Accidental simultaneous external mechanical damage. External mechanical impact on the phone

Let us consider the stability of instrumental equipment to mechanical stress using the example of aviation instruments and devices, since they operate under the most severe conditions of the complex action of all types of mechanical factors.

The main sources of external dynamic influences on aviation instrumentation equipment (APA) are the aircraft on which it is installed and the environment. Excitation of dynamic effects from an aircraft is called kinematic, and from internal devices LA - power. Force effects are most often a consequence of the operation of power supply units, air conditioning devices, hydraulic systems, fuel supply, etc. electromechanical devices with reciprocating moving masses or unbalanced rotating rotors.

Mechanical influences include: linear overloads, vibrations, shocks.

During transmission from the source to the AUV and its elements, external mechanical influences are transformed - the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the oscillations, the amplitude and duration of shock pulses change; there are transient oscillatory processes accompanying the effect of long-term linear loads.

Overload is the ratio of the effective acceleration to the acceleration due to gravity. Linear overloads, except for short-term ones, cannot be eliminated or weakened. Therefore, the operability of the structures is ensured by increasing the rigidity and strength of the elements, which, as a rule, leads to an increase in the mass of the AUV structures.

AUV vibration is understood as mechanical vibrations of its elements or structure as a whole. The vibration can be intermittent or random. In turn, periodic vibration is subdivided into harmonic and polyharmonic, and random - into stationary, non-stationary, narrowband and broadband.

Vibration is usually characterized by vibration displacement, vibration velocity and vibration acceleration.

Vibration displacement with harmonic vibration is defined as

where Z - vibration displacement amplitude; - vibration frequency.

Vibration velocity and vibration acceleration are found as a result of differentiation (5.1):

Vibration acceleration with harmonic vibration is phase-ahead of vibration displacement by an angle, vibration velocity by an angle.

Amplitudes of vibration displacement Z, vibration velocity , vibration acceleration and angular vibration frequency are the main characteristics of harmonic vibration. However, apart from them, harmonic vibration can be characterized by vibration overload

. (5.2)

If in (5.2) the amplitude of vibration displacement is expressed in mm, and the acceleration of gravity is in, then the relation for vibration overload can be written in the form , where - circular vibration frequency.

Polyharmonic or complex periodic vibration can be represented as a sum of harmonic components.

For a random vibration, it is characteristic that its parameters (vibration displacement amplitude, frequency, etc.) change in time by chance. It can be stationary and non-stationary. In the case of stationary random vibration, the mathematical expectation of vibration displacement is zero, the mathematical expectations of vibration velocity and vibration acceleration are constant. In the case of non-stationary vibrations, the statistical characteristics are not constant.

In addition to vibration, the structure can be exposed to shock effects arising from operation, transportation, installation, etc. Upon impact, structural elements experience loads for a short period of time, accelerations reach high values ​​and can lead to damage to the elements. The intensity of the shock impact depends on the shape, amplitude and duration of the shock pulse.

The shape of the shock pulse is determined by the dependence of the shock acceleration on time (Fig. 5.1). When analyzing shock effects, the real shape of the shock pulse is replaced with a simpler one, for example, rectangular, triangular, half-sinusoidal.

The amplitude of the shock impulse is taken as the maximum acceleration upon impact. The duration of the impact is the time interval during which the impact impulse acts.

Impact effects occur in structural elements damped oscillations... Therefore, in practice, it becomes necessary to protect the AUV structures simultaneously from shocks and vibrations, since in real operating conditions, structures are often subjected to complex mechanical influences, which should be reflected

when designing protective equipment.

The structural elements of the AUV are characterized by their mechanical resonance frequencies, varying over a wide range depending on the mass and rigidity of fixing the component parts. In all cases, the formation of a mechanical oscillatory system in the load field must not be allowed - this applies to circuit boards, panels, housings, installation wires and other parts of the APU structure.

The field of loads is understood as the mechanical loads of the system caused by fluctuations of various frequencies and amplitudes during testing, installation, transportation and operation.

As a result of mechanical influences, reversible and irreversible changes can occur in the AUV structural elements.

Reversible changes are characteristic of the electronic equipment of the APA, which leads to a violation of stability and a deterioration in the quality of the functioning of the equipment. The factors causing reversible changes can be grouped into the following groups depending on the physics of the processes occurring in the design:

Deformations in active and passive components, leading to a change in their parameters;

Violations of electrical contacts in connectors and one-piece connections, causing a change in the ohmic resistance of the contacts;

Changes in the parameters of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, which can lead to a violation of the conditions of electromagnetic compatibility in the structure.

Irreversible changes are inherent in structural elements of APA, are associated with violation of strength conditions and are manifested in mechanical destruction of elements. The elements that are pre-loaded during assembly and wiring (bolts,

screws, rivets, welds with residual thermal stresses, bulk conductors with excessive tension, etc.).

The irreversible changes occurring in the structural elements of the APU under mechanical stress include fatigue failure.

Fatigue is the process of gradual accumulation of damage in the material of a part under the influence of alternating stresses. The mechanism of this process is associated with the structural heterogeneity of the material (individual grains are not the same in shape and size, are differently oriented in space, have inclusions, structural defects). As a result of this inhomogeneity in individual unfavorably oriented grains (crystals) at alternating voltages shears arise, the boundaries of which expand with time, pass to other grains and, covering an ever wider area, develop into a fatigue crack. The fatigue strength of materials depends on the magnitude and nature of the change in stresses, on the number of loading cycles.

AUV structures operating under mechanical stress must meet the requirements of strength and stability. Strength (vibration and shock resistance) to the impact of mechanical factors means the ability of structures to perform functions and maintain the values ​​of parameters within the limits established by the standards, after exposure to mechanical factors.

Resistance (vibration and shock resistance) to mechanical factors is understood as the ability of a structure to perform specified functions and maintain its parameters within the limits established by standards during exposure to mechanical factors.

Avoid mechanical stress on electrical equipment in modern world practically impossible, therefore, an assessment of resistance to the influence of external mechanical factors must be carried out. There are several methods for such a check, which the authors of the material talk about.


Valentin Shishenin,
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Vladimir Bakin,
Vladimir Pavlov,
Engineer, Scientific Research Center 26 Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation,
St. Petersburg

The scientific development of the tasks of checking the factors of impact and vibration on various equipment was started back in the 50s and 60s of the last century. Research carried out in this area has made it possible to identify the groups of equipment that are most critical to vibration and shock loads.
Electrical equipment belongs to the group most sensitive to vibration and shock (hereinafter referred to as mechanical) loads, since it has automatic switches (switches), electromagnetic starters, relays and breakers in the structure of functional circuits different types showing control devices (ammeters, voltmeters, etc.). These conclusions are also confirmed by foreign studies.
Mechanical effects on electrical equipment are largely due to dynamic phenomena arising from the rotation and reciprocating motion of unbalanced elements and parts. In turn, low-amplitude mechanical vibrations often cause resonant vibrations in other structural elements. An additional source of mechanical influences on electrical equipment are technogenic factors, as well as external natural factors, including earthquakes. The examples of recent years confirm that there are now no places on earth where earthquakes are impossible.
Even greater potential danger for the environment and the population is distinguished by cases of malfunction and failure from mechanical effects of electrical equipment installed at hazardous industries and nuclear power plants. Therefore, higher requirements are imposed on the resistance of electrical equipment at high-risk facilities.

Test standards
Depending on the field of application and place of installation, electrical products according to GOST 17.516.1-90 are divided into groups of mechanical design. Based on this, requirements are imposed on them in terms of strength, stability and resistance to mechanical external influencing factors of varying degrees of rigidity.
For hardware, instruments, devices and equipment for military purposes, the requirements for resistance to external influencing factors are put forward in accordance with GOST RV 20.39.304-98. Tests of electrical equipment for compliance with the requirements of GOST 17.516.1-90 in terms of resistance to mechanical external influences are carried out in accordance with the test methods in accordance with GOST 20.57.406-81 and GOST 16962.2-90. Tests of electrical equipment for military purposes for compliance with the requirements of GOST RV 20.39.304-98 in terms of resistance to mechanical external influences are carried out in accordance with test methods in accordance with GOST 20.57.305-98.
In the general case, verification of the compliance of electrical equipment with the requirements put forward can be carried out by experimental, calculation and calculation-experimental methods. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Experimental method
The most complete and reliable data on the strength, stability and resistance of equipment to the mechanical effects of external factors can be obtained only experimentally. Analysis of the results of tests of electrical equipment for the effect of external mechanical factors, carried out over the past 10–20 years at NRC 26 Central Research Institute, made it possible to establish the most typical failures and shortcomings.
1. Breakage or destruction of attachment points caused by:

  • by cutting the fastening bolts and studs;
  • deformation of support units made of profile or sheet steel;
  • the appearance of cracks and destruction of the cast-iron foundation frames at the base;
  • the appearance of cracks in the welded seams of the support units of the units.
2. Deformation or destruction of the integrity of the body due to:
  • deformation of the frame, covers and doors of rack-mount and cabinet-type equipment;
  • deformation of the supporting nodes of the door pillars, preventing their further fixation in the closed position;
  • destruction and spalling of flange protrusions on cast iron covers of electric motors.
3. Deformation or breakage of internal assemblies and elements as a result of:
  • displacement of roll-out carts;
  • destruction of bushing and support insulators, getinax boards and textolite cases;
  • falling out of arc-extinguishing chambers, electrical measuring instruments;
  • destruction of the filament of lamps in lighting equipment and apparatus;
  • destruction of bearings.
4. False actuation of contact elements.

Spontaneous closing and opening of the contact elements of the devices at the moment of exposure to the load can lead to the disconnection of important technical systems and disruption of technological processes.
For objective reasons in Russia over the past fifteen years there has been a significant reduction in the number of functioning test laboratories and test centers and, as a consequence, the number of test facilities that reproduce mechanical, including seismic, effects.
It should also be noted that the park of test facilities for mechanical stress is very worn out, the test benches are relatively small, and the lack of multicomponent installations.
In fact, there is no possibility of testing large-sized equipment with linear dimensions of more than 3 m and a mass of more than 3 tons for vibration and shock.
And as practice shows, unique large-sized and massive equipment, due to its inertial characteristics, tolerates mechanical stress worse and therefore needs mandatory testing for the effect of expected external mechanical factors. The same is the case with test facilities for testing for effects adequate to intense earthquakes. In the former USSR, there were five large programmed seismic platforms equipped with hydraulic drives. In recent years, seismic platforms located on the territory Russian Federation, practically did not work, and it remains unclear what the required amounts of appropriations are to restore their efficiency and modernization.

Calculation method
A significant disadvantage of using the experimental method is its dependence on the limited capabilities of the test equipment. Therefore, if it is necessary to assess the strength to mechanical stress of samples of electrical equipment made from materials with known characteristics, a calculation method is used. This is facilitated by the modern development of modeling and calculation methods, software tools and computing technology. The indisputable advantage of the calculated method for determining the strength lies in the fact that its application is not limited by the size and maximum mass of the calculated equipment. In addition, in comparison with the experimental way, the calculation has a fairly low cost.
Among the main disadvantages this method determination of strength, the following can be emphasized:

  • by calculation, it is practically impossible to assess the stability of the operation of electrical equipment during the influence of an external mechanical factor;
  • it is practically impossible to confirm compliance with the requirements for strength to the effect of external mechanical factors for equipment samples with nonlinear characteristics and complex systems of electrical equipment;
  • the accuracy of determining the strength depends on the adopted design model, the qualifications of calculation specialists, used software products and techniques.
Calculation and experimental method
Taking into account the technical capabilities of the existing test means, testing a complex electrical system for resistance under the influence of mechanical factors may actually turn out to be unrealizable or will require significant material costs, and the assessment of the resistance of the system as a whole by calculation is impossible. In this case, a computational and experimental method is used.
On a vibrodynamic stand, the cabinets were tested for resistance to sinusoidal vibration with the indicated amplitudes of vibration displacement and vibration acceleration in the range from 7 to 100 Hz. As you know, vibration tests in the range from 1 to 5 Hz are difficult due to the lack of vibrodynamic stands of the required carrying capacity. During the tests, the acceleration parameters were recorded with the help of three sensors installed in certain places of the cabinets. Simultaneously, design models of cabinets were developed and calculations for a similar effect were carried out.

Practical example
The task was to assess the resistance of a group of electrical equipment cabinets with a maximum dimensions of 600x800x2000 mm and a maximum mass of 250 kg to the effects of sinusoidal vibration in the range from 1 to 100 Hz, with an amplitude of vibration acceleration of 7 m / s2 from 1 to 35 Hz and with an amplitude of vibration acceleration of 10 m / s2 from 35 to 100 Hz.

After the tests, the calculated and experimental data were compared in the frequency range from 7 to 100 Hz, and a sufficient convergence of the calculation and test results was revealed. Tests have shown that the cabinets are resistant to test impacts in the range from 7 to 100 Hz. After the tests, the calculations of the cabinets were carried out on proven design models for the effect of sinusoidal vibration in the range from 1 to 7 Hz. The kinematic parameters obtained by calculation at the set points did not exceed the motion parameters recorded at the same points during the tests. Therefore, according to the results of the computational and experimental evaluation, a positive conclusion was made about the resistance of the equipment in the range from 1 to 100 Hz when exposed to a given sinusoidal vibration.

Computational and experimental is the most universal way determination of resistance (strength, stability) of equipment samples and their systems to external mechanical factors. It combines the advantages and partially eliminates the disadvantages of the computational and experimental methods, however, its application requires a sufficient amount of the necessary initial and experimental data, the correctness of the methods and techniques used, and highly qualified specialists.

A few tips for manufacturers
Increasing the resistance of electrical equipment to external mechanical factors can be carried out by:

  • the use of optimal circuit solutions;
  • use of resistant components in equipment;
  • reducing the size of products;
  • rational layout and fastening of components, increasing the fill factor;
  • the use of unified frames of the optimal profile;
  • improvement of locking devices for doors and covers of cabinet equipment;
  • devices for additional fastening at the top of the product;
  • calculation of standard equipment fastening units;
  • control during installation of the required tightening force of bolted connections.
1. Vibrations in technology. Reference book in 6 volumes. - T. 3. Oscillations of machines, structures and their elements. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 1980.
2. Coloiaco A.P., Elsher E. G. Sine-beat tests verifies switchgear control equipment // IEEE Trans. Power Appar. and Syst. - 1973. - Vol. 93, N2. - P. 751-758.
3. Kirillov A.P., Ambriashvili Yu.K. Seismic resistance of nuclear power plants. - M .: Energoatomizdat, 1985.
4. GOST 17.516.1-90 “Electrical products. General requirements in terms of resistance to mechanical external factors. "
5. GOST RV 20.39.304-98 "Requirements for resistance to external influencing factors". 6. GOST 20.57.406-81 "Products electronic technology, quantum electronics and electrical engineering ”.
7. GOST 16962.2-90 “Electrical products. Test methods for resistance to mechanical external influencing factors ".
8. GOST RV 20.57.305-98 "Test methods for the impact of mechanical factors".
9. Bakin V.A., Belyaev V.S., Vinogradov V.V., Sirro V.A. Testing of building structures and large-sized equipment for seismic effects. - M .: VNIINTPI, 1996. - Issue. 6. - P. 3–10.

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In the name of the Russian Federation

The court consisted of: the magistrate of the judicial district No. 44 of the Central district of the city of Bratsk, Irkutsk region Zaugolnikova E.V.,

under the secretary of N.G. Lyashenko,

with the participation of the plaintiff Shereshkova N.A.,

in the absence of a representative,

representative of the defendant,

Having considered in open court a civil case on a claim in the interests of Shereshkova to the protection of consumer rights

U S T A N O V I L:

(hereinafter - carrying out, in accordance with Art. of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individual consumers, appealed to the court in the interests of Shereshkova k with a statement of claim on the protection of consumer rights, stating in support of the claim that on February 12 2016, Shereshkova applied, who indicated that on May 26, 2015 she acquired it, which she insured from a representative of the insurer on May 26, 2015. When concluding an insurance contract, Shereshkova N.A. was issued an insurance policy, which is a confirmation of an insurance contract for conditions and in accordance with the "Rules for the insurance of electronic equipment" approved by Order No. 209-od dated July 31, 2014. In accordance with the policy, Shereshkova N.A., in the event of an insured event, is the beneficiary.

On July 18, 2015, as a result of unintentional actions, the phone received external damage to the display module (screen) of the phone, which resulted in the fact that it did not display information, but displayed spots of "rainbow" colors, and there was also a very thin crack in the glass of the display module. which is displayed in the photograph sent by N. A. Shereshkova to the address To determine the damage and the cost of repairs, N. A. Shereshkova turned to an authorized service center where on August 18, 2015, diagnostics were carried out (certificate of completion No. 055124 dated August 18, 2015. ), for which Shereshkova N.A. paid 450 rubles, after which a technical opinion was issued stating that the replacement of the display module was required and the cost of repair work, taking into account the cost of spare parts, amounted to 5950 rubles. This amount was paid by N.A. Shereshkova. authorized service center. After replacing the display module, the phone was in good working order. That is, Shereshkova N.A., as an insured, in accordance with 962 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, upon the occurrence of an insured event provided for by a property insurance contract, took reasonable and available measures in the current circumstances to reduce possible losses. Shereshkova N.A. took measures of pre-trial settlement of the dispute, she sent a statement to the insurer about the occurrence of an insured event. The letter was accompanied by a technical opinion No. 684 issued in a phone photo, a statement on the occurrence of an insured event (the application form established by the insured was attached to the policy), as well as copies of other documents confirming the presence of mechanical damage to the phone and payment for repairs. In November 2015, a letter was received from 06.11.2015 No. 07 / 02-08 / 49-02-05 / 30934 "On refusal to pay insurance compensation in case No. MM NFL - 15 - 20841". In December 2015, N. A. Shereshkova sent a claim to which at the end of January 2016 a response was received from January 18, 2016 No. 07 / 02-08 / 31-03-02 / 1201 "On repeated refusal to pay insurance indemnity for the payment case MM -NFL-15-20841 ", on the grounds that the photo does not show external mechanical damage, and in accordance with clause 3.4 of the Special Conditions, damage in the form of scratches, chips and other cosmetic damage, as well as internal damage without external damage. "

In accordance with clause Under special conditions, under "mechanical impact" it is necessary to understand the external impact of objects on the surface of the insured property. " Of course, the impact of the phone on the floor, accidentally falling off the table, should be considered an external mechanical impact on the surface of the insured phone, therefore, in accordance with clause Under special conditions, what happened is an insured event, since the insured property (telephone) suffered damage “in the form of damage / destruction as a result of mechanical impact”. External and internal damage to the phone was received at the same time, under the circumstances described above, and thus the insured property (phone) suffered damage in the form of external and internal damage as a result of mechanical impact, which, in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to the order dated September 26, 2012 No. 283-od Special conditions of insurance for insurance is an insured event. At the same time, the insurer's references to the fact that no cracks are visible in the photograph are unfounded, since in accordance with the policy of N.A. Shereshkov. was not obliged to send any photos to the insurer at all. In accordance with Art. Section III. Judges, bodies, officials authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses> Chapter 23. Judges, bodies, officials authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses> Article 23.49. The federal executive body exercising federal state supervision in the field of consumer protection "target =" _blank "> 23 of the Federal Law" On Protection of Consumer Rights "asks to recover in favor of the plaintiff Shereshkov N.A. a penalty in the amount of 1,728 rubles, as well as moral damage in the amount of 3,000 rubles, based on the fact that by concluding the insurance contract, the plaintiff hoped to ensure the possibility of a quick and effective repair of the phone she had purchased in the event of a breakdown in the event of an insured event. she actually deceived her, and by concluding the contract only intended to receive an insurance premium from her without intending to fulfill the insurance contract in the future, also the cost of the phone and the amount of the insurance premium are significant for Shereshkova N.A. the premium only increased the expenses of N.A. Shereshkova ... to purchase a phone without receiving any advantage for her, which she counted on by concluding an insurance contract. In addition, the payment of the cost of repairs is significant for N.A. Shereshkova, since she could not not repair the phone - the child must have a phone in modern conditions, but N.A. Shereshkova. hoped to receive the amount of insurance and compensate for their expenses on repairs. Having received an unlawful refusal of insurance payments and not receiving compensation for her expenses for repairing the phone, the plaintiff was forced to reduce her expenses for other vital purposes, including limiting herself in purchasing food for herself and her family. Thus, the unlawful refusal of insurance payment entailed for N.A. Shereshkova. moral suffering, and the defendant is obliged to compensate for the moral damage caused. Guided by Art. , Art. , The Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" asks the court to collect in favor of the consumer Shereshkova: 5950 (five thousand nine hundred and fifty) rubles in return for the cost of repairing the insured phone paid by her, 450 rubles for diagnostics in 3000 rubles - compensation for moral damage; a penalty in the amount of 1,728 rubles, which is calculated as follows: 1,200 rubles (the amount of the insurance premium)? 1% ? 144 days (the period of delay from 11/06/2015 - the moment of refusal of the insurance payment and until 03/23/2016 - the day of filing the statement of claim) = 1,728 rubles, and also collect a fine from the defendant in favor of Shereshkova, provided for in Part 6 of Art. Of the RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

At the hearing, acting on the basis of a power of attorney, did not appear, presented an application for the consideration of the case in his absence.

At the hearing, the plaintiff Shereshkova supported the claims, explained to the court that on May 26, 2015, when buying a phone, she entered into an insurance contract with a representative of the insurer. At the conclusion of the insurance contract, she was issued an insurance policy. On July 18, 2015, when she visited her daughter, where the latter worked as a counselor, the phone was accidentally dropped from the table, as a result of which it received external damage to the display. Externally, there was a very thin crack on the display, since the phone has strong glass, but the phone itself stopped displaying information and showed spots of "rainbow" colors. Since there is no office of the insurance company, she called the respondent by phone, informed about the occurrence of the insured event. She was advised to contact the service to determine the nature of the damage and the cost of repairs, in connection with which, she turned to an authorized service center where on August 18, 2015 diagnostics were carried out, for which the plaintiff paid 450 rubles, after which a technical opinion No. 684 was issued that the replacement of the display module was required and the cost of repair work, taking into account the cost of spare parts, will be 5950 rubles. On September 14, she sent to the defendant by e-mail conclusion, other documents, then the correspondence was conducted by e-mail, she was additionally requested to take pictures of the phone, after which she was denied the payment of insurance compensation, since the photograph of the phone sent by her to the insurance company did not record external damage to the display. In the photographs, the crack is really not very visible, since it was thin, however, a technical act was sent to confirm the presence of damage by it. Considers that she was unjustifiably denied the payment of insurance compensation. Requests to satisfy the stated claims in full. She also explained that initially a technical conclusion was issued that the repair of the display module was 5950 rubles, but in the future, the repair cost her 5050 rubles.

The defendant's representative - acting on the basis of a power of attorney, did not appear at the hearing, being duly notified of the time and place of the hearing, submitted a response to statement of claim, in which he indicated that the insurance contract of May 26, 2015, concluded between and Shereshkova N.A., was concluded on the terms and in accordance with the "Rules for Insurance of Electronic Equipment" dated July 31, 2014 and the Special Conditions of Insurance for Insurance product "Advantage for technology // portable +". In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. the conditions on which the insurance contract is concluded may be defined in the standard insurance rules of the corresponding type, adopted, approved or approved by the insurer or the union of insurers (insurance rules). In accordance with the entry made in the Policy, with the Terms and Conditions, the insured Shereshkova N.A. was informed and agreed. After the plaintiff applied with a statement about the occurrence of an event that has signs of insurance, it was decided to refuse to pay insurance compensation, about which an official refusal was sent to her from 18.01.2016, No. 07 / 02-08 / 31-03-02 / 1201 , on the basis of articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with paragraphs. “E” of clause 3.4 of the Special Conditions, is not an insured event: damage in the form of: scratches, chips and other cosmetic damage to the insured property, which does not affect its performance; internal damage without external damage, including damage resulting from manufacturer's defects. The fact that in currently the telephone was repaired according to the declared event, it does not allow to objectively consider the stated claims of the plaintiff, including to conduct an examination. There are no declared damages on the photographs, and the malfunctions declared by the company are not relative and unconditional evidence that the insurance object was in a faulty condition. Insurance contract, in accordance with Art. ... It was concluded between the two parties, the terms of the contract of the plaintiff were satisfied and, before the event of 18.07.2015, were not contested, were not invalidated. considered the application of the insured Shereshkova N.A. within the framework of the insurance contract, in accordance with Art. according to the documents submitted. According to paragraph 1 of Art. , when concluding a property insurance contract between the plaintiff and an agreement was reached on a certain property or other property interest, which is the object of insurance, on the nature of the event, in the event of an occurrence, which is insured (insured event), on the duration of the contract. So, according to clause 4 of the insurance contract, the telephone was defined as the object of insurance; insurance risks, in accordance with clause 5 of the contract, are defined as: fire, explosion, lightning strike, exposure to liquid, natural disasters, exposure to foreign objects, exposure as a result of an accident, robbery, robbery, hooliganism, theft; the amount of insurance compensation - 11,490.0 rubles; the term of the agreement is 1 year (clause 7 of the agreement). In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. RF Law of 27.11.1992; 4015-1 "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation", the insurance risk is an alleged event, in the event of an occurrence, which is being insured. An event considered as an insurance risk must have signs of the likelihood and randomness of its occurrence. Accordingly, according to the claims stated by the plaintiff, it did not take on additional risks. With regard to the damages indicated in the claim, the policyholder did not provide the Insurance Company with documents confirming the reported event. According to clause 7 of the Insurance Conditions, the policyholder, upon the occurrence of an event that has signs of insurance, provides documents that must contain information that allows to unambiguously identify the insured device (Mark, model, IMEI / Serial). According to clause 6.1.5 of the Insurance Conditions, at the request of the insurer, the policyholder submits the documents necessary to confirm the fact and reasons for the occurrence of the insured event and determine the amount of damage caused to the insured property (in accordance with clause 7 of the Conditions), photos of the damaged property. Taking into account the presented arguments, in case of satisfaction of the claims of Shereshekova NA, asks to apply the consequences of Art. , when collecting a fine from the amount satisfied by the court. In order to prevent unjust enrichment on the part of the policyholder, in accordance with clause 8.5 of the Insurance Conditions, the total loss of the insured property is recognized if the total cost of restoration repairs is at least 80% of the value of the insured property. So, until now, the plaintiff has not made a decision to abandon the insurance object. He asks to refuse to satisfy the stated requirements in full.

Having heard the plaintiff Shereshkova NA, having studied the presented objections of the representative of the defendant, having examined the evidence presented, the court comes to the following.

The court sees no legal basis for reducing this amount of the fine.


Satisfy the claim partially.

To collect from in favor of Shereshkova 5050 rubles - for the return of the paid cost of repairing the insured phone, 450 rubles - for diagnostics in 450 rubles, a penalty in the amount of 1200 rubles, compensation for moral damage in the amount of 1000 rubles

Refuse to satisfy claims for the recovery of the cost of repairs in the amount of 900 rubles, a penalty in the amount of 528 rubles.

Collect a fine for non-compliance with the voluntary procedure for satisfying consumer claims in favor of Shereshkova in the amount of 1,925 rubles, in favor of 1,925 rubles

To collect from the state duty to the budget of the municipal formation of the city of the region in the amount of 700 rubles.

The decision can be appealed on appeal to the Bratsk City Court of the Irkutsk Region through the magistrate of the judicial district No. 44 of the Central District of the city of Bratsk, Irkutsk Region, within a month.

An application for drawing up a reasoned court decision may be filed within three days from the date of the announcement of the operative part of the court decision, if the persons participating in the case, their representatives were present at the court session; within fifteen days from the date of the announcement of the operative part of the court decision, if the persons participating in the case, their representatives were not present at the court session

Judicial practice on the application of the norm of Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

External friction, mechanical resistance arising in the plane of tangency of two contacting bodies during their relative displacement. Resistance force F directed opposite to the movement of a given body is called the friction force acting on this body. T. v. - a dissipative process, accompanied by the release of heat, electrification of bodies, their destruction, etc.

Distinguish T. in. sliding and rolling. The characteristic of the first is the sliding friction coefficient f c - dimensionless value equal to the ratio of the friction force to the normal load; characteristic of the second - rolling friction coefficient f k is the ratio of rolling frictional moment to normal load. External conditions (load, speed, roughness, temperature, lubrication) affect the value of T. c. no less than the nature of rubbing bodies, changing it several times.

Sliding friction. If the component of the force applied to the body, lying in the plane of contact of two bodies, is insufficient to cause the body to slide relative to the other, then the resulting friction force is called incomplete friction force (section OA on rice. ); it is caused by small (~ 1 micron) partially reversible displacements in the contact zone, the magnitude of which is proportional to the applied force and changes with an increase in the latter from 0 to some maximum value(point A on rice. ), called the force of friction at rest; these movements are called preliminary offsets. After the applied force exceeds the critical value, the preliminary displacement transforms into sliding, and the T. force. decreases slightly (point A 1) and ceases to depend on movement (frictional force of movement).

Due to the waviness and roughness of each of the surfaces, the contact of two solid bodies occurs only in separate "spots" concentrated on the ridges of the protrusions. The sizes of the spots depend on the nature of the bodies and the conditions of the T. c. More rigid protrusions penetrate into the deformable counterbody, forming single spots of real contact, on which sticking forces arise (adhesion, chemical bonds, mutual diffusion, etc.). As a result of running-in, the touch spots are "stretched" in the direction of travel. The diameter of the area-equivalent touch spot is from 1 to 50 micron depending on the nature of the surface, the type of processing and the T.V. When sliding, these spots tilt at a certain angle to the direction of movement, the material moves apart and is crushed by the sliding irregularity, and the sticking spots formed from the surface films covering the solid are called bridges, are continuously destroyed (cut off) and formed again. In these spots, stresses are realized only several times lower than the theoretical strength of the material. The shear resistance of a material depends on the dimensionless characteristic h / R- depth ratios h introducing a single irregularity modeled by a spherical segment to its radius R... This ratio determines the mechanical component of the T.'s force.

For the most part, the described deformation is elastic and the energy dissipation is due to losses on hysteresis... In the touching spots, forces of intermolecular interaction arise, the losses to overcome which are estimated by the dimensionless characteristic t / s s, where t is the shear resistance of the molecular bond, s s is the yield stress of the base. Molecular shear resistance t = t 0 + b P r, where t 0 is the strength of the bridge in the absence of a compressive load, P r is the actual pressure at the touching spot, b is the bridge hardening factor. Each touching spot (the so-called frictional link) exists only for a limited time, as the protrusion leaves the interaction. The lifespan of a friction bond is an important characteristic, since it determines the temperature that develops during heating, wear resistance, etc. Thus, the process of heating. is a dual process - on the one hand, it is associated with the dissipation of energy due to the overcoming of molecular bonds, on the other hand, with the change in the shape of the surface layer of the material by embedded irregularities.

Total coefficient of T.V. is determined by the sum of mechanical and molecular components

where TO is the coefficient associated with the location of the protrusions in height, and g is the coefficient of hysteresis losses. From the equation it follows that the coefficient of T. in. depending on the pressure at constant roughness or on the roughness at constant pressure passes through the minimum. During running-in of friction pairs, the roughness is established, corresponding to the minimum of the coefficient of T. c. For the effective operation of the friction pair, it is essential that the surface layer of the solid has a lower shear resistance than the deep layers. This is achieved by using various liquid lubricants. In this case, the rubbing bodies are separated by a layer of liquid or gas, in which the bulk properties of these media are manifested and the laws of fluid friction, characterized by the absence of static friction, come into force. Sometimes it is necessary to have a weakened surface layer of the body itself; this is achieved by the use of surfactants (lubricant additives), soft metal coatings, polymers, or by creating protective films with reduced shear resistance.

Depending on the nature of the deformation of the surface layer, T. is distinguished. with elastic and plastic contacts and microcutting. Under certain conditions, depending on the load and mechanical properties of each pair of friction, T. c. goes into internal friction, which is characterized by the absence of a jump in velocity when passing from one body to another. The load at which T. in. is violated for a given friction pair, is called the external friction threshold.

Rolling friction. The rolling friction forces are very small compared to the sliding friction forces. Rolling friction is caused by: a) elastic hysteresis losses associated with the compression of the material under load in front of the rolling body; b) the cost of work on the re-deformation of the material during the formation of the roller in front of the rolling body; c) overcoming the clutch bridges. For sufficiently extended dimensions of the touching spot, slippage occurs in the contact zone, which leads to the sliding friction already discussed above. At high rolling speeds, comparable to the rate of propagation of deformation in the body, the rolling resistance increases sharply, and then it is more profitable to switch to sliding friction.

Friction control by selecting friction pairs, unit designs and their correct operation is a topic of a new technical science called tribotechnics.

Lit .: Deryagin B.V., What is friction ?, 2nd ed., M., 1963; Kragelsky I. V., Friction and wear, 2nd ed., M., 1968; Dyachkov A.K., Friction, wear and lubrication in machines, M., 1958; Friction of polymers, M., 1972; Bowden F. and Tabor D., Friction and lubrication of solids, trans. from English, M., 1968.

I. V. Kragelsky.

The value of the friction force depending on the relative displacement of the rubbing bodies during shear that turns into sliding.