Make sure the disk controller is included in the BIOS. Unable to install Windows for this disk

I have already mentioned in my articles SSD Discah, he said that they were faster than ordinary and with their help you can upgrade a computer. And it would seem to install their trivial thing, which could be easier, take off the old hard disk, put a new SSD. You install Windows on it and rejoice, but in fact everything is not so simple. The fact is that in order to squeeze the maximum speed from the SSD disk (and otherwise it is necessary to use it), you need to switch to the AHCI mode in the BIOS (Advanced Host Controller Interface). And here they can begin surprises ...

So, I have old computerwho decided to profite and install an SSD disk. In BIOS switched the AHCI mode. To do this, I went into the BIOS (press the Del or F2 button (maybe other keys depends on the motherboard model), when you turn on the computer) in the "Main" menu chose "SATA Configuration".

And in "Configure SATA AS" chose "Ahci"

Saved the settings, rebooted the computer and started installing Windows. But it was not there, an error arose:

Started changing the BIOS settings, even updated his version The result was one- constantly appeared this error. As a result, I decided to select IDE mode and install Windows.
The installation was successful, then I decided to try to switch again to AHCI mode, but a similar trick failed and Windows simply did not boot (in principle I expected a similar result). Then I decided to do so - switch again to IDE mode, go to Windows and in the registry editor change the mode to ACHI.

Returning IDE mode, Windows has been successfully loaded, now it is necessary to make changes in the registry. To do this, open the registry editor - press the key combination "Win" + "R" and enter the REGEDIT.

In the Registry Editor, go along the path "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ SERVICES \\ MSAHCI", find the "Start" parameter, open it double click. In the "Value" field, enter "0".

All, system can be restarted and set AHCI mode to BIOS. As a result, everything worked, SSD drive worked in ACHI Windows mode successfully loaded and worked at times faster than with a conventional hard disk.

So if your old computer stopped pleaseing the speed of his standard installation SSD disc, in my opinion, perfect solution. But no need to forget about the minimum size random access memory - 2GB Well, the processor is preferably 2 kernels at least 2 GHz.

I hope this article helped you avoid mistakes:

Installing Windows on this disc not possible. Perhaps equipment this computer Does not support the download from this disk. Make sure the controller of this disk is included in the menu. BIOS Computer.

And helped product up your computer and increase its performance and speed.

»» Error "Installing Windows for this disc is impossible"

Error "Installing Windows for this disc is impossible"

Sometimes when installing Windows 7, 8 or 10, you can encounter a problem that is that when trying to establish a system on hDDThe system issues a warning: "Installing Windows to this disc is not possible. Perhaps the equipment of this computer does not support the download from this disk. Make sure the controller of this disk is included in the menu. Computer BIOS ».

The problem is usually characteristic of old computers and laptops, but occasionally manifests itself on a new hardware. This happens as a rule in the event that bIOS settings computer in work parameters hard disk Mode is enabled Ahci. or any other other than IDE. Therefore, we go to Bios. Computer and install the mode of operation of our disc as IDE. Usually this setting is in section Integrated.Peripherals. or Advanced, and she is usually called SATA.RAID /Ahci.Mode., SATA.Mode., SATA.Ahci.Mode.,Configure.SATA. Or another, similar to the sense.

I also met this method of deactivation of the regime:

  1. We switch the mode using the setup AHCI MODE CONTROLin mode Manual.
  2. At the same time, we have an accessible setting. Native Ahci Mode.which we need to switch to Disabled..

During the installation of the operating system, at the formatting stage of disks and create partitions, the user may encounter an error "Installing Windows to this disc. Perhaps the computer equipment does not support the boot from this disk. Make sure the controller of this disk is included in menu Bios. Computer. "

Why does such a mistake arise and how to fix it?

Ways to solve the problem

Often an error when it is impossible to create a section to install a new operating system, it occurs on old PCs with Windows 7. However, others oSStarting with XP and ending Windows 10, are also not insured against such a malfunction.

The following factors may be the cause of such an error:

  • Incorrect settings of SATA operation parameters;
  • Equipment specificity (availability of additional SSD and SCSI cards).

Method number 1. Through Biosa settings

To fix this error, it is worth loading into the BIOS and set the mode of operation of the hard iDE disk. To do this, carry out the following:

  • Restart the PC and press "F8" several times to get into the BIOS.
  • We find the "Advanced" or "Integrated Peripherals" section and select "SATA MODE" or "SATA RAID", "CONFIGURATION SATA" in it (path to settings depends on the motherboard model). Change the mode of operation with AHCI or the other on the IDE.

  • Click "F10" and reboot PC. We repeat the installation of the system.

If your PC has new firmware BIOSA, then instead of the IDE mode it is necessary to enable EFI boot. To do this, carry out the following:

  • Loading in Bois-UEFI and go to the "BOOT" section. We find the item "UEFI / LEGASY BOOT" and set "Enabled".

  • We maintain changes and reboot PC.

It is worth noting that the appearance is not excluded with this change. new errorwhich is related to the MBR or GTP sections.

If an additional cached SSD or other drive is installed on your PC or laptop, it is possible that the problem occurs exactly because of it. To correct the problem, perform the following actions:

  • Determine the model and version of the device. Go to the developer's website and download the drivers that are sealed to the archive, and not laid out by a separate EXE. File.
  • Unpack files on the USB flash drive.
  • Run the installation of Windows. At the stage of selecting the volume, click on the "Download Drivers" button.

  • A new window will open. Press the "Overview" button and specify the path to the drivers. Click "OK" and "Next".

  • We repeat the attempt to select a volume to install the system.

Method number 3. If the error is associated with GPT or MBR format

If during windows installations 7, 8 or 10 You have an error "Installing Windows to this disc is impossible. The selected disk has GPT sections style, "It is worth changing the GPT format to the MBR. To do this, perform the following actions.

  • Keep all the data from the disk C, as it will be formatted. Also will not prevent information from local disk D.
  • Open command line With administrator rights and enter the following commands:
  1. diskpart;
  2. list DISK;
  3. select Disk number (specify the disk number to which you will install Windows and what problems arise);
  4. clean (will be cleared of the entire disk);
  5. cONVERT MBR (changed format);
  6. exit.

After formatting the partition it is necessary to restart the PC and repeat the attempt to install the OS.

You can also perform the same actions more simple way. In Bios in the "BOOT" section in the "UEFI / LEGASY BOOT" section and set Enabled, and in the "Secure Boot" - disabled. After that, delete all sections and create new ones. The format will automatically be changed.

With the message "Installing Windows to this disc is impossible" at the stage of selecting the installation section of the operating system, you can encounter if not supported Loading from selected data media. The reason that determined such an obstacle, the installer reports.

Reasons Such a problem may be several:

  • worn out or damaged SATA cable;
  • disabled Hard disk controller in BIOS;
  • fault the data carrier itself;
  • absence As part of a distribution Windows Driver AHCI;
  • not suitable format BIOS - UEFI or LEGACY - disk partition style - respectively, GPT and MBR.

About the last two problems will talk more.

Problem with Ahci.

The appearance of the AHCI data carrier SATA controller in its time, which came to replace the old IDE, led to an additional demand To the composition of the WINDOVS distribution - the presence of the appropriate drivers. Support for the AHCI driver is declared in OS versions, starting with Vista.

But not always Windows 7 wants to be installed on a computer with active regime AHCI SATA controller. Exit here two - change Distribution (AHCI drivers can be cut with pirate assemblies) and aHCI switching On the old IDE mode. In the latter case, you must enter the BIOS, find the SATA controller settings section (partitions can be called "Integrated Peripherals", "Storage Configuration", etc.) and change the preset AHCI on the IDE.

MBR transformation in GPT

Windows is not installed if the disk has not the style Sections:

  • GPT., while the UEFI interface in the BIOS is disabled;
  • MBRwhere as UEFI mode is active and installing windows It is performed from the bootable UEFI carrier.

The last case is the most common: everything is faced with him who, or replaced motherboard for new with bIOS support UEFI, or connected To the assembly of PC hDD discs or SSD with MBR markup. There may also be two options out of the situation:

  • refuse from the advantages of UEFI, disable this interface in the BIOS (switch to Legacy) and continue the installation of Windows on the MBR drive;
  • transform His GPT.

If there is no important data on the hard disk, conversion From MBR in GPT will be implemented automatically WINDOVS installer. To do this, at the option of selecting the installation site, you need to delete all having sections.

And as a place of installation point Whole unoccupied space.

You need to complete the process reinstalling Windows, return to old system and set This program. Or boot with LiveDisk with Aomei Partition Assistant. as part of access to old windows already impossible. Program Developer - Aomei - provides The ability to create emergency loading media with its products on board. To create such a media, you need to use another product of the company - Aomei PE Builder. Aomei Partition Assistant Also among other software systems is included in LiveDisk Adminpe.

To transform Disk from MBR in GPT, perform steps as on screenshots below.

After converting styles of sections anew run Installing Windows.

Transformation GPT in MBR

If there is a question of reverse - for example, motherboard do not support BIOS UEFI, but the assembly of components entered HDD or SSD with GPT markup, nothing will remain any like transform Its in MBR. This can be done by the same ways that are described above for the reverse process:

  • way removal All sections with the Windows Installer, if there is no need for data stored on the data disk;
  • via programs Aomei Partition Assistant.

To convert a Disk from GPT to MBR, we do the same steps as in previous section Articles, with the only difference that this time we run, respectively, the opposite operation.

Or begins to work faulty and the need arises to install a new one. However, this may be associated with some difficulties. Because of the wrong parameters that may not be specified by the user's fault, errors that interfere with the normal installation of the operating system appear Microsoft Windows.. Unfortunately, such troubles arise quite often. What to do in such a situation? In this article, we consider in detail how to solve the error "Installing Windows to this disc is impossible ...", and for what reason there is a similar problem and what to do about it. Let's deal with. Go!

In the event that you have an error "The selected disk has a GPT sections style", you should pay attention to some parameters. For new computers with UEFI supporting 64-bit operating systems, it is better to install on GPT disk (if instead of UEFI, the usual BIOS is not scary, it is important that the support of 64-bit systems is supported). For old PCs with conventional bios that support only 23-bit OS, it is better to install on the MBR disk (made by conversion).

Installing Windows on GPT

Most often with such a problem face windows users 7, however, this does not exclude the possibility of the appearance of this problem in newer versions of the system. To install the GPT disk, you must choose the 64-bit version of the OS. You should load it in EFI mode. Most likely, the error appears precisely because of the failure to fulfill the last condition.

First of all, open the BIOS. This is done by pressing defined key On the keyboard depends on the computer model, at the time of starting the PC. Usually it is the Del or F2 keys. As soon as you ended up in BIOS, change CSM on download UEFI. This item can be found in the section "Bios Features" or " BIOS Setup." The next step will choose "AHCI" in the "SATA Mode Selection" item. In the usual BIOS, go to the Advanced tab, in the "AHCI Mode Control" section, install "Manual", and in the "Native Ahci Mode" item, set "Disabled". Those who have Windows 7 and older, you need to turn off the "Secure Boot" mode.

There are various interface options, so the names of some items can differ slightly, so do not be afraid if they coincided with the article specified in the article. Do not forget to save the changes made before going out. After that, if you installed the OS from the disk, the error should no longer appear.

Those users who install Windows from the USB drive most likely have to create blood flash drive Newly, only now with support for UEFI so that the error disappears. For uEFI supportalready after you have created a bootable flash drive, you must be transferred to it ISO Image with the system. It is necessary to do it:

  • Mount the image;
  • Highlight all files and image folders;
  • Right-click and from the list that appears, select "Send" and then "Removable Disk".

After that, the installation problem should disappear.

GPT conversion in MBR

Before moving to the analysis of this process, I would like to focus your attention on what is better to move all the data from the HDD, as they can be lost. If you are not worried about the lost files, feel free to go to the actions below.

To convert GPT partition table to the MBR partition table, use the SHIFT + F10 key combination when you are in the Windows Installation Wizard, it is necessary to run the command line. Next, it is necessary to repeat the following steps. Display a list of all PC discs, enter "diskpart", and then "ListDisk". To select that disc with which you are going to work further, write "SELECT DISK M". In place "M", specify the number corresponding to the desired disk. The previous command "List Disk" was just displayed on the number of the number.

Next, clean the disc, speaking "Clean". When cleaning is completed, enter "Convert MBR" to convert GPT to the MBR. Please note that with this approach, all data will be lost. At the end, write the "EXIT" command. Now you can close the command line or continue working with it to create partitions.

Exists alternative optionwhich will save all the data. This method is in use. special utilities. One of these is Minitool Partition Wizard Bootable. "Bootable" means that this version can be recorded on a USB drive (a flash drive must be bootable) and start even if Windows is not working. After downloading, you will see a menu in which you want to select an item corresponding to the name of the utility. Getting out the Minitool Partition Wizard Bootable window, select disc And click on the "Convert GPT Disk to MBR Disk" item, which is located on the left. Then click the "Apply" button.

If the system is installed on your computer, you can download other programs that have a similar functionality, for example, Acronis DISK. Director or Aomei Partition Assistant. You can also use the built-in WINDOVA means. To immediately go to the desired utility, Use the combination of Win + R "diskmgmt.msc". Going to the "Disk Management" window, select the disc you want to convert and click "Delete Tom". After that, click on it again and click on the "Convert to MBR" item. Ready.

After reading the stated material, you will know how to be if the error warning appears in the Windows OS installation process that installing Windows to this disc is not possible. All the above ways will help you solve the problem. Write in the comments whether the article was useful for you and ask if something was incomprehensible.