Happy time how to activate bonuses. Bonus program in the operator Beeline

All cellular companies have their own bonus deductions. As a rule, the accrual of bonus points is performed when replenishing its own balance or by spending funds to activate auxiliary options. The cellular company Beeline also has its own bonus accrual system. It is referred to as "happy time." When the Subscriber connects to this program and will replenish your account by any of the available methods, will be charged as a percentage of the bonus points list.

Accumulating bonuses Beeline, eventually the subscriber will be able to use them to make payment services or individual options provided by the operator. That is, they can and pay for certain auxiliary services, and acquire mobile devices or special equipment in the Bilayne salons.

As you understood, it is about collecting points and how to spend bonuses Beeline, we will consider in all details within the framework of today's review.

From the above, it is not difficult to guess that the bonus points are pretty simple and easy - subscribers need to just constantly replenish their own balance. Accordingly, the more funds you will spend on mobile services, the greater the number of points will be accrued to your account.

Accrual of points is carried out monthly on a separate account. It is assigned to the client when you activate the program under the bright name "Happy Time".

Note! It is necessary to know that the maximum amount of payments in points cannot exceed the figure of 15% of the total account replenishment over the past month.

What affects the interest rate on deductions?

The size of bonus accruals ranges from 5-15% in proportion to the Customer Service Period by the cellular operator Beeline:

  1. Consumer service period is less than 6 months - a rate of 5%.
  2. Consumer service period up to 12 months - the rate is 8%.
  3. Consumer service period up to 2 years - the rate is 10%.
  4. Consumer service period up to 3 years - the rate is 12%.
  5. Consumer service period of more than 3 years - the rate is 15%.

Thus, when the subscriber uses communication services from the cellular company Beeline for a long time, then the bonus balls will receive at the maximum rate. The recently connected users will have to be content with small.

Interest rate interest rate on the bonus account depending on the subscriber's experience.

According to the terms of the program, all accrued scores are transferred to a special account of the company's subscriber. In the future, from this account, the client can use Beeline bonuses at any time to pay a monthly subscriber payment, as well as to activate additional services or to extend their action.

Registration of the Subscriber in the Bonus Program

For registration in the program of Bonuses "Happy Time", the consumer needs to be made from its cellular free call at the service number 0767.

In addition, you can go to another way and use the sending of a special USSD request, which the operator has developed for this task. The device takes a simple combination of characters and numbers * 767 #, and then the call is sent. After these actions, the accumulation of bonuses will be activated.

The bonus program extends to all subscribers of the cellular operator Beeline, regardless of their tariff plan and the type of system of calculations, that is, using both both prepays and postoplas.

Check bonus

Before using bonuses on biline, you need to check their number in a special account.

So, how to find out? You can carry out two simple methods:

  • Take advantage of the "personal account", where the state of money balance and an additional bonus account will be indicated on the user's personal page.
  • Using a USSD command. In this case, on the keyboard of the Cellular, a combination of the following type is: 767 #, and then you must definitely send a call.

How to spend bonus points?

When accumulating bonuses on the program "Happy Time", consumers need to decide which services will go to the future.

Here you need an individual approach. For example, if you do not use any auxiliary options or services of the company, but use only basic services - voice communications and sending messages (SMS or MMS) to communicate inside the network, and sometimes go out from your device on the Internet, the accrued bonuses will automatically be used Instead of cash from the balance sheet to pay for these services.

How to spend bonus points for payment of auxiliary options?

Accrued bonuses can also be paid for additional services and options, such as:

  • The option with the name "100 SMS in international roaming" - the price per month is 295 points. How to activate? The client needs to be carried out from its number a call at the service number 06740459. The call is not charged.
  • The option with the name "My Planet" - in 30 days of use it is necessary to pay 25 points. To activate this offer, simply make a call at 06740458.
  • The option "My Intercity" - the price for 30 days is 55 bonus points. Connection is carried out by calling to number 06740455.
  • The option with the name "My Country" - for 30 days of use from the subscriber will remove 25 points. To activate the option, you must make a call at 06740457.

You can also pay for accrued bonuses. Internet access in the presence of the required number of bonus points, as well as an auxiliary option called "Specified":

  • "Provided the speed of 1 GB" - the cost is 100 points. To activate this option, you must check the service number 06740465.
  • "Provided the speed of 3 GB" - the price for the connection is 200 bonus points. The activation of this offer on the subscriber number is carried out through the call at 06740466.

If necessary, connect to the auxiliary options with further calculation using bonus points you must call 0641686.

Note! Accrued bonuses within this program can be calculated for purchases in the cells of the cellular operator Beeline. But at the same time no more than 10% of the price required by the gadget subscriber or equipment.

We translate your bonuses to another bilant consumer

Beeline's cellular company has been provided for the possibility of transferring accrued "Happy time" points to other users who also participate in this program. To translate points you need to use the USSD command * 767 #, and then enter the cell number to which you need to transfer, indicating the number of bonuses listed by the subscriber. Next, you need to confirm the execution of the operation.

When carrying out the transfer of accumulated bonus points, it is necessary to take into account the system limitations:

  1. The minimum number of translated bonuses is 10 points.
  2. The maximum number of listed bonuses per day is 3,000 balls.
  3. The period of action of bonuses in another consumer after the translation is 30 days.

Such useful is the program with the title "Happy Time" from the cellular company Beeline. Using it you significantly reduce the costs of communication services.

"Happy time" is a loyalty program, a service for Beeline subscribers, with which you can get bonuses and spend them at your discretion (for example, other mobile network services). It is also possible not to use bonuses at once, but to accumulate their definite amount and get a major prize. There are many advantages, key of which is the savings in touch per month to 15% of the funds.

Description of the tariff "Happy time"

The number of points directly depends on the "loyalty" of the subscriber of the Beeline network (the longer it is in the use of the SIM card of this network, the greater the amount of them accumulates):

How to activate "Happy time"?

To activate this program, you can use in several ways:

  1. Authorizes on the telecom operator website, register (if this was not previously done), go to the user's personal account and click the Services Connection button;
  2. Call 767;
  3. dial command - USSD request * 767 # .

All requests, calls and other commands for connecting services are free for Beeline subscribers. Bonuses after accumulation will be automatically used after their accrual.

When using this loyalty program, it can be issued, for which over the past 3 months you need to spend an average of more than 1,500 rubles for communication services. This status is activated for 1 year, and subsequently an automatic extension occurs if the costs correspond to the same characteristics.

If the subscriber does not want to be a subscriber of the service "Happy time", it can send a USSD request * 767 * 0 # Or go to the site in the settings in the Personal Account.

How to check the number of accumulated bonuses?

To check the bonus balance, you need to enter a request * 767 * 2 Or go to the portal in your personal account.

It is important to remember that the bonuses are not accrued and will not be obtained for the following operations:

  • if mobile commerce services are paid, in particular payment for housing and communal payments, other services of third-party organizations);
  • beeline and entertainment services;
  • mobile translations;
  • messages and calls to other states;
  • messages and calls in roaming;
  • when using the service "".

How to spend bonuses?

They can be used when using communication services: calls, subscription fees, messages, Internet. Free calls are the main direction of using bonuses. In addition, bonuses can be paid in Beeline offices when buying equipment (part of its full cost). Also, the bonuses can be paid for the transition to another tariff plan or to give them to any subscriber.

The service is valid 30 days, after which the write-off of bonuses stop and they will accumulate again until the write-off option is repeated.

If the bonuses are over, communication services are paid by the balance sheet. If, when the write-off function is enabled, they have been accumulated again, they are automatic spending on communication services.

The write-off of bonuses occurs in order of their accrual, i.e. Those who used to be displayed on the personal account were checked faster. The duration of their life is 6 months after the personal account (they burn up after this period, if they do not spend).

How to translate bonuses to another subscriber?

  1. dial USSD request * 767 # ;
  2. specify the phone number of the destination of bonuses in 90xxxxxxx format and the amount you need to give;
  3. enter the secret code received by the SMS message to confirm the translation operation.

How to pay other services to bonuses?

Additionally, the scores are paid by the following services:

  • "100 SMS in international roaming" (valid 30 days, the cost of 295 bonuses): Connects at 06740487;
  • "1 GB" (cost 250 bonuses): Connects at 06740488;
  • "Provided the speed of 4 GB" (cost of 500 bonuses): connected by number 06740489.

Subscribers with a credit method of settlements can be received on a monthly account to receive a discount, which operates 30 days in relation to expenses exclusively on mobile communications: calls, subscription fees, SMS, Internet. Discount You need to activate until the USSD invoice invoice * 805 # At the same time, it applies to the nearest bill. It is optional to use every month. If 3 monthly bills are not paid for a discount, you can get one of the gifts: 500 MB of Internet, 60 minutes per local network, a 10% discount on the purchase of phones and smartphones in the Beeline office.

Each cellular operator has a bonuses system. Usually the accumulation of bonuses occurs when the account is replenished or when spending money from the account. The Beeline operator has its own bonus system and is called "Happy time". When replenishing the account, the scores are accrued in the percentage ratio from the replenished amount.

Each time, the convertible bonuses "Happy time" - Beeline, for us it becomes possible to use them in the future for communication services provided by companies. And also pay for certain additional options and make purchases of the devices and equipment on them in official bilan offices.

How to get bonuses Beeline?

Of the foregoing it is easy to understand that the bonuses of "happy time" are extremely simple - it is only worth allowing money to the mobile phone account.

Bonuses will be accrued every month, an additional account, also owned by the Subscriber from the date of connection to the "Happy Time" program. It should be noted that the maximum percentage of deductions in points cannot be accrued more than 15%.

So what does the percentage of deductions depend on?

Bonuses can range from 5 to 15% in proportion to the service time of the subscriber by Beeline:

  • The service life of the subscriber is less than 6 months - 5%;
  • The service life of the subscriber from 6 months to 1 year is 8%;
  • The service life of the subscriber from 1 to 2 years is 10%;
  • The service life of the subscriber from 2 to 3 years is 12%;
  • The service life of the subscriber is more than 3 years - 15%.

Therefore, if you have been using the Beeline network for a long time, you will receive the greatest percentage of points in points. And the new subscribers will be content with a small percentage of deductions.

The obtained points are transferred to an additional bonus account and from there. Then they can be used in return for the funds of the main personal account of the subscriber for the services of the Beeline network. The program refers to all subscribers of the Russian Federation. Also, points can be spent on other goals that will be discussed below.

To use the Bonus program "Happy Time" Operator Beeline, you need to make a call to the service number 0767 Beeline networks (free). Or via USSD command *767# . And after that you start saving Beeline bonuses.

How to check bonuses Happy Time Beeline?

To start using bonus points, you should check their size on an additional account. They can be found in two ways:

visiting the Internet "", where the state of the additional account is specified;

use a USSD command by typing on your device *767# .

How to spend Beeline bonuses?

When accumulating bonus points "Happy Time" subscribers should determine what they want to spend them. When the client does not use additional options, and simply makes calls and uses an SMS to communicate with network subscribers, as well as input to the global network, then bonuses with an additional account will be used automatically instead of funds from the main personal account, which makes money transfer a specific subscriber.

How to use bonuses Beeline to pay extra options?

Another bonus points can pay extra options, such as:

  • "100 SMS in international roaming" - the cost of 295 points for 30 days. To take advantage of this option, type on your device number 06740459;
  • "My Planet" - the cost of 25 points for 30 days. To take advantage of this option, type on your device number 06740458;
  • "My intercity" - the cost of 55 points for 30 days. To use this option, dial the number 06740455 on your device;
  • "My Country" - the cost of 25 points for 30 days. To use this option, dial the number 06740457 on your device.

You can also pay Internet bonus points and Internet in the presence of the desired number of points, as well as the additional option "Provided the speed":

  • "Provided the speed of 1 GB" - the cost of 100 points. To use this option, type on your device number 06740465;
  • "Provided the speed of 3 GB" - the cost of 200 points. To use this option, dial the number 06740466 on your device.

If necessary, connect to additional services with the subsequent calculation through bonus points you can use the service number 0641686 of the Beeline network. The most interesting thing is that Beeline bonus points provides the possibility of buying in the offices of the company, but no more than 10% of the total value of the device or equipment you need.

How to translate bonuses Beeline to another subscriber?

The system provides for the ability to translate the bonus points received by you, according to the program "Happy time" Beeline, the other participants participating in the program. To translate you need to dial via USSD command *767# And enter the number of the subscriber who want to translate bonus points, indicating their sum. After, confirming the translation using SMS.

When transferring, there is the following limitation:

  • 10 points translation are minimal;
  • translation of 3000 points per day maximum;
  • the score period after the translation of another subscriber is 30 days.

Use Beeline services, connect to the "Happy Time" program, get bonus points. And save on boulder communication services using them.
Also, the cellular operator Beeline provides for the transfer of money from the main personal account on the map of the subscriber bank.

Bonuses and shares at cellular operators are always a pleasant surprise for subscribers. Only not all services are connected automatically. And sometimes you have to understand this or that affiliate program. Today we will find out what is the action from the company "Beeline" "Happy Time". This proposal can bring a lot of pleasure to subscribers who have been working with our today's telecom operator for a long time. Let's start learning the task as soon as possible.


What kind of action is this from the company "Beeline" - "happy time"? This proposal that allows you to return to 15% of all communication costs as special points. In truth, a very tempting offer. It is worth paying attention to: you can spend the bonuses at any time to spend your own needs.

True, the percentage of funds returns as points directly directly from how long you are with the "Beeline" operator. "Happy time" accumulates in general, starting with 5% of expenses. In principle, if you have long been a subscriber, you can connect to the promotion and enjoy its capabilities. How exactly do it?

Incredible opportunities

We already know the description of the action "Beeline" "Happy Time". How to connect it, we will talk later. To begin with, it is worth emphasizing all the features of this program. For example, you can always translate accumulated bonuses to a friend. True, only if he also participates in the sentence.

How exactly can I implement the idea of \u200b\u200blife? To do this, you need to dial a special combination. Write * 767 # Recipient number The amount of payment *. Now it is worth clicking on the call button. And everything, the case is done.

True, there has some limitations "Beeline". "Happy time" allows you to translate a minimum of 10 points, a maximum of 3,000 per day. They are stored on the balance they are 30 days. If during this time not to spend bonus points, they disappear. It should be considered. In addition, in the request to send funds, you must write the number of the subscriber through the gap, as well as the amount of payment. No commas and other signs. Otherwise it will not be possible to implement the idea.

Verification of balance

Another point that should immediately learn before connecting to the program is a balance request. It has to control constantly. After all, "happy time" "Biline" has a valid. Points that you get must be spent within 6 months. Otherwise, they burn.

How is the balance in this program be checked? Dial on your mobile device * 767 * 2 #, and then wait until you receive a message with the balance of the funds. Please note that some delays are possible. If 5 minutes did not come any messages, repeat the request. In principle, it is so far all the important information that the subscriber must excite. You can join the shares of the company "Beeline" "Happy Time". How to connect it yourself? We'll see now.


Well, we decided to participate in a tempting offer from our current operator. Now you can think about how to realize the idea of \u200b\u200blife. There are several approaches. All of them are easy to learn even the novice user.

First, the Beeline Corporation has a "happy time" through the official page of the operator. There will have to go through authorization, look into the "Shares" section and find the corresponding item there. Next, click on the desired string and select the "Connect" command. We enter the activation code in the window that appears (it will come to the mobile in the message) - and the case is done.

Secondly, the bonus program also connects with USSD request. To implement the method, type * 767 # and wait for the answer. Everything, nothing more needs. This option is used most often. We have become participants in the action there are several solution options. Each can choose to independently, how to dispose of accumulations.

We spend in touch

For example, anyone has the right to spend their best-time bonuses to pay for communication services. In principle, this is a rather interesting solution. But it is used not so often. There is 30 days service. After that, you will have to re-activate bills of accounts by bonuses. If your balance will not have enough funds, then the residue sprinkles in rubles.

How exactly to activate this opportunity? Special request will help. Type the combination * 789 # on the phone and click on the call button. That's all. In response, you will receive an alert that within 30 days you will pay the points accumulated on the program. But how to use "happy time" "biline" by a different method? Is there any opportunity?

Paying shopping

Of course, yes. You can spend bonuses to pay some purchases in the salons and stores "Biline". True, not the whole amount can be paid by points. But only 10%. It should be borne in mind that 1 ruble \u003d 1 bonus. By the way, this offer is most often applied to the acquisition of gadgets from Bilain, as well as equipment for connecting the Internet.

During the purchase, you must report your intention to use accumulated bonuses. Name your phone number, then voiced the number of points you want to write off. The store employee will hold all the necessary actions to reduce the total cost of equipment. Perhaps the Beeline Corporation "Happy Time" is most often spent on purchases in the salons.

Promotions with partners

But it is not necessary to stop on it. After all, the listed methods are not the only ones that allow spending the "happy time" points ("Beeline"). How to use bonuses otherwise?

This will help special partnerships that should be viewed on the official page of the telecom operator. You have a complete right to cover approximately 20% of the purchase price in the partner store. Only this is not a permanent opportunity. Rather, periodic. And it needs to be really track. For example, quite recently subscribers had the right to cover 20% of the purchase of bonuses in the stores "Know-how". Perhaps this is a very profitable, but rare phenomenon.

Many of us are accustomed to the fact that most mobile operators in the incentive program always has the name associated, one way or another, with the word "bonus". But there is simply no information on the network on this issue. The thing is that this operator has a bonus program for its subscribers in Russia is another name - "happy time".

How to register in the Beeline Bonus Program

Register your number in the bonus program is very simple and can be done by one of the following methods:

  • send ussd command *767# ;
  • call a free number;
  • log in to your personal account and connect Beeline Bonus. (Instructions for registering in the Biline Personal Account).

What you can spend the points Beeline Bonus

If you are already a member of the program in Russia, then you can easily spend your points For various rewards:

  • connect the service "My Country" for 25 bonuses for 30 days by number;
  • activate the "My Intercity" option for 55 bonuses for a period of 30 days by calling;
  • add a service "My Planet" for just 25 bonuses for 30 days -;
  • connect yourself "100 SMS in international roaming" for 295 bonuses / 30 days by number;
  • the Internet lovers are devoted to the option "Provided 1 GB" for 100 bonuses -;
  • another service for Internet users - "Provided the speed of 3 GB" in just 200 bonuses is activated by number;
  • get a discount up to 10% in the bonding salons Beeline exchanged its bonus points for it;
  • send your bonuses to another subscriber of the company. To do this, dial * 767 #, specify a number to whom to send and sum in points (from 10 to 3000 per day) and confirm the SMS code operation;
  • if you do not choose a fee, Beeline Bonus will spend on the main connection, SMS, MMS or on a mobile Internet, spending just like money on the main balance.

You can always find out the balance of Bonuel points Bonus by combination * 767 #.