primitive mobile communication scheme - two telephones and a row of towers.

The tower is an intermediate link. It receives the signal and emits it itself continuously. It is connected to other towers and telephones. In a city or area, the signal does not travel through buildings or trees. All communication is carried out on a line-of-sight basis. The more obstacles there are, the more towers you need. The tower emits a signal in the form of individual blades with a long main beam (over a long distance and several small ones for the near.

The phone has a signal receiver and a transmitter. The telephone acts as a transceiver, but its power is many times lower than that of the tower. It allows users to talk to each other. Towers, on the other hand, connect different subscribers to each other, who may be located in different cities or countries. The phone emits a radio signal when the subscriber is called, communication is established (maximum power) and during periods of active traffic (conversation, SMS or MMS). Outside of these moments, the "sleeping" phone sends only a periodic short "beacon" signal to the nearest tower.

  • The damage from the tower is many times greater, but it is farther directly from the person.
  • From the tower, the body is irradiated approximately evenly.
  • The weak power of the telephone radiator affects us, but not on the body, but directly in the head area.
  • That is, we can hide from the mobile with a headset or a speakerphone, but it is much more problematic to hide from a tower.

A bit of fiction

Some time ago, equipment from mobile operators began to appear on the top floor of student dormitories. Such things are noticed by an ordinary person by chance, as something new that the eye stumbles upon. Something that didn't exist before. A sequence of thoughts immediately arises in my head:

  • Saved on the repeater tower
  • Do students know that a powerful electromagnetic emitter is located just above the windows and right behind their walls?
  • What does the person who received the money by agreeing to place powerful repeaters at the head of the bed of young people look like, and what will they spend it on?
  • Well, in conclusion, a visual sequence from the intro to the films of Universl Pictures, where the light of the sun receding beyond the horizon fades, and the entire earth is illuminated and surrounded by a massive golden belt in the form of the inscription Universal. Say, the power of money over the world of people, who does not understand, he will understand ...

I have a friend (not paranoid) who, when his mobile phone rings, turns on the speakerphone to keep the receiver away from his ear. In response to my question, which did not sound aloud, he explained:

  • “I would use a headset if I called my cell more often. But with two or four calls a day, such precautions are enough. "
  • "Is it really that bad?" I asked.
  • "If you hold the tube near your ear, then I feel almost physical discomfort and later I associate this fact with a slight headache that prevents me from concentrating on something other than myself."

The expressed fear can be attributed to a purely subjective assessment of my acquaintance on this question, but there is also statistics that not directly but indirectly tell us a lot about electromagnetic radiation.

Power lines near dwellings and houses made of radiation asbestos

For example, many general practitioners are faced with such a phenomenon as a significant (several times) increase in the number of cancer patients in homes that are closer than others to power lines (power lines). You've probably seen such tall metal structures running along the avenues and resembling Christmas trees in shape.

There are also similar foci of sharp oncological morbidity observed by district doctors - these are houses like and far from power lines, but they are united only by the date of construction and the type of houses. Trying to answer this question for myself, in order to find an explanation for the massive cases of cancer patients, I accidentally drew attention to the fact of the destruction in the late 80s of all building mixtures containing European asbestos. Of course, we are talking about banning it on the territory of Europe, not the USSR. In the explanation to the article, it was said that asbestos mined in Europe is several times more toxic than that mined in Russia. The last doubts were dispelled after a conversation with a patient who was at the last stage of oncology. She, complaining of constant pain, said that she knew how it would all end, referring to her illness. Everyone who worked with me at the construction site died of cancer, and I can say a long-liver. Later we learned how harmful plasters and other materials containing this toxic asbestos were.

So, when choosing a permanent place of residence, I would advise you to get to know some talkative grandmother who has good relations with neighbors and lead the conversation to who lived how and from what died. Or at least a house near which there are many old women, and even better old people.

I think that then it will be possible to avoid one diagnosis for all family members living together.

The disappearance of cockroaches

As for cockroaches, the reason for their disappearance is definitely not associated with the presence of asbestos of any origin, but is associated with electromagnetic radiation. Everyone remembers the abundance of cockroaches in canteens and apartments in the mid-eighties. None of the cooks paid any attention to them and did not try to make an apologetic face. Now, cockroaches in the house or in public catering places are a rarity.

Similarities and differences in health effects of cell towers and power lines

Comparison of the impact of power lines and panel antennas of cellular operators is appropriate from the point of view of the nature of the phenomena - electromagnetic radiation.

  • In the case of power transmission lines, we are talking about an industrial frequency of 50 hertz (50 oscillations per second) and the impact on a person depends in the simplest case on two factors, this is the distance and the average transmitted power.
  • Cellular operators use a much higher carrier frequency, but this does not negate the harmful effects on the human body.

The fact is that the human nervous system is of an electrochemical nature. Electromagnetic field excites electricity in the area of ​​its action. The stronger the field, the stronger the electric current.

It is on this principle that electromagnetic weapons are based, designed to disable electronic devices enemy in the zone of its action. Of course, we are mainly talking about the excitation of interference, which lead to software malfunction and reboot of microprocessor systems, but in individual cases- at the epicenter of the action, the electronic filling will be destroyed irrevocably.

Similarly, an outside factor interferes with the work of the human nervous system. And how such an effect will affect well-being and health is anyone's guess. Most often we are talking about:

  • insomnia or, conversely,
  • persistent headaches
  • causeless fatigue and fatigue.

We know that all organs are controlled and communicate by the nervous system. It is logical to assume that the broken rhythm can also be the result of external electromagnetic influence. As far as research is concerned, it is about the impact of power lines and the link with oncology has been established with prolonged exposure.

What to do

If we really try to qualitatively answer the two main questions: “who is to blame and what to do?”, Then it would be better to go straight to the second part of it:

  • Firstly, if you have a summer residence, then love it if possible, if this has not yet been done.
  • Secondly, if you live in a village, then reconsider your plans and dreams of moving to the city. As it was in the good old days, the coin has two sides, and it still remains. If technical progress brings positive aspects, then, consequently, it brought at least half of the negative factors.
  • To minimize the health effects of your cell phone, use the speakerphone or headset only.
  • Pay attention to the towers of mobile operators nearby when choosing a home, do not buy such real estate.

The benefits and harms of a cell phone entirely depend on the way you use it.... Many words have been said about the necessity and importance of a mobile device in the life of a modern person. No less has been written about the harm from electromagnetic radiation, the successor of which is any, even the simplest, apparatus. What is this harm, how to minimize risks and recognize harmful effects is described in this article.

The harm of the phone to the human body

The influence of the mobile phone on human health has been subjected to repeated studies, which sometimes had conflicting information. Scientists have been arguing about the dangers of mobile devices for several decades, and a huge number of results of experiments and other scientific studies have already accumulated, which are constantly published on scientific resources. More than 10 thousand publications on this topic have already been collected, which can be found in international publications. But does the phone emit radiation?

May 31, 2011 is the day on which the WHO officially recognized the harm of radiation from mobile devices to human health. She recognized radiation as a potential carcinogen and identified group 2 B.

The harm of mobile phones to the human body lies in the fact that when talking, it is close to the brain... In this case, the electromagnetic rays come into direct contact with it and can negatively affect health. The characteristics of this type of radiation are such that when exposed to living cells, they cause an increase in their temperature and possibly play a role in irreversible processes when radio frequency influence occurs regularly. Thus, a brain tumor may develop.

The harm of the phone to human health also lies in the fact that concentration of attention worsens while talking on the phone, thus, due to talking on the phone while driving in a car, accidents happen 4 times more often. Although the cause is not radiation, the problem remains relevant to this day. You should not talk on the phone while driving or using the speakerphone. Although the harm of cell phones to human health has been discussed by the scientific community for a long time, no consensus has been reached. Various versions of this provision are expressed. The most common is the financial component, since phone manufacturers are interested in selling their goods, and therefore, hiding the true research results.

According to the principle of precaution, healthcare organizations are obliged to recommend that users of mobile devices minimize the time they use them, and especially when they are near the head. The prohibition to use the phone often is relevant primarily for children..

Among the consequences that the telephone can have on the body, there is also the well-known vegetative-vascular dystonia - a mysterious disease characterized by a pronounced loss of strength and decreased performance. Some researchers believe that the reason for this condition is precisely the too frequent use of mobile phones or being in an area with a dangerous level of radiation from the tower. And with the constant suppression of the body by electromagnetic waves, cancer can develop.

Society reaction

Protection from the radiation that phones spread has become a hot topic among users. The widespread use of mobile phones creates a wary attitude towards them as carcinogenic agents that can cause the development of cancerous tumors. When evaluating studies, there is still no definitive conclusion on the long-term effects of cell phone use. At the same time, a version is often expressed that manufacturers and companies of mobile devices embellish and hide the results of research. Several similar incidents were recorded:

  • The case with Anders Ahlbom - it turned out that the chief specialist working group of experts turned out to be an expert lobbied by mobile phone manufacturers. He was paid to find radiation from mobile phones to be harmless. After the scandal, he was fired and not admitted to the world congress.
  • Canadian scientists have also been repeatedly noticed in the bias of their research - they have been repeatedly paid by the manufacturers and operators of mobile communications and the central television channels of the United States.

Phone manufacturers are no exception in this case and, along with alcohol and tobacco manufacturers, are trying to deny and ridicule the results that indicate a real danger.

Meanwhile, experts from different countries have long been united in their belief that the effect of the phone on the body is destructive. Thirty scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, led by Jonathan Samet, produced a sufficient number of experiments and conclusions that today have become difficult to ignore. One can only guess why a group of scientists classified this harm as potentially carcinogenic, assigning an appropriate marker to it. And what (or who?) Prevented the IARC at the WHO from classifying the problem with marker 1A or 2A as higher, because the confirmation was presented quite serious - brain cancer. And confirmation of the development of glioma and other brain lesions with frequent use of a mobile device near the ear was accepted by the most authoritative experts.

Electromagnetic fields and public opinion

But is the phone really dangerous? Does the phone emit radiation? Microwave frequency range, which is characteristic of microwave radiation, which is the range cellular network, affects the following functions in the body:

  • suppresses cellular and humoral immunity;
  • provokes the development of oncology;
  • the cause of endocrine dysfunction;
  • development of reversible and irreversible chromosomal aberrations.

The development of these diseases depends on three factors of electromagnetic radiation: frequency, power and time of exposure. The higher the data, the greater the impact. Thus, the radiation from cellular communication becomes similar to gamma radiation, which has the same principle of operation. For both gamma radiation and microwave radiation, the time of exposure to the rays determines the total power that affects the body.

The maximum permissible level of electromagnetic radiation from cellular communications in Russia is 10mW / cm² in the position near the head. If this level is exceeded, diseases can occur.

Ordinary citizens sometimes do not suspect that their safety depends on themselves, since the radiation power of mobile phones is different for all models, and it is worth paying close attention to the level of supply and reception of these signals before buying. Each phone model has a different SAR level - energy absorption- which should be as low as possible. When the necessary measurements of the signal level were not made before the purchase, it is better to control it manually, if such a function is provided in the device. Very often there are cases when the permissible level is exceeded, especially when calling and searching for a network.

Since modern life is no longer possible without the use of mobile network, it is possible to reduce the level of microwave exposure without bringing the phone close to the head, since safety is directly proportional to its distance from the body. Fortunately, today there are a lot of opportunities for this: speakerphone, "hands free".

How to Protect Against Excessive Phone Radiation

The radiation from the telephone (from the Latin radius "ray", radiātiō - "radiation") is non-ionizing. This is a safer type of radiation, in contrast to the ionizing one, which is characteristic of some radioactive metals, as well as the X-ray apparatus and places with nuclear and thermonuclear reactions.

Non-ionizing radiation surrounds us everywhere: in electric light, sunlight, even heat from our body. Frequent exposure to high doses of radiation has a cumulative effect when a minor amount of exposure to the body occurs, causing a change in blood biochemistry that can cause serious health problems over time.

The possible harm to cellular communications is the following:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • infertility;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • the development of oncological diseases.

Despite the obvious evidence of scientific works on this topic, mobile phone manufacturers continue to convince that all this is fiction. Although there are many similar examples in history: the same leaded gasoline, until it was banned internationally due to its harmful effects on health, oil refineries denied the presence of a carcinogenic effect in it.

Therefore, the abuse of phone calls should be partially or completely accompanied by a wireless headset, which will allow you to communicate without leaning the phone to your head.

What the phone emits also applies to home radiotelephones, and not just to cell phones, since the signal character is very similar.

Is radiation from a phone harmful when it is at rest? Yes, since the signal received from the station is pulsating. But the most intense radiation becomes at the time of calling the number, when the subscriber number connects to the base station of the cellular operator. If the cell signal cannot easily find the tower, then it starts working at full power to pick it up. In these situations, the telephone is the most dangerous, and its stay near the body should be minimized.

In such cases, it is advisable to turn off the phone altogether or set the "Airplane" mode. There are special cases for the phone with a shielding effect that do not transmit radiation, you can use them. If it is possible to improve the transmitted signal during a conversation, then you need to do this: stand on an elevated surface, go to a window or go out into an open space so that the received signal does not meet obstacles. These actions will minimize the effect of electromagnetic rays that they have on the body.

The effect of cell towers on the human body

Radio signal transceivers with powerful antennas allow you to keep in touch with subscribers of cellular operators. To make communication better, such towers should be placed on heights: it is allowed to install them on the buildings of some enterprises, residential buildings or on mountains and hills.

The distribution of electromagnetic radiation from the tower occurs in such a way that the houses standing under it are not the epicenter of radiation, because the waves from the tower propagate horizontally. Being close to 30 meters from such an antenna is potentially hazardous to human health.... If such a tower and the cellular operators directly adhere to the European norm and do not exceed a signal higher than 2W / kg, then the danger, as such, is not considered to be exceeded.

Radiation from the tower tends to fade away from its source, therefore, already within 150 meters, such radiation becomes no more dangerous than from a telephone lying in another room.

However, it is quite common for mobile operators to place their base stations in bad faith, adding additional equipment to existing stations already emitting maximum permissible radiation. Thus, the norms restricting construction near dangerous objects are violated, people are exposed to radiation.

Changes in legislation are no less problematic, according to which the construction of new houses is not taken into account from the standpoint of radiation from antennas and no examinations are carried out for an increased level of microwave frequency.

The described risks from radiation may be relevant for people whose houses are within 100-120 m or less.... If you know that there is a cell tower in the neighborhood at this level, especially if the antenna itself is located at the same height as your apartment, you need to measure the energy flux density from it by contacting an accredited laboratory. Since the waves propagate horizontally, the greatest damage is possible precisely at the same height as the radiation source.

If, after the measurements, the signal level is higher than the permissible level (above 1900 MHz and above 10 μW / cm²), then it is necessary to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, indicating the available evidence.

The way the phone affects human health seems to be carefully hushed up by someone. A vigilant citizen must learn to live in a new reality around factors that can cause exposure in order to be able to independently protect himself and his loved ones from possible danger. After the World Health Organization announced to the whole world about the dangers of telephones, adding them to a separate register of carcinogenic products, sober-minded people no longer have any doubts that there is no smoke without fire.

The studies carried out have confirmed the fact that EMR really affects a living organism, and if this organism is somehow weakened or suppressed, then the study can simply kill it by mutating cells into malignant neoplasms. An experiment with chickens subjected to prolonged EMP is typical. They developed cancer three times more often than others.

These rules will be most relevant for our children, who appear completely defenseless against radiation. The skull bones in children are much thinner, which means that the degree of radiation passing through the cranium is much higher than that of an adult. If we add to this factor the undeveloped immunity and constant stress of the body due to increased growth, then one can understand why the percentage of pediatric oncology has sharply increased in recent decades.

You and I are so accustomed to always "being in touch" that we don't even remember and we don't want to remember how we lived 20 years ago without this very connection. We stood in line at telephone booths, always had two kopecks in their pockets, knew the phone numbers of friends and colleagues by heart. But technical progress "hooked" us on cellular communications, and now literally everyone uses mobile phones, from first-graders to retirees. But is everything so good and all right? Isn't there a big danger hiding in a small apparatus for us and, first of all, for our children?

To whom do we owe the appearance of a mobile phone?

In the 30s of the XX century, the Detroit police first tried to use one- and then two-way telephone mobile radio communication to transmit information. During the Great Patriotic War, in 1943, the Soviet electrical engineer-inventor G.I. created and tested the "great-grandfather" of the modern mobile phone - a mono phone that works wirelessly.

In 1946, Soviet engineers Shapiro and Zakharchenko, and in parallel with them the American company Bell Laboratories, tested radiotelephone communication from a car. In 1947, the Americans developed the principle of mobile telephony - hexagonal honeycomb. And in 1957 the Moscow engineer L.I. presented his compatriots with the first phone that they could carry with them, and a base station for it. It weighed almost 3 kg, worked within a radius of up to 30 kilometers without changing batteries for 24 hours.

This is how the era of mobile phones began. In Russia, cellular communication firmly established itself in 1991, when Delta Telecom was established in St. Petersburg.

What is SAR and what is it for

Modern mobile phones have become completely different. They are lightweight, beautiful, compact, multifunctional. Only one thing has not changed: the “mobile phone” has been and remains a source of electromagnetic radiation, dangerous to humans. Since mobile communication cannot be taken and deleted from life modern society, it became necessary to clearly (in numerical terms) explain to people that there are dangerous cell phones, and there are very dangerous ones. In order to assess the harmful effects of "mobile phones" on the body, a special indicator was introduced - the specific absorption rate of electromagnetic energy (SAR). It shows how much energy of the electromagnetic field (in watts) was absorbed by one kilogram of the human body in one second.

- this is the first thing to ask about when buying a new cell phone by looking at the instructions attached to it. If the SAR does not exceed 0.2 W / kg, the phone has a very low radiation exposure. If this indicator falls within the range of 0.2–0.5 W / kg, it is low, and if it is more than 0.5 but less than 1.0 W / kg, it is medium. Radiating capacity is considered high for devices with SARs greater than 1.0 W / kg. Unfortunately, a unified method for determining this coefficient has not yet been developed in the world, therefore, the results of identical studies carried out in different laboratories differ significantly from each other.

The impact of a cell phone on the human body consists of two components: thermal and non-thermal.

Thermal or temperature effect is the ability of the apparatus to heat up objects adjacent to it. IN this case these are organs and tissues, especially those that contain a large amount of water: the brain, salivary glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands, pituitary and pineal gland, eyes. During a conversation on the phone, which is usually always at one ear, due to an increase in local temperature, blood vessels on one side of the head dilate. Compensatory on the other side, the vessels narrow, causing tissue hypoxia (oxygen deficiency).

The non-thermal effect is based on the fact that the “mobile phone” generates low-frequency electromagnetic waves. The frequency of some of them coincides with the frequencies of bioelectric impulses recorded on the EEG in the brain, and this threatens the onset of resonance, the consequences of which are difficult to predict. Convulsive seizures, mental disorders, etc. are not excluded.

It is impossible not to mention rare, but quite real cases in life when cell phones exploded in the hands of their owners, causing damage to their health of varying severity.

Consequences of the first acquaintance of a child with a cell phone

For the first time, a child is exposed to radiation from a mobile phone while still in the womb. For the baby, the mother’s addictions to chat for an hour or two with a friend, to “sit” on the phone in social networks, or, which is not excluded, to watch a movie that was missed on TV, do not pass without leaving a trace. And electromagnetic radiation at this time "does its dirty work":

  • "Interferes" with the structure of the fetal chromosomes, provoking the formation of malformations and anomalies;
  • causes constriction of peripheral blood vessels, due to which the fetus is deficient in oxygen;
  • disrupts the metabolism in cells, they do not have enough oxygen, and they lose the ability to divide normally;
  • "Shakes" the hormonal background of the female body, which can result in a miscarriage;
  • affects the central nervous system of an unborn baby, which may manifest itself in the future by increased excitability, inappropriate behavior.

Pregnant women who are responsible for the health of the child should use cellular communication only if absolutely necessary.

Even after birth, a child is an easily vulnerable object to electromagnetic radiation. Why? An adult is a fully formed organism with a reliable defense system. The child's body continues to grow and develop until the age of 16-18. Imperfection of the musculoskeletal, nervous, immune, endocrine, hematopoietic and other systems in a growing body turns a child into an easy target for harmful environmental factors. The younger the child, the higher the likelihood that the electromagnetic waves from the cell phone will "hit the target."

Possible consequences of exposure to a "mobile phone" on a child:

Numerous studies and experiments carried out by scientists from different countries confirm that sooner or later the following happens in the human body, which constantly exposes itself to the influence of electromagnetic waves:

  • in the cells of the brain, the content of reactive oxygen species increases, which cause oxidative damage to DNA. And this leads to an increase in the risk of developing cancer, the appearance of a feeling of fatigue and headaches;
  • the risk of developing glioma, one of the most common primary brain tumors, increases;
  • the risk of developing cancer of the salivary gland and epilepsy increases;
  • in the brain, the alternation of the phases of slow and REM sleep, periods of wakefulness and sleep is disrupted;
  • the risk of developing cataracts and myopia increases;
  • decreases the density of bones in the area of ​​the body that is constantly in contact with the "mobile phone";
  • arterial pressure steadily rises.

Psychological cell phone addiction is another problem in childhood. Some children merge with the device into a single whole, not letting go of it day or night. Parents' attempts to separate the child from the "mobile phone" turn into hysterics and even bouts of rage and aggression. Neither persuasion nor threats help. And then you have to resort to the help of specialists: a psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist.

Another danger of a cell phone (especially an expensive one) is that, having such a device, a child can at any time become a victim of fraud. Dishonest people go to any tricks and tricks to force a child to voluntarily give up their mobile phone. In case of failure, they are able to use force and not only inflict moral trauma on the child, but also cause physical harm to his health.

The desire of parents to always know where their child is, how he feels, what he is doing is quite natural. But if a child is attending a kindergarten, he will definitely do without a cell phone. The teacher has all contact phone numbers for communication with parents.

It's another matter if you often have to leave the child under the supervision of a neighbor or nanny. These are strangers, no matter how well they know their parents. In this situation, you can buy a "mobile phone" for the baby, but only a special one, not "the same as that of the father." Phones for preschool children appearance resemble bright toys, have only the most necessary buttons (7 pieces): call acceptance, hang up, SOS button and four buttons for communication with parents and two more relatives. Built in GPS navigator- this is an opportunity to keep track of where the child is. Such "mobile phones" are programmed by means of SMS, so the kid will not be able to change the settings.

Parents, sending their child to first grade, include a cell phone in the list of compulsory school supplies. Only a few of them will hear advice to buy a simpler and cheaper model, and the rest will make a choice based on their material capabilities. It's good if you ask about the SAR value. Therefore, today's schoolboy without a "mobile phone" is nonsense. And there is no need to convince anyone - the XXI century is in the yard.

After buying a phone, parents should by any means convey to the child, instill in him that a cell phone is a means of communication, and not a game console or a camera. This is difficult to do, but necessary.

Parents should also teach a student to use a mobile phone and properly handle it. ... Here are the points on which they should focus the attention of their child:

  • at school during lessons, in the theater, in the hospital, in the library, switch the phone to “silent” mode;
  • do not forget to return it to normal mode in the absence of restrictions;
  • carry your phone in a briefcase, not in your pocket;
  • do not use a "mobile phone" in transport;
  • during a conversation, do not cover the phone with your entire palm, but hold it with three fingers on the lower part of the case;
  • when talking to a subscriber, shift the "mobile phone" from one ear to another;
  • do not leave the device on a desk, in a corridor on a windowsill or in any other place unattended;
  • do not answer calls from unknown numbers;
  • while walking, do not talk on the phone or write messages;
  • do not give a "cell phone" to strangers, even if they ask very much;
  • do not wear a cell phone on a neck lanyard;
  • do not use a wireless headset;
  • write a message instead of a call, if possible;
  • do not put the phone to your ear while connecting with a subscriber;
  • do not talk to the subscriber for more than two minutes;
  • turn off the "mobile phone" at night, wake up when the usual alarm clock rings;
  • remember that someone else's phone is an inviolable thing.

Zaluzhanskaya Elena Aleksandrovna, pediatrician