Installed Windows 10 hard disk. How to install Windows directly from a hard disk by various methods? What will take to install windows from a hard disk

It happens that if necessary, install Windows 10 at hand, flash drives of the desired size is not detected, and the drive has evoked its own and has not been used for a long time, because of which the installation "dozens" from the disk is unreal. In this case, the method of installing the operating system from hard disk. Yes yes, one of hard sections The disk will serve as a boot device with Windows 10 distributions.

What do you need

To installing windows 10 From another HDD or partition was successful, the following tools are needed:

  • program for managing windows loader (We will use EasyBCD with a graphical interface);
  • utility to unpack the image;
  • free partition on the hard drive, a volume of at least 4-5 GB (to record the installation files);
  • ISO-image of a satisfying edition or assembly of Windows 10.

Preparation for installation

In principle, the installation of the "dozens" from the hard disk is carried out in the same way as the installation of the preceding OS from Microsoft. Consider how this is done, on the example of using the EasyBCD utility and Daemon Tools..

Deamon Tools We will use only to copy the contents of the disk image, with which any archiver is perfectly coping with file managerSo if you do not use this program, there is no sense to establish it. Its functional in our case will completely replace 7z or Total Commander.

Many users recommend creating a new section (or bite about 8-10 GB of free space from an existing) to record installation files on it, in order to protect yourself from loss important informationstored on the boot section. So do, implying that you do not have a small free partition created to install "dozens" from a hard disk.

  • We go to "Management" using the context menu of the "My Computer" folder.
  • Go to the section "Disk Management" section.
  • Select the section from which you need to cut off a bit of unoccupied space to create a new one, call its context menu and click "compress Tom".

  • We enter the size to which we will climb the space, and click "compress".

This amount will be used to form a new partition, which will later copy the Windows 10 setting distribution. Therefore, the size should be at least 15% of the image.

  • Create a "simple volume" on the site of an unblocked area by calling its context menu.

  • Indicate the Tom Tag, His file System (Preferably NTFS), standard cluster size and press "ready."
  • Now copy the contents of the ISO image to the newly formed section. You can do this by unpacking the ISO using an archiver or, for example, through Daemon Tools.
  • We start the DT and add to its ISO window with the Windows 10 distribution by dragging the icon or by the "Add" button.

  • We allocate the added document and click "Mount".

  • Copy all the contents mounted in virtual drive Disc to the new section of the hard disk only created.

It remains to create a new boot record to start the computer using a unpacked image as a bootable media.

  • Run EasyBCD and click on the Add Record button located on the left side of the interface.

  • In the "Removable / External Drive" section, go to the "WinPE" tab and set a name similar to the name of the created partition.
  • Click on the icon with three points, located right of the "path" form, and specify the file "boot.wim" located in the "Sources" directory.

What you need

ISO-image of Windows 10. Get it can be completely free and officially using the Utility "Media Creation Tool." On how to do it, you can read in.
- EasyBCD and Ultraiso programs.
- Minimum 5 GB of free space on the system section.


1. Start the "Disk Management" Console. To do this, click on the keyboard shortcut. Win + R.Enter diskmgmt.msc. And click on the "OK" button.
2. Select system section, Click on it right-click and select "Compress Tom".
3. In the "Size Size" field, enter the value. 6000 And click on the "Compress" button. Note that the section needs to be compressed taking into account the size of the ISO file.
4. In the "Disk Management" window you should have a new non-placed space. Click on it right-click and select "Create a Simple Tom".
5. In the wizard window that appears, click on the "Next" button. At the section "Section Formatting", enter the name data. In the field "Tom Mark". After that, click on "Next" and "Finish".
6. In the "My Computer" section, a new empty volume should appear with a previously specified name and a volume of 5.86 GB.
7. Copy the files from the ISO image of Windows 10 in the newly created section. If you have Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, you have enough to click on the ISO file twice to mount it and access files in it. If you have Windows 7, you need to install ultraiso program, Run it, find the ISO image in its conductor, open it and copy all the files to the new volume.
8. Install and run the EasyBCD program.
9. In its window, select "Add Record".
10. Select the WinPE tab.
11. In the "Type" field, select "Wim Image (Ramdisk).
12. In the "Name" field, enter data..
13. Specify the path to booting "Boot.wim" of the new operating system. To do this, click on the icon with binoculars and folder opposite the "path" field, open the "DATA" field, go to the "Sources" folder and select the file "boot.wim".
14. In the "EasyBCD application" window, click on the Add button.
15. Go to the "Edit Download menu" section and click on the Save button.
16. Click on "Tools" and select "Reload Computer".
17. On the Operating System Selection screen, select "DATA". After that, the Windows 10 installer will start.
18. In case you want to make a clean installation of the operating system, you will need to completely remove the system partition, create it to re-format it, so that no problems do not occur. The installation process should take 5-10 minutes from you depending on the computer configurations and the recording / reading speed / reading speed.

By the way, you can install such images not only Windows 10, but also any preceding operating system, starting with Windows 7. The main thing is to perform everything strictly according to the instructions.

Greetings to you, friends.

Probably, each computer user or laptop met with the situation when he understands that it is time to reinstall the operating system. This is due to the advent of difficulties in work, frequent errors And other unpleasant moments. But what if you do not have a USB drive, a plastic disk for writing an image or a drive refuses to work? Do not worry. Today I will tell you how to install Windows from the hard disk. Many do not even suspect that such tools exist at all.

Immediately you need to say that this option is only suitable for OS Operations, which are in working condition, since many movements will need to do, using the shell. That is, if you suddenly appeared blue screen - This method will not help.

In addition, it is worth noting that this guide It is necessary to apply only for the future installation of Windows 7 or more modern versions. Moreover, it is absolutely no important on which device the operation is performed. Therefore, Windows XP is similarly placed on a computer or laptop will not be possible. Since other mechanisms are used there.

For the procedure itself, we need several tools:

    The program to work with images - usually it Daemon Tools.. Personally, I generally use the built-in features of Win.

    Utility EasyBSD..

    The image itself is the Ourser.

Step-by-step instruction( )

Important! It is desirable that until this point your hard drive has already been divided into a minimum of two partitions - for the system and files.

So, to install Windows 8 with HDD, you must perform a number of actions. To begin with, we create a separate section under setup files:

Now to install Windows 10 or early version It is necessary to properly prepare the files themselves:

Now it is necessary to do so, the computer understood where it should be loaded from. For this, just need the application EasyBcd.. The procedure for performing actions is as follows:

Suddenly in some situation you can not understand something, you can just watch the video:

If you select "", you will see an entry appeared or not. In your case, it should already be in place.

After the work done, click the application and restart the computer. As a result, a menu should appear in which users will be able to choose system desired. Then you specify the installation disk "". As a result, it should start standard procedure Setting Operations.

Bootice.( )

The last chain of action can be performed through Bootice.. The program allows you to not create an additional disk, but establishes all of the existing one.

We do the following:

It is worth noting that there is no need to specify where the file is responsible for the correct system loading, since the application will find it itself.

Installation( )

This method does not require exhibiting the loading parameters through the BIOS, as in the case of using a plastic disk or a USB drive. This approach is useful if suddenly you do not work on the keyboard buttons, allow you to get into the right place.

In general, regardless of the version of the future OS, the process passes almost equally.

It is important to remember that before the start of the process is best to have one connected hard drive. This will simplify the selection process. In addition, the equipment will spend less resources, which will generally have a positive effect on working capacity. Therefore, you should not install the OS on another hard drive. This can be said about the placement on SSD. Of course, in the case of the proper execution of each action, there should be no problems. But even with the slightest error, it is possible to lose all the data on any of the sections.

It is also worth noting that such a procedure is possible with outdoor hard disk. True for this anyway will need to run Win to exhibit all parameters. True, again, such procedures are not recommended, since by mistake you can simply delete the data.

In the case of using a plug-in, you can set the boot setting from it in the BIOS, and just place a new shell on the laptop or computer. The truth for this is necessary on external component Correct OS correctly. In more detail you can.

In any case, regardless of the selected method, each willing can post a new one if Windows is already standing on the computer.

Well, I hope the article will help you cope with problems on your device.

In general, I would like to recommend in advance to find a compact portable uSB device (Today they cost minimum money) and record the correct system. Personally, I have such three - for each last version OS from Microsoft Corporation. Thus, I can insert a USB flash drive at any second, and within two hours it fully restore the computer's performance, having a new shell with it.

I wish good luck in the hard work! Subscribe and tell about the blog to others.

Hi friends! My name is Vladimir and today I suggest installing Windows 10 on the portable rigid uSB diskI assure you, it is very easy to achieve the goal we will need an ISO image of Windows 10 and the WinNTSetup3 program, and of course a little of your patience.

No one will argue that the USB portable rigid disk looks like a much more convenient standard HDD, because it can be quickly disconnected from its computer and connect to another machine. A completely different thing is with the usual HDD, you first need to turn off the computer, disconnect the side cover system BlockThen disconnect the loops, unscrew the hard drive screws to the special basket. To connect the HDD to another computer, you need to do everything the same, only on the contrary. Moreover, if you need to connect the usual HDD to a laptop, then without a special adapter you will not work.

That is why the portable hard disk USB already It has long been our constant life attribute, exactly as a flash drive. By the way, the usual USB flash drive can also be successfully replaced by portable HDD, this is exactly what we have been done in the previous article.

After reading this article, many users have a question, and is it possible to install the operating system on the portable hard drive, because Windows does not support the installation on USB drives?

Readers Questions:

  1. I want to install Win 10 to my laptop with the second system, but after disconnecting from the disk C: unallocated space and creating a disk D: The laptop stopped loaded, I had to roll back to the factory settings. How to install Win 10 on a portable USB HDD?
  2. I'm afraid to install the second operating system on my laptop hard disk, as you have to divide the HDD to the sections, but you want to try Windows 10. Are there ways to install Windows 10 to a portable USB hard drive except ?
  3. When installing Windows 10, the USB portable hard drive is error:Installation on this disc Impossible. The installer does not support the configuration of the discs or installing on the disks that are connected through uSB ports or IEEE 1394. Why?

The easiest way to install Windows 10 to a portable USB hard disk

Connect the USB portable hard drive to a laptop with a Windows 8.1.

Install Windows 10 on a laptop with the second system.

We look at the laptop disc management:

Disc 0. - HDD laptop Acer.

Disk 1. - A portable rigid disk USB WD size 1 TB, is divided into two sections.

Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition

Download and install free program And launch it.

Select the first USB-hard drive section (I :) and click on the resizing button.

We shift the delimiter to the right release free space (60 GB) at the very beginning of the portable winchester USB. and click approx. 60 GB just enough to install Windows 10 (you can highlight more).


Click Apply And the program begins to work.

Progress of operation

We see the formed unassigned space of 60 GB, which we will be given to the installation of Windows 10,

Disk management

From the undisturbed area, create a section. Click on her right mouse and choose to create a simple volume.

The portable USB hard drive creates a section (G :) formatted into the NTFS file system 60 GB. Install Windows 10 on it.

Open ISO-image Windows 10,

which joins the virtual drive ( H:).


Introduced the program program.

Run the program and in the main window, in the first field ( Path to installation files Windows) click on the button Choose

in the conductor window that opens, we find a virtual drive (H :) with Windows 10 files, go to the folder H: \\ Sources and highlight the left mouse file install.wim., pm Open.

In the middle field ( The disc on which the bootloader will be installed) Everyone leaves as it is.

In the lowest third field ( The disk to which Windows will be installed) Click Choose.

In the conductor window that opens, select the section created by us ( G:) and click the button Selecting a folder.


Attention: if you have a laptop with a UEFI included, then in the field Use bootsect for bootloader Select UEFI.

If you have a computer with a regular BIOS, then select BIOS.

The Windows 10 installation process begins to the section (G :) portable USB drive disk and ends successfully.

Reboot your computer or laptop.

After rebooting, the operating system selection menu appears.

Select Windows 10.

There is a preparation of devices

Make later

Accept license agreement

Connect to the router or skip this step.

Use standard parameters

We enter the name local account and click further.

Windows 10 is installed on the USB portable rigid drive!

Disk management.

Windows 10 has a letter (C :) and works as it would be located on a conventional hard disk.

Windows 10 home for one language is activated!

30 days ago I updated on it windows laptop 8.1 to Windows 10 and after windows updates 10 generated a new activation key, everything is written in this.

Now on this laptop two activated licenses oS: Windows 10 and Windows 8.1.

What will happen if disconnecting the portable rigid disk USB with installed windows 10 from laptop

The laptop will boot here with such a menu in which we will be offered, to boot to another operating system, press the key F9..

and we will boot in Windows 8.1.

Important note: If you connect our external USB disk to another computer or laptop, the system will not boot, because we have created a loader on the rigid disk of the laptop.

If you want to have a portable operating system on an external USB disk, then read these articles:

How to install windows from a hard disk? Put XP / Vista / 7/8/10

Hello everyone, in the next blog article. Computer76 I will show you how to install Windows from a hard disk. Yes, the usual process of installing Windows for the user implies availability optical drive, installation disk or / and flash drives with the operating system. And if nothing is it?

All dissatisfied "professionals." The article is written not for the guru. Therefore, I try to describe everything in detail with the relevant links. And immediately divide the article into several parts.

To install Windows from a hard disk, everything you need is the Internet and a little workable operating system.

Why and when is it necessary?

  • First, I already called the main reasons. A Windows disc can be in any of the many dust boxes, or in general inseparable. Discovers in some desktop users no longer work or work something. And the owners of laptops are generally a problem ...
  • Further. No need to gut bIOS settings. Why all these keys F2, F10, DEL, settings Advanced Settings, change loading devices ... Do you need it? No, of course. You can install Windows from a hard disk right now.
  • You will be fenced from the need to urgently transfer the necessary files to various media before the upcoming formatting: it can be done later, not in a hurry, in comfortable conditions.

But, naturally, before installing Windows from a hard disk, the installation files themselves will still have to get somewhere. That is, download Windows from the network. To do this, you can refer to the section or specifically to the article. If much remains incomprehensible, refer to the article

However, it is possible to download the image right now from the Microsoft server to any version with a simple file:

There are no viruses at any stage of working with the file. I checked personally and packaged too. When choosing a version Windows Antivirus. Must react to the choice of user is normal. Sequentially select:

  • version
  • the discharge of the future system

It remains to specify the place where you are typing a Windows image. Read more I use this utility in the article. .

What do you need to install windows from a hard disk?

I bring immediately a set of programs that will be useful to us.

  • Actually, downloaded from the Windows network
  • Program Daemon Tools. To work with images (how to work with it, described in the article). The 7-Zip archiver can also unpack the image, however, go to the "read"
  • Program EasyBcd. To work with the boot record so that the computer correctly displays the input to new system.
  • You can immediately stock up for your device. Pre-download them from the network and put in the folder, for example, Drivers. In any case, without drivers nowhere. However, it is optional, the operation can be done after (if the installation windows files See network card). I will risk this step while skipping.


The described technique is not suitable for computers where operating systems are installed. Windows family NT (up to Windows XP inclusive). EasyBcd. Work as we need in them will not. In no version, you can not search!

Everything seems to ...

Where to find the image of Windows, I will not break off for a long time. My articles you have already read and accept for axioms that the Windows image is already on the computer. Do not shove it away. Personally, I throw all temporary files directly to the desktop.
Now you need to prepare a hard drive for receiving a new system to install Windows from a hard disk. We will look at the option when the system will be the second to existing. However, the method is quite applicable in case the new copy of Windows. Eliminated the previous one. Now I do not advise you to do this. But one condition is unshakable - the presence of a free partition on the hard drive from which the installation files new Windows will be copied. , Described in detail in the blog article of the same name. I did it on the same laptop.

So, the hard disk is broken, the image of Windows on the computer. And now, in fact, how to install Windows from a hard disk.

Install programs Daemon Tools. and EasyBcd. On the computer, then not to be distracted. Programs you know how to install, I think.

Now the process is how to install Windows from a hard disk Consider on a specific example.

A laptop came to me with pre-installed Windows Vista at the ready. The work of the system was unstable, the system itself is greatly beaten, and it was decided to put the second windows system 7. As can be seen in the photo below, the Winchester is already broken by me into three logical partitions. One of them is now busy Vist (Naturally, FROM), the second is booked by the hostess under the files stored on the computer (disk D.), and the third (F) Reserved by me under Windows 7 - I pinned off the storage of a small piece.

STARTA computerService (in the toolbar) - Folders settings… - Tab View - Stop Show hidden files, folders, discs

Start Daemon Tools.. Let's point her way to image of windows 7.

Then copy all Windows installation files from the virtual drive and transfer them to a free section that is reserved for future Windows 7, that is, on the F disk in my case. I put everything on a disc F. I went to copy about 7 minutes.

let's try installing windows from a hard disk

Start EasyBcd. with administrator rights. We are encountered by the settings window. Everything is in English here, but I will spend you. Make sure you are in the menu Add New Entry:

Right down B. Removable / External Media Select the tab Winpe. In field Name. (Name) Enter the name of the system. I designated her as a "seven". In field Path. (Way) Ringing on a binoculant with a folder to the right of the field to fill, specify the path to the file boot.wimwhich is in the newly created folder sources.on disk F..

That is, the path on my laptop looked like:


In general, I got like this:

Finish the settings. We need a button on the right Add entry (Add).


Pressing the button View Settings. (Current Menu) You can see what the loader menu will be. It will be the first window that will allow you to select the operating system. Look at him before making changes. It can later be edited. But now it should look like this:

You will see the inscriptions numbered as Entry # 1 and Entry # 2 (Recording 1 and Record 2) in the same order. The first will be loaded Sevensecond - Vista.. That is, after completing the settings and the imminent reboot, you will see this window:

But this is later.

If you have managed to need something, click on the left button Edit. Boot Menu. (Edit Download menu)

And delete incorrect entries. You can change the order of loading buttons Up. and DowN. (Upand Down)Delete selected unnecessary entries with button Delete (Delete), change the waiting time of loading from 30 seconds. Up to 0. In general, play your taste and admire the result after rebooting. If you have changed in this menu, save the button at the bottom Save Settings (Save).

Is everything ready for you? Go. Do not close anything and just reboot.

I took the installation less than 10 minutes. As you yourself make sure to install Windows from a hard disk - it is very fast.

After installing Windows. 7 will be completed, the boot menu will take the form:

Windows 7 is installed .. But the word seven interferes

Delete it using the same EasyBCD. Return to Vista, Run the program and log in to the menu. Edit Boot Menu:

P. S.

At some point, one of the systems can bother ... In my example, Vista almost finally died. Delete it will be easy. Just go to the new system (I have this Windows 7) and:

  • format from under Windows 7 logical disk With Vista whole. All data is destroyed! Windows tools This may not work, will have to use the program. . How to work with it, you can read the article
  • however, in some cases Especially for devices with pre-installed OS, to remove unnecessary system Without a special disk, do not do. We will look at work with such disks in another article.
  • using installed already on Windows 7 programs EasyBcd. Delete the record about Vista from the bootloader. How to do it, it is clear from the written article.

P.P.S. EasyBCD will allow you not only to load operating systems directly from the hard disk. With it, you can:

any disk directly in the boot menu

We succeed to all

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