Correction of compatibility issues. General application compatibility issues

Favorite games and familiar programs do not replace new. When Microsoft releases a new OS, the compatibility of programs from the previous ones is a function that developers think primarily. But sometimes an attempt to start the old one leads to an error. Do Microsoft workers are so inattentively relate to their work?

No, the fact is that for obsolete software it is recommended to enable compatibility mode, which does not work by default 100%

How to run the old software on the new OS

Despite numerous changes to Windows 8.1 and 10, they support programs for XP and 7 with a rare exception. Windows 8 compatibility issues are found, but this is 1 case out of 100. This occurs like XP applications and OS released earlier. The problem is the impossibility of launching an old game.

What is a compatibility mode? If a software or a 3D-toy was made for Win2000, then she probably will not work on "Wista". The case in the differing structures of the OS. Software is created for work in a specific environment. Finding into an unfamiliar, it does not start or functions with errors. Windows compatibility is a way to "slip" the application of the data of the old OS, which are present in the new one. But sometimes the need to launch such a functionality is unreasonable.

Developed software Regularly receives new installers. It makes no sense to run on the eight or dozen old antivirus when it has already updated 10 times. Therefore, first check if there is a new Bild. The exception is the program, in the past issues of which remained useful functionsFor some reason, not implemented in updates. To the old application in the new OS work correctly and without failures, it is recommended to put compatibility mode. This is not a special program for launching old games or by: everything is implemented standard means Winduse.

Outdated programs and games in the "eight" (or 8.1)

How to make a game compatibility with Windows 8? Did you have a retro game or old programnot having worthy analogs, but it does not start or "buggy" on the "eight"? Starting old games on Windows 7 or 8 can be made stable. To do this, click on the Right-click Label and call the context menu. Pay attention to the item "Properties". Run and select the Compatibility tab.

This window presents the necessary parameters to help put compatibility on Windows 8 for outdated applications.

Starting old programs on Windows 7 will be easier if you know for sure, for which OS is released your game, then for the "Start of the program in compatibility mode", select this Operation. According to statistics, 90% of conflict with Windows 8 and 8.1 applications are no problems compatible with XP Update Pack 2 or 3. Select the desired option, click "Apply" and "OK". If the first time "did not start", try other options, not forgetting to click on the "Apply" button.

If you are wondering how to disable compatibility mode in Windows 7, then simply do the above-described steps in reverse order. But it is only basic setting. Compatibility tab In the properties of the application label offers and advanced setting:

  1. reduced chromaticity mode;
  2. decrease in the resolution of the display;
  3. disabling image scaling for modern screens.

Slow chroma

Games and applications for outdated OS were created to run on computers whose monitors were characterized by image resolution of 640x480 or 800x600 points. Modern video cards and monitors offer permission up to 2000-3000 points. You need to configure the viewing parameters in compatibility mode. It is recommended to run such a software. By activating the mode, you will run the program with the resolution for which it is intended. In the Compatibility tab, check the box opposite the corresponding item and select the appropriate color version - 8 or 16 bits.

Using another screen resolution

Old games were created for screens with a resolution of 640x480. Such permission in modern monitor models is supported, but not used. Sometimes the problem of compatibility of Windows 7 lies just in the stretched image.

To start old games in the new OS, apply the "Use screen resolution 640x480" parameter

Disabling scaling clip

If a computer program Or video game was intended to launch on monitors 10-20 years ago, they are distorted on new displays - the image is stretched and smeared. In order not to happen this, check the box in front of the "Disable image scaling ..." item. Now the picture looks correct.

Is there a completely incompatible windows application 7 Not often. It is not recommended to use compatibility mode for applications:

  1. antiviruses;
  2. garbage chubs;
  3. utilities for hard disk;
  4. tweaks.

This is the risk of violation of the stability of the OS.

Automatic application of parameters

There is a special software that defines the appropriate start-up mode for outdated applications and games. it good check Compatibility with Windows 7, 8 or 10. To start, use the context menu of the installer. At the top, click on the "Correction of Compatibility Problems" row.

A new window will open, where two options are offered: use of recommended parameters and diagnostics

The first item is suitable. Select: A new window will open, which displays the proposed parameters for the correct start for the program. The "Check Program" item will help to experience the proposed parameters in the case. By clicking on the button, you will run the application with these parameters. If OK, save the result. Now the application automatically starts as it should, with the necessary options.

The diagnostic item helps to select options for correct startup, based on the operation of the application.

With the help of registry edits

You can enable Windows 7 compatibility, 8 or 10 by the registry. This method is used in rare cases, as there is enough other ways. For inquisitive users to start the game in compatibility mode or outdated application:

  • Click on "Start".
  • In the "Run" field, enter CMD and click on ENTER.
  • In the window that opens command line Enter Regedit and Enter.
Registry editor will start, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ Currentversion \\ AppCompatFlags \\ Layers
  • On an empty space of the right half, click right-click and select "Create".
  • Here, select Create a "String Parameter".
  • The parameter name is the full path to the executive file program for which you set up compatibility with Windows 7, for example.
  • Now click on the name of the parameter right-click and open "Change".
  • In the "Value" string, we register one option from the proposed:
  1. Win7RTM - to install compatibility with "seven";
  2. Vistartm - for "Vista";
  3. Vistasp1 - "Vista" with a package of update 1;
  4. Vistasp2 - "Vista" with a package of update 2;
  5. WinXP2 - for "ex pi" with a package of update 2;
  6. WinXPSP3 - "Ex-PI" with a package of update 3;
  7. Win2000 - for Windows 2000;
  8. NT4SP5 - for windows NT non-versions;
  9. Win98 - for windows 98;
  10. Win95 - Winduse 95.
  • Do you intend to open a program in compatibility mode with admin rights? After the selected option above, add the word Runasadmin (divide the space).
  • Now find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ Currentversion \\ AppCompatFlags \\ Layers branch.
  • Repeat steps 5 - 10 for this branch.
  • Make a saving and restart the computer.

Now you know how to enable compatibility mode on Windows7, 8 10.

View video

If a computer uses a two-three or other number of users under separate accounts, it is recommended to apply the software compatibility settings for "accounts". Otherwise, booting under a different login, you will have to configure from scratch. To do this, go to the OS under the administrator accounting. Applying the compatibility mode is the first method (in the Label menu), apply the "Change options for all users" item. Now the program starts with the same characteristics on all accounts.

Users are faced with cases where the outdated software is not started after the manipulations made and no program for compatibility of games on Widows 7 does not help. But this does not mean that the chances of using the "prehistoric" program or play the retro game is not left. What to do? The answer is! This is a program that creates a medium to start the OS inside the OS. Winduse 10 will be running Windows 2000 or XP and in the virtual machine to install an application or toy in the native environment. An example of a virtual machine - VirtualBox program. This method is reliable and guarantees full compatibility. For trouble-free operation of a virtual machine, a PC is needed with advanced technical characteristics.

Windows 7 compatibility mode Designed to install and run applications or drivers written for more early versions OS, such as Windows Vista, Windows XP, etc.

It is recommended to first check the program update or drivers on the manufacturer's website. If there are no versions for Windows 7, you can try to install and run in the program compatibility mode (or driver) intended for Windows Vista or Windows XP. Immediately make a reservation that the program launched in this way can work incorrectly or not to work at all, but for non-dissonitation better optionsWe try to use this one.

Attention! Do not use compatibility mode for system software, such as: Antiviruses, utilities for working with discs, tweaks, cleansings, etc., this may damage the system.

Installing or launching an application using program compatibility troubleshooting

Correction of compatibility troubleshooting":

Select " Diagnostics of the program":

Select the Windows version in which the program worked:

Click " Running program"And make sure the program works, then" Further":

If the application works, select " Yes, save these parameters for the program".

If the error remains, click " No, try to use other parameters".

Changing compatibility parameters manually

Click the Application Label or by installation file (setup.exe, install.exe, etc.) right mouse and select " Properties":

Click the tab " Compatibility".

Note: For files with the MSI extension, only running in compatibility mode with the previous version of Windows is available.

Run the program in compatibility mode. Enable this option, if it is known that the program is intended for a particular previous one. windows version (Or worked in it):

Install parameters(if necessary):

Note: Does not work for 64-bit applications.



Use 256 colors

Restricting a set of colors in the program. Some old programs use a limited set of colors.

Use screen resolution 640 × 480

Starting a program in a reduced window. Enable this option if graphic interface The user has an uneven circuit or reproduced incorrectly.

Disable visual design

Turning off the design in the program. Turn on this parameter if there are menu problems or buttons in the program header line.

Disable desktop composition

Disable transparency and other additional features Screen. Enable this parameter if the windows move randomly or there are other image problems.

Disable image scaling when high resolution Screen

Disabling automatic software size change when using a large font. Enable this option if large fonts break appearance programs.

Run this program on behalf of the administrator. For the proper operation of some programs, administrator rights are needed. This parameter is available only when the administrator account is logged in.

Change options for all users. Selecting the parameters that will be applied to all users of this computer.

In this article I told how with windows 7 compatibility mode Install the application or driver written for earlier versions of the OS.

Compatibility mode is not a panacea. To search for other solutions I invite you to visit our forum, we are always glad to see you.

When a compatibility problem arises when installing the program, the system is known, Windows 7. warns about this user and opens Program Compatibility Assistant (Program Compatibility Assistant.). But sometimes the program may not be installed or not run for incomprehensible reasons. For re-suits such problems, you need to set compatibility settings. This can be done in two ways:

  • use ( Program Compatibility Wizard), which myself will determine the necessary set of settings;
  • set manual compatibility settings.

Although these methods act about the same, only with the help of (Program Compatibility Wizard), you can change compatibility settings for programs that are on common network disks, CD- or DVD drives and other drives with removable media. Ability Program compatibility wizards Program Compatibility Wizard) Work with various types of media allows you to establish such programs that it would be impossible to install differently.

Running program compatibility wizard

Program Compatibility Wizard (Program Compatibility Wizard) has a lot in common with Program Compatibility Assistant. However, there are some differences between them.

  • Windows 7 automatically starts the Program Compatibility Assistant (Program Compatibility Assistant), when the application is found, the system known to the system is detected.
  • Program Compatibility Wizard (Program Compatibility Wizard) You can use in cases where it seems to you that some kind of compatibility problem prevents the installation or start of the program.

To find and fix problems using the program compatibility wizard, follow these steps:

  1. On the menu Start (START), on the desktop or in the conductor ( Windows Explorer) Right-click on the File or Program Label, select Correction of compatibility troubleshooting TROUBLESHOOT COMPATILITY). Will be launched Program Compatibility Wizard
  2. The wizard will automatically try to detect problems associated with co-capacity. Try running a program by performing troubleshooting. Choose Use recommended parameters (Try Recommended Settings), browse the list of variable settings (Fig. 4.3) and click on the button Starting a program ...Start The Program).
  3. After starting the program, click on the PRACT Further
      • Yes
      • If, after changing compatibility settings, the problem has not been solved and you want to start the troubleshooting process first, select Not, Try to use other parameters (no, try Again using Different Settings) and go to step 3 of the next list.
      • If after changing the compatibility settings, the problem has not been solved and you want to find it on the Internet, select Not, Send a message about this issue to Microsoft Corporation and find a solution on the Internet (No, Report The Problem to Microsoft and Check Online for a Solution).
      • Cancel (Cancel).

For advanced search and troubleshoot problems using the Program Compatibility Wizard (Program Compatibility Wizard), follow these steps:

1 . On the menu Start (Start) on Desktop or in Explorer (Windows Explorer) Right-click on the File or Program Label, select Compatibility Problem (Troubleshoot Compatibility). Will be launched Program Compatibility Wizard (Program Compatibility Wizard).

2 . The wizard will automatically try to detect problems associated with compatibility. To execute advanced troubleshooting, select Diagnostics of the program (Troubleshoot Program) after completion automatic search Troubleshooting

3 . On the page What problems are noticeable? (What is Problems Do You Notice?) Select the parameters according to the problem you have detected (Fig. 4.4). Further actions of the wizard (after clicking the mouse on the button Further (Next)) depend on the parameter you choose.

    • The program worked in other versions, but not installed or not started now (The Program Worked ON Earlier Versions of Windows But Won "T Install OR RUN NOW). When you select this option, you will need to specify which version of Windows the program worked before. Since This selection is determined by the compatibility mode, specify the system for which the program has been written. When starting windows programs 7 Creates a medium for this operating system.
    • The program opens, but it is displayed incorrectly (The Program Opens But Doesn "T Display Correctly). This parameter can be useful when starting games, training programs and other applications that require special display of display (for example, Windows 98 programs). Choose from The list of the problem you encountered. Depending on your choice, a limited set of colors (256) or the screen resolution is 640x480 (or both simultaneously) for programs that cannot work in a higher resolution and depth modes. . Visual design, desktop composition and image scaling with high screen resolution can be disabled.
    • The Program Requires ADDITIONAL PERMISSIONS is required for the program. If this program is selected, the program settings will be changed so that it can be performed with privileged rights. For the proper operation of many programs written for Windows XP and earlier versions, it is required to start on behalf of the administrator. After that, the program will always try to take advantage of elevated rights, and if necessary, you will receive requests for the continuation.
    • I do not see my problem in the list (I don "T See My Problem Listed). When this parameter is selected, the wizard will assume that you have selected three previous three.

4 . After that, familiarize yourself with the list of settings that will be changed. When solving the problems of displaying and selecting one of the following options, pay attention to the actions of the wizard.

    • An error message in which the program should be started in 256 colors mode(Error Message Saying The Program Needs to Run in 256 Colors). If you choose this option, then the program will use 8-bit video mode (256 colors) when executing the program. This may be required to start games, multimedia and training programs designed for Windows 95 or Windows 98.
    • The program starts in a small window (640x480 pixels)It is impossible to deploy a full screen (Program Starts Up in A Small Window (640x480 Pixels) and Won "T Switch to Full Screen). If you choose this option, then the screen will use the screen 640x480 screen. It may be necessary to launch games, multimedia and training programs developed for Windows 95 or Windows 98.
    • The transparency of windows is displayed incorrectly.(Windows Transparency ISN "T Displayed Properly). If you select this option, the desktop composition will be disabled. Otherwise, there may be problems caused by the fact that there are different color modes for the desktop background and program. It can It should be needed when the display of the display is occurring and, in particular, as the program uses the color.
    • The program is incorrectly displayed when using large fonts.Program Does Not Display Properly When Large-Scale font settings are selected). If you are-take this parameter, the scaling will be turned off at high screen resolution. It may be needed if the program windows seem to you too stretched and you want to return them a normal look.
    • Window controls are displayed cropped or program when starting changes visual design. (Window Controls Appear Cut Off, Or The Program Changes Visual Themes When Started). If you select this option, then when executing the application, the themes and design styles will be turned off so that the text in the program menu and on the buttons can be displayed unchanged. It may need if it is impossible to read the name of the buttons or menu items or it is difficult to access, and you want to use the design style of Windows 7 Basic.

5. If you do not want to use the proposed settings, click on the Cancel button and repeat the procedure by selecting other parameters. To test these settings, click on the Start Program button ... (Start The Program). The wizard will execute a program using the selected parameters of the CO-capacity.

6. After starting the program, click on the PRACT Further (Next) and do one of the following.

  • If, thanks to the change in compatibility settings, the problem has been solved and you want to save the parameters, select Yes, Save these settings for the program (Yes, Save These Settings for This Program).
  • If after changing compatibility settings, the problem has not been solved and you want to start the troubleshooting process first, select Not, try to use other parameters (NO, try Again using Different Settings) and repeat this procedure by starting from the point 3 .
  • If, after changing compatibility settings, the problem was not solved and you want to find it on the Internet, select No, send a message about this problem to Microsoft Corporation and find a solution on the Internet (No, Report The Problem to Microsoft and Check Online for a Solution).
  • To cancel compatibility settings and exit the wizard, click on the button Cancel (Cancel).

Manual compatibility settings

Instead of using Program Compatibility Wizard (PROGRAM COMPATI-BILITY WIZARD), you can set manual compatibility settings. It may pondo-fight and in cases where you want to adjust the parameters modified by the wizard. To do this, follow these steps.

1. Right-click on the program icon and select Properties (Properties). Open tab Compatibility (Compatibility) (Fig. 4.5). In compatibility mode, programs cannot be launched that are part of the operating room. windows systems. Therefore, these parameters are not available for embedded programs.

2. By default, compatibility parameters will be applied only to the selected application label. So that the settings extended to all the shortcuts of this program regardless of the user, click on the button Change parameters for all users (Change Settings for all users). In the opened dialog box Properties (Properties) EXE file application Select the compatibility settings you want to apply for all users of the computer.

3. Check the box Run the program in compatibility mode with (Run This Program in Compatibility Mode for), then select an operating system from the list for which the program has been written.

4. You can use the panel Parameters (Settings) to set necessary settings Display for the program. Select the mode of 256 colors or screen resolution 640x480 (or both).

5. You can turn off the visual design, desktop composition, image scaling with high screen resolution or all three parameters simultaneously.

6. Check the box Execute this program on behalf of the administrator (RUN ADMINISTRATOR), if the program for normal operation requires elevated rights. Do not use this option for unreliable programs.

7. Click on the button OK. Click twice on the label to execute the program and check how it will work with the selected compatibility parameters. If the problems remain, you will need to change the compatibility settings again, contact the software developer to receive a message or try to start the program in Windows XP mode (it is described in more detail in the section),

Most programs written for Windows XP, Vista work with Windows 7, but some old programs can work incorrectly or not work at all. If the program written for an earlier version of Windows works incorrectly, you can change the program compatibility settings manually or using the software troubleshooting tool.

If the change in the parameters does not solve the problem, visit the program manufacturer's website where it can be updated.

Program compatibility

Program compatibility - this is windows modewhich allows you to perform programs written for earlier versions of Windows


  • Do not use software troubleshooting tool for old antivirus software, Disc service programs or other system programs, since the use of obsolete software of the such type can lead to data loss or to create a safety threat.
  • Some compatibility issues can be caused by drivers. If a old driver Causes malfunctions, you need to update it manually.
  • Software compatibility troubleshooting tool can also be opened by clicking the program icon with the right mouse button and selecting item.

Follow the instructions in the troubleshooting. If you cannot install the program, insert it installation disk and with help this means Locate the program installation file, usually setup.exe, install.exe, etc. Elimination tool Does not support work with programs that have an extension file name MSI

Changing compatibility parameters manually

To change the compatibility settings for the program manually, right-click the program icon, select Command Properties And then the tab Compatibility

Help for selecting parameters

Running programs with parameters previous version Windows. Enable this option, if it is known that the program is designed for one or another previous version ofWindows (or worked in it).

Running in 256 colors mode - Restricting a set of colors in the program. Some old programs use a limited set of colors.

Use screen resolution 640? 480. - Start the program in the reduced window. Enable this option if the user's graphical interface has an uneven circuit or reproduced incorrectly

Turning off visual topics - Disconnect the design in the program. Turn on this parameter if there are menu problems or buttons in the program header line.

Disable desktop creating - Disable transparency and other features of the screen. Enable this option if the windows move randomly or other images are available.

Disable image scaling with high screen resolution - Disabling automatic software size change when using large font. Enable this option if large fonts violate the appearance of the program.

Level of law - Start the program on behalf of the administrator. For the proper operation of some programs, administrator rights are needed. This parameter is available only when the administrator account is logged in.

Change parameters for all users - Selecting the parameters to be applied to all users of this computer.

Hello, readers of my blog!

Starting with XP, several Linek OS from Microsoft: Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 were released.

And any user who moved at one time with XP to one of these newer operating systems, faced the problem of the inoperability of many applications, which in the previous version worked without problems.

The whole is the compatibility of the OS with software.

The most problematic operating system In this regard, the 8th Windows has become. How to solve this question, not change the same version of the operating system to more old? Of course not! I will tell you several options for solving Windows 8 compatibility issues.

The main reason for the inoperability of software products on different OS is different system libraries. In each operating system, they have a different placement of the directory (and the contents in the end). When you try to start the application, which was developed for XP on Windows 8, the utility cannot find the necessary libraries, and refuses to start.

Standard Software

This is a very simple method, which in most cases solves the problem of working capacity utilities on different operating systems, including on Windows 8. For this we need:

Also a stipulated problem you can decide in automatic mode. This option is available for any user, even for beginner. Just click on the program label or play with the right mouse button and you will see the "Correction of Compatibility Problems" option and follow the instructions.

Virtual machine with the necessary operating system

If after you have completed the option that I led above, your application does not start, you should go to more cardinal methods, namely to the installation of the OS software on the virtual machine. This method will take a little longer, but it guarantees you 100% workability of the utility.

If you do not know how to create virtual machines and install operating systems on them, then look for an answer in another article, and now I just offer you this method as an effective option.

I just note that Microsoft Virtual PC is one of the most popular software products for such manipulations. An instruction to follow when installing and using a virtual machine, is available on the official website of Microsoft.

If installing a virtual machine you are not on the shoulder, your indecision or not knowledge can fix the course " Genius genemist" You will learn not only to use virtual machines for your own purposes, but also recognize many other computer wisdom.

Editing registry

One of the most complex methods that requires a maximum of attention from the user. First you need to open the registry editor environment, for this press the Win key on the keyboard (key with the window) and, without releasing it, press R.

In the window that opens, you must enter the command to start the editor - "Regedit".

The editor of the OS and software registry appeared before you. Next pass by directory

"HKEY_CURRENT_USER" \\ "Software" \\ "Microsoft" \\ "Windows NT" \\ "CurrentVersion" \\ "AppCompatFlags" \\ "Layers".

This path will lead us to the section where there are already available. software productsTo which compatibility was applied.

In any free location of the Layers window with the right mouse button and select "Create" → "String Parameter" options, and instead of the parameter name, make the path to the software (you can find it through the "Properties" Program Properties).

The template is ready, now you need to enter a compatibility value. It is just done: press the right mouse button by the parameter that we have just created and click "Change". In the "Value" block, we need to enter one of the compatibility teams:

  • Win95-Windows 95;
  • Win98-Windows 95;
  • NT4SP5-Windows NT 4.0;
  • Win2000-Windows 2000;
  • WinXPSP2-Windows XP SP2;
  • WinXPSP3-Windows XP SP3;
  • VistArtM (Vistasp1 and Vistasp2 - depending on the update package) - Vista;
  • Win7RTM-Windows 7.

After all values \u200b\u200bare made and saved, close the registry editor and launch the desired utility. That's all, your windows 8 can work with the XR software package (for example).

Ultimately, you can always find the desired software that has already been developed for new Linek Windov.

I hope that after this small article you can independently solve problems with the launch of programs on the eighth Windows. Do not forget to tell in social networks About what was recognized, perhaps for your friends, the topic affected is also relevant.

I also want to say that there is computer courseGenius genemist"Who will fully be able to convey information about the features of all OS and their functioning.
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Yours faithfully! Abdullin Ruslan