Installing SSD in a laptop instead of DVD Dell. Installing SSD in a laptop

Being unable to make more permanent guards of their laptop, finally decided to replace the hard disk standing in it on a new high-speed SSD. The "fatigue" of the hard disk is one of the main reasons for the drop in the performance of laptops, which I already wrote in more detail.

For 3000 rubles, I bought the cheapest of the available SSD to 60GB (2300 rubles) and the adapter for connecting 2.5 "HDD instead of a DVD drive (700 rubles).

Despite the low cost, the manufacturer gives a warranty for 3 years of the drive.

To the native hard disk laptop is easy to get. Usually, access to it and robes of RAM is closed with a separate easily removed cover, so it is not necessary to fully disassemble the laptop to replace. In my case it was.

Here it is, native HDD, installed on special sled. Get it.

We unscrew the hard drive from the sled and screw the new SSD on the sled.

Install SSD in a laptop.

Actually, that's all. SSD is installed and ready to work.

Installing native laptop HDD instead of a DVD drive

Installing SSD - half of all things. You need to connect the native hard disk to use it as a file storage, for 60GB of the volume of the solid-state drive is only an operating system to put, the basic set of software and to have 10-20GB of free space for updates.

To install the HDD in a laptop you need to dismantle a DVD drive and connect a hard disk through a special adapter in its place. It is already much more difficult to get to the DVD drive, manufacturers usually do not provide for quick replacement and therefore you have to open the laptop housing.

But first fix the disk into the adapter, and ..

Bummer. It turned out that I bought an IDE-SATA adapter, and in my case you need a SATA-SATA adapter. Those. The hard disk is inserted into the adapter, but the adapter itself is not connected instead of a DVD drive, the connectors do not coincide. I will try in the coming days to return the inappropriate adapter back to the "Sitilink" and buy the right instead, after which I will add a continuation.

UPD: Adapter in "Sitilink" passed, but the purchase of the correct and install HDD has yet decided to refrain. Perhaps in the future I will return to this venture.


I installed a pirate Windows 7 and immediately on clean SSD. No lags are observed in work. With the familiar tasks that were previously accompanied by annoying brakes (Firefox with 15 open tabs, an outdoor Word or PDF file, a launched book reader, a video player with a film on a pause), the system now flies. What confirms my conclusion that the hard drive is the weakest place in the work of the laptop. Therefore, if you want to give a new life to the old braking laptop - boldly change the hard disk on SSD. It is cheap compared to the cost of a new laptop, but the result is evident. Naturally, after the upgrade, the laptop will not pull the fresh games (if he did not pull them earlier), but for home and office use will be quite suitable and still quite a lot.

Good day! We all know that PC is much more convenient than the laptop in the plan of the upgrade. Honestly, the corps of my PC has been more than 10 years. I just fill in it in it, and the monitor changed once. I would like laptops too could also upgrade, but often if the laptop is outdated, it is necessary to simply change to a new one. For someone there is nothing complicated for someone. And someone has his laptop is a whole workstation with a lot of programs (possibly lysgencies) and settings. In this case, go to a new laptop a bit problematic. And long.

But, fortunately, we are not completely limited in the plan of the upgrade laptop. Something we can do. We can add RAM, we can replace, sometimes we can replace the processor on a bit more powerful but from the same line. Can even connect if desired. All this sounds rather harmless with the exception of the hard disk replacement, because the system will have to configure again.

There is an exit! There is an excellent solution - you can insert the secondHDD insteadDVD drive. By the way, it can also be. Do not regret the drive, I doubt that you use it.

Replacing DVD Drive on HDD (SSD Drive)

In order to replace the DVD on the HDD, we will need a special adapter (adapter ), which looks very similar to the DVD drive. When choosing this adapter, pay attention to its thickness. Drives are 9.5 mm thick and 12.7 mm, respectively, adapters too.

Hard disk adapter (adapter)

When searching the adapter, it is better to call it " hard disk adapter" You can buy it in the specialty stores of your city. In this case, it will cost you about 1000 rubles. Or can order it on aliexpress.. It will cost you about 200 rubles, but you have to wait for 2-3 weeks. Approximately the delivery of its delivery, judging by the reviews. By the way, if you judge the same reviews, the quality of the adapter is no worse than the one that you would have acquired 5 times more expensive.

How to insert SSD instead of a DVD drive in a laptop?

It's time to do business - repeat what I will describe in the statement, and you yourself can install the SSD drive (or HDD Winchester) instead of the drive DVD. There is absolutely difficult in this.

To begin with, completely de-energize the laptop. That is, disconnect the charger from it and get the battery.

Remove the laptop drive. To do this, you have to unscrew one screw at the bottom of the laptop that keeps your drive. Find and recognize this cog will not work.

Unscrew and pull out the drive

Next, you need to gently insert an SSD drive (or hard disk) in the adapter and fasten it with those cogs that came with the adapter and additionally fix it with a special plug (it will also be included).

With the mount, everything is simple: unscrewed, screwed

After that, you will need to rearrange the mount and the external panel with the drive DVD to the adapter. With the mount, everything is simple: unscrewed, screwed. And with the panel, act very neatly, because it is a fragile creation.

That's it. Show the adapter in the laptop and screw it. All about everything you had to leave for no more than 5 minutes. Let's summarize how to insert HDD or SSD instead of a DVD drive:

  1. Debet laptop
  2. Remove DVD drive
  3. Insert HDD or SSD in adapter
  4. Transfer fastening and external adapter panel
  5. Insert and fasten the drive

If you want to put an SSD drive instead of a DVD drive, then for better speed, the laptop will be useful to make a small casting. Put the SSD drive to the location, assigned to the hard disk, and insert the hard disk into the adapter.

This is due to the fact that connectors are provided in modern laptops under the drive SATA 3.and for drive is usually limited to the connector SATA 1.. Well, it is clear that to reveal the entire potential speed of the SSD drive, it will be a little bandwidth of the SATA connector 1. A little more about SATA types is written in the article about.

Today I have everything. I hope the article answered all your questions. If the questions remained, I will be glad to answer them in the comments.

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SSD disk (solid-state drive) is increasingly seen by users as a replacement of a hard drive storage device or as an addition to it. However, the limited internal space of the laptop makes it a difficult thing. One way to overcome the lack of space is to install SSD instead of a DVD drive.

Why is it necessary and how it works

Many users view DVD drive as an outdated and unnecessary detail. Therefore, quite naturally, the desire to remove it from the laptop and use the exempted place is more rational.

One of the possible options is to replace the DVD drive on a solid-state drive using special "Salazok". Installing it in a laptop, the owner gets significant productivity growth. Thanks to the larger information exchange rate, the operating system, programs and games installed on the disk are loaded in 4-5 times. At the same time, the laptop becomes less sensitive to shock and vibration. Solid state drives have low power consumption, which increases battery life.

What you need to install

Before starting the SSD installation, the laptop should be reminded that the manipulations carried out are related to access to internal elements of the laptop. In this case, warranty stickers and seals may be damaged, which will lead to a warranty. Therefore, in the event that the warranty service is not expired, this upgrade is not recommended.

To install a hard disk, instead of a drive in a laptop, you will need:

What adapter choose?

First of all, you need to measure thicknessDVD. Drive. Remote drives with a thickness of 9.5 mm and 12.7 mm.

Need to install what interface for connection Equipped with a drive: IDE or SATA.

The adapter is purchased for 2.5 inch drive of the desired thickness and with the desired connector for the connection. The SATA interface adapters are much more common, therefore, if you have an IDE IDE drive, it is sometimes easier to buy an IDE / SATA adapter than to search for the necessary adapter.

Installation in laptop

Laptop designs are diverse. In some models, to achieve the result, it is enough to unscrew a pair of screws on the lid of a small compartment, others have to remove the rear cover of the whole, and sometimes the keyboard. However, the installation and connection sequence described in the proposed instructions is common to all laptops.

SSD instead of HDD.

A hdd replacement will be described on SDD with interfaceSATA.. It is usually carried out with a hard disk malfunction or as one of the measures to increase the speed.

Replacing the hard disk with an IDE interface will not be considered, due to the fact that it requires an individual approach for each model.

Procedure for connecting an SSD disk to a laptop as follows:

Installation M.2 SSD.

Another way to increase the amount of internal memory and speed up the system is to install solid-state SSD M.2 drive. He is the further development of the SSD technology, the drive M.2 differs in smaller sizes and lower power consumption.

However, the absence of the necessary connector should be taken into account for its installation on motherboards issued earlier than 2013. M.2 discs are produced multiple sizes. Before buying, it is necessary to find out the desired size, having studied the technical specification of the laptop, or before dismissed it.

The following algorithm should be followed:

Installing SSD instead of a DVD drive using an adapter

If you need to replace the laptop's drive to the hard disk using the adapter, you need to act according to the following scheme:

  • screws unscrew rear cover mounting;
  • rear the cover is removed;
  • before removing the drive twisted fastener screw;
  • drive unit extracted;
  • revealed Planck with a hole for the fastening screw;
  • planck installed on adapter;
  • SSD. inserted into the adapter;
  • fixed screws from the adapter kit;
  • adapter inserted into the laptop instead of a drive;
  • fastened;
  • installed back cover.

Often, with such a replacement, the solid-state drive is installed in the HDD place, and the one in turn is installed using the adapter instead of the drive DVD. This is done if, for example, an HDD interface is more speed (SATA3) than in a drive (SATA2), which provides a solid-state disc.

In the BIOS in the section disk device configurations You must select SATA port to which a solid-state drive is connected. In the menu you need to install aHCI modeallowing to fully realize its potential for the exchange rate of information.

On the hard disk, which is also called the Winchester, with a volume of 250 GB, installed in my Samsung-R719 laptop due to the constant preservation of newly filtered photos, music and video began to miss the place. The question of choosing a new hard disk is more to replace it.

Another question of selecting a new hard disk may occur if it is refusing due to the aging applied to the magnetic coating or electronic boards. Service centers repair hard drives are not engaged.

HDD Hard Disk (Hard Disk Drive) or its modern analogue SSD Solid State Drive (SOLID STATE DRIVES) in a computer or laptop is designed to record, storing and reading information. Without a device for saving information, any computer product will not fully work.

HDD selection for laptop

To properly select a hard disk for a laptop, first of all, it is necessary to determine its main technical characteristics, such as:

  • Hard disk volume;
  • Information storage method (HDD or SSD);
  • Connector type (interface), with which the hard disk is connected to a laptop;
  • Form factor (geometrical dimensions).

In terms of memory

Currently, only hard drives with a volume of 500 GB have for storage of information data. This volume of the hard drive in the computer will be enough to install all the necessary software, storage of photos, music and your own video. If it is necessary to contain an archive from movies, then the Winchester of 1 TB and more will be required. When choosing a hard disk, it should be noted that not all motherboards maintain hard drives with a volume of more than 2 TB.

You should not be surprised if a hard disk installed in the computer, for example, a volume of 1 TB, the check rate of 0.93 TB will have a tank. The fact is that the computer processes information in a binary system in which 1 GB \u003d 1024 MB, and manufacturers indicate the volume of the hard disk in the decimal system (which does not correspond to the truth), believing that 1 TB \u003d 1000 GB. A kind of marketing technique that is misleading consumers. In addition, part of the hardware memory is used by the computer system for storing service information.

By way of storing information

Recently, a new type of hard disk is also becoming popular on the market, in which information is stored not on magnetic disks, but using chips that are widely used in flash drives connected to USB port. These are called solid-state drives and briefly indicate SSD (SOLID STATE DRIVES). Due to the absence of mechanical nodes, SSD solid-state drives have high performance and high reliability. But the cost of them more than twice the cost of traditional HDD. So the choice completely depends on the budget allocated to replace the hard disk.

There is a third, combined type of hard disk for laptops. On the ordinary hard HDD board, the SSD memory microcircuits are additionally installed, in which the information is often stored as a computer system. This makes it possible to significantly increase the speed of the disk as a whole with a minor increase in its value.

When buying a hard disk for a laptop with a limited budget, I recommend paying attention to the combined type of hard drive.

By type laptop interface

To find out the type of interface installed in the HDD laptop in two ways - information and mechanical. With the information method, you need to go to the laptop control panel, then in the list of equipment and find out the model of the installed hard disk. By the number of the model on the Internet it is easy to find specifications from which you can find out all the parameters of the hard drive.

The mechanical way is simpler, as it does not require searching and understanding the hard disk technical characteristics, it is sufficient to have only a screwdriver with a crusade. First you need to close all programs, turn off the laptop and fold it. Next, turning the laptop to put it in order not to scratch the cover on the soft surface. Usually on all removable laptop covers it is written that under them is hidden.

ATTENTION, Before removing the hard disk, SSD, DVD, memory planks, or any other device to exclude a laptop, must be turned off, turn off the power adapter from the network and remove the battery.

Usually the battery in the laptop housing is fixed using two movable latches, which are displaced by the arrow on the laptop cover associated with them runners. Both runners must simultaneously move along the arrow on the lid and move the battery aside, as shown in the photo, and remove it.

On the cover of the compartment in which the hard disk is installed, there is an HDD inscription, and under it an arrow as a triangle, showing which direction you need to move the lid to remove it after unscrewing the screws located on it.

To dismember the hard disk connector, there is a tongue of thick plastic. You need to take on it and move the disk, as demonstrated in the photo, away from the connector.

After selecting a hard disk from a laptop, it became apparent that the SATA sequential interface is used to connect the hard drive. Serial-ATA. The photo shows this type of connector, with which today in the overwhelming majority of laptops, regardless of the manufacturer, is connected to the hard disk.

And so the SERIAL-ATA connector looks like a hard or SSD disk. Earlier in laptops for connecting hard disks, an IDE type connector was used.

Connector IDE It is a lot of protruding from the base of two rows of pin-contacts, as in the photo, so it is easy to distinguish it from the SERIAL-ATA connector.

Sata Revision Specification Speed \u200b\u200bSpeed \u200b\u200bCharacteristics

To connect hard drives, SERIAL-ATA connectors are used in computers from one of three specifications.

SATA connectors for all specifications are interchangeable. For example, SSD solid-state disk with SATA 3.0 connector can be installed in a laptop in which SATA 1.0 connector. In this case, the maximum information transfer rate will be limited to the capabilities of the SATA 1.0 connector data.

The connector specification determines only its capabilities, and the actual read-reading speed is determined by the technical characteristics of the hard disk installed in the laptop. For example, modern, one of the best seagate hard drives with a capacity of 3 TB has the maximum reading speed of the record of large amounts of information only 150 MB / s, and small files are only 1 MB / s. Thus, any hard disk will provide maximum data exchange rate, regardless of the computer SATA interface specification.

Another thing is if solid-state SSD is installed in the computer. In some models, the read-write speed is up to 550 MB / second. To implement such a speed, you will need an interface only SATA Revision 3.0 specifications.

Definition of hard disk form factor

The form factor defines the standard geometric dimensions of the hard disk. In laptops, you can meet the hard drives of the form factor 2.5 "(width 69.9 mm) with a thickness of the housing 7, 9.5 or 15 mm. As a rule, manufacturers in laptops install hard disks of the form factor 2.5 "with a thickness of 9.5 mm.

Hard disk form factor can be obtained from the technical characteristics of the model or measure the thickness of the disk by any flat line or caliper.

Additional technical characteristics
SSD discs

To properly select a new hard disk, it is enough to consider its technical characteristics listed above. When you select to replace the solid-state SSD disc, you must additionally pay attention to the type of memory chip, based on the solid-state disk, as the resource of its operation depends on it.

SSD memory microcircuits

In SSD discs, manufacturers install a memory chip of one of three types:

  • TLC is the cheapest memory type with a resource overwriting at least 1000 cycles;
  • MLC is the optimal view of the memory for a home computer with a resource of rewriting at least 3,000 cycles;
  • 3D NAND is the most expensive and fast memory with a resource overwriting more than 10,000 cycles.

At first glance, it seems that the 3000 cycles of rewriting to the disk are not enough, but if you make a calculation, then for the SSD of a 240 GB disk of this memory resource is enough for decades of intensive operation.

For example, in my computer installed SSD disc 240 GB. On a laptop, I work daily and additionally on it is recorded around the clock with three high-resolution street video surveillance camcorders.

Calculate the real resource for overwriting a SSD disc: - 240 GB × 3000 cycles \u003d 720,000 GB \u003d 720 TB. For a day, no more than 30 GB of video and other information is written, it turns out less than 10.8 TB for the year. We divide the disk resource on the annual scope: 720 / 10.8 \u003d 66 years old.

Calculations have shown that a solid-state SSD disk assembled from the chips of any type of memory in the home computer earlier it will be obsolete morally than its resource will work out.

How to transfer the system and files
In a laptop from an old hard disk to a new

Deciding with the main technical parameters of the hard disk, which guarantee the possibility of its installation in the laptop, you can start it with its choice and acquisition.

On new hard drives, the Windows system does not have installed and after connecting it to the laptop it will be necessary to install Windows all the software required for operation. This is a rather laborious process, as it requires care, patience and a lot of time.

The task can be simplified using special programs for cloning hard drives, for example, Paragon Drive Copy. The program supports the Russian language and any laptop user will figure it out with it.

In order to use Paragon Drive Copy, it must be installed on the old hard drive, connect a new disk to the laptop, run the cloning program and wait until all information is copied. Then the new disk is installed in the laptop and you can immediately work on it, as if the hard disk did not change.

How to install a second hard drive in a laptop

To transfer the system and files (cloning) from the old disk, you need to connect two hard disk simultaneously to the laptop, which is not provided by its design. For solving this task, two ways are available:

  • Use a special adapter container in the form of an external box;
  • Install instead of a DVD drive adapter container, which will allow you to supplement the laptop with a second hard disk.

Both options are equivalent and it all depends on the further plans to use the old hard disk. If you are planning a removed hard disk to use as a USB flash drive for storing and transferring a large amount of information, you should purchase an external adapter container. And if the hard disk is required to expand the total volume to store information on a laptop, then it will be necessary instead of a regular drive DVD to install the adapter container.

I had to take advantage of both options. A few years ago, when it took to increase the volume of the hard disk, and the DVD drive was still in demand, I had to buy an external USB adapter container in the form of a remote box. And the second time, when it wanted to increase the performance of a laptop and increasing the amount of information to replace the mechanical hard disk on the SSD disk. DVD The drive was no longer needed and a container adapter for a second hard disk was installed in a laptop instead.

Using a USB adapter container

The market presents a large range of adapter containers in the form of an external boxing, which are designed to connect a hard disk to a laptop through its external USB interface.

When choosing the main thing so that the form factor and the internal adapter interface corresponded to the form factor and the hard disk interface. Adapters are found, with which the hard disk is connected directly to the laptop connector. They cost less, but in operation are uncomfortable since, by chance, the axes, such an adapter is easy to break.

The hard disk adapter container is a plastic or metal box with an external mini-USB connector and an indicator LED. The adapter container is connected to a computer using a standard flex cord with connectors at the ends of mini-USB and USB.

Since the hard disks of the 2.5 inches form factor consume a small current, then the power provided by the laptop USB bus is quite enough and the additional power source is not required.

To install the hard disk in the adapter container, you must remove the cover from it, place the hard disk in it and take it on the interface connector. After that, close the lid and use the standard USB cord to connect the adapter container to the computer. Now additional hard drive will work as familiar to all USB flash drive. Through the use of the adapter container, it will be possible to quickly connect the hard drive to any laptop or stationary computer.

Instead of DVD drive

To date, DVD discs have lost their relevance, and installed in laptops Optical DVD drives only collect dust. To expand the technical capabilities of laptops, the industry has mastered the production of special adapters that allow instead of a useless DVD drive to install the second hard disk in the laptop.

Form factor and interface connector in all DVD drives installed in laptops are the same, and they are 9.5 mm and 12.7 mm thick. Therefore, before purchasing the adapter, you should find out the thickness of the drive installed in your DVD laptop.

Determine the dimensions of the DVD drive in two ways. Enter the Computer Device Manager and using the drive model on the Internet to find its specifications. But it is more expedient to remove the drive from the laptop and measure its thickness, since at the same time it will be possible to study how the drive is arranged, and figure out how it is extracted.

To remove the DVD, the drive from the laptop housing must be unscrewed using a crust screwdriver only one screw, which is located on the side of the bottom cover of the laptop in the area of \u200b\u200bthe drive area. Usually, next to this screw, there is an ODD inscription and an arrow pointing to the screw head. After that, the drive is easily removed.

Since the thickness of the adapter for hard disks is significantly different, it is easy to define it on the eye, but not to be mistaken, it is better to measure any ruler or caliper. Measurement using the SAMSUNG-R719 DVD sized dvd sizes in my laptop showed that its thickness is 12.7 mm.

Where you can buy an adapter for replacing a DVD drive

After determining the DVD form factor, the laptop installed in the compartment can be purchased by the adapter. In computer and digital technology stores, there is a large selection of Chinese hard drive adapters for installation instead of a DVD drive cost in the $ 15 area.

Exactly such adapters made in China can be purchased in Aliexpress online store at a price of $ 4, the truth will have to wait for delivery from the month to two.

My choice fell on an aluminum alloy adapter, since the hard disk is heated during operation, and the metal better takes heat. The method of fixing the hard disk in the adapter was chosen screw, like more reliable. 40 days after payment of the order, the adapter was received by mail. When opening up the soft packaging and attentive inspection of defects was not found. In the premise there was still a small cross screwdriver.

Replacing DVD Drive Adapter with Hard Disk

Before installing a hard disk into the adapter, you need to perform preparatory work, which are to transfer a corner with a threaded hole and front panel with a drive DVD to a purchased adapter.

A corner with a threaded bucks for fixing the DVD drive in the laptop housing is located next to its interface connector and is fixed with two screws. There was no corner on the adapter, but there were two holes with threads in the desired place.

Therefore, there was a corner to remove the drive from the DVD and observing the orientation to fix on the adapter using the stewed screws.

The decorative plastic panel installed on the purchased adapter (in the photo of the lower) in the form and size differed from the panel installed on the DVD drive of the laptop. Therefore, so that there are no big gaps and did not break the appearance of the laptop I had to remove the panel from the drive DVD housing and install it on the adapter body for the hard disk.

The photo shows a laptop in which the adapter is installed with the front panel that the manufacturer has installed. As you can see, the look of the laptop does not please the eye.

Changing the panel is an easy task, if you know where the latches are located and how to press them. It is better to remove the panel from the adapter, as it will no longer need and if the latches will accidentally break, it will not lead to undesirable consequences.

In a DVD drive, removed from a laptop, a retractable tray for installing the disks on which the front panel is mounted, dried up, and it is impossible to get to the latch in such position. But for its extension, a small hole is provided on the panel, which is enough for a couple of centimeters, pressing a metal rod, such as a needle or straightened stationery clip.

The decorative front panel on the drive DVD tray is fixed using two latches. One latch shown in the photo is on the edge of the right side of the panel. For the release of the latch, it is enough for a screwdriver blade to prescribe into it in the excavation provided for this.

The second latch is on the opposite side of the panel and removed slightly from her end. It is exempt from engagement in the same way.

The front panel from the adapter is removed similarly. After its removal, you need to install the removed front panel with the drive DVD to the adapter and you can install a hard disk.

After installing the hard disk, it must be fixed in the adapter, who clues the four screws that are already partially screwed into the adapter body. Screws need to screw in such a way that they do not perform, otherwise it will be impossible to insert the adapter in the laptop compartment.

In this model of the adapter for the hard disk to the left of SATA there is a switch to adapt hard drives of different manufacturers:

  • A: FOR HP / CONY;
  • B: FOR DELL / IBM;

A seagate hard disk was installed, which was not in the list, so at random the switch engine was set to position.

The hard disk adapter is prepared for installation instead of a DVD drive, and it is time to paste it into the laptop compartment.

The adapter without effort fully entered the laptop compartment, and the front panel merged with the housing, just like the front panel of a previously stood DVD drive. It remains only to fix the adapter, tightening one screw at the bottom of the laptop and you can check the operation of the hard disk.

After installing the battery, the computer is turned on the Windows system identified the adapter, installed the driver, and the sections of an additional hard disk have become available for operation. When writing and reading from a second hard disk on the adapter panel, the blue LED murmured, and in sleep mode, the shine constantly.

Thanks to the installation of an adapter laptop for a hard disk, instead of a useless DVD drive, it is possible to store up to 1.1 TB of information. In addition, thanks to the location of the Windows system files and the storage of frequently used information on the SSD disk, the acoustic noise, which earlier emptied the hard disk, disappeared, and the laptop began to work almost silently.

Hello. SSD discs are becoming increasingly popular in the component market. Very soon, I think they will be needed than luxury (at least, some users consider luxury).

Installing the SSD in a laptop gives a number of advantages: a faster boot of Windows (download time is reduced 4-5 times), longer work of the laptop from the battery, the SSD disk is more resistant to shocks and shocks, disappears scratch (which sometimes happens on some HDD models disks). In this article, I want to disassemble a step-by-step installation of a SSD disk in a laptop (especially since there are quite a lot of SSD issues).

What is needed to start work

Despite the fact that the installation of the SSD disk is a fairly simple operation with which almost any user can cope, I want to warn you that you all do - do on your fuck and risk. Also in some cases, the installation of another disk can cause a failure of warranty service!

1. Laptop and SSD disk (naturally).

Fig. 1. Disc drive SPCC Solid State Disk (120 GB)

2. Cross and straight screwdriver (most likely the first, depends on the attachment of the covers of your laptop).

Fig. 2. Conducting screwdriver

3. Plastic card (anyone suitable, with it it is convenient to pose a cover that protects the disk and the laptop's operational memory).

4. USB flash drive or external hard disk (if you simply replace the HDD disk on SSD - you probably have files and documents to be copied from an old hard disk. In the consequence you will transfer them from a flash drive to a new SSD disc).

Options for installing SSD disk

A lot of questions comes by the options for installing an SSD disk in a laptop. Well, for example:

- "How to install an SSD disk so that worked and the old hard drive and new?";

- "Is it possible to install an SSD disk instead of CD-ROMA?";

- "If I just replace the old HDD to a new SSD disk - how would I post his files to it?" etc.

Immediately I want to highlight several ways to install SSD in a laptop:

1) Just take out the old HDD and put a new SSD in its place (on a laptop there is a special cover, closing disk and RAM). To enjoy your data from the old HDD - you need to advance before replacing the disk, copy all data on other media.

2) Install an SSD disk instead of a drive for optical disks. To do this, you need a special adapter. The essence is generally like this: take out the CD-ROM and insert this adapter (in which insert the SSD disk in advance). In the English version, it is called as follows: HDD Caddy for Laptop Notebook.

Important! If you buy such an adapter - pay attention to the thickness. The fact is that there are 2 types of such adapters: 12.7 mm and 9.5 mm. To know exactly which you need, you can do as follows: Run the AIDA program (for example), find out the exact model of your optical drive and then find its features on the Internet. In addition, you can simply remove the drive and measure it with a ruler or cigrobe.

3) This is the reverse version from the second: SSD to put instead of an old HDD disk, and HDD is installed instead of a drive using the same adapter as in Fig. 3. This option is preferable (us a look).

4) Last option: Install SSD instead of an old HDD, but for HDD to buy a special box, to connect it to USB port (see Fig. 4). Thus, you can also use both SSD and HDD disk. The only negative is an extra wire and a box on the table (for laptops that are often transferred is a bad option).

How to install an SSD disk instead of an old HDD

I will consider the most standard and frequently-encountered option.

1) First turn off the laptop and disconnect all the wires from it (power, headphones, mice, external hard drives, etc.). Next, turn it over - on the bottom wall of the laptop there must be a panel that closes the hard disk of the laptop and the battery (see Fig. 5). Take out the battery, moving the latches in different directions *.

* Fastening on different laptop models can vary somewhat.

Fig. 5. Fastening the battery and cover covering the laptop disk. Laptop Dell Inspiron 15 3000 SERIES

2) After the battery is removed, unscrew the screws that the lid closes the hard dick is attached (see Fig. 6).

3) Hard disk in laptops, usually, attached to several cogs. To remove it, unscrew them enough, and then remove the hard side of the SATA connector. After that, insert a new SSD disk on its place and secure it with cogs. It is done quite simply (see fig. 7 - the disk mount (green arrows) and the SATA connector (red arrow) is shown.

4) After replacing the disk, secure the cable with a screw and put the battery. Connect all wires to the laptop (disconnected earlier) and turn it on. When loading, go to the BIOS immediately in the BIOS (article on keys for entry:

Fig. 8. Whether a new SSD disk has been identified (on the photo the disk is recognized, and therefore you can continue working with it).

If the disk determined, check in what mode it works (should work in AHCI). In the BIOS, this tab, most often, Advanced (see Fig. 9). If you have in the parameters, another mode of operation - Switch it to ACHI, then save the BIOS settings.

After the settings conducted - you can start installing Windows and optimize it under SSD. By the way, after installing the SSD, it is recommended to install Windows again. The fact is that when installing Windows - it automatically adjusts the service to optimally work with SSD disk.

By the way, very often I ask questions to update to speed up the PC (video card, processor, etc.). But rarely who speaks about a possible transition to SSD to accelerate work. Although on some systems, the transition to SSD will help speed up the performance of work at times!

I have everything today. All fast work!