Help come up with an advertisement about the manufacture of cabinet furniture. How to work with social networks to work properly


Do you need social networks

Need. I hope you do not have a doubt that the site needs to be furnished? The social network is at least one way to increase its attendance. And also is an effective tool for receiving applications, communication with the audience and increasing loyalty to your brand. Made wellms who want to really make a profit should take into account all ways to promote, but the main choose depending on their own goals and resources.

Below detailed instructionswhich will allow you not to merge the budget for an empty imitation of activities, but to get real profit from social networks.

What kind of social network choose: "Instagram" and all the rest

In the course of our study on which social networks need to promote a furniture business, we made some conclusions.

"Instagram" is the most promising social network for furniturerafts. There is the maximum involvement. The same content in "Instagram" and other social networks with an equal number of subscribers receives ten times more feedback. And this is not only husky, but also real applications. When promoting maximum attention should be paid to the "instagram". All other social networks are developing, rather, in addition to it. Our conclusions are identical to Insense's research.

VKontakte is the largest social network in Russia, and this should be considered. In Vkontakte, there are people who are not in "Instagram", so the investment here can pay off. Official data on social network.

Facebook needs to have at least because it is from it that is controlled by a profile in "Instagram". The Russian-speaking audience in Facebook is much smaller than in Vkontakte. According to the "Academy of Lidheneration" for June 2017, its amount is 23 million. But this is a very high-quality audience: there are many adults, educated and secured people, it must be considered if you sell expensive furniture. But waiting for a big response from Facebook. This social network successfully resists commercial activities. It artificially underestimates the rating of content deposits from brands pages. You can read more about this algorithm in this article.

Twitter and Odnoklassniki. "Twitter" in Russia did not take root, and the popularity of the network falls at all.

Twitter's audience stopped growing. The monthly number of active users of the microblogging services in the second quarter of the current year amounted to about 328 million. The same figure was noted in the first quarter of 2017. However, if compared with the second quarter of 2016, the increase was at the level of 5% (according to 3D NEWS).

"Odnoklassniki", on the contrary, the second largest social network in Russia. But in it not high level Involutions based on our study of the promotion of furniture business in social networks. If nevertheless decided to test this social network, « full guide According to Odnoklassniki You can read in the Texer blog.

YouTube is a promising channel, but the promotion there is complicated by the high cost of the production of video content. It is one thing - to remove a short roller on the smartphone for "instagram", knowing that users will watch it only with small mobile phone screens.

Another channel is messengers. It is not known, the furniture topics are popular there or not, how users will respond, will appear on promotion. If you want to try, tell me later about the results.

So far, messengers are used by sellers for communication with customers, refine their requests, sending them photos with a selection of goods. This, too, should be learned. It is not enough to send a photo and ask: "How do you?". It is important to give the correct explanations using the receptions "highlight of the goods", "5 steps of the task of the price range", "prepacit" and a number of others. These subtleties we teach sellers at a special remote course.

This article describes only the work in "Instagram", "VKontakte" and Facebook.

Features of furniture topics

In the case of the client choosing furniture, you need to "capture" it in the right moment. It all complicates. Man bought housing, then chooses materials for repair, only then goes to furniture. It also happens that all the main thing is done, but something was missing. We must take into account this feature when creating content for social networks. For example, publish the repair tips, the choice of brigades and much more.

Another feature is that the furniture does not buy spontaneously - it's expensive and important purchase. But inexpensive accessories, items to decorate the interior and others can buy. This also needs to be remembered when creating content.


First register a business account in "Instagram". Users can now contact you, and you will see advanced statistics and access the Facebook advertising office.

Now you will see advanced statistics for each publication: coverage, involvement, number of views.

At the last stage of creating a business account, you will be given to specify contact details.

Registration: Avatar, Title and Description

It is very important to make a cover properly. First, this is the only place in the "Instagram", where you can specify an active link to your site. Secondly, by avatar and name, users will distinguish you from other stores. Thirdly, in the description you can specify your ITP and tell about the promotions.

So that the avatar looked well, choose a photo with your logo strictly size 110 x 110 pixels. Otherwise, he blossoms and will look ugly. Note that the avatar is round, and the corners will trish.

When you come up with a description, tell us about your advantages, promotions, discounts and about everything that distinguishes you from competitors. Description can be changed to each promotion or meaningful event in the store. Maximum length - 150 characters.


There is nothing worse than fill your profile endless messages about promotions and discounts. Furniture is not the goods that buy spontaneously. We have already given similar examples in our previous article. Discounts will work when the user has already decided to buy furniture to himself, but if he doubts, the shares will not kill him.

Little stores usually do not have money for full and high-quality content, professional photographers and copywriters. Beautiful pictures You can do yourself.

To unprofessional photos look good, they need to be processed. You can independently do it in Literoom and Photoshop programs. On the official site Photoshop is.

You can hire a designer who will process photos. If you entrust it to freeplane, then it will not be very expensive.

Letting let the copywriter writes. So that he knew what to write about, give him documentation on his furniture. Texts of the type "Wonderful furniture headset, white, the impoverished thoughts about the spring and romance" work badly. Here is not contained useful information, Besides what the reader also sees in the photo.

You can find a copywriter and a photographer on freelancer exchanges like,,

If finances allow, hire a photographer, and it will already take care of the equipment of the site and professional lighting.

More options for content - short videos (no longer than 1.5 minutes - the restriction of "instagram"). Show how your furniture is going. Test it, show how it unfolds and develops, what there are boxes and branches in it. Just photos in the interior usually enough.

Communication with the audience

Communicate with customers in social networks There should be not a hired SMM manager, but your employee who owns sales scripts, which has information about the product and knows how to work with doubts and objections. This is ideal. In MMKC you can help you make scripts and train your employees to use them to react correctly to objections. For example, in this course.

If the user became interested in a commodity, do not miss it while it is warm. Write to him in the "Direct" (service of personal messages in "Instagram"), transfer to the phone or site, in "Vkontakte", in short, somewhere where he can make a targeted action.

The whole negative should be worked out instantly, not to spoil you a reputation. Do not let users complain publicly publicly. Try to relocate them from the pages in private messages to allow them to rage there. Public scandals greatly spoil customer relationships to you, so they need to be stopped on the root. The ideal script: the client complains, you write to the "Direct" and ask about the problem, report on the page itself that they wrote an indignant user in private messages. When the problem is solved, publicly submit that the question is successfully resolved.


In "Instagram" there are four ways to promote: hashtags, targeted advertising, advertising for bloggers and massfolloving.

Massfolloving - This is automatic promotion. Special services automatically add as well as you specify in the hope that they will add you in response. This is a bad method, you should not spend time on it.

First, the social network itself is actively fighting with such methods (well, of course, you choose advertising bread from her) and you can be banned. Secondly, it is terribly annoying users. On one average user daily subscribe to two stores. To engage in such things - a reliable way to spoil their reputation.

Advertising in bloggers. Find a truly popular regional blogger is a difficult lesson. In addition, it is not easy to negotiate with them, it is impossible to check whether they have a real audience or some bots, you can not predict the effectiveness of advertising. There are well-promoted specialists who have a suitable target audience for sale, such as children's furniture. For example, a popular doctor Komarovsky (leads to television) or psychologist Larisa Surkov (writes books to raise children). The number of their subscribers is such that it will easily block the flow of buyers to your point in the MC.

Hashtegi. - These are the headings in "Instagram". They are two types: personal and public. Personal hasties are needed in order to structure information in your blog. For example, you are posting the photos of sofas, kitchens and hallways, the posts have already accumulated several hundred. To ensure that the user can easily look only sofas from your store, mark the posts of hash-tales of the type # sofas_naping_start_magazine. No need to invent a huge number of personal hashtegov. Enough one to two to each post.

Public hashtags are those for which users are looking for information in "Instagram".

Protect the most popular Housher # Furniture and # furnitureAcase is pretty meaningless. There are so many posts that you do not stand competition.

Top Hushtegs for Promotion - Regional: # FurnitureAkazirkutsk, # Design Harakerasnodar, # Haytexamar, etc. Before using Hesteg, look at how popular it is. If no one uses it, besides you, it makes no sense to move on it.

"Instagram" allows you to add to 30 hashtegov. Than they are more, the more coverage, but also the worse it looks like your publication. A whole paragraph of Hestegov interferes with the normal perception of text. Leave 10-15, this is the optimal amount.

Separation or, as it is called, segmentation of the target audience in "Instagram" passes on the following signs:

  • age;
  • country, region, city;
  • interests;
  • operating system;
  • travel frequency;
  • marital status;
  • preferences, etc.

You can configure the place where users will see your advertisement: in the ribbon, as a regular post, in video, in the new Stories format (photo or short videos, which are shown on the page during the day, and then disappear). You can directly advertise your product and invite users to your site or call them to subscribe to you in the social network.

A successful announcement consists of three parts: a beautiful picture or video, interesting text and, most importantly, calling for target action.

A detailed overview of all the possibilities of targeted advertising in "Instagram" will take too much space in this article, so I recommend you to read the guide to the launch of advertising in "Instagram".


Instagram is good everyone except that this mobile app. Usually managers are uncomfortable to work with a smartphone. To facilitate your life, for Windows 10 download the application from the Windows Store, it is free. You can work with comments, personal messages and statistics. But downloading photos right from the computer it does not give, so download the additionally a free Grambe application, designed just for this purpose.

"VKontakte" and "Facebook"

These social networks give approximately the same capabilities for creating content. They have serious differences from "Instagram". First, they are more oriented on the text, and not in the pictures. Secondly, there is an opportunity to upload a long video. Thirdly, these social networks make it possible to put active links to third-party sites.

How to issue a page

In Vkontakte and Facebook, unlike "Instagram", a huge number of group design settings.

I will not list all the possibilities of registration of the group "VKontakte" - they are really very wide. I will tell only what you need to use. First, this is a cover. It should be your logo and some picture that characterizes your activity. If you have only one store, not the network, then specify your address and telephone.

Vicky menu is such an analogue of the site page. It can be beautifully arranged and turn an inscription in the links leading to your site, but here you have to choose: either the user when entering the page will see a text description of your company or the menu. In my opinion, the menu is better. Self important information You can simply indicate in the subtitle, contacts in the picture. But from the menu nothing compares to the degree of attraction of attention.

Below are albums with photos. "VKontakte" allows them to turn them immediately into goods with the price and the ability to leave their contacts to communicate with the manager.

We lose all these possibilities - it means to lose buyers.

For Vkontakte, there are a huge number of applications that expand the capabilities of the social network. For example, the application "

Selling of sales of furniture to order. Just tell the features of the setting, and how to make a campaign profitable.

But first the fly is flying. I configured all sorts of furniture and adjacent theme. And immediately say - when it is better not to advertise in context. Success is unlikely if:

  1. You are a dup. That is, there is no own production, sit on the percentage from the sales of the manufacturer. Clicks in a furniture topic (especially custom-made furniture) expensive. You will have sales, but with economy everything is sour. You have a profit of 1000 p. From the order, and the manufacturer is 10,000. With an average price of Lida 300 -500 p. Always wins the manufacturer who with margin.
  2. If you have exclusive and very expensive furniture. There is little direct demand, and the client is incredal. In addition, exclusive stands and ordinary stands, people are looking for about the same key phrases. Sell \u200b\u200ba stool for 1000 dollars to someone looking for a stool for 800 rubles not rolling. In short, there will be difficult in the director.
  3. With caution - if you have a monobrand online store. See the frequency by goods, are it looking for this brand? If the frequency is still there, we look at search results With whom we will compete. And there will definitely be Yandex Market with the first bunch of dealers, and the second heap is the same dealers in advertising plus the manufacturer's store. Pull the competition - Velkov in the setting. But do not wait for miracles.

But the furniture to order in the Direct is good. The article is about that.

Furnitureers almost always bad site!

The main thing in obtaining furniture orders is a good site. In the advertisement will win the one who has carefully thought out. If your site looks like this - do not go to the direct.

the clever furniture is for cats or something?))

Multiple Site or Landing? From his practice concluded that ledinti on furniture work better. But not because such a format. As a rule, multi-page sites for furniture have been many years. They are uncomfortable, important commercial information (for example, about delivery, payment, portfolio) are separated by different pages. On mobils, it looks terribly at all, I want to close immediately. Such sites are usually experienced entrepreneurs with experience. Yes, they sold well once, when any site was sold. But not right now.

How to build information on the site to be applications

  • Title and thematic. Advertise the hallway or kitchen to order - do not leut traffic home, only on thematic sections. If a person enters the request of the "wardrobes in Voronezh" - he wants to see the goods immediately.
  • Offer description. Do not write "only here and only for you furniture type is the highest class." And give such a specific: "Cup wardrobes from the manufacturer at a price of 20 thousand rubles. 100 types of facades and fittings. Let's produce in 10 days. We will bring and install, remove the garbage. " Do you feel the difference?
  • Next immediately show your product. You can by groups (Kitchens Mr., classic, modern, some more) The more portfolio - the better, people love to watch a lot, gain (especially women).

proper cabinet rubricator - click on the required type for further choice

IMPORTANT: to all goods should be detailed descriptions. Dimensions, thickness, what materials are used. Here are the advantages that can be seen in the forehead - moisture-resistant chipboard, tempered glass 8 mm, water-repellent coating, accessories from Germany.

a good option - rubricator with picture, description and price

Worker confidence. Show photos from production, team, write a timelapse video with the manufacture of furniture. The latter, by the way, my client has implemented on the site - conversion + 15%. People see that you are not a batch that you work, confidence rises.

What else can you on the site? If there is no finished portfolio - make sketches with descriptions, show what finished products will look like. It also works: I didn't find your kitchen option - send us the picture that I liked, we will do. By the way, I just ordered the kitchen for myself - I downloaded the picture from a foreign site, came to the furniture makers, they say to me the same.

Now set up Direct

Carefully attribute to the key collection. There are a lot of information traffic in the furniture. Looking for furniture in the interior, want to see what it looks like, requests for repair, installation with their own hands, care. Plus there will be a lot of keys with the names of the brands that you do not sell, the names of the competitor stores. Carefully minus it all at the collection stage.

  • Product + to order (+ order)
  • Product + buy (if you sell ready)
  • Goods + city
  • Product + in installments (if you have a installment)

IMPORTANT - if you do only to order, minus "ready", "assembled"

We write the right texts of ads

The main thing is not to include fantasy. No creativity in general! Write exactly what you sell + digital benefits. It is not necessary to write "The best cuisines on Raene", and you need "kitchens from 50 thousand. Own production, 3 year warranty + installation for free." Looking at the second header insert the city.

Good example - benefits, prices, specifics

Customize Rsya

Here decides the picture. Therefore, it is shown that they sell. Do not take pictures from the Internet, but take from your portfolio. The most important thing is to the test take many pictures with one text. And in another campaign - one picture with different texts in the ads. Please note that only the announcement header is very often displayed, but the text is not. Therefore, special attention to the title. For example, "walking to order in St. Petersburg" - works well, and "any furniture is qualitatively" - bad.

The nuance is on the search and go to the campaign parameters and disconnect the shots on Yandex Pictures. Yes, yes, by default, your ads will be shown there and where people come just to see.

Testing and analytics. What problems will be

First we test the stakes on the search and in networks to get the necessary coverage. You should not immediately unscrew the price before specialism, it can be very expensive on the search. But in the furniture to order works very well. In case the budget is limited, it helps well. On my clients, it brings up to half of the applications with a terribly expensive search, which limit.

Be sure to place goals in the metric and track applications. The complexity is in what - if to send the application forms to put tracking simply and free, then calling the calls, and it costs money. Calls will be, but to track ads on them and disconnect the non-working non-coll tracking it is impossible. Therefore, if most of the leads go to the phone - you will have to get out for their tracking. According to the result, then it will bring savings when only those keys and ads will remain in the campaigns for which there are applications.

If you sell furniture to order and you need a high-quality setup:

1. Terms and definitions in this Agreement on the processing of personal data (hereinafter - the Agreement) The following terms have the following definitions: Operator - IP Dneprovsky Oleg Aleksandrovich. Acceptance agreement - full and unconditional adoption of all the terms of the agreement by sending and processing personal data. Personal data - information entered by the user (subject of personal data) on the site and directly or indirectly related to this user. User - any physical or entity, Successfully passed the procedure to fill in the field input fields. Filling Input Fields - User Sending Procedure, Families, Phone Rooms, Personal Addresses email (hereinafter - personal data) to the base of the registered users of the site, produced with the purpose of identifying the user. As a result of filling in input fields, personal data is sent to the operator database. Filling in input fields is voluntary. Website - site posted on the Internet and consisting of one page. 2. General provisions 2.1. This Agreement was drawn up on the basis of the requirements of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006. NO 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and the provisions of Article 13.11 on "Violation of Legislation Russian Federation In the field of personal data, the Codex on the Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and is valid for all personal data that the operator can receive a user during the use of the site. 2.2. Filling the user input fields on the site means unconditional agreement with the user with all the terms of this Agreement (acceptance of the Agreement). In case of disagreement with these conditions, the user does not fill in the input fields on the site. 2.3. The user's consent to the provision of personal data to the operator and their processing by the operator is valid until the operator's cessation of the activities either until conversation with the user. Accepting this Agreement, and passing the registration procedure, as well as following the subsequent access to the site, the user confirms that he, acting on his will and in its interest, conveys its personal data for processing the operator and agrees to their processing. The user is notified that the processing of his personal data will be carried out by the operator on the basis of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006. NO 152-FZ "On Personal Data". 3. A list of personal data and other information about the user to be transmitted to the operator 3.1. When using the Site of the Operator, the following personal data are submitted: 3.1.1. Significant personal information that the User provides itself on itself when filling in the input fields and / or in the process of using the site services, including surname, name, patronymic, phone number (home or mobile), personal email address. 3.1.2. Data that is automatically transmitted to the site services during their use using the software installed on the user device, including the IP address, information from cookies, information about the user's browser (or other program, which is accessed with access to services). 3.2. The operator does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the user. At the same time, the operator proceeds from the fact that the user provides reliable and sufficient personal information on issues offered in the input fields. 4. Objectives, rules for collecting and using personal data 4.1. The operator is handling personal data that is necessary for providing services and providing services to the user. 4.2. Personal user data are used by the operator for the following purposes: 4. 2.1. User identification; 4.2.2. Providing user personalized services and services (as well as informing about new promotions and services of the company, by sending letters); 4.2.3. Supporting communication with the user if necessary, including the direction of notifications, requests and information related to the use of services, services, as well as processing requests and applications from the user; 4.3. During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), extraction, use, blocking, deletion, destruction. 4.4. The user does not object to the information given to them in certain cases may be provided by the authorized state authorities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.5. Personal user data is stored and processed by the operator in the manner prescribed by this Agreement, during the entire period of activity by the operator. 4.6. Personal data processing is carried out by the operator by maintaining databases, automated, mechanical, manual methods. 4.7. The site uses cookies files And other technologies to track the use of site services. These data are necessary to optimize the technical work of the site and improving the quality of the provision of services. On the site information is automatically recorded (including the URL, IP address, browser type, language, date and query time) about each visitor site. The user has the right to abandon the provision of personal data when visiting the site or disable cookies, but in this case, not all site functions can work correctly. 4.8. Privacy policy provided for by this Agreement applies to all information that the operator can receive a user during the last website and the use of the site. 4.9. Is not confidential information, publicly disclosed in the implementation of this Agreement, as well as information that can be obtained by Parties or third parties from sources to which there is free access to any persons. 4.10. The operator takes all the necessary measures to protect the privacy of personal data of the user from unauthorized access, changes, disclosures or destruction, including: provides a permanent domestic verification of data collection, storage and processing and security processing processes; Provides physical data security, preventing unauthorized access to technical systemsproviding the work of the site in which the operator stores personal data; Provides access to personal data only to those employees of the operator or authorized persons who are needed to fulfill the duties directly related to the provision of services to the user, as well as the operation, development and improvement of the site. 4.11. For personal data of the user, their confidentiality is maintained, except for the cases of voluntary provision by the user of information about themselves for general access An unlimited circle of persons. 4.12. The transmission by the operator of the personal data of the user is legitimate in the reorganization of the operator and the transfer of the rights of the operator's legal successor, while the successor is transferred to all obligations to comply with the terms of this Agreement in relation to the personal information obtained by him. 4.13. This Regulation applies only to the Operator's site. The company does not control and is not responsible for the websites (services) of third parties to which the user can follow the links available on the operator's website, including the search results. On such sites (services), a user can be collected or requested by other personal information, as well as other actions 5. User rights as a subject of personal data, changing and deleting by the user of personal data 5.1. The user has the right: 5.1.2. Require from the operator to clarify its personal data, their blocking or destruction if personal data are incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally received or are not necessary for the declared processing goal, as well as to adopt their rights to protect their rights. 5.1.3. Receive information regarding the processing of its personal data, including containing: confirmation of the fact of processing personal data by the operator; targets and operator used ways of processing personal data; Name and location of the operator; Processed personal data related to the appropriate subject of personal data, the source of their preparation, unless otherwise submitted by such data is not provided for by federal law; the timing of processing personal data, including the timing of their storage; Other information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. Recalling the consent to processing personal data can be implemented by the user by directing the operator of the corresponding written (printed on the material carrier and subscribed) notice. 6. Operator's duties. Access to personal data 6.1. The operator undertakes to ensure the prevention of unauthorized and not targeted access to the personal data of the user site users. With this authorized and targeted access to personal data of users of the site, access to them will be accessed by all interested parties implemented within the framework of activity and the subject of the operator's website. At the same time, the operator is not responsible for the possible not targeted use of personal data of users that occurred due to: technical problems in software and in technical means and networks outside the operator control; In connection with the intentional or unsighted use of operator's sites, by their direct appointment by third parties; 6.2 The operator takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the user's personal information from unlawful or random access, destruction, changes, blocking, copying, distribution, and other illegal actions with third parties. 7. Changing the Privacy Policy Regulations. Applicable legislation 7.1. The operator has the right to make changes to the present position without any special notification of users. When making changes to the urgent edition indicates the date last update. The new version of the situation comes into force from the moment of its placement, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Regulation. 7.2. To the present situation and relationships between the user and the operator arising from the application of the situation shall be applied to the Russian Federation. I do not accept

The furniture market in Russia is extensive, new enterprises survive if they find a free niche in a specific region. It is important to consider that competition is lower in a low and medium price category. Sales amount depends on the size of the settlement. Experts believe that the furniture is beneficial in the settlement with 500-800 thousand inhabitants. Reduce costs, keep demand at the desired level and reduce the effect of competition helps.

Expert forecasts are encouraging - small and middle furniture business in the coming years will reach 75%. The most rational - small workshops manufacturing furniture of economy and middle class of one type of order.

The pluses of the shop include:

  • small initial investments (900-1 300 thousand rubles)
  • lack of need for large areas
  • flexibility of the production process
  • easy to change range
  • the ability to become a monopolist in a separate niche

Production to order allows you to avoid a negative impact of competition. The low cost of finished products speeds up sales, which makes it possible to quickly return the initial investments.

But when choosing it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages. If the furniture is made manually, the creative approach is required and large temporary. A small range is able to quickly saturate the market. But the workshop is a good option for the initial stage. How to promote furniture business in the future depends on the circumstances. You can often change the range or expand production.

Buying a room for the workshop is not worth it. Important location (entrance), temperature (18 ° C) and humidity level (up to 70%). This means that the system of ventilation and heating is needed. In adverse conditions, it may be damaged both raw materials and finished products. Square should be enough for the production, warehouses and premises for the administration.

Equipment for the workshop is bought semi-automatic:

  • strawberry (hand hand) with a transverse and longitudinal saw
  • drilling machine for drilling open and deaf holes
  • grinder machine
  • edge facing machine

In the manufacture of furniture to order, a small tool is also needed: cutting devices, perforators, screwdrivers, drills, drills, knives, etc.

Reaches 25%, the average payback period is 2-2.5 years.

Features of outlets selling furniture

Furniture store can be different sizes:

  • from 300 m2, with a narrow specialization (a wide range of one group of goods)
  • from 1 000 m2, hypermarket with a wide selection of goods from different groups, warehouses and parking lots of motor vehicles
  • salon in the city center with an elite commodity for rich buyers
  • warehouse-shop of finished furniture from the manufacturer

The room for the hypermarket is selected in a residential area or outside to reduce. The hypermarket should have a wide range of goods at a variety of costs (from economy to elite). The efficiency of activity is increased by additional services.

Salon is small (from 30 m2), since buyers make orders in the catalog. The room should have a place for employees (tables, chairs, computer equipment) and a place for visitors equipped with upholstered furniture.

In stock furniture is sold at an affordable price and immediately. Allows an additional offer to order some types of product according to an individual sketch.

The amount of initial investments directly depends on the type of store. It is possible to determine the choice only after careful analysis of the market of a particular region. It is important to offer customers what is not in sufficient quantities.

The advantages of the store refers:

  • stable demand for goods
  • the possibility of opening almost in any city
  • ability to increase sales by starting the online store

But the competition is high, since in any settlement such shops are already available. The initial costs are high regardless of the type of outlet (can reach 2.5-3 million rubles), as many funds are required for the purchase of goods. If the assortment is unsuccessful, there is a chance that the purchased product will be difficult to sell. With the most successful scenario and markup of 20-40%, initial investments will pay off in 2 years.

Furniture Factory: Benefits and Disadvantages

Under its own brand requires from 30 million rubles. This option is expanded several times the furniture shop. With production arrangement modern equipment It is possible to achieve profitability of 15-25% by supplying furniture in the region and country.

The advantages include:

  • neutralization of competition due to the full production cycle and a wide range
  • purchase of large amounts of raw materials at a reduced value
  • lower cost of finished products (compared to the workshop)
  • constancy of wholesale sales in the presence of own dealer network and well-developed marketing

Disadvantages of the factory:

  • need for large initial investments
  • difficulties when choosing premises (Large squares are required)
  • large cost of purchasing modern equipment
  • difficulties at (special education and high qualifications are required)
  • large costs of brand development and advertising due to competition

Furniture factory should be opened with large investments and readiness to wait for the return for a long time.

Criteria for choosing between shop, shop or factory

When searching for a response to a question that is better, production or trade, it is important to take into account financial capabilities and personal qualities. In the presence of skills in a fitter's case, it is better to start with the workshop. If I am sure that it will be able to manage production, the stage of the workshop in the presence of money is passed. A man who has ability to trade, the best option will be the store.

All options have advantages and disadvantages, yield depends on a number of factors that do not always depend on the entrepreneur. The quality of finished products and economic conditions in the region and the country is of great importance.

You can earn, without having a lot of money for initial investments in a small room. The only condition is the availability of the supplier of raw materials offering cutting services. This allows not to purchase expensive equipment. When buying a semi-finished product, components and an inexpensive tool for assembly are required. In such a situation, success depends only on the planning of the model and quality of manual assembly. If products satisfy the needs of customers, you can expand production.

Even in a large factory it is impossible to produce all kinds of furniture. It is important to determine who the products are intended. It may not be households. The city has children's and, public organizations that need specific products. For each institution requires a special style. In addition, the furniture is produced not only from wood. In warehouses, in banks and medical centers, in the chemical and food industries require metal furniture. This is a good option if such products are not produced in a particular region.

When opening a store should not start with big Square and a wide range. It is advisable to resemble the city's already working stores and determine what they offer. There is always a type of product that is not. It becomes the basis for the formation of the range of a specialized shop. The advantage of this approach is the ability to become a monopolist in a small niche.

Purchase of equipment when opening a furniture business from scratch

Furniture is kitchen, built-in, cabinet, soft, garden, specialized, for offices or children's and medical facilities. Equipment is purchased after selecting the type of products. The factory requires bulky machines and a tool, in trade, the minimum number of furniture for personnel and buyers.

If the workshop opens and independently cutting the material is not planned, then the hand tool is bought: drills, screwdrivers, grinding machines, Millies, hairdryer, perforator, etc. Machines are expensive, they can be bought later (if desired), when the customer base is formed and the level of sales will increase.

For the factory, the equipment is selected depending on what is planned to produce. For example, in the manufacture of cabinet furniture, there is no need for a tool for upholstery and compressors. It is necessary to take into account that the equipment intended for the processing of chipboard is not suitable for working with natural wood. In the first case, sawing, grinding, milling, machines for decorating. Plates are cut with molding machines, it is necessary to drill and edge processing equipment.

The furniture store emphasis is best done on the compliance with the sanitary standards and design of the room. A professional designer is involved, especially if a store For rich people. Expensive repair and original exposition. It is advisable to organize a place to relax buyers with the ability to drink coffee, tea, buy water. It does not require high costs, but the level of service rises. In a warehouse store, the interior is simple, the focus is on the distribution of products through the halls and sections.

Methods for promotion of furniture business

The number of users of online stores, including furniture, grows. Sites are also from manufacturers, and merchants. It is important to attract a specialist capable of optimizing the resource and organize promotion in a particular region. If the site develop and update constantly, attendance offline and online rises quickly. If a factory opens, the brand is quickly becoming popular, consumers begin to recognize the company.

In third place, the organization of exhibitions with preliminary sending of business cards or leaflets, on the fourth - groups in social networks. When writing texts, attention is focused on what interests the target audience:

  • for buyers of furniture economy class important, the ability to design a loan and receipt of discounts, bonuses, gifts, shipping and assembly cost
  • people with average sufficient pay more attention to the popularity of the manufacturer and the ecological purity of the product
  • in advertising for expensive furniture, it is important to emphasize exclusivity: expensive wood, popular brand, accessories under the order (not worth mentioning strength and durability)

We make furniture to order from economy to elite. They put the kitchen, wardrobes and much, that, everyone is satisfied. But unfortunately we have few people know, advertising spend money with clicks like just watching the site.
Our phone 8 977 661 90 30


Good day! We produce lunch groups under the order. Products from a wood array at the prices of chipboard. We make kitchen tables of any size, height, length, widths, any tone of the tree. You can make a worktop using your materials (tiles, porcelain stoneware, etc.)
Phone 8 499 136 31 38


Now many private furniture industries, often manufacturing very low quality furniture. Does any product quality control mechanisms other than complaints of disappointed consumers who have already bought a bad thing?


Furniture topics are constantly addressed to us: Ellconte, Directoria-Mebel, Mebsalon, Lazurit, Furniture Studio "City". Each has its own priority direction, for example, Ellconte is engaged in children's furniture, and Directoria Mebel is an office. Each had their own shortcomings. To each client, studying the company's peculiarities, we found an individual approach and everyone helped increase traffic and sales.

Marketing Strategy for Interpore Furniture Store (Directoria-Mebel)

The whole thing in technical progress. We are surrounded by smart gadgets and get almost all information from the network. The libraries replaced the Internet, the gatherings in the courtyard turned into the gatherings in front of the monitor screen, the shopping campaign became a "walk" on the online store catalog.

That's why B. modern world Most stores have their own Internet analog.

And the "Director of Furniture", of course, was a site, but it was a blank and low-informative business card site.

Before the start of our work

That's what we did:

  • conducted an audit of the site;
  • we investigated the websites of competitors;
  • collected a team consisting of designers (refinement of registration), copywriters (writing selling texts), content managers (development of original and competitive content).

As a result, the site began to look like this.

After refinement of design

After we changed the design, they worked for the page structure and set up the inner translection, the percentage of refusal declined more than 2 times. Bad site repelled visitors - no one stayed longer than a minute. Now there is no such problem. It is not difficult to guess that the percentage of conversion to the order increased. And the profit directly depends on this!

Output: appearance The site initially attracts the client and holds it on the site. We have conducted a friend's redesign, leaving the main idea and color palette, but even the development of such small parts has been positively affected by the relationship of customers. And on sales, of course.

Promotion of home furniture site (Lazurit)

Who works in furniture topics, he knows about the company "Lazurit". This is the largest furniture network in Russia, which has its own production. After deep analysis, we decided to finalize the page's pages to make it more pleasant to the visitor.

White-blue page suitable only Dynamo fans

On the main page Lazurites were posted the best deals in this form. We renamed the unit and changed both its design and design of the entire site. In addition, we worked on photos: they became more realistic, colorful and more attractive.

Brightness! Contrast!