Earning on clicks from 1 to 5. Earning on clicks is the best start for a beginner! Without investments with the withdrawal of real money

Every day the number of people who are looking for additional income on the Internet is growing. Everyone has their own motivation. Some people are not satisfied with the size of their pensions, others do not have enough salaries at their main place of work to solve all pressing problems, students and schoolchildren just want to have an independent source of income so as not to report to their parents for every ruble spent.

But with all the variety of motives, they are based on the same problem - lack of money. And for everyone who is trying to solve this problem, the same question arises - where to start? IN this case options are possible, and we will consider one of them today. It's about making money on clicks, which tens of thousands of users started with.

Just want to warn you that this way of earning can not be attributed to too profitable. It is suitable for those people who have a lot of free time and little experience in virtual business. This is a kind of "preparatory course" for those who want to turn the Internet into a source of serious income.

First steps: instructions for beginners

Perhaps someone was confused by the words about the low profitability of this type of activity. But really evaluate your capabilities and abilities. It is one thing if you are a real pro in a particular field, and quite another when you have nothing to offer the employer, except for the desire to work.

In the Internet labor market, as in any other business, it is better to start small, gradually improving and comprehending the intricacies of the process. Over time, when you get comfortable and gain experience, more complex and profitable types of earnings will become available to you. In the meantime, use our advice and start improving your financial situation immediately after reading the article, since earning on clicks will not require any special knowledge and skills from you:

  1. Ready for a wallet. It is clear that you do not need to run to the market or the store and buy a leather wallet. This is one of the electronic financial systems in which you need to register. Most users of the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet prefer the WebMoney system (WebMoney), although other options are possible.

The registration of an electronic wallet must be taken seriously, as, in fact, all matters relating to finance. Although there is nothing complicated in this process, you just need to be careful.

On the site of the system you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. Specify your real data and strictly follow the instructions, then you will never have any problems in this regard, especially since any transaction cannot do without additional checks and confirmations.

  1. Finding an employer. There are enough services in the network that specialize in providing tasks for earning money on clicks (they are also called book boxes or CAP systems of active advertising). Finding their lists with short characteristics is not difficult. There are sites that pay in Russian currency, there are also dollar ones. Choose a few resources of your choice and register for them.

The registration procedure, most often, is standard, it is easy to go through. The only advice is that the data specified during registration must be real, as this is important when resolving disputes over payment (and such situations happen from time to time).

  1. We work hard. We said about sweat and face, as they say, for a red word, but work must be taken seriously. Even if these are very simple tasks, there are certain criteria that you must adhere to when completing them. Usually, all the requirements are set out in the terms of the order, and the remuneration of your work, as well as the attitude of customers and the site administration towards you, will depend on the exact following of them.

By the way, on some resources, high-quality order fulfillment is encouraged by offering more generously paid work. There is even the option to move on to individual assignments (with appropriate pay) if you perform well. So your career depends solely on your diligence and responsibility.

But not only the quality of work is important, but also the quantity. In the sense that repeated executions of the same actions bring them to automatism, which simplifies and speeds up the process, and, therefore, allows you to achieve more high level earnings.

  1. Earned - get (or how to withdraw money). If you cooperate with reliable, proven boxes, then you will not face any problems with payments.

It is enough to order a payment on the service so that after some time the amount will be credited to your online wallet. You can use these funds to pay for goods and services through electronic payments or cash them out and also dispose of them at your own discretion.

On many of these sites, there is a minimum amount for withdrawal, that is, until you collect enough money, you will not be able to withdraw it from the account. But do not worry, as a rule, the necessary amounts accumulate in a matter of days, or even hours.

Of course, everyone who is going to look for sources of additional finance is primarily interested in how much you can earn in one way or another.

As for the income from earnings on clicks, they can be quite insignificant, and quite serious. It all depends on how many hours a day you are willing to devote to work, how effective resources you choose for this and, of course, on your attitude to completing tasks.

If we take average indicators, then on most sites you can replenish your wallet with an amount from 50 to 250 rubles per day. More monetary options are also possible, when for the same period the amount of remuneration is a thousand rubles or even more, but there are not as many such resources as we would like.

However, in all or almost all boxes there are affiliate programs that can become an additional source of income for anyone. The bottom line is to invite users to the service using a special link that you will receive as a member of the affiliate program. Each attracted person (your referral) will automatically bring you profit in the form of a certain percentage of his earnings. Moreover, he may not even guess about it, since it will not be he who will pay, but the system.

This method is very effective, however, only if the number of referrals is not limited to a couple of people, but will be in the tens, and even better hundreds.

In short, all the performer needs to do is go to the indicated resources and view various advertising information. For each such episode, the service pays a certain amount, usually very small, from a few kopecks to several tens of kopecks.

Some tasks require not only to go to the sites, but also to stay there for a while. Only in this case your action will be paid. However, each order is accompanied detailed instruction on execution, so you'll figure it out as you go. Tasks that are more difficult are paid higher.

There are many types of paid activities. This is paid testing, and work in social networks, and clicks on advertising, and work with letters, and other tasks. All of them are simple in execution and are accessible even to the most unadvanced users. Below, we'll take a closer look at each of the order types, and now we'll give a simple example.

Task option: for your email a promotional email arrives. You must read it and, in order to confirm the completion of the necessary action, answer Security Question at the end of the letter (it will not be possible not to read, since the answer to the question is contained in the text).

After the answer, payment will be credited to your account. Time for everything about everything needs 10-20 seconds.

As we have already noted, there are a lot of boxes on the network, but not all of them are equally effective and convenient for work. Therefore, we will present you with really reliable and proven resources. They are few, but enough to get you started.

And over time, when you begin to expand your “business”, you will pick up a few more options for yourself. The only advice is that before you register on the resource, collect as much information about it as possible. Particularly useful in this sense are user reviews (not custom-made, but real ones). From them you will learn, as they say, all the ins and outs - is there a lot of work on the box, are there any delays in payments, etc.

List of the best resources:

  1. Sarafanka (a site that will not disappoint you). This popular resource with the pretty name Sarafanka has been operating for more than a year, but in 2016 it was radically reformed, after which earnings here increased significantly.

The tasks posted here are somewhat more difficult than on other sites, and will require more of your time, but the rewards will be much more generous.

Compare yourself. If for the performance of one target action on other boxes they offer a maximum of a ruble (not to mention the minimum - these are generally pennies), then on Sarafanka the amount ranges from 8 to 60 rubles for the execution of a simple order. Time will take 2-3 minutes. Yes, even at first. With the acquisition of the necessary skills, you will cope much faster.

The algorithm of your actions here is standard: register on Sarafanka, “fasten” your social network profiles to the service (how exactly to do this is described on the site), download special software (LightShot program) in order to take screen shots and that’s all, you are ready to work.

Further in the "Assignments" section, view the available options and choose what suits you. The service cooperates mainly with foreign advertisers, and therefore pays in dollars. But this is not a problem, when withdrawing dollars are converted into rubles at the official rate.

All conditions for efficient work have been created at Sarafanka. For example, here in great detail, literally step by step, the conditions for completing each task are prescribed. Therefore, usually there are no questions, you just need to follow the instructions exactly. But in case of any difficulties, you will not be left without help - the resource has good technical support.

For a month, you can put in your pocket up to 25,000 rubles, if, of course, you devote enough time to work. But even with a sparing schedule, you can count on 10-15 thousand.

The relative disadvantage of this resource is the need to purchase tariff plan(You can try to work for free, but continue - only when you purchase a tariff). You will find out in detail what it is on the site itself. We want to draw your attention to the fact that the purchase of a tariff plan will provide you daily work, the payment for which will cover your costs several times. Therefore, we called this disadvantage relative.

Excellent in the project affiliate program, so do not neglect this opportunity to increase your income.

  1. Seosprint is an old, kind, reliable axle box. This resource leads in popularity among users of the Russian-speaking Internet. At least the fact that the number of its participants every day increases by an average of 7 thousand can serve as evidence. The site is not new, it has already crossed the seven-year milestone, it is distinguished by stability and reliability.

On Seosprint, you can find a variety of tasks, the completion of which will not bring a lot of money (from 5 kopecks to a ruble), but will not take much time (from 5 to 15 seconds). If there are options for orders with a higher payment, 30-50 rubles, then they are more difficult to fulfill and more time-consuming.

And now a little more about all the options for earning on this site:

  • surfing. Select an order, click on it and automatically move to the advertiser's resource, where you spend the time specified in the conditions (from a few seconds to a minute). In order for the system to understand that you are not a robot, answer a simple question and leave the site. And honestly earned funds are credited to your balance;
  • reading correspondence. You receive promotional letters, you read them and answer the question at the end of the message (several answers are offered). Then you look at the site for a while, which opens in a new tab, solve a simple problem and get paid;
  • tests. As with any other test, just answer the questions correctly (choose an answer from several options);
  • other tasks. It could be anything. Payment is higher than in the previous sections, starts from the ruble and above. It is enough just to carefully consider the instructions for implementation, and you can easily cope with the proposed work.

Why did we single out this seemingly unremarkable project? Mainly because of its reliability and ability instant withdrawal funds.

  1. VkTarget is a convenient service for working in social networks. More than 6 thousand users daily replenish the army of people who earn thanks to this resource. Here, orders are mainly related to cheating likes and subscribers in social networks. This type of activity has been gaining momentum in recent years and allows social network participants to turn their accounts into stable sources of income.

The more profiles you connect to this service, the greater your income will be (books accepts almost all social networks). Connecting is very simple, it takes literally 2 clicks - first on the icon of your social network, then click the "Allow" button. Tasks are completed in a matter of seconds, so you can complete them in large numbers in a short time. If we take the average, then one task costs 40 kopecks.

Almost half a million tasks are available to performers every day, the most common of which are likes, subscriptions to groups (communities), “likes”, joining groups, etc. The reward is credited to the account instantly, since the verification of correct execution is automated. The minimum withdrawal amount is only 25 rubles.

  1. Seofast is another popular and reliable service. SeoFast has existed for 3 years, for which it paid 40 million rubles to the performers, which indicates its popularity among users. Earnings do not require investments. And in general, everything is very simple, register and work.

In terms of the set of tasks, SeoFast is very similar to the SeoSprint service, which we talked about above. Payment for assignments, in general, does not exceed 1 ruble, although there are also more expensive options (50-70 rubles).

Simpler orders will require from 10 seconds to a minute of time to view the site (letters) and enter captcha for confirmation. They are paid instantly. If the task is more complex, then you need to follow the attached instructions exactly and their implementation will not cause any difficulties. They pay more for them, but only after the correct execution is verified.

According to numerous reviews, we can conclude that the resource never has problems with payments, money can be withdrawn to any wallet, and in case of any problems or questions, responsive and prompt technical support will help you.

  1. Wmmail is the oldest, but not losing ground. This resource has existed since 2004 and has not lost ground all this time, holding a place in the top three in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. This box is a mailer, that is, available tasks will be sent to your email, you can easily familiarize yourself with them and begin to complete them. The selection of targeted actions is not original, it's all the same clicks, surfing, letters, etc. Orders in the "Tasks" section are a little more diverse and more expensive. Here you can find articles, and voting, and downloading files, and much more.

I would like to dwell on the articles separately. This option can be a source of good profit if you tend to write texts on various topics. The site has an "Article Store" where you can put your material, and it is possible that soon there will be a buyer for it. Payments are possible from 10 cents, they occur instantly and automatically, but so far only on WebMoney.

We have given several examples of sites where you can successfully start your online career. So that the profit is not too low, it is necessary to register on several of them at once. It is quite possible to combine earnings on them.

Like any other job, earning on clicks has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the good:

  1. The work is simple and accessible to anyone, does not require prior training, any special skills and knowledge base.
  2. You can earn money immediately after registration. Material investments are not required.
  3. The minimum for withdrawal, as a rule, is not high, it can be quickly earned. Money is withdrawn instantly to the most popular e-wallets. Payments are timely and stable.
  4. There is an opportunity to organize passive income through affiliate programs.

Now for the disadvantages:

  1. The most significant is the low cost of orders and, as a result, rather low earnings (although there are exceptions).
  2. There are not as many tasks as we would like, downtime in work is possible (another reason to cooperate with several boxes at once).
  3. Despite the simplicity of the work, for more or less normal earnings, you need to spend several hours a day on it. The work is monotonous, monotonous, so it can quickly tire. To avoid this, it is advisable to take breaks for some other type of activity (best mobile).

Summing up

We will not argue that earning on clicks is an ideal option for everyone without exception. Someone will like it and even like it, someone, having tried it, will refuse such a part-time job. But this is the main advantage of this type of activity - everyone can try it. Try it and decide for yourself if this is what he was looking for.

Either way, it will be a rewarding experience. We wish you to overcome this first rung in your Internet career and eventually rise to the very top of the ladder.

Ease of completing tasks. You don't need a special skills and education - follow the links and provide a report on the work done.

Uniformity of all tasks. You quickly get involved in the work and automatically perform the same actions.

Task execution speed. Having mastered, you will instantly recognize already familiar tasks, click on links and earn money many times faster.

How much can you earn per click on average?

This question is always controversial, because how many people, so many opinions. Usually beginners at first earn from 50 rubles a day or more. But remember that it all depends on you. Each box has the ability to invite referrals and receive a certain percentage of their income, which gives you the opportunity to build your own system and not work on this site at all, only from time to time to go and withdraw money to your wallet.

So, with the lower bar, we found out - about 50 rubles. The upper bar, as a rule, does not exist, but on average, the earnings of experienced freelancers on these resources are about 400-500 rubles per day.

Popular projects for making money on clicks

The most popular site for making money is. Its main advantage lies in a large number of tasks, which cannot be said about other services. This site has been functioning for a long time and has proven itself exclusively from the best side. It is definitely worth registering here, so as not to waste time on boxes of unknown origin. User-friendly interface, payment in rubles, support service is always online, you can consult if you have any questions.

It is also a great option for those who want to earn extra money online.

Numerous tasks with different pay for them are waiting for you immediately after registration. The only difference from the seosprint described above is earnings on clicks in dollars, and not in rubles. For fruitful work and unhindered withdrawal of money, you need to register a WebMoney wallet and link it to your account. The procedure is very simple, it will take you a few minutes, after which you can immediately start earning.

- is an excellent mailer. It does not differ significantly from the sites described above. There are always tasks available for execution. Payment is made in rubles. It is worth signing up to create a little extra income.

, WZONA, Wmrfast- a few more useful sites. Reliability has been tested for years, withdrawing money to an electronic wallet. Payment in rubles. There are not so many tasks, not periodically you can find “click sponsors” there and earn some money. Usually, these sites are registered "in reserve" so as not to take long breaks in work. While tasks on one site are over, you move on to another. You can always make money online with clicks.

What do postal companies pay for? How can you earn?

Most mailers and similar services pay for the following actions.

One of the easiest ways to earn extra money in 2019 using the Internet is by clicking. Spending at the computer every day for several hours, users constantly click the mouse for free. Is it possible on this elementary action Earn Money.

The meaning of earning on clicks

Click sponsors are a kind of intermediaries between the employer and the employee. The task of the latter is daily swipe advertisements , which raises the ratings of visited sites in search engines. Site owners pay for the services of the sponsor, who, in turn, shares with the participants of click programs for the daily provision of views. In this case, there is not an automatic winding up of the counter, but a real increase in attendance. As they say, all is well.

Prospects for earning on clicks

You should not expect from such a simple job a permanent income for a comfortable life. Maximum 5 thousand rubles per month with a standard working week. Therefore, boxes are usually offered additional ways to earn– distribution of referral (subordinate) links or performance of other tasks.

It is best to use all the features in the complex. Then the profit will be more tangible.

Examples of click projects

On the Internet, there are a dime a dozen of various exchanges for those who want to easily earn money without investment. Among them, there are often "scammers". Here proven projects, where the earned amounts are actually paid:

  • Wmmail is the most famous click exchange. Here they offer many ways to earn money with simple clicks. For example, surfing, reading letters, selling articles. The minimum withdrawal amount is only 10 cents. A five-stage system of referrals is practiced, which, by their work, provide the highest level with passive income.
  • Seosprint is also quite a popular click-through sponsor. The main difference is that payments are made in rubles.
  • Profitcentr is a lesser-known but reliable resource for making money on clicks.
  • Seo-fast user-friendly interface, rapid career growth, a huge amount of material to watch.

Earnings on the Internet on clicks

Clicks, where is it even easier to find earnings than just sitting at the computer and clicking the mouse? I think after reading this article you will agree with me that earning on clicks without investment is one of the easiest ways for beginners to earn their first money. Using the Internet, every day we only do what we click with the mouse, so why don't we also make money on it?

Naturally, you will have a number of questions: Where can I earn on clicks? How much can you earn on clicks? Where to withdraw the received money? Etc. Let's try to understand all this in order.

What will we need in order to earn on clicks without investments?

1. To withdraw money, you will need to create a wallet in the Webmoney system. It will also be needed for registration on a number of click-through sponsors. Registration in this payment system won't take long.
2. Need to have an email mailbox, which is useful for confirming registration on a particular mailer.
3. Some free time and access to the Internet.
4. I will advise you to register on several boxes at once, thereby increasing your earnings.

How to earn on clicks on the Internet? Or what is the essence of this income?

You register on one of the click-through sponsors, go to it and here you are invited to simply browse various sites, for which you will receive certain amounts of money. This money is paid by site owners, since it is beneficial for them that you view their resource, because this increases the traffic to their sites, due to which they rise in search engines. Click sponsors in this case are intermediaries between us - employees and advertisers - those who give us work.

If you want to earn as much as possible on clicks, then register not on one project, but on several at once, in order to maximize your earnings. This will increase your income several times, since you can work simultaneously on several mailers, for this you just have to run ads on each of them in turn and that's it! And by the time you get to launching ads on the last site, the first site will already credit you with money, etc.

How much can you earn on the Internet on clicks?

I will say frankly that earning on clicks without investments will not bring you huge profits if you want to earn money only by clicking the mouse. Even if you make money on several sites at the same time, you will earn 3 - 4 thousand per month, maybe 5 - 6 if you work hard. Therefore, most mailers, in addition to regular clicks, offer other opportunities for earning money (for example, earning money on completing tasks or earning money on referrals). You can also read about all these types of earnings on our website, and if you approach earning on clicks in a complex way, then income can be increased significantly.

Where can I earn on clicks without investments?

There are a lot of click sponsors, below I will describe to you the best of them, those that really pay and on which I personally earn.

1. Wmmail.ru
To date, this is the most popular click project, just look at its statistics (more than 425 thousand registered users and about $ 4 million have already been paid). The work on this project is just in bulk, from simply reading emails, surfing, to expensive assignments and selling articles. You will earn at least 10 cents for paying out in the first few minutes on the project. And this project has another huge plus - it's a 5-level referral system! That is, you can earn passive income over time, just attract referrals to the project or simply buy them on the project itself on a special exchange. Below is a small screenshot of my personal earnings on it:

For a detailed acquaintance with this project, I advise you to read the articles and. To go to the project itself and learn more about it, you can click on the button below:

Seosprint rightfully takes second place among all mail sponsors. And as proof of this, a small statistic (already about a million registered participants and paid more than 88 million rubles). Yes, this project, unlike Wmmail, pays in rubles. This site has an easy-to-manage interface and convenient functionality. The project has been working since 2010, and during all this time it has never failed. There are also several opportunities for earning money on it: reading letters, surfing, completing tasks, and a new opportunity has been added - passing tests. If you like to just make money on clicks without investments, then this project is just for you, because it just has a lot of surfing and letters. As proof that you can really make money on the project, a small screenshot of my personal earnings on it:

For a detailed acquaintance with this box, I advise you to read the article. To go to the project itself and study it in detail, you can use the button below:

3. Profit center
Unlike the first two clear leaders in this area, Profitcentr is less popular, but you should not lose sight of it. The project has been operating since 2009 and has been paying steadily all this time. With its interface, it is somewhat reminiscent of Seosprint and it has all the same earning opportunities. There are already more than 650 thousand users on it and about 15 million rubles have been paid. On the project too a large number of letters and surfing, which will appeal to those who like to click. For a detailed acquaintance with this project, I advise you to read the article. To go to the project itself and register on it, click the button below:

4. Seo-fast
I mastered this project quite recently and somehow I liked it even more than Seosprint. It contains the same types of earnings (surfing, letters, tasks), but you can climb the career ladder much faster, which is also important when making money on clicks. I also noticed that there is a lot of surfing and letters on it, you can view up to 1000 pieces in one day. In general, the site is quite interesting and deserves our attention. To read more about it, see the article. In order to go to the project itself and try to start making money on it, click the button below:

5. Wmzona
Another mailer that pays in dollars and has been working since 2004 just like Wmmail. On it, in addition to the main types of earnings, there are a number of other opportunities to earn money. Such as earnings on a video card (or otherwise - mining), earnings as a copywriter (writing articles). On this resource, you can, among other things, buy or sell your site, and they can also help you create it. In general, there are many pluses here and I advise you not to lose sight of this service. For a detailed acquaintance with this box, I advise you to read the article. Well, if you can’t wait to start making money on this site as soon as possible, then use the button below and register on it:

6. Web ip
Very good project with instant payments. There are more than 700 thousand participants on the project and more than 36 million rubles have been paid to users. He is one of the old-timers among the boxes and has been working since 2006. The project has a lot of advantages and I can recommend it for both experienced users, and for beginners. You can learn more about this project in the article. To go to the project itself, click the button below:

So, in this article, we have analyzed the main aspects of earning on clicks without investments and should not be underestimated this species earnings, because even 100 or 200 dollars earned by a simple click of the mouse will not be superfluous in our budget, and then more. And if you want to earn more on this, approach this issue in a complex way, make not only clicks, but also earn money by completing tasks, writing articles, on referrals, on exchanges, in general, develop everything possible sources earnings. Good luck to you!

Hi guys. Vasily Blinov is in touch and today we will analyze one of the most popular types of earnings among beginners on the Internet - earnings on clicks. I will show what types of clicks there are, how much they pay for them, I will give a list of the best sites and tell you how to earn from 100 to 500 rubles a day on them without investment.

In 2014, when I just came to learn the Internet in terms of making money, I also encountered this method. Every beginner, I think, comes across it, because it is the simplest of the ones that does not require any special knowledge and skills.

My experience and how much you can earn per month

So my first experience of making money online began with clicks, surfing, reading letters, likes, reposts and other simple tasks.

To do this, I found and registered on special sites - boxes (the list will be below), where customers leave such tasks and pay for their implementation. Entrepreneurs, marketers, bloggers, freelancers, etc., who promote their projects on the Internet, act as customers.

How much does it cost? The average cost varies depending on the greed of the customer and the complexity of the task. Let's take a look at the main tasks.

  • View the site - from 1 to 10 kopecks.
  • Reading letters - from 2 to 20 kopecks.
  • Pass the test - from 20 kopecks to 1 ruble.
  • Like - from 50 kopecks to 2 rubles.
  • Subscribe - from 1 to 4 rubles.
  • Make a repost - from 1 to 4 rubles.
  • Registration on the site - from 1.5 to 10 rubles.

My maximum income per day was 500 rubles, but here I also take into account what I was doing in parallel while the required time for viewing the site or advertising is going on.

Below I have compiled a list of earning sites where you can find such tasks and get money for them immediately, not points. I warn you that there are similar sites (for example, Bosslike), where you pay for work with virtual points and you can’t withdraw them to electronic wallets.

TOP 10 sites

  1. ProfitTask (I give a promotional code for 50 rubles - 10319555b1667fb9ca82)

Analogues and worse sites

On most resources, work is paid in rubles, but there are also some where payment is in dollars or hryvnias. Payments are made to WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi e-wallets and to the phone.

For Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries there are also alternative ways output to various payment systems Perfect Money, Payeer and others.

Instruction by example

Let's show you the whole process using the example of the Social Public site. In fact, all sites for making money on clicks are the same, and some even have a very similar interface. Therefore, I think one instruction will suffice.

Step 1. Registration on the site. Go to the site socpublic.com and at the very top click on the "Register" button.

Here is a detailed video tutorial on registering and setting up your profile for work.

Step 2 In the left panel, select the “Earn” tab and there are 4 types of work in it:

  1. Tasks. Here you will find a different kind and complexity of the task. Such as subscriptions, likes, reposts, registrations on sites, application installations and much more.
  2. Visits. Regular browsing of sites with additional tasks (scrolling the site to the end, clicking on the page).
  3. Letters. This is the same view of the site, only deeper. You need to spend a certain amount of time on the site to get paid.
  4. Surfing. Here you just need to click on one button, a tab will open where the sites will switch sequentially. You will only need to wait for the end of the timer and choose the correct answer, confirming that you are not a robot.

Choose the task you like, click on it and fulfill the specified conditions. After completion, money is credited to your balance.

Step 3 We accumulate the minimum amount for withdrawal of funds and transfer it to our electronic wallets. If you don't already have e-wallets, here are instructions on how to create one.

  • How to register Qiwi wallet.

Everything is very simple and anyone can do it without difficulty.

Additional earnings on referrals

In addition to the elementary completion of tasks on these clicking services, you can earn by inviting new members who will complete tasks, and you will receive a small percentage of their income.

Those invited are called referrals (partners). In another way it is called. I have a lot of materials on my blog where I tell what it is and how to make money on it.

The bottom line is that you take your invitation (affiliate) link and advertise it. The person who clicks on it and registers will be assigned to you.

Today we have discussed how to make money on the Internet with clicks, in the end I want to give you only one piece of advice. Honestly, I would call this way of earning "for fools." Because it does not lead to any development and will not give you the opportunity to grow professionally. Just sit and poke like a fool.

I'm sorry, but it's true! You can try and see how long this process takes and what the result is. To earn 500 rubles, it took me 12-14 hours of non-stop presence at the computer. This is despite the fact that before that I spent a lot of time studying all the sites and got used to working on them quickly.

Therefore, if you want to seriously make money on the Internet, then I advise you to start mastering some, gain skills and become a specialist in it. I chose this path and now I work remotely 5-6 hours a day, I earn from 100,000 rubles.

Think with your head and I wish you success!

Leave your feedback on this way of earning and ask questions in the comments, we will discuss all the pros and cons.