Automatic enabling computer BIOS. Automatic switching on the laptop and computer

Customize computer so that it is in automatic mode Included in the user specified time, it may be necessary for different purposes: launch torrents, updating system, alarm clock, online conference, etc. In today's article, we will analyze several options for the implementation of this PC setting. You can only read and choose a suitable way to enable a computer on a schedule.

Standard Tools Windows
In order for your PC or laptop to be included in opening timeThe operating system itself provides a task scheduler. Let's look at the inclusion and configuration of the utility utility.
1. First of all, you must allow Windows permission to automatically turn on or off the device. Go to the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel". Next, open the System and Security section. In the "Power Supplies" category, click LKM on "Setting the Transition to Sleep Mode".

2. The power plan parameters window opens. Click on the link indicated on the screenshot.

3. In the list of settings, find the item "Sleep". Expand the list by clicking on "+" near this item, and activate the resolution of the awakening timers.

4. Close all active windows and open the "Start" again. Enter the word "scheduler", and the search results will appear in the search results. Open it.

5. In the left column of the utility opened, select the "Job Planner Library".

6. In the "Actions" menu, click on "Create Task".

7. On the first tab, the "General" you can enter a name and description of the task, as well as select the necessary user under which the login will be performed.

8. Recommending S. initial settings, Navigate to the second tab and click on the "Create" button.

9. In this window you must configure the schedule of the machine. Turning on PC.

10. On the next tab, you can configure greeting and displaying some kind of screen. text message, pictures or melodies.

11. On the "Conditions" tab, be sure to check the box near the item "Wake up a PC for tasks."

12. After entering all the necessary parameters, confirm your actions by clicking on the "OK" button. On this configuration of the computer on the schedule using standard means operating system Completed.

You are small, but very useful, utility for planning PC. You can download it free from the official site.
The program is completely Russified, so no difficulties with its configuration will have.
Small instruction for proper configuration:
1. Download and install TimePC to your computer. Run it. In the list on the left, click on the "Off / On PC" item. Change the parameters for yourself.

For office workers whose activities are constantly related to the computer useful feature There may be an automatic inclusion of a PC on a schedule. Auto Include B. set time I. home computer For more rational and comfortable use. Let's see how to organize the enable computer at the appointed time.

Entry loader settings - BIOS allow you to set the desired start time of the operating system. Let's go to the BIOS, we will find the inclusion function and set the required values. Way of entry B. basic system I / O and configuration of BIOS settings is determined by its manufacturer. You need to learn how to enter and change the BIOS settings. Keys or their combinations to enter the BIOS can be found in the manual motherboard. The example shows the corresponding menu items in several versions of bios.:

We see that both screenshots are activated Enabled) The function of inclusion of BIOS by the clock of real time (RTC) And the time has been exposed 7 hours 30 minutes.

Modern computers Comes with a new UEFI initial loader interface designed to replace BIOS. In UEFI. BIOS utilityAlso easily find the necessary options and install the inclusion time:

And do not forget that the power cable power cable system Block PC must be connected to the power grid. If the power supply is performed through the UPS, the source uninterrupted power, I must also be included.

When the login is in the system, you need to configure the automatic authorization of the user without a visible password request. To do this, through the search bar in the "Start" menu, open the NetPlwiz utility:

The account management panel opens. We remove the checkbox in Chekbox: "Require the input of the user name and password" and click the "Apply" button:

After that, the "Automatic Login to System" window will open, where you need to enter and confirm the user password.

Now that all settings are executed, the computer will automatically turn on at the appointed time, the logging will be logged, programs prescribed to autorun. Torrent client, for example, or Skype. You can also configure an automatic Internet connection based on the connection method.

If necessary, you can schedule the playback of the audio file for a certain time and use the computer additionally as alarm. We will make appropriate settings for this. Through the search bar in the "Start" menu, open the job scheduler:

Task Scheduler, this is a snap, system administration tool for assigning automatically performed tasks. Create a task in the scheduler:

The task creation window opens. On the General tab, the name and description of the problem. And choose the "Configure for:" list in the list:

Then we turn to the "Triggers" tab and click the "Create" button. The "Creating Trigger" call settings window opens. From the drop-down list to start the task, select "when logging in" and confirm the "OK" button:

On the "Actions" tab with the "Create" button, open the "Creating Action" window. By the "Overview" button, open the conductor and select a music file suitable for alarm clock:

The selected audio file is registered in the action field.

On the following tab: "Conditions" should be marked by the item:

Press the "OK" button. The task is created and the "Creating Problem" window closes.

Thus, in this example, the task of playing the audio file at the entrance to the system at 7.30 is scheduled. That is, a few minutes after the automatic start and settings, the OS will include a standard WMP player and the selected melody will sound. It is advised to check the sound and adjust the volume in the player.

Logical continuation of the Run Management Theme - Turning off the computer on schedule. The scheduled shutdown may be useful to turn off the PC in the absence of a user after performing a specific task. For example, disk, copy or download from a large data network. On the implementation of the task of the scheduled shutdown PC read the lesson:

Almost every user is sooner or later asked how to enable automatic connection to internet windows 7.

This manual is designed to answer all possible issues related to this topic. We hope it will be useful to you.

All actions, examples and screenshots in this material are relevant for Windows 7, as it remains today the most popular. But most of the operations taking into account minor amendments are applicable to Windows8 and 10.

Why start the Internet automatically

This setting greatly simplifies the process of using PC. Not spent precious time for unnecessary actions. Plus, the situation is often frequent when a person can miss important messages or letters for a fairly annoying reason - forgot about the Internet when the computer is turned on.

Of course, to solve all these problems will allow the installation of the router. The advantages of such a decision also the fact that after that not only desktops, but also others mobile gadgets Will be combined into a single network. All logins, passwords and other information are recorded in the memory of the router itself. In this case, even when changing the PC most often there is no need to change anything.

Ways to create

Installation options a lot. Still, the seventh and subsequent versions of the OS have a lot of diverse settings that allow them to adapt them to the most popular requirements.

In which method to stop, of course, everyone decides himself. The user comes from its requests and opportunities. Also a lot depends on the update version and the installed software. These factors can also affect the choice of option. But in any case, any of the following methods is suitable for you.

Video: Automatic connection setting

Use network connections

Before starting all actions, check that your names are written by Latin letters. In any case, it is unwanted to use Cyrillic in everything that concerns network settings. It is better to fix everything immediately and renamed than to guess why something does not function as needed.

To check, open the "Network Management Center and common access" Next - "Change the adapter parameters." To rename the desired connection, click on it twice, but with some interval.

All actions provide that you have already created a workable connection.

If not yet, then you will use the following actions:

File with extension.bat.

It is quite easy and quickly configured to configure everything using a special BAT file placed in "autoload", which will perform all actions on the automatic connection.

For this:

Write the name of your file by any Latin letters without spaces and change its extension to ".bat". You should have something like "internet_autostart.bat".

If you can not change the extension, then do the following steps:

Please note that if you are looking for this folder manually, then some names can be translated into Russian and, accordingly, look somewhat different.

You need to move your BAT file here. Be sure to reboot and check the performance of this method. If something has not worked, simply delete the file and try another option. The fact is that it is not valid on all computers.

Network Management Center

Using only the "Network Management Center" can be achieved due, but with one reservation. The computer in this case will join only at the moment when this will request any application. But, as practice shows, it is quite suitable for an ordinary user.

So, go to "Changing the Adapter Parameters" and open the properties of our connection. In the "number set" set only one tick - "request a name, password, certificate, etc.", the rest are removed.

Then it is desirable to make the following changes:

After some time after the reboot, you will populate the window with a proposal to select the right action. Put the checkbox "Connect automatically". And the problem must decide. If you want more advanced ways, then read on.

Setting up automatic Internet connection to Windows 7 with task scheduler

Before creating a task scheduler:

Actually, after that, you can go to the next step - open the "job scheduler".

You can do this in two ways:

  1. in the "Control Panel", open the "System and Security", then - "Administration", there will be the "Task Scheduler" we need;

  2. we press two keys on the keyboard: Win and R, in the window that opens, simply enter: "Taskschd.msc";
  3. next, in the "Action" menu item, choose "Create simple task"And we prescribe a name with the description. Values \u200b\u200bhere can be introduced any;

  4. in the "Trigger" paragraph, we put a tick "When running a computer", in "action" - "Run the program";
  5. a window will open, in which it will be necessary to specify the location of the system process you need the "Raspidal". You can dial manually "C: WindowsSystem32RASDIAL.EXE", and you can specify it through the "Overview";
  6. Please note that ways to necessary files May differ from you. It all depends on where the operating system is installed in which you are now. But the principle in its most remains the same.

  7. in the Add Arguments field, you need to enter your connection name, login and password received from your provider. You need to enter it strictly in this order by separating them only with one space. There should be nothing superfluous there. You will succeed as follows: "Internet Login Password";

  8. at the end puts the "Open Properties" window after clicking the "Finish" button. We note "execute for all users" and "fulfill with the highest rights". And here at the very bottom you need to choose your operating system. At this stage, you will have to enter a user password if it is installed.

That's basically it. Try to restart the computer. If you did everything right, then the computer will connect automatically.

Autostask using registry editor

Alternatively, you can set the automatic Internet connection to Windows 7 through the registry.

To start:

We hope that in this article you found the information you were looking for. In fact, nothing complicated here, even a novice user will easily figure it out.

Do not miss any item, read carefully all comments and comments and then the result of your work will delight you without mistakes and fails for a long time.


Situations when you want to automatically turn on the computer, there may be quite a lot. Someone is trying to configure the receipt of updates for the system, someone starts loading torrents, counting the time of turning on the PC most suitable for minimal traffic pay, and someone turn on the terminal or laptop is necessary to trigger alarm clock, etc. Next will further consider several There are ways to configure the automatic switching on the computer on the schedule. Methods used can be brought at least three: applying the settings of primary BIOS / UEFI systems, operational tools windows systems and specialized third-party programs that, however, have much greater opportunities than rather than standard means and tools.

Automatic computer enabling: user errors

But before moving to the consideration of the main topic, it is worth saying a few words about the most common misconceptions that are among the ranks.

For some reason, many believe that it is possible to produce such settings only if the stationary terminal or laptop is in sleep mode or in hibernation mode.

Nothing like this! In such modes, the computer is clearly not in the off state, and the inclusion process is nothing but awakening from sleep. But how to configure the automatic power on the time when it is completely turned off? For stationary PC, the main condition is the presence of nutrition (the terminal should not be disconnected from the power supply). With laptops, the situation is much simpler, because in them the power is carried out from the internal battery, and it is possible to disconnect them from the network completely painlessly, but if you have a complete or at least partial battery charging.

How to configure the automatic power on the BIOS

We first consider ways to install the necessary parameters in primary systems. BIOS settings Signally differ from the parameters of more modern UEFI systems.

So, first of all, when you turn on the PC or laptop, you need to enter into using the keys or combinations (for laptops they can vary quite strongly, but the DEL key is mainly used for stationary terminals). The combination applied for a short time will appear on start screen.

As a rule, the automatic switching on the computer can be configured in the Power Management (Power Management) or in the ACPI Configuration settings. In both cases, you need to find the Power-On by Alarm parameter or something similar and set the value of Enabled. Bul need to specify the days in which the inclusion will be included, and time. The value of Everyday corresponds to daily inclusion. If you set the calendar date from the 1st to the 31st, the computer will be included once a month in the scheduled day and the time that looks somewhat inconvenient. Settings for several dates in the BIOS options.

Setting on UEFI

In newer UEFI systems, you can also set up the enable computer on the schedule. After entering the parameters when you start the PC or laptop, you must go to the advanced mode through pressing the F7 key.

On the Advanced tab, the APM point is selected, and in the list that appears the corresponding button, the inclusion mode is activated by RTC, the time and the days of activation of the inclusion are set, after which the set options are saved when exiting.

Primary actions in the task scheduler

In principle, in order not to rummage in the settings of the primary systems, you can use the means of the operating system itself, which is called the task scheduler (in most cases, the automatic switching on and off of the computer in Windows 10 or in earlier systems is made with it, although it can be turned off The same optimization programs are used that, at the end of the scheduled check and eliminate the problems, turn off the computer independently).

You should first go to the power section, go to the settings of the current scheme to go to additional parameters, In the list of the list, find a set point and check the permission of the sleep timer permission. After that, you can proceed to actions with the task scheduler.

The planner itself can be called through the search or through the "control panel". But most fast way Access to it is considered to use the "Run" console, in which the Taskschd.msc command is prescribed.

In the left window on the left, the Planner libraries section are selected, and the on the right is the creation of a new task. After that, you need to come up with the name of the task being created and enter it. short description.

Creating a trigger

The next step will be the transition to the trigger tab, where you need to click the trigger creation button (as a rule, the main field will be empty).

After installing the necessary options, you should move to the Actions tab and select the list, say, Display a message that will appear when the computer is turned on.

In the header fields and text messages, enter what you think necessary (for example, "with good morning!") And save the changes.

NOTE: You can select other options for playing a music file, start loading, update installation, etc. In the Action list, you can select other options for playing torrent.

Setting conditions

Finally, the main option. In the Conditions tab window, you need to deactivate all items if they are active, leaving only the computer's wake-up string to perform the task.

If you do not use it, I can not be any automatic inclusion of the computer and speech.

When saving set options, if the setting was made under a specific user registered in the system, a login and password input confirmation window may be issued, which are initially used to log in.

Upon completion of all actions, make sure that automatic setting Active, it is possible to appear in the main window of the planner of the created task, for which the value "Ready" will be indicated in the status column.

Third-party utilities

To install automated power options, you can use third-party utilities. One of the easiest, but very interesting is a program to automatically turn on the computer or the same shutdown called TIME PC.

Fast setting for daily modes is performed when using item "Off / incl. PC ", and to set the days of the week to which it will be activated this actionYou should use the Scheduler section. After installing the necessary options, only press the start button, after which the task will be performed with a periodicity set at the selected time.

The same simple is the Auto Power-On & SHUT-DOWN utility. It also uses configuration in the Scheduler section, but there is much more features in the Appendix, since it allows you to automate and some other modes (hibernation, reboot, shutting down, launching programs, stopping processes, opening files or references on the Internet, etc.).

Another application is Wake Me Up. It can be called a certain facilitated version of Windows job scheduler. But the settings produced through the creation of a new task here are simpler and understood.

Disable the installed mode

Finally, a few words about how to disable the automatic power on the computer. In general, everything comes down to deactivation of the established mode. In the primary systems, the Disabled parameter is installed for such a mode. The scheduler created the task is deleted. To shut down without removing the task, it is sufficient to simply change the settings of the sleeping mode timers, which were described above for the power supply section.

What to give preference?

Only the question remains unresolved, associated with the fact that it is best to use everything from a practical point of view. As many have already understood, the easiest to use special programsBecause they are distinguished by the maximum simplicity of settings and the ability to enable / disconnect the computer by day of week within a month. The parameters of the primary systems are also not particularly complex. Actions with a scheduler, by and large, duplicate the BIOS / UEFI settings by adding unless the ability to create a description of the task, displaying a message or setting other actions.

But, if you proceed purely from practical considerations, it seems the most optimal option The use of the AUTO Power-On & Shut-Down program, since it is the most advanced toolkit for all occasions. Some users may argue about the application third-party utilities It will lead to the fact that they will constantly work in and "hang" in the system tray dead cargo. You can disagree with this, because initially in such applications, resource consumption is minimized as much as possible, and they are activated only according to the scheduled tasks set by the created tasks. Actually, if you figure it out, the trigger occurs once a day if several tasks are scheduled in the settings.

A number of other programs and services have such an opportunity. It helps to optimize work with important applications that are constantly active.

Sometimes an excessive number of self-instrumentable programs becomes a consequence. long inclusion OS. .

This happens because some applications make themselves to the list of autoloading outside the user's knowledge.

IN this case You should turn off an unnecessary function at all. Consider several ways to remove programs from autorun.

System Folder Busloads

You can add almost any executable file to the autorun. The easiest way is to move it (or shortcut) to the system folder of the autoload.

IN Windows 7. It can be found in the "Start" menu, after pressing the "All Programs" button. Closer to the end of the list there will be a "Auto-loading" folder. Removal from it means cancellation of autorun.

This is the easiest way to turn off the autorun, but not the most effective. Many applications duplicate this feature in other system sections.

If there is a startup mark in another system section A simple removal of the program of their autorun folder will not help.

In addition, the removal of applications from the autorun through the "Start" menu is applicable only for a particular active user.

General for all users editing can be made in system folder PROGRAMM DATA, that on the S. disc

Opening it, you will need to proceed in this way: Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup.

Using the "system configuration"

A more reliable way to seize or add programs to autorun is in the settings of the OS parameters.

Its use is more likely to help disable the autorun of certain programs. Now details on how to call the system configuration window, and change the autoload parameters:

Important! This section may have important system Programswithout which the functioning of the computer will be unstable. Therefore, you need to carefully watch which services are included, and which are turned off. If there is no complete confidence in the functions of a particular service, it is better not to concern.

In most cases, this is enough to eradicate the unwanted program from the startup.

But the most sly programs duplicate marks about their location in system Registry. Next, all the few details.

Cleaning system registry

System Registry - an important part OS. Delete the local files must be extremely careful, one remote small file can lead to deposits.

Therefore, you need to try, as you can accurately follow the instructions below: