Templates. Making a group and a reception in a kindergarten with your own hands Beautiful templates for children's lists

1. Select a picture. 2. Paste text into the box. 3. Print. And that's it!

A modern teacher is a designer, director, actor, author, psychologist. This series can be continued, each of the incarnations requires knowledge, skills, talent and, most importantly, time. 24 hours a day are not enough for our educators to put brilliant ideas into the material form of posters, folders, sliders, schedules, lists, memos, menus, announcements and congratulations.

MAAM provides you with the "Templates" service, which allows you to design your printed materials quickly, stylishly and professionally.

Advantages of "Templates" site:

Built-in text editor. We chose a template - entered the text - printed it out.

Professional style. Any printed material takes on the appearance of a publication that came out of the designer's hands. This makes it possible to design the interior, event, reporting in the same style.

Updating and adding new materials. You can add new pages to a report, report, folder-slider and any other printed publication, update, change the title page or a page that has lost its relevance.

Author's text. Materials with ready-made text, which can be found in abundance on the Internet, often do not meet the requirements of the time and the tastes of the teachers themselves. Using the author's text makes your work meaningful and unique.

Editing and resizing. The template service allows you to select the desired design, change the font size, choose left alignment or center alignment.

Program availability. No knowledge required to use the service special programs: photoshop, graphic editors. Anyone who can type the text will cope with its design without any problems.

Saving time.

Ability to save the finished document on your computer or immediately print from the Internet.

How it works:

The program is intuitive and does not require long preparation.

1. Frame selection. Our designers have developed 6 pages in each template: a title page, a frame, three types of frames with horizontal bottom pictures, a frame with a vertical picture.

2. Adding and editing text. Hover over the template and click on the text area to add your text and title. If the header is not needed, it can be disabled on the template.

3. Printing or saving the finished document.

By following the above simple steps, you will get a colorful printed document, saving time and money.

Educator MADOU No. 203 "Kindergarten of a combined type", Kemerovo.

This work is intended for preschool teachers, this is the design of the group and the reception.

Kindergarten is a special institution, it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm. The lack of material resources for the purchase of various equipment, games contributes to the development of creativity of educators.

This is my second year with my group. The group got unkempt. But I tried to do everything possible to make the children comfortable and interesting, so that they enjoyed every day they lived in our group.

Form "Our group". The squirrel and umbrella are made of ceiling tiles, painted with water-based paint with the addition of multi-colored colors.

Also in the reception there was a stand for children and parents “You can’t bring it to kindergarten” (as practice shows, very useful information).

To congratulate children on their birthday, I made a cake with corrugated paper candles.

Algorithm for dressing (we hang clothes according to the seasons) and putting clothes in a locker.

This design is "Funny Pencils" for the art corner.

I make a lot of benefits from waste material. Pencil in the corner of ISO (from toilet paper rolls).

These are attributes for the role-playing games “Shop”, “Daughters - mothers: dumplings, dumplings, fried eggs, cakes, pastries, sausages, sausages, noodles, carrots.

The design of the play corner is also made of ceiling tiles and painted with water-based paint.

Corner for the study and consolidation of traffic rules.

Corner "We are on duty" and "Learning to set the table."

Corner "Ryazhenye" ​​and "Barbershop".

This is our hospital.

Decoration of the corner of "Nature".

Cognitive zone and mini-museum "Burenushka".

Formation of the center of knowledge.

▫ I remembered. And all I hear is the tea rose Why did the tea rose yearn so? In her dreams, she dreamed of crimson sisters. She took pity on them, tea rose. She was encouraged by the leaden clouds... Oh! the moisture is invigorating, the tea rose... With breath watered the purple sunsets And the babble of twilight the tea rose... New aspirations melted in her breast They were sung by a random tea rose. I. Severyanin 6655173-a151550
▫ Nina Nikolaevna, they never get up with me. BUT I don’t bother about this, information is important for me first of all, and visualization is secondary.))) You correctly noticed this about elegance. I prefer to give tea roses.))) I smile because it is a symbol of innocence, first love, falling in love ... Such roses are most often given by men when they are embarrassed to express their feelings. Women who like tea roses are distinguished by modesty, shyness, simplicity and purity.
▫ Thank you, Igor Vyacheslavovich, for a piece of knowledge on my page! Galinochka! And THANK YOU for the courage and patience that fell to your lot in my absence on the portal, for supporting the conversation. I also heard a lot of interesting things from your lips. I agree with you in everything, especially regarding the fact that everyone has the right to their own opinion. I thought that on quarantine days I would have more time to visit the portal. But how wrong I was! We sit with our boys for online lessons and there is no end to them. We sympathize with all teachers! She ran, as always, for a minute. GOOD EVENING everyone!
▫ O genius of music! The wave of longing is growing! Send me a living combination of consonances: I have not drained your fresh cup to the bottom. I did not kill the boundless suffering in my heart! More, more please! Like a noisy waterfall, Send me a brilliant cascade of sonorous jets! The tender violet longingly waits for the mist, So that it fills its cup with dew, So it is that I long for a momentary deceit Of unearthly accords with their wondrous beauty. And now they ring... I merge with them again... I'm happy... I'm trembling... I'm crying... I'm suffocating... Percy Bysshe Shelley Thank you, Marina Osipovna! Friends! In the evening I will definitely plunge into the musical world of the ever-living and healing classics! I wish you all the BEST EVENING at your favorite piano! 6605206-a151550
▫ Thank you, Igor Vyacheslavovich. This post resonates deeply with my soul. Of course, there were not enough pictures in it, without which none of my posts and comments can do. As, by the way, lyrics and music too. But we're making these adjustments. (with a smile) Let's start from your last comment about pink roses. Pink roses are a symbol of elegance and sophistication. Pink is the color with the richest range of shades, the combination of which is used to compose complex, promising and often eloquent messages. You can express gratitude by presenting a gift of roses of bright pink or cherry color. At the same time, you can express a feeling of sympathy by giving soft pink flowers of unopened roses. 6568289-a151550