Create a working group on updating. Setting up a home LAN in Windows7

Working Groups - effective tool solving problems that require the coordinated action of employees of various units. However, in order to fully implement the potential of the Working Group, it is necessary to approach the decision related to its organization and coordination with particular attention to solving issues related to its organization and coordination.

As part of this article, the main problems will be considered, and approaches to overcome them, with which the author had to face in the process of organizing a number of working groups. The statement of the material will be illustrated a real example Creation and maintenance of a working group organized to reduce time loss when transition from one type of product to another.

Formulation of the problem

The creation of working groups is justified in two cases:

When there is a problem, the solution of which is outside the competence of individual workers or managers;

When it is required to find a method for a fundamental improvement in activities that serves as an inhibitory factor on the development of the company.

And in that and in another case, the group should clearly imagine the task that it has to be solved. If the working group is created to solve a more abstract problem, for example, increasing productivity or reduce production costs, then its activity is likely to be not too efficient. The reason for this lies in the weak ability of people to combine their efforts to achieve abstract purposes. At the same time, everyone understands the need for change, but not only a few aware of their role in achieving the result.

At the same time, to put in front of the group a particular purpose, for example, to reduce equipment downtime by 30%, will also not be true. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the motivation of the group participants to the search the best solution. They make up the feeling that someone already knows the ability to improve. In such a situation, an invalid desire arises to adjust the decision on the result.

We should not forget that the main purpose of the group is to find causal mechanismsthat lead to the emergence of a problem. The development of measures to eliminate identified reasons is only the second stage of the Group's work, which can generally be delegated to specific production processes or divisions. Thus, the group is sufficiently understanding that the problem exists and can be clearly described. For example, losses due to the release of inappropriate products amount to more than 1 million rubles per month. In this case, the next task may be set to the group: find the reasons leading to the emergence of marriage and offer measures to eliminate them.

Definition of the composition of working groups

Preparation of the organization of the Working Group should begin with the definition of its participants. Who should enter the group? To answer this question, a preliminary analysis of the problem will be solved by the Working Group.

First, it is necessary to determine the circle of employees for whom the solution to this problem is most relevant. Best option There will be an attraction of workers who will receive real, measurable benefits in the decision: relief of working conditions, safety or productivity, increase wages etc. The presence of such incentives significantly improves the effectiveness of solving the problem. If direct motivational factors seem to be able to find, it is necessary to consider creating artificial motivation for group members. For example, establish an award for solving the tasks set, and the size of premium payments to add dependent on the economic benefit received. Immediately I want to make a reservation that artificial motivation factors are better to use as an addition to natural incentives that serve as a stronger motivation to solve the problem.

Secondly, it is necessary to determine the required level of competence of the members of the Group. This means that the latter should clearly imagine the essence of the problem and the negative consequences that are connected with it. Members of the group must be potentially able to overcome the difficulties associated with solving the problem, that is, possess the necessary knowledge and methodological base. It should be understood that the level of competence depends on the role performed by a specific member of the Group. The group may include both managers of various levels and simple workers. Naturally, the competence of those and others can differ significantly. It is only important that it is enough to fulfill the tasks that will be assigned to the employee under the Working Group. However, all members of the Group must have basic knowledge relating to the well-known methods of eliminating the problem. To this end, it is extremely desirable to conduct general training with the relevant methods of all members of the group.

Third, the powers of the group members should have enough to make the necessary organizational decisions. Speech, of course, does not mean to include in the group general DirectorIf the group's results need to publish an order. But it should be understood that usually the functioning of the group is associated with changes in the regulations of personnel actions, implementation additional work According to control, the collection of statistical information, etc. In this regard, members of the group should be able to promptly affect the executive staff.

Regulation of the work of the Working Group

In the process of creating a working group, you must always remember that for members of the group, operations within its framework is an additional load that requires additional costs of time and strength. And how difficult it is to resist the temptation to threaten to participate in the group, referring to strong employment! To avoid a destructive version of the development of events, it is necessary to collectively accept such an order of the Group's activities that would suit all its members.

When creating a regulatory document, attention should be paid to a number of important organizational moments.

1. The place and time of the meetings of the Working Group. The ideal for meetings will be the choice of neutral territory, for example, a meeting room, a meeting room, a school class, etc. In this case, it is easier to overcome the psychological barrier that exists between the heads and subordinates in the daily work environment. But the use of the Cabinet for the Cabinet of any chief, on the contrary, will lead to a more cramped atmosphere. Place for meetings It is desirable to equip the minimum set of accessories for visual exchange of information and its registration. It is desirable to have a set of markers and a cross clipboard. In this case, there will be no problems with the consecration of the essence of the discussion to all members of the Group, and in the drawings it will be possible to restore the course of discussion later. The working group meetings should be carried out periodically. The time interval between meetings should be reasonably set in such a way that on one side the course of the discussion does not erase from the memory of the members of the group, and on the other hand, during the meetings, it was possible to make certain moves in the implementation of decisions adopted at the meeting. Of course, the ideal option is to maintain the protocol meetings of the Group, but, as practice shows, the efforts spent on this are not paying off by the benefit. As a rule, the protocols made throughout the form of anyone are not needed, and the working materials are quite enough to track the course of the discussion. Therefore, it is best to establish the place of storage of working materials and return to them as needed. As for the frequency of meetings, it is most advisable to collect them once a week. The best days for this is Tuesday, Wednesday. In this case, the serious start of the week is behind, but there is still enough time, to implement solutions to the Working Group on Hot Fiction. It will not be superfluous to be appointed an employee responsible for the decision of organizational issues: the alert of the participants of the group, the transfer, if necessary, meetings, registration of documentation, and so on.

2. The format of the activities of the Working Group. It should be aware that the effectiveness of the Working Group is determined not only by compliance with the Rules of Meetings. The main activity of the Group is the activities of its members beyond the meetings. These are activities to approbate new approaches to the organization of labor, the collection and processing activities, activities to study the methodological aspects of the problem. In order for it to be not allowed on samone, it is also necessary to regulate. The regulation may provide for the following procedure. At the end of the next meeting, each member of the group receives its task that must be fulfilled to the next meeting. At the meeting, first of all, the analysis of the tasks assigned. If one task requires a longer period of implementation, then the member of the group received it should report on the progress of its implementation. Further, the exchange of views on the effectiveness of the measures taken and the effectiveness of achieving the goal is estimated, in general. As a result, a new task unit is formed for group members. For the subsequent analysis of the effectiveness of the working group, it is convenient to maintain a table reflecting the tasks set before each group member and the degree of their implementation.

3. Control by senior management. The results of the working group should be regularly reported by the management of the enterprise (if the head is not a member of the group). It is not necessary to do as often as meetings. It is enough to make a brief report once a month to which you can attach a table of solved tasks. The head of the enterprise is very important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe current results of the Group's activities and the contribution of each member to this result. If there is a disproportionality of the participation of the members of the Group in its work, then measures should be taken to eliminate it. Also, if the work of the group is not effective due to the problems of an organizational nature, measures should be taken to eliminate such problems.

An example of the organization of the Working Group

As an example, consider the approach to the organization of the Working Group to reduce transition time between different types of products. As an object of management, we consider an enterprise that produces several different types of products on the same production line. The production line consists of 3-sections. When moving from one type of products to another, the operating of the equipment occurs on each site.

The purpose of the Group's work is to reduce the time spent on transitions between different types of products.

The following participants are included in the Working Group.

Senior Sales Manager. Its participation is due to the fact that references are related to the need to meet consumer demand for various types of products. Applications for the production of these types of products is formed by the Sales Department. The most competent, in the details of the formation of applications, the senior manager of the department is submitted.

Engineer (economist) on production planning. It is a key figure forming production tasks, as well as a production schedule based on application applications.

Masters of production sites (3 people). They are responsible for the stable work of the relevant production sites, including for the work on targeting equipment.

Primary motivational factors for these employees are: an increase in the amount of orders made, systematization of planning activities, an increase in labor productivity, reducing the cost of products. As an additional motivation to the members of the Group, a fixed part of the award was established for reducing average target time for every 15%.

On the 1st meeting of the group The following questions were considered.

The purpose of the Group's work is formulated - reducing the specific time of transitions between different types of products by 50%.

The principle of calculating the target indicator is defined as the ratio of the total time spent on transitions to the operation time of the production workshop.

Defined the rules of the Group's work. Meetings 1 time per week, every Wednesday at 15 o'clock in the meeting room. Appointed responsible for organizational issues.

The main directions of activity to reduce the specific time of transitions are identified: the formation of blocks of applications for the production of products of one species, optimal choice The sequence of the production of formed bodies blocks, acceleration of equipment reference.

Tasks are defined for group members. Senior Sales Manager To analyze orders received from customers for the previous month. Evaluate the ability to combine applications in blocks by types of products. Estimate the potential winnings in the number of transitions last month. Organize timing of the duration of transitions between different types of products on their sites. Production Planning Engineer Develop comfortable form Registration of the timekeeping data of the length of transitions and ensure the collection and processing of filled forms, as well as the calculation of the current value of the target. Preliminary processing results prepare for the next meeting.

On the 2nd Meeting of the Group

According to the senior manager, it is possible to potential reduction in the specific time of transitions in blocking placement of production orders by 2 times due to a decrease in the number of transitions, but the time of execution of orders does not allow randomly to combine products into blocks. Taking into account the unification in blocks only orders close to the execution timing, a possible gain is 10%. However, it is necessary to get the clients to place their orders for 2-3 days earlier.

Masters of production sites began to conduct timbering of technological transitions. The collected information is not enough to analyze statistical data on the duration of transitions between specific types of products, but the planning engineer found out that the transitions between some types of products take longer than between others. Prerequisites were also received on the current specific duration of transitions. In the process of timing, it turned out that the transition time in section No. 3 is 5 times less than in sites No. 1 and No. 2, and the transition in section No. 2 becomes possible only after the end of the transition in section No. 1.

Senior manager Find out the potential readiness of customers to report orders for 2-3 days earlier. Masters of production plots Determine the potential possibility of separate reference of the equipment at sections No. 1 and No. 2, as well as to continue the collection of statistical information. Planning engineer Suggest a method for determining the optimal sequence of placement of orders for production, taking into account the minimum total duration of reference.

On the 3rd meeting of the group The following questions were discussed.

The senior manager found out that up to 30% of regular customers are ready to report their orders in advance. Another 20% of customers are ready to provide their long-term plans to place orders. Potential winnings in the specific period of reference time is about 8.5%. Masters of production sites found out that the separation reference of the equipment of the plots No. 1 and No. 2 is not possible due to the need to adjust the equipment of the site No. 2 on the basis of the overlaid indicators of the plot number 1. However, it is possible to pre-roughly adjust the equipment of the site No. 2 based on the collection of statistical information on the parameters of the site No. 1. The potential gain can be up to 25%. Planning engineer proposed a table form of statistical information about the transitions, the use of which during the placement of production applications will determine the optimal sequence of production, but it will require additional statistical information to fill it.

As a result of the discussion, the following tasks were determined. Senior manager The distribution department is to develop an algorithm for the formation of bodies of applications coming from various managers in order to centralized transmission to production. Masters of production plots Continue collecting information about the duration of the reference and organize the collection of information about the settings of the equipment of the site No. 2, depending on the parameters of the equipment of the plot number 1. Planning engineer Prepare the transition table for use when planning applications for production. Processing statistical information of installation equipment installations No. 2.

On the 4th Meeting of the Group The following questions were discussed.

The algorithm proposed by the senior manager requires the joint activities of the Sales and planning department. There is a need for regulating the activities of this kind. Masters of production sites confirmed the possibility of using statistical information for the pre-coarse setting of equipment of the plot number 2. Planning engineer prepared statistical information reference books to determine the optimal sequence of reference and pre-coarse equipment settings, section No. 2.

As a result of the discussion, the following tasks were identified. The senior manager, together with the planning engineer, to prepare the charter of joint activities to determine the optimal sequence of placing orders in production based on the received statistical information. Masters of production sites Prepare the regulations for the preliminary settings of the parameters of the site No. 2 based on statistical data on the parameters of line No. 1.

I will not continue the description of the Group's activities further. Moreover, the innovative part of the activity will end. Next will be followed by the development and coordination-approval of documents, staff training, activities to introduce regulations, numerous improvements, etc. Word, all what is called "Tea". This example, I only wanted to illustrate the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a full-fledged, efficient working group, in which everyone feels responsible for the success of a common cause.


I would like to repeat once again that, with the right organization, working groups are a powerful tool for improving production relations. The special importance of working groups have in the introduction of leaning tools. In this case, the organization of working groups is the first step towards universal involvement of personnel, a kind of mechanism of informing the idea to the broad masses of employees of the enterprise. A weighted approach to the process of creating and coordinating the activities of groups is a guarantee of the full introduction of any innovations in your enterprise.

Those basic principles that were considered in the article do not in any way claim complete or absolute objectivity, but they may well serve as a starting point for the formation of your own approach to the subject matter.

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The order for the creation of the Working Group is written in cases where the task of choosing several employees is faced with the organization's director for solving any important current issue.

Any problem working group solves much more promptly and better than if one specialist worked on her. Moreover, sometimes there are situations in which employees of the enterprise to achieve common goals should be acting together.


Reasons for the compilation of the order

The circumstances under which the organization arises the need to draw up an order to create a working group, may arise a lot. For example, the working group may be needed for:

  • creating local regulatory documentation;
  • work on some projects;
  • estimates of products manufactured;
  • checks of equipment and equipment, etc.

Who include in the group

The leadership and administration of each enterprise independently decide how many people and whom it is to include in the composition of a working group - in principle, it all depends on what kind of problems this employees will work together.

We only note that each of them performs a strictly reserved role, which means that all people entering the working group should have sufficient qualifications, certain education and experience. In addition, they should be able to interact with each other, despite personal sympathies and antipathy, as they carry full solidarity responsibility for the results of their work.

The working group is allowed to include not only the staff of the organization (as a rule, from different divisions), but also of third-party experts (especially, if we are talking about some complex technological processes, equipment, technician, etc.).

Who constitutes order

Since any order is always formed on behalf of the head of the enterprise, the direct responsibility for writing it is usually assigned to the secretary, legal adviser or other an employee close to the director who has an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to write managerial documents.

Regardless of the one who is busy in the formation of the order, it is important for giving it legitimacy to observe only one key requirement: so that after compiling it is mandatory to be certified by the Director itself.

Document General Information

If you have a need to make a procedure for creating a working group, read our advice and see the sample document below.

To begin with, we will give general information about the order. Now there is no unified standard for the preparation of administrative papers, so that any such document employees of companies can write in a free form, or, if the organization has a developed and approved form of an order - according to its sample.

Forming an order, guide several simple rules.

  1. Each order (and this including) should have a substantiation that is always written at the beginning of the document, after the words "in connection with ...". It gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe circumstances that caused the reason for the compilation of the order. In addition, the base fit into the form - i.e. Link to the article and the point of the law, which gives the right to write this document.
  2. The order is allowed to write on an ordinary sheet of any convenient format (most often A4 applies) or on the company's branded letterhead (as a rule, in cases where such a requirement is indicated in the regulatory acts of the company).
  3. You can write an order from hand (the main thing is that everything is written clearly, picking up, without errors and corrections) or dial on the computer.
  4. The document is drawn up in a single copy, which is signed by the Director (or an employee authorized to act on his behalf), as well as all the other persons mentioned in it. All autographs should be only "alive", i.e. Facsimile (printed) signatures in the form cannot be used.
  5. Put on the order printing it is necessary only when the rule on the use of stamped products for visiting papers is fixed in accounting policies Organizations. After drawing up, the order is recorded in the journal of accounting of the administrative documentation (it must be in each company).

Sample order of creating a working group

In the "Cap" document writes:

  • its name (with a short meaning of meaning);
  • number assigned to internal document flow;
  • company name;
  • date, place of formation of the order.

Then below is the main part in which it is indicated:

  • justification, i.e. For what objective reasons you need to compile this order;
  • the composition of the working group - posts, name-name-names of employees, is allocated among them the main (chairman and member of the group);
  • specific goals and objectives to be solved by the Working Group;
  • if necessary, put a clear duration to perform responsibilities assigned to the working group.

In conclusion, a person should be entered into the execution of the order (this may be the director or any of his deputy, head of the structural unit, chairman of the working group).

Storage of document

After the order is written and decorated, as it should be found, and all interested persons familiarize themselves with him, it must be transferred to the secretary of the organization or another employee who is responsible for the preservation of the administrative papers. During the entire period, the order should lie in a separate folder along with other such documents, in the office, access to which for foreign people is limited.

After the shelf life of the order is over, it can be transferred to the archive of the enterprise and subsequently destroy in accordance with the procedure established by law.

It is desirable for correct operation of the network that computers are in one working group. To do this, you must make sure this goes start> context Menu Computer\u003e Properties\u003e Change parameters> Change. For example, a group is selected"Workgroup". For the network between two computers, the name of the computer can be left with Cyrillic letters, but if any problems occur, the name will need to be changed to the Latin.

On the computer with the OS Windows XP. The name of the working group should also be"Workgroup" , but the computer name must be different on behalf of the computer with the OS Windows 7.

Next, go to the "Network and Shared Access Center", then on the transition panel by clicking the "Changing Adapter Settings" link. We find our connection, go to properties, we are looking for in the list of connection components "Internet protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4) ". And make settingIP. -press and masks. By the way, if the gray connection icon, the connection must be connected (in the context menu, click "Enable").

For IP. -press need to enter the following values:


where the first three octets (***) are the same for the settings of all network computers, it is recommended to useIP. -press from the range from to, while all computers will be in the "0" network. For example, the network "137" andIP. -press I.

Next you need to go to the settingsTCP / IP. On the computer with the OS Windows XP. . To do this, go to the computer> Network environment (link on the transition panel)> Display network connections Well, then by analogy with setting on a PC with OS Windows 7.

Then you need to test the network command"Ping" . On the computer with the OSWindows 7. in command line We enter the commandping

On the computer with the OSWindows XP We enter the Ping team

It happens so thatwindows Xp Firewall may ban response to the commandping. From a remote node.

To solve this problem, you can turn off the firewall (then the lock from the connection icon is disappeared, i.e. the network will not be defended by the firewall), or go to "Changing the Firewall ParametersWindows "And set the exclusion by installing a tick opposite" Shared files and printers ".

This completes the connection setting. We proceed to creating a network.

To create a network, you must go to "Network and Shared Access Center" by reference on the "Home Group" transition panel and in the window that opens, click on the link "What is the location in the network?"

Select location for unidentified Network as a "public place"

You need to go to "Metage and Shared Access Center" by reference "Change Sharing Settings for various network profiles"

After the transition we see that the "General" profile is current.

Note that the marker is set to "Disable general access from password protection". It is necessary so that you can have access to common catalogs without entering passwords. Note that the access will only be discovered to those directories to which the user group" All "of this local node (folder" General documents"For example). By the way, it does not apply to those cases when yours account No password, access to your folder "My Documents" is not open anyway (even if the password is not specified for the account).

You may receive a proposal to exit the system to which you need to give an affirmative answer.

Now go to PC with Windows XP. , namely, go to " Network connections"And install a home network of a small office.

The "Network Setup Wizard" is launched.

Action that is shown below in the figure may not be required if you have one network card installed.

To display computers on the network and executing the command"Ping" By the name of the computer you need to run next service:

Start\u003e Control Panel> Productivity and service> Administration\u003e Services\u003e Support moduleNetBIOS via TCP / IP.

The same service should be launched on the computer withWindows 7. To do this, go to the Start link> Control Panel> system and safety> Administration> Services (run on behalf of the administrator If you need to run, stop or restarting service).

On this network settings end, now on the PC with OSWindows 7. You can go started\u003e Computer\u003e Network (lower label transition panel).

Going to the network computer, we will see a list of shared folders and printers.

Now provide sharing folders on PCs with OSWindows 7. To do this, select the folder to which you need to provide sharing and go to its properties.

Then click on the Access tab.

Setting up the computer name and working group is made through one dialochy window:

Open the Control Panel - System and Security - View this computer name

In the dialog that opens, in the computer, the name of the computer, the domain name and the parameters of the working group on the right side click to change the parameters.

In the System Properties dialog box, in the Computer Name, click the Edit button.

Change the computer name and working group. Upon completion, click OK button

The system warns: To make the changes to take effect, you need to restart the computer.

At the bottom of the system properties window, a warning appeared: the changes will take effect after the computer is restarted.

Well, again the system reminds you to restart the computer.

That's all, a computer with a new name.

Purpose of the name of the computer on the network and the Working Group in Windows 7

Add windows computer 7 to the Working Group (for home network With file exchange) and assign a unique name very simple. Here necessary steps:

1. Press the icon my computer on the desktop right mouse button - Properties:

Computer properties

In the figure, the desired area is highlighted by me pink (for clarity).

Computer name

3. Click the Edit button ...:

Changing computer name and working group name

4. In the first field, we change the name of your computer (it must be unique), in the Working Group field, specify the name of the working group.

The name of the working group is arbitrary. If you already have a working group, use her name, if you only create it, you can call your taste, but the name of the working group should be the same as specified on all computers that are included in it (are in your home network) and between which you want to make data sharing (files).

5. Click OK and restart your computer to apply changes.

How to change the name of the Working Group in Windows 10

This article will show you how to change the name of the Working Group in Windows 10 will join the existing Working Group or create a new one. We will show two ways to change the name of the working group: using the properties of the system and using the command line.

When setting up the network, the system automatically creates a working group and gives it a workgroup name. At any time you can join already existing network Or create a new one. If your computer is connected to large network in the workplace or in educational institution, it most likely belongs to the domain. If your computer is in the home network - it belongs to the working or to the home group. The workgroup is easier to exchange files between computers and use joint printer.

All computers in the Working Group must have different names. To create a common group - a computer must be in one local network or subnet. The name of the working group should not contain spaces, signs `~ @ # $% ^ Δ () \u003d + () | ; : "". /? And consist only from numbers. The name of the working group may contain numbers, letters and hyphen.

Change the name of the working group in the system properties.

1. We go to the properties of the system: one of the ways is to click on the "Start" menu by the right mouse button and from the opening list to select "System".

2.S. right side Click on "Edit Settings" or in the left column, select " Extra options Systems ";

3. In the "Computer Name" tab, click "Change";

4. In the "Working Group" field, you need to write the name of the existing group to which you want to attach this computer, or if there are no groups yet and you want to create it - come up with the name and write it. Then click "OK";

5. In the window that appears, click "OK";

6.VAS warns that the changes come into force - you need to restart the computer. Click "OK";

7. Click "Close";

8.Vam will offer to restart the computer now or later, if there is something not saved on the computer - click "Reload later" \u003d\u003e Save everything you need, after which you restart the computer. If there is nothing open open - click "Reload Now";

After rebooting, your computer will be in the group specified in the fourth paragraph.

Change the name of the working group using the command line.

1. Cover the command line on behalf of the administrator: one of the ways - click on the "Start" menu with the right mouse button and select from the "Command Line" (Administrator) "menu from the opened menu;

2. In the command prompt, you need to execute the WMIC Computersystem WHERE NAME \u003d "% COMPUTERNAME%" CALL JOINDOMAINORWORKGROUP NAME \u003d "Name of the Working Group" command. Instead of the name of the Working Group, write the name of the group to which you want to connect this computer, or the name of the group being created. In our example, we will create a group DOM. To do this, perform the following WMic Computersystem Where Name \u003d "% ComputerName%" Call JoindomainorWorkGroup name \u003d "Dom" after which you press ENTER.

After a successful execution of the command is to maintain a computer. Now your computer in the group you specified in quotes. Today, everything, if there are additions - Write comments! Good luck to you 🙂

In small enterprises where the number of computers - up to 20 pieces computers usually connect network for joint access To files, folders, printers and the Internet with help workgroups. Home users also face a situation where you need to exchange files with the second-third computer (laptop), together play games, print on a general printer. This article outlines step-by-step instruction how to enter new computer under windows control 7 and Windows Vista is part of such a working group or create such a group "from scratch".

Open the System icon in the Control Panel (Start - Control Panel - System and Security - System)

Click the Edit button

The computer name must be unique as part of the network, short, written english letters. The name of the working group should be equally on all computers this working group, short and also english letters.

You can add any description to the computer name (optional) and click the Close button

In order for the changes to take effect, you must restart the computer

Register IP addresses

In case the IP parameters on your network are not automatically assigned, they must be prescribed to manual ( specify the need for this paragraph from the administrator of your working group!). To do this, do the following steps:

Open the "View" icon network computers and devices »in the control panel (Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - View network computers and devices)

On the network adapter, with which you are connected to the network by pressing the right mouse button and select "Properties"

Select the "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" item and press the "Properties" button

We prescribe an IP address (1). In it, the first three values \u200b\u200bare the same for all participants in the working group. The last digit (2) is unique for each computer. Subnet mask, Main Gateway (4) Preferred DNS Server (4) - Same on all computers.

Specify the common values \u200b\u200bfor the entire Working Group with the administrator, or look at the computer, which is already in this group. The main gateway and preferred DNS server are required for sharing Internet. If this is not - then these fields are not filled.