How to listen to telephone conversations. Wiretapping mobile phones - working methods

Getting access to a cell phone to listen to it is actually not that difficult. However, there are ways to prevent the invasion of your privacy.

Each of us has a cell phone. When was the last time you left home without your cell phone? It must have been by accident. It's no secret that we use phones very often, we are already actually dependent on them and their capabilities.

We're not trying to scare you, but do you know how easy it is to access them from outside? If someone wants to eavesdrop on your conversations, read SMS messages and track you using GPS, they will do it.

There are many reasons why a person wants to eavesdrop on someone else's phone conversation. It can be a curious boss, a jealous spouse, a burglar or a telephone bully.

It's illegal to spy on someone's phone without the owner's permission, but it happens. It doesn't have to happen to you, but if you suspect that someone is reading your SMS, then here are a few useful tips about how to figure out the villain.

Battery temperature

One of the likely indicators of the presence of "wiretapping" is the battery. Feel your phone while you're not using it - if it's warm or even hot, it's still in use. Keep in mind that heat comes primarily from overuse. The battery may only be hot if the phone has been in use for some time.

Phone drains very fast

Charge your mobile phone more often than usual - get another sign of a potential threat. If you haven't been using your gadget more than usual, it's possible that your phone is being used by someone without your knowledge. When a mobile phone is tapped, it loses battery much faster. A bugged mobile phone constantly records conversations in the room, even if it looks like it's lying idle.

You can use the BatteryLife LX or Battery LED apps for iPhone to monitor your battery drain rate.

Note: Mobile phones tend to lose maximum battery power over time. If your phone is more than a year old, then the battery capacity will steadily decrease depending on the intensity of use.

Turn off delay

When you turn off your phone and see a long delay, the backlight stays on for a long time, or the phone just refuses to turn off, it's possible that you're hooked. Always notice unusual phone behavior. Although, the described problems can be caused by malfunctions in the hardware or software of the phone.

strange activity

When your phone is working, does it happen that the backlight suddenly lights up on it, some applications are installed by themselves, spontaneous shutdown? Strange behavior may be a signal that someone is remotely controlling this device. By the way, this can also happen due to interference in data transmission.

background noise

When you talk, the phone "on tap" can interfere. Something like echoes, electric shocks, clicks - these sounds can be caused by the environment, interference on the connection ... or someone listening to you. If you hear a pulsing noise from your phone when you're not using it, it could be a serious problem.


If you use your phone in close proximity to others electronic devices(like a TV) and it interferes with them, then this may be due to the presence of foreign devices in the mobile phone case. In most cases, interference is normal, but if it occurs when you are not using the phone, then this may well mean that you are "under the hood".

Become a disinformer

If you suspect that your phone conversation is being tapped or recorded by someone you know, you can try to misinform the spy in order to accurately confirm this suspicion. Give someone you trust your "secret" personal information over the phone. If you find out later that outsiders found out, then that might be a yes answer.

Get help

If you have reason to believe that your mobile phone is being tapped, seek help. The police are also an option, as they have the equipment to check the phone, but you should only go down this path if you are sure that you are being tapped. For example, if the information that you once discussed with a reliable business partner “leaked” in an amazing way, and in no other way could anyone know about it.


Still, don't be paranoid.

In varying degrees, the above signs were noted by literally everyone.

The chances of being "hooked" by someone are very small. Most of the problems described above can be explained bad connection, an old battery, “glitches” of the firmware - but there are also those signs that you should pay attention to in any case. If you are a Good Samaritan, then you have every chance that your phone is clean.

If you want to be safe, then you should lock your phone with a password and keep it with you at all times.

Do not hope that simply by turning off the phone with the button you can protect yourself from wiretapping. The microphone does not turn off, and the location of the device is tracked.

If you are not using it, remove the battery from the compartment to be sure that you are not being tapped. Moreover, if you just need to become invisible for billing, you need to remove the battery without first turning off the phone with the button.

8 secret codes for your cell phone

1) *#06# . Lets you know the unique IMEI number any smartphone, including the iPhone.

2) *#21# . Allows you to get information about the included call forwarding - calls, messages and other data. Very handy if you want to check if someone is spying on you.

3) *#62# . With this command, you can find out which number incoming calls are forwarded to if iPhone is turned off or out of network coverage.

4) ##002# . Disables any call forwarding. Thus, only you will receive them.

5) *#30# . Provides information about determining the number of an incoming subscriber

6) *#33# . Shows information about blocking outgoing supported services such as calls, SMS and other data.

7) *#43# . Displays call waiting information.

8) *3001#12345#* . The so-called "James Bond" menu: here is information about the SIM card, and signal strength cellular network, even there was a place for indicators of cellular signal reception. All data, by the way, is updated promptly.

Russia has created a system for intercepting mobile conversations in offices

InfoWatch has developed a system that will allow employers to intercept employees' cell phone conversations in the office. With its help, it is proposed to deal with the leakage of confidential information

Natalya Kaspersky's InfoWatch company has developed a solution that will allow employers to intercept and analyze the content of employee conversations on their mobile phones. The Kommersant newspaper writes about this, citing several sources in Russian IT companies and an employee of the federal mobile operator.

Alexey Raevsky, CEO of Zecurion, who also heard about the development of this system, explained to the publication that this is a kind of

"femtocell (equipment for signal amplification cellular communication), which should be installed at the customer's premises and connected to the mobile operator's network, but the voice traffic passing through it will be intercepted, translated into text using speech recognition systems and then analyzed by keywords for the transmission of confidential information.

The development of a prototype of this system was confirmed to the publication by Kaspersky itself. According to her, the manufacturer of the device is a third-party organization, she refused to disclose the partner.

“It is planned that the hardware device installed in the company will be integrated with the core of the cellular operator's network so that it becomes a trusted base station of the cellular operator. Then this base station will intercept voice traffic from mobile phones that are in its coverage area.

She told.

added Kaspersky. She assured that in this case, calls from other SIM cards belonging to employees or customers and partners coming to the company's office "will be rejected by the device and forwarded to standard base stations of cellular operators."

Conversation security: check if the phone is being tapped. Problem detection.


Is it possible to imagine modern man without mobile communications? Older people still remember how long it took to make any decision if the opponent was in another place. Travel, pre-arranged times and dozens of other difficulties that arise without cell phones. No one will argue that mobile phones are the best discovery of the last century, which has simplified the lives of all social strata.

But where there are pluses, there are minuses - there is always a chance that your cellular telephone bugged. And it’s good if you communicate with friends on it and solve minor household issues, but if you discuss secret information during the conversation? Do you voice something that is not intended for third ears and can be used against you? In this article, we will tell you how to solve such a problem, check the phone for wiretapping and protect yourself and your loved ones.

How to find out if a mobile phone is being tapped, is there a wiretapping on it?

Today, not only law enforcement agencies can listen to a cell phone, but literally any person with certain knowledge and a little money. Therefore, if you have something to hide, you provide your financial data over the phone, or you simply do not want to be controlled, this article is for you.

So, the first method was used earlier, but today it has practically come out of use - “GSM interception complexes”. The fact is that at present GSM channels are encrypted in such a way that it is not technically possible to decrypt without the support of a mobile operator. The method is expensive and difficult to use, so it is used by special services, and even then not in all operations.

In fact, it is impossible to determine whether there are GSM interception complexes nearby, and therefore, if you are hiding something, and the level of secrecy is high, do not talk about it on the phone. After all, there is no 100% way to check security.

And now let's move on to numerous programs with which you can secretly listen to conversations online, but to do this, you need access to the phone for 3-5 minutes and install the appropriate program. Such programs act like real spy bugs and allow you to transmit conversations, SMS and other information to any distance.

Finding such "bugs" is easier than ever, unless, of course, an amateur installed them and did not hide the traces of his destiny:

  • Go to installed mobile applications and check everything installed programs. Those that you personally did not install - feel free to delete;
  • Reset all settings to factory settings, plus format the memory card.

Please note that phone tapping programs without operating systems simply does not exist! Now you understand why almost every businessman has a phone in his pocket, which many consider not only suitable for communication, but simply a rarity.

Listening programs can get into the phone using:

  • Downloading from a link or installing a mobile application;
  • Settings using a PC or other mobile device;
  • Sending a link via MMS;
  • By Bluetooth channel;
  • By WiFi channel.

How and with what to check: is the cell phone tapped or not?

In fact, wiretapping programs are divided into two groups:

  • During a conversation, wiretapping is activated and all calls are recorded directly to the phone's memory (note that this action is hidden, often the folder where conversations are written). Please note that programs compress information well, and an hour of conversation can easily fit into 5-6 MB, so you will not be able to detect memory overload. Further, as soon as the phone is in close enough contact, conversations are rewritten on a PC or another phone using WiFi, GPRS, WAP, 3G. It should be borne in mind that in this case, the funds from the account for the transfer of information are debited directly from the tapped phone, which will clearly appear on the cost of communication, and this may be a signal for action;
  • Conference call. Another clever method for listening to other people's conversations. To do this, at the beginning of the conversation, an SMS is received with the phone number of the incoming or outgoing call of the mobile device. Then the attacker calls back to the number, and becomes the third participant in the conversation. The method is very complicated and requires a lot of expenses, plus the beginning of the conversation is lost, and if the conversation is short, then the attacker ends up at the end of the conversation. Therefore, it is used extremely rarely;

Remember that monitoring someone else's mobile device, listening to and recording calls is prohibited and criminal liability is provided for this. If you suspect that you are being tapped, do not continue to use the device until the device is checked by specialists.

How to detect wiretapping on your cell phone:

  • Suddenly, the battery began to overheat, especially when making calls. If you are watching a movie on your smartphone or playing an online game and the battery is heating up, this is normal, but overheating when making a call is a sure sign that you need to pay extra attention to the device to check. Of course, these can be running virus applications, or those that you actively use that are not closed, but if there is a suspicion, the phone must be checked;
  • The phone you are using normal mode, and the battery has ceased to cope - requires frequent recharging. Of course, there is a possibility that the battery fails, but if the situation does not change after buying a new battery, check for hidden applications;
  • Delay when turning off the phone. Perhaps your phone needs a flashing or repair, but there is a possibility that you are being tapped and turned off before disconnecting hidden programs and because of this, the phone began to work worse than usual;
  • Incredible in the work of a familiar smartphone? Are you talking on the phone, and in the meantime, the backlight is actively turning on and off, updates are being installed, files are being saved, etc.? There is a risk that your phone is being controlled remotely. Of course, you need to understand that these are not auto-updates, accidental press on the keyboard with your ear or cheek, etc. To check the situation during conversations, put on speakerphone and watch the reaction of the phone - and then you will surely make the right decision;
  • Presence extraneous noise. In the case of online listening or conference listening, the phone will have interference, noise, rattling, crackling;
  • During the conversation or immediately after the end of the conversation, the presence of interference near household appliances. "Gurgle" as when sending or receiving notifications;
  • At outgoing call when you select a network operator in the list of operators, a stranger appears without a logo, but with one or another number. In the event of such a detection, you can know without a doubt that your phone is being tapped.

In conclusion, I would like to add that it is better to prevent than to "treat" the problem. Therefore, do not leave the phone unattended and be attentive to various nuances.

Video: Listen to you or not. How to find out? Visual aid with examples

Video: Checking the Phone for Wiretapping!!! How to find out?

Can you be eavesdropped on when your phone is turned off?

In addition to the legend about calculating the location of the phone by triangulation, there is another popular "horror story" periodically mentioned in the media.

It sounds like this: "Special services or criminal elements can covertly turn on the microphone on your phone and eavesdrop on conversations that you are having near the phone."

As with triangulation, carefully mixing truth with fiction can produce a reasonably plausible-looking fiction.

Let's try to figure out how real the implementation of such listening.

Key tenets of the eavesdropping legend

  • AT any The mobile phone is initially equipped with the ability to record and listen to conversations, even when the mobile phone is turned off. We are not talking about equipping any one particular phone with listening tools for spying on any one particular person - all GSM phones have such an opportunity.
  • Listening can be activated at any time by special services or attackers with sufficient resources. Listening in progress remotely, without the use of additional equipment or human resources.
  • The phone user cannot independently detect the fact of listening - it happens covertly.
  • This opportunity secret. Any descriptions, documentation, etc. available only to special services and those close to them.

Let's start from the end - with secrecy.

Who came up with this, and who has access to it?

The text of legislative acts regulating wiretapping during operational-search activities and the technical means necessary for this is available to anyone in most countries. It is not difficult to find on the web a description of the requirements for systems to assist operational-search activities (SORM) used in Russia, or lawful interception systems used in the UK or the USA. After reviewing them, you can be sure that we are talking about listening telephone conversations of specific subscribers(phone numbers). About the listening which is carried out on the central nodes of switching of a network. There is no talk of any "remote microphone activation" there.

Could it be that documents stating such a possibility exist but are classified?

Since listening tools are built into any GSM phone, there must be some specifications that describe the details and how they work. Since intelligence agencies can use these features, then mobile operators have support for these functions in their equipment. In order to securely classify all this, the following should be involved in the case:

  1. The GSM consortium that developed the specifications for these listening devices, but keeps them secret (though all other GSM specifications are available to anyone at Specifications should describe, at a minimum, how to activate and deactivate listening to the phone - what commands are received by the SIM card or phone, how they interact with each other, and how all elements of the operator's network (switches, base station controllers, base stations, etc.) etc.) participate in the transmission and processing of these commands.
  2. Manufacturers of GSM modules that do not produce phones themselves. They must have access to the secret specifications of the GSM Consortium and implement them in their products. The part of the documentation that describes the eavesdropping system must be kept secret and only shared with those clients who are also participating in the conspiracy of silence.
  3. Manufacturers of equipment for building mobile networks (switches, base stations, etc.). They must also have access to the secret specifications of the GSM Consortium. The accuracy of implementing secret specifications is especially important because mobile operators like to build their networks from equipment from different manufacturers - it is necessary that different components of the listening system integrate well with each other, even if the system was made by different vendors.
  4. Integrating companies building mobile networks. They should be able to set up the work of all subsystems of the mobile operator, including listening. To do this, their employees must attend secret courses organized by equipment manufacturers.
  5. Mobile operators. They should provide access to the eavesdropping system to the intelligence services of their country and ensure that they are not accessed by the intelligence services of other countries. But at the same time, operators must also cooperate with each other to ensure that the listening system works even when the subscriber is roaming.
  6. Mobile phone manufacturers. It is on their shoulders to ensure the secrecy of listening - so that the phone supports all the secret functions, but the subscriber could not guess about their activation. Their services warranty repair should know that the phones have the corresponding secret modules, be able to diagnose and repair them.
  7. Special services. They should be aware of how to work with operators.

This list could be continued further (by adding SIM-card manufacturers, etc.), but even in its current form it looks quite fantastic. After all, the secrecy of the specification implies that all those who know are silent, and no one else knows. In the same time The current situation in the GSM equipment market is characterized by rather tough competition., and there would certainly be manufacturers producing phones without the listening function. Extra microcircuits on phone boards and “bookmarks” in firmware would be found by enthusiasts whose bread is “unlocking” mobile phones. There would be specialists who disable the ability to listen to your device for money. But nothing like this in real life not visible.

For comparison, the standard functions of lawful interception:

  1. openly documented.
  2. Their support is implemented at exactly one point in the network - on the switches. Manufacturers have available documentation on the operation and administration of this functionality, in the public domain you can find the name, schedule and program of the relevant training courses, etc.
  3. They do not require any special support from manufacturers of phones, SIM cards, GSM modules, etc.
  4. They perfectly cope with the task of listening to telephone conversations of a particular subscriber, complementing other possible covert surveillance mechanisms.

Suppose that such a global "conspiracy of silence" still exists. How does the secret listening system work? How can such listening and transmission of the heard “where necessary” be implemented??

Since the eavesdropping is covert, it can be assumed, for example, that the phone has alternative systems for encoding and storing information that is transmitted over a radio channel to some special antennas using a radio wave modulation system that is not similar to GSM. This assumption does not stand up to criticism: firstly, the GSM modules of modern phones are similar to each other, the microcircuits used and their functions are well known and described. If such listening tools are built into any phone, then this means that neither enthusiasts dismantling phones for repair and modernization, nor third-party repair shops noticed anything suspicious in their design. But hiding in the phone another module, similar in functionality to a GSM transceiver, and even with its own separate antenna, is an absolutely impossible thing. "Extra" details will be visible to any specialist. In the end, there is simply no place for this in a modern phone.

Secondly, the transmission of what was heard through alternative channels implies the construction global network receivers, the scale of which any mobile operator would envy, not to mention the fact that the question of financing such a project and sharing access to it between the special services of different countries remains open.

However, proponents of undocumented features do not go so far in their statements. They usually talk about after “activating the microphone”, the phone, without the knowledge of the owner, makes a call to a certain number, after which “from the other side” everyone carefully listens and writes down.

Hidden call hypothesis

Can the phone make a call without the knowledge of the owner (using standard functions GSM networks) to a certain number, and secretly? This raises a number of awkward questions:

  1. Why is the fact of an active call not visible in the phone interface?
  2. How long will your phone's battery last with constant listening?
  3. What to do with the characteristic pickups on the speakers of the surrounding radio equipment that occur during the conversation?
  4. Why is the call used for listening in not visible in the subscriber's detailed call listing? Who pays for it?

Point 1 is usually explained either by the participation of mobile phone manufacturers in a global conspiracy, or they write that intelligence agencies or a mobile operator remotely inject into the phone software, which will hide suspicious activity from the user. Fortunately, there is currently no way to transfer active content to the phone that will run on any GSM phone.

Point 2 doesn't have a good counterargument, so it's usually left out in articles about the miracle audition. Indeed, in modern phones, batteries are enough for about four to five hours of continuous conversation at most - this is clearly not enough to organize constant listening.

Point number 3 is also usually passed over in silence. Obviously, for covert listening, the presence of such a "side effect" is completely unacceptable.

Point number 4 suggests that the intelligence services are in cahoots with mobile operators. As part of this deal:

  1. The operator has nothing against the fact that his voice channels are used for listening, and he does not receive a cent for many hours of calls (we do not consider the "special services pay for the listened" option as completely fantastic).
  2. The operator excludes calls to special service numbers from the detailed listing of calls and from all internal databases.
  3. If the listener is in the coverage area of ​​another network (or in roaming), the operator additionally bears the costs associated with international roaming.
  4. This collusion is valid at least for all operators in the country where the special services in question operate.

All this is technically feasible.. However, what should be the motivation of the operators so that they agree to such a collusion, and the collusion is secret?

The collusion involves significant financial losses on the part of the operators, so the incentive for cooperation should be sufficiently weighty. Obviously, we are not talking about the fact that operators were obliged to participate in collusion by law or through blackmail - history shows that any attempts of extra-market pressure on operators by the authorities immediately turn into a wave of publications in the media. There is only one option left - the special services paid the operators for the work of modifying the billing and the costs associated with listening. You can, no doubt, evaluate the realism of such a scenario yourself.

So what do we have? Thanks to the global conspiracy of the main players in the mobile communications market, a secret method was invented and implemented to remotely activate the microphone of a mobile phone for covert surveillance of the subscriber. Recorded conversations are transmitted "where necessary" using standard GSM network tools. The intelligence services of a particular country use this secret opportunity, and they are not stopped by what their potential opponents have developed it. The special services negotiate with all local mobile operators to hide the fact of calls to a secret number belonging to the special services. Now, at the risk of being noticed every second by the rapid discharge of the battery and interference with the nearest radio equipment, the special services have the opportunity to listen to you for about 4-5 hours if you played into their hands and pre-charged the phone.

Think about whether the game is worth the candle for intelligence agencies, given the fact that there are many less global, less costly and more effective ways to listen to a particular person.


Talk about hidden opportunity remotely activate the microphone of any phone - nothing more than talking. On the other hand, there is a standard documented technical ability to listen and record telephone conversations specific, previously known subscriber.

Hello! Welcome to my mobile phone security blog! Have you ever thought about how possible it is to listen to a mobile phone for free, by an outsider? Can anyone install in your smartphone special application, which opens unlimited access to any information from the device's memory? You will find the answer in this article, because I this question also very interested. At the very end of the presented material there will be a link to a useful video. You can immediately go there if you don’t want to read the whole text.

As for such programs, there are many of them on the Internet. I decided to check if such applications really work. Many promise to listen to a mobile phone for free, but what do we actually see? One scammer comes across! I reviewed a large number of software, but simply did not find anything really working. But I caught the eye of an interesting service that provides opportunities Reserve copy information. It is about him that I will tell further.

The versatility of the service lies in the support a large number applications from which you can collect the history of correspondence. Who will benefit from this? Yes, to anyone, because you cannot be insured against the accidental loss of a smartphone. If you use your phone for business and office communications, it's a good idea to back it up regularly. This service able to perform such operations independently, in a fully automatic mode!

I installed a special application in Android that collects and archives data, and then sends it to the server. There is Personal Area which no third party can gain access to. Only the person who installed and configured the application. As for the supported software, there are clients for almost everyone social networks and messengers! Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, My World, WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, ICQ - this is not a complete list.

What will happen if similar application installed by an outsider? Free listening to a mobile phone will be possible simply due to the fact that the records of conversations are stored in backup. And it does not matter at all whether it will be the application described above, or some other, but with the same functions. Antiviruses do not block such software, since there is no virus code in it. And the uninstall protection will not let you get rid of the program standard means mobile OS.

I realized one thing: you should treat your mobile phone more carefully! Do not leave it unattended in the office, do not pass it on to unfamiliar people! As for the described service, the following is a link to a useful video. In it, I will talk about how to properly install the program and configure it. But remember that you cannot use such an application on someone else's mobile phone! Personal life is confidential, and few phone owners would like this.

Recently, the question of how to check the phone for wiretapping has become more and more relevant. After all, in the world of progressive technologies, together with active use computer technology, telephones, radio and the Internet, various spy applications and programs are created that can damage office equipment and communication devices. To date, it will not be difficult to independently check whether the phone is wiretapped. How to do this is described in the article. This does not require any special skills and the help of specialists.

Distinctive features of listening

By itself, wiretapping a mobile phone has its own characteristics, by which it can be easily distinguished. Getting access to another person's phone is pretty easy. And if there is a suspicion that your own device is being tapped, then it is better not to hesitate and send it for diagnostics.

Detectives and other experts know exactly how to check the phone for wiretapping, but since you can do it yourself, it does not make sense to spend money on other people's services. Of course, such diagnostics cannot guarantee a 100% result, but the presence of an extraneous network will certainly be detected.

Signs of attachment to a listening device

Not every person knows how to check a phone for wiretapping, but it is imperative to remember the main signs of attachment to a listening device. These include the following factors:

  1. The battery drains quickly. This feature can not always be called an accurate indicator, since in most cases it is present on devices on which many applications and games are installed. It is a completely different matter when the phone is not always in the hands of its owner and there is no running programs. If in a calm state the mobile device is discharged in just an hour or two, then this is the first signal to the presence of wiretapping on it.
  2. The device turns off, reboots or turns on the backlight on its own. If all of the above problems are not related to system malfunctions, then there is already a high probability that interference is being created on the side. When the phone is still tapped, nothing new and superfluous is displayed on the screen, but periodic failures may occur during operation.
  3. During a call, constantly hear extraneous sounds. The presence of other connected networks prevents the subscriber from getting through to another number, since this takes many times longer than without wiretapping. In addition, as soon as a special listening program is connected to a telephone conversation, small interference and a very noticeable echo of both voices are observed. Sometimes there are situations when one subscriber hears only himself, but not his interlocutor.
  4. Cellular interferes with radio, TV, stereo. Even in the off state, the phone may "flash" when approaching any other devices.
  5. Literally half an hour after replenishing the account, an impressive amount of funds was written off for no reason. If you find such a problem, you should immediately call the operator to clarify the circumstances. If his mistake is not here, then we can assume that along with the funds, all the information it needs about calls and messages was sent to the listening program.

If you suspect the operation of eavesdropping systems, it is recommended to contact law enforcement agencies. Based on the fact that modern devices operate according to innovative principles, only special equipment can better deal with them.

It must be remembered that you can install wiretapping on every phone, regardless of its cost or year of manufacture. Of course, the very first models are amenable to this only after installing bugs, and not with the help of the network or the Internet, since they do not have operating systems, but even these cases are cause for concern and appeal to the authorities.

More details on how to check the phone for wiretapping in Russia will be described below. This information will make many people think about the state of their device. Every person needs to check the phone, since it certainly won’t get any worse, but it wouldn’t hurt to make sure there is a wiretap.

Number combinations

Wiretapping a mobile phone, or rather its presence, is freely checked when dialing a certain combination of numbers. They are little known, but each is valid. The best number combinations are:

  1. *#43#. This number allows you to see call waiting information.
  2. *777# (for Ukrainian subscribers). The combination shows the current balance and the operator's menu.
  3. *#06#. The code automatically pops up a window where the IMEI data is displayed.
  4. *#21#. This code helps to check the wiretapping of the phone in just 5 seconds. Such a number allows the user to find out who, besides himself, receives notifications about calls and SMS to this number.
  5. *#33#. AT this case information about the services that support the mobile device and the devices from which they originate is displayed.
  6. *#62#. The combination shows the number to which calls and data are forwarded, if available.
  7. ##002#. Such a code is used to disable call forwarding and set up calls to be received only by the owner of the phone.
  8. *#thirty#. A set of numbers provides information to clearly identify the numbers from which incoming calls are made.

All these combinations make it possible to provide your phone with reliable protection against the connection of unknown networks that are harmful. In fact, there is nothing difficult in checking the phone for wiretapping. The combination of numbers is available to all subscribers. But keep in mind that not even all operators know about it, so you should not check your device too many times.

Hidden codes for iPhone

The owners of devices from Steve Jobs probably guessed that they had hidden functions, or rather codes. Thanks to them, you can view a lot of information: from signal strength to the forwarding status itself.

The phone allows:

  • hide own phone number (#31#);
  • find out the signal strength (*3001#12345#*);
  • get acquainted with the unique code (*#06#);
  • determine the point where messages arrive (*#5005*7672#);
  • barring calls and call standby mode.

hide number

However, how to check the phone for wiretapping, you should also know how you can hide the number. To do this, you just need to dial the combination given above and call other people's numbers as an unknown subscriber.

Find out the signal strength and unique code

Sticks and dashes are the epitome of signal strength these days, with no precision. After turning on the field conditions, you need to dial the number indicated above, and then hold down the power button. When the screen goes out, you need to press the center button and wait until it appears Homepage. The number in upper corner on the left, will mean signal strength.

To determine the phone code, just dial *#06#. The settings will immediately appear there, where the necessary item will be present.

Where do messages go?

Each SMS message, before reaching the subscriber, passes through a special center according to the identification number. You can recognize it using the combination *#5005*7672# and the call button.

Call barring and call waiting

This mode allows you to block both incoming and outgoing calls. "Waiting" allows you to hold the current or incoming call. You can carry out interesting manipulations with such combinations:

  • *33*PIN# - enable call barring;
  • #33*PIN# - disable the previous ban;
  • *#43# - call in waiting mode;
  • *43# - turn on the standby mode;
  • #43# - disable waiting;
  • *#21# - forwarding.

A few tips from experts who have already encountered similar problems more than once will help eliminate the likelihood of listening to a mobile device:

  • do not transmit confidential information over the phone;
  • for business negotiations, a cell phone is not the best way;
  • a conversation that is carried out in a car on the move is much more difficult to listen to due to noise and frequency changes;
  • no need to take risks and trust phone repair to an unfamiliar office with dubious customer reviews.

Knowing how to check the phone for wiretapping, you can not be afraid for the integrity and safety of the device, as well as for yourself. Now it is clear that this is not so difficult to do, so you should not immediately contact the masters who will carry out diagnostics for a long time. The help of specialists will be required only if the wiretapping is serious and it will not be possible to remove it with the help of simple combinations.