Remote work on sorting images. A scam with sorting photos - but people come across! Making money sorting images

Chapters of the article:

One of the biggest challenges in storing digital photos is their sheer volume. They fill up quickly HDD computer and have to be stored somewhere else. After some time, it’s hard to remember where to look for them. If you need to show your photos, their selection becomes impossible without constant search and sorting.

But that's not all. There are other problems, which are described in detail in the article "", and they must be solved. The simplest thing that can be done to put things in order in the photo archive is to reduce the volume of incoming photos by sorting them and carefully selecting them at the entrance to the photo archive (Fig. 1).

For long-term storage, this is the stage from which the organization of a convenient and reliable photo archive begins. Everything connected with them will depend on which photos remain in the photo archive. This is the quality of the photos themselves, the possibility quick search in the photo archive, its protection, your time, funds and much more.

Fig. 1 Sorting, selection and removal unnecessary photos frees up a lot of useful space.

Sorting and selecting photos is a tricky job. It takes a lot of time and patience. In order to facilitate this work, you need to perform it in steps that determine the algorithm for your actions. And before you start implementing it, you first need to remember seven basic rules that will help you do this more efficiently.

Photo sorting and selection rules

1. Emotions are the enemy of analysis.

You only need to sort out photos of one photo session at a time. This makes it easier to concentrate on the topic and tune in to the analysis of the photos. Sorting and selecting other photos requires a different mindset.

2. Don't procrastinate.

It is advisable to start sorting and selecting photos immediately after they have been taken, while the details of photography and emotional mood are retained in the memory. And also so as not to take up useful space.

3. Follow the sequence.

When sorting and selecting photos, you need to adhere to an algorithm of actions that will help you tune in psychologically and carry out this work faster.

4. Do not be influenced.

When sorting and selecting photos, do not be influenced by anything. For example, the momentary mood, the impact of the subject of the photograph, or the opinion of other people.

5. Don't analyze all photos.

It is necessary to analyze photos during sorting and selection only after all duplicates and obvious defects have been removed. This will simplify the task of selecting good photos many times.

6. Do not permanently delete.

Before sorting and selecting photos, you need to create a temporary storage folder for deleted photos for them. They will still be needed for comparison with the selected photos, after which they can be deleted.

7. Compare only two photos.

The selection of photos for sorting can be described very simply. It is necessary to compare two similar frames and remove the worst one. Compare the remaining frame with the next, etc. There are no two best similar shots!

Algorithm for selecting photos for storage

Fig.2 Algorithm for sorting and selecting photos.

Emotional attitude

Before sorting and selecting photos, the first thing to do is to carefully review them, without deleting anything. Viewing will allow us to satisfy our curiosity and recall the conditions of the entire photographing. This will create an emotional mood for further work.

Critical viewing

Then you need to carefully look through the photos again, analyzing their advantages and disadvantages. At this stage, it is necessary to outline the defective photographs for deletion and subject groups of photographs for their selection and sorting into separate folders.

Deleting Defective Photos

At the next stage of sorting photos, you need to create a temporary folder for selecting photos that you consider to be an obvious marriage. In this case, such photographs do not need to be analyzed (). You need to answer the question: "Is it possible to correct the photo?" If not, go to the "marriage" folder.

Sort photos by story

After removing the marriage, you need to start looking at the photos again and at the same time create temporary scene folders. Only photos of its plot need to be moved to each such folder. Such a selection will allow not to sort all the photos, but to identify the best ones in each subject.

Removing duplicate photos

After sorting photos by story folders, further selection will take place in them. This will allow you to quickly identify duplicate photos and delete them. Such photographs may be completely the same, or may differ in exposure. We keep only the best photo.

Selecting photos of one plan

In each story folder, you need to sort the photos according to plans: general, medium and large. If there are several photos of the same plan, only one of them should be selected (). Repeat the same for photos of other plans, if they are in the subject folder.

Combining subject photos

The remaining photos from the scene folders must be moved to shared folder, a empty folders delete. Sorting photos by plot and combining them completes the selection and removal of photos that are of no value to us. You can proceed to the analysis of compositions.

Analysis of photo compositions

The hardest part of sorting and selecting photos to store is analyzing them. At this stage, it is necessary to look for composition errors and delete those photos that cannot be corrected in any way during subsequent processing.

Permanently deleting photos

Sorting and selecting photos for storage is completed by deleting the temporary folder from the computer. deleted photos... But first they need to be reviewed again. It is better to do this after a while. If you are still confident in your choice, delete without regret.

This technique of sorting and selecting photos for storage helps in getting rid of a huge amount of unnecessary photos that will never be in demand. But there is also an artistic analysis of photographs, which is not discussed here. More about this in the following articles.

Received such a message

Welcome to Zarya LLC! Our company is engaged in
production of CD \ DVD disks. Films, games, and including CLIPARTS. We publish discs with cliparts on specific topics, for example: The world of animals, Professions, Medicine, etc.
For this kind of work, we need a large number of working hands. We offer you cooperation with us on the following conditions:
By mail you receive a CD \ DVD disc (at your request) with cliparts, which are collected in one folder. The disc comes with a list of topics by which you want to sort images. You create new folders, rename them to the given themes (1 folder = 1 theme) and scatter the existing cliparts in these folders. Then, you take the received folders, drop them into one and call it with your individual number. (Each employee is assigned his own individual number, which is necessary to pay him wages).
Now about wages:
For sorting 1 image you get 15 kopecks.
There are about 3000 images on 1 CD, therefore you will receive 450 rubles for processing 1 disc. (in time it usually takes 4-5 hours); On 1 DVD disc about 18,000 images, therefore, for processing 1 disk, you will receive 2,700 rubles. (in time it usually takes 26-27 hours).
The salary is paid by us within 1 working day after receiving the finished material from you.
We pay wages in the following ways:
- via Yandex Money;
- through bank details at any bank in Russia.

Working conditions:
- First, you need to decide whether you are ready to cooperate with
- The second stage is to decide which media you will work with.
can be: only CD, only DVD or CD \ DVD.
- The third stage is to determine the amount of working material (disks)
for a month it can be from 6 to 27 CDs, or from 4 to 19 DVDs.

How to get started:
There are three employee databases in our company: 1 - permanent
workers, 2 - newcomers, 3 - blacklist
After your consent to cooperation, you are automatically entered into
2 base. There you will wake up exactly one month i.e. deadline for completion
one order. After receiving the working material from you, we transfer
Your data in 1 base, If for a given month you refuse
cooperation or delay the shipment by more than 18 days
material you get into the 3rd base. Being in which is no longer
involves any kind of cooperation with us.

Postage of material \ costs.
Shipment, depending on the place of residence, takes from 2 to 10 days.
Shipping times are not counted as business hours, i.e. You are given on
work 1 calendar month.
Employees of 1 database We send all working materials + clean
discs Free! Since these people have been tested by us, we are satisfied with them.
work and we trust them completely.
Employees of 2 databases at the first shipment, need to pay
for postal services and discs at the following rates:
Post services: regular mail from 14 to 18 rubles, air mail from 20
up to 25 (specified individually depending on your desire and
1 CD disc 10 rubles; 1 DVD 17 rubles.
This amount is sent to us as a deposit for the work material,
and refunded to you in full to the amount of your first salary. Further,
if you continue your cooperation with us, such a pledge will not
required. The security deposit must be sent to the Yandex wallet of our company.

You have read the necessary information! If you are ready to go, you need to:
- send us an information letter, in which you must indicate
Full name, your age, region of residence, full mailing address, desire for shipment -
regular or air, the amount of the desired working material for the first
month of work, as well as which source would you like to receive a salary
by e-mail [email protected]
- We calculate the amount required for the collateral, taking into account
Your region. We send you a notification:

1) the amount required for payment (eg 173 rubles)
2) the account to which you need to transfer the collateral

You make the payment, send us an email with the subject REGISTRATION.
- We register you in the 2nd database, assign you an individual
number and form an order for you with the volume of disks you specified and in
we will send you the work within 1 working day.
- After you receive the disks, you need to send a letter with the subject
ORDER RECEIVED. From the moment of sending this letter, you have exactly one month to do the work.
- After finishing work, you also send a letter with the subject WORK
COMPLETED AND SENT and send us the work to our mailing address:
142800, Moscow, Tchaikovskogo st., 112 PO Box Zarya

Best regards, HR manager, Ivan Kuznetsov!

Example of ordering:

Samoilov Alexander Sergeevich
128643 Moscow, Tchaikovskogo st., 112
regular shipment
quantity of the desired material 7СD
source of receipt of money - Yandex money, account 41001109314218

There is no Tchaikovsky Street in Moscow, and the index 142800 is Stupino
Like this

Stable earnings on the Internet. Without knowledge! No work experience! No Investment! Work whenever you want and as long as you want.

Can't find how to make money quickly and easily? Tired of looking for additional income all the time? “Living within your means” is not your option ??? Earn with me!

What is the essence of your work?

From my service you will receive collections of photos that are mixed, you need to sort Images

You create new folders, rename them to the given themes (1 folder = 1 theme) and
scatter the available images in these folders. For one image you will receive 2-3 rubles, let the figure 2-3 do not scare you. This is not a small amount of money, because in an hour you can sort about 200 images, and this is already 400-600 rubles

For each person, such an amount will be sent that you can process, someone will work for an hour, someone for two, someone all day and someone may even be the whole night (all this will be discussed with me personally).

On the this moment I need 15 people, 50,000 images

Every day needs to be processed in order to have Stable earnings on the Internet

Special knowledge in PC, age, nationality do not matter much, the main thing is attentiveness, responsibility and understanding. Everyone will have their own personal cabinet where you will take from, and where to return the finished work. This office will be created especially for you. The account, alas, is not free, it costs 199 rubles (I set this price for it so that only the most interested people would go, and not all and sundry). Do not be alarmed, you will return this money in 30 minutes of work! Now I only need 15 people.

No more investment is needed, you just need to get your Personal Area once. I have specially prepared 15 rooms for you, everyone will receive their place of work immediately after payment, as well as receive all instructions.

You will receive your salary from the first working day, money is credited in rubles, in the service itself, rubles are displayed on bank card, or a wallet, the withdrawal of funds is made to a lot of types of wallets and cards. This stable earnings on the Internet

I have a contract with foreign photo banks that I will supply them with images for at least a year. Do not miss this opportunity, which most likely occurs once in a lifetime! You can become my colleague today and solve all your life and financial difficulties.

Let's get acquainted!!!

My name is Elena Vasilenko, I am 35 years old. I live in Novosibirsk, I have a son !!!

I earn money by buying and then reselling photographs and Images

I make a lot of money, but that's not the point.

Now my turnover has increased too much, since I went to a couple of clients, I need responsible people to work. All my acquaintances, I have already arranged. Therefore, I decided to find the people I needed on the Internet. If you got to this site, then someone told you about it, which means you are very lucky, from today on, your life will change dramatically!

If you have read everything that I wrote above, make the right decision, from it in your life a lot will change from the very first days! And you will have:

Stable earnings on the Internet

There is no need to postpone everything until tomorrow, otherwise you simply will not be included in those 15 lucky ones who will start earning with me.

This is a truly unique offer, you yourself will understand that it was not in vain that you were on this very day and this minute on this site, it means that you are just lucky and your life will radically change tomorrow. There will be no more need for money and loans, you will succeed, do not worry, there is nothing difficult in this work! If a person knows how to turn on and use a computer, knows how to access the Internet and can go to my site, then you can figure it out, I guarantee you that!

It is clear that there are no comments and reviews, and there will not be, since this type of earnings first appeared on the Internet. And most likely, he will not be here tomorrow. So do not miss your opportunity, maybe the first and the last in your life! I wish you success and health!

Elena Vasilenko heartily.

The massive spread of the Internet has led to the fact that remote work on the web, which is often denoted by the English word freelance, is gaining popularity. Working from home is often the only job opportunity in a small community. In addition, freelancing is ideal for students or maternity wards.

Like any other sphere of human activity, working from home via the Internet is not complete without swindlers and scammers. Moreover, the ability to remain anonymous in the virtual space leads to the fact that their number here "rolls over". More than half of the job-from-home offers found on job sites and free job boards are common scams.

The classic way of such a "divorce" is to offer remote work to sort images.

Typically, a scam ad looks something like this:
Corporation "Super Media Production", which is located in Moscow at st. Gullible, house 50, office 10 (usually indicate the capital, although it may be some kind of Uryupinsk), is engaged in the production of DVD (or CD) discs with films, music and images (cliparts). A dynamically developing company needs to perform a huge amount of work on thematic sorting of images. We send you material for work on DVD or CD discs (the medium is selected at will). Your task is to sort the images into folders that correspond to their subject, for example, animals, professions, plants, medicine, etc.

For sorting one image, you get 10 kopecks (prices may be different, but "businessmen" do not promise more than 20 kopecks). In our experience, working on one DVD disc containing 18,000 cliparts takes no more than 30 hours. Minimum monthly production is 5 DVDs. All materials and blank discs are provided to permanent employees completely free of charge! To get started, you must pay us a security deposit equal to the cost of the disks and the cost of shipping. This money is returned to you when the first salary is paid. Payment details - Yandex wallet XXXX ( payment system maybe another). After registering you in the employee database and paying the security deposit for the working materials, we will send you everything you need to get started within one day. After receiving the discs, you need to send us a letter indicating that the order has been received. From this moment on, you must, no later than 30 days later, complete the order and send it to our mailing address.

A gullible "potential employee" pays the collateral value of the disks, because it is quite small - usually about 100 rubles, and is waiting for a package with disks. It is clear that he will never get it.

This order of the amount was not chosen by the scammers by chance. First, the freezing of one hundred rubles will not be too burdensome for family budget... In addition, because of this money, it is unlikely that anyone will make a big fuss.

It is very easy to make sure that Super Media Production is a swindler. It is enough just to write to them that you yourself will come to the office of the company for working materials. Naturally, scammers will refuse such an offer.

Welcome to GOLD-MEDIA LLC! Our company is engaged in
production of CD \ DVD disks. Films, music and including CLIPARTS. We
we publish discs with cliparts on specific topics, for example: The world of animals,
Professions, Medicine, etc.
For such work, we need a large number of working hands.
We offer you cooperation with us on the following conditions:
By mail you will receive a CD \ DVD (at your request) with cliparts,
which are collected in one folder. The disc includes a list of topics for which
it is necessary to sort the images. You create new folders,
rename them to the given themes (1 folder = 1 theme) and
scatter the available cliparts in these folders. Then, you take
folders, drop them into one and call it your individual number.
(Each employee is assigned his own individual number, which
is necessary
to pay him wages).
Now about wages:
For sorting 1 image you get 15 kopecks.
There are approximately 3000 images on 1 CD, therefore, for processing 1 disc
You will receive 450 rubles. (in time it usually takes 4-5 hours);
There are about 18,000 images on 1 DVD disc, therefore, for processing 1
disk you will receive 2700 rubles. (in time it usually takes 26-27
Wages are paid by us within 1 business day after
receiving the finished material from you.
We pay wages in the following ways:
- via Yandex Money;
- through bank details at any bank in Russia;
- via WebMoney.
Working conditions:
- First, you need to decide whether you are ready to cooperate with us
- The second stage is to decide which media you will work with.

Can be: only CD, only DVD or CD \ DVD.
- The third stage is to determine the amount of working material (disks)
for a month it can be from 7 to 42 CDs, or from 5 to 27 DVDs.

How to get started:
There are three employee databases in our company: 1 - permanent
workers, 2 - newbies, 3 - blacklist
After your consent to cooperation, you are automatically entered
to 2 base. There you will wake up exactly one month i.e. deadline for completion
one order. After receiving the working material from you, we transfer
Your data in 1 base, If for a given month you refuse
cooperation or delay the shipment by more than 18 days
material you get into the 3rd base. Being in which is no longer
involves any kind of cooperation with us.

Postage of material \ costs.
Shipment, depending on the place of residence, takes from 2 to 10 days.
Shipping times are not counted as business hours, i.e. You are given on
work 1 calendar month.
Employees of 1 database We send all working materials + clean
discs Free! Since these people have been tested by us, we are satisfied with them.
work and we trust them completely.
Employees of 2 databases at the first shipment, need to pay
for postal services and discs at the following rates:
Postal services: regular mail from 14 to 19 rubles, air mail from
22 to 28 (specified individually depending on your desire and
1 CD disc 11 rubles; 1 DVD 18 rubles.
This amount is sent to us as a deposit for the worker
material, and returned to you in full to the amount of your first salary.
if you continue your cooperation with us, such a pledge will not
required. The security deposit must be sent to Yandex wallet
41001155493107 of our company.

You have read the necessary information! If you are ready to go,
You need:
- send us an information letter, in which you must indicate
Full name, your age, region of residence, full mailing address, desire for
shipment - regular or air, the amount of the desired working material for
month of work, as well as on what source would you like to receive a salary. We make a calculation
necessary for the collateral, taking into account your region. We send you
- You make the payment, send us a letter with the subject REGISTRATION.
- We register you in the 2nd database, assign you an individual
number and form an order for you with the volume of disks you specified and in

Within 1 working day we will send you the work.
- After you receive the disks, you need to send a letter with the subject
ORDER RECEIVED. From the moment this letter was sent, you have exactly one month,
to get the job done.
- After finishing work, you also send a letter with the subject WORK
COMPLETED AND SENT and send us the work on our mail
the address:
123060, RF, Moscow, st. Berzarina, 37, office sixteen.
Legal address: 123060, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Berzarina, 37, office sixteen.

Respectfully yours, HR manager, Olga Sergeevna!