HDD Recovery Program. Restoration of hard drives

In this article we will talk about restoring broken sectors hard disk And the reasons for their appearance. Step by step instructions Will help you prepare for this procedure and yourself cope with it.

What is broken sectors

Let's briefly consider the structure of the hard drive. It consists of several separate discs over which magnetic heads are located for reading and writing information. When saving data, the head magnetizes certain disk areas, divided into tracks and smaller components - sectors. It is in them that the units of information are stored. If the sector becomes unavailable for reading - it is called "broken".

Several signs are indicated about the appearance of such a problem:

  • screenshots, grinding, tapping when the disk is working;
  • the heating of the HDD surface (in the normal state of this should not occur);
  • frequent errors when working and start operating system.

Typical reasons

The main causes of the appearance of broken segments of the Winchester are:

Also, hard drives may appear due to mechanical damage. It often leads a drop in a hard disk or computer, leading to damage to the magnetic surface (for example, during transportation). There are non-working parts and because of the factory marriage. IN this case They may not appear immediately, but "sprinkled" over time, rapidly increasing its quantity before the critical level.

Important! In the event of suspicion of mechanical damage or marriage, it is worth directing to specialists or exchange Winchester under warranty.

Restoring Bied Sectors HDD With Victoria

If the appearance of broken segments is associated with software failuresYou can restore them with the help of specialized software. One of these programs for restoring the battered sectors HDD is Victoria. The utility is available in two versions - for Windows and DOS. The most effective will be restored via DOS, since when operating OS, some sectors can be occupied, and therefore are not available for scanning.

Victoria HDD - Diagnostic Program


To start work, we will need to carry out a small preparation. First, you will need a disk with the program written to it or the boot flash drive. If everyone can cope with the image entry, then difficulty creating a flash drive may occur.

Let's focus in more detail at this step:

Note! The program takes very little space, so after installing it, the drive can be used to store other information. To accidentally not delete the files you need to work, it is recommended to select a separate folder for them.

We proceed to the scanning process:

Here we need an item "Reallocated Sector Count"which displays the number of fragmetics in the reserve zone as well "Current Pending Sectors"where parts are displayed that it is impossible to read. If their number is not very high, then the disk is subject to recovery.

Hard disk restoration

Let's deal with how this process is happening. Problem segments can be divided into two types. The first are not read due to the incomprehension of the information stored in them and its control sums.

This error occurs when feeding with nutrition, when new data has already been recorded, and the checksums remained old. They simply cease to be recognized and restored quite easily - their formatting and recording of correct amounts.

The second type arises as a consequence of mechanical damage. In this case, the restoration is more difficult, but still possible. The resumption of the performance of such parts is carried out by using the backup areas that are on each Winchester.

We start recovering each of these error types.

Video: HDD - "We treat" broken sectors

First, we will try to correct the broken sectors by erasing the information stored in them:

  • click F4 and get into the check menu;
  • in the selection selection menu with unreadable sectors, specify "BB: ERASE 256 SECT" and press "ENTER".

The long-lasting scanning and restore sectors of the HDD will start. If the program finds a defective sector, it will try to erase it, thereby configuring the error. If there is a mechanical defect, then an error will be reported. In any case, it is necessary to wait for a complete end of the check and then separately correct the sectors with physical malfunctions.

For this:

Now the recovery operation will work on a different principle, trying not to wash the spoiled sectors, but to replace them with space from the backup area.

Important! If there are a lot of such sectors, the backup space may end. This will report this special message, and further recovery will become impossible.

After successfully restoring the battered sectors on the hard disk, it is recommended to fully check file System For errors.

Make it possible with utilities chkdsk or in the following way:

Photo: Verification of disk for errors

Attention! So that the system not only has found, but also corrected the problems, select "Automatically correct system errors" before starting scanning.

The methods described above will help to easily cope with non-critical cases of the appearance of problem sectors, find and correct them. Exactly following our instructions, any user will be able to do it independently, not even possessing computer education. We hope that this information It was useful for you.

Despite tangible progress, thanks to which computer technology It becomes more and more powerful and reliable, the question of the safety of data on the hard disk is relevant more than ever. After all, the volumes stored on such drives grow very quickly, and it even happens that it is not possible to detect the loss.

Therefore, it is important to learn how to determine the first signs of hard disk problems in order to make copies of important data in a timely manner, to complete an important project or do without downtime, bought a new disk in advance. Well, if you waited for breakdowns, you should know how to restore hDD Conservation of important information.

How to recognize the problem

External signs for which you can determine the malfunction of the hard disk are very obvious, because from work this element The stability of the entire system depends.

  • during power on, clicks, Windows is not loaded, the monitor does not show anything;
  • stopped running Windows, error messages are issued;
  • during operation, the computer regularly freezes, errors appear when saving files, etc.;
  • copying, deleting, saving files occurs extremely slowly, while periodically the process freezes, and then continues;
  • property files Or folders, when you try to open documents, an error message is issued.

All these signs, of course, may indicate the fault and other PC components, but still the hard disk is considered the most important, because it is all user data that is stored.

How to understand if the data recovery is possible?

When the user is faced with the fact that trouble has happened to the most important component of the computer, the first obvious question is how to restore hard files disk. Let's look at the solution solutions.

Determine how to restore the hard disk, and is it really possible at all, it will help only its testing that is carried out as standard meansembedded in Windows and using specialized programs.

In the first case, it is necessary that the Windows itself is loaded, which is not always possible, because when the hard disk breaks, it becomes inaccessible on a par with other files and folders. Easier when the problem is due to breakdown second tough A disk that is not bootable, but is used exclusively for storing different data.

One of the common check options is the following - you need to disconnect the hard drive from the computer, having previously turned off all the loops and unscrewing the fastening bolts, and connect to another obviously good computer as the second storage device. In this case, it is easy to check whether the necessary information on it (can also be copied to another carrier immediately).

The second version of the verification is a bit more complicated, but only because it requires the user to pre-prepare a bootable CD. Although it can be written if necessary on another computer, because such components are usually universal, they are not tied to a specific system. With such testing, for example, it is easier to find a solution to the question of how to restore the remote hard disk.

In any case, when even an outdated version of Windows or another program, which allows you to view the contents of the disks, you can already make sure whether the folders are read, whether files from a faulty drive are copied.

It is worth noting that if you master the technique of working with internal drives system Blockthen the user will no longer be the problem whether to restore outdoor hard disk. The question turns out, not so complicated. In addition, it will become clear how to restore the hard disk of the laptop.

Programs for testing

There is a lot of utilities to verify performance hard disksMoreover, some offer not only the identification of errors and breakdowns, but also the correction of the part of them, which can still be eliminated. For this reason, all programs are taken to divide into several categories.

  • Utilities for checking the surface of hard drives and corrected problem sectors. For example, HDD Scan or HDD Regenerator.
  • Programs for checking logical structure Drive and correcting all identified problems. For example, Norton Disk Doctor.

Fully universal programs do not exist, although the developers of software are trying to create them. The fact is that the procedure for restoring the sectors of a hard disk, files and folders requires specific knowledge, for which the relevant specialists are needed. Therefore, the most powerful and effective programs There are no universal capabilities, but work with one or two functions.

Well, when there is a proven hard drive, how to restore the data, there should be no question, because This also uses special programs.

HDD Scan.

The most accessible for an ordinary user is considered to be such utilities that work under windows control. They have a clear and familiar interface that completely repeats other user programs.

The only minus of such products is that it is possible to use them only when a faulty hard disk is connected as a second storage. Although no one excludes such an opportunity as the loading special windows version From a CD, where you can run all the usual programs, including to check the disk.

One of the most common programs can be called HDD Scan. Its functionality is limited to obtaining information about hard condition disk.

  • Three modes of testing of the surface of the drive: "Reading", "Erasing", "Check".
  • SMART information reading from hard memory The disk in which all hardware errors are recorded, at least once occurred when working.

In addition, the program defines the exact disk model, the volume and version of the firmware, running the hard disk. But, unfortunately, this does not know how to restore sections tough Disk, so if they are damaged, then the surface check will not work.

HDD Regenerator.

This program has a familiar windows interface and contains a set of functions for checking and restoring the surface of the hard disk, in particular:

To start checking the drive, after starting the program, select the desired disk and click on the Start Process button. Perhaps a warning will appear that it is necessary to close all programs that use the disc checked. We must agree with this and wait for the end of the verification. Fixing errors The program can do in automatic mode.

It is worth noting that before restoring the hard drive, you need to try data that are still readable, copy to other media. But if they are not read at all, then nothing remains except to restore sector hard disk.

Programs for data recovery from hard disk

Programs for data recovery from a hard disk for an incomprehensible reason are considered complex for an ordinary user. But it is completely wrong, most of them have a familiar Windows interface and a Russian-speaking menu. It is enough just to carefully examine the proposed items, and even a low-prepared user will be able to restore everything that is still available for this.

Programs can be divided into two main categories:

  • those that search for deleted files, for example, undelete;
  • those who search for files throughout hoody diskFor example, ZAR (Zero Assumption Recovery).

The functionality of the second type programs is usually a search for deleted files, so that they turn out to be more versatile, which does not affect the efficiency of their work, because all lost files, whether manual removal or random loss due to software failure, are searched for one algorithm.


Zar (Zero Assumption Recovery) is considered sufficiently developed in its capabilities. For example, this is one of the first data recovery utilities, which understands Russian characters in the name of files and folders.

The main features of this program are impressive:

  • support for all known file systems (FAT, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS);
  • restore hard disk partitions;
  • support for Russians and just long file names;
  • support compressed disks;
  • can restore RAID arrays.

All this set of options are easy to use. The startup procedure consists of a choice necessary disc and pressing the "Next" button. At the end of the search for files, it will be enough to choose those that are really needed, and specify the folder in which to copy the recovered files.

The main thing is to stock additional hard disk And patience, because this program works long enough (the surround drives can be processed several hours). The second disk is needed because the files are restored by copying, which avoids recording on a damaged disk and increase the chances of saving other files.

Despite certain requirements, the program perfectly solves the question of how to restore the hard disk partitions. That is why it enjoys extremely popular. In addition, the utility allows you to solve the problem with how to restore an external hard disk.

Is it possible to return the data without special programs?

To restore both the hard drives themselves, and the information from them has already developed enough utilities, but they all have any drawback. For example, convenient to use programs with the usual interface Usually paid, which will require some purchase costs licensed key. Demonstration versions or programs with a small set of features are distributed free.

Another variant. Powerful and efficient programs require specific knowledge of the user. For example, working with command line, knowledge of the entire storage structure on disk, etc. But still the recovery procedure will be carried out by the program itself.

Manually do something to do it simply will not work because of the banal ignorance of how to do it. And I will not find the documentation on the Internet either. After all, the development of programs is a business, and no one agrees to just give free technologies for recovery for free use.

The only option when you can do the means of the operating system itself, is when the hard disk removes the hard drive from the list of drivers. How to restore it? You can easily reboot. The driver will automatically be found, and the disk will reappear.

Common myths about recovery and data loss

In practice there are quite interesting, even funny myths, which, nevertheless, are pretty survivors, and thanks to the Internet extend from one user to many others.

Of the most survivable myths, you can note the following:

  • If the hard disk began to skip and publish other incomprehensible sounds, it is necessary to light it easier with a screwdriver or another lightweight tool.

In fact, these components can not be exposed to any shock loads, especially when they have started problems. Any extraneous sound inside his body means, unfortunately, the service path failed, which is needed for self-tuning and accurate operation of the reading head. Most often to recover will have to contact service centerwhere there is special equipment, which allows such a problem by bypasses. At home, you can't do anything.

  • It is necessary in a purely baked room, where there is no dust, disassemble the hard disk and remove the entire garbage drunk, which interferes with reading data.

In fact, this is categorically impossible to do! There is always dust at home, even if you do not see it, and it is very dangerous for the surface of the magnetic disks. The distance between the head and the surface of the disk is very small, and even imperceptible to the first look the piece will lead to the appearance of scratches and to the complete breakdown of the drive.

  • There are "cars" that restore hard drives after any breakdown.

In fact, there is an equipment that allows you to read data from damaged drives, but it requires compliance with some requirements and conditions for its operation, for example, the drive electronics must be proper, the surface of the disks without scratches, etc. The element itself after recovery is still subject to disposal. So on how to restore the damaged hard disk, there should be no disputes. This is a solved question. The task here is completely different - how to restore rigid information disk.

  • Return lost data in any situation with free programs.

Actually free utilities Work only with the simplest cases, because The effective algorithm has a developer who will not just give out the results of his works. Most often the simplest programs allow you to restore only recently remote filesAnd serious failures require the use of professional software.

How to prevent a problem?

In relation to the protection of hard drives from breakdowns, manufacturers created a lot different technologies. Some of them are better, others are worse. At least, hard drives in laptops are freely maintained while driving on a car and carrying a computer within the house from the room in the room.

But what this most important component has never learned to withstand, so it is drops, especially in the on state. Most often, the cause of breakage is precisely shock loads, so on the question of how to protect the hard drive from breakdown, there is one answer. It is necessary to secure him from shocks and a strong shaking. And you do not have to break your head over how to restore the hard drive.

In other cases, a variety of technologies are quite effective and able to return all the lost data.

Question emerging from users how to restore a hard drive can actually be resolved without the help of various computer Mastersoffering for a certain fee to return your hard drive in workable condition. Software developers offer several options for restoring broken sectors, which can be used by a person with almost any level of computer literacy.

What is broken sectors?

To understand what is broken sectors, it is necessary to deal with the order of the hard disk and the organization of storage on it.

Winchester consists of several rotating magnetic disks, over which the reading heads move. When recording, these heads magnetize certain parts of the disk, recording information on them. The disc itself is divided into tracks, and they, in turn, are on the sectors.

If information from the disk cannot be read, it is considered broken. The reason for the appearance of such a problem can be an emergency power off, physical disk wear, mechanical effect or overheating.

Depending on the reason, two types of unreadable sectors can be distinguished:

  1. Mind of recorded information and checksum at the end of the sector. It usually occurs when an emergency power failure during the execution of any operation. A similar problem is solved by erasing incorrectly saved information and recording of the correct checksums.
  2. Physical damage to the disk. More difficult in resolution problem resulting from mechanical impact on the hard drive or its overheating. Damaged sectors are in this case to be transferred to the backup area of \u200b\u200bthe disk, but if there are too many too much, then the data processing speed is significantly reduced.

In any case, to restore the unreadable sectors should try, at least in order to make sure that the hardware is completely inoperable and with a clean conscience, replace it with a new data storage device.

HDD Regenerator.

To begin with, we'll figure it out how to restore the hard disk using simple, but functional program HDD REGENERATOR. This utility works with hard drives at a low level, that is, it has monopoly access not only to sectors and clusters of "hard", but also to its mechanisms and controllers.

HDD Regenerator, unlike other similar utilities, does not block access to broken sectors, and tries to restore them by reclamation.

Other programs simply close access to the sector, which leads not only in the loss of information stored on it, but also to a decrease in the volume of the hard disk. Restore deleted files after such a procedure is very difficult. Another question is that such an approach allows you to quickly deal with a non-working disk, but if you have a small amount of failure sectors (up to 100), it is justified to use the HDD Regenerator program.

The last versions of the utility are distributed for a fee, however, you can use the demo version to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the program. In addition, the HDD Regenerator refers to the type of programs, the fee for which is fought by their functionality and utility.

Working with HDD Regenerator

Load the utility to your computer from the official site. Install it on your computer and, if necessary, Russify (all the necessary files can be found in free access).

Rusification applies only to the program interface. DOS mode in which the main work of the utility will occur, will still be presented on english languageAnd it is impossible to fix it.

After starting the HDD Regenerator, you will see the window of this kind:

To start testing and subsequent hard disk recovery, click on the top menu "Click to fix". A warning may appear on the screen that you need to reboot and configure the BIOS by setting the SATA controller IDE mode. If these words do not say anything, click "No." It will not affect the performance of the program.

In the next window, the program displays all connected to computer hard disks. In the "Select Disc" field, you need to click on the Winchester twice to which you want to return life, or highlight it and click the Start button.

The utility will try to run the DOS - the working environment through which direct access to equipment is carried out. Since you work with the program in launched systemThe screen will appear on the screen that HDDR could not get monopoly access in the hard drives.

To correct this error, close all applications and complete the processes running on behalf of the user through the "Task Manager".

Press RETRY; If the error has appeared again, restart the computer and try to complete all tasks performed again.

Another way - run the system in safe mode, noting it in the download type menu (key F8 when the computer starts). In extreme cases, you can simply click the "OK" button by ignoring the warning. The program will continue its work, but its productivity will decrease slightly.

Restoration of sectors

In the DOS running window, you will see several lines, about the purpose of which you need to say separately. All you will be asked for four options for the program:

When you first start the program, it is recommended to select the item under the number 2. To do this, press the "2" keyboard, and then "ENTER". The following window will appear in which you will be asked to choose the scan order. You can specify a specific interval of sectors, enter the size of the disk or simply start testing from the very beginning.

If you call about it, in which section there is a failure sector, you can try to specify a specific gap. However, it is more convenient to start checking the disk from the beginning to definitely not miss anything. It takes such scanning much more time, but it will be the most complete result.

After selecting the test mode, the disk check will start, during which the number of proven and identified failure sectors will be displayed on the screen. You can stop the scanning process using the ESC key.

The system during the inspection may freeze - this means that HDDR has found fated sectors and tries to determine the degree of their damage.

After the end of testing trial version HDDR will issue you a message about the need to purchase a licensed copy of the program to continue the recovery of discs. You will be shown the number of detected failed sectors, based on which you can make a decision that is better - to buy full version Utilities or immediately go to the store for a new hard disk.

If you bought the full version of the program, connect the USB drive - it will be needed in the process of restoring the sectors. After starting the program, select "Self-loaded uSB flash drive"And highlight the connected media.

All data will be erased from the drive. Instead, the program will record your files on the USB flash drive by making it loading.

After booting in the DOS system, you will see the same windows as when working with a demo version. This time you need to choose the first option - scanning and restoring sectors.

The recovery process itself can delay for a long time, so if you have the need to pause it, press the ESC key and be sure to wait proposals to exit the program. In this case, the program stopping point will be recorded on the flash drive, with which the scanning will begin with the next time you start. Why these difficulties? In order not to sit in front of the computer for days, but check it in several approaches. For example: Restoration of 100 failure sectors may require several days of continuous HDDR operation.


One of the most popular methods among users is to restore a hard disk using Victoria. This program, unlike HDDR, applies to a free license.

Work Victoria can like in windows EnvironmentAnd in DOS mode, allowing you to view the SMART table, scan the surface of the disk for failed sectors, restore them, as well as carry out low-level formatting.


Before you start checking the disk, you must configure the hard drive controller in the BIOS. On the Main tab, the "SATA MODE" parameter set the "IDE". After that you can run with boot flash drive Victoria.

After downloading from the drive in the DOS mode, select the IDE channel with which you are going to work. To do this, press the P key and check the "EXT. PCI ATA / SATA "(if the disk is connected through sATA interface). For IDE disks, select the appropriate port.

A list of channels will appear on the screen, which will be numbered in order. To select your hard drive, press the digit that corresponds to its number, and then press ENTER.

You can identify errors and without scanning is enough to see the SMART table of the hard drive. You can call it using the F9 key. In the table, pay attention to two points:

The more broken sectors, the less chances that the disk will be able to restore. However, you can try to return to it working capacity by running the scanning process.

To call the disk scan menu, press the F4 key. Select "BB: ERASE 256 SECT" using the keyboard arrows and press ENTER. The scanning process will be launched, which will be quite long. You can interrupt the scan using the ESC key.

If the sector is detected, the program will try to erase it. If it is physically working, then the attempt will be successful and you get rid of the broken parts of the disk. Information will be deleted at the same time, however, it is not necessary to worry much about this - to pull it out anyway it would be problematic.

If the sector is damaged on physical level, then an attempt to erase it will be unsuccessful. An error message appears on the screen. However, this does not mean that you need to stop the disk scan.

If you cannot restore sectors, try transfer them to the backup area. Press the F4 key and select the arrows item "BB: Classic Remap". The scan process will start again. This time the broken sectors will not be recovered, but transferred to the backup area.

After the disc scanning is completed (subject to the restoration of the sectors), it is desirable to check the file system using the chkdsk utility.

Do you know such a situation? You need important data from an external HDD, you connect it, but nothing happens. What to do with it, you ask. We will try to reanimate. But how to reanimate a hard drive? How to do this we are telling Russian.

how to reanimate a hard drive? How to do this we are telling Russian.

How to start resuscitation actions on your hard disk?

If you do not understand the technical nuances, the reasons for only two:

  1. the problem is in software;
  2. damage to the disc itself.

Without possessing sufficient luggage of knowledge and access to spare parts, to reanimate the failed HDD at home, due to breakdown, it is practically no possible. But if there is a problem in software or random deletion Or disk formatting, then with such a task you can figure it out. It is enough to have only the desire and elementary handling skills for data recovery utilities.

It is important to remember very small, but a weighty nuance. Already having an error in the work or at all, without connecting, the hard disk in the smaller time interval must be disconnected from the computer. A damaged disk is immediately disabled, because this action increases the chances of recovering data. And each next minute of work in a pair with a computer, these chances decrease accordingly. Although you work with a disk or not, the operating system still has a record and read files from this hard disk. Therefore, finding emptiness, in the place of lost forever files, it will automatically overwrite new data, occupying vacant places. And accordingly, the chances of a safe restoration of such data on these places are melted with every second.

Create a "clone" of a hard disk

After the first action turning hard The disk from the computer can be started to create a full copy and restore data on it. In order to create a "clone", you can use the programs available at the Linux - this is Slonezilla or Redo Backup Recovery.. Scan the "clone" using the data recovery utility selected for these purposes. To do this, we can use TestDisk, which is part of Windows, Mac and Linux, Recuva? Photorecs their analogues. After creating backup Or clone device can be proceeding to the process of its resuscitation.

To determine the cause of the device failure of the device and, accordingly, develop further tactics of actions, first of all, of course, you need to understand what happened to your HDD.

Causes of the hard disk failure and their elimination

How to reanimate an external hard disk without being a repair specialist? Consider common situations, symptoms and try to determine the "ailment":

  • HDD does not start at all. If the disk after all possible reboot attempts and software recovery does not respond and does not connect to the computer, with a probability of more than 95%, it can be said that the problem is in the board. Cunning modern plants HDD is that in contrast to previous times, replace the board to another of the same HDD will not work. The fact is that modern hard drives, having new technologies in the device, have boards equipped with identification unique microcodes. And the reason for the emerging failure is quite simple and banal: either there was a voltage drop and some diodes burned, or just broken one of the components of the board. But even if this did not happen, it makes sense to check all contacts, since it is not very rare phenomenon being corrosion, due to which the system cannot read the data, so simple decision The problems will be the stripping of these contacts with alcohol or another solution suitable for these purposes or the suspension of these contacts.
  • If the hard drive starts, but it makes cracks, it means that there has been damage to one or several magnetic heads. But it is possible to damage the surface magnetic Disc. Such a clicking disk immediately needs to be disconnected. The reason is simple - the re-inclusion may (and most likely it will happen) to finally deduce it. It is not necessary to repair such a "patient" on its own. Repair should be carried out by a specialist under certain conditions - this is a clean room without dust. It will be revealed and gently replace the head itself and restore your data.
  • One of the most common problems - outdoor HDD It starts, however, access files and folders located on it is simply impossible. The reason for this is damage to the surface magnetic disk. This means that you have broken sectors and probably there are already so much that the disk when trying to read any information simply hangs. In this case, it is possible to use data recovery programs, such as HDD Scan, Winhex or HDD Regenerator. And with the help of a simple chain of action to restore data, copy them to the place that you specify.
  • If, when trying to start hard drive, it makes a long long-term peak - this means that the motor responsible for starting the disk simply cannot do this. The reason can be a sticking of the magnetic head. This failure occurs when when the disc drive stops, the head remains above its surface and can stick to it. How to reanimate a portable hard disk with such a problem? The solution is the opening of the disk body, but it is not recommended to do it yourself. It is better to attribute it to the service center, where in conditions of frequency and unfortunateness it will be revealed, they will replace the heads. It is important to remember that to not harm your favorite HDD such work is better to charge professionals.
  • But there may be such a mysterious situation when the HDD starts normally, gives signs of life, does not publish any outsided soundsBut at the same time the computer does not see him at all, or sees it with a modified real volume. There is definitely a problem with the firmware. In such a situation, the question of how to reanimate the hard disk, the answer, unfortunately, is only one - it will not work independently and will have to resort to the help of professional professionals.
Others possible options Resuscitation hard disk

If the situation develops so that the data stored on the Winchester in principle does not have much value or importance and they can be proceeded, then the only right way is to format a disc. Having done this, we kneel it to the zero point of reference, where any logical errors are automatically eliminated. And with the disk you can work again, as if nothing happened.

But with any development of the situation, whether you decide to reanimate your disc yourself or not, it is important to remember that if the data have tremendous value, it is undesirable to independently perform such work. Or, if you still decide on such a step, then at least make sure you have made a backup "clone". To at any time, in case of failure, always have a copy.

Free hard disk repair programs

Hard disk problems arise quite often, many users do not know what to do with it. Therefore, in most cases, the average user gives a hard drive to a service center, where specialists at a certain fee will be revealed. But as practice shows, it is possible to solve most of the hard drive problems and is completely free, it is enough to know which programs for the repair of the hard drive, for which they respond and how to work with them.

Three best programs For repair and restoration of hard drives

To start repairing a hard disk using specialized programs and utilities, first need to deal with the reasons for its breakdown. There are several classic failures, namely:

- violation of the structure in the file concept

- Defect or damage to hard drives

- Failure and program errors

- disappearance of information and files

To solve all these problems, the most popular programs and utilities are used:

- Viktoria

- Other

Regenerator is a fairly powerful and strong program that allows you to find errors in the hard disk system, as well as produce it to restore. It is mainly acting on damaged areas where there were failures and is trying to restore damaged registries and sections. The program does not restore the information that has been deleted or lost, it works for the repair of damaged areas.

1. Start the application and select a disk for work.

2. In a window, select the scan type and press the ENTER button.

After all actions, you finish scanning and repairing the surface of the disk, we look at the results.

According to experts, the HDD Regenerator in DOS mode can fully restore the hard disk using the hardbands of the surface of the hard drive. This allows you to solve most of the problems associated with disk damage.

Download HDD Regenerator. - http://www.softportal.com/software-17886-hdd-regenerator.html.

Viktoria is the most famous programwhich is very high quality and most importantly quickly copes with many errors, system losses and sector failures in HDD. The program works in two variations:

- in DOS mode

- in the window application of the Windows operating system

In any variation, the program copes perfectly with large quantity Errors, reanimate lost files and restoring damaged sectors.

To work in the program you need:

1. Run the program and select a faulty disk.

2. On the Special tab of the Smart, View Disk Information.

3. After the information received, go to the Test tab and test all the default disk areas. The type of test should stand - verify.

4. Analyze the resulting errors that are marked in red (these are failures and non-working sectors).

5. Hide non-working and damaged sectors by using the REMAP mode.

Download Victoria - http://www.softportal.com/software-40873-victoria.html

This program is an excellent assistant when repairing a hard disk. Acronis Recovery Expert is quite easy to use, has convenient interface And starts as a regular application. In addition, it can create a special boot mediawhich reproduces the files with bad hardware performance. Also this program Supports a huge number system files and big sizes Hard disks.

To work in the program you need:

1. Run the program.

2. Select mode and restore mode (manual or automatic).

3. Select a remote and damaged partition.

4. Select a way to search for remote partitions (quick and complete).

5. Restore the section and generate a disk.

Download Acronis Recovery Expert - http://soft.mydiv.net/win/download-aCronis-Recovery-Expert.html.

In addition to these programs, there are still many other applications and utilities, which also help repair the problem areas of the hard disk and solve many problems with it. Of course, the priority solution for small hard disk problems is scandisk, but, and more serious - these are already such HDD Regenerator or Viktoria giants. These programs will be able to help with the repair of the hard disk, and no wizards do not need.