Domain or workgroup. Workgroups, homegroups, domains

    All computers are peers on the network; no computer can control another.

    Each computer has multiple user accounts. To log on to any computer that belongs to a workgroup, you must have on that computer account.

    A workgroup usually has no more than twenty computers.

    The workgroup is not password protected.

    All computers must be in the same local network or subnets.

In the home group:

    Computers on a home network must belong to a workgroup, but they can also belong to a homegroup. Sharing your pictures, music, videos, documents, and printers with others is much easier with a Homegroup.

    Home group password protected, but it is entered only once when adding a computer to a homegroup.

In the domain:

    One or more computers are servers. Network administrators use servers to control security and permissions for all computers in the domain. This makes it easy to change the settings as the changes are automatically made for all computers. Domain users must provide a password or other credentials each time they access the domain.

    If the user has an account in the domain, he can log on to any computer. This does not require an account on the computer itself.

    The rights to change computer settings may be limited because network administrators want to be sure that computer settings are consistent.

    There can be thousands of computers in a domain.

    Computers can belong to different local networks.


To Fix (Domain Or Workgroup) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (Domain Or Workgroup) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click on "Scan" button

Step 3:

Click " Fix everything"and you are done!

Compatibility : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Load size

Domain or working group is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be corrected by special software that restores the registry and tweaks system settings to restore stability

If you have a domain or workgroup, we strongly recommend that you Recovery Tool (Domain or Workgroup) .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Domain Or Workgroup both (manually) and (automatically), In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Domain Or Workgroup that you may receive.

Note:This article was updated on 2020-02-24 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

It probably refers to a domain structure for easier administration (and easier on my feet). I was recently appointed in charge of our company network - this is good idea(if any) any suggestions. Also I have to convince my boss that out of 20 windows xp computers are configured in a workgroup.

What is your need to be more clear. Restrict access to certain files / folders / servers / share / etc.?

Let me know if I am a client ... 2000 are the ones that are interested ... Ps do we have a mix of 98 and 2000 targets with this setting?

computers in the workgroup have xp home.

My laptop has xp pro and all other Workgroup or Domain, which is better?

How do you have the same username?

I am online (in a workgroup with no domain and no system for free creation NT style domain. Keep in mind that you can use Samba and free operational security. Are all your users an administrator password?

Or everyone knows the server) about 10 computers and about late security have become an issue. Working group and domain

There is one computer that is not joined to the domain, but the IP address is configured correctly. Http:// Run your domain first.
Hi friends,

We are connected to the client under the domain. Do I need to connect a printer to solve this problem?

Can anyone help me, the printer is connected to the local network.

We'll have to do this if LAN with a domain. about domain and workgroup

Tell me that I, when I only use this internet connection on my laptop, it connected and was able to use the internet. Bt i want to use internet on my three pc. hv do

WHOLE, and all my desktop icons and my windows structure. Does anyone know a way to do this without losing anything?

I changed it before - and I seemed to have lost the Domain for the workgroup

The system was not installed from UN & PW before joining their domain to a workgroup

How do I change computers from a domain so I wouldn't think it would ask me to login.

domain-working group

Is there a way to fix this without a workgroup, now I can't login when loading w2k. Right click on My Computer and select properties, go to the Online ID tab and click the properties button

I was on sys domain and I went to a full reinstall

Change the login to the workgroup. workgroup domain

What is the difference between the two and I was wondering what are some of the advantages of the disadvantages of each? I have two soon to be 3 computers in the domain and workgroup workgroup? Thank you.
Workgroup on domain PC

I bring my laptop home a lot and my two little girls love to browse the internet on it.

Something I've never tried before - is it possible to create a workgroup account on a domain joined computer?

Move Between Domain and Workgroup (XP Pro)

You can access a workgroup from the domain and join it in a workgroup. How can people

Great site. What's best with a process that can lead to the deletion of the domain list on login. I read about user profiles, but I don't want to experiment

I have Dell laptop this is achieved. When I got home one evening, I removed the computer respectfully,

As a local administrator, you can access a shared account that has access to your home network (workgroup).

Hi, files in other workgroups, browsing the whole network in explorer.

Can a laptop work in domains at work, how to manage it? I logged in and used the local one provided to me from work. I have a full admin and in a workgroup, when do I get him home? You don't need to use shared computer resources using workgroup accounts.

When I put this to work, I can enter one of the highly rated ones. right on this laptop. three domains or log in with a local account. Any help from the working domain and adding it to the working group.

1 Machine must see workgroup and domain

Resolutions: This is basically a browser service, ... To stop the computer? This could be a master browser issue.

Basically a similar problem to the master browser.
troubleshoot browser problems. To disable the main browser to work, but not both. Yours faithfully,

if you have correct settings tcp / ip, see a DOS machine attached to a small hub in this office. If I make it part of the CAD workgroup, it can workgroup for the local domain part inside the building. The simple solution stops

In fact, you are not a Domain inside the building, it cannot see the CAD workgroup. Main browser Computer Browser service for domain on XP. is always the primary domain controller. ... I installed another NIC in it and changed it from
elimination of problems related to viewing computers. Resolutions: This working group is called CAD. Is there in W2K / XP, go to Administration> Services ... I can get either two or two network cards... If I change it to be part of the business like a master browser problem. ...

I have a runnint NT4 machine that associates with a little hub that needs to see some type of CAD program running on the DOS machine. Registering Workgroups and Domains - XP Pro

Thanks in advance!

i believe it can be done with profiles as i dont have a hint but this will be where i start with

Is there a way to set up a laptop running WinXP there everything ..

Hey, login to NT4 domain (at work) and peer workgroup (at home)? How to return to a workgroup (from a domain)

Thanks for logging into local.

Hi I am just switching my 7 laptop windows to a domain member on my domain network. I do not know why, but today I can log in

But my account changed to limited because I am on local and then go back to workgroup again.

My question is how just a limited account on my network. Problem: will I return to the workgroup? Thanks, I solved it. I used to do account 2 with admin group before changing to domain.

Because my account helps. And I cannot change to the limit. The problem of workgroups in the domain

How do I get rid of an installation in one workgroup.

I have a car with Windows server 2003 running on it and I play workgroup and go to domain. I have a small network with Acive Directory, mostly trying to get settled with a new OS. Now I want them to move 3 PCs including the server.

Also when I try to ping the server I am accessing the domain network with the server. The other two cars used to help everyone!

Thanks for everything, don't get an answer, who has any ideas why? Team Domain and My Documents

The laptop was configured with a laptop with my personal domain account, I could not. I went to the working group, that would be appreciated. Since I had this power, did I create another account to get it back? I cannot see the Local Admin group with full privileges on the laptop.

I know they are on disk, right? get admin password for 48 hours to install software... A few months later I, but cannot find them anywhere. Is there a way

I had to go through the IT department and any reboot as mentioned on the computer. I could log into my backdoor administrator account. to use domain access.

Here my domain account is missing from the My Documents folder. Corporate policy did not allow users to administer the problem. How can I use it with my previous employer.

I have old laptop under Windows control XP forgot the password for this account.

So I did, but I found that any of my files! When I tried to log in Thanks.

Rights to laptops / PCs, so my domain account was powerless. AD domain or server in a workgroup

Assumption is Student-mcse, you will probably get more and more knowledgeable answers on the programming forum @: http: // in Texas. mother of all f * ck-ups. working group to change domain

After changing domain for workgroup unable to log into Windows XP, I give the solution

What error are you getting? Workgroup or Domain - ThinkPad T41

They are overriding windows, they might want to check the settings there. If you are using connections for access, you are using Linux user # 160145FYI: I do not work at Lenovo

T60 2623-D7U, 3 GB Ram. Please help. I'm tired of not being wireless! thanks

The domain or workgroup should have nothing to do with the wireless network connection.

We have already mentioned working groups and domains. Let's take a look at how these two networking models fundamentally differ in Microsoft networks.

Working group Is a logical grouping of computers under a common name to facilitate navigation within a network. It is fundamentally important that every computer in the workgroup equal(i.e., the network turns out to be peer-to-peer) and maintains its own local Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database.

This leads to the main problem that does not allow the use of working groups in large corporate networks... Indeed, if we recall that the entrance to the protected system is mandatory, and the direct and network inputs are fundamentally different (direct local computer, and network - remote), then, for example, a user logged into the Comp1 computer under the local user1 account will be denied access to the printer installed on the Comp2 computer, since there is no user named User1 in its local database (Fig. 9.1). Thus, to ensure "transparent" interaction in the working group, it is necessary create the same accounts with the same passwords on all computers, where users work and resources are located.

Windows XP Professional for Workgroups provides special treatment: "Use simple general access to files ", which allows you to bypass the specified problem (this mode is enabled by default). In this case, connect to any network computer is carried out on behalf of its local guest account, which is enabled with Network Setup Wizards(it is disabled by default) and for which the required access level is configured.

For Windows XP Home Edition this method of network communication is the main one and cannot be disabled (therefore, computers with this OS cannot be made members of the domain).

It is clear that you can only manage accounts and resources in a workgroup if small amount computers and users. In large networks, domains should be used.

Domain is a logical grouping of computers united by a common database of users and computers, security policy and management.

Domains are created on the basis of Windows network OS, and the database, as we said, is supported domain controllers. It is important in domains that all computers here do not perform user authentication themselves at login, but delegate this procedure to controllers (Fig. 9.2). This organization of access makes it easy to perform a one-time verification of a user when logging on to the network, and then, without verification, grant him access to the resources of all computers in the domain.

On any PC in your network, for example, a MARIA laptop, run the command Control Panel-Network and Internet and click on the button Join(fig. 28.8).

At the first step of joining a homegroup, specify the network resources that will be shared with computers included in the homegroup's network (Fig. 28.9).

Rice. 28.9.

Next, you need to create an eight-digit password to connect your PC to the homegroup (case is important). In dialogue You have joined a homegroup click on the button Ready(fig. 28.10).

Rice. 28.10.

Rice. 28.11.

Rice. 28.12.

Difference between domain, workgroup and homegroup

Domains, workgroups, and homegroups represent different methods organization of computers in the network. Their main difference is how computers and other resources are managed. Windows computers on the network must be part of a workgroup or domain. Windows computers on a home network can also be part of a homegroup, but this is not required.

  • In the working group... Each computer has multiple user accounts. To log on to any computer that belongs to a workgroup, you must have an account on that computer. A workgroup usually has no more than twenty computers. The workgroup is not password protected. All computers must be on the same local network (subnet).
  • In a home group... Computers on a home network must belong to a workgroup, but they can also (simultaneously) belong to a homegroup. The homegroup is password protected.
  • In the domain... One or more computers are servers. Network administrators use servers to control security and permissions for all computers in the domain. Domain users must provide a password or other credentials each time they access the domain. If the user has an account in the domain, he can log on to any computer. There can be thousands of computers in a domain. Computers can belong to different local networks.

» domains and workgroups - what is it

Operating system Windows Server 2003 and classic Windows NT use two terms that are not related to one another, but often cause confusion for
administrators: "domains" and "workgroups". This is how these terms are defined.

  • The domain is an element of the security system. Domain members pass
    authentication using special servers called domain controllers.
  • The working group is an element of the resource allocation system. Team members find each other using special servers called browsers.

Anyone who, like me, survived the Cold War will understand where the source of this confusion lies. Remember Khrushchev or Brezhnev? Each of them had unlimited power in the USSR, since each of them held two posts - the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet and the General Secretary of the Communist Party. Likewise, the Primary Domain Controller (PDC) makes domains and workgroups similar to each other, because the PDC stores both the security database and the browser database.

Using working groups

If you are installing a server that does not need to communicate with other servers, you can make it an isolated server that is a member of a workgroup. Clients in the same workgroup on the same IP subnet use the same browser to find the server. Users will be authenticated against the local SAM database on the server every time they connect over the network.
Even if you have a domain, it sometimes makes sense to set up isolated servers. For example, such a server could be installed within a DMZ, where computers do not need to send registration information back through the firewall.

Domain joining

If the server's authentication database is not strong enough, the server must be added to the domain. In this case, the server becomes a member of the domain. Domain members Active Directory authenticate users using the Kerberos protocol. This allows you to achieve high level security and get a fast authentication mechanism. In addition, this authentication mechanism contains authorization information that is required to create the user's local security context.
Classic Windows NT domain members authenticate users using the NT LanMan Challenge-Response protocol. This requires the server to have a direct line of communication with the backup domain controller.
IN operating system Windows NT required administrator credentials to add a computer to the domain. In the operating room Windows system Server 2003 (and Windows 2000) any authenticated user is able to add the computer to the domain. The ability to add computers to the domain is determined group policy for the Domain Controllers Organization Unit in Active Directory. By modifying this Group Policy, you can limit the range of users who are allowed to add computers to the domain.