How to make a dust filter for a computer with your own hands? Computer protection from dust The best enclosures with a computer protection from dust.

Advanced users need to be regularly peeking inside the system unit to replace the components to newer, add a hard drive or a new extension board. When opening the lid, it becomes immediately clear: whether the owner of the computer follows. If there are large dust clubs and they strive to get into the respiratory bodies, it is not very good. Some people have an allergic reaction to dirt particles and a dead layer of epidermis.

Particles with friction on each other are capable of accumulating static electricity. When closed by motherboard Or another board is quite possible to exit its failure.

1 Way of protection: expensive

So that dust does not get inside need to buy system unit With removable dust filters. Usually they are put on the front of the housing below (sucking cool air inside the system meter). Then everything comes down to once a week or two to slip them with water and put back (drying pre-). This is the most efficient and beautiful way to reduce the amount of dust inside the computer to the insignificant mass.

Any refinement of the housing without removable filters will not look harmonious and will not be so functional.

2 Way of protection: Prudial

If you have old housing And you do not want to invest in its update, or spend money, then take the usual medical bandage (in the first-aid kit of each family it should be). Fold it into several layers and attach it to the place where the air is suced to your computer. It will not be very not very, the functionality will also be not great (because the bandage passes most of the dust), but quickly and free.

3 Way of protection: functional

There are special filters on the adhesive basis, for example, self-protein. This is the same material that is used by manufacturers of buildings. One side of the filter is attached to the opening of the system unit. At the same time, it is important:

  1. Need to cleaned the surface from various contaminants
  2. It is convinced that the surface is smooth (it is impossible to glue angles, because over time it will fall off)
  3. You need to press not with the whole palm, but to press one finger across the area (for greater pressure per unit area)

Dust is one of the main enemies of computers and laptops. It is she who scores the fan, settles on important "courses", including on the processor, without giving them to cool, which is a frequent cause of breakage. It is possible to deal with this by periodic cleaning of the system unit, the "filling" of a laptop from dust. However, this is a very nervous process: you need to disassemble the device, blow from the inside with a vacuum cleaner, some details are cleaned manually. Therefore, many turn to another output from the situation - a dust filter for a computer. We will analyze with you both purchased options and those that you can do yourself.

What is dangerous dust?

As we have already mentioned, the accumulation of dust inside to overheating the elements of the system. And this is fraught with the following:

  • Increases the number of fan speed. And this is not only excess noise, but also the reason for its emergency breakdown - the mechanism begins to work at the limit.
  • Condensers are faced on the motherboard, power supply, video card.
  • Trying to protect the processor from overheating, the system activates the mechanism that reduces its performance. This leads to an annoying "hanging". And in emergency cases, when the heating of the processor reaches the critical stage, the computer is completely turned off.
  • Dust can cause short circuit, static breakdown on a microcircuit.

All of the above requires serious repair, which will be explicitly more expensive than a dust filter for a computer, even purchased. What is it so useful, consider further.

What distinguishes a dust filter for a computer?

What you meet in stores is a canvas of a special aircraft material with some embodiments of the attachment to the system block body, a laptop. Producers of dust filters for a computer in Minsk, and many other cities, promise to potential buyers the following:

  • Long years of product service.
  • Nearly 90% air filtration quality.
  • Small aerial resistance.
  • Adjustable size and shape. In most cases, a large fleet roll is sold, from which you yourself can cut a dust filter for a computer 120 mm x 170 mm or other sizes you need.
  • Easy installation - basically the back of the material is adhesive, so it is quite simple to install on the system unit.
  • Additional noise absorption.
  • Protection from entering the insect device.

What does the protective canvas provide?

In general, all dust filters for PCs and laptops are obliged to provide the following:

  • Reliable protection of the "filling" of the hull from dust.
  • Stable low temperature of the processor (and it heats up not so much from high performance, how much from the dust on it).
  • Long work of components provided by almost ideal conditions inside the hull.

What are the dust filters?

It turns out that protective canvases differ in their main function. Consider their varieties on the example of dust filters for Selfkin's computer, according to the manufacturer developed on the basis of patented technology. Type Here are three:

  • Thin cleaning. Material is polyurethane foam with open cells. Filtration efficiency up to 90% - canically hold dust up to 5 microns. This allows you to achieve perfect cleanliness inside the "Sistemnik".
  • Long service. Material - nonwoven fibrous polyester. It provides both excellent filtration, as well as good dust. This canvas helps the computer for a long time costs without maintenance.
  • Low resistance. The material is a wicker grid made of polyester. She is better than the rest of the air, which helps it minimally influence the temperature of the processor case. A few more filter features: protection against insects, the possibility of installation on a laptop, netbook, between the fan and the housing.

Installation capabilities

It is allowed to install two filter at once: long service and fine cleaning. The first will capture large dust, the second is small. Due to the large capacity of the long service canvase, the fine cleaning barrier will be concentrated on the collection of small particles, while minimally polluting.

Filter cleaning

It goes without saying that the cleansing canvas will eventually be clogged with dust and polluted. Of course, you can remove the old filter and replace it with a new one. But it is easy and cleaned it:

  • The easiest and gentle way - without removing from the computer, speaking. So you do not damage the adhesive layer.
  • More serious cleaning is removed and washing in warm water. Next - natural drying. Somewhere the adhesive layer will endure such a test, somewhere you have to install a new one. Not all filters can be washed in a typewriter with powder or soap. Dust is perfectly washed out with a simple rinsing in the water.

And now we'll turn close to how to make dust filters for a computer with their own hands.

Homemade protective barrier

It is unreasonable to overpay for what is easy and quickly can be found and done by the sirructural materials. In addition, dust filters for a computer are available in the presence of each office equipment store - you will have to spend time on orders, bypassing a lot of points in their search.

Imagine you the most reliable and simple options:

  • Fan, cooling processor, inside the housing itself mounted on the fan itself. More precisely, first the mechanism is installed on the mechanism from the wire - so that a piece of the female stocking is not sucking into the blade. Blizzard itself is mounted using plastic screeds.
  • The inner layer of a medical mask (for the power supply housing). Fastened to a wide scotch (it is best to use the reinforced) on top of the fan grille - it is only necessary to cut suitable to the size of the canvas.
  • Medical gauze. It is best to use for a vertical power supply at a blow. Create material can be conventional stationery tape. It is also important to close all the slots and holes in the adhesive tape so that the dust does not pass through them bypassing the filter.

Such primary means are protected both fans and the "filling" of the system unit from the ingress of dust inwards are not worse than purchased tools. It can also be used to further protect the synthet board, but not more than three layers - a more dense concentration will make it difficult to accumulate air exchange.

Before making a dust filter for a computer and install it, check out these useful recommendations:

  • Do not use too dense materials in the hope that they will definitely not allow dust into the computer. So you are more aggravated by the situation: the air exchange will decrease, which will contribute to overheating. Before using one or another canvase, spend a small effective test - try to breathe through it. If it is easy, then the material is suitable.
  • Think away the filter installation so that it can not get into the fan blades and block it. This can lead to a device breakdown and replacing it.
  • If possible, reduce the cooler. But to a reasonable feature. Everything is simple here: the less air he drives, the less dust settles.
  • Reducing air flow can be compensated. For example, installing improved thermal paste.
  • Nutulic filters from auto shops will rise as the material for the protective barrier.

Fencing Filling Computer from Dust - Warranty long work Devices. Special dust filters will help in this, which can be both bought in stores, and independently make it from girlfriend.

Hardened on the windows attached a mosquito net, after which the material remained and the idea with his device arose.

We make a filter for the fan in 10 minutes and almost free

This article was transferred by me from the old DNS blog (which will be shortly closed) and updated to the current state.

Just yesterday I spent the global cleaning system. I bought a compressed air cylinder and disassemble the entire Sat (system unit) began to get rid of dust, at the same time replacing the thermal interface on the processor. Thanks to the "harmonicker", about which I wrote earlier, my video card remains always clean due to the presence inside the duct mesh-filter. Yesterday I had an idea about closing access for dust. Naturally decided to buy filters on the coolers and stopped at it.

Today, working with the grid, I remembered yesterday and decided to use the remnants of filters for fans.

So briefly will tell the principle of manufacture.

Take a sheet of paper. It is desirable from an album for drawing - they are a little thicker than ordinary A4 sheets for office equipment, which will allow the future filter to be more hard.

Next, cut out the squares. 2 such filters need 2. The size of the squares depend on the fan. If he is 80x80, then the paper square makes the size of the 90x90. We extend the filter. We so that after the cutting of the circle, we have some paper on the sides, i.e. A peculiar "edge edge." Then note the center of symmetry of the square (I hope that everyone visited the lessons of geometry at school and know what it is). From this center we carry out a circle with a radius of 38 mm. The number is taken to make the filter stronger to wear. Then cut the circle. It turned out 2 square bagels. They praise themselves for such incredible confectionery, made in my recipe, and continue on.

Then, in the size of the paper, cut out the mosquito net (I swam in the store by 50p. Per 1 meter). And they cut some small corners for the same halves of paper well glued. We scroll each leaf, put the grids between them and glue. Slightly stroke and dried. All this must go successfully if you are in children's garden did not skip appliqué classes. When the design is driving, we put the fan on the filter and mark the holes of the holes under the bolts, and then cut them out.

For fans of other sizes, the principle of manufacture is similar, but with modified sizes. The main algorithm is already outlined.

After you can paint the paper in any color or in the color of the computer case. Filters can now be located both between the valve and the case and the case and the fan. Preferably the first option, because In this case, the cooler will not be contaminated. I put the filter to the "harmonica".

That's what happened to me:

Conclusions about the work done:


1.Deshevna. An ordinary filter costs from 50 to 100 rubles. Our cost is almost free if you consider that the grid is bought on the window. But even if you buy a grid to filters, then when you recalculate one filter, the amount will be ridiculous. In fact, it turns out for free.

2. Estate. I took 10 minutes to make one filter. Filters I made 2. The second was for a cooler with a size of 120x120. Earlier on this cooler, a grid was hoping from a bag of garlic. The grid there with more than more cells and dust it stopped very well. The cooler was almost in perfect condition.

3. Efficiency. Purchased filters are more dense and do not pass so well. Our filter air flows better, stopping dust.

4. Compact. The filter is very thin and you can put it anywhere.


1. Discovered

2. Discovered

3. Do not feel

4. Do not see

I hope to someone use my experience.

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Dust is one of the main enemies of your computer. As if we follow the cleanliness, whatever do - all the same, the dust from the air is drawn by a computer, preventing it from working, and you make you constantly sneeze.

websiteascended advice on how easy it is to clean the computer from dust and dirt with the help of remedies.

1. Wipe the screen

Do not use products containing alcohol, ammonia or acetone. These aggressive fluids are able to erase the paint from the buttons and can easily damage the screen, especially if it is equipped with an anti-reflective coating.

To prepare a universal cleaning liquid at home, mix equal parts of water and white vinegar. Use this solution to slightly wet (but not dip!) The napkin that you wipe the computer.

3. Get rid of scratches

Garbage and dust from the keyboard are easy to remove with the help of ordinary