Add phone to home network. Can I connect the phone to the home network

If you have an Android tablet and actively use it in everyday life, then most likely you have come to connect it to your home networkhow it is done between computers to be able to enter the laptop media or stationary computer And directly from there work with files or multimedia content, pre-downloading them on the tablet via a USB wire or flash drive. It is good that such an opportunity is there and configure this connection will not be difficult: We will show you how to connect Android to the Wi-Fi home network.


Before connecting Android to the Wi-Fi home network, you need to make a small setting on the computers to which you want to enter the tablet. This procedure is not mandatory, but still for a complete guarantee of performance. this method We recommend to do it.

Creating a new user

The recommendation is that the user password must be installed on your computer so that you can go to a PC from the Android device. If the password is not installed on account, then there are several ways to solve this task:

  1. Install it on your account, and then you will need to enter it every time when the PC is turned on.
  2. Create a new account with a password, provide her rights and leave (you can forget about it), continuing to use your existing without password.

This is done because when you come with Android, you will need to fill the mandatory account with a password, and if it is not, then in some cases it may not be possible to go to the PC.

We will create a new user in our example. This is done as follows:

We provide sharing files

If you have used the network between computers before this, then you have already made sharing to the desired folders or disks. If not, then we will show how to do it. You can not only share folders, but also whole wheels - choose to you.

  • Right-click on the folder or disk to which you want to provide access for other devices.
  • Next, go to the "Access" tab.
  • Check the box next to "Open Share Access ...".
  • Candle over the "Permissions" button.
  • If you use a computer in the home network, you can leave the type of user "All" and just put the checkmarks at the "Allow" opposite the necessary operations on your files. If you often use a PC in public networks, then click "Add", select the account you have to create and provide it with the right to "resolve" opposite "full access".

We go online through Android

Download and install an ES conductor application to your tablet or smartphone. Then follow these steps to connect:

  • Run the conductor.
  • Run the swipe right.
  • Tap the Network.
  • Next, go to the LAN string.
  • In an empty window, create a new connection.

Connect Android to the local network

In this article, consider the way to connect the phone or tablet, to the local network of the computer. This is useful even in cases where you do not have a local network, as such, and there is only a computer connected to wireless network. The advantages of connecting to the local network are obvious - you will have the ability to access files and windows folders , right in the phone.

This is necessary, for example, in the case when you need to watch the movie on the phone. For this, it is not necessary to connect it to a computer, copy to the phone and so on. It is enough to view it by connecting to the local folder. Well, let's start configuring the phone access to the local network.

First of all, you need to configure the local network on your computer, and set access to specific files and folders to which you will have access to the future. This is done completely simple, it is enough to know how to configure the local network in Windows.

And in order to connect the phone to the local network, the application will be required. As an example, we give an ES conductor application. This is a fairly popular program. file managerAnd with its help you can really get local access to the computer. You can download it from Play Market, there are no problems with this.

After installing the application, run it and go to the Connects tab to the network (at the top of the screen, you need to select the computer icon with the LAN signature). Now, click the "SCAN" button and search for local networks in the access area of \u200b\u200byour phone.

Another connection path can be performed by creating it manually. That is, you will need to click on the "Create" button and configure manually connecting parameters. In other words, knowing the connection parameters to your network, in the phone in manual mode Connects. To do this, you will need to know the IP of the computer, as well as set a password if you are installed on your local network. After that, the phone is connected to the local network and you will be available all folders and files open to access.

That's all you need to know about connecting the phone under android management to the local Windows network. In fact, it is all much easier than it may seem at first glance, besides, it is possible to use other applications for such a connection, however the example of the most simple in implementation.





Today, smartphones and tablets closely joined our daily life. It is difficult to imagine that several years ago no one else knew what Android is, and that devices running this operating system Maybe not to be in every apartment. But besides the Internet surfing, games and communication in social networks Advanced users use tablets and smartphones to view photos and watch video. Therefore, we often ask questions like:

  • As on the tablet to watch a movie from a computer over the network;
  • How to go with a smartphone to a computer;
  • How to go to the network folder from the smartphone.

Today we decided to answer these questions. For thanks to the abundance of applications in Google Play. And this task can be easily solved. Below we will tell about how to go to the computer's network folder from the Android device.

Access with Android to Windows. Computer Side Settings

2 Open access to the desired folder. For example, we took a typical and simple situation: put a media system for a separate disk and open access from the local network to a whole disk:

Right-click on the desired folder / disk and select Properties:

Click the tab Access and click Extended setting:

Check the box Open sharing folder, specify the name for the network folder click OK:

Access is open. Now click Close To close the folder properties window:

Access with Android to Windows. Settings on the Side of the Smartphone / Tablet

Installing an application.

Launch Play Market:

Enter in the search string eS File Explorer.and press Search:

In the search results, select the application ES conductorfrom the developer ES App Group:

Click Install:

Click To accept:

After downloading and installing the application ES conductor(or Es File Explorer ) Click Open:

Setting ES Explorer (ES File Explorer)

Applications have three screens:

  1. Homepage (Homepage);
  2. Device;
  3. Net.

Go to the screen Net By scrolling the onset and press the button in the lower left corner Create:

In the list, select Connection Type: Lan.:

In the settings window Server Specify:

  1. Server IP address;
  2. Username;
  3. Password;
  4. Display Name (optional)

and press OK:

In the list called Lan. Your computer will be added (it can be a laptop, server, network storage, in general, any network device with a drive).

Using ES Explorer to access a computer over the network from the Android device

Press the icon of the newly added network device (see Fig. Above).

If the login and password were specified correctly, you will see a list of network folders.

In our example, we opened the necessary network folder with media content under the name. Media. Therefore, we go to the network folder Media:

In it we see the video:

And audio records in the folder Music:

Checking music playback - click directly to the file in the network folder. A window appears with the choice of player. Install the check Set by default And select your favorite player:

The record will play:

You can switch the display folder to the list or table using the button. View:

How to copy a file from a computer to an Android device

Long click on the file, turn on the selection mode.

Mark the files you want to copy with network Disc on the Android device.

Press the button Yet and select Copy to:

Select the folder on the Android device where you want to copy files from the network folder, and click OK:

Create another folder in the folder or just click OK To copy files directly to the current folder:

Copy files:

Network features of the Estrongs file manager have long been legend. Let's try to study in practice the ability to connect from Android device to a PC. We will consider the connection of ES conductor to a computer running under Windows 10, and your account is password protected. Today it is the most common option.

What you need from a PC to connect from a smartphone via es

Before using an ES conductor to connect to a computer, you need to slightly configure the local network and system. For starters, access must be allowed on the PC itself. To access, you must go to the control panel / network management center and shared access and edit additional parameters (string at the bottom of the menu).

Go to network settings in the Computer menu

In this section of the settings you need to go to the "All Network" item and cancel password protection general access Or remember the password.

For further work, turn off or remember the password for connecting

If after that the device will not be available, we recommend restarting the computer.

You will also need to know the IP address of your car on the local network. To find out, click on the "Start" button right-click, select the item " Command line"And enter" Ipconfig ". In the appeared window in the second line, your internal IP address will be visible.

How through ES conductor can be connected to a computer

Consider connecting for the most actual version ES File Explorer (

  • In the menu hidden behind the left edge of the screen, open the item "LAN", and in the right upper corner - Item "Create". So you can manually specify the parameters of your computer.
  • In the Server field, enter the IP address obtained according to the instructions from the previous section.
  • In the "User" and "Password" fields - details of your Windows account.
  • Click OK. Now in the LAN menu there will be a monoblock icon.
  • Tap it. If the menu displays the folders that you allocated during preparation, and the contents on them opens their contents, it means that the connection through the ES conductor has passed successfully.

In the Application menu, select LAN Click Create for Connection Enter computer data and click OK

And if not? So, it is necessary to use the help of the hall and discuss its problem on thematic forums. Special events are quite a lot. It depends on the version of the OS, and on the availability of the root on your device, and on the features of the configuration of your locoma. However, in general, the problem can be solved.

Driving a smartphone from a computer. In practice, there are often situations where the Android device must be connected to the Windows LAN, for example, this desire often arises from the owners of SmartTV boxes when playing a media system with home Computer. Let's deal with this in more detail.

Windows settings

Run a classic "control panel" where we go to the "Network Management Center ...".

Click "Change additional parameters ...".

The window appears " Extra options»Test settings for three subsections:

"Private (current profile)" . Turn on

"Guest or public" . Turn on network detection and sharing.

"All networks" .

After editing is stored, you close the window. However, this is not all, you will need to "split" the folder (set sharing On the network) - it will be available from the Android device. Click on it PCM, in the drop-down menu, click the item "Properties", and go to the "Access" tab. Here we will need to click the "Sharing" button.

Now in the properties window, switch to the Safety tab and click "Change". The next window opens, where we click "change".

Then click "Advanced", then "Search".

From the list "Search Results" Select "All" and save changes.

Android settings

With the help of Android system tools, you cannot configure the connection over the local network. To fulfill the necessary task, we will need an ES Explorer file manager. We load and run it, in the left side menu taping "Network" - "LAN".

Click "Scan", waiting for the end of the results.