Yusb 3.0 does not work. USB port after reinstalling Windows

If we connect a flash drive 3.0 to a computer that provides support for USB ports 3.0, and we see the message " This device can work faster when connected to Super-Speed \u200b\u200bUSB 3.0", These are friends, it means that we either insert the USB flash drive not in the USB 3.0 ports (with a blue tongue), or with their functioning there are problems, and they work in USB 2.0 mode. What causes the causes of problems with the work of USB 3.0 ports on computers, and how such problems are solved, we will try to understand today's article.

Let me remind you, the bandwidth of the USB 2.0 interface - 60 MB / s, and USB 3.0 is 10 times more, 625 MB / s. Naturally, rare from removable drives connected to the ports of USB 3.0 of the computer work at the limit of the capabilities of this interface, but it is of fundamental importance for individual information storage devices. For example, many modern external HDD models on the USB 3.0 interface will be able to issue a linear speed of 100-170 MB / s. Actually, the same as when connecting the inner rigid disks to the SATA interface. Whereas on the USB 2.0 interface, the linear speed of external hard drives on average is usually held at 30 MB / s. USB flash drives 3.0 on the USB 3.0 interface write data faster 2-3 times, and read - faster than 3-5 times. By the way, we talked in detail about the operating speeds of flash drives on USB 2.0 and 3.0 interfaces. In general, friends, if you have a removable drive 3.0, I believe that it is possible to deal with the performance of the USB port 3.0, if problems arose - the business is worthwhile.

Settings in bios.

USB 3.0 ports can work as part of USB 2.0, if so they are configured in the BIOS. This moment must be checked first. We go to the BIOS and are looking for, where USB ports are configured, usually this is the Advanced Advanced Settings section and subsection "USB Configuration". Or something with similar names. Here it is necessary to check whether USB 3.0 support is active. The "USB 3.0 Support" parameter must be "Enable". The "Enable" value should also be at the XHCI Hand-Off parameter, it may be called "XHCI Pre-Boot Mode", simply "XHCI" or somehow differently, but with the presence of a key term "XHCI".

XHCI is a USB 3.0 controller, and if the BIOS is not implemented by a separate item for supporting this "USB 3.0 Support" type interface, its turning on / off is implemented due to the controller. On some motherboards, the XHCI controller parameter may also be other values \u200b\u200bof the "auto" or "smart auto" type, providing USB ports 3.0 in 2.0 mode before loading the operating system with its USB 3.0 drivers. And such values \u200b\u200bmanufacturers of computer devices are usually set by default in order to make it possible to work with the modern USB interface inside the operating systems, while avoiding the setting of the installation of individuals, in the distribution kit that does not have USB 3.0 drivers. The most striking example is the official builds of Windows 7, the problem with the lack of drivers of which we discussed and solved. If you are on your, friends, PCs or laptop for installation cases of Windows 7 without integrated USB 3.0 drivers there are USB 2.0 operating ports (with a black tongue), you can safely set the XHCI controller setting to the "Enable" position. Only when installing the "seven" do not forget that the USB flash drive must be inserted into the USB 2.0 port.

Update Driver

Inside Windows operate at USB 2.0, the USB 3.0 interface may vary by the banal reason for the incorrect installation of the controller driver. This problem is solved by any of the ways to combat incorrectly installed drivers - or their update, or reinstalling. We use to start regular Windows capabilities. We go to the Device Manager. Reveal the USB Controllers Branch. Click expandable host controller. More often it is as "an expandable host controller Intel (R) USB 3.0", but in our case, for example, its manufacturer is the Japanese company Renesas. Call the context menu on it and select the driver update.

I have faced such a long time with such a problem on the already installed Windows 8.1 operating system. The computer was given to me so that I reinstall the system with Windows 8.1 on Windows 7, and first of all I checked the USB input. Connected a flash drive to it, a computer mouse, but a laptop never saw any equipment. Then noticed that the USB itself is a blue port of blue, and this suggests that it is USB 3.0

It does not work for only one reason, the driver for USB 3.0 is not installed in the system.

To check the presence of drivers in the system, look at the device manager, there are no questionings there and other characters next to the installed drivers. If there are no suspicious signs, then the driver is installed in the system, but it is either old or does not suit the operating system.

What are the problem solving options?

1. Alternatively, I downloaded to your USB 3.0 driver server for the Intel, AMD and ASUS motherboard. You need to download one of the drivers presented.

How to find out what your motherboard do you have?

On laptops, there is usually a sticker type Intel or AMD.

In the Device Manager in the USB Controllers section, pay attention to such inscriptions:

As you can see in the photo above, I have installed a motherboard with an Intel chipset, respectively, the driver needs to download exactly this manufacturer.

2. Download DRIVERPACK Solution, then install or update the USB 3.0 driver. The program is absolutely free and does not require installation, but for this 1 version requires an Internet connection.

3. If the two top options helped you, you need to either install from disks that were given when you buy a computer, or use my article "Where to download Drivers". In this article, I showed how to download firewood from official sites of manufacturers such as Acer, Samsung, Toshiba and Dell. The video is attached to the article.

But I think that the first option will necessarily help in solving this problem.

Hi friends! The other day, one of my buddy bought a new laptop with a pre-installed Windows 10 and asked me to install Windows 7 on it, but At the beginning of the installation of the system began to go out« Not found required driver for optical disk drive... ". We all know that this is due to the fact that the Windows 7 distribution does not contain driversUSB 3.0. and you just need to connect the bootable flash drive to the portUSB 2.0, but there was no such port on the laptop,all ports were USB 3.0 . At such a case, I have a different flash drive with drivers that you need to slip the Win 7 installer during installation, but this number does not ride. Attempting to use a portable USB drive and DVD-distribution Windows 7 also ended with this error. As a result, I applied for advice to my friend Vladimir and he advised very interesting decision!

Hi friends! If you look at the comments of our site over the past year, then you can see one constant problem that occurs from many readers, the essence of it. If you bought a new laptop (no matter what manufacturer), then on the official website of the manufacturer your laptop can download drivers Only for new operating systems: Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, and there is no drivers for Windows 7 and not foreseen.What kind of sin, Windows 10, and Win 8.1 work slowly on all laptops in the price range up to 30 thousand rubles (such such laptops buys most residents of Russia). The point here is certainly in low-power processors, tooyim are equipped with such laptops and Insufficient volume of RAM - 4 GB, and of course add brakesclassic hard drive (information storage device,based on the principle of magnetic record, the development of the last century).

The first thing that comes to the head of a person who bought such a laptop is to install it on it old and good Windows 7, with the hope that it will work faster (partly it is actually so), about my opinion, installing Windows 7 to a new laptop is not the most successful option, since the conflicts of the newest iron and the old operating system are inevitable. It is better, in this case, it will not be necessary to convert a hard disk into the GPT style, and there will always be a second working operating system pre-installed from the store - Win 10 or Win 8.1.

If both of the above options are not suitable for you and you decided to demolish everything from a hard disk of the laptop, and install on itWindows 7, I warn you to It will be a rather difficult task even for an experienced user, because to successfully install the seven, firstly, you need to create a specially bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7 so that the system sends the USB 3.0 ports, thenyou need to disable the UEFI interface on the new laptop, then convert a hard disk from the GPT style in the MBR and only after that Windows 7 will be installedBut that's not all!Those users who will be able to install Windows 7 to their devices already after successful installation systems are faced with the last and sometimes insurmountable task - find drivers for devices of their laptop under Win 7.

And in fact, and what kind of miraculous way to download the driver for a laptop on the Internet, if the drivers on the local Internet and Wi-Fi adapter are not installed, and the driver assembly located on an external USB disk cannot be launched, as they do not work on the laptop USB 3.0 ports (After all, the driver for the chipset and the USB controller is also not installed). Of course, if there is a drive on your laptop, then the driver can be downloaded on another computer and pour into a DVD disk, but not everyone has a second computer, but there is no drive on many new laptops and ultrabooks, and the builds with drivers on the DVD disk Do not fit.

Friends, actually solve all these questions can be! Let's step by step, go together all the steps of installing Windows 7 to a new laptop and everything will become clear to you.

Assembling Drivers Snappy Driver Installer and Driverpack Solution

Firstly, Before installing Windows 7 to a new laptop, download the driver assembly"Snappy Driver Installer »On a portable USB disk or USB flash drive. Go to the official assembly site


and choose a full package SDI FULL (It is suitable for those who want to have a complete set of drivers with it and not depend on the availability of Internet access, the size of 12 GB) and click "Download"

The folder with the drivers downloads to us on the computer, we will run the driver installerSDI_X64_R496.exe directly from the folder.

I also download the "Driverpack Solution" assembly", Which contains a huge number of drivers in almost all known devices. Recently, many users scold this assembly, since in normal mode it installs various side software along with the drivers, but this will not happen, eif installing drivers in mode"Expert" In this case, only you selected drivers will be installed on your laptop.


Choose "DriverPack Offline" and click "Download"

ISO image "Driverpack offline" downloads to us

After downloading, you can copy the contents of the image to the folder with the name "DriverPack", will run DriverPack.exe driver installer directly from the folder.

So, assembling Drivers "Snappy Driver Installer" and DRIVERPACK Solution downloaded by us on the portable USB disk oruSB flash drive.

Creating a Windows 7 boot flash drive

After creating a boot flash drive from Windows 8.1, download and connect it to the virtual disk drive, then go to the virtual drive to the "Sources" folder and copy the install.wim file,

Then go to the Windows 8.1 boot flash drive also in the "Sources" folder and delete the install.esd file from it,

A file.

install.wim (from the Windows 7 distribution) copy to its place.

That is, we replaced the file
install.esd on the boot flash drive 8.1 by the fileinstall.wim from the Windows 7 Distribution. As a result, we got a bootable USB flash drive 8.1 with a file-way Win 7 -install.wim.

What gives us!

We all know that installing Windows 7, 8.1, 10 occurs in two stages. First of all, the Windows Preset Wednesday is loaded from the file. boot.wim, at this point we accept the license agreement, select the section for installation and click the "Next" button, then follows the second stage, the winder of Windows unpacks the contents of the main operating system file to selected by us - install.wim. or install.esd.. So here you can use beforewindows 8.1 installation environment from Boot.wim file to install Windows 7 (file boot.wim in the Windows 8.1 distribution has USB 3.0 drivers), For this we andreplaced file. install.esd on Windows 8.1 File Flashinstall.wim from the Windows 7 Distribution And now our Windows 7, being on the Windows 8.1 boot flash drive, will calmly go through the first and second stage of installation on a new laptop with portsUSB 3.0.

Still be copied to the USB flash drive in the folder"SOURCES" windows Release Configuration FileeI.cfg. With content

Installing Windows 7.

Now everything is ready to install the system. Download our new laptop from the boot flash drive Windows 8.1 with file install.wim (Windows 7).


As you can see, we will install Windows 8.1, but Windows 7, choose the desired version!

We accept the license agreement.

Selective installation ...

You can delete all partitions on the hard disk and install Windows 7 directly into unassigned space.

The usual installation process of Windows 7, familiar to you (I will not repeat).

Windows 7 is installed.

Installation of drivers

Using the Windows 8.1 boot USB flash drive with the file install.wim (Windows 7), we easily passed all steps of installing Windows 7 to a new laptop with USB 3.0 ports, but after installation, installed Windows 7 will not see USB ports 3.0, sincefile Image Install.wim (Windows 7) does not contain driversUSB 3.0. Also, after installation in Windows 7, other drivers will not be installed, but the touchpad will work.

We go to the device manager and see that the drivers on the video card, the Ethernet controller, the USB controller, the network controller, etc., were not automatically installed.

Connect a USB disk or USB flash drive with "Snappy Driver Installer" and DRIVERPACK Solution and nothing happens, the laptop does not see any flash drive nor a USB portable hard disk.

We do this. Download Laptop S. installation flash driveWindows 8.1 File Install.wim (Windows 7) in the preset environment andusing notepad as a conductor, toopen folders with driversSnappy Driver Installer and DRIVERPACK Solution From an external USB disk or in our case withflashki Directly on the desktop Windows 7.In the preset environment of Windows 8.1, all USB ports 3.0 laptop will work.

Go. Upload a laptop from the installation flash drive of Windows 8.1.

In the initial phase of installation of Windows 8.1, click the keyboard combination SHIFT + F10 and the command line opens.

First, we need to define a disk letter with installed Windows 7 and the letter of the disk of our flash drive.To determine the correct letter of the system disk, enter the NotePad command on the command prompt and click Enter. Notepad opens. Next, select the menu"File" and "Open".

Press the "Computer" button and enter the "Computer" window.

Select "File Type" and in the "All Files" drop-down menu

Operating system files find on disk (E :)

Folder with DriverPack Solution drivers find on a flash drive, a disc letter (D :).

Copy it.

We go to the disk (E :) with Windows 7 installed, we need a desktop.

In the "Users" folder, choose our username.

In my case, username 1.

And enter the "desktop"

On the empty place of the desktop, we click the right mouse and choose "insert"

Starts copying folder driverPack drivers The desktop of the Windows 7 operating system.

Copy will continue for 15 minutes. Exit the desktop and log in again if you see the folder DRIVERPACK on the desktop, then the driver is copied.Similarly, copy the folder to your desktop"Snappy Driver Installer."

Close the command line window and reboot, we enter the Windows 7 operating system.

Open the DRIVERPACK folder on the desktop and launch the driverpack.exe installation file.

The laptop configuration configuration is checked.

Choose Expert mode!

Mark all the drivers for installation. The very first to be installed the Intel's USB 3.0 Extensible Host Controller.

Remove the ticks from all utilities and click on the "Install Drivers" button

The process of installing drivers begins.

After installing the drivers, restart the laptop.

USB 3.0 ports should work.

In addition to the drivers, nothing was installed on my laptop.

To install drivers in Windows 7, you can also use the SNAPPY Driver Installer drivers

Open the folder on the desktop"Snappy Driver Installer "And launch the installation fileSDI_X64_R496.exe.

"Allow access"

Mark the necessary drivers and click on the "Install" button

After installing the drivers, you will need to restart.

At the end of the article, I note that what only the tricks sometimes do not go users to see the USB ports on the new laptop, although the USB 3.0 interface is inversely compatible with USB 2.0 and no problems when connecting flash drives to connectorsUSB 3.0 on a laptop with installed Windows 7 should not be (of course, in fact, everything often happens differently).

1. Disconnect the interface in the BIOS USB 3.0 - as a result it becomes still worse, in this case, even my way will not help.

2. Switches the USB operation mode with 3.0 to 2.0, the USB 3.0 Configuration option is responsible for switching (it is in the System Configuration tab) it must be set to AUTO, but this option is not on all bios.

3. Connect the USB 3.0 hub / splitter port to the USB 3.0 port to make the crutch - sometimes this method is triggered, because this concentrator has its own controller.

In order for the user to quickly navigate the USB controller faults, take a small excursion to the terminology of this issue.

USB (U-ES BUS, English Universal Serial Bus) - Universal sequential tire to connect peripheral devices to a computer by means of four cable. Through this technology, there is the possibility of connecting devices without its own (autonomous) power only by power flowing through this tire. All these devices are familiar - external hard drives, USB flash drives, adapters, etc.

Until recently, devices were installed mainly USB 2.0. On a change less quick and powerful USB 2.0, USB 3.0 gradually comes to 5 GB / S data exchange rate (up to 5 gigabits / s) and power supply carried out via the bus to 1 A (1 amp). Recently, USB 3.1 standard began to be implemented - do not stop progress.

USB 3.0 support is not the default in all operating systems

In the new laptops, USB 3.0 connectors are painted in blue, while USB 2.0 remained black. The insightful and consistency user could almost immediately assume that the problem lies in the new, until the end of the USB 3.0 standard not implemented at the level level. Those. The hardware part of USB 3.0 is already implemented in a laptop, and the program (driver) is not yet.

Therefore, it is already possible to answer the main question of this article: " Why don't USB work in a laptop after reinstalling Windows?". "Because for USB 3.0 ports in the Windows operating system there are no drivers!".

What OS Windows will not work USB 3.0

This problem is characteristic of Windows XP and Windows 7 operating systems. But in Windows 8 and Windows 10, this problem is practically not found. The reason is simple: USB 3.0 has begun massively implemented after Windows XP and Windows 7 output. But if in Windows XP, the problem of non-working USB ports do not dispel independently, then in Windows 7 you can try to solve the problem simply by including automatic updates for Windows. The system itself, according to the device ID (USB 3.0 controller ID), identifies and install the driver, provided that the controller brand and the "Known" manufacturer of Windows 7.

And if this is not the driver for USB? ...

It happens that the problem with USB ports is a symptom of a more complex and unpleasant breakage. For example, this can serve as a signal of a laptop motherboard chipset. And more specifically, the breakdown of the southern bridge. After all, it is the southern bridge (an input-output controller of the English I / O Controller Hub) of the laptop motherboard is responsible for the periphery - USB, SATA (IDE), Audio, PCI, iThernet. There is due to: overheating, short circuit on the board, power problems, mechanical impact.

Check the hypothesis about the failure of the chipset will help a simple test: you need to choose USB ports painted with black, i.e. USB 2.0, and, check their performance. If USB 2.0 is working, and USB 3.0 is not - on face the problem only with drivers.

How to fix the problem with drivers for USB 3.0?

For example, you installed Windows 7, and, USB 3.0 did not earn even when installing all updates (drivers) from Microsoft. Next outputs are two: either install Windows 8/10 and at least USB 3.0 will most likely earn immediately, or you have to search for the driver under the USB controller, which is installed in your laptop. It will have to do it on the Internet, so you will need high-speed Internet access.

Where to find drivers for USB 3.0 (3 sources for)

  • Go to the site of the manufacturer and find the desired driver through the search on the site. Here it will take some experience: you need to know first of all that it does not make sense to download (everything in a row); You need to know the exact brand of the laptop (name and conference digital index); The discharge of the Windows 32 or 64 Bit operating system;
  • Download any driver-pack and install all drivers using it. For example, hence - https://drp.su/en/download.htm;
  • Go to this site https://devid.drp.su/?l\u003dru (press the link below - looking for a driver with hands) or on this https://devid.info/en and on the device ID to find, download and install the necessary driver

The first method from the entire list is the most preferred and, possibly light, if on the site of the manufacturer's laptop everything is definitely and you have a quick Internet. But sometimes you can meet a whole list of USB drivers for one device and no hint to download and install. Therefore, the second point with a package driver can sometimes be much faster - if the Internet is fast (you have to download several gigabytes of software). At the same time, you will have drivers for all occasions for a computer, laptop, netbook.

If there is no fast Internet, it is best to clean (with the formatting of a C :) installation of Windows to conduct after some preparation i.e. Create backup (backup) files and drivers. Otherwise, you can find yourself in a situation when and downloading the driver is not possible, since network interfaces in a laptop do not work, and copy the driver from the flash drive (external drive) does not work, since on the device all USB 3.0 - and they do not work.