Seethe feedback copy of the letter. Feedback form in PHP with sending to e-mail

Problem: avoidance feedback... Most people do not take criticism very well and, accordingly, do their best to avoid negative feedback. As a result, they do not receive truly invaluable information about their strengths and weaknesses and, as a result, do not have the opportunity to extract the maximum benefit from the former and prevent the consequences of the latter.

Solution: If you actively seek and learn from honest and fair feedback from people who know you well (from a wide variety of perspectives), then you are using one of the most effective and fast-acting ways of allowing a person to look at themselves from new angles and speed up personal success and the pace of self-development.

Instructions: enter the following text in the email field (you can edit it and adapt it to your situation so that it is clear that you are the author). Send it out to five to thirty (the more the better) people you know who know you well enough to give an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. These can be your friends, relatives, colleagues, mentors, teachers, former employers or managers, clients and other important and close people for you. And if you are brave enough, then people who are important or close to you in the past.(I'm serious.)

Important: do not forget to send letters as "blind carbon copies" so that recipients cannot see the rest of the recipients. (And it's better to copy and paste the letter altogether and then send them to each person separately.)

Subject field: It is very important… or I would be happy to hear your opinion ...

Email text:

Dear friends, family and colleagues!

Thank you so much for reading this letter. It was very difficult for me to send it, but it is extremely important to me and I am sincerely grateful to you that you did not regret your precious time reading it (and, I hope, answering me).

This email will be received by a select group of people. Each of you knows me well and, I hope, will give an honest assessment of my strengths and, more importantly, my weaknesses (the so-called improvement zones).

I've never done anything like this before, but I feel that in order to grow and develop as a person, I just need to get a more accurate picture of how the most important people in my life see me. To become the person I should be, to live the way I want and deserve, and to contribute to the lives of other people at the level at which I would like to do it, I really need to hear an objective opinion.

In this regard, I ask you to take a few minutes to send me a letter, where you will honestly write in which two or three important areas I most need to improve. If it will be easier and more pleasant for you, do not hesitate to list my greatest advantages and obvious advantages first (in any case, it will definitely be easier and more pleasant for me). That's all. And please do not try to embellish or hide anything. I promise not to be offended by any criticism. In fact, the more honest you are, the more motives I will have in order to make positive changes in my life.

Thanks again, and if there is anything I could do to add value to your life, please feel free to let me know. With sincere gratitude,

Email that will change your life: Thoughts in closing

OK it's all over Now! I hope you will join Trudy and me and hundreds of my other VIP clients who have had the courage to send out a letter like this. Here are just a few of the life-changing, life-changing rewards you can look forward to: more accurate introspection, a deeper understanding of yourself, and a clearer, clearer vision of the changes that will quickly improve your character and your life.

RSContact is a free Russian-language contact form for Joomla with customizable fields, emails and spam protection. The form is very simple in terms of customization, responsive and quite well integrates with different templates. You can create a form with at least one “E-mail” field and a submit button. And you can include about 18 more fields different types... It is possible to display the consent checkbox for the processing of personal data in accordance with the GDPR and 152 FZ. If you have already configured mail in the general Joomla settings and some "general" captcha plugin is activated, then you do not need to bother with sending letters and protecting against spam. Naturally, an extension like RSForm cannot be replaced with RSContact. But for quick creation the feedback form will be more than enough.

General information

Let's consider the main, in my opinion, capabilities and features of RSContact.

  • Support for Joomla 3.2 and newer versions.
  • Responsive design (Bootstrap).
  • The ability to create forms consisting of 1-18 pre-configured fields (of different types) (figure below). There are three fields that you can customize. For example, create a drop-down list with the options you need to choose from.
  • Field labels can be inside or outside the fields.
  • The presence of a field for giving consent to the processing of the user's personal data.
  • The ability to make fields required or optional. You can change the symbol of a required field.
  • Availability of options for editing emails received by administrators. With the ability to insert placeholders and design letters (text layout).
  • The ability to send letters to one or more administrators.
  • It is possible to insert your own CSS and Javascript code but to change appearance form and changes in its functionality.
  • Possibility to insert additional information above or below the form.
  • The ability to create horizontal and vertical shapes.
  • The ability to edit the message that will be shown to the user after submitting the form.
  • Spam protection with Joomla captcha plugins.
  • Simple setup.
  • Ability to disable jQuery loading for a form. This can improve compatibility with other extensions.
  • There is translation into Russian, English, German and other languages.
  • Availability of documentation (in English).

Back module settings Joomla links divided into 7 tabs. On tabs Module, Binding to menu items and Rights collected options "familiar" for all Joomla modules. In the tab Extra options everything except option Load jQuery, is also similar to other modules. Option itself Load jQuery allows you to enable / disable the loading of the jQuery library, which is needed for the normal functioning of the feedback module. If this library is loaded by other extensions or you have a conflict on the site, then try disabling this option.


This tab (picture below) contains options to enable or disable different fields of the feedback form. All available fields are shown in the form in the picture above. Most of the fields have these "display options":

Required. The field will be shown at the front of the site. To submit the form, the user will be required to fill it out. A special marker specified on the tab will be displayed next to the field signature in field .

Yes. The field will be shown at the front of the site. The user does not need to fill it out.

No. The field will not be shown on the front of the site.

You can disable all fields except the field E- mail... It is required to fill in.

Basically, all fields are normal text boxes or text areas. Consider only those that are different.

Type Name. It is possible to display the username field on one line ( Name) or two ( Last name and first name).

Type of the Subject field. This field can be one of the following types: then in the field Predefined themes you can enter options, one per line, that users can select from the front of the site. The image below shows an example of a subject type field Drop-down list... By setting the topics, you can, for example, set up the rules for processing letters (filters) in the mail and, having received a letter with a particular subject, redirect it to the desired recipient automatically. You can read more about how this can be done for Yandex, and Gmail in their help. Plus, it can be done for others too. postal services and mail clients for example for Thunderbird.

The length of the message. Limit on the number of characters in a field Message.

Joomla! Captcha. Captcha activation for spam protection. To do this, you need to have configured and enabled any plugin of the "captcha" type in the plugin manager. Also check option settings CAPTCHA (default) v System - General Settings.

Send a copy. You can configure the ability to send a copy of the letter to the user by mail. The following options are available: Let the user decide- a special checkbox will be displayed in the Joomla feedback form (picture below), by checking which, the user will receive a copy of the letter to his mail; Yes- in the feedback form, the checkbox will not be shown, but a copy of the letter will be sent to the user by mail; Not- in the feedback form, the checkbox will not be shown and a copy of the letter will not be sent to the user's mail.

Show the checkbox for consent to the processing of personal data. Activates the checkbox output (figure below) to obtain consent from the user to process his personal data in accordance with the GDPR and 152 FZ.

In the feedback form on Joomla, you can create up to 3 custom fields of different types: Text box, Text area, Drop-down list, Radio button, Checkbox... If you have chosen one of these types: Drop-down list, Radio button, Checkbox then in the field Predefined themes you can enter options, one per line, that users can select from the front of the site. Text Box, Text Area and Drop-down list discussed in the figures above in the article, and the figure below shows an example of a custom field type Radio button(at the top of the figure) and Checkbox(at the bottom of the figure).

Also worth noting is the field Region... By default, it contains the names of the US states. To change this, open the file "modules / mod_rscontact / helper.php" and about line 33, after "static $ states = array", the list of scopes begins. Modify it as needed. You can add and remove areas.

Here are the settings that allow you to configure the Joomla feedback form itself (picture below).

Form header. Form footer. You can add content above and / or below the form using visual text editor... You can insert an image, a table, and so on into it. Unfortunately, plugins are not processed in it. Therefore, you will not be able to insert a video using, for example, AllVideos.

Customizable CSS. You can add CSS style to change the appearance of the form. But it is better to do this using a stylesheet. In my example, I added the line:

# mod-rscontact-counter-231 (display: none;)

It hides the display of the field with the counter of the remaining number of characters (figure below).

Customizable JavaScript. You can enter your own Javascript code, without the "script" tag, which will be loaded with the form.

Mandatory field marker... Will be displayed next to the field caption if the field is required to be filled.

Signature position... You can place field labels inside or above fields (figure below).

The figure below shows a feedback form with captions above the fields, a hidden counter of the remaining characters, and captions above and below the form itself.

Horizontal shape... Lets you apply styles that are more suitable for creating a horizontal shape. Moreover, for the option Signature position you need to choose an option Outside.

Automatic margin width... This option affects the margin setting.

Thank you message... Here you can specify the message that will be shown after submitting the form. You can apply formatting and add pictures.

This tab (figure below) contains options that will allow you to customize letters sent to the administrator and user. The settings work the same for both admins and users.

In options Recipient (administrator e-mail), Cc, Bcc You will be able to specify the recipients of the letters. At a minimum, you need to specify an e-mail in the field Recipient (administrator e-mail)... You can specify multiple addresses, separating them with a comma or semicolon.

In field Topic You fill in the subject line. Placeholders can be used. Placeholders are special tags that will be substituted for certain data. The list of available placeholders is listed below the email content entry field. In the Content box, you can enter the text of the letter using placeholders. The picture above shows the settings for the content of the letter. And this is how the letter itself looks like (picture below). As you can see, all tags have been replaced with data from the form that the user specified, and data that the form could pull from other sources (date, IP address, site name).

Option Use Reply to sender will make it so that by pressing the button Answer in the mail interface, when viewing a letter received by the administrator, e-mail address the sender of the form will be automatically added to the address of the recipient of the letter. The recipient's address can be redefined by specifying it in the settings Answer.

If the letters are not sent, then try these solutions to the problem.

  1. Disable the cache. Alternatively, you can use a third-party cache component such as JotCache to exclude the RSContact module from caching.
  2. Check your mail settings in System - General Settings - Server - Mail Settings... Try it different ways sending. Contact your hosting provider to clarify the mail configuration on your server.

As you can see, this Joomla feedback form is very functional and easy to configure. I hope this overview will help you in choosing a suitable extension and subsequent configuration of the RSContact module. In the next article “DJ-EasyContact Review. Feedback Form Module in Joomla ”we will consider another similar free extension.

How is a copy of an outgoing letter processed? Do I need to remove the head of the document?


According to GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions ", a copy of the document must fully reproduce the information of the original document and all or part of its external features. If we are talking about a copy of an outgoing document placed in the organization's file for storage, then two options for its production are possible:

More about types of business letters

1. The contractor prepares the answer, prints it on the letterhead of the organization, then takes a copy of the document prepared on the letterhead on a copy machine and hands over the original letter and a copy for endorsement, and then for signature to the head. In this case, the copy will reproduce external features document, including the details of the form;

2. The contractor prepares the answer, prints it on the form, then makes a copy by printing the prepared letter on a regular sheet of paper (not on the form). In this case, the copy will not reproduce the form of the document.

More about how to express a refusal in a business letter, we wrote in the material under the link.

The second option for making a copy of an outgoing letter, as a rule, is used in cases where the organization uses printed forms.

Thus, we can say that the "head" of the document, that is, the details of the form, may be present on the copy, or may not be present. It all depends on the method of making a copy, but there is no such requirement - to remove the requisites of the form from the copies.

In this lesson we will get acquainted with the function mail (), using the example of creating PHP feedback forms with the subsequent sending of the received data to the mail.

For this, we will create two files - forma.php and mail.php... The first file will contain only a form with fields for user input of data. Inside the tag form- button "Send" and attribute action which refers to the handler - mail.php, it is to him that the data from the form is accessed when the button is pressed "Send"... In our example, the form data is sent to a web page named "/Mail.php"... This page contains a script for PHP which processes the form data:

Form data is sent by method POST(processed as $ _POST). $ _POST is an array of variables passed to the current script through the method POST.

Below you can see the contents of the file forma.php, the fields of which are filled in by the user himself on some website. All fields for data entry must have the attribute name, we prescribe the values ​​ourselves, based on logic.

Feedback form in PHP with sending to mail

Feedback form in PHP

Leave a message:
Your name:


Phone number:


The text area can contain an unlimited number of characters ->

This is how the form looks visually in the browser.

Next, we write the code for the file mail.php... Coming up with the names for the variables. V PHP variable starts with a sign $ and then the name of the variable. Text value the variable is enclosed in quotation marks. With the help of variables, the content of the form is sent to the administrator's email, simply by substituting it into square brackets form element name - value name.

$ to = " [email protected]"; // email of the recipient of data from the form
$ tema = "PHP Feedback Form"; // subject of the received email
$ message = "Your name:". $ _ POST ["name"]. "
"; // assign the variable the value obtained from the form name = name
$ message. = "E-mail:". $ _ POST ["email"]. "
"; // obtained from the form name = email
$ message. = "Phone number:". $ _ POST ["phone"]. "
"; // obtained from the form name = phone
$ message. = "Message:". $ _ POST ["message"]. "
"; // obtained from the form name = message
$ headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0". "\ r \ n"; // header matches the format plus a line feed character
$ headers. = "Content-type: text / html; charset = utf-8". "\ r \ n"; // indicates the type of content being sent
mail ($ to, $ tema, $ message, $ headers); // send variable values ​​to the recipient by email

Thus, the data from the array $ _POST will be passed to the corresponding variables and sent to the mail using the function mail... Let's fill out our form and hit the submit button. Do not forget to include your e-mail. The letter arrived instantly.

Alison Garrido is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) accredited by the International Federation of Coaching, facilitator and speaker. Helps clients in job search and career advancement, relying on their strengths... Advises on career development, interview preparation, negotiation wages and evaluating results, as well as individual communication and leadership strategies. He is a founding partner of the New Zealand Academy for Systems Coaching.

The number of sources used in this article:. You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

In communication on e-mail as in other areas, there are rules of etiquette and social protocol. If you need to write a letter asking for feedback at work or school, or get feedback on your written work, you should think about the wording, the structure of the letter, and also choose the right moment. This will allow you to make the letter as effective as possible. Be polite, punctual and write to the point to get the information you need.


How to ask customers for feedback

    Don't ask too many questions. Clients receive a huge number of requests to take a survey from all kinds of companies. If you want the customer to delete your email when they receive it, include a ton of questions in it. If you want to interest a person, limit yourself to a couple of questions.

    Ask questions that require a detailed answer. Don't ask questions that can be answered yes or no. Instead of "Would you recommend us to your friends?", Ask the following question: "How would you describe us to another person?" These questions will help you get more information.

    Promise the client to respond as soon as possible. This will make the client feel that their opinion can influence something. If a person knows that they will answer him, he will write a more sincere review.

    • Be honest and professional when responding to reviews. V modern world because of the possibilities of the Internet, you can at one moment lose your reputation if you behave unprofessionally with people.
  1. Do not use flash graphics and other objects that will take a long time to load. If a person has a slow connection, they will probably delete the message if they realize that it takes too long to load. Remember, you need your feedback, not the customer.

    Find the right font and format. The letter should look neat and professional. A letter in Comic Sans with low-quality graphics is unlikely to impress your customers. It is better to use standard fonts (Times New Roman, Arial) if you are not versed in fonts, and refuse a large number graphics.

    Make sure your email is legible on all devices. Single-column text will be more convenient than multi-column text. The font should not be too small. The letter should be readable on a laptop, phone and tablet. Since in the modern world many people read mail from the phone, the letter must comply with this format.

    The letter will be humble. Follow your workplace rules of correspondence. Being modest will help you get feedback, but don't go overboard or your boss may think you don't know anything about your work. Formulate the questions so that everyone can see your progress on a project or task. This will make it clear to your manager that you are not messing around. Below we provide a few more important recommendations.

    • You can say this: "I was working on a presentation that is needed tomorrow, and I have a question about the format. I am not sure that I correctly understand the standards adopted in our company. I attach a presentation to this letter and I will be very grateful if you look her and comment if everything is in order. Thanks for the help. "
    • Don't forget to thank the person.
  2. Talk about specific things. This will avoid common phrases that are useless. Don't ask questions that can be answered “yes” or “no, unless absolutely necessary. Try not to ask a manager or colleague too many questions at once.

    Thank the person when they answer. If you are advised to work harder or are told that your work is not yet up to the mark, explain what you plan to do to fix it. Don't answer right away - give yourself a chance to calm down and process the information.

    • Answer no later than in 1–2 days.

How to ask for a review at work

  1. Introduce yourself. A teacher may have hundreds of students, especially if it is a university. You should include your first and last name, group number and faculty. If you are in high school and are taking preparatory courses, specify the grade. This way the teacher won't have to guess who you are and it will be easier for him to write a review.

    Don't go beyond business communication. Sometimes it is difficult for students to write to teachers because they cannot decide on the style. If your instructor has already written to you himself, stick to the same style as him. Better to formulate your thoughts like this: "I'm not sure I understood the task correctly. I have a few questions about the job."

    Keep it short. Do not try to explain the entire context of your questions, unless context is necessary to understand the questions. For example, if you want to ask for an extension of the deadline for a work, the instructor may need detailed explanations, but if you just want to ask a question about work, do not tell why you did not have time to write earlier because of your dog and why you are writing now (unless the deadline is very soon). Don't talk about things that don't really matter right now.

    Don't put off asking for feedback until the last minute. Your instructor is unlikely to want to help you on the eve of your test and will probably be unhappy that you didn't bother contacting earlier. If you have to ask questions at the last moment, keep it short, to the point, and apologize for bothering you. This makes it more likely that the teacher will answer you (provided that he reads the letter on time).

    Use the format agreed by your instructor. Often, teachers stipulate a specific format in which the task should be completed. For example, if the instructor asked to send the work in .doc format, do not send the document in .pdf or .pages. If you are unsure which format to use, use .rtf or .pdf, or ask your instructor.

    Ask for feedback on a job you have already submitted or your performance on an exam. Write a polite letter to your teacher. If the teacher has office hours, go see him in person. Say something like, "I didn't do the exam as well as I hoped. Could you point out my mistakes to make it easier for me to prepare for the next exam?" As a rule, teachers are willing to give recommendations in such cases.

How to ask for a review for a written work

    First, write to someone you know personally. If you want a detailed review, you should contact a person you know well (for example, a friend or colleague). Write the way you usually do. If you usually call the person, do so. Do not submit your work in the first letter if you are not sure that the person will agree to help you (for example, if you have not asked the person to read the work yet, or if the person has not suggested it himself).

    • You can include a short passage or description in the letter. It depends on whether you are writing to a friend or a colleague.
  1. Write to a specialist in the field. If you need a professional opinion, write a letter to a specialist you know and explain what kind of project you have and why you need feedback. Don't pressure the person - just politely ask them to think. Say this: "I will understand if you do not have time for this." It might be worth asking the person if they can recommend any other expert for you.

    Do not submit your work in the first email. Most likely, such a letter will go unanswered, unless you indicate that the job will be paid. If you are contacting a famous person, he is unlikely to answer you, since he receives a bunch of similar letters. Better to ask friends, colleagues, teachers first. Surely they will be ready to help you and will meet you.

    Explain what kind of feedback you need. If you only want to hear positive things, say so. Explain to the person if you need detailed analysis and how general the phrases should be. Indicate whether the person needs to evaluate the style, grammar and structure of the work. This will allow the reader to understand what you need.