Sennheiser cx 200 300 comparison. Review of CX-series headphones from Sennheiser

Hello everyone!
It's time to write a review about the headphones that I chose for a long time and persistently, but in the end I did not regret it and the purchase justifies itself completely.

I had a lot of different headphones in use, mostly Chinese - more or less good, but I wanted something more, namely, headphones above the average price and quality range.
Everything naturally rests on money, well, and the availability of goods. Good headphones from Sony, Sennheiser, Philips all cost around $ 50. I did not look at the Major Monsters at all. Basically, many gave preference to the 300th Senhami. Ideal price / quality ratio. Price ~ we have 47 ye offline but 50 green ones for a piece of wire alas ... On ebee they cost the same 50
And in search of high-quality sound, I stumbled upon AKG 324P headphones. good headphones they are close to 300th Senkha and surpass them in bass and sound picture, but they also cost ten more.
AKG is a fairly well-known company that produces studio musical equipment - microphones, mixers, monitors, and an Austrian company.
Driving these AKGs into the search for ebay, my eyes shone - all sellers set a price around $ 20 And all the sellers from China. Also on the forums wrote that now there are a lot of fakes on them. That's what I was afraid of. But on this video you can see their video review (not mine) and how to distinguish the original from a fake.

In general, I decided to take a chance and buy them. The amiable Chinese assured that they are real. After the purchase, they gave a track number - the parcel was completed in 16 days, it's strange, without the track number, the parcel goes for about a month.
And here he is a yellow envelope - a philatelist's dream, for the first time I see stamps on a parcel)

A tightly sealed box - and voila. A box with headphones. An autopsy revealed the headphones are really original! AKG is engraved, not drawn, and the letters are close together.

Chinese request)

Headphone parameters

closed, 12-23500 Hz, 121 dB, 16 ohms, 1.2 m cord, 3.5 mm plug

So the headphone box is made of thick cardboard, pleasant to the touch.
The delivery set includes:
-3 pairs of rubber bands
-box for replaceable elastic bands
-black pouch for headphones.
Also 2 booklets - a guarantee and some kind of nonsense.

I will say right away that the headphones are made of very high quality, there are no burrs, cheap plastic and falling parts.
The plug is L-shaped - I hope not to bend, the connector is gold-plated, the wire made of a material resembling a soft-touch does not seem to get very confused. The headphones are very light, made of high-quality plastic. On top of the silver part, on the left earpiece is written 324P, on the right AKG. By the way. , in the place where the earphone resembles the speaker there is a black braid that bends - it will not allow the wire to break. In appearance, the headphones are inconspicuous, ordinary - but the most interesting thing is inside

This is the most interesting. I have never heard such a sound before. I will not be the owner of ideal hearing, but the frequency response is flat. The sound is clear, bass, high and average at the level, do not go off scale. On them, I really heard the detail of the compositions and stereo. Tuning of the eucalizer is not even required.
The headphones are snug and comfortable and fit well in the ears - you don't feel them at all. Therefore, the ears do not get tired after long listening. By the way, I tested it on everyone's favorite Sansa Clip + with the Rockbosk installed. The player rocked the ears well - there is enough volume and there is still a lot of headroom. friends sent me from across the hill.

I am glad that I purchased these headphones for such a price. The sound quality is at a height, which, as they say, is comparable to 300 Senheisers.

Good day to all!
While I was listening, comparing and making inferences, these headphones have already appeared on the site, so the status full review I do not pretend, but I hope I will be able to supplement and expand it.

Disclaimer: photos were taken by hand on the phone, aesthetes of photo art, please refrain from viewing. Everything written below is the result of only my impressions and in no way pretends to the status of "absolute truth". In this article, I will call the new ears from xiaomi by the folk name - hybrid or hybrids, tk. on the packaging, in addition to the hieroglyphs, there was only the company logo and numbers, and this name had already somehow stuck to them.

I would like to focus on comparing the cx300II and the hybrid. they are in almost the same price range (sennheiser in mvideo at the time of review costs 1090 rubles with a public coupon for 500 rubles, I would not call points per GB "public", so the regular price of $ 17.4 is taken into account).


The product was bought with my own money on the gearbest website. At the time of purchase, the price was 20.09 evergreen, 14.07 came out with points. Literally in 2-3 days the price on the site dropped to $ 19, and my order had not even been sent yet ... After a subtle hint through the so-called "ticket", the Chinese returned the difference in price. True to the wallet, but even so.

Screen of the order page

Packing photo


Comparison heroes

So let's briefly and in order.

1. Package Contents

The poorest and nondescript set of all, no bonuses or buns. Replaceable ear pads in the amount of 3 pairs and a small instruction - that's all that xiaomi did not please this time.

Piston 2.1
A very good bundle for this price category: 3 pairs of interchangeable ear pads in a very presentable box, which, by the way, is not a shame to give "as is", a clip and a very peculiar, pleasantly smelling "case" for storing the headphones themselves await us.

Also nondescript blister packaging, but in addition to a set of ear pads similar to previous models, sennheiser has generous with a very nice and convenient bag for transporting headphones. Well, and 2 years of local warranty.

Bottom line: Piston 2.1 may seem like the undisputed leader, but not everything is so simple - personally, I will, without a doubt, exchange all the goodies and "cuddiness" of xiaomi for a handbag from sennheiser.

2. Ergonomics

Pros: thick but moderately flexible braided cord, anti-kink plug and remote with microphone on the right earpiece, good noise isolation.
Cons: the thickest and "coarse" ear cushions of all, larger than all other headphones, the rubber on the cord above the divider is rather coarse, most likely it will chill in the cold, not a comfortable fit, a part of the braided cord has a "memory" effect.

Piston 2.1
Pros: soft braided cord, anti-kink plug, good rubber on the cord above the divider, remote with microphone, soft ear pads (they have a thick "center" but the edges are thinner and softer than hybrids), good noise isolation.
Cons: a fairly standard fit for this type of headphones, but the metal of the headphones contacts the skin when landing, the remote serves as a separator and is quite low.

Pros: very soft and flexible cord that is not afraid of cold, very comfortable fit (you can even lie down on a pillow or bed in these headphones), soft ear pads, good protection from bending (in fact - a cover over the "L" -shaped plug), the most compact size, asymmetrical cord, good noise isolation.
Cons: no remote control with microphone, asymmetrical cord.

Size comparison cx300 and hybrid

Bottom line: if we compare the headphones, then the c300 is head and shoulders above the competitors, but if the headset is primarily of interest, especially for the street / metro, etc. - then xiaomi hybrid looks more advantageous.

3. Sound

Piston 2.1 in this part will not be considered, because clearly lose to the rest of the "plugs".
Compositions for comparison, I tried to choose multidirectional, but all of them, in one way or another, related to the music that I listen to. The commands that went through most of the comparison are mudvayne, rhcp, slipknot, pantera, van canto, three days grase, and within temptation.

Sennheiser vs xiaomi
The sound of the Hybrid "s seemed to me flatter, although in comparison with the pistons, it certainly improved: the lows appeared, the detail of the middle was added, and the top was no longer so intrusive. But either the mids sometimes climb too clearly, or the bass is slightly moved to the middle ... There is a lack of balance and depth of sound, although the detailing pleases. Some compositions on xiaomi sounded even more interesting, but this is more the exception than the rule. Perhaps certain genres will sound much better in them, but I would definitely not recommend them to bassheads, the rest should also think about it. ...
Some acquaintances at work who were tested for sound comparison voted for sennheiser (perhaps not only because of the deeper and more pronounced bass, but also because they sound louder than hybrids at the same volume on the player / phone).


In general, the cx300II looks like a preferable option, “pop” if you like, but Xiaomi has taken a serious step forward and released a very good product, everyone who needs a headset with a “extra” in the form of good headphones can safely recommend them. Nevertheless, I would not consider them exactly as "hybrid headphones". Or even as an inexpensive alternative to them. For those who are looking for headphones first of all, I advise at least to listen to eminent Chinese before ordering. their sound is still peculiar ... However, I will not turn my tongue to scold or call these ears a file, it would be interesting to compare them with Tennmak Dulcimer, also equipped with a microphone and gaining good fame in the vast world network.

P.S. From all the above, it might seem that I am a fan of sennheiser or a fan of the cx300II model, but I hasten to disappoint you - this is not so. I was torn between VSonic VSD3s and Ostry kc06a for a long time, but all the same the latter won my heart completely and completely, and the deepest respect remained for the senha. for 4 years they have served faithfully in very difficult conditions (2 years of bus and street mode and 2 years in the gym). Recently, however, the sound in the left earpiece began to disappear, but so far this happens very rarely.

P.P.S. This is my first review, so constructive criticism is welcome, you can kick, but not on the head.

Do you love really high quality things? You will love the Sennheiser CX 300-II headphones. People buy them over and over again, even if they lose or break the device. The reason for the superiority of the device is its excellent music reproduction, which rarely can be surpassed by any headphones.


At first glance, everything in these headphones is as simple as possible: a common cable, two thin wires to the heads, tapering sound guides. But in fact, everything is thought out as functional as possible.

For storing the headphones, a cover with a self-closing "latch" is provided, like the device itself, the cover is available in two colors: black and white. There is a company logo on the side. Users note that even after several years of use, the case flaps slam shut easily and tightly, the headphones do not fall out and do not get lost in the bag.

The 7 best Sennheiser headphones

The owners of the device note that the headphones themselves are very small, just miniature. Heads with a rounded back easily fit into the auricle cavity. Therefore, they can be placed very tightly, having achieved ideal sound insulation.

By default, the heads are fitted with medium-sized ear pads. Silicone is soft, not worth a stake, sits well in the ear canal. The device comes with two more pairs of interchangeable ear pads.

Asymmetrical paired cables are not much thinner than the main wire. An elegant solution to the cable branching, the cord does not enter paired into the block, which prevents the appearance of breaks and kinks. The left wire is much shorter than the right; the length of the cord to the second earpiece is 1.2 meters. This allows you to throw the cable around your neck without worrying that its length will not be enough for comfortable listening.

The cable ends with a "L" -shaped plug. Although users note the significant strength of such a connection, there are still complaints that the cable breaks at the connection point. True, only after several years of use.

The wires themselves, despite their softness and flexibility, are strong enough, do not tan in the cold, retain the ability to bend without difficulty. It's a shame that this flexibility makes the wiring messy, causing some inconvenience to the owners of the device.

Features of operation

In order for the headphones to last as long as possible, experienced music lovers advise you to follow these steps:

  • Pump up your headphones. Listen to music on a professional player or amplifier capable of delivering a good portion of bass. And play music.
  • Wear headphones in a case, do not throw them into your pocket without protection. This will help prevent tangling and clogging of the sound guide.
  • Periodically clean the speaker mesh from earwax and debris.
  • Select the correct size ear pads. Take into account the natural asymmetry of the human body and put the ear cushion in the right ear more than in the left (if it is really necessary).

Those users who follow these guidelines claim that the Sennheiser CX 300-II is ideal for use. Almost 100% noise isolation, no discomfort from earplugs, heads do not fall out when turning the head and sudden movements.

The device works equally effectively with smartphones iOS, Android, as well as devices on Windows platform, computers, laptops and conventional push-button telephones.

Sound quality

The headphones are characterized by a flat frequency response, balanced frequency reproduction, soft sound. The stage is not wide, but it is there and it feels natural. Vocals are present, even a music lover or audiophile will check out the dynamics and purity of musical works.

10 best studio headphones

Most users leave positive feedback on the sound and operating features of the headphones:

  • “The low frequencies are not emphasized too much, so the sound is natural, natural. The sound is great. Thanks to soundproofing, nothing interferes with listening to audiobooks on the subway or on a noisy street. "
  • “A strong presence of volume. The bass is heard very deeply. There is a feeling that a group is playing right in the room. The headphones are very suitable for listening to rock music, both Russian and foreign performers, or at least melodies close to it. "
  • “The sound is clear and transparent. The scene is displayed perfectly, the vocals are clear. When playing the digital piano, it is convenient to select a melody by notes, half-tones and transitions are clearly audible. The bass is a little crushing, but not critical. "
  • “Atmospheric. I like to watch films in them, all explosions, shooting, unexpected sounds are reflected so naturally that the effect of presence appears. And also melodies in tense moments - sound very realistic, just goosebumps. Music is also comfortable to listen to, the ears do not get tired even after prolonged use. "

With the tops, sometimes you have to play a little in the equalizer. They are a little harsh, so when listening to electronic or classical music, it is better to lower the treble a little.


Sennheiser CX 300-II stereo headphones are deservedly considered one of the best in their price category. They are characterized by excellent noise isolation (as for all normal plugs with standard ear pads), which will delight music lovers listening to music on the way to work.

Senneheiser CX 300-II have balanced and clear sound with dense bass, it is worth noting the detail of the presentation, you will hear every harmonic of your favorite track! Headphone review, Where to buy ...

Good day to you! You are now reading a review of a very popular model in Ukraine. in-ear headphones from the renowned manufacturer Senneheiser CX 300-II Precision. These headphones have long received worldwide recognition for a reason, Senneheiser CX 300-II have a balanced and clear sound with dense bass, it is also worth noting the detail of the presentation, you will hear every harmonic of your favorite track! Next, we will analyze separately each of the advantages. Sennheiser headphones cx 300-ii Precision Black.

Quality of materials and workmanship

The strong point of all Senneheiser headphones is the build quality, there are no gaps between the parts, the materials are pleasant to the touch, you should pay special attention to the cable and plug of the Sennheiser CX 300- II, the cable is durable and has a special design at the plug, which allows you to extinguish the voltage and as a result, your headphones will serve you much longer! The cables in the model are made of oxygen-free OFC copper, which undoubtedly reflects on the sound quality.

Headphone delivery set

The package bundle is good news, it includes a stylish and durable leatherette case that will protect your Senneheiser Cx 300-II Precision. The set also includes three pairs of different silicone pads, with which you can make yourself an optimal fit in your ear.
Design, style
The headphones are made in a minimalist style, the cup is not large and at the same time does not fall out of the ear. The headphones have excellent noise isolation, putting on the Senneheiser Cx 300-II you will hear nothing but your favorite music! We believe the original Senneheiser Cx 300-II are well deserved the best choice in-ear headphones up to UAH 500

  • Connection type: Wired
  • Headphone type: In-ear
  • Operating frequency range: 18 - 21000 Hz
  • Wire length: 1.2 m
  • Package: Headphones themselves, case, pads (6 pcs.)
  • Colors available: Black, white, silver, red, pink
  • Additional information: Original in original packaging
  • Product warranty: 12 months

Where to buy: In the store you can purchase this model in Kiev and with delivery across Ukraine in original quality with a guarantee for only 349 UAH.

In this article, we will talk about fairly well-known headphones, which are available in two versions: Sennheiser CX 300 and CX 300-II Precision. They have long been called one of the best in their price category among the vacuum devices already available on the market. The technique is capable of giving out to the user high quality sound... Medium and low frequencies... The high ones deserve special praise. The average headphone cost is $ 35. According to consumer reviews, it is quite adequate and fully consistent with the quality.

The article will describe the advantages, disadvantages, separately the technical characteristics of the models (they are identical, differ from each other only in the frequency range), their design and how to distinguish a fake from the original.

general description

As already mentioned, there are two versions that are available on the market. The first model is the Sennheiser CX 300. It operates with a frequency range from 18 Hz to 21 thousand Hz. The second one (with index II) received minor design changes. For example, the cable and plug are more durable and the connector is gold-plated. This model is characterized by accurate and high-quality sound, and the frequency range is slightly reduced - from 19 Hz to 21 thousand Hz.

For which genres is it better to purchase these headphones? In the event that the consumer prefers to listen to classical compositions (dominated by violin, piano, etc.), the devices will definitely allow you to enjoy the sound. They are also useful for playing rock music and any other "live" genre. But with electronic compositions, both options are not "friendly", so you should not use headphones to listen to them.

Sennheiser CX 300-II Black at a glance

Headphones are an in-ear device. They are considered quite interesting. budget model, which quickly reveals the available abilities. The device fully justifies its cost. Consumers point out one thing in the main advantages - the quality of reproduction. After him, this list includes a long service life, comfort and convenience, good design. Specifications consider below.


The frequency range of the Sennheiser CX 300-II Black has already been indicated. Let's remind that it is concluded in the range from 19 to 21 thousand Hz. The impedance was 16 ohms, and the manufacturer set the sensitivity to 133 dB. The cable is not balanced. Its length was just over 1 meter. Of the features, it is necessary to note the presence of a case in the kit, three types of ear pads sizes, as well as gold-plated connectors.

CX 300 design

The headphones are sold in several colors, which are discussed below. The overall design is pretty nice and has minimalistic touches.

The Sennheiser CX 300 Black headphones look great with any type of clothing. Black looks elegant and beautiful.

The White model, as it is already clear, is decorated in a white tone. It does not put pressure on the eyes, it is in perfect harmony with a well-chosen clothing option. Such a device stands out favorably among others.

Sennheiser CX 300 Pink headphones are hard to find in stores. If you want to buy them, you will have to "sweat" to find this accessory.

Another rare design option is Red. These red headphones are really hard to find, but well worth it.

Sound quality

Headphones can be classified as ordinary earbuds, but they are in no way inferior to monitor devices, which are in the middle price range. This is due to their good characteristics... The German manufacturer offers consumers a wide range of frequencies. Your best bet is to use Sennheiser CX 300 Precision headphones with a powerful sound source, rather than with your phone or tablet. Since it is a computer or other powerful technique that can fully unleash the potential of the device. When listening to some compositions in the styles of rock or metal, no matter how good the sound, you sometimes feel excessive fading. Plus, special tracks can sound desaturated.

Due to the resistance of 16 ohms, the German company was able to get an even sound on each of the speakers. This clearly pleases many buyers. And the sensitivity provides good bass sound. They are high quality and bright.

Cable and plug

According to the reviews of professionals and ordinary consumers we can conclude that the headphones are comfortable and practical. This ensures not only a good and successful fit, but also a long wire. It stretches 1.2 meters. It allows you to store your phone or other sound source in your pocket, bag or backpack.

In order to connect to a gadget or computer, a special plug is used. It is represented by a standard 3.5 mm mini-jack. Since it is considered universal, it fits almost all modern gadgets.

What else can be noted unique? The cable has a special insulating material that provides strength. This is true - this fact is confirmed by customer reviews. Broken wires for these headphones are unrealistically rare.

How to distinguish a fake?

Often, the Sennheiser CX 300-II Precision headphones and their first modification are counterfeited by Chinese companies. What is it fraught with? Poor build quality, sound quality, as well as a short operating life.

That is why it is important to be able to distinguish a fake from the original. What makes it stand out? The counterfeit will have a brighter box or case. The original plugs are thick. The fake one got very thin dimensions. The protective grille, which is located under the ear cushions, is denser in the authentic Sennheiser CX 300-II Precision. The shipping boxes are also different. The original one has special notches on the body so that it can be installed in an upright position. The fake one is not equipped with such nuances. The non-original box also stands out in that it does not have warranty information.

Positive feedback on the models

Both models have the same important plus - the highest quality sound that can generally be achieved on devices in this price category. Due to good bass and reverb, the product received an excellent sound transmission. This will play into the hands of those consumers who love to listen to "live" genres of music.

The Sennheiser CX 300-II headphones impress with their excellent workmanship as well as the reliability of the materials. In general, due to this, the device is able to live for about 3 years, which is an excellent indicator. The German company fully confirms its quality. The wire does not break. Funny statistics: even those who had incidents that led to a breakdown go to the store for the same model.

Headphones are quite comfortable due to the use of an asymmetrical cable. Few consumers are aware that this does not create an additional burden, and the ears do not get tired.

Noise isolation at the maximum level. No sounds are heard from the surrounding world. And the best part is that people nearby will not be able to understand what kind of music the user is listening to.

It is possible to change the ear pads. This plus is quite controversial for some. After all, all expensive headphones have this feature. But you need to clarify - budget ones do not always please people like that.

The fit of the headphones is good. They do not put pressure on the ears and after prolonged use do not start to bring discomfort. The device is comfortable and weighs very little.

The design is even more pleasing. At first glance, it may seem that they are much more expensive than they really are. And this feeling appears precisely from the appearance.

Consumers do not forget to mention the package bundle as well. It includes a leather case, which has a holder, is devoid of any buttons and a lock. Ear pads are also supplied.

Negative consumer reviews

Consumers note that the models do not have a clip for attaching to clothes. However, it saves that the Sennheiser CX 300 headphones received an asymmetric cable.

Distortion in the treble and midrange is sometimes heard when listening to rock tracks. Noises may appear in the drum parts. But not all consumers complain about this. Some simply do not pay attention, while others are saved by an optimally tuned equalizer.

The manufacturer did not provide a control panel, and the model cannot be used as a headset (no microphone). There is not even a banal song on / off button.


The Sennheiser CX 300 headphones, like their successors, are robust and reliable. According to consumer reviews, it can be concluded that the operational period is quite long. If the preference has fallen to the second version of the headphones, then you need to notice - this model has additional reinforcement. The average life span was about 3 years. If you handle the device as carefully and accurately as possible, then this figure can be easily multiplied by two. To enjoy the full potential of the Sennheiser CX 300 headphones and maximize their capabilities, you need to warm up.