Repair headset with your own hands. How to repair headphones at home? detailed instructions

How often it happens that recently purchased headphones begin to "clutch". The sound in one of the starting is to be completed with wheezing, interference, and over time there may be a precipice. Is it possible to repair headphones or need to be attributed to service centerIs it time to buy new? First you can try to fix them yourself.

How to repair headphones yourself?

So, before we tell you how to fix the headphones, if one of them stopped working, we give a list of the necessary tools and materials for this.

If the headphones assume the presence of small cogs, you need a screwdriver of the desired size. In addition, a stationery knife and lighter is needed. Probably you will need a tape or epoxy adhesive for connecting torn wires. You can also connect the parts with a soldering iron and heat shrink tubes. Also does not interfere with the multimeter helps to find a break place.

So, how to fix the headphones, if one does not work? Most often, the breakdown happens due to a breaking inside the cord or simply low build quality. To eliminate these malfunctions, special skills and knowledge will not need. You need to first find out the exact location of the problem.

If the sound in the headset was accompanied by noises and interference, and over time, the sound in it completely disappears, you need to walk along the cord with your fingers, connecting the headphones and turning the sound. Particularly carefully pass the folds of the folds and the entry area of \u200b\u200bthe wire in the headphone. When you come across a problem, you will hear a characteristic sound.

Depending on where the breakdown is located, your further actions can develop in several scenarios. If a break inside the headphone, you need to reveal it. If the headphone is on screws, spin them. The small headphones-droplets are often simply glued on the sides, so they can be opened with the tip of a conventional knife.

To determine the place of gap in an open earphone, walk through the cord and listen to the sound at this time. When you find a place, cut the wire below it, clean it up and solder the connection to the previous place.

Many headphones are tied to the knot, therefore before soldering the wires, also tie them. Before assembling headphones, check again in them. You can glue them back using epoxy glue.

If the reason is that one ear does not work - in the cliff inside the plug, before fixing the headphones, you need to find the place of the cliff. Similarly, go through your fingers over the wire and listen to the sound. When you find a problem place, you will need to get to the inner wire to trim it.

Pre-clean the plug from the rubber, find the connection location of the connector and the wires, cut the non-working site and will be built on the new. Restore the exposure place with epoxy glue. You can additionally wind the plug on top of threads or put on a thick plastic sheath from another wire.

How to use a multimeter?

If you did not manage to find a breakdown with pricking and Wire flexions, use the special device. It can be bought in the electronics store or lend from acquaintances.

Set the multimeter in this way: set it to check the electrical conductivity, insert the black dipstick into the hole with the margin of som, and the red - into the hole with the mark ω, ma or))).

Test wires by a multimeter: it will publish a squeak in places where there are no breaks. Just apply it you need to wire without winding. It you need to carefully remove on two small sites - next to the plug and next to the headset. If the multimeter will squeeze near the plug, then the problem is in the headphone, and vice versa.

It often happens that almost new headphones break. Of course, throwing out them very pity, especially if they are not cheap.

If you know how to keep a soldering iron in your hands, then surely you will not work to repair them yourself. In this article, I will tell you how to do it.

The most frequent breakdown of headphones is the wire oven, the connector or the headphones themselves.

If the location fails to be detected visually, then you need to connect headphones to the player and turn on the music at full volume, and then gradually from the connector to the dynamics to move the wire until the headphones appear cracks or the music does not play.

So, the location of the breakage is defined, carefully cut off the connector or headphone. That part where the wire is already harpsky, too, it is advisable to cut off.

Now the wire must be cleared

Since the wires in the headphones have a very resistant spraying, it is advisable to gently burn the tips of the wires. It will greatly facilitate the soldering process.

1) If the breakbox has a connector. We take the connector and gently cut off the entire plastic from it.

We see the contacts to which we need to solder the wire, solder.

Insulating contacts small quantity Thermoclaning, and on top we wear a heat shrink.

2) If the gap from the headset. We need to some way open the headphone housing. Most often enough just to carefully reveal it with a knife.

But if he does not succumb, then we take a piece of the old chamber, we wake on the body and cut it out of all the sides of all sides in the vice or passage. After this operation, it must easily open.

Sweep old wires.

We soldily new, without forgetting to push them through the top of the case. We collect the housing and if necessary, then sit it on glue.

Many people who regularly enjoy MP3 players and mobile phonesFor listening to music through headphones, they probably got into a situation when in one of the headphones or immediately in both, suddenly the music stopped playing. What could be the problem? 90%, this is a break of one of the lives of the headphones. Very often, the opening happens near the plug, that is, in the place where the wire during operation is often subjected to bending. There is a topic on this topic, but I decided to add something from myself.

Photo - Insert headphones

I have been bought high-quality headphones - Inserts that mercilessly exploited) during the last 2 - 3 years. About a month 2 years ago, sounded sound in one of the headphones.

Plastic plug

You can determine the place of the cliff by turning on the player and by bending the wire of the headphones, slowly moving from the plug to the headphones as soon as the sound appears, it means in this place and there is a break. Thus, the place of damage on the wire was determined, it turned out, as in the most common case, near the plug.

Metal Headphone Plug

Plug Jack 3.5 You can buy in any radio car market, there is a choice for every taste, both in the plastic case, cheap and in fully metallic, more expensive.

The following figure shows the split plug conclusions Jack 3.5 :

It is advisable, only if the headphones are high-quality, with relatively thick veins. Cheap headphones, with thin wings it makes no sense to reflect, they will last long after the repair. Determine the cross section of the veins, you can feed the wire with your fingers. If the wire is easily beaten and very soft, most likely there are the casualties there, and plastic insulation occupies most of the wire. In the wire there are 3 or 4 veins, of which one or two, connected together, it is minus or a shared wire, and on one alkalo on the left and on the right channel. Sometimes, if there are pets in the house, in particular, cats, which, as you know, love all the wires to try tooth, wiring there are smoother. In this case, the part of the wire that was damaged is biteled with a small margin, it is cleaned and nicknamed by a multimeter in sound transk mode. If the wire is then the wire and the length allows you to connect the soldering, they span the wires. The location of the wire connections is insulated with slices of isol or tape, and after this place is a piece of heat shrinking.

The heat shrinking is most often sitting after heating in diameter 2 times. In order to prevent it, you need to warm up a lighter, or if there is a soldering hair dryer, you can use it. If the cliff was near the headphone, you can operate with a knife with a knife, cut the wire, ring, make sure that the break is eliminated and reappeared. After soldering, the earphone can be easily assembled using second-hand glue.

Also installing the multimeter to the resistance measurement mode of 200 ohms, you can ring the headphones through the plug. That is, we ring the resistance of the wires, together with the fallen speakers of headphones, when touched by the leads of the multimeter to the plug contacts. Resistance during a call, on the multimeter screen can be different from 8 to 30 and more. This means that the channel worker and the sound in the headphone will be. If one on the multimeter screen, it means in the wiring. When assembling a headset, you need to not forget to tie a cable with a node, this node will not give out the wire from the headphone when tensioning. The following figure shows a compound scheme:

This figure shows a connection of wires with a plug and speakers. The speaker itself, as everyone knows, consists of a permanent magnet and a membrane with a coil of dynamics pasted on it. The ends of the coil are soldered to contacts on the dynamics. The coil remind, it is nicknamed by a multimeter in an ohmmeter mode, which means that when we touch the shorts of the multimeter to the plug contacts, we measure its resistance, or in other words we are convinced that the chain plug - the wire - the headphone is closed, and from headphones when connected to the player will go sound. In the same way, in the presence of a multimeter, but the absence of a signal source (player or telephone), you can check any headphones on working capacity. The author of the instruction is AKV.

Sooner or later, each person will face the fact that the headphones for the phone (or one headphone) cease to work and think about the question: "How to fix headphones?". For this simple process, you need to stockday, knowledge and required tools.

What if one headphone does not work?

When the headphones broke down, it is necessary to take up the multimeter / tester / voltmeter. Testing is done by checking wires. A characteristic sound that makes equipment makes it informs the owner that there are no closens in the wires. But silence clearly makes it clear that the problem lies just in the headphone cable. Therefore, to check the integrity of the wires, it is best to use any tester to determine the reason for which one headphone has ceased to work.

How to test:

  1. Near the plug and the dynamics of the headphone are made two cuts.
  2. After that, a protective winding will be visible on the wires. It is usually transparent. Winding need to be removed. All this needs to be done neatly.
  3. To make sure the integrity of the wire must be taken for measuring equipment. If it is a multimeter, then you need to place a black and red dipstick in places of section. If the characteristic sysk is heard, then the wires are integers.
  4. If the measuring equipment continues to publish sound, then you need to make another incision between the first two. This action must be repeated until the multimeter detects the place of breakage.
  5. Thus, gradually making cuts, you can narrow the circle of searches to a cable site in a couple of centimeters.
  6. If the multimeter continues to make sounds on all sections of the cable, then the problem is not in it.

The wire broke into the headphones. How to fix?

Is it possible to fix the headphones if the cable broke?

  1. First of all, if the headphones do not work, it is necessary to take care of the removal of isolation and the protective winding. This will require special plugs (or knife). It is enough to clear a total of 1.25 centimeters, and then continue the incision already in the desired direction in order to find the place of breakfast or breaking the wires.
  2. It should be borne in mind that the headphones from the phone are usually common from two wires that are connected together. Each wire, there is still a zoomed (signal) and bare (ground) wires.
  3. Now it's time to cut the wire from headphones. It must be cut exactly in half. It may be that the wire splits. In order to avoid electric damage to the cord, you need to shorten both halves of the cord on the same length.
  4. If only one wire is broken, you can proceed to the spike bypassing the circumcision and splicing. This will reduce the time, but the result will be the same.
  5. After the manipulations carried out, you need to wear a shrink tube. She looks like a headphone insulation.
  6. After that, it is necessary to trim the protective winding.
  7. Twist wires.
  8. Separate all connections.
  9. Heat the heat shrink tube with a hairdryer in order to complicate in size.

Repair of headphones without soldering iron

By the way, when the headphones broke, some people wonder "Is it possible to repair headphones without a soldering iron?" The answer is simple - no. All details of the headset will need to be soldered. Therefore, if headphones broke or if one does not work without this important tool, do not do.

Place repair

If the reason why the headphones do not work are not in the cable, then the plug from the headphones broke down. Then the question arises "how to fix the plug?". To repair it will have to buy a new item. It is important to pay attention to the number of contacts. Plugs from headphones can be divided into two groups - monophonic and stereo.

So, after purchasing a new plug, the first thing you need to get rid of the old one. If it is twisted, then half of the problems are removed by itself. But if the plug from the headphones is soldered to the wires, then it will be necessary to cut it gently.

Now you need to bargain the wires directly the cable itself. After that, separate all the wires from each other and twist their ends. Then connect the copper wire to the sleeve. Other two wires to connect with a ring and tip. These are two other contacts on the plug.

The main thing is to connect only the copper wire to the sleeve, and the other two wires can be connected in any order. There are no special color code for them. After that you need to connect and exhibit. If nothing does not work, then, it means that something is incorrectly connected.

How to repair headphones with sound adjustment or with microphone

The headphones with the microphone are practically no different from everyone else, but in order to know what to do need to have some ideas about how the microphone button or the sound controller works. The reasons for which such headphones break the same as the ordinary headset - damage to the wire, plug or one headphone.

In rare cases, the wire can simply stretch out. In this case, the scene can be determined to the touch, as the wire decreases in thickness. To get rid of this defect you need to clean the wires, hold them over fire (this is necessary in order to remove the protective lacquer), it is possible to fill ends and solder them. For additional protection, you can use "Cambrick" by placing it in place of soldering.

If the microphone began to transmit the sound of the worst quality, it is possible to disassemble it and wipe the microphone head with alcohol, but it is important to ensure that the fibers of the fabric do not remain on the surface. Dust, dirt or moisture adversely affects this item.

Video instruction

Since the process of repairing headphones is quite complicated best to be guided by video:

This video describes in detail the whole process. Bursting time, patience and necessary tools to fix the headphones with the microphone.

In contact with

Hello everyone! Probably, everyone came across such a problem: they bought headphones to themselves ... Just listening to their favorite music through them. And then Batz! And one headphone channel stopped working. It's a shame. But we will not let snot and run to the store for others. After all, we are radio amateurs (yes, yes, it is with a capital letter), people proud, and we cannot afford it. So, proceed. For sale now there are such collapsible plug 3.5 mm "Mini Jack". Of course, their quality has recently leaves much to be desired. And now, recently, I gave me one familiar to fix headphones (cheap, Chinese). I did not have to see the plug, so you have to take the collapsible mentioned above.

To begin with cutting / bite some wires:

After removing some isolation, whatever the wires seem:

Gently burn the lacquer insulation of all 3 wires (somewhere half).

After that, we clean it with a knife or scissors. Unfortunately, it did not work out this, but the essence is simply clear - we apply the wire to the finger and the unsilering movements we clean the wires from the burnt varnish.

Now the stripped wire is perch in flux (if any), you can do without it, the wires are faster with it (the wires with the rosin are longer).

We do so that the solder's droplet hung on a soldering iron, and in it, so to speak, heating the wire until he walked. Here are already loving wires:

Now, you need to skip the wire through the plug housing. Since it often happens, everything soldered, but forgotten the case - and you have to unpack everything back ( yes, so 10 times it was approx. Editorial). Now we solder: wire without color (transparent) isolation (lacquer) i.e. minus (general), solder in the middle:

After, we solder two other wires - two pluses, blue or red, or red with green, to side contacts:

Now crimp the wire with two petals:

We screw the plug housing in your place, and ready - we yourself fixed the headphones!

P.S. . Little Lifehak: If you want the spring to not climb inside the case, putting a little effort, we slightly pull it out and scroll through it a little counterclockwise, as it goes on, it will be stuck there. And now the spring does not run there and here.

Thus, almost any plug is revealed - microphone, from the headset, other audio equipment and so on. Thanks for attention! Author - Admin4638..

Addition to the article:

  1. If there is an opportunity, it is better to use the existing connector if he survived or similar from more or less nothes (but already dead, otherwise why everything is crying?) South. Because According to the experience, new connectors come across a rarity substantial. Contacts there are compressed and quite weak.
  2. Since it is used by an old connector, it needs to be cleaned of isolation (I cut the stationery knife for a seam formed by a press form), to go to the platforms of the soldering (usually everything, except the mass, is there; the mass will have to be slightly cleaned and irradiated). At the same time, not forgetting about the heat shrink on the center (L) and the average (P).
  3. By the way, if there are veins in a non-rigorous polymer, as in the example, then at stripping a knife, the veins are damaged, and if it is also oxygen-free copper, then it is broken at times, therefore we need to run simply by incrusting such an end without stripping in the tin. The polymer from heating is partially gluite cable for a sufficient length for soldering (about 2 mm).
  4. For beauty, homogeneity and waterproofing, you can pour into it a thermoclaus before shrinking the upper layer of heat shrinking, with a shrinkage, the excess glue gets out - you can or immediately remove with toilet paper (the universal cleaner of any surfaces is almost from any contamination) or cut down the hardening. Over the second-thirds will be prompted simply masterpieces :)

P.S. The donors of the connector served in their time inserts KOSS with gold-plated jack - it is compact, beautiful and high-quality. And the cosos of these from listening to the maximum simply aroused the dynamics, by the way, the valuable source of neodymium magnets - washers. Thanks for attention. Ringo aka Paul to.