Workzilla bonus codes. Workzilla - Scam or Exchange for Money Earn

Today I received a notice from via by mail, that the period of the paid subscription expires and it would be time to pay a new one. The results of the three-month "work" on the Varkzill. How is there without indignantly preface?

About me: 7 years with a recruitment on maternity (remotely during this period here) I work as a design designer in printing. Earlier was a journalist (the editorial office of the newspaper is in the same printing house). It moved to production, because it is paid above, and nerves spent 10 times less.

In order to be clear in general terms, my experience is not the case when the lessons on FSH on YouTube steel for self-taught the main earnings. This is a diploma, raising courses, 8 hours a day + overtime and design work on weekends. Hobbies and profession 2 in 1, this is my life in the literal sense.

Since the organization is multidisciplinary, not only photoshop, indison, azer and illustrator, but also specificity of prepress preparation are naturally mastered. different formats and editions. From newspaper paper to composites, absolutely everything.

Why I, so all the clever, went to Varkzill. Yes just shot down positive reviews. For me, portraits, clipping, business cards, vector logos and in general, any work related to graphics and a layout format is less than seeds in comparison with what you have to perform in production. Why not earn extra money in the evening on freelanse, having such experience and skills? And some praised this exchange so ... He led.

Any of these tasks I could do not strain. Well, except for the development of the site design a little longer leaves. If not every way.

3 months ago, I read all the reviews about Varkzille and rubbing the handles went to earn money. Oh, naive!

As you understood, I aimed in just 1 direction - design. Why do I need some transcribments, placement of ads or video reviews, if I am ready special in my profile. In addition, a long time ago learned to make sites on the WordPress. I'm already silent about copywriting. All of us, aire-dependent, authors with experience. I was not even going to write texts there. Rejoice, people without special specials flying on a plywood over Paris and consider that success is waiting for only those who understand the design and creation of sites. He did not wait for those !!!

Registration is simple. Mail, phone, wallet for output. Before tasks are available, you need to pass testing and pay for a subscription. She is always with a discount (kind) and amounts to agent data, from 300 to 390 rubles for 3 months. I gave 340 in September, as already mentioned.

Test simple. On the network full of answers to it. The essence is to drive around the search engine so that you have learned to find information quickly (like in which year the triple Tulup jump was performed in figure skating), a couple of literacy issues, the ability to rename images.

It was more difficult to be the second test, on knowing the rules of the worklines. Already scientific others, I just copied the text in the notebook and then answered, looking there. It went smoothly. And it was not useful. Because my work performed did not deviate, neutral estimates were not put, there were no delay, there were no harmful customers. And why? Because I have not fulfilled any task for 3 months. Ni-one-but-go.

What did I do as much as 90 days at such a spaced resource? Every morning came, left an application ("agree"), wrote convincing comments. During the day, he looked to check how things were there, and did not chose me. In the evening, I sat down again - view the tapes of tasks, and applications-application applications. In the morning in a circle. Experimented and with the conclusion of the tasks of Ponee, and leafed at the very end, where aged one. AND NOTHING! The task is deleted and / or you were not chosen by the Contractor.

Breaks did not make very stubbornly. Izhevovets, be sure to break! And here's the result: letter by mail, validity period paid subscription expired Whether to cry, or laugh, I do not know.

Somewhere at the stage of aware that stars in the ranking are deciding everything, I took up the autoation (feedback about the worklock on the wall in VC) and wrote a detailed post, very false. And how otherwise describe your work that is not?! Did not help.

Then, in search of the same lucky ones as herself, came across the "good" council. Since when choosing the artist, the system gives the priority to the stars in the ranking, then you can get them, giving a task ... myself. Register the left acc, come up with an easy action, pay, take it, to approve it yourself and vua-la!

Or make a conspiracy with another person, husband, brother, a wool, no matter. From it - the customer account and the task, with you - its execution. In this regard, the tape often flashes similar anchors: "Task for Sokolova / Wasi Ogurtsova" so that the honest performer finds, and others did not touch.

It seems that besides such a way, it does not work out anything. Is that a miracle. Are you ready to wait for 3 months of active applications? On the worklla, the first 10 pages in the top of the performers are solid stars, did not even flip. Just imagine what competition. And even consider volunteers, ready to lay out money and for your account, and for the tasks yourself. Maybe you want to spend on it yourself? Is the game worth the candle?

Naturally, the administration on all this closes his eyes. This is their income, the performers are perverted as they want, just to pay.

What I have in the end. Lost time and 340 rubles. Along and across the studied functionality. Knowledge of the site rules (very useful skill, damn). The invaluable experience of the Clazian on the "Agree" button. Regularly littering newsletter on vacancies (none impressed or impressed).

And thanks to this, I finally managed to create a portfolio on Behance and make a site for myself with a goal for promotion. Do not be them, another 100 years would not take, pleased with the salary offline.

Though for this I can say thanks and evaluate in 1 star.

Greetings! In this article I want to tell how you can get 100 rubles on the Work-Zilla service for the first order on this service. WORK-ZILL is a platform that unites performers various work, mostly on the Internet, and customers who need such services who want to delegate Routine to another person for a small fee.

Everyone has a need to delegate something, because the human-orchestra is not productive, eats a lot of time and does not reach truly important things. So, WORK-ZILL will help you part of the deeds. If you are not familiar with the service, then it will be a reason to see him in action!)

Get 100 rubles to WORK-ZILLA account

Instructions How to get bonus 100 rubles to the account:

  1. Register on Work-Zilla on my partner link\u003d140509.
  2. Get to account 100 rubles
  3. Pay with 50% of your first order

What is important to know:

  1. Bonus you get only if register on the affiliate link. The developers choose the most active partners (among them I \u003d)), which this bonus is connected to the affiliate link. Therefore, if you register directly, bonus 100r. At the expense will not fall.
  2. Duration of the bonus 10 days. If you did not pay the first order with the bonuses, then they burn.
  3. Get bonus you can until September 1, 2017. So far, the developers have done so, will extend this bonus or not, we will find out in September.
  4. Pay for bonuses you can only 50% order. For example, put 50 rubles to make an order for 100 rubles, or put 100 rubles to make an order for 200 rubles.

What can be ordered for 100-200r.?

  1. Transcribed - Translation of video or audio to text
  2. Banner - picture for site or social network
  3. Article. - a small article for 2-6 thousand characters
  4. Review - on the site or service, application, etc.
  5. Download N-O Number of Images - from paid Services eg
  6. Submit ads - for example on AVITO
  7. Etc.

The service is good, perfectly suitable and customers who need help, and performers who need money. I myself started my way on Freilan from Work-Zirela, with transcribution, you can read more detail here:

An article about transcription and how to search for customers -

Article about my experience in Freilance - Tips, chips -

Freelance Exchange for beginners -

I wish good luck and if there are questions - ask in the comments!

Good day to everyone who was on the expanses of my blog! Friends have come troubled times. Today we are more and more difficult to earn money on the Internet. Works becomes less, and competition is growing. No, professional verses, programmers, SMM-pin and system administrators, Of course, will not remain without remote work, but what to do to ordinary network users who do not have a narrow specialization and know only the highlights? I thought for a long time over this question and found a unambiguous answer - Workzilla - Exchange Remote Work, where everyone May earn quite real money With the Internet. In general, the idea of \u200b\u200bearning at home is a rather attractive thing. Does not depend on anyone, you do not need to rush anywhere, but the amount of income directly Depends on how much work was performed. If you have long dreamed of getting up with a hated office, a harmful boss, and ready to master the freelance, then this article is for you. I thoroughly studied the service of the worklines, reviews real users Finally convinced me in the exercise of the exchange, and therefore is ready to tell you about this site.

What is Workzill?

Well, begin to get acquainted? Varkzill - This is the exchange for beginners who decided to say goodbye to their gray office weekdays and start making money on the Internet. Stock Exchange since 2012. and for all the time of its existence provided work several thousand freelancers.

With the tasks that are regularly posted on the stock exchange, even the most green newcomers will be able to cope. Most of the tasks are simple to disgrace, however, there are also such, to perform major knowledge of web programming. Most tasks on the service are related to:

  • writing feedback (sometimes in video format);
  • customer Service;
  • translating audio speech into a text format;
  • changing or improving media files;
  • writing articles (rehyt and copywrites);
  • posting ads on sites like Avito;
  • promotion of VKontakte groups;
  • creation or refinement of sites.

Generally, the range of orders on the stock exchange is quite extensiveTherefore, newcomers in the world of Freilance will certainly find an example for themselves. Sometimes there are orders on the stock exchange that requires to download the file and thereby check the performance of the service. It would seem that, primary actionAnd even 200 rubles can pay for it. There are suggestions, where for the fact that you will make a photo, you will be paid 100 rubles. There are orders and from people who, knowing, order on the stock exchange of accounts of accounts or, solving that - the matter is long and difficult, shift this event on the shoulders of employees. Shortly speaking, much tasks, only a desire to perform them and earn them.

Start making money on the WORK-ZILLA stock exchange

Principle of operation

Well, now let's understand how the service works, and how to start making money on it. In general, the principle of work of the Varzilla is similar to those on all other freelance stock exchanges. Customers create tasks, describe in them requirements for work, indicate the deadlines for the implementation of the task and the amount of remuneration. In accordance with the rules of any exchange, at the time of publication of the task, the cash on the customer's account is frozen. It guarantees security of the transaction, insure from Kidalov. Absolutely all taskswho are placed on Varkzille, paid through stock exchange.

Safety of both sides of the transaction

Secure transactions are an opportunity not to get to the tasks to performers. That is, if the amount is reserved, it means money will certainly pay. However, these guarantees have to pay. For help in organizing safe cooperation, the service charges a small percentage of the total earnings in the project. In case you decide to save and refuse to share the earnings with, you risks to be at the broken trough. Often, the performers who took the tasks directly from the customers face such a problem - the work was performed and handed over, and the customer and the trace was wone.

But not only performers become victims of deception. Periodically and customers are victims of unscrupulous performers. So, often after the publication of the task, discussing all the details of the order fulfillment with the Contractor and payment of the Commission for a secure transaction it turns out that the appointed massacker refuses to fulfill the order or simply disappears somewhere. It turns out that this transaction has to break and create a new one. All would not be if it were not for the fact that the commission paid by the system is not refundable.

In cases of controversial situations, when the customer refuses to pay for poorly performed work, the transaction falls into arbitration. Its consideration is the Exchanges of the Exchange, which make the final decision on this dispute.

Exchange Algorithm

As for the how to work At Varkzille, the algorithm of action here is quite simple. Immediately after the publication of the task, it can be found in the list of offers. If a potential performer sees that it can cope with such a order, makes response on this offer. The advertiser also remains to consider interested candidates and choose who he fits more.

As soon as the performer is selected, with him the deal is the deal. After completing the work and its surrender, the Customer confirms the fact of the transaction, and the money that was frozen by the system is credited to the contractor's balance.

If you are not interested in one-time orders, you can find for yourself permanent With a full wage. To do this, visit the " Jobs", Which you find at the top of the screen, and select the most suitable employment option for you.

Money issue

To date the average price of one order The site is 200-500 rubles. Armed with the desire to earn, rightly approaching the system, you will be able to "raise" 500-2000 rubles per day.

If taken into account the fact that varkzill helps to work out a specific customer base and, thereby, to find for yourself remote work For a long period, the idea of \u200b\u200bfreelance seems quite attractive. On this site you need think about the future And use the system as a workout. Here you can gain experience, build constant interaction with customers. I do not think that you are planning for many years in a row to be in permanent search for work and take for any tasks, even with a small fee.

We register on the service

Registration on Workzilla is divided into 4 conditional stages . First you need to go on the official website of the exchange and click on the button " check in"Located in the upper right corner of the page. In the window that opens, you will be offered two ways for which you can go to get started on the site:

  • You can log in to the service through social network And then confirm the fact of registration by entering the code that will be sent to your mobile.
  • Or you can fill standard registration formin which you need to specify your address email, Your name, password and enter the captcha.

Personally, I chose the first option for myself, you do the same as you are more convenient. So, as soon as you confirm your intentions to register on the stock exchange, you will get access to your personal Area. It is at this moment that the first part of the registration can be considered completed, and therefore we can safely move to the second. Since we came to the expanses of Varkzilla in search of work, it is quite obvious that we will immediately want to explore the offers on earnings. To do this, click on the button " Contractor", Which is at the top of the screen. Once in the section where all employers' offers are collected, it turns out that we cannot perform any of the orders, because the system test has not passed.

Sign up on the stock exchange

How to get a test?

The test exchange consists of simple tasks that, apparently, are generated randomno. Therefore, if you do in the search engine phrase, like " Answers to Workzilla test"You will find a huge variety of questions with different answers. So I do not advise you to spend time on their study, and find a search for answers to the test yourself. For example, the system asked such questions:

As for the answers to my questions, they were as follows:

In general, on this second stage of registration, we can be considered completed. But, tests do not endTherefore, we smoothly go to the third stage - checking knowledge about the system of remote work. Stock Exchange us to thoroughly explore the established rules, after which it offers to pass the test in which we will need to answer questions related to the instructions just read. Since all this information is quite voluminous, I don't want to read it at all, I advise you to simply copy the answers to a separate document, and then use as a crib.

Opening "Halyshchikov": pay or not to pay?

Now, when we coped with the last exam, we need to confirm your phone number in the system and make a prepayment on the stock exchange. Surprised, right? We did not have time to earn the first money, and you already need to pay something. I carefully studied the reviews of the performers who work on the stock exchange, and therefore I can bold you to assure that this collection is nothing more than the opportunity to cut out those performers who can "chealing" and are not ready to work seriously on the service.

Today, the cost of cooperation with is 440 rubles, although there are discounts. For example, I got on a great price and got the opportunity to find work on the stock exchange for only 340 rubles. If the idea of \u200b\u200bpaying money for employment seems to you stupid, you can always look for analogs to the service. Varzilla type sites on the Internet are a huge set, and therefore you are quite able to find the most suitable option for yourself.

How to pay a fee?

You can pay for the Service Commission in several ways:

  • bank card;
  • via paypal;
  • electronic money in the webmoney system;
  • Yandex money;
  • through QIWI wallet.

In addition, the system offers to pay a fee bonusesIf you have an appropriate promotional code.

We take earnings

So, suppose that with all the tests we coped, paid a membership fee and even managed to perform a couple of tasks. There is a completely logical question - and how to withdraw money? To start, click on the balance of the balance, which is located at the top of the site page. You will open a new window in which you are interested in the tab " Display».

Here you choose the wallet to which you want to translate earnings. The system cooperates with electronic payment systems WebMoney and Yandex money. And in fact, and in another case, for the withdrawal of funds will have to pay commission at the rate of 5% . Money is credited to the account within 3 days from the date of application. Daily you will be available to a certain limit of funds that can be output. At first daily limit will be 300 rublesBut as it work with the service it will increase.

So, enter the number of the wallet to which we want to display the means, indicate the amount (within the specified limit, of course) and click on the button " Display" Ready! According to his own experience, I can say that, despite the specified deadlines for crediting funds, money, as a rule, come to the account literally through a day After placing the application.

Start Search Orders on Work-Zilla

affiliate program

I did not refuse the Exchange and from the opportunity to attract new customers into your ranks using referral deductions for this. Each user of the service is provided earn On the construction of one's own referral network. Given the fact that varkzill He prepared special partner materials that greatly facilitate the task of attracting referrals, I can say that such a service offer is an excellent example that before has never had to earn money on the search for followers. Anything you need:

Do you need to say that the world of Freilance did not come down on Workzilla alone, and there are other services for earnings on the Internet? I decided to sket the small list of servicesIn which everyone can start his career of a free worker and earn the first money in the role of mercenary. That's what I did:

  • KWORK. - shop of freelance services, where everything costs 500 rubles. Here you do not need to argue about prices, here you will not find incredibly expensive, but very slow "stars" of Freilance. You have enough to create your own offer, briefly describe it and place on the site. As soon as the buyer needs your service, he will find you.
  • Advert. stock Exchangewhere you can earn on your ability to write, redo or translate articles. The average cost of work here is 2 dollars. In addition to the fact that you can take technical tasks from real customers to work, at Avevei there is an opportunity to sell ready-made articles. So you can safely write about what you are interested in, and then sell it on the stock exchange.
  • FL - stock exchange where you can quickly find an order With a predetermined value and time limits. It is enough for you to choose the most suitable and send your resume to the customer.
  • Weblancer. - one of the most popular stock exchanges Freilance. Here you are looking for a job based on your skills. You can earn here on writing student work, copy, translations, creation of sites, design and many other things. The service works on the principle of labor exchange - customers post their job suggestions, the performers leave their applications, then one (or several) candidates are selected, and work begins. After successfully completing the transaction, you get your money. Personally, I like the service with the fact that here you can find performers both to perform a one-time order and for long-term cooperation.
  • Otzovik -. Have you bought a new lipstick or changed the old refrigerator? Urgently tell us about it all on Ozzovik and get money for it. For your reviews, the site will pay you a small reward. Personally, I would advise to use this service To create a source passive income. The article is read - money is dripping. Is it bad?

Registration on an income Exchange

My impression of the Exchange

In general, Varkzill produced a positive impression on me. Tasks on the service are simple, but paid quite generously. If you know, then you do not need to tell how to spend time to spend on LayKing to earn a hundred rubles. Here is twice as well, otherwise you can earn a few hundred rubles on a little more serious, but at the same time as simple tasks. As for the minuses of the service, here it is confused by the need for a membership fee, a relatively high commission of service in the amount of 5% and tedious tests.
Since I did not neglect the opportunity to explore the opinion of other Members of the Exchange, I think you will be interested to know what those who cooperate with Varkzilla have been thinking about this service.


Well, on this today, you can finish. If you really decided to change your office at home, I advise you to try your hand at Varkzill. Test your capabilities, earn the first money, and only then take the final decision. It is possible that you have some questions about the service. If so, then the answers to the most frequently asked questions can you find here . And on this I have everything, friends. Share your impressions from workzill, tell about the personal experience of freelancing. See you soon!

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