The computer does not load writes Bootmgr Is Missing. What to do if the Bootmgr Is Missing error arose

An error in loading the Winodows 7 operating system is not the best with which you can encounter in working with the Microsoft operating system. But sometimes similar things happen (you need to admit that in Windows 7 is much less and less than, for example in Windows XP). Reinstalling the operating system is often the extreme method of eliminating the problem. In this article, I will describe how to correct the error when downloading Windows 7.

So, after turning on the computer / laptop we have an ominous inscription " Bootmgr Is Missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart". Often such an error occurs after unsuccessful experiments with the partitions of the hard disk.

To eliminate this error, you must insert a disk with your operating system and boot from it. How to do this is described in the article how to boot from the disk .
After that, choose the language and other parameters, click " Further».

Then click " System Restore».

After that, automatically start restoring the computer using the image created earlier. In the system recovery parameters, click " Not».

If you do not have a backup system, then in the following windows click " Cancel».

In the window System recovery parameters Run the command line.

Now you need to use the DiskPart utility to change the active section.

Active section - This is the main partition from which the computer is loaded. The computer may contain several main sections with your own operating system. At the same time, the download occurs from the main partition, which is currently active.
For example, if you click right-click on a computer shortcut, select " Control - Disk Management»You will see all hard drives and their sections. For Windows 7, an active partition should be a section of 100 MB (in Windows 8 - 350 MB.). The "Active" attribute is needed by the BIOS, in order to determine the shortest way to determine which of the main partitions are the download files, and the fact that this section is not displayed in Windows Explorer and is marked as "reserved by the system", indicating its extreme importance and not cost anything with it do.
We repeat commands:
1 Diskpart. - Utility Work with a hard disk partitions for the command line included in the Windows NT Linek version starting with Windows 2000, which replaced FDISK that was under MS-DOS.
2 LIST DISK. - The command will display a list of all discs connected to your computer and assign them numbers.
3 SELECT DISK X. - Where the X-number of the disk containing the section you want to make active.
4 List Partition - Master viewing all sections on the disk selected earlier.
5 SELECT PARTITION X. - where x-number section that must be done active
6 Active. - Make the selected section you are active.

After that reboot Windows 7. If everything is done correctly errors Bootmgr Is Missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart It should not be operating system should be booting in normal mode.

Some users have already had to face an unpleasant problem. When booting OS, instead of the usual window, a notification appears on a black background: "bootmgr is missing". What to do Windows 7 users to read within this article.

Possible reasons

An error appears if the system cannot detect the Windows bootloader. It is possible with this development of events:

  1. Incorrectly turning off the computer.
  2. Voltage failure in the power supply network.
  3. Bath sectors and Badi appeared on the hard disk.
  4. Changing BIOS settings.

BIOS settings

To begin with, check the BIOS settings. This is relevant if more than one physical disk is used in the computer. Perhaps the system is trying to boot from the media on which Windows is not installed:

  1. And check which device is selected as a loader.
  2. Stop the first place disk from the installed Windows.
  3. Save the changes and check the Windows 7 download.

Tip! If, when you turn on the computer, problems are observed or it does not turn on at all, try.

In case Windows 7 is not loaded in normal mode, there is a special recovery environment that is called by pressing F8 before loading OS. With it, you can restore the work of the "old" bootloader or replace with "new".

Launch restoration

Select from the proposed options for "Troubleshooting Computer".

Important! If you cannot download troubleshooting, use. When started from a flash drive, in front of the Windows 7 installation window, select "System Restore".

In the window that appears:

Command line

If the previous ways were not crowned with success, replace the damaged bootloader to the new bootmgr. To do this, you will need a bootable USB flash drive and the command line.

Tip! Carefully read each item in this instruction to prevent an error.

Similarly, as in the previous point, go to "System Restore", only now select the "Command Line" option. In the command line, in turn, enter the team. After each click Enter:

  1. Go to the DiskPart program, which will allow you to work with diskpart disks
  2. Display all available List Volume discs.
  3. Determine the disk from the list, the size of which is 100 MB (for Windows 8 and 10, the size can be 300-350 MB). This is a reserved system, a hidden partition that contains a non-working loader. As can be seen from the screenshot, this is a C drive further pay attention to the "Type" column. If you use the installation disk, the type will be CD-ROM. Remember the "name", in our case it is F. If you work with an installation flash drive, then focus on its size.
  4. Deciding which letter, which volume is tied, and then proceed to copy the bootloader. Exit the program to work with EXIT disks
  5. Open the Windows F installation disk:
  6. Copy the bootloader file from the installation flash drive to the boot section of your PC COPY BOOTMGR C: \\
  7. After the message appears "Copied Files", exit EXIT mounting disk

After copying the bootloader, you need to specify the system from which disk to download Windows. Restart the PC and check it out. If the BootMGR IS Missing error still appears, read on.

Important! In case you have no reserved disk, you can copy the bootloader to any other volume. Also, not to assign an active partition to download, you can copy bootmgr directly to all volumes.

Re-select the command line:

  1. Enter the BootSect / NT60 All command
  2. Restart PC. If the error continues, the system must be forced to specify the section from which you want to load. Go to the command line and enter diskpart
  3. Then List DISK.
  4. Determine the system disk with Windows 7, focusing on its size. Then enter the SELECT DISK 0 command

    where 0 is the volume of the disk volume.

Hi friends! We will restore the bootloader today in the Windows 7 operating system, run on pop food will be interesting 🙂

In fact, errors with the loader in Windows 7 are pretty often. Yes, they can arise from many factors. For example, you wanted next to Windows 7 to put some other OS, in this case the bootloader may be damaged, or not to properly turn off the computer (immediately from the outlet).

About what you have problems with the bootloader you will most likely learn from the message on the screen "Bootmgr Is Missing. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart ».

After such a message, you need to try to restore the bootloader, in fact we are further and we will deal with.

How to restore the bootloader in the bootloader in Windows 7?

In Windows 7 there is a very good function " System Recovery", That's it, we will restore the loader. You can only use the system recovery, you can only boot from the installation boot disk from Windows 7.

So look for a disc, and if you do not have it, then download and write down on the disk, I already wrote.

We take our boot disk with Windows 7, insert into the drive and restart the computer. If the download from the disk did not go, then we read the article and dig into the BIOS.

After you have started downloading from the disk, we are looking forward and seeing such a window:

Click on.

Note "Use the means of restoring ..." (As shown in the picture above) and select the operating system to restore (I do not have any OS, because I started the disk on the virtual machine), you will have an operating system there. All chose? Click "Next".

Press . Way to find problems.

And then, if problems are found, troubleshooting will begin.

After the correction process, you will see a message that the problem is solved, or that I failed to restore the computer. Personally, my method has always worked. There is another way to restore the loader, through the command line, but I will write about it later.

I would like to note separately that often, problems with the loader in the Windows 7 operating system appear precisely through mechanical damage to the hard disk. Therefore, as soon as such errors begin to appear, it is worth paying attention to the hard disk work. Good luck!

Most inexperienced users who first encountered with the "BootMGR IS Missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart" message appear when the computer is turned on, it seems that the end "came" on it.

What is quite explained: an incomprehensible inscription on a black background for beginner users seems to be hardly a muster of the apocalypse, and when after a dozen useless attempts to restart the system, the message does not disappear - it seems that it is time to cause omniscient computer masters.

However, in most cases of this error, the user himself is to blame, and it is able to correct the problem independently.

What does Bootmgr Is Missing error mean, and how to fix it?

So, from the message text it follows that the system simply cannot detect the boot sector for the correct start of the OS.

Possible causes of damage to the set - from incorrect operation with partitions of a hard disk and incorrectly turning off the computer, to the result of the system damage by various viruses.

Fortunately, Microsoft's developers did not remain aside from this problem, and offered several options for troubleshooting.

Method 1

To implement this method, it is necessary to have a bootable media with an operating system, since the first method involves the use of the capabilities of the recovery tools.

In fact, any image of Windows 7 or 8 is suitable, even if it has nothing to do with the already installed version of the operating system.

  • Using the operating system launch options (or setting the appropriate priority in the BIOS), download Windows from the media used and get to the section with the Set button.
  • Go to the "Restore System" subsection.
  • The next window will request a request to select the operating system - select the you need and click the Next button.
  • Next, the "System Recovery Settings" window opens, in which select the first line "Start Restore".
  • In the window that opens, you can see the process of identifying existing problems and their automatic correction.
  • Upon completion of the scan, restart and run the system in normal mode.

If this option does not help, you can try an alternative method - using the "Computer troubleshooting" parameter, which can be activated through the "Additional Download Options" section, which opens using the "F8" button when the system is started.

Method 2

The first few steps are performed similarly to the above-described method with the text "BootMGR IS Missing ..." only in the "System Recovery Settings" window you need to select the last item with the name "Command Line".

So, this method uses a more flexible means of restoring the system - "bootrec.exe.".

In accordance with the specifics of the problem under consideration, it should be added to the "bootrec.exe." Two more parameters:

"/ FixMBr" - designed to enter a boot record in the system section;

"/ FixBoot" - introduces a new boot sector in the system section.

If in these parameters to discard the "FIX" console, then the name "BootMBr" will be called, about the absence or damage of which and notifies the operating system when a malfunction occurs.

The "/ FixMBr" and "FixBoot" parameters are entered and performed alternately (ENTER button).

After executing commands, you should also check the operating system performance.

As an alternative version based on Microsoft's Recommendation, you can use the "/ RebuildBCD" parameter, which will reduce the boot configuration data storage.

Method 3.

Like Method No. 2 is implemented using the command line.

To correct the error, you will need to execute the "BCDBOOT C: \\ Windows" command - to create a new boot configuration.

After executing the command in the root of the system disk, the current configuration in the "BOOT" directory will be saved.

Method 4.

Finally, the option that is suitable for more confident users who can work with the command line, as they need to do the following alternate steps:

  • Also using the bootable media, go to the "Command Line" section;
  • After starting the console, enter and execute the "DiskPart" commands (step 1) and "List Volume" (step 2);
  • You will open a table with the existing disc partitions, where hidden subsections will also be presented, where the boot sector is stored. Look for a disk with the mark "Reserved" and the bootable / installation media itself - it can be displayed as "CD-ROM", orient to the displayed volume of the disk in the Size column. After completing the search, remember the names assigned to sections (volume and letter) and close the "diskpart" program "EXIT" command (step 3).
  • Using the obtained letter of the bootable media with the OS image, enter it into the console to open and further work with it. For example, if the letter "F" is assigned to the disk - to open it, enter "F:" (step 4).
  • Next, enter and execute the "Copy BootMGR C: \\" command to copy the bootloader file (step 5);
  • After notification of successful copying, close the disk by the "EXIT" command (step 6);

After performing data of manipulations, the system load must pass without errors. But, if the same situation occurs again, then you should open the command line and execute the BootSect / NT60 All / command command.

If it did not help it, then you should be patient and open the command line again: because From repetition error it follows that the disk to which the boot file was copied is not active, respectively, and it is necessary to correct:

  • Alternately, execute the command "diskpart" (step 1) and "List Disk" (step 2);
  • By analogy, determine the physical disk on which the operating system is installed, and execute the "SELECT DISK 0" command, where instead of "0" - the number of the discovered disk; (Step 3)
  • Next, you must view the partitions on the disk (partitions) using the List Partition command; (step 4)
  • You will open a table where all sections of the selected disk will be displayed in which you want to pay attention to the section of 100 MB and open it with command "SELECT Partition 1" (instead of 1 "- assigned partition number); (step 5)
  • At the end, make the selected section by the active command "Active", and after notifying that the "Section is marked as Active" (step 6), close it with the "EXIT" command.


So, the above five options for solving problems with a boot file in 90% of cases solve the problem, the remaining 10% fall on incorrect execution of recommendations and on the situation when nothing but reinstall the operating system helps.

Alternatively, in situations, when there is no hand-made operating system, you can use any convenient LiveCD, which has similar recovery functionality, in fact, using the same tools as.

Recently, Windows 7 users left a lot of reviews about the fact that a peculiar failure occurs during the operating system startup. This failure is manifested in the form of an error with the following content: "Bootmgr Is Missing. Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart. " The notification indicates that the boot file is not found. To correct the problem, you need to do some steps as followed below.

But first you need to briefly describe the current situation. At the moment of inclusion of computer equipment on a hard disk (hereinafter referred to as a railway), the search for software responsible for loading the operating system is activated. Sometimes access to this program becomes impracticable due to its possible damage. BootMGR IS Missing error can identify itself as a result of some reasons:

  • first, failure in the power supply system;
  • secondly, incorrect disabling computer equipment;
  • third, incorrect actions in the BIOS;
  • fourth, virus.

Effective methods for correcting the problem

There are three outlets from the current situation:

  • conduct an inspection and make sure the adequacy of the application of the boot disk in the BIOS;
  • automatic bootloader restoration for Windows 7;
  • eliminating the BootMGR IS Missing problem using the command line.

Checking Bios Settings

Make this step in the event that no less than two hard drives are installed on your computer. We are talking about physical railway, not about sections C, D, E, etc. If only one hard disk is installed on your computer, then safely go to the second solution to the problem. But be that as it may, remove any media of information from the computer (flash drives, external railway). Then restart the PC.

Sometimes there is a problem when it is completely random in the BIOS settings is not the corresponding disk. It is necessary to make a recheck, which disc is selected. If incorrect, then try to replace it with a proper disk, make it active. Then restart the computer.

Automatic hardware troubleshooting

The fact that Microsoft has made the development of a specific recovery environment, which makes it possible to eliminate many problems with the operating system, including the BootMGR IS Missing error. In order to launch it, it is necessary to constantly until the notification appears, press "F8" until you see the corresponding menu.

If this did not happen, you need to find a disk recovery or flash drive of the current version of Windows. Make download from the existing device. When the notification appears: "Press Any Key to Boot from CD or DVD", enter some key. If you don't do this, then the download will start reproduce from the railway, which will again be replaced by the BootMGR IS Missing error. Without installing, at the bottom of the page, select the request "System Restore".

Following this, the recovery utility will carry out a diagnostic study of the hard disk and will begin automatically search for possible problems. Then you need to trigger troubleshooting and make a restart of the computer.

If after the work done, you did not see any qualitative changes, then you need to resort to reload from the installation flash drive, select "System Restore". When a list of available operating systems appears, select the desired installed Windows and click Next.

Click on the "Startup Restore" item.

When a successful running of Windows is fulfilled, it will mean that the problem "bootmgr is missing" is solved.

Troubleshooting through command line

The current method of treating bootmgr is missing is a bit more complicated than previous, but it is most effective. Load the recovery environment, click the "Command Line".

In the process of establishing Windows 7, a specific hidden 100 MB unit is created, which is reserved by the operating system. In the downloaded Windows 7, it does not refer to the letter (as other discs with or D, E or F). Despite this, the section created is very important because it contains a miniature program that is responsible for loading a system containing bootmgr. When problems arise with this file or when it disappears, a known error is formed. Therefore, it is necessary to restore it. This can be done by making it from the installation device.

Make a similar step is possible through the command line. Simply put, the black window has recently launched. First, carefully consider the discs and find out where and where you have to transfer an important file. After all, the letter names of the discs can be different on unequal devices.

  • enter: diskpart;
  • after that, write: List Volume;
  • watch out the section with a total 100 MB and consider what kind of letter it should.

Important! On our picture containing a sample, the corresponding disk is under the Literary S.

In the same way, the CD / DVD-ROM is limited to the Literary "F". "D" denotes a disk with data.
After that, in a clear sequence, perform such actions:

  1. Clean the DiskPart: EXIT request.
  2. Move the CD / DVD-ROM drive. In our sample, it "F": F.
  3. Copy bootmgr file to a small disk. In our picture "C": Copy Bootmgr C: \\.

After that, a message should appear indicating that a safe copying of one file has passed.

However, it often happens that after recording the actual OS, the disk is previously broken into the section, it is impossible to find a hidden 100 MB. Under such circumstances, you need to transfer the BootMGR file directly to discs with data. In order to simplify the task with the designation of the required file, as well as prevent the subsequent appearance of the BootMGR IS Missing error, copy it to the disk. On the example from our picture, we are talking about the device D. Thus, the following is to be performed: Copy Bootmgr D: \\.

Restart PC. When the changes did not happen, reappear to the command prompt using such an action: BootSect / NT60 All.

Put the computer reboot. When there is a BOOTMGR IS Missing error, the disk is not marked by the status "Active".

We make the disk "active" using the command line

The disk with the boot file must include bootmgr, as well as to be listed as active. If it is in an active condition, then it becomes possible to load Windows. If the actively is considered not that disk, the result of the system loading will continue to be "erroneous".

Re-work with the command line:

  1. Enter the already known: diskpart and list disk;
  2. You will find a list containing hard drives. From it, select the disk storing the operating system. Make this step, looking at the size of the disks. In the case when only one disk is installed on your computer, select it using the Action: Select Disk 0 or 1.
  3. After that, enter a request to view all its sections: List Partition;
  4. Look for the desired 100 MB section. If you do not find a small section, choose the first or second section, taking into account what Windows was installed on which disc. Define the selection number: Select Partition 1 (2), as well as activate the section: Active, then click EXIT. Before conducting an output query (EXIT), a notification should appear like this: "Section is marked as active."
  5. Restart the computer.

The problem is fixed. Now you know what to do and how to solve the problem with the loader. Work with pleasure!