How to get a million live subscribers to a VKontakte group? Cheat subscribers Vkontakte: the best and proven projects How to cheat active subscribers.

For those who have decided to develop the Vkontakte community, the question may arise: how to attract subscribers to your group? There are several ways to cheat subscribers, which we will consider in detail.

  • through a search by people;
  • through popular Vkontakte applications;
  • using programs and special scripts.

By the way! All services for cheating VKontakte subscribers have already been combined into one big rating.!

Self-adding subscribers

You can invite people to the group yourself. To do this, you can create an additional account, perhaps not even one, and invite Vkontakte users as friends through these accounts. In the search engine, you can choose exactly those people who are your target audience. Vkontakte has limits on the number of adding people to friends. You can add no more than 50 people per day. Therefore, from one account you will invite no more than 350 people per week. In order for people to quickly accept an application as a friend, you can select those who are currently online in the search engine. There are also special groups where you can also quickly make friends. Here are some of them:

After people have added you as friends, you can invite them to your group using a special function. However, this feature is only available for groups. If you have a public page, you will not be able to use this cheat method. It is also important to know that it is dangerous to have too many friend pages in use. In this case, the group may be blocked for sending spam. Do not use more than 5 accounts for these purposes.

Invitations to the group in the comments of public

Another option to attract subscribers to the group is to leave comments in other communities, with an invitation. However, it is better to do this not directly, but more covertly. For example, you can comment on a post in a popular group, as well as participate in the discussion of posts with other people. All this will allow you to draw attention to yourself. If you invite people directly, then the administrators of these groups can ban you. With several such complaints, the page, and even the group, may be blocked. Often this does not justify the results.

In addition, you can send private messages to strangers, with an invitation to the group. It is worth considering that this method is prohibited, and is regarded by the administration as spam. With several complaints against you, the page will be blocked. Therefore, it is recommended that you only send messages to those who are most likely to be interested in your content and not complain about you. For example, if you promote manicure services in a group, then your content will be of interest to women and young girls. When sending out invitations, be polite and immediately apologize for the inconvenience.

There are also special Vkontakte groups for mutual PR. Here, community administrators exchange mutual subscriptions, as well as likes and reposts. You can find these communities by typing "mutual entry into groups" in the Vkontakte search engine.

How to wind up subscribers to the Vkontakte group?

Paid and free scripts and programs

There are many free and paid programs that automatically attract subscribers to the community. If we talk about high-quality wrapping, then you need to use only paid software. Since through free programs you can only attract bots. But it is still important to be careful when choosing applications for promoting Vkontakte, as there are many scammers, as well as scripts with viruses, which can even cause you to lose your account. For example, the Viking Botovod application enjoys a good reputation.

Cheating through gaming applications

You can wind up an additional number of friends through Vkontakte applications. There are many popular groups that have communities. You can join these groups and post a message that you want to be friends with other players. Thanks to this, other players will add you as a friend. If your community is a public page, and you cannot invite them there, then you can simply post a pinned post on the wall of your account with an invitation to your public. Moreover, while playing the Vkontakte game, you can also invite people to a group if these games provide for communication via chat. For example, it can be a poker game where there are 9 people at the table, or a mafia. As a result of the communication, mention that you have a group. However, it is better not to send links to the group in the chat, as this may lead to blocking the page.

The most popular games for finding Vkontakte subscribers

We wind up subscribers using services

There are many services on the Internet for cheating Vkontakte subscribers. One of such services is Attracting an audience occurs on the principle of barter relations. You complete tasks and in return you get points for which you can also post your task. You can earn points by liking, subscribing to someone's communities, as well as leaving comments and reposts. In this case, you must use your real account in order not to have problems with the cheat exchange. Most of these services are free, but there are also paid sites where you do not need to spend time completing tasks, but you immediately buy the necessary number of subscribers or likes. It is also worth mentioning that cheating subscribers through services is prohibited by the rules of Vkontakte. But with a moderate amount, this method can be used. A large percentage of accounts attracted in this way will be bots or fake pages, so you should not abuse this method, but it is better to use it only at the first stages of development.

Paid cheating of subscribers through the Vkontakte service

The most legal method of promotion is promotion through the Vkontakte exchange. To do this, you need to go to the advertising account of your group, and replenish the Vkontakte wallet. Once you have a certain budget, you can use it for your group's advertising campaign. This method is called targeted advertising, where you have the opportunity to determine your target audience and make sure that ads are shown to them. For those people who are your target audience, the banner that you place will be shown on the left side of the screen. If users are interested in your community, they will follow the link in the advertisement and join you. It is worth noting that this method is the most expensive, since here one subscriber can cost up to 10 rubles. and even higher. But on the other hand, this is the most effective method that allows you to attract live subscribers. In addition, you will never have problems with the administration of Vkontakte.

You can also order advertising in other Vkontakte groups. This can be done through special exchanges, and directly through the Vkontakte exchange, which is also located in the advertising account. In addition, you can negotiate the placement of advertising directly by contacting the admin of the group you are interested in. But in order for advertising in other communities to bring the greatest results, choose communities that have similar topics so that it is more likely that their subscribers will like the group.

Cheat subscribers in VKontakte on the site

We publish a detailed guide with screenshots dedicated to the process on our website:

  1. We go to the main page
  2. We pass a quick registration as an advertiser
  3. Adding a new task in your account
  4. Select the "VKontakte" tab - specify a link to a page or community
  5. Specify additional settings - in order not to fall under the ban and / or other sanctions of the social network
  6. Everything is ready!

We remind you that the cheating of subscribers on the site is carried out exclusively at the expense of real users. No "dogs" and mass replies! As well as a guarantee of natural user behavior in a community or group.

Hello dear readers of the site. Today we will talk about how to get followers on vkontakte how safe and effective it is. I would like to warn you right away that the administration of the social network is struggling with such frauds, even if it is an artificial increase in subscribers or, the result can be deplorable for your account. Even if today you have not been caught red-handed for cheating, in the future you can get caught, as the algorithms are constantly improving and sharpening to catch cheaters.

It will be about the methods and services that provide services artificial increase in the number of subscribers Let's try to analyze their advantages and disadvantages. And draw your own conclusions.

To get new subscribers, you need to complete certain tasks for service members, for which you will receive points (a special currency of the service), which you can spend on subsequent promotion for your group or account.

Everyone has it site to get subscribers there are some nuances, differences, but all of them are united by the same disadvantages as paid services. The only difference is that they involve real people with live accounts.


  1. You can increase the number of subscribers of your group for free in a short time
  2. Participants are living people. This means that live accounts will join groups, not bots.


  1. To attract subscribers, you need points, points that you get when completing service tasks
  2. Not the target audience. Let every online cheater boast advanced targeting settings, but you won’t get subscribers who are really interested in your group
  3. The probability of losing your account (stolen or blocked), as you log in to the service using your data


Using services for cheating subscribers you may not get the desired result, but thanks to the large number of subscribers in your group, you can trigger the “herd instinct” among network users, in addition, you can take the first places in the search results of the social network for certain queries due to the large number of subscribers.

Disadvantages of Artificial Follower Boost- getting a non-target audience for your group. If subscribers are not interested in the information that you publish in your group, then the meaning of a large number of such subscribers is lost, there will be no conversion of visitors into buyers - there is no increase in sales. If you use your personal account to complete the tasks of the service, then sooner or later it will be calculated by Vkontakte robots and banned.

There is a high chance of losing your account. Since the owners of programs or services for online cheating of subscribers can use your credentials for their own purposes and simply steal your account from you.

So draw your own conclusions. My opinion is that you should not risk your Vkontakte account for useless bots in your group. Make your group such that people themselves want to join you or use legal methods, even if they cost money.

What do you think about winding up subscribers in groups? Write in the comments.

And the question immediately arises: how to wind up subscribers to the Vkontakte group and not get blocked?

This will be discussed in the article.

Cheat subscribers to a group in VK

I seriously started looking for the very service that will help with minimum investment and at the same time promote the group to the TOP.

And therefore, from time to time, I conduct experiments in which they take part dozens of services. For each of them, I fill it with information and place an order for cheating subscribers.

I divided all services into the following:

1. Free services and programs (Olike, Bosslike, Vkrutilka, Turboliker, etc.): forget about them once and for all! These services are very negatively affect promotion.

Why? Yes, because these services use bots or low-quality mutual subscribers:

After ordering a cheat on free or unreliable services, you will receive such "subscribers".

Bots, as well as low-quality mutual subscribers, are often blocked by the system for suspicious activity(due to frequent joining groups) .

And this draws the attention of the Vkontakte algorithm, and to groups that consist of only "dogs", they apply sanctions.

  • Subscribers in the group are written off;
  • The group is blocked for cheating members;

In no case should they be used to promote a group, but for everything else (, reposts, comments, polls, etc.), please.

2. Services that pay a small reward to performers for joining the customer's community (): most of them are not very demanding on performers, due to which there are a large number of "dogs" in the group.

But there are exceptions that can qualitatively wind up subscribers to a group in VK. More on this below.

3. Services that attract subscribers to the group using various white methods (advertising in groups, sending invitations, etc.): the highest quality, but there are very few such services and advertising in them is quite expensive.

As practice shows, paid cheat of subscribers to the VK group is the most efficient.

Got it sorted out. And now I will talk about the services that win the experiment and are currently the highest quality.

How to safely wind up subscribers to the Vkontakte group

V June 2019 2 services showed the best results. I think you know two of them for sure.

The first service is VKTarget . How to use it in the article:

  • Free targeting settings: cities, age, gender, number of friends;
  • Setting the limit of executions per day;
  • Payment for the order in a convenient way (bank card, Yandex Money, WebMoney, Alfa-Click, Sberbank Online, Qiwi, mobile, terminals);
  • Working with social networks: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Google+;
  • The percentage of "dogs" after cheating: up to 9%;
  • Which groups are suitable for this service? Young groups whose main goal is to reach the TOP and gain as many high-quality subscribers as possible. If the group is interested in offers, they will be active.

    After a simple registration at the top, go to the "Apply" section, select the type of tasks "Join the Community".

    Fill in the required fields and click on the "Place an order" button.


    One of the useful features of our beloved Vkduty is the fast, free, cheat subscribers to your priceless pages on the social network " In contact with».

    How to get subscribers?

    Over time, it becomes clear to everyone that the popularity of people on the Internet, social networks in particular, gives recognition in real life. In fact, by promoting your page, you are taking the first step towards fame. One aspect of this very fame is your subscribers, in the common people - fans.

    How to wind up VKontakte subscribers for free?

    How more followers, the higher your page is in the search, this is a kind of top in which your task is to climb higher.

    They used to meet by clothes, but now in the age of innovation, technological progress, and finally the Internet, many people meet and draw conclusions directly from your page and the number of subscribers. Thanks to VkDuty - which will help you get subscribers, your popularity will grow, as will the popularity of social networks in general. This is an amazing opportunity to stand on a par with celebrities.

    Summing up, we can conclude that popularization in social networks is very important.

    To become popular on Vkontakte is more than possible, our main task has been and remains to help you in this difficult task.

    Cheat subscribers vkontakte for free

    Our development gives you a chance wind up subscribers in Vkontakte on the personal page absolutely is free, it would be extremely stupid not to use this chance and not promote your page to the top.

    Even the most interesting content will be left without attention if you do not have your own audience. Having wound up a lot of Vkontakte subscribers, on a personal page or in a group, any material will not be left without attention. You can attract new visitors to your site or promote your Vkontakte group. In this article, you will learn how to get followers on vkontakte.

    You may be interested in the question, why wind up Vkontakte subscribers? There are two types of Vkontakte subscriptions: to groups and to personal pages. In both cases, the reasons for cheating can be very different. Now we will try to figure it out why many subscribers in Vkontakte groups:

    • Perhaps the most obvious reason is financial gain. Almost all groups are created for the purpose of making money. And the more subscribers, the more you can earn on the Vkontakte group.
    • Also, by winding up a lot of subscribers to the Vkontakte group, which is associated with the site, you can significantly increase traffic on it. More subscribers, more traffic, and hence more earnings on the site. We can say that this goal also pursues an increase in earnings.
    • Less often they wind up subscribers in Vkontakte groups to search for like-minded people who share your ideas, outlook on life, and so on.

    Answer the question, why wind up Vkontakte subscribers for personal pages easy too:

    • Most often, this is also done for the sake of making money. When you have a lot of subscribers, you can easily earn good money on various affiliate programs.
    • Some young musicians, YouTube bloggers, other talented and not so talented people wind up subscribers on their page in order to become more popular and recognizable.
    • With a large number of friends and Vkontakte subscribers, you can also easily attract additional traffic to the site. To do this, you just need to share links on your wall, leave them in your profile, status, and so on.
    • Also, very often, users wind up a lot of subscribers simply because they have nothing to do or to raise self-esteem, without monetizing their Vkontakte page in any way.

    One of the main reasons why they wind up a lot of subscribers to pages and groups is to rank them more favorably in the search. Everything is simple here, if you search through the Vkontakte search for some Vasya Ivanov, then at the top of the issue will be the page with more subscribers. It's the same with groups.

    Groups with a small number of followers will not be visible to users searching for something in the search. After creating the Vkontakte group, its first participants will in any case need to be cheated or it will go unnoticed.

    How to wind up Vkontakte subscribers for a personal page?

    Cheat Vkontakte subscribers for a personal page can be completely free. First of all, you will need to add Vkontakte friends, and then delete them. Some of them will remain subscribers forever, and some, of course, will unsubscribe. But still, this method can be effective.

    Read this article on how to make friends on Vkontakte. Take her advice, make a lot of friends, and then delete them. Over time, you will be able to wind up a lot of Vontakte subscribers for free.

    How to wind up Vkontakte subscribers for a group?

    It's pretty easy too. This can be done both for free and for a fee. Let's look at a few free and paid cheat methods:

    Now let's consider how and where to buy Vkontakte subscribers. On our site you can find many projects for this, but in this article we will list the best:

    • Bosslike - in this service you can order Vkontakte subscribers absolutely free. Complete simple tasks by liking, joining groups, earn points for this and buy subscribers for them. You can also buy points for real money without wasting your time. Read more about this service here: how to use Bosslike?
    • Socpublic is bux, the best and most popular. In it, the minimum price of one task is very small - 26 kopecks. By paying a little more, you can order an invitation to 40 people in a group. Thus, the price of one subscriber, when cheating in this project, will be very small. Read more about advertising in Socpublic here.
    • LikesRock is an interesting project in which you can wind up almost all actions on social networks, including a Vkontakte subscription. Register, earn money or replenish your account and buy any number of subscribers. Read more here about