The system does not see SSD M 2. The computer does not see the SSD disk after connection: Definition of the problem and solution

If the BIOS does not see SSD, then this problem May have several main reasons. Below we will tell you that it can lead to the failure of the BIOS to recognize SSD, as well as in what cases this problem can be solved, and what needs to be done for this.

SSD (Solid State Drive, solid-state disk or solid-state drive) is a device where it is implemented new technology in area long-term storage Information for computers. Unlike hard disk The solid-state disk uses non-magnetic plates for storage, but non-volatile memory cells, for example, NAND type memory, which is also used in all known flash drives. Thus, the SSD disk is essentially an advanced "flash drive". Due to its principle, the solid-state disk is deprived of the main lack of a hard disk - low reliability. This is due to the lack of fragile and sensitive mechanical parts in SSD. In addition, modern solid-state drives possess high speed Reading and writing data noticeably exceeding similar parameters hard disks.

However, since the cost of a unit of information on a solid-state disk is still several times higher than the similar parameter of hard drives, SSD is rarely used as the main information storage device. In most cases, solid-state drives are installed in computers as system disks, that is, the disks on which the operating system is located and its service files. In such a case, the advantages of solid-state drives in speed are particularly useful because it allows you to speed up the download and operation of the operating system.

Problems with the connection of solid-state drives and their solutions

Despite the fundamentally different principle of storing information in most cases, solid-state drives use the same form factors and interfaces as traditional hard drives. As an interface for connecting solid-state drives to a computer to date, usually used. This means that solid-state drives may be subject to the same problems when connected, which are characteristic of SATA hard drives. In addition, recently received widespread SSD, designed to connect to special Micro SATA connectors (MSATA), M.2 or to high-speed expansion slots.

Suppose you purchased a solid-state disk, connected it to the SATA connector, installed in the computer case, but when connected it turns out that the disk is not defined in the BIOS. What could be the reason for this malfunction?

First, in the BIOS itself. First of all, it makes sense to check the BIOS settings, because it may turn out that the SATA controller is disabled. If so, then in the appropriate option, you must set the value enabled. If such an operation does not help, and the disk is still not determined, you can try to reset the BIOS to the default settings. It is also worth checking if the most installed on your computer a new version BIOS? If not, then it makes sense to update it.

In addition, in many cases, the problem lies in the wrong or inactive SSD connection to the appropriate connectors inside the computer. As a rule, the same cables are used to connect SSD as to connect hard disks of the SATA interface, so potential problems when connecting SSD are similar to problems with connect hard Discs (considered in the article about the reasons for which the BIOS does not see the hard disk).

Well, in the end, the problem may be in physical malfunction of the solid-state drive. Despite the fact that it does not have moving mechanical parts, this does not mean that he cannot fail. For example, a stable controller may be faulty. However, a significant disadvantage of solid-state drives is that the memory modules responsible for storing information are usually located on the same chip as the controller, so the repair of the drive in this case It may encounter serious difficulties or to be impossible.

It is worth mentioning another specific feature characteristic only for solid-state drives. Sometimes there is a situation when SSD computer is not additionally connected to the SATA device connector, and already present on motherboard As a built-in drive. In this case, the solid-state disk may not be seen in the BIOS, despite the fact that it can be detected by means of the operating system. Since such discs are initially intended for use as service drives for the needs of the operating system, this situation - When a similar solid-state disk is not defined by the BIOS, is normal, since such a disk is essentially part of the motherboard.


Solid-state drives or SSDs are a perspective type of data storage devices, and similar drives are used in a significant part. modern computers. Therefore, problems when connecting an SSD to a computer, this time cannot be attributed to the discharge of exotic faults, with which most users have almost no chance to face.

The BIOS inability to identify the SSD disk can be a consequence of various problems as with bIOS settingsand with the drive itself. If all user attempts to restore the performance of the drive own forces They ended in failure, and it is safe to argue that the drive itself is defective, then the only way out in this case is its repair or replacement.

Imagine the moment you just purchased a new SSD DiscBut when connected to a computer, it is not defined or you use it for enough long enough, but one beautiful moment, he stopped recognizing. Of course, you might think that he broke, burned down, in general, failed. And the right decision will attribute it to service center.

However, it often lies in ordinary system errorswhich may occur after various failures or if you connect a new SCD. In this case, fix it is simple enough, we will talk about it below.

Causes of SSD connection troubleshooting

Despite the fact that the solid-state drive has a completely different principle of storing information, they often use the same interfaces and form factors as in conventional HDDs. To connect an SSD to a computer, the SATA interface is used today. Based on this, it suggests that these hard drives are subject to connecting the same as SATA hard drives. Moreover, solid-state drives intended for connecting to MSATA, M.2 connectors or PCI-Express slots were widely used.

There are many reasons because of which the SSD disk is not defined by the computer and does not want to work properly. It is important to say that they concern not only a new device that first connected to the PC. It also happens that the previously used hard drive is stopped working at one time.

The user without relevant knowledge and skills will certainly have serious difficulties with the diagnosis and subsequent solution to the problem. Therefore, we will try to figure out the manifestation and solving each of them.

We carry out initialization

First of all, you need to consider the situation when the computer does not see new SSD. Disk at the first connection. That is, the drive cannot be initialized independently, and this is done manually, as an example I will use Windows 7, but in other versions, Windows 8 and 10, all actions will be similar:

  1. Press the keyboard key "Win + R" and enter "compmgmt.msc", after which we click "OK".
  2. We are looking for in the left column the "Disk Management" clause and click on it.
  3. Select the desired, click right-click and click "initialize the disk".
  4. In a new window, we put a tick on it, choose "MBR" or "GBT" and click "OK". It is recommended to choose "MBR"
  5. At the bottom of the main window, we click on the disk and then choose the item "Create a simple volume".
  6. A new window will open, click "Next".
  7. Now you need to specify volume volume. It is not recommended to change the default parameter. Click "Next".
  8. Next, choose any letter and again click "Next".
  9. After selecting "formatting this volume", in the "File System" point, we note NTFS. Click "Next".
  10. The new window will display the main parameters. In case of their conformity, we will have "ready".

Especially following the algorithm, you can initialize the disk without problems, and it will be fully ready for work.

If there is a retained area, it is simple enough, it should be started from 5 points.

Change letters

When you first connect the OS solid-state drive, it may be simply not to see it. That is, physically it can be fully worked, but it will not be displayed among other local disks.

Fix this problem is quite simple as follows:

Thus, you quickly change the letter and solve the problem when the computer or laptop does not see the SSD device.

File System Type

This option is possible when there is no "Change the letter of the disk". This speaks about inconsistencies in the file system, which is why the computer does not see CDS. For normal operation of the drive in Windows, it must be NTFS format.

That is, so that it becomes available for full-fledged work, it needs to be formatted. This method It is suitable solely for those hard drives that do not contain important data, because during the formatting process all the information available will be deleted.

You must do the following:

After the drive is formatted, the problem will be fixed.

Not displayed in BIOS

In some cases, it happens that SSD is not displayed even in the BIOS. There are two reasons why it happens, and as many solutions. The first of them is a disable SATA controller to enable it, you need:

It should be noted that the operating system may not be installed due to the selected "AHCI" mode, in this case, change it to the IDE and change the back to "AHCI" after installation.

If it does not help, you should reset the BIOS settings. If you have the appropriate knowledge, it is recommended to update the BIOS itself to the new version.

Another reason for the fact that it is not determined can serve as a curve sSD firmware At the stage of production. Of course, you can independently try to reflash it, but there is a risk that because of the wrong action, it can finally fail. Therefore, it is better to pass it back under warranty or attribute to repair.

Cable or loop damaged

Separate attention should be paid to cables and loops, perhaps they were damaged and failed. In addition, in many cases, the SSD disk does not work precisely because of an inaccier or or incorrect connection inside the computer.

Usually, the same cables are used to connect solid-state hard drives as for hard drives with sATA interfaceIn view of which potential problems are similar to malfunctions when the hard drives are attached. We were considered in a separate article about the reasons when.

Fault drive

Finally, you need to say about the likelihood of a drive out of order, in view of which he has ceased to be determined. Even despite the absence of moving parts in SSD, it does not mean that it cannot break.

For example, the storage controller can be faulty. In this case, the repair can be extremely difficult or not at all, since the memory modules that are responsible for storing information are located on the same chip along with the controller.

Power supply fault

If the computer or laptop does not see the SSD disk, then it is worth checking the power supply. Often because of its defects, many devices fail, and it becomes extremely difficult to fix them.

For example, the following situation may occur. You purchased a new SSD, connected it, but it does not give any signs of life, simply does not work. The correct solution will pass it back under warranty and exchange to another. But if the same problem arises, then, most likely either the batch is defective, which happens very rarely, or the problem in the power supply.

Do not understand the electronics, independently fix the power supply is not possible, so it is best to attribute it to the diagnosis in a proven service center.

Built-in drive

It should also be said about another feature characteristic exclusively SSD drives. Sometimes it happens that the solid-state hard drive acts as the connector connected to the SATA, but is present in the form of an integrated disk on the motherboard. In this case, the SSD is found in the OS funds, but not visible to the BIOS.

Based on the fact that these discs are needed for use as service hard drives for the needs of the operating system, the situation is when SSD is not defined in the BIOS, quite normal, since this drive is essential from the motherboard.

Now you know what to do when various faults occur and can fix them yourself. But if none of the options helped solve your problem, you should contact a specialized service center. Experienced employees will surely find the cause of the breakdown and help you with solutions.

The development of technologies in the field of computer gland has made it possible to achieve maximum performance and durability from any details required for the device. Another question is compatibility. It often happens that it is absolutely new and a detail-tested by many users simply refuses to work properly. Or is not at all the system. One of these situations - the computer does not see a new SSD drive.

It is worth noting that this species Details are quite often acquired due to the increased level of performance, reliability, low energy consumption and some other parameters. Most often installed as system Disc. Nevertheless, even he can fail.

In this material it will be told about why this can happen and what to do about it.

Why can this happen?

Computer is a complex system. And therefore, to determine what specifically led to the emergence of a particular problem, it is necessary to dig well inside the systemaker or laptop. And then the answer will not always be obtained. In the case when the computer does not see the SSD disk, the causes of the error may be as follows:

  • the device does not have a letter;
  • it was not initialized;
  • there are hidden sections on the disk;
  • file system Details are incompatible with operating windows system;
  • often, the reason may be incorrectly configured bIOS Parameters;
  • it should not also exclude the fact that if the computer does not see SSD M2, the carrier itself may have physical damage;
  • connection parts can also be damaged motherboard and the device itself.

Consider in more detail everyone possible reasons And how to solve them.

The disc does not have a letter

In the "My Computer" section, where the drives connected to the computer are displayed, you can always see what letter or name each of them has. However, there are cases when the letter is missing and SSD is not visible in "My Computer". To solve the problem, you must take care that the device has a name. Further on how to do it.

How to assign a letter to the letter?

In order to perform this operationYou must use the "Run" function.

  • On the keyboard, press the key combination "Win" and "R". In the appeared window, enter the phrase "COMPMGMT.MSC".
  • There will be a transition to the disk management program.

  • Right-click on the string of the required SSD. In the context menu, select the function of changing the letter of the disk or path to it.
  • As soon as the new window appears, click on the "Edit" button.
  • Select the letter from the list that will not match any other existing on the computer.
  • Press the "OK" button.

As a result of these actions, the problem that the computer does not see SSD will be solved.

Lack of device initialization

Sometimes such a problem may occur: an absolutely new disk, without any damage, does not see the system when connected to the computer. In this case, it may be uninitialized. Thus, to correct this error, you must perform all the actions presented below.

How to initialize the disk?

The solution to this problem is again necessary to start with the activation of the "Run" function.

  • On the keyboard, press the "Win" and "R" keys. In the window that appears, enter "compmgmt.msc".
  • In the "Disk Management" menu, in the list on the right to find the required drive and click on it with the right mouse button. In the pop-up menu, activate the string
  • Check that in the field named "Disk 1" stood a check mark.
  • Put the marker near the item, where MBR or GPT is mentioned. But before this you need to decide. If you have Windows 7 or Early Windows 10 Releases, then you should select the main boot record. If you always update operating system before latest version, put a marker on a table with GUID sections.
  • As soon as this procedure is completed, you can create new section on SSD. To do this, click on the disk and activate the creation function simple Toma. After that, a specialized master will open.
  • Here you must click on the Next button.
  • Now the volume size is indicated. Options may be as follows: the volume will be equal to the size of the entire disk or it will take a small part of it.
  • As soon as the required volume is selected, click the Next button.
  • At the next step, the letter is assigned a letter. It is almost the easiest to solve the problem when the computer does not see the new SSD. It is necessary to choose so that the new letter does not coincide with the already assigned.
  • Now you need to formatting. All recommended values \u200b\u200bshould be left unchanged.
  • Enable quick formatting option.
  • Press "ready."

After execution this algorithmThe problem is that the computer does not see SSD will be solved.

A hidden section appeared on the disk

The presence of a hidden section SSD is another cause of this problem. It can happen when Tom was opened using third-party programsIn order to prohibit data access. To solve such a problem, you will need to use MinitoolPartition Wizard.

How to fix the hidden section from the disk?

First you need to download this application on your computer. You can do it on the official website or torrent tracker.

  • as soon as the program was downloaded and installed, started;
  • right-click you must click on the desired disk;
  • in the pop-up menu, select the Unhide Partition function;
  • after that, assign the letter to the hidden partition and agree with the use of changes;
  • the last step is to check the "Explorer" window, for displaying hidden partitions.

There are no partitions on the disk

Another reason why the computer does not see SSD after connecting, there may be no partitions. This can occur both with a new disc, and with the one that has not been used for a long time. The reason can be damage system File, infection with the virus or violation of the rules for using the device.

Often, when a similar situation occurs, it is recommended to initialize the disk. However, there is a high probability that you will lose all the data that is stored on it.

How to fix the error of lack of sections?

If the computer does not see SSD M2 due to the lack of volumes, it is necessary to take advantage of the previously mentioned MinitoolPartition Wizard program.

  • After running it, select the desired disk and go to the "Check Disk" menu, activate the string " Partition Recovery.".
  • Here you need to make a choice of a disc scanning range. Among the options "Full Disk", "Unallocated Space" and "Specified Range" choose the first option and go further according to the program.
  • Now you need to choose fast or full scanning disk. In the first case, the sections that were hidden or remote will be restored. The second option scans all sectors of the previously selected range.
  • As soon as the scan is completed, a list with results will open, in the form of the found partitions.
  • Choose the necessary and complete the operation. After you need to confirm the beginning of the recovery process.
  • As a result of the actions, the disk must be displayed in the Explorer menu.

Error in the work of the BIOS program

Another reason why the computer does not see SSD (№1, 3/4), may be the incorrect "BIOS" settings. In this case, the solution to the problem implies the analysis of several directions at once, since the options why BIOS leads to such an error, a lot.

Invalid SATA mode or its complete shutdown

To fix it this errorYou must perform the following actions:

  • Go to the BIOS program. This is done when running a computer, using defined key.
  • Activate the advanced settings mode using the F7 button or the optional parameter. Confirm the transition to a specific mode.
  • In the same tab, find the configuration of embedded devices. Press the Serial Port Configuration string.
  • In the Serial Port string, check the switch value. Must be "incl". Otherwise, go to the parameter and set this option.

Invalidly configured BIOS parameters

It can also be the reason why the computer does not see SSD. You can check by the value of the system date. In the event that it does not comply with this data, it has failed. To correct the situation, you need to reset all settings:

  • To start, the computer turns off from the network.
  • If we are talking about a stationary device - remove the wall system Block. If the problem arose on a laptop - unscrew the bottom cover.
  • On the motherboard there is a small battery, which is located the CLRTC toggle switch.
  • Switch it to position 2-3 and wait half a minute. After return back to 1-2.
  • You can also just pull the battery itself and return to the place after the same period of time.

Cable damage

Another malfunction can be damage to the SATA cable. To make sure in the correctness or inappropriateness of guessing, it is necessary to check all connections between the disk and the motherboard. All wires must lie smoothly and without strong folds. They can lead to internal cable damage. And if it happened, it should be replaced.

To connect SATA devices without any problems, it is recommended to use cords whose length exceeds one meter mark.

Damage to the drive itself

In the event that all the above methods did not have any effect and the computer does not see the SSD disk after the connection, it is worth carefully examining it for any external damage. In the absence of those worth passing the device under warranty (if it is new). Many shops are verified by returned items, and therefore you can find out - the problem in the disk or the details of your computer.

If SSD is old enough, it is worth taking care of his speedy replacement.

Solid-state disk compared to hard possesses such advantages as high level Performance and reliability, low power consumption, no noise and much more. Therefore, more and more users choose CDS as a systematic. When connecting such a drive, you can find that it is not determined by the system or is not even displayed in the BIOS. It may look like a lack of disk in "Explorer", settings windows or in the BIOS boot selection list.

Problems with the display of SSDs in the system may occur by such reasons, as the absence of a letter of disk or initialization, the presence of hidden partitions and incompatible with Windows files system. At the same time, this may occur due to incorrect BIOS settings and physical damage to the disc itself or one of the elements of the compounds between the motherboard and the SSD.

Cause 1: The disk is not initialized

It often happens that the new disk is not initialized when connected to a computer and, as a result, it is not visible in the system. The decision is to perform the procedure in manual mode According to the next algorithm.

  1. Click simultaneously "Win + R" And in the window that appears, enter the compmgmt.msc. Click then click "OK".
  2. A window will open where to click "Disk management".
  3. Click the right mouse button on the desired drive and select the menu in the opened menu. "Initialize disk".
  4. Next Make sure in the field "Disc 1" It is a tick, and install the marker opposite the item with the mention of MBR or GPT. "Basic boot record" Compatible with all versions of windowsbut if you plan to use only relevant releases of this OS, it is better to choose "Table with GUID sections".
  5. After the procedure is completed, you should create a new section. To do this, click on the disk and select "Create a simple volume".
  6. Opens "Wizard of the New Tom"in which we click "Further".
  7. Then you need to specify the size. You can leave the default value, which is equal to the maximum disk size, or select a smaller value. After making the necessary changes to click "Further".
  8. In the next window we agree with the proposed version of the letter of Tom and click "Further". If you wish, you can assign another letter, the main thing is that it does not coincide with the existing one.
  9. Next you need to formatting. Leave the recommended values \u200b\u200bin the fields "File system", "Tom Mark" And in addition, turn on the option "Fast formatting".
  10. Click "Ready".

As a result, the disc will have to appear in the system.

Cause 2: no drive letter

Sometimes SSD has no letters and therefore is not displayed in "Explorer". In this case, you need to assign him a letter.

After that, the specified storage device is recognized by the OS, it is possible to carry out standard operations with it.

Cause 3: no partitions

If the acquired disk is not new and has already been used for a long time, it can also not be displayed in "My Computer". The reason for this may be damage to the system file or MBR table due to failure, infection with a viral file, improper operation, etc. At the same time, CDS is displayed in "Disk management", but its status - "Not initialized". In this case, it is usually recommended to perform initialization, however, due to the risk of data loss, it is still not worth it.

In addition, another situation is possible in which the drive is displayed as one unallocated area. Creating a new volume, as is usually done, can also lead to data loss. Here, the solution may be the restoration of the section. To perform this requires certain knowledge and software, for example, Minitool Partition Wizard, which has the appropriate option.

It should help solve the problem, but in a situation where there is no necessary knowledge and on the disk are the necessary data, it is better to turn to professionals.

Cause 4: Hidden section

Sometimes SSD is not displayed in Windows due to the presence of a hidden partition. This is possible if the user hidden the Tom using a third-party software to prevent data access. The solution is to restore the partition using software to work with discs. The same Micitool Partition Wizard copes well with such a task.

After that, hidden sections will appear in "Explorer".

Cause 5: Unsupping File System

If, after execution of the above-described Actions, SSD still does not appear in "Explorer"Perhaps the file system of the disk is other than FAT32 or NTFS with which Windows works. Usually such a drive is displayed in the disk manager as an area. "Raw". To correct the problem, you need to perform actions on the following algorithm.

Cause 6: Problems with BIOS and Equipment

There are four main reasons according to which Bios does not detect the presence of an internal solid-state drive.

SATA is disabled or has the wrong mode

Incorrect BIOS settings

BIOS also does not recognize the disk if incorrect settings take place. It is easy to check the system date - if it does not match the true, this indicates a failure. To eliminate it, you need to reset and return to standard parameters According to the following sequence of actions.

Alternatively, you can remove the battery that is in our case next to the PCIE connectors.

Faulty data cable

BIOS will also not detect an SSD if the SATA cable has damage. In this case, it is necessary to check all connections between the motherboard and SSD. It is advisable to prevent any bends or pinching of the cable when laying. This can all damage the wires inside the insulation, although the material may look normally. If there is doubt in the cable state, it is better to replace it. To connect SATA devices, Seagate recommends using cables less than 1 meter long. Longer sometimes can fall out of the connectors, so be sure to check that they are tightly connected to the SATA ports.

Faulty solid-state disk

If, after the above procedures, the disc is still not displayed in the BIOS, most likely, has a factory marriage or physical damage Devices. Here you need to contact the computers repair workshop or the supplier of the SSD, previously making sure the presence of warranties.


In this article, we considered the reasons for the absence of a solid-state drive in the system or BIOS when it is connected. The source of such a problem can be both a disk or cable state and various software malfunctions and incorrect settings. Before proceeding with one of the listed methods, it is recommended to check all connections between the SSD and the motherboard, try to replace the SATA cable.