MTS service does not work and outgoing calls. How to find out the last calls to MTS and what to do

All MTS subscribers can at any time get free information from calls to their phone number in which you can learn about all the cost of the account, including the printout of the value of incoming and outgoing calls, send SMS, the use of the Internet. This will make it possible to know in detail what kind of services are written off money, which is especially relevant in suspected of incorrect charging by phone number.

Today we will tell you how to order the detail of your expenses by the phone number of MTS, how to figure out the detailed account, and how much it costs to request it in print format.

How to order

The request service of a detailed account is provided to all MTS subscribers, and make the details of calls used by Internet traffic, and other services, you can even without leaving the house in your personal account. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that if the details of calls for the year is needed, then it is possible to take it only in the MTS offices, since it is possible to order it only over the past six months.

An account details for MTS will allow you to make a printout for all actions, including sending messages to free short numbers, or not tarify conversations.

To find out the costs of your MTS number, you can order a printout of calls through the site of the operator, or make a detail in the mobile application from the phone. Which option to choose depends on what is more convenient, since the functionality is almost identical, but additional features are available through the MTS website, and you can see the details of calls directly in your personal account.

To obtain an account detail on the site, you need to log in to your personal account on your MTS phone number, and after switching to the section Cost control, where to choose "conversation details".

After that, the MTS Internet Assistant will offer to choose the period for which you need to request the details of calls, and at the next step to select how it will be more convenient to look at the phone's balance sheet - in the office, or receive an email.

The next important stage will be the choice of in which format to order the detail of conversations and other actions in its mobile account MTS. The most optimal is PDF to send to mail, or HTML when prompted MTS details in the office.

After sending a request for detailing telephone conversations and SMS to MTS, you need to go to the "Ordered Documents" section, if the details of the calls were requested in the office, or check your mail.

Similarly, to get an extract on your MTS number through the application. To view the details of the account in your MTS number, you must click on your balance on the main screen. Here will be displayed a general extract for the costs of costs and payments of the MTS number, with call statistics in separate directions.

To complete the details of the conversations from your MTS telephone number, you need to select the period by opening the menu in the upper right corner. After that, there will also be the opportunity to see the details of MTS account costs in the application, or send it to your e-mail.

Please note that when ordering an extract for MTS phone number with call details, only getting it in PDF format is available.

Having obtained the details of calls from your personal account MTS, it will be easy to figure it enough. If you have difficulty, check the example of detailing in your account in the section of its order. An example will open in a new window, and clicking on the marks of the question opposite the individual items, the explanation will be displayed. All calls, SMS, Internet sessions are displayed in a single list for exactly the time of action by the MTS number.

In its office, MTS on the site can also be connected to the details of the account on a regular basis, and it will come every month. To do this, it is enough to go to the service management section, and select the new connection item. All available will be arranged in alphabetical order, and you will simply find the right one.

Also note that when ordering MTS details, SMS is displayed without text, and it does not depend on what is an extract for a fee or free. To get a printout of SMS with text can not have any operator communication.

How to print

You can take the detail of write-offs in print in print in any MTS operator store. However, it is possible to take a printout of calls and SMS messages to MTS only for a fee and the amount of payment for detailing depends on the requested period. If you can find out only six months in your personal account on the personal account for half a year, then any longer service is available in the store.

The cost of printing on the request of the MTS account details for the current month will be seventy rubles. The price does not depend on how many pages will be in the report.

But if it took to print the detail for any other period, it will be necessary to pay it for rent. For every day, displayed in detail, the operator takes three rubles.

Please note that when ordering a detailed report by MTS number in your office via the Internet, you can also print it. This can be done, even if the order is made not a separate document by mail.

MTS using self-service service provides a number of diverse services. For any subscriber, the MTS calls in the Personal Accord are available for any subscriber. This opportunity can be used without prior statements from the subscriber or address the company's office.

Example of MTS services detail

This operation can be done with the help of the cabin employees, this will require visit the office at the place of registration of the SIM card and order a printout in your passport. This service is paid, at the time of writing the review is 75 rubles with delivery by mail and 150 rubles. With delivery courier. The service can be provided by an urgent rate.

Why can't get the detail?

The problem in the formation of a document on detailing calls may be errors in the form of filling. For example, it may be an incorrect time interval. In this case, you need to repeat the procedure again and wait when the document is formed. The process of forming a report takes some time.

Regular receipt of information about calls

Regular receipt of details about calls and SMS is proposed as an additional free service in some tariffs, for example, in the Smart series.

How to add a regular detail service:

Report on the personal account once a month will help fully control your expenses.

Receive information on the last calls through USSD

MTS subscribers are given the opportunity to find out information about paid and free acts and services received in the last 24 hours. Previously, a similar service was called "Information about five actions", now the functions changed the concept, and it is known as "costs for today."

Numerous services that can be connected in various ways are available to users. The service "Costs for today" allows you to quickly control the change in your service package. In addition, you can always order detail for operations from the phone, which is provided in the form of a document in your account or sending to an electronic box. If you are interested in now how to enter and see SMS to your MTS personal account, go to the "Internet Assistant" section, then in the "cost control" and "detailization. Specify the data, and the appropriate document will be formed for you.

How to get data on today's expenses in MTS:

  • dial * 152 #, in response to you will be detected service, then you need to re-type USSD code, which is written next to the line "Costs for today";
  • view messages and get acquainted with the report on events during the day, which is formed from 00.00 hours.

These simple tips will help manage expenses and test their actions or made from your phone to different periods.

Appeal to the office of MTS

To get the details of MTS calls through your personal account in the MTS salon, it makes sense to contact the SIM card register when there is a passport. The request of someone else's room in the MTS salon is completely processed.

If the Provider's Security Service detects violations, it can block all the facial accounts before finding out the circumstances. The connection will be only incoming, as a result, the owner or by attorney will have to take all the documents that provided a registered person and confirm their / relatives the right to the number.

  • Go to the "Internet Assistant" section, then in the "Control of expenses" and "conversation" subsections.
  • Fill in the information on request: the period where to send the document and its format.
  • Track the appearance of the message that the request is accepted.
  • Expect a document that will come to the specified E-mail (better registered) or will be available within 3 days in the Personal Account in the "Ordered Documents" section.
  • Delay in obtaining SMS details

    If the DTS does not work in the MTS to the personal account, it may be for the following reasons:

    • your dignification request has not yet been processed and takes time;
    • you indicated the wrong e-mail for delivery;
    • information is not updated in the Personal Account due to the problems with the Internet line;
    • in the process of registration, an error has failed or allowed.
    • go out and log in to your personal account - the information will be fully updated;
    • wait until the document is formed;
    • order a detail again, tracing that your application is accepted (there will be a message on the screen);
    • contact customer support.

    It is possible to obtain the Details of SMS in the MTS Salon at the site of registration of the SIM card with a passport.

    Archive of messages in the Personal Account

    In addition, there is also a SMS message archive subject to the connected SMS Pro service.

    You can find it in the left side in the service "My MTS". Services - Archive of messages.

    Hello, I am engaged in the Internet, communication and IT technologies for more than 7 years if you have not found the answer to your question on this page - ask me a question right now and I will answer him soon. Thank you for your trust! Fresh issues are published in the heading "Help" and help solve problems that arise the difficulties of other users of the site.

    Thanks to the service details, each MTS mobile client has the ability to obtain data on the challenges committed, as well as incoming. Sometimes there are situations where funds are supposedly disappeared from the balance. In fact, they can be written off for the commission of paid calls. To accurately determine where money was going to help the details of calls. How to learn the last calls to MTS? There are several options, how to use the service.

    Options for receiving information about calls

    If the client needs information, how to find out the last incoming calls to MTS, it can take advantage of different ways.

    1. Personal Area. When entering the Internet Assistant, you must specify the phone number and password. If the personal account is missing, it needs to be created. From the overall list of options, the section "Details of conversations" is selected. It indicates a period of no more than six months. Data is sent to email or viewed in the Personal Account. The client independently chooses the place where information will be sent. It is also possible to choose the report format. When everything you need is chosen, you need to click "Next". The cost of the service will depend on the client's tariff plan. You need time to process data, so the report is sent not immediately.
    2. A visit to the customer service center. Another way to find out the last 5 calls to MTS or full information about all completed operations is to visit the contact center. It is necessary to provide personal data for identification, after which the specialist will issue the appropriate application. As a rule, this service is paid. You can get information in your account.

    Many are also interested in how to find out the cost of recent calls to MTS? To do this, it is enough to dial a combination * 152 * 1 #. By number * 152 # you can find out all expenses per day. The client provides information on the write-offs performed during the day, which is very convenient and makes it possible to properly distribute funds, refusing unnecessary services.

    The easiest way, how to find out the last calls to MTS for free, is the request in a personal office. It takes a minimum of time and does not require special effort.

    If the user does not know how to find out the last outgoing calls to MTS, all the same call details will come to the rescue. Printing of all the actions performed for the selected period makes it possible to view all kinds of calls. It is also possible to see the number of messages sent and other information in accordance with the request.

    It is necessary to prohibit outgoing calls from the phone, for example, if the phone often turns out to be in the hands of a child, or you do not want to pay for paid incoming during travel abroad. In these cases, the option "Prohibition of the call" from MTS will help. The service blocks: outgoing, incoming, international calls. How it works and what will help the subscriber, we will tell below.

    Description of the service "Prohibition of Call"

    The service allows you to establish a ban on such types of calls:

    • all incoming;
    • all outgoing;
    • all outgoing in other states.

    In addition, you can prohibit all the country and travel on foreign countries during travel. Usually such calls are paid, and then the option becomes relevant.


    On each tariff, the cost of the service "Prohibition of the call" is its own. What is noteworthy, it is not always indicated. Sometimes you need to connect and disable this service to find out how much makes it fee. For example, it is 30 rubles per month. You can find out the cost or in the MTS application. Next to the "Connect" button will indicate a monthly fee and the connection price.

    How to enable, turn off and check

    You can connect the option on the MTS website in the Personal Account or in the phone application:

    1. Go to the section "Services".
    2. Click on the "Available" button, then on the "Call and SMS" tab.
    3. Click on the "Call Restriction and SMS" subsection.
    1. Click on the "Connect" button. Next to it will be the cost of the service for your tariff.

    After a connection confirmation message comes to the phone, you will need to configure the service. To do this, dial a special command: * Prohibition code * Access password # call. Consider it in more detail. The prohibition code is presented in 5 versions:

    • 33 - prohibits all outgoing calls;
    • 331 - prohibits outgoing international calls;
    • 332 - blocks outgoing international calls, except those addressed to the "home" country;
    • 35 - Blocks all incoming calls;
    • 351 - included in roaming.

    Access password consists of 4 zeros - 0000. If you enter it incorrectly 4 times in a row, it will be blocked. Thus, if necessary, for example, prohibit all outgoing in other countries, you need to dial: * 331 * 0000 * "Call", limit outgoing: * 33 * 0000 * "Call". To restore the password, you need to turn off and connect the re-option.

    We describe how to use the service. To do this, type one of the following commands:

    • ** 03 * 330 * [Former password] * [New password] * [New password] #. It will change the password.
    • * [Prohibition code] * [Access Password] (* TC) #. With it, it is set to limit on all types of calls. Below we will explain what the TC is.
    • * # [Prohibition code] # - allows you to check, the service is connected or not.
    • # [Prohibition code] * [Access Password] (* TC) #. Cancels one of the types of prohibition.
    • # 330 * [Password Access] (* TC) #. Cancels all kinds of calls.

    Do not forget at the end of the command to click on the "Call" button. TC - so abbreviated the type of telephone signal: voice call, fax, data. For each type there is a code:

    • 10 - all types of signals;
    • 11 - voice;
    • 13 - fax;
    • 25 - Data (though what data, the operator does not specify).

    You can not recruit TC, then all types of signals will be prohibited.

    Now consider how to disable the "Prohibition Call" service on MTS. You can do this in the Personal Account on the Operator's website or in the phone application. Just go to the "Connected Services" section, select this option and click on the "Disable" button. The request is processed, and then send SMS to the phone, that the service is deactivated.

    What is the difference from the service "Black List"

    The "Black List" option also allows you to protect yourself from unwanted calls. You can block international or long-distance calls. The subscriber establishes the rule according to which blocking will occur. But she has a number of significant differences from the service under consideration in the article. They are presented in the table.

    In addition, the cost of the "black list" for all tariffs is the same and amounts to 1.5 rubles. per day, and the cost of "ban of a call" in different tariff plans varies.

    Do you need option

    If you prohibit all incoming and outgoing calls, then what's the point to use the phone? Therefore, if we talk about the feasibility of the service, it can actually come in handy as a temporary measure, for example, during travel abroad. Or if the phone is bought by a young child, and the subscriber does not want him to call him somewhere.

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