Turn on the WiFi module on a laptop. Why wifi does not work on a laptop and how to fix it

Not every user knows how to enable Wi-Fi on a laptop when any unexpected problems occur. Beginner users are lost, failed to activate Wi-Fi standard methods.

We will try to consider all possible ways to enable Wi-Fi and bring the most common fault solutions that can be subjected to a laptop wireless network adapter.

The simplest method of activating the wireless network on a laptop with "Windows" is the use of a key combination manufacturer provided for this.

We give examples of these combinations for the most common models of laptops (in most cases, the keyboard is used, in rare - special switch):

  • HP (HP ProBook, Satellite, Pavilion, 4535S and others) - Fn + F12;
  • Acer (ASPIRE ASPIRE) - Fn + F3, similar to Packard Bell;
  • ASUS - Fn + F2;
  • Lenovo (G580, G50, G500, G570 and others), including IdeaPad - Fn + F5;
  • Samsung - fn + f12 or f9;
  • Dell (Dell Inspiron and others) - Fn + F12 or F2;
  • MSI (MSI) - Fn + F10;
  • TOSHIBA - Fn + F8;
  • DNS - Fn + F2;
  • DEXP - Fn + F12;
  • Sony VAIO - using a mechanical switch.

This method will not always work, so let me go to the consideration of the program methods.

Through systemic tray

The second Wi-Fi Enable Method is to activate the adapter manually through the system tray.

To take advantage of the option, it is enough to click on the network icon in the lower right corner of the system and click on the Wi-Fi icon. The wireless connection module will turn on and automatically starts finding networks available for connecting networks.

It is possible that instead of the window presented above, the system will display other with limited functionality, where the key, with which you want to include Wi-Fi, will be simply absent.

If for any incomprehensible for the user reason it appeared just such a window, then we turn to the next method.

In the control center

The previous method could not work for several reasons - for example, the wireless adapter was disabled in the Windows 10 or Windows 7 settings.

To fix it, you must step by step to execute the following instructions:

  1. Click on the keyboard the combination of the Win + R keys and in the "Run" window that opens via the "NCPA.CPL" phrase. Click on ENTER or OK.
  1. We are looking for in the "Network Connections" window "Wireless Network Connection" window. If it is highlighted in gray, and in the status bar, the value "disabled" is displayed, which means the wireless connection adapter was really disabled systemically.
  1. To activate by clicking the right button on the dedicated block and click on the "Enable" button.
  1. Successful inclusion will be accompanied by activation of the adapter and displaying its name in the status bar.
  1. We return to the first method considered by us - the Waifa Activation button should appear on the place put on it.

This method also did not help? There is nothing terrible in this, just go to the next way.

Enable through Device Manager

This is a rarity, but sometimes the network adapter can be disconnected in the system device manager. This usually happens after the emergence of any failure, independent of the user itself.

Determine whether the wireless network adapter is really disabled through the device manager, it is extremely simple - go to the second method described in this article, open the "Run" window with the Win + R command, enter the appropriate request, click on OK and see the network window Connections. If there is no wireless adapter in this window, it means that the problem really lies in the device manager.

If none of the above methods worked, then it is likely that the problem with the wireless network adapter drivers.

Driver Update

An outdated or missing driver can become the main reason why there is no access to Wi-Fi or the distribution does not work through Wi-Fi Direct. Installation or reinstalling a suitable driver will not take a large amount of time - it is enough to go to the manufacturer's website, find the used laptop model and download the desired driver from the list of proposed.


It is not necessary to panic when it is impossible to enable Wi-Fi on a laptop - you need to sequentially check all possible causes of such a problem, ranging from the most likely.

Video instruction

We attached detailed instructions in video format. It clearly reflects the process of applying each of the above methods.

Wi-Fi technology is very widely used in the life of a modern person, because it makes it easy and quickly solving the problem with connecting to the Internet without using conventional wires. This is especially true in the case of using laptops, access the Internet with which you can in any convenient place due to the presence of a built-in Wi-Fi adapter.

That is why the situation when Wi Fi does not work on a laptop, leads to significant inconveniences and even some problems. The reasons for which Wi-Fi may not work on a laptop computer, there are quite a lot. The most serious of them to solve themselves without the help of specialists simply unrealistic, but there are quite a lot of things and such that can be eliminated on their own. Consider them.

Problem in a laptop or router?

A sufficiently common problem is that the laptop stopped connecting to the WiFi network, is the problem not with the laptop itself, but with the router settings, which distributes the network. Thus, the laptop can be configured correctly, but Wi-Fi still does not turn on exactly because he has nothing to connect.

To eliminate the likelihood that the problem is related to this, you should try to connect to the network from any other device that is equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter from another laptop, smartphone, tablet, and the like.

If Wi Fi does not work from another gadget, then the problem lies in the Wi-Fi router distributing the Internet. If the connection is successful - the problem is in the laptop and before it will first need to determine - why Wi-Fi stopped working.

Hardware enable adapter

Based on such a diagnosis, it is possible to accurately determine that this problem arose exactly about the fault of the laptop. When wifi does not work on it, you can try to use in several ways.

The first one is to check whether the wireless connection adapter on the laptop is enabled. Almost all modern models have light indicators of the WiFi module and for its hardware power on there are special key combinations.

Usually, the glowing indicator indicates the on-line module. If the indicator does not shine at all or shines in red, it means that Wi-Fi does not work precisely because of the wireless adapter. It must be enabled.

Most often, such indicators are located directly on the keyboard, side or front panel of the device. Sometimes their location is found on the monitor building or near the touchpad.

To enable the module of such a network, click the Fn key combination and one of the system F1-F12. A specific combination depends on the manufacturer of the laptop. Usually the appropriate antenna icon is located on the desired key. If it is not, then to turn on the WiFay, you should try to click the standard for a specific model:
Fn + F3 for Acer;
Fn + F2 for ASUS, Dell or Gigabyte;
Fn + F5 on Fujitsu devices;
Fn + F12 on HP laptops.

After pressing the appropriate keys, check whether the operation indicator of the wireless connection module lit up or stopped burning red. After that, you should try to connect to the network again. If it did not help - go to the next step.

Software inclusion

When the WiFay stopped and the hardware switching on does not give positive results, it is also necessary to implement its software inclusion, which is carried out directly from the operating system, which is running a laptop.

To implement the WiFi software inclusion that stopped working, on Windows 7, 8 or 10, you need to perform such a sequence of actions:

1. On the notifications panel, which is located near the clock, the network connections status icon are selected;

2. From the opened list, the "Network and Shared Access" or "Network parameters" reference point is selected depending on the version of the operating system;

3. The next step is "Changing the Adapter Settings".

Among the list of all existing connections, you need to pay attention to the color of the "Wireless Network Connection" icon. If your WiFi does not work and the wireless adapter is disabled, the connection icon will not be highlighted. In this case, on its icon, click the right mouse button, from the opened context menu, select the "Enable" item. In this case, the color of the connection icons must change.

In this case, the wireless network adapter is turned on, it remains to be found in the list of available wireless networks you need and connect to it.

If, after such actions, Wi-Fi, which stopped working, continues to inactivate, you need to move to the following method of solving the problem.

Installation and Driver Update

Quite often, the Wi-Fi wireless connection is not included due to the lack of driver or in the case when it is strongly outdated. To determine the presence of the installed driver, you must from the context menu of the "My Computer" icon, which is located on the desktop or in the Start menu, select the item "Properties". Next, in the window that opens, the Device Manager command is selected from the left menu.

In the new window that opens with the list of connected devices, you must find the name of the network wireless laptop adapter. Usually its name is the "wireless network adapter" or "Wireless Network Adapter", together with which the device manufacturer should be specified: Realtek, Atheros, Qualcomm or something else.

Finding the desired item and clicking on it with the right mouse button, the "properties" are selected from the context menu. In the window, which will open at the same time, the "Device works is normal" must be present. But even if there is a mark on the normal operation of the device, this is not a guarantee that the correct driver version and Wi-Fi is installed correctly. To check it in the Wireless Properties window, go to the Driver tab and pay attention to the "Development Date" and "Supplier".

In the event that the provider is Microsoft or the program development date lags behind the current for several years - go to the official website of the laptop manufacturer and download the latest official version of the driver.

The same should be done in the event that there was no wireless adapter among the list of installed devices.

If in the list of devices, the wireless module is present, but marked with a yellow exclamation mark, it means that the device is disabled, resulting in the network and stopped working. In such a case, opening the device properties window, you need to click the "Enable" button.

Another reason why WiFay stopped working on a laptop, can be involved in economical energy consumption, which prevents the operation of the wireless connection. To turn it off, you need to do the following:
1. Open the control panel;
2. Select the "Power" icon;

3. In the window that opens, select High Performance or "Balanced" mode.

External Obstacles for Signal

It is also worth noting that the non-working wireless network may also be the result of not only problems with the laptop. The wireless connection signal depends on some external factors that can relax it. Ceiling, walls, gender and the like obstacles significantly worsen the quality of the access point and laptop signal.

As you know, the quality of the signal on a personal computer is displayed as several marks - the more they are, the more qualitative is the signal. If the wireless connection is displayed as 1 or 2 marks, then you can not attempt to use WiFi - in this case it will not work normally.

In this case, you need to transfer the router closer to your workplace, transfer the workplace closer to Wi-Fi Router or buy a new, more powerful router.

Other reasons for problems with Wi-Fi work

The problems described above the problems with the functioning of the wireless network adapter are most common and can be eliminated on their own.

It is worth noting that all this is software ways to solve problems that are solved by installing, reinstalling or updating the device driver, as well as the implementation of some operations with the OS.

But often the problem with the operation of the wireless connection module lies and in hardware errors. What is this mistakes? These are the problems that are associated directly from the board itself, most often its physical damage.

To eliminate such problems, you will need to disassemble the laptop. It is worth noting that it is possible to perform such actions only in the case of certain skills in this area. If there are no such skills - it is better to entrust the work of professionals.

One of the most common physical damage is the unconnected antenna wire to the contactless communication module. Such a problem occurs with laptops, which were repairing or if their owner independently cleaned the cooling system from dust. In such cases, the antenna sometimes just forget, as a result of which the adapter will not be able to establish a connection even near the source of the signal. To eliminate such a problem you just need to connect to the Wi-Fi module its antenna.

Sometimes the reason that Wi-Fi ceases to work is the usual overheating of the network card. Most often it is the result of the fact that the laptop stands on a soft surface. The whole thing is that at the bottom of the device there are holes, through which cold air, cooling all computer boards, falls inside. Broken these holes, the system overheats, which can lead to failure of certain components.

Another often encountered cause of overheating of the device is dust, which can prevent cold air intake into the cooling system.

That is why in order not to face similar problems, it is recommended to clean up the laptop dust at least once for one year: in this case, it will be possible to repair a portable PC as a result of overheating of its nodes.

In the most running cases, the wireless adapter may even burn. In this case, only his replacement for a new one will help. You can define such a problem using the device manager in which the module simply stops displayed. When you try to install the driver for a wireless network, a message appears that the corresponding device is not installed in the system.

If nothing helped

If none of the tips in the above helps, it is possible to use simple, but at the same time an effective solution: restart and computer, and a wireless router. Note, after rebooting the router turns on up to 5-10 minutes before distributing the network. Be patient. Also, despite the opinions of many skeptics, sometimes solve the problems with the wireless network helps the problem of troubleshooting, which is in the Windows operating system.

Thus, most of the existing problems of problems related to the fact that Wi-Fi stopped working on a laptop. Almost all such methods and recommendations can take advantage of anyone who encountered a similar problem, as no special skills need for this.
If nothing helps, and the wireless network did not start working, there is only one way out - to go for help in a high-quality service center, where any problems with the laptop can be solved.

If the article did not help solve your problem and Wi-Fi still does not work Write in the comments, I will try to help.

Consider today the problem when the Wi-Fi network is unstable, and when the connection to the Wi-Fi network is occupied periodically, or the Internet connection disappears. It seems to me that it is even worse than when the Internet does not work at all. Because the problem is not clear, everything seems to work, but not as it is necessary, the signal disappears, devices are turned off, and other incomprehensible moments. Just when something does not work, then at least it is clear where to look for a solution, and in such a situation there is nothing at all.

What is the unstable Wi-Fi connection operation manifests itself:

  • Periodic disabling devices from Wi-Fi network. Either simply breaks through the Internet for a while (), and again everything starts to work. A very popular problem that delivers many inconveniences. For example, a laptop is connected to a Wi-Fi network, and the Internet works. But periodically, a yellow exclamation mark appears near the connection icons, and the Internet disappears. Loading files and so on. And as a rule, after a while, the connection is restored.
  • The devices are not connected to the Wi-Fi network from the first time, or do not see the Wi-Fi network.
  • Wi-Fi network completely disappears, and appears.
  • Very low Internet velocity speed (everything is fine on the cable).
  • When the Wi-Fi connection only works close to the router.
  • The level of the wireless network signal is constantly changing.

This is certainly not the entire list of problems that are associated with the unstable work of wireless networks. They can be much more. Very often, Wi-Fi works fine for some time, and then the problems that pass again are starting. Also, you can see the appearance of challenge for example in the evenings, or at another day of day.

If you have something similar, and there is no connection to the Internet, but it does not always work ( use without any problems)Now, now we will try to fix everything.

Channel change wireless network with unstable Wi-Fi operation

This is the first, and the most important advice that needs to try. We know that every Wi-Fi network works on a channel. If these networks are many, then they begin to interfere with one one, and interference appears. And in the end, the unstable works Wi-Fi. Well, different incomprehensible problems that I wrote above, and with which you have already faced.

You need to change the Wi-Fi network channel in the router settings. Details about the channels, about finding free and about changing on different models of routers, I wrote in a separate instruction:

You can try to ask some kind of static canal. (if you have auto), Or vice versa, put AUTO if a static channel was selected. The article on the link above, I wrote about the search for the free channel using the Inssider program. You can use.

You just need to go to the router settings, go to the tab where the wireless network is configured, and in channel item (Channel) change the channel. This is how it looks on TP-LINK routers:

And on ASUS routers:

After each channel change, do not forget save the settings and restart the router. Be sure to try several options. Should help.

What else concerns interference, they can create household appliances. Do not put a router next to microwaves, radiotelephones, etc.

Objects Internet via Wi-Fi: Routher firmware, and other tips

Almost always, such problems in the work of the wireless network occur due to the router. It is not rare, it is connected with the firmware. Therefore, I strongly recommend updating the firmware of your router. Our site has instructions for all popular manufacturers. Here for example,.

It is also possible that the wireless network can work unstable due to some technical Problems with Router. Something with the card itself, or the power adapter. By the way, the power adapters are very often the cause of such problems. The router simply does not receive the desired power and the compound cliffs appear, etc. Well, the strong drops in the power grid can affect the operation of the router. If the Internet is breaking after you create some kind of load on the router (Online video, games, torrents, connection of new devices, etc.)This is usually due to an inexpensive (not powerful) router.

Need to exclude problems on the Internet provider side. It may well be that this is on his Toron there is a connection of the connection, and the router is not at what. Check very simple, just connect the Internet directly to the computer and check it out.

Many the connection breaks down in those rooms where a very bad Wi-Fi network signal. When only one division of the network signal remains on the device.

In such a situation, you need to increase the range of your Wi-Fi network. On this subject we have an article :. Or install. After that, problems with the internet breakdown should disappear.

And if your home devices find a lot of available networks that work at a frequency 2.4 GHz (as most likely your network), and changing the channel, and even the change of the router does not give the result, and the Wi-Fi network works very unstable, then you can solve this problem by buying a router that supports work at 5 GHz frequency. This frequency is practically free. I just know the case when there was a lot of wireless networks in the house, and Wi-Fi was simply impossible to use until they switched to 5 GHz frequency.

If the Internet disappears only on one laptop

And of course, it is not uncommon, when all devices are connected and operate with a wireless network without any problems and connection breaks, and one device is turned off all the time, it loses the connection, etc. It is not difficult to guess that most often this device is called a laptop And running on Windows.

In such cases, you must update the wireless adapter driver. How to do it, I wrote. It is possible that the problem may be in the hardware. And it appears very often after dismantling the laptop (cleaning from dust). Why is that? When assembling, the antenna does not rarely suffer, which is built into the laptop. Here are the problems in working with Wi-Fi networks. Very often, after that, the Internet only works near the router itself.

Update: Change the Wi-Fi network properties

Open the "Network and Shared Access Control Center" and click on your Wi-Fi network. In a new window, click on the "Wireless Network Properties" button and set a tick near "Connect, even if the network does not broadcast its name (SSID)." Click OK.

If it does not help, and Wi-Fi will still fall off, then in the same window, on the Safety tab, you can click on the "Advanced Settings" button and put a box near "Enable for this network compatibility mode with a federal information processing standard (FIPS ) ".

You can restart the computer. For this advice, thanks to Alexander. He suggested him in the comments to this article.

These are the tips, if you have interesting information on this topic, personal experience, then write in the comments. There you can ask questions, I will definitely answer!

WiFi broadband wireless connection technology fits tight people. It allows you to extremely quickly solve routine tasks. That is why the question is why WiFi does not work on a laptop, is very important. Immediately, I would like to note that the reasons for which WiFi may not work on a laptop may not work, and this article is not a panacea. However, in it you will find the solution of the most common problems, without a call to a specialist.

The reasons why WiFi does not work

Before the notebook on the laptop, check the access point itself, as the cause of the inoperability of the wireless network can be the router.

First of all, you need to make sure that it is included and other devices, for example, smartphone, tablet or other laptop, can connect to it. If everything is fine with the router, then go further.

Why wifi does not work: video

Check and install the network adapter driver

In the case when the router is turned on, the network works, but the laptop does not all turn on WiFi, you must check the driver for the wireless adapter and the network card. Make it can be in the device manager. You can open it as follows. Find the "My Computer" label (on the desktop, in the Start menu, or in the file manager) and click on it with the right mouse button. Select "Properties". Next, in the left pane you need to find "Device Manager" and open it.

In the menu that appears, all the device available on the laptop are displayed, even if the driver is not installed on them. In this case, they will be indicated by an exclamation mark. We are interested in the WiFi Network Adapters section. Open a double click and look if there is a device with an exclamation mark.

If this is available, you click on it with the right mouse button and select "Delete". Confirm the action. After that, if you have a drive with drivers, then insert it into the drive and install the software you need. If there is no such disk, then you will need to go to the official website of the laptop manufacturer, and download the desired software for your model.

It is possible that earlier the driver for network equipment was installed, but at a certain point stopped working. Why could it happen? The most common cause is a viral attack. It may also be the result of improper shutdown of the device, for example, using a long pressing of the power button. Sometimes such consequences are found after hanging or hardware errors.

After installing the drivers, check the ability to connect to the wireless network. It is worth noting that the above actions are performed regardless of the version of the operating system.

Reinstall WiFi driver in Windows: video

Drivers on the keyboard

The network modules drivers are in order, but does not turn on the Wi-Fi adapter, what to do? Here you need to understand what is carried out using the keyboard. As a rule, this is the FN + key combination button WiFi button (marked with the corresponding icon). If, when you press these keys, the adapter does not turn on, you should install the keyboard driver.

There are cases when the driver is installed, most of the additional keys running, but the wireless adapter does not turn on the wireless adapter. In this case, it is recommended to install a special utility for managing WiFi module. You can download it on the same source where the software.

Wireless Status Check

If the drivers are all right, and WiFi does not work anyway, then check the status of the network connection. To do this, you need to open the network management panel and shared access by clicking on the network icon in the route right-click, and enter the "Change Adapter Settings" item. Here we find a wireless network label (depending on the version of Windows, the name may differ).

If the gray label says that the connection is disabled. You can enable it by clicking on the connection with the right mouse button and selecting "Enable". After that, the computer will automatically start searching for available networks.

You can also click "Diagnostics". Thus, the system will automatically start troubleshooting and eliminating network adapters. It should be noted that this procedure can be performed several times in a row, as it can help from the second or even third times.

What to do if Wi-Fi does not work on a laptop: video

A few more reasons why WiFi adapter may not work

Above the main reasons for which the wireless adapter may fail. Now you know what to do in the first place if WiFi does not work on a laptop. However, it is worth noting that all this program causes are eliminated that you can easily install new drivers, utilities, as well as performing certain operations in Windows.

Sometimes there are hardware errors. What does this mean. Hardware failures occur directly from the board itself. In other words, this is physical damage to the network card. To eliminate such problems, you will have to disassemble a laptop. It is worth noting that some models are limited simply, however, there are also those who independently disassemble enough. It is necessary to warn that without certain knowledge, the laptop is not recommended in this area.

But still, in this article we will look at what may be physical damage. For example, if the device was in repair or you independently disassemble it to clean the cooling system, it is possible that an antenna wires are not connected on the WiFi adapter. Banally about them can just forget. In this case, the adapter works, but the signal does not catch, even being close to the source. The problem is eliminated by simply connecting the antenna.

Also, the answer to the question why the Wi-Fi module does not work, is the banal overheating of the map and the output of it. This may occur if the laptop is used in bed, or is located on soft surfaces. The fact is that on the bottom cover of the device there are special holes through which cold air flows into the system, cooling board.

It is not difficult to guess what happens if these holes are blocked for a long time. Another reason for overheating can be a banal dust that is drawn by a fan and settles inside the laptop absolutely on all modules and elements of the laptop. It is for this reason that it is recommended to clean the device from dust at least once a year. Such cleaning will be made at times cheaper repairs.

If WiFi adapter burned down, it is not subject to repair. It remains only to replace. You can check this in the device manager, since when combustion, one or another item ceases to be displayed. In addition, if the module is displayed, but does not work, here you can see the error in which it does not function. This, in turn, will allow you to find a solution to the problem.

Above, we disassemble the most common reasons why the Wi-Fi adapter does not work. They can be solved independently, without the help of specialists. However, if having tried all these methods, you still could not eliminate the cause of the problem, it is recommended to contact the service center.

The router does not distribute WiFi: video

    Maxim 11/29/2015 15:42.

    Help me please. Already the third day nothing happens!
    I have a HP Pavilion DV6-7053ER laptop.
    In Windows 7, everything worked until I bought Bluetooth headphones. And for some reason I could not find how to turn on bluetooth. I reinstalled Windows on Windows 10. But on the official website there were firewood only for 7k and 8ki. By downloading everything that was there (after all, I shake the car for my laptop) - I installed everything. In the drivers on bluetooth, I do not understand, as in Wi-Fi. As a result - I have the power button Wi-Fi stopped lighting up, always burns red. And when you click on this button - I turned on and turned off the mode in the plane. I ohrenel. But that's not all. I accidentally (for some reason) I tried to change the firmware on the touchpad after that ... for some reason, the firmware did not get up. And now my touchpad does not work anywhere at all.
    I decided to demolish 10k and install 8.1 (I think 8.1 and 8 on the drivers is no different). Set. Again the same problem before me. Previously, after installing Windows. I had Wai Fi myself, but there is no. I installed it seems to me the correct drivers, the complex names did not touch. It is good that there is an Internet wire. Now I will ask before you climb somewhere. I did not think that after 20 years of experience, I stumble on this wall of misunderstanding with the technique, and even from the HP manufacturer (!!!).
    In general, at the moment I have 3 problems (not counting the curves of the hands):
    1) No touch pad works. I installed the drivers from the site for my laptop. They got up smoothly. I downloaded the firmware from there. But the firmware says that he does not see the Drava on the touchpad and requires version 15 and higher (I put 16).
    2) The Wi Fi button does nothing at all. I did not find firewood for the button, I think the drava for a touchpad will solve this problem
    3) The wireless network does not turn on at all. More precisely. In the adapter parameters, the wireless network is color, as the author said, you can turn it off, connect / disconnect it. But when you click on the "Network" button (about a clock that), I do not have a wireless network slider, it cannot be shifted (you can move the wired network and turn on the mode in the aircraft).
    In the task manager in network adapters - the Adapter Qualcomm ATHEROS AR9285 802.1B | G | N WiFi and the Realtek PCIE GBE family controller. Realtek I did not put at all. ATHEROS was immediately after installing Windows. But I installed the car from top of it from the site, and then looking at the video, deleted it and set it again. No result.
    In general, from the site I installed only these Drava: Drava for chipset and Intel MEI, Drava for Vidyuhi, ATHEROS Drava. I did not put anything else. For I'm afraid, it is not clear then as a car delete. It is clear when exclamation marks stand, but when everything is fine in the task manager, and something does not work - I do not know what to install or reinstall ...

    Maxim 11/29/2015 16:44.

    Touchpad reanimated by pressing all the buttons a contract with a finger delay on the buttons. Despite the fact that on the touchpad on the sensor there is a power button, with a double click on which there is on and off ... Now the tack pad is turned on and does not turn off, the dual tap does not turn off the touchpad and the light bulb does not light up. Drava on the touchpad did not lie down, but I think I will find a decision myself. Especially in updates to Windows already swinging the Dravishka for the touchpad.
    There was 1 problem - bluetooth. This problem is due to which I started changing Windows. It is stupid not. In the device manager, everything is fine. But there is no bluetooth anywhere.

    team bezprovodoff 18.12.2015 12:59

    Hello. Open the search and enter "Bluetooth". If the system has an adapter and installed drivers, then it will find several options. One of them will be the "Bluetooth parameters". Open the parameters and configure the adapter. But, I would recommend you to return to the seven. The default adapter itself is always enabled. It turns on along with WiFi. And turns off with it. In the notification area (after installing the drivers), the BT icon appears and always hangs there. Of course, you wrote a lot, but I did not find in the case of the information. Is there a BT equipment controller? Is it labeled somehow? That is, perhaps, in his work there are some errors or failures. In the network management center and shared access in the "Changing Adapter Settings" section have a Bluetooth connection? Drivers from where they took? Drivers must match your operating system. In your case, the top ten will not work. In theory and in practice, many of the eight drivers are suitable for the top ten, but still not all. Therefore, it is best to put a seven or eight. And everything is already configured in it. In general, my advice to you, reinstall the operating system. Put the seven or eight. Place new drivers downloaded from the official site. After that, bluetooth should appear in the notification area. We click on it with the right mouse button and further customize, add new equipment and so on.

    arthur 02.03.2016 05:59

    Hello everyone! In general, urgently need help ... .. Perestonil windows 7, then eliminated all the firewood, but when installing firewood on WiFi
    (Qualcomm Atheros Wireless Drivers) Begins swearing the mouse in the built-in wireless adapter is disabled or removed. what to do? Help!

    bEZPROVODOFF team 03/19/2016 10:40

    Hello. I would recommend to reinstall OS anew. Most likely, the system rose crookedly and did not define the WiFi adapter. You can also disassemble the laptop and disable the WiFi adapter, blow and clean the contacts and check it out again. Sometimes, due to dirt, the contact is lost (contacts can oxidize). Either you are installing the wrong driver (remember that sometimes in the process of downloading, communication breaks can occur and the driver does not flow completely, because of which a variety of problems arise during the installation). Therefore, before interrupting Windows and disassemble a laptop, try to cross the driver and follow the loading process, so that there is no breakdowns of communication and failures.

    ABOY 19.06.2016 09:19.

    Hey! The initial problem was that the cooler of the laptop was very much. Disassembled him, smeared, and collected in the reverse order. And I did not touch anything superfluous. After, turned on the laptop. WiFi worked and no network controller. I checked in the device manager, there is no network controller there. Disabled cords with WiFi controller. Hurray ... In the device manager, the network controller appeared and earned. But when connecting the cords to the WiFi module, the network controller disappears. Hike he conflict, what to do? Help! Thank you!!!

    bEZPROVODOFF team 07/13/2016 21:24

    Hello. The network adapter is simply automatically disconnected at the time when WiFi starts. If you connect to a PC network cable, the network works on the cable? There, the indicator should freeze and make a network to earn? It was a good that the system automatically sees which network adapter works, and the second just goes to the background. But if you start using a network adapter (instead of WiFi), then it must normally earn when connecting the cable. Again, the drivers must be installed for the network adapter, and the drivers can be installed only when the network cable is connected. In general, it is necessary to watch, understand. It is possible that it will have to reinstall OS (but it is already as an extreme measure).

    Artem 02.10.2016 21:40

    Hello everyone. The problem was such that first began to turn off the wifi for a long time and rarely (2 times a day) after it began to turn off every 5-7 minutes and it was necessary to turn it on through the device manager, later every 2 minutes, then it did not always help to turn on through the dispatcher, first from Wai Only the network disappears only my network after 10 seconds all the others, and the icon changes as if there are no firewood, I went to the HP's deficiency downloaded firewood, put it, no sense, when connecting the Internet, another network adapter and yellow sign appear in the device manager, allegedly update me , clay on the update - Write everything ok is nothing to update ... ??? I think the adapter must be changed, tell me

    bEZPROVODOFF team 10/19/2016 22:15

    Hello. Upgrading Drivers Through the Device Manager does not help to resolve the problem with the drivers. The system always writes that the update is not required. Try to do this. To begin with, download drivers for WiFi and other network adapters from the official HP site to your laptop. Let the installation files lie on the hard drive, they will be required later. Now, open the Device Manager, find the "Network Adapters" folder. Delete everything you find from it (I repeat, the drivers are pre-downloadable). After that, open the command line with the administrator rights and make a reset of network parameters and network cache. Here it is described in detail and shown how it is done - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dT0VoyASEY3Y Alexander 11/10/2019 18:19

    Hello! After Auto-updating Windows 10 to the version 1903, the communication of a smartphone with a laptop on Wi-Fi, the indicator window when turned on from the Internet icon, does not light up blue. After replacing the driver and settings of the new network, Wi-Fi turns on and the indisor glows in blue, but the smartphone does not see the beech and the Internet does not work. I understand CTR Cause in the settings. Help customize. (Cable Inter. Works fine)

Android operating system is popular and in demand. It is used in the production of smartphones, tablets, smart watches and other electronic gadgets. Android features open access to many useful features, but no one is insured against errors, therefore, even this system can fail. Our article will consider the situation when the Wi Fi button is not turned on on android. What is the reason for such a problem and what can be done with a device at home - all useful information on the topic is given later.

In order not to panic ahead of time and not "tormented" in any or a mounted device, first of all it is worth checking the quality of the wireless connection. It is not a secret that this parameter is often inferior to the stated provider characteristics.

What problems may cause:

  1. The absence of the Internet is connected due to the breakdown of the equipment or network as a whole.
  2. The problem is in the distribution of Wi-Fi from your router.
  3. "Nursing" of a smartphone or a tablet with a wireless link.
  4. Password change or incorrectly entered characters.
  5. IT - conflict when too many devices are connected to the router.

In such situations, the best option will appeal to the operator of your Internet connection. Often, communication breakdowns may happen after a strong wind or precipitation when the wires can break. Also, communication malfunctions can be in a certain area, especially remote areas. If network equipment problems and connection happens more often than usual, it is possible to contact another provider.

If you do not activate the envelope button

Excluding possible connection problems, it is worth checking the wireless Internet mode on the phone. Usually, modern devices are searching for suitable devices independently, and can also boast a password memorization function. If Wi-Fi does not turn on on android, the problems can be eliminated as follows.

Troubleshooting stages:

  • Check the correctness of the entered dates and time values. If necessary, fix this parameter.
  • Sometimes it helps the restart of the device. Such a procedure is often used with minor failures in software.
  • Check the operation of the sensor. In some cases, the causation of the buttons can be the cause.
  • Reset network settings and enter data again. You may have changed a password or account since the last inclusion of the smartphone.

The obvious problem of laminating Wai - fay may be malfunctions in the device itself, for example, after falling or other "injuries" and damage. In this case, it is advisable to refer to the specialists by passing the phone to the service center or workshop.

Why the problem arose

The reasons for the appearance of connection problems are distinguished by a variety. For extreme cases, when any of the actions described above do not help, it is better to pass the device to repair. Sometimes it helps flashing the phone or reset the settings to the factory parameters.

Possible causes and solutions:

  1. Unavailable network connection. Check the connection on another device, refer to the operator if necessary.
  2. Check the network settings in the phone, if necessary, enter new data.
  3. Reload the device for correct operation. You can also use the "Safe Mode" feature.
  4. Malicious software can also lead to connection failures. If the connection has stopped working after installing a new program, it is desirable to delete this application. For this, the smartphone is transferred to "safe mode", after which the software is removed and the device restart.
  5. Accidentally enabled flight mode. In this case, the connection to Wi-Fi is not possible, so it is necessary to check this parameter.

Incorrect connection to Wi-Fi can occur after an unsuccessful flashing device. Usually it is about "topor" work of homemade masters or first samples of self-changeing installations. In such cases, it should be aware that possible risks are a complete refusal of the device, therefore, the economy is most often turned out to be unjustified. It is better to contact a proven service center, where for a separate cost, the Wizard configure the system.

What to do in such cases

Self-elimination of the problem is allowed only with the required level of knowledge. If you do not at all understand the device of your smartphone (tablet), inept actions can only worsen the situation. The above algorithms are not serious interference in the electronic "stuffing" of the smartphone, but if it is impossible to solve the problem at home, the best option will be addressed to those skilled in the art.

Relatively old devices can be reflashing (again, if e there is a sufficient experience of such manipulations), and new better pass to the service center in order not to lose the warranty.

Wi-Fi does not turn on on the phone

The Internet connection problem occurs always inappropriate. If all of the proposed actions did not help establish a connection, you can use a special utility. An example could be the free Wi-Fixer application. After installing the application to the phone, change the settings, perform any additional actions not required, the program will do everything yourself. There are similar applications to help establish the work of Wai Faya, but before their use it is necessary to exclude other possible causes of problems.

Wi-Fi does not turn on on the tablet

If it is not possible to connect to the network via a tablet computer, a laptop or other electronic device, it is worth checking out and fullness of memory and working applications. It is advisable to hold two-level cleaning. At the first stage all running processes are closed. This frees about 800 MB of memory. The second stage will be closing applications operating in the background. If necessary, you can conduct an audit and remove the weight of unnecessary and not used utilities for a long time. After the manipulations performed, be sure to reboot the device, after which the work of Wi-Fi should get better.

Problems with the connection via - fi occur quite often, with a lot of such problems. After checking the reliability of the wireless connection, as well as eliminating the chance of a breakdown of the phone (tablet), you can diagnose yourself. To do this, you will be helped by the instructions of our article, as well as detailed information about the possible problems of the Wi-Fi button on the smartphone.