Without access to the Internet Windows 7 on the local network. Internet Network Cable from Routher

Recently, we described a lot of solutions from different problems associated with connecting to. Now it's time to pay a little attention and problems with which you can encounter when using the cable connection to the Internet. Although there are many mistakes and difficulties here and much less often, but still sometimes you have to deal with incomprehensible problems.

In today's article, we will get acquainted with the main problems and methods of their solutions that appear, with the cable connection of the computer to the Internet, through the router. We will consider the case when connecting through this device. If you are connected via the cable network directly from the provider, then it is already a little different and today we do not affect the topic.

This type of connection is often used if you need to organize a Wi-Fi network, but in this case, there are stationary computers, you need to spend the Internet to them. And for such computers, usually no wireless adapter. Of course, there is a way out of such a situation without excessive conducting wires - you need to purchase a special Wi-Fi adapter connected via USB.

Troubleshooting Internet connection via network cable from router

But we still consider the topic of our article more. If connecting the computer with a cable with a router, the Internet does not appear, then it is necessary to look at such important questions:

  • Try connecting another PC to the same cable. Will he work?
  • Connect the cable Internet to the PC without a router. Will he earn now?
  • The LED LED indicator should be lit on the router.
  • You need to look at the connection status on the local network. What does he show? It may not receive signs of activity at all, when connecting the cable. And may begin to identify the connection.

Depending on what answers will be on these questions, we will determine the cause of the problem.

The computer does not see the connected LAN cable

In this case, when connecting a network cable, no messages and activity from the latter appear. The network connections icon will turn red, and if you bring the cursor on it, "no connection" will appear. Everything looks exactly the same as if the cable was not connected at all.

Here the problem can hide in three places: both in the router or computer, and the cause may be a damaged cable. To begin with, check the health of the computer itself.

Connect the cable to it without a router directly. If the status of the connection to the network has changed, then most likely the PC has nothing to do with it. Or you can vice versa check by connecting the cable through the router to another PC.

If the computer continues not to see the cable connected to it, regardless of their sources, then we seem to have problems with a network card. If necessary, you can always purchase and install the other, the more it is not expensive. But first, make sure that the computer does not really have a network card driver. Check it can be enrolled in the Device Manager and turning the list of network adapters. Make sure there is your card there. Its name may differ from what is shown in the figure below.

In some cases, the network card can be displayed, but a yellow exclamation mark will be standing near it. This suggests that the network card can not work correctly. You need to try to re-install the driver for this device. Download it from the manufacturer's official website and manually set.

Sometimes you can encounter the fact that the connector, for connecting the network cable, overwhelmed on the router, or as it is damaged. On routers, there are very often several such connectors, we try to connect the cable to others. Perhaps everything will work.

The problem may be in the router itself, it is checked by connecting it to several different computers. If in all cases the Internet connection never appeared, it is obvious that the culprit router. It is not necessary to be a physical malfunction, perhaps just something in the settings shot down. Reset the settings on it and restart, then check again.

At the same time, it is necessary to be sure that the cable itself is working. He can also break somewhere else, or have bad contact. You can search another and check it. But the problem may be associated with the configuration on the computer. In some cases, a local network can be disabled on the PC.

Here you need, through the control panel, go to the network and Internet section, open network connections. In the case when the "Disabled" status is "disabled" under the connection icon, then you click on it with right-click and turn on.

Usually one of these recommendations must help.

There is a permanent identification of the network, or it is not recognized at all

Now let's see what can be done if the computer notices the connection of the network cable, but still cannot be connected to the Internet. For example, a cable was connected and the status of the Identification network appeared. It seems everything is cool and the network must soon appear! But time passes and nothing changes.

Another case when the computer does not recognize the network and shows the corresponding status.

Usually, such errors are associated directly upon receipt of the IP address. Automatic definition of network settings can be disabled on the computer, or a specific static IP address is recorded instead. For example, it can remain from the previous connection. But for the router, it is not correct and you will not be able to establish a connection to the Internet. On the router itself may not work DHCP, which automatically gives the addresses to all devices. Again, you need to go to the settings and enable this feature, or manually enter all the necessary addresses on your computer.

To enable automatic definition of IP and DNS addresses, you need to go to the control panel and open the network and the Internet. Next go into network connections. There you can go and other way, do it as shown in the figure below.

Next, make the right button with the right mouse button to connect the local network and open its properties. Then follow the steps shown in this picture.

Disconnect your network cable from the computer and again run it. After that, the Internet should start working normally.

Going along the same ways, in the same settings, you can manually specify IP addresses. Only in this case, activate the use of the next IP. What an address to enter, determine using the address you are available for the router settings. For example, the settings of the router, which means the address must be entered on the similarity of this Just take the address and the last number change to another, for example 60.

DNS can also be indicated manually, they will have this kind: and

No access to the Internet (yellow triangle with an exclamation mark)

Or, as it is displayed in the status of "without Internet access".

Such a message says that the cable is connected and everything works successfully, including the router, but there is no access to the Internet. Perhaps the router itself is not connected to the network, or has incorrect settings. In some cases, problems can be from the provider, this can be contacted and clarified.

When, with another attempt to connect to the Internet, the computer writes "an unidentified network" and refuses to let the user on the expanses of the virtual world, many "users" are experiencing a "creative crisis". Naturally, many "sharp" questions immediately arises: what is this unidentified network such, why Ethernet connection is limited and what, actually, to do in such a situation - to which we will try to answer this article.

So why is the error "Unidentified Network without Internet access" arise?

Unidentified Windows 7: Causes of Problems

Immediately, it should be noted that the unidentified network of Windows may occur both due to the incorrect settings of the router and the "internal" failure of the operating system.

So, among the most "popular" causes of the problem to allocate:

  • - Failure of settings on network hardware.
  • - Damage to the network cable.

Of course, if the signal from the router does not "reach the computer", the latter will turn out to be without access to the Internet. Carefully check the cable integrity on all "ways of following" the signal: perhaps the vitua pair accidentally "killed" the interior door or pressed the sofa.

  • - Problems from the provider.

However, before calling technical support, it is worth excluding all the "internal" causes of the problem.

Separately, it is worth saying about the message "Unidentified Network" from the Rostelecom operator. So, when connecting to the Internet (when the cable provided by the provider is connected directly to the network card of the computer) - this is the norm. At the same time, there is no restriction in access to the subscriber with the subscriber, and it fully receives his megabits paid according to the tariff plan.

  • - Incorrect network adapter settings.

We were told about the settings of the network card in detail in the articles and.

Here we note only one important nuance: check that automatic data reception can be installed in the properties of the network adapter.

  • - Internal protocol errors.

You can assume this cause when after restarting the computer gives an unidentified network.

To "beat" this problem, you need to go to the command line (start - all programs - standard - command line) and register there Netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt.

After entering the "magic" combination, press the "ENTER" key and patiently wait for the computer to restart.

  • - Malfunction of a network card.

If the unidentified Windows 10 (7 or XP) network occurred after reinstalling the system, it is likely that the problem is "crooked" the installed network driver. Delete the program through the "Control Panel" and install the "Fresh" software version from the Network Card Developer Site.

How to remove an unidentified network in Windows XP?

In general, the procedure for "deleting" the unknown network here is similar to Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10.

However, it is worthwhile to pay special attention to the RealTack Controllera setting (go to this section can be through the menu - the control panel - network connections).

It is important to correctly set the network address property correctly.

If none of the listed options for the problem of the "unknown network" did not decide - it is still to call to the technical support of the provider: perhaps the problems "on the line" or this service is blocked.

The disappearance of the Internet connection is an urgent problem for any PC user. The reasons for this can be a lot of both hardware, such as a cable break and software, such as incorrect adjustment of the router.

Most of the problems with connecting to the global network can be solved on their own, and another part you need to be able to correctly diagnose so that when contacting technical support, to give specialists the most complete malfunctional information. To understand the subtleties of these processes this article will help you.

Signs of lack of compound

It is possible to determine that there is no connection to the Internet in the following features:

This is not a complete list of signs, but they are most informative. The presence of any item means that there is a problem with connecting to the Internet.

Determination of the cause

The first step in the fight against the restriction of access to the network is to search for the cause of the malfunction.

First of all, if you go online through a router set at home, it is necessary to check its performance, namely:

When using Wi-Fi, you must check the operation of your device's wireless network adapter by connecting to the access point of another computer or mobile phone. If a special utility from the provider is used to connect to the Internet, then it takes it to reinstall it.

In cases where there is no connection, there is no Internet, you will most likely have to contact the service provider's technical support service, since such a situation often occurs when cable breaks, faults of the provider's network equipment or a global network equipment blocking due to the delay of payment.

Use of standard tools

In Windows 7 and in the remaining OS OS, there are automatic correction of network problems. To access them, click the PCM on the network connection icon (the right lower outline of the display) and select "Diagnostics Connections". After that, the process of checking and correcting connection errors will start, and then the results report will be displayed.

If the previous procedure did not help and you still do not have the Internet, you should check the connections between the computer, the router and the provider cable, then restart the router and PC. Such a sequence of actions is also relevant if access to the network is carried out via a Wi-Fi router.

A more radical, but the publicly available method for restoring the working capacity of the router is to reset its settings using a special revealed button on the housing. It should be held for a few seconds, then the router will reboot to the factory settings and it will have to be configured to work with the network of your provider.

If you do not have access to information, how to perform this procedure, then when the router do not immediately apply to the technical support of the Internet provider.

Changing the method of connecting to the network

If the modem does not work, then you can try to connect a PC to the Internet directly. Requires an introductory cable to connect to a computer network card and change the method of obtaining the IP address on automatic, for this:

Manual connection configuration

If the procedure described above helps and the Internet appears, then the DHCP server is not enabled on your router and due to the PC there is no connection. Especially often such a problem occurs from new routers. It is possible to get around without configuring the settings of the modem itself. To do this, you need to manually register the IP address for the computer network card.

We prescribe an IP address - video instruction:

This is done in the same "properties" dialog of the network adapter parameters. Accessing this window is described in the previous section of the article. Only now you need to put markers opposite the "Use the following IP address" fields and "use the following DNS servers addresses". In the IP Address field, enter the value, in the string of the mask -, and in the gateway to write down - As DNS servers, you can specify the publicly available Google addresses -, or Yandex -

Replacing IP Address Modem

The identification of the Internet will not occur due to the same intra-network IP addresses of the computer and the router, so you need to be able to change this parameter in the modem settings. On the common routers of the TP-LINK line, this operation is performed according to the following algorithm:

Change Mac Addresses

Mac Address is a unique identifier for any device on the Internet and when connecting to a network of two computers with the same Mac, one of them will be lost connection. Problems may arise both due to poppy PC network card and due to the router address.

The algorithm for changing this parameter in the router depends on its brand. So for the ASUS modem you need to go to configure through the browser, open the "Ipconfig" tab and click on the WAN & LAN section. Then it follows at the bottom of the open dialogue to find the MAC record and fix it. Then click on the "Apply" button and restart the device.

Editing Mac on a computer running Windows 8 and 7 is possible according to the following algorithm:

  1. In the first two positions, the address should not be zeros.
  2. At the end of the sequence, it is worth exposing 2, 6, A, B, E.

Video instructions for changing Mac Addresses on PC:

If these conditions are non-compliance, changes may not be applied.

Appeal to Technical Support

If, after all attempts to solve the problem, there is still no connection to your Internet, then you should contact the telephone in the technical support of the provider.

The necessary number is usually listed in the contract for the provision of communication services and consultations are carried out by all Internet traffic providers for free.

Practice of personal access to Tech support Beeline and Rostelecom shows that quite quickly and fairly competent specialists will answer the call, who will help to deal with cables, connecting, router and computer settings, will say if there are problems with the network on the linear part.

If, together with the operator, the problem will not be solved, and you are still without access to the Internet, then the call will be directed to narrow-neighboring engineers of the repair department.


Despite the fact that most of the problems can be solved on their own, the appeal to the technical support service will allow you to solve the question of what to do in the absence of the Internet, as soon as possible and will save many nerve cells that are so slowly restored. But if you like to engage in setting up and repairing network equipment personally, the recommendations from this article will help you in this matter.

The Internet is an integral part of our life is an excellent assistant in work, an indispensable instrument in training, moreover, a means of communication and recreation. Users are everywhere faced with connectivity problems. Consider in this article the most frequent error - IPv4 without access to the Internet and how to fix it? If Windows gave you this alert, then the exclusion should be taken away with all the options in order to find out what caused the occurrence.

IPv4 is the Internet Protocol, in translation, I think, does not need, and the protocol version is the fourth. You probably noticed on the presence of the IPv6 protocol in the settings - it is also an Internet protocol, but already the sixth version, only single providers use it. The most common and basic today is IPv4. The main task of the IPv4 protocol is to ensure the operation of the computer and networks on the established rules for the exchange of data packets. Thus, the interaction occurs between the communication node and the IP address of the machine, IPv4 is a low-level protocol.

If the terminology causes you difficulties, you additionally recommend that you familiarize yourself with the other articles,

To unmistakably and as quickly as possible, correct the problem with access, we will consider the cause and method of eliminating it.

Reboot: Reboot helps to correct the error

No wonder the famous proverb in the circles IT - specialists took a new form and sounds like: "Seven troubles are one reset." In our case, Reset is an extreme measure to correct the error. Terms:

  • rESET - or rollback to the last successful version;
  • reboot - reboot, in other words, full unloading and loading of the operating system;
  • restart - restart.

We will proceed to correct the situation.

  1. Restart your computer (do not turn off and enable!). Sometimes it is a pretty effective method to correct the problem.
  2. 99% of users use routers and routers, as devices with access to the Internet in the house more than one - restart the router / router.
  3. Try to pause or disable antivirus at all, for various reasons the lock is due to it. If everything works, reinstall the antivirus and it may be necessary to update the program module.
  4. Analyze which changes to the system were made before the IPv4 error occurs without access to the network. Try to roll back the installation / configuration of the program / utility, etc., in case it corrected the situation - it means the reason for the changes made earlier.

Small experiments ...

The above actions did not help correct? We go on, we must eliminate the problem of the problem on the side of the provider, namely, check if the Internet works on other devices.

  1. Check out another device for network access. If all works on that device, and there is no IPv4 error without access to the network, it means that the reason is on the computer. This can be both a software error and physical malfunction. Program error Consider more further, and physical - can be from a deployed network cable (patchcant) until a network card breakdown.
  2. If the machine is connected directly without the participation of the router, and an IPv4 error occurred without network access, try to connect another computer / laptop instead. Again, depending on whether or not, we check the physical condition and then proceed to software solutions.
  3. If the network does not work on any of the devices connected by any of the method, call the technical support of your provider for explanations and do not forget to voice that Windows provides the message "IPv4 without access to the Internet". They should help fix.
  4. Probably, it will sound trite and even a bit ridiculous, but if our smaller brothers live at home - check the integrity of the cables, damage is possible, which appeared the above error - IPv4 without access to the network.

ZRI in the root ...

By eliminating a number of simple reasons to correct the problem, we turn to the most important. The global web does not work, and the operating system issues an error: IPv4 without Internet access. So let's start in order.

Internet Settings: Provider and Router

Of course, the simplest to call the provider and to clarify everything, after saying the error - IPv4 without access to the Internet. Perhaps the specialist will advise how to fix it. Before, it is necessary to look at the settings of your router and verify that the data is made. Let's see what IPv4 error looks like without access to the Internet. With regard to the connection, the connection is made via Wi-Fi or using a network cable - a yellow exclamation mark will appear.

I would like to make a reservation that correcting the problem with the name IPv4 without access to the network is the same for various connections and versions of Windows, starting from 7 and up to 10. To fix, you must first find out the cause of IPv4 error without access to the Internet.
Go to "Network and General Access Controls" - using any of 2 ways:

1 way

 Right-click (Next PCM) Click on a connection with a yellow exclamation mark → Select "Center for Network and Shared Access Center" → Please note that the "Access Type" indicates "without Internet access" → Select "Changing the Adapter Parameters" → Find your connection;

2 way

Reaching the right directory:

  • the Windows Diagnostics will be launched - wait for the problem and as a result - problems detecting, as well as advice how to fix them.

  • diagnostics determined that - this is the main cause of IPv4 errors without Internet access;

  • to fix it, go to the "Status - Ethernet" window or "Status - Wireless Network Connection" - specified in the method above;
  • select "Properties" → Select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" → "Properties".

    In the window that opens, you must specify the type of IP address and DNS. We will describe all possible options, how to correct the IPv4 problem without Internet access.

Static IP and DNS

Is the home network configured in such a way that each device has its own access with DNS? To unmistakably specify the settings and correct IPv4 error without Internet access, go to your router, show by the example of the ASUS router.

  • the address of the settings page is available at "" - we enter without quotes in the browser address bar → → Requires authentication, as a rule, the username and password "admin", the input may also be without specifying the password;

  • go to the "LAN" section → "IP address LAN" → The specified IP address is the main gateway;

  • next, we go to the "DHCP-server" section - the initial and final address pool, as well as the list of the device already assigned to the MAC address, is specified. MAC - address is a unique serial number of the network card. Find the desired device and remember / write it down.
    Dynamic IP address

    It happens that everything is configured correctly, but the DNS server error occurs and the system gives the message - IPv4 without access to the network. This is related to overload or error in the operation of DNS servers on the side of the provider. And in the router it is clear that the Internet comes to you. In this case, to correct the situation for the rescue, alternative DNS from Google is coming, which are public. So:

    Here is such an easy method, you can correct the encouragement error of the IPv4 connection.

    Stable connection!

The Internet captures more and more users all over the world. Access to the network can be obtained through computers, tablets, smartphones in the presence of a Wi-Fi network or direct connection cable. However, during the operation of computers and laptops, an error of type "Unidentified Network without Internet access" may occur or "limited" (depending on Windows version). It is easy to correct it, but first need to deal with the cause of the problem.

What does the error with the text "Unidentified Network without Internet Access"

Error type "Unidentified Network without Internet access" or "limited" (for later operating systems Windows 8, 8.1, 10) means that the computer sees a connection with the network, but for some reason this network does not have access to the Internet. There are not much reasons, since the error indicates that everything is fine with the computer's iron, the network card and the cord is not damaged, and the problem is directly in the compound.

"Unidentified Network without Internet access" indicates the impossibility of connecting the network to the global web

Causes can be divided into three categories:

  • provider malfunctions - service provider conducts technical work with its servers or closes the flow of traffic to the address if funds run out on the personal balance sheet;
  • error with a router - settings were killed or the device simply overheated;
  • program errors in the computer:
    • set up the settings of the IP address;
    • dNS cache loving;
    • violated installation of Internet protocols;
    • there were easy problems in Windows services.

How to find and eliminate the cause of the error in Windows XP, 7 or 10

Before searching and troubleshooting, restart your computer. It is possible that one of the services that is responsible for the network protocols has failed, and restart all services can be easily rebooted by PC. And if this procedure did not help, we start to dig in more detail in the reasons.

If the error occurs from the provider side

We go on a chain of connecting to the Internet. The first link is the provider. You need to call the service provider support service, name your address and report that access to the Internet is missing for a while. Provider employees are required:

If the problem is in a Wi-Fi router

The router can also cause the absence of the Internet. To make sure this, you need to try to connect another computer, laptop or smartphone to the network. If all connected devices cannot open any site or messenger, then the problem is clearly in the router.

Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to correct the technical problems of the router. You must contact the service center or directly to the provider if the device was provided to them. But if the failure occurred in the program part, there are two basic methods of returning the router to the working condition at home:

  1. Disconnect the device from the power for a while. Some experts say that 30 seconds are quite enough, others advise to increase the period up to 15 minutes. In any case, it is important that the router is not under the influence of static electricity for a while. After it can be returned to the working condition.
  2. Reset settings to factory. For this procedure on the device case there is a special button. It can be named RESET or WPS. You must click this button and not release within 10-15 seconds. After that, all changes in web admin will be returned to the original state, the router will literally "as new."

If the problem is in the software part of the computer

The latter is the computer itself. For each sphere, there are always several services, protocols, correct setting parameters (to many users have access, so sometimes we ourselves do not know what we turn off). Incorrect intervention or random failure may result in a chain reaction and access to the Internet will be simply cut. Therefore, when you make edits to certain system parameters, always remember that it is and in what place they changed to be able to correct the made.

Correction of the situation with an error "Unidentified Network without Internet access" on the computer lies through the application of edits to the IPv4 protocol or resetting the settings and cache of all Internet system protocols.

Installing an automatic IP address and DNS server

First of all it is necessary to check if the automatic settings of the IP address and the DNS server are installed on the computer.

  1. On the keyboard simultaneously click the Win and R keys. In the opened utility, we prescribe the control.exe / name Microsoft.networkandsharingCenter command and click "OK".

    Through the executing utility, open the "Network and Common Access Control Center"

  2. In the interface that opens, we find a connection that does not have access to the Internet and click the link opposite. In the "Status" window, press the "Properties" button.

    Open the "state" of the problem network

  3. In the "Properties" window, we allocate a string with the name "IPv4" protocol and press the "Properties" button again.
  4. We translate the sinks into the automatic position and save changes through the "OK" button in all interfaces.

    In the properties of the network, you specify the automatic parameters of the IP address and DNS server

  5. Restart PC.

The DNS server fields can be filled as and in the respective fields.

Reset Internet Protocols

Often, problems with the network occur due to network protocols in Windows. Some may vary under the influence of the user or viruses, others can be littered (for example, DNS cache). All this can lead to problems with internet connection. A possible solution to the problem may be a reset of all protocols, DNS cache and proxy settings.

Video: How to reset network settings

Fix the error "Unidentified Network without Internet access" simply, you only need to try to try to correct the problem of fixing the problem or just wait if the problem is on the side of the provider.