How to activate points on a megaphone for another subscriber. Bonus points

The main principle of the loyalty programs of mobile operators is the use of communication services with additional benefits. Depending on the company chosen by the citizen for cellular communication, he is provided with various types of incentives. The main condition is registration in the action.

Where to begin

To use the bonus benefits of the Megafon service, the client must register for a loyalty promotion. The faster the activation of savings, the large quantity the company provides opportunities.

There are three ways to register in the Megafon-Bonus system:

  1. Via SMS by sending the message "5010" to number 5010;
  2. By dialing the USSD command *115# or *105*5# and pressing the call button;
  3. Through a personal account.

Consider how to activate points in the Megafon-Bonus program. The bonus can only be activated individual, business customers do not have access to this service.

The selected registration method does not affect the conditions provided, so the user can choose the most convenient for him. After completing the registration procedure, the process of accruing bonus rubles to the balance of the Megafon subscriber's phone number is activated.

Many customers of cellular operators who use the capabilities of the phone not very actively prefer to exchange premium funds for money. You can do this by dialing *115# and pressing call. Next, you need to click "Activate bonus" and a promotion that corresponds to the amount of points accrued. With the correct implementation of these actions, the consumer will receive an SMS about the activation of accruals, and his account will be replenished by the requested amount. Similar actions must be performed to activate other types of rewards.

Thus, the activation of Megafon bonuses can be done simply and quickly.

How can I get promotion

Short SMS messages about the amount of accrued funds are periodically received on the phone of the participant of the action.

Thanks to Megafon-Bonus, all expenses incurred for cellular communication will be taken into account and converted into rewards. For every 30 rubles deposited into the account, 1 point is awarded.

Interesting! The accumulation of the premium occurs without the participation of the subscriber on a free basis.

The premium is accrued when customers use the main services offered by the cellular network. Rubles are not charged for services in roaming or for paid subscriptions. The bonus is accrued at the beginning of the month following the month in which communication costs are incurred.

Accumulation of bonuses and their further exchange for rewards is possible not only when paying for communication, but also for purchasing digital devices under the Megafon brand in the official stores of the network. The operator provides 1 point for every 30 rubles spent on the purchase of a gadget. Additional funds are provided if the client participates in special promotions in the company's stores.

The main ways to receive incentives are:

  • balance replenishment. The more funds the program participant transfers to his phone account, the more savings he will receive;
  • making calls while participating in the Megafon-Bonus promotion;
  • in the absence of negative and zero balances throughout certain period time;
  • gift bonuses for the subscriber's birthday.

Ways to check the bonus balance

Checking a premium account is quite simple and absolutely free. You can use several options:

  • By dialing the combination *115# on the phone and then press the key 1;
  • By calling 5010;
  • By sending a message with the text "2" to the number 5010.

How to spend

After accumulating a certain amount of funds, you can start using the available rewards of the program. One of the most popular services provided in this way is the activation of a discount on the user's account - the exchange of points for a discount. This operation can be done in a personal account or in a corporate communication salon.

The second popular Megafon reward is the conversion of bonuses into minutes of conversation, messages and Internet traffic. They differ in the geography of their application - within the region or throughout the country. After receiving these services, they will be available for 30 days. These operations can only be ordered within the specified cellular network. The main advantage of this SMS package mobile operator is the ability to send messages to all numbers in Russia and CIS countries.

You can exchange the accumulated funds by sending SMS, a short command or through your personal account. Megafon-Bonus is a program whose task is to encourage customers to continue using the network.

Megafon, like all mobile communication companies, takes part in affiliate program, thanks to which customers can use bonus rubles for products or services of partner networks. So far, a limited selection of partner services is offered. Bonuses can be spent on Aeroflot miles. 500 miles are worth 1000 bonuses. This action can be carried out only in the salons of the operator, presenting a passport and a bonus card of the air carrier.

If the above rewards are not of interest to the subscriber, then in order for the funds on the bonus balance not to disappear, you can present a gift to relatives and friends in the form of a package of services, provided that the citizen receiving the gift is a subscriber of the Megafon network. To present a gift, you need to send a message indicating the reward code (subscriber number 8 is indicated through a space) to number 5010.


Sometimes a network user can accumulate such a number of bonuses that will be enough to purchase an expensive phone in the operator's salon. Please note that they have a validity period of 1 year from the date of accrual.

Important! Bonuses not spent on time burn out, they must be used in a timely manner for certain rewards.

The Megafon-Bonus offer is a profitable promotion of a mobile operator, thanks to which subscribers can earn extra points for every minute of conversation, every SMS sent, every megabyte of traffic. This is a real opportunity to reduce communication costs. Also, users can become participants in profitable promotions held as part of the campaign.

The Megafon bonus program is not just deservedly considered one of the best. If you call a spade a spade, in fact, Megafon gives you and me a kind of freebie.

And often very significant. Judge for yourself: it may turn out that the exchange bonus points Megafon will bring you much more money than you spent on Megafon communication services! Don't believe? And this is so! Perhaps that is why for the majority of participants in the Megafon bonus program, the question of how to spend points is by no means idle.

Here's how to activate points on Megafon, what to exchange them for and how to transfer them to another subscriber, we'll talk today. However, let's talk about everything in order.

First of all, a small lyrical digression on how to check how many bonuses are currently accumulated on your account. Finding it out is easy:

Now, let's move on to the catalog of rewards.

You can exchange your bonus points for:

  • Miles under the Aeroflot Bonus program
  • Discount on the purchase of mobile devices in Megafon stores
  • Discount on payment for Megafon services
  • Bonus minutes
  • Bonus sms
  • Mobile Internet

Let's now see which of these is most beneficial. However, the restrictions also depend on the number of bonus points that you have accumulated on your account.

1. Miles under the Aeroflot Bonus program

In my opinion, this is the most profitable way in the Megafon-bonus program to spend points. True, only if at the same time you are still flying Aeroflot aircraft

Judge for yourself:

Program Points "MegaFon-Bonus" You can redeem for extra program miles "Aeroflot Bonus":

  • 1 point program "MegaFon-Bonus" is equated to 1 mile Aeroflot Bonus program;

Profitable? And how!

After all, Megafon bonuses can be exchanged for Aeroflot Miles, and they, in turn, can be exchanged for a free air ticket!!! And how much does an Aeroflot ticket cost today ??? That's it!

Just imagine: you have 2000 points on your Megafon-bonus account. And you successfully exchange them for a free ticket to Sochi! Or you can even fly to Europe for free!

However, Aeroflot Miles can also be used to upgrade the class of service or receive other privileges. The choice is yours!

Be careful!

The minimum number of MegaFon bonus points for converting into miles is 500 (you will receive 500 additional miles under the Aeroflot Bonus program).

How to exchange MegaFon-Bonus points for Aeroflot Bonus miles

You need to contact any Communication Salon or Megafon Service Center and:

  • Provide an identity document.
  • Show your membership card "Aeroflot Bonus"(you can not the card itself, but a printout of confirmation of participation in the program from the site, or even just a printout email from Aeroflot).
  • Sign up for redemption points "MegaFon-Bonus" for miles "Aeroflot Bonus".

points from your bonus account Megafon will be deducted immediately, but the miles on the Aeroflot Bonus account will appear only within 10 business days. If suddenly no miles have been credited to your account during this time, contact Aeroflot OJSC at free phone 8–800–444–55–55).

You can exchange Megafon points for miles in the Aeroflot Bonus program only to your own account

2. Redeem your points for a discount to buy a mobile device

This is the second most profitable way to spend points in the Megafon Bonus program.

You can exchange your bonus points for a discount for purchasing any mobile device in MegaFon stores. For example, some smartphone tablet computer or router.

It is very easy to do this.

1. Select the mobile device you want to purchase.

2. Tell the seller that you want to use the bonuses you have to pay for the goods.

Each bonus point that is on your account, you can exchange for 1 ₽ discount. However, the amount of the discount must be multiple of 100.

For example, if your bonus account has 1500 points, you will receive a 1500 ₽ discount on the purchase of a mobile device.

The minimum amount of bonuses that you can spend to receive a discount in the Megafon salon is 800!

If you have less than 800 points, see other available rewards.

What can I exchange points for on Megaphone if you have less than 800

Accumulated bonuses, but not very much? The choice to exchange points on Megafon, you still have quite a lot.

3. Account discounts

You can exchange points for additional money that is credited to your account and which you can spend on communication services.

15 5 rubles — bonus code 005

30 bonus points you can exchange for 10 rubles — bonus code 010

80 bonus points you can exchange for 30 rubles — bonus code 030

120 bonus points you can exchange for 50 rubles — bonus code 050

180 bonus points you can exchange for 100 rubles — bonus code 100

240 bonus points you can exchange for 150 rubles — bonus code 150

There are several ways to activate such a discount, choose any:

However, we have already talked in great detail about how, about what they can be spent on, and what kind of underwater rocks and restrictions. Let's not repeat ourselves.

4. Bonus minutes

You can redeem your points for a package that includes 10 or 30 minutes of outgoing calls.

Moreover, such packages can be:

  • or to MegaFon network numbers of the Home region
  • or vice versa, to the numbers of MegaFon subscribers in other regions. That is, with the exception of subscribers of the Home region

Package codes and cost in bonus points

Name of remuneration Number of bonuses Package code
calls to MegaFon numbers in the Home region
10 outgoing minutes (valid for 30 days) 2 10 9101
30 outgoing minutes (valid for 30 days) 2 25 9103
calls to numbers of the All-Russian MegaFon network, with the exception of the MegaFon networkhome region
10 outgoing minutes (valid for 30 days) 30 9201
30 outgoing minutes (valid for 30 days) 70 9203

5. Bonus SMS

You can exchange your points for a package including 10 or 30 outgoing sms

Megafon recently developed for its customers special program Megafon Bonus. You use the services provided by the operator, you are credited with points to your personal cash account. Then it is allowed to exchange them for money, Internet traffic, discounts, SMS messages, etc. Megafon takes care of its customers, trying to make the use of the network better.

Ways to exchange Megafon points for money

The operator has developed the exchange capabilities by logging into Megafon's personal account, making a call to a special number, sending a USSD request, and other methods. Choose the one that suits you personally.

Personal Area

Megafon provides customers with their own personal account. It gives you the opportunity to set up services, replenish the balance and exchange the accumulated points for funds. You need to select "Megafon bonus" in the menu, and then make an exchange. This is convenient if you have the Internet and a computer / tablet.

Redeem points in your account.

Number 0500

Another way is to call short number. The robot will answer and offer to press various numbers to open the necessary sections. Visit, from the proposed ones, "Mobile Telephony". Next, you need to act according to the algorithm that the robot advises in order to exchange the accumulated points.

If you are making a call from a SIM card, you must first press the number 5, then two times one, then select the desired indicator and a request will be sent. Not a bad way, but time consuming.

USSD request

You can send special team. This is done by *115*(package code) #1 and pressing call. Code - the amount of money you need.

The amount of money is meant in rubles, they will go to the account. Let's say you need to get 100 rubles from bonuses, then enter *115*100#1 and press call. The request will be processed and money will be credited.

This is the easiest, with a minimum of effort and does not require the presence of the Internet, you can do it from anywhere.

Service Guide

This is the same personal account, but more convenient. It is needed if you want to fully control your accounts, learn about various promotions, learn about your tariff plan to perform other actions. The service allows you to find out the balance of money in the account, bonus points and package options. This can be found by visiting one page.

The equivalent of exchanging points for money

Now let's see how much money it is possible to get with a certain number of points:

If you need to exchange your bonuses for SMS, minutes, traffic, etc., do it directly, otherwise, when converting points into rubles, some part is lost. Of course, it is more convenient to take Additional services. So it will come out more, part of the points will not be written off for the commission for the service.

Program features

It has already been said that the region where the number is registered affects the cost of the service. By the way, the bonus can be exchanged for such currency social network, as "Odnoklassniki" - "Oki". Users of this social network will like it. networks.

Where can you spend points?

They can be exchanged for:

As you can see, using the Megafon network, you can receive bonuses, which you can then exchange for money and spend on various operator services, other privileges, and accessories. The operator is trying to attract users, so he creates good conditions for all subscribers and does not skimp on gifts, bonuses. It is better to start using the service now to earn bonus points and receive privileges.

All MegaFon subscribers, without exception, are provided with bonuses for replenishing their personal account, which can be spent on various additional rewards. Let's look at how to activate these bonus points.

In a megaphone, there are several ways to find out the number of accrued bonuses. Use one of the options:
  • Send sms with number 0 to 5010;
  • Dial on your mobile device command *115# and make a call;
  • Call the short number 0510.
Knowing the number of points, activate them, for example, in favor of a megafon account - send the USSD command *115* "bonus code" # call or send the bonus code in sms to 5010. Share similar rewards with friends - send an sms to 5010 with text: Bonus Code» "Space" « telephone number friend, consisting of 10 digits and starting with +7. You can also use the activation of accumulated bonuses in favor of free minutes, sms and everything else that is provided for megaphone subscribers by the MegaFon-Bonus program through the Service Guide on the company's website. Go to the page "" - tab "Personal account". Get a password to enter your personal account using a free USSD request"*105*00# call", enter the data in the appropriate fields and log in. In the left column of the service guide, select the "Bonuses and Gifts" section. Next, select the "Bonus Program" item from the list. In the "Reward activation" window, select the appropriate activation option (for yourself or for another number) and click active button"Select Bonus"

A few years ago, Megafon developed a loyalty program for its customers. It consists in the possibility of receiving bonuses from the use of communication services. By entering into an agreement on the provision of cellular communications by Megafon, you can make calls and send messages with benefits.

The list of various purchases with the help of points is constantly updated. Consider the most attractive offers to activate bonuses.

The offer involves an independent choice of a points accumulation program.

The maximum number of bonuses can be collected by those who like to travel, respectively, to communicate via international roaming.

The number of earned units depends on the user's activity. The reward is based on a certain amount of rubles spent. From every 30 rubles. you get 1 point on your account.

By connecting bonus program to use the Internet, you will also be able to receive rewards. The system is also attractive when purchasing a new mobile phone. In the stores of the Megafon network, you can get a decent amount of bonuses for such a purchase. The only condition: the phone must have a sticker with the operator's logo.

Bonus units are credited on the first days of the month.

Of course, this proposal has minor drawbacks. Points must be used within one year, at the end of the term they are simply written off. All privileges will also disappear when switching to corporate rates. Therefore, you need to manage to spend the accumulated funds.

Another disadvantage is the invalidity of the loyalty program outside the region. If you have not activated the bonus accrual service in international roaming, then outside home region the program is not valid.

How to connect the loyalty program from Megafon?

Restriction on the use of the program

This offer is not available to legal representatives and companies corporate clients and subscribers who have connected some tariffs for accessing the Internet.

How to find out the amount of bonuses

You can find out how many bonuses you have accumulated by going to your personal account on the operator’s website. Chapter " Personal Area» is on the right upper corner screen.

There are several more ways to get information about the balance on the bonus account:

  • dial the combination *105# on your phone and a message about the account status will be displayed on the screen;
  • send message "0" to number 5010. You will receive information in a response SMS;
  • make a request to Megafon support by dialing *105#;
  • reference information can be provided to you by employees of any mobile phone salon.

How can I spend points on Megaphone?

After you have been able to activate the points received for participating in the Megafon Bonus program, you can spend them in several ways.

  • Transfer savings to your balance account (5 rubles equals 20 points, 10 - 30, etc.) To do this, you need to make a call to *115#.
  • Take advantage of the discount when buying equipment with the Megafon logo.
  • Get privileges from partner companies of the operator.

The last paragraph applies to several companies, you can see a detailed list in your account on the Megafon website.

How to profitably activate the accumulated points on Megafon

Of course, the list of offers for activating bonus units is worthy of attention, but almost all subscribers prefer to convert points into money. Separate special offer not for this operation, but those who like to earn extra money on communication have found a way out of this situation.

It is not difficult to exchange points on Megafon for material assets. You just need to transfer the accumulated bonuses to the balance of your phone. Actions to transfer funds into rubles can be performed in your personal account on the company's website.

Another way: send a short message to 5010 with the desired amount of rubles. If the number is two-digit, it is preceded by a zero. For example, send SMS “010”, a fixed amount of bonuses will be deducted from you, and after a short period of time the balance will be replenished.

You can also get rubles to your phone account by dialing the combination *115*000 (the amount of money you want)#.

Exchange of accrued bonuses for traffic and SMS

Many users choose to receive money for using communication services, but it is most profitable to change points for MB of Internet or a certain number of messages.

It is worth noting that you can use free traffic or messages only for 30 days. These bonuses are not automatically transferred to the next month.

For example, for 10 free messages, 35 bonus funds will be deducted from your account. The number of MB for points - 100/40 b., 500/180 b.

To buy traffic or messages, use either voice control(see above), or a specific code to the Megafon number (5010).

Reward Team
10 outgoing messages 111
100 Mb of traffic 165
500 MB traffic 180

Converting points received under the Megafon-Bonus program into minutes

You can also purchase free minutes for outgoing calls within the network. We remind you that they will be valid for a month.

Fixed number of minutes for Megafon points: 10 for 25 points, 30/65. To get the required number of minutes, send a message with the code 205 (10 minutes) or 215 (30 minutes)

After activating the minutes, outgoing calls will be free only to numbers in the home region.

For calls throughout Russia, Megafon has developed profitable proposition. Purchase outgoing minutes with bonuses and make free calls within the network. The maximum number of minutes is 30; bonus points deducted from the account - 145. To activate this privilege, send a message "406" to number 5010.

Exchange of bonuses under the program "Bonus roaming"

You can spend bonuses while traveling outside of Russia. The maximum number of purchased minutes for incoming and outgoing calls is 25. They can be connected only once a month. The cost of this reward is 700 bonus funds.

Connection is not available on roaming tariffs.

Exchange of rewards under the Aeroflot Bonus program

One of Megafon's partners is Aeroflot airline. Accumulate bonuses and spend them profitably while traveling. You can use 500 bonus funds to purchase 500 flight miles. To do this, you need to get an airline card and contact any Megafon office.

The offer is valid upon presentation of an identity document.

Redeeming points for purchasing gadgets

As mentioned earlier, you can get a discount in the operator's salons when purchasing products with the Megafon logo.

Online points exchange

You can get a reward by going to the operator's website and logging in to personal account. We remind you that the "Personal Account" section is located in the upper right corner of the screen.

Thus, Megafon has developed another advantageous offer for its customers. Accumulate bonus points and spend them on communication services, travel or purchases. The attractive offer is that you can convert points into cash.