Windows 7 Task Scheduler cannot start. The Task Scheduler service is missing or missing - Solution

Often, in the course of viruses or, let's say, not entirely correct user actions, it happens that some services disappear or do not work.

This happens especially often with the "Task Scheduler" service. this service is necessary for the correct operation of, for example, antivirus (and possibly some others, I have not tested). As a rule, in the same way, any creators of lightweight Windows assemblies (ala Game Edition, ZverCD, etc.) often kill such services, considering them superfluous, moreover, they kill not just changing the startup parameter from "Automatic" to "Disabled", but generally cutting out the service from the system so that it is not displayed either through or in the list of services in the Administrative Tools panel.

In this article, I offer you a solution and present a small .reg file that corrects this misunderstanding, namely, returning the service to its place, even if it is not in the list and cut out by folk "craftsmen" from the system or changing its launch parameters is not available in the investigation actions of a particularly harmful virus.


Using the registry to restore the service

Actually, everything is simple.

The content of the file is as follows:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Description" = "Allows you to customize the schedule automatic execution tasks on this computer. If this service is stopped, these tasks cannot run at the scheduled times. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it cannot be started. "
"Type" = dword: 00000020
"Start" = dword: 00000002
"ErrorControl" = dword: 00000001
"ImagePath" = hex (2): 25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d, 00,52,00,6f, 00,6f, 00, \
74,00,25,00,5c, 00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d, 00,33,00,32,00,5c, 00,73, \,,, 00, \
"DisplayName" = "Task Scheduler"
"Group" = "SchedulerGroup"
"DependOnService" = hex (7): 52,00,70,00,63,00,53,00,73,00,00,00,00,00
"DependOnGroup" = hex (7): 00.00
"ObjectName" = "LocalSystem"
"FailureActions" = hex: 80.51,01,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,2e, 00,03, \
00.01,00,00,00,70,17,00,00,01,00,00,00,60, ea, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00

"ServiceDll" = hex (2): 25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d, 00,52,00,6f, 00,6f, \,,, 00, \,, 00.6c, 00.00, \
"ServiceMain" = "SchedServiceMain"

"Security" = hex: 01,00,14,80,90,00,00,00,9c, 00,00,00,14,00,00,00,30,00,00,00,02, \
00,1c, 00.01,00,00,00,02,80,14,00, ff, 01,0f, 00,01,01,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00, \
00,00,02,00,60,00,04,00,00,00,00,00,14,00,8d, 01,02,00,01,01,00,00,00,00,00, \
05,0b, 00,00,00,00,00,18,00,9d, 01,02,00,01,02,00,00,00,00,00,05,20,00,00,00, \
23.02,00,00,00,00,18,00, ff, 01,0f, 00,01,02,00,00,00,00,00,05,20,00,00,00,20, \
02.00,00,00,00,14,00, fd, 01,02,00,01,01,00,00,00,00,00,05,12,00,00,00,00,01,01, \

Why do we need it?
Well, for someone out of professional interest, someone just out of curiosity, but in our case it will come in handy if you can't download the file. Then, as you probably guessed, you can create it yourself. For this:

  • We create Text Document, - normal.txt, - and, having opened it, insert the above-described content there
  • Save changes in the document and open "My Computer"
  • We go along the path "Tools" - "Folder Options (" Folder Options "in Windows case 7 ") and uncheck" Hide extensions for registered file types "
  • We press the button to apply and return to the file we have newly created
  • Click on it with the right mouse button and select the "Rename" item. Now we can change not only the name, but also

In systems Windows family there is a special built-in component that allows you to schedule in advance or schedule periodic execution of various procedures on the PC. It is called "Task Scheduler"... Let's find out the nuances of this tool in Windows 7.

"Task Scheduler" allows you to schedule the launch of specified processes in the system at exactly set time, when a certain event occurs, or set the frequency this action... Windows 7 has a version of this tool called Task Scheduler 2.0... It is used not only directly by users, but also by the OS to perform various internal system procedures. Therefore, it is not recommended to disable the specified component, since later various problems in the operation of the computer are possible.

Launching the "Task Scheduler"

By default, the tool we are studying in Windows 7 is always enabled, but in order to control it, you need to run graphical interface... There are several algorithms for this.

Method 1: Start Menu

The standard way to launch the interface "Task Scheduler" its activation through the menu is considered "Start".

Method 2: "Control Panel"

Also "Task Scheduler" can be run through "Control Panel".

Method 3: Search box

Although the described two methods of opening "Task Scheduler" are generally intuitive, yet not every user can immediately remember the entire algorithm of actions. There is also an easier option.

Method 4: Run window

The start-up operation can also be carried out through the window "Run".

Method 5: "Command line"

In some cases, if there are viruses in the system or problems, it will not work standard methods launch "Task Scheduler"... Then this procedure can be tried using "Command line" activated with administrator privileges.

Method 6: Direct start

Finally, the interface "Task Scheduler" can be activated by directly running its file - taskschd.msc.

Features of the "Task Scheduler"

Now after we figured out how to run "Scheduler", let's find out what he can do, and also determine the algorithm for user actions to achieve specific goals.

Among the main actions performed "Task Scheduler", the following should be highlighted:

  • Create a task;
  • Creation of a simple task;
  • Import;
  • Export;
  • Logging on;
  • Display of all running tasks;
  • Folder creation;
  • Deleting a task.

Creating a simple task

First of all, consider how to form in "Task Scheduler" a simple task.

  1. In the interface "Task Scheduler" on the right side of the shell is the area "Actions"... Click on the position in it "Create a simple task ...".
  2. The shell for creating a simple task is launched. To the area "Name" be sure to enter the name of the element to be created. You can enter any arbitrary name here, but it is advisable to briefly describe the procedure so that you yourself can then immediately understand what it is. Field "Description" optional, but here, if you wish, you can describe the procedure to be performed in more detail. After the first field is filled in, the button "Further" becomes active. Click on it.
  3. The section now opens "Trigger"... In it, by moving the radio button, you can specify the frequency with which the activated procedure will be launched:
    • When you activate Windows;
    • When starting the PC;
    • When the selected event is entered into the log;
    • Every month;
    • Every day;
    • Every week;
    • Once.

    After you have made your choice, press "Further".

  4. Then, if you did not specify a specific event after which the procedure will be launched, but chose one of the last four items, you need to specify the date and time of the launch, as well as the frequency if more than one execution was planned. This can be done in the appropriate fields. After the specified data is entered, click "Further".
  5. After that, by moving the radio button next to the corresponding items, you need to select one of three actions that will be performed:
    • Application launch;
    • Sending a message by email;
    • Display a message.
  6. If you chose to launch the application at the previous stage, a subsection will open in which you should specify a specific application to be activated. To do this, click on the button "Overview…".
  7. A standard window for selecting an object will open. In it, you need to go to the directory where the program, script or other element that you want to run is located. If you are going to activate third party application most likely it will be located in one of the directories of the folder "Program Files" in the root directory of the disk C... After the object is marked, press "Open".
  8. After that, there is an automatic return to the interface. "Task Scheduler"... The corresponding field will display the full path to the selected application. Click on the button "Further".
  9. Now a window will open, where the summary information on the generated task will be presented based on the data entered by the user in the previous stages. If something does not suit you, then press the button "Back" and edit as you see fit.

    If everything is in order, then to complete the formation of the task, press "Ready".

  10. The task has now been created. It will appear in "Task Scheduler Library".

Create a task

Now let's figure out how to create a common task. In contrast to the simple analogue discussed by us above, it will be possible to set more complex conditions in it.

  1. In the right pane of the interface "Task Scheduler" press "Create a task ...".
  2. Section opens "General"... Its purpose is very similar to the function of the section where we set the name of the procedure when creating a simple task. Here in the field "Name" you also need to provide a title. But unlike the previous option, except of this element and the possibility of entering data into the field "Description", you can make a number of other settings if necessary, namely:
    • Assign the highest rights to the procedure;
    • Specify the user profile, when logged into this operation will be relevant;
    • Hide procedure;
    • Specify compatibility settings with other OS.

    But mandatory in this section is only the introduction of the name. After all the settings are completed here, click on the name of the tab "Triggers".

  3. In chapter "Triggers" the start time of the procedure, its frequency or the situation in which it is activated is set. To go to the formation of the specified parameters, press "Create…".
  4. The trigger creation shell opens. First of all, you need to select the conditions for activating the procedure from the drop-down list:
    • At startup;
    • On event;
    • When idle;
    • When entering the system;
    • Scheduled (default), etc.

    When you select the last of the listed options in the window in the block "Options" it is required to indicate the frequency by activating the radio button:

    • Once (default);
    • Weekly;
    • Daily;
    • Monthly.

    In addition, in the same window, you can configure a number of additional, but not required parameters:

    • Validity;
    • Delay;
    • Repetition, etc.

    After specifying all required settings press "OK".

  5. After that, there is a return to the tab "Triggers" window "Create a task"... The trigger settings will also be displayed according to the data entered in the previous step. Click on the name of the tab "Actions".
  6. After going to the above section to specify the specific procedure to be performed, click on the button "Create…".
  7. A window for creating an action will be displayed. From the dropdown list "Action" choose one of three options:
    • Sending email;
    • Displaying a message;
    • Launching the program.

    When choosing to launch an application, you need to specify the location of its executable file. To do this, click "Overview…".

  8. The window starts "Open", which is identical to the object we observed when creating a simple task. In it, in the same way, you need to go to the directory where the file is located, select it and click "Open".
  9. After that, the path to the selected object will be displayed in the field "Program or script" in the window "Create an action"... We just have to press the button "OK".
  10. Now that the corresponding action is displayed in the main task creation window, go to the tab "Conditions".
  11. In the section that opens, it is possible to set a number of conditions, namely:
    • Specify power supply settings;
    • Wake up the PC to perform the procedure;
    • Specify the network;
    • Configure the start of the process when idle, etc.

    All these settings are optional and apply only for special cases. Then you can go to the tab "Options".

  12. In the above section, you can change a number of parameters:
    • Allow the procedure to be performed on demand;
    • Stop a procedure that takes longer than the specified time;
    • Forcibly terminate the procedure if it does not complete upon request;
    • Start the procedure immediately if scheduled activation is missed;
    • If a failure occurs, restart the procedure;
    • Delete the task after a certain time if no recurrence is scheduled.

    The first three options are enabled by default, and the other three are disabled.

    After specifying all the necessary settings to create a new task, just click on the button "OK".

  13. The task will be created and displayed in the list "Libraries".

Deleting a task

If necessary, the created task can be deleted from "Task Scheduler"... This is especially important if it was not created by you yourself, but by some third party program... There are also frequent cases when in "Planner" the execution of the procedure is prescribed by the virus software. If you find something like that, the task should be deleted immediately.

Disable Task Scheduler

"Task Scheduler" it is highly not recommended to disable it, as in Windows 7, unlike XP and more early versions, it serves a variety of system processes. Therefore, deactivation "Planner" can lead to incorrect work system and a number of unpleasant consequences. It is for this reason that there is no standard shutdown in Service Manager the service that is responsible for the work of this component OS. However, in special cases, it is temporarily required to deactivate "Task Scheduler"... This can be done by manipulating the system registry.

  1. Click Win + R... In the displayed object field, enter:

    Click "OK".

  2. "Registry Editor" activated. In the left area of ​​its interface, click on the section name "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".
  3. Go to the folder "SYSTEM".
  4. Open the directory "CurrentControlSet".
  5. Then click on the name of the section "Services".
  6. Finally, in the long list of directories that opens, find the folder "Schedule" and select it.
  7. Now we move our attention to right side interface "Editor"... Here you need to find the parameter "Start"... Double click on it Paintwork.
  8. The parameter editing shell is opened "Start"... In field "Meaning" instead of numbers "2" put "4"... And press "OK".
  9. After that, there will be a return to the main window. "Editor"... Parameter value "Start" will be changed. Close "Editor" by clicking on the standard close button.
  10. Now you need to reboot PC... Click "Start". Then click on the triangular shape to the right of the object Completion of work... Select from the displayed list.
  11. The PC will restart. When you turn it on again "Task Scheduler" will be deactivated. But, as mentioned above, it does without "Task Scheduler" Not recommended. Therefore, after the problems requiring it to be disabled have been eliminated, go to the section again "Schedule" in the window "Registry Editor" and open the parameter change wrapper "Start"... In field "Meaning" change the number "4" on "2" and press "OK".
  12. After restarting the PC "Task Scheduler" will be activated again.

By using "Task Scheduler" the user can schedule the implementation of almost any one-time or periodic procedure performed on the PC. But this tool is also used for the internal needs of the system. Therefore, it is not recommended to disable it. Although, if absolutely necessary, there is a way to do this by making a change in the system registry.

Task Scheduler is an important tool in Windows that allows users to schedule the launch of programs and specific processes. But lately I have found that the Scheduler is not working in my Windows system 10 Pro. For example, if I try to open it, I get a message stating that the Task Scheduler service is not available.

Here is the error message:

The Task Scheduler Service is not available. Task Scheduler is trying to reconnect

Although the error message says that the Task Scheduler automatically connects to its service, it actually doesn't. As a result of this, you keep getting this error message when you open Task Scheduler. Launch SFC / SCANNOW admin commands on the command line can help. If your system is getting the same error, here's how to fix it:

How to Fix: Task Scheduler Service Not Available on Windows 10

Method 1 - Using the Services snap-in

1. Press Win + R and enter the command services.msc in the dialog box Execute, click Enter to open the service control tool.

2. In the window Services, scroll down and find the service Task Scheduler... Double click on the service to open the properties window.

3. Now in the properties window set the startup type Automatically and then press the button Run to start the service. Click on Apply then OK... Close the service control tool and restart your PC.

After restarting the machine, the error should be resolved.

Method 2 - Using Registry Editor

Disclaimer: Next steps will include registry manipulation. Errors when modifying the registry can adversely affect system performance. So be careful when editing registry entries. Be sure to create a backup.

1. Press Win + R and type Regedit in the dialog box Execute... Click the button OK.

2. In the left pane of Registry Editor, navigate to the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Schedule

3 ... Open the section Schedule and find in it a parameter named Start DWORD (32 bits). Double click on it and change the key value to 2 .

4. By changing the value of the parameter, from 4 on 2 press the button OK... Close Registry Editor and restart your computer. After rebooting, check and you will see that the problem is resolved.

Method 3 - Removing the corrupted Task Scheduler cache.

  1. Open Registry Editor.
  1. Navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Schedule \ TaskCache \ Tree
  1. Click on the Tree registry key and expand that registry key.
  1. Now rename all folders in the Tree section by adding, for example, to the name .old

  1. Open Task Scheduler to see if there is an error message or not.
  1. If the error message does not appear, this indicates that the entry in this registry key is damaged, we must find the damaged entry.
  1. Let's return one of the folders to its previous name, and run Task Scheduler again to see if there is an error message or not.
  1. Thus, you will find which of the tasks may be corrupted and cause the "Task Scheduler Service is not available" error. Most of the time this is a problem with Adobe flash Player Updater and renaming seems to clear the error, but you should fix this issue by following the steps above.
  1. Now remove the entries causing the Task Scheduler error and the problem will be resolved.

Hope this helps!

How do I restore Task Scheduler?

The master's answer:

The purpose of the task scheduler in Windows is to organize the work of programs and the system according to the accepted schedule. You can set certain applications to auto-launch at the required time - for example, a notebook that contains a birthday greeting to a colleague. Task schedulers are built into OS, therefore, it is impossible to download them separately, and also to connect them.

We need to have: - administrator rights.

Make sure that the computer has system files"Scheduler" (for this we go to the directory C: \ Windows \ System32). These files include schedsvc.dll, mstask.dll and schedcli.dll, as well as the main one, schtasks.exe. If these files are missing, we will try to manually "put" them in this folder. To do this, copy them from Windows disk... If the system files are not displayed on our computer, then turn on the display (we use the "Folder view" tab for this).

Let's check if the system files and folders are intact. The sfc / scannow command introduced in command line, the content check will start system folders for integrity. If signs of file corruption are found, the system will restore them from a backup. Let's use the built-in system recovery. Let's roll back its state for the time when the Scheduler was still on the computer and working. To do this, select a restore point. The repair utility can be found in the start menu. Here you need to select the line "All programs", in the window that opens - "Service", and then find and click on "System Backup and Restore".

If the system files are seriously damaged, it is best to reinstall Windows after copying the necessary data to another partition. You can do this yourself if you have a licensed disk with the system. We must try to create backups all information located on a personal computer.

There are many organizer programs that allow you to create a virtual program schedule. We will use search engine and download programs from the Internet. Do not neglect the messages of the anti-virus program, otherwise there is a risk of viruses entering the system. It is also recommended to use licensed antivirus software for complete protection of a personal computer.