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It happens that the seller's prices are low, the goods are good, but the counter is empty. And next to a neighbor with the same product, there is no end to buyers. An unlucky businessman wonders why, with all the discounts, he is not trading. The fact is that it is important not only the quality and price of the goods, but also luck. A conspiracy to trade and prayer can restore your self-confidence and success in business.

For those who work honestly, conscientiously, there are special conspiracies, the help of which is very strong. . The ceremony is performed in yellow clothes. Pick up millet in your hands and, pouring from handful to handful, read the plot:

Gold-gold, be friends with me, like ice with water,
Like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass!
I'm not a merchant - a morgash, but a merchant - well done, I sell by honor,
I hang in excess, measure with powder, cut with an increase, pour with the remainder.
Be in my barn a treasure and a harmony, but ergot in everything, without archers, without ruin,
Without intoxication and without burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar.
Take care of the merchant's conscientiousness, and fate will be favorable to your business.

Many saints and even Nikolai Ugodnik favor those who are engaged in sales. Daily prayer to St. John the New, Sochavsky, will support the soul and strengthen faith in good trade.

Good nourishing life on earth, suffering, with alms, and frequent prayers, and tears, but having courageously rushed to suffering, you denounced the wickedness of the Persians. The same Church was the affirmation and praise of Christians, John of ever-memorable. I’ll buy the sea floating abyss, from the east you strove to the north, but I called you to God, like Matthew the treasury, you’ll leave it, and you followed Tom with the blood of torment, temporarily redeeming the impenetrable, and You have received the crown, invincible.

How to revive sales

The decline in trade sometimes drags on for a long time. In order for things to go smoothly again, a strong conspiracy to trade is needed. Pour into a cup of water. Splash water in a cup with a gilded spoon and read the plot:

The oak is strong, the spirit is strong, the faith is strong. Amulet-water, wash away the bad, give dear. Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen

Pour a spoonful of water on both hands and do not wipe them, let them dry themselves.

Full moon spells are effective. Go out at midnight to the yard. Hold a handful of the smallest coins in your hand. Turning to the moon, say a conspiracy:

Moon, moon, how full you are, so full I will be.
Come, money, to my hands every day, every hour, every minute.
I give what is bad, I take what is dear. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Scatter coins like a fan around you and go home. Put a bowl of water by the window looking at the moon and wash your face. Then read the plot:

“I washed away the failure, received God's help. Evil in my life disappears, good comes. Amen"

Rituals before buying

Going to purchases, every merchant hopes to find a product that would immediately sell. There is a conspiracy for trade and purchases, which will help you choose the best of the best and not lose the price. Having brought a new product to the store, fold it separately from the old one, read the conspiracy for good luck in trading:

“I baptize goods, I baptize for sale! So that you can see your product as a reflection in a mirror, So prettier and the client likes it! So that the first one who comes - buys, the second - buys, the last one also buys! And no one left me without a purchase!”

During the ritual, hold a mirror in your right hand, pointing at the goods. After that, put the mirror next to the cash register. Conspiracy for profit quickly gives results.

Attracting buyers

So that people do not run past the store and leave without a purchase, you need to push the sales process a little with conspiracies. A conspiracy for good trading is common among sellers, read in the morning, before a working day:

"I'm going to trade! Good young man to meet!
A good fellow will come and take my goods!
No loss, profit, on the threshold!
God will help me in this!”

Few people remember the spells and conspiracies that have been going on since ancient times, but they exist and are very effective. Here is one of them, very strong:

“Dashingly poor, famously unsaleable, don’t touch me, don’t touch my goods! Get away from me, get away from here along the water, through the forest, through the swamp, Don't call me with you, take the dead cancer and lie under the snag. So that I don’t know poverty, my goods don’t stale, I send poverty and poverty away, I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag! Power, water, language. Amen!"

While reading the plot, brush off the dust from the windows with an old rag. After three rituals, throw the rag into a dirty pond, you can into a deep puddle.

lucky days

In trading day to day is not necessary. But it happens that on some day good earnings necessary. And it is very important that customers buy more willingly and do not find fault with the price. A conspiracy for good trading, carried out in the morning, will help with this:

  • For salt. Take a pinch of salt in your right hand and turn your back to the sales counter. You must be alone in the room in order to loudly pronounce a conspiracy for profit: “Pedestrians, come here; Here you have a place, food and water. For me - money, for you - goods " Then throw salt on the goods with your right hand over your left shoulder.
  • For change, it's better if it's a nickel. Put the change in the money box and say: “Give me a treasure from a penny. As my mother gave birth to me, swaddled me in the first diaper, So you also bring a big treasure to me! Amen!"
  • If trading on this day is successful, do not spend a trifle, but leave " for divorce».
  • On a scarf. Wipe your face with a handkerchief, standing facing the product, reading the plot: “I give tribute to trade roads. As you accept my sweat, so send me good luck! So that trade goes uphill, customers go in crowds, Yes, they buy everything, they do not spare money, they do not leave without purchases. Amen!". Carry a handkerchief with you all day.

To keep competitors out of the way

Nowhere is the rivalry more intense than in trading. In the world of money, many cannot contain the worst aspects of their character. They secretly intrigue, slander a competitor, slander, spoil. How to protect yourself from the negative influence of ill-wishers? We need a conspiracy for successful trading and getting rid of the intrigues of competitors:

“I go out into a wide courtyard, I look along all the roads and crossroads, I see clear stars from earth to sky. You tangled paths will delay my competitors. You bright stars dim your sky-bright light. So that without your light, my competitors would not have a move or a pass. To be deaf and dumb"

Protect from inspections and fines

Revisions and trade checks do not cause pleasant emotions. First, the arrival of the commission means the closure outlet and easy to work. Secondly, even a law-abiding entrepreneur can always find a defect punishable by a fine. On the day when the inspector may come, read the plot for a successful trade:

“In the name of God Jesus Christ. The stars in the sky dress up, they are reflected in the Jordan River. As no one has ever counted the stars, never removed from the sky of God, so that my luck would not be taken away, and not taken away, and not cursed with any word. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Good luck will come to the worthy

In order for all prayers and conspiracies for trade to have an effect, one must live according to one’s conscience. Do not devour oneself with envy, anger and hatred towards people. God will give joy to work and life to those who do not profit from people, but help them.

The most powerful conspiracy for successful trading and many buyers. This spell is supposed to be cast in the workplace, it will help you beat the competition and increase sales. Check out the ancient Slavic magic in action!

In business, luck is of no small importance. Sometimes a competitor's product is worse and prices are higher - but people still flock to him in droves. What is it: coincidence, luck or something else? Or maybe your competitor has read the conspiracy to good trading, and this is the secret of his success? One way or another, you can use the ancient Slavic magic to your advantage!

Read a plot for a good trade

Many generations of merchants in Russia used this conspiracy, the merchants passed it on to their heirs and kept it in strict confidence. It is believed that this secret was stolen from the famous merchant dynasty of the Bakhrushins, after which it became available to the public and helped many people get rich.

A conspiracy for successful trading should be read on Monday, on the growing moon. The ceremony is carried out early in the morning, after sunrise, but even before the first buyer has time to enter the shop (store). To perform the ceremony, you will need to bring some sugar with you. Read the spell below over it. It can be learned by heart or copied onto paper and read from it:

Pour the charmed sugar near the threshold. To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can, on occasion, go to the temple and light a candle to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky or John Sochavsky - the patrons of merchants.

Conspiracy to trade - consequences

Many people are interested in the consequences of a conspiracy for successful trading. The rite given in this article refers to white “Slavic” magic, therefore, under no circumstances can it give negative side effects, even if you do something wrong or make a mistake while reading the text. If everything is done correctly, then the consequences will be as follows:

  • You will notice that the influx of buyers has increased significantly
  • People will become more willing to take even those goods that used to lie without demand
  • You will no longer need to worry that "seasonal" products will not sell out on time
  • You will earn more and be able to develop your business

Please note that the good trade conspiracy is “aimed” precisely at interaction with customers, buyers. He will not be able to protect you from checks or conflicts with officials - there are special spells for this.

What is Feng Shui capable of?

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui has become very popular in recent years. It is based on the management of subtle energies Qi (creation) and Sha (destruction). In order to earn more and successfully trade, you must attract Qi energy to the store. This can be done with the help of special talismans and amulets:

Decorative. It can be installed under the guise of interior decoration. In a saucer or on a stand on which the money tree is located, put five coins of any denomination. Please note - foreign money will not work. Choose the coins of the state in which you are trading.

Ceramic. According to an old Chinese legend, Hotei is a monk who once lived on earth. When he appeared in any house, he always "brought" with him happiness and good luck. After the death of a plump monk, a merry fellow began to be revered as a god.

Chinese. This is one of the most famous talismans depicting a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth. The frog must be installed in such a way that its muzzle is turned inside the room (in other words, with its back to the door or window). There should be a feeling that the toad "jumps" into the store and brings money with it. Rinse the frog periodically to activate it. After that, the figurine is not wiped, it must dry itself. Let the frog sometimes “sit” on the rescue for a minute or two - contact with money is very useful for this talisman.

Negative Sha energy is attracted by sharp edges - corners, tree branches, etc. Make sure that such objects do not "point" directly to your workplace. Try to surround yourself with flowing forms that help attract positive Qi.

Those who are well acquainted with the world of trading know that trading is not only a business, but also an art, where luck plays a special role. That is why many enterprising businessmen often use a trade conspiracy to help achieve the desired heights in this area.

It not only helps to attract potential buyers, but also makes the income stable.

Features of a successful conspiracy

There will always be those who do not believe in any trade conspiracies. And don't take them seriously. But it's not about the power of magic and its absence. The main thing is a competent and adequate approach to choosing a suitable plot and proper execution. Exclusively in this case really expect positive results.

When performing rituals and conspiracies in relation to trade, it is necessary to take into account several important features:

  • the optimal time for the best ritual is at dawn, at noon, and also at sunset;
  • a conspiracy for successful and profitable trading should be carried out in the growth phase of the moon;
  • cherished words should be read in complete solitude and silence;
  • the best days of the ritual are Wednesday and Saturday;
  • conspiracies for good trade must be carried out for a waning month;
  • it is necessary to believe in the ritual, otherwise it will not help;
  • the selected text must be memorized, read the words with great feeling and better in a whisper.

You should refer exclusively to white magic. It will help make any business successful, attract consumers, and make the product in demand. Equally important is the craving for business and buyers - an inner fire that will make the conspiracy successful.

If there is no fire, the ritual is performed only for profit, and trade is disgusting, you should not expect much help from magic. The listed rules are quite simple, and even a novice magician can follow them. But only after a suitable plot is chosen.

It is also necessary to remember: no magic spells will help if you do not show the location to customers. Sometimes a simple smile that cheers you up is enough, and customers will come by themselves. And it's good when the goods sold are of high quality.

After all, gaining at the expense of deceit, we will certainly lose in another. This is how the law of white magic works, the basis of the law is the balance of good and evil. The favorable outcome of the whole idea will depend solely on the balance.

Several effective conspiracies to choose from

Today, conspiracies for successful trading are very diverse, and choosing the most suitable one can be very difficult. First you need to understand the types of rituals and choose something suitable.

Below are the most popular rituals and conspiracies that have proven effective more than once:

On the water

A strong enough trade plot for a successful business, helping to increase the number of potential buyers, sell a large number of goods and activate monetary and internal energy. You will need a saucer, a ring (preferably made of gold) and some water. It is necessary to pour water into a saucer and slowly lower the ring into it.

We lower the index finger in the saucer and begin to twist clockwise. Read the following words (from memory):

“Like mills that turn grain every day, let the goods with my money turn in the same way! Let them not lie like a stone in my pocket, but circle around the world, and attract a lot of other money to me! Like bees, let them flock to me in constant motion. Also, let the buyers circle around my goods and buy them! Let buyers only go to me, but without purchases - my goods do not go away. My word is strong, no one can take away my word, and no one can take away my luck. Let people come to me, bring money as soon as possible, buying goods. Come all here, there is always water here. Take water, leave me money. And may it always be so, as I said (a), Amen!

After that, you should put the ring on the usual place and try not to remove the ring for several weeks. Water must be poured out, and the saucer rinsed and dried.

For salt

The conspiracy known for trade is quite strong and effective. It helps to attract buyers and helps sell goods faster. Fulfillment assumes the presence of coarse salt, spoken to the growing moon:

“My dear customers, visitors, pedestrians and riders, come quickly here, here comfortable spot, water and food. To you good product, me - cash!

The words are repeated exactly 9 times, then you need to carefully collect the spelled salt with your fingers right hand and sharply dew over the left shoulder. The ceremony is done in the place where the goods are sold directly. This rite is very harmless, and if necessary, the ritual can be repeated once a month.

For money with grass and honey

You will need a banknote of any denomination, a green blade of grass and honey. Lubricate the blade of grass with honey and carefully attach it to the banknote, repeating the plot for successful and efficient trading:

“As the grass stretches towards the sun, and the bees curl around the honey, so let the merchants reach out to me (pronounce the name) and my business. Truly so!”

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