How to delete extra programs from the Android phone. What system applications can be deleted

In Android initially preinstalled many different applications, which may not be needed at all - they just occupy a place and spend the operational memory of the device. Any of them can be deleted, and how to do it is described in this instruction.

First of all on the smartphone or tablet you need to get rOOT rights. They provide an opportunity not only to delete standard applications, but also easy, run specialized applications that significantly expand the possibilities of the device.

For each device, the method of obtaining superuser rights varies, but the most universal utilities are: as well.

Then you need to install a file manager supporting access to system Directors and editing system files. For example, ES conductor, File Manager. From Cheetah Mobile or. In this manual, I use the ES conductor.

How to delete standard Android applications. Method 1

1. First you need to provide the right to edit the root directory to the file manager. How to do it for ES conductor told in.

2. V. internal memory Go to the folder "/ SYSTEM / APP".

3. Select.apk the file of the desired application and in the context menu that appears, click "Delete".

4. In addition, you must delete file.odex with the same name if it is.

In Android 5.0 and above on the way "/ SYSTEM / APP" All embedded system applications are in separate folders, so you need to highlight them and erase.

5. Many system applications in the folder "/ DATA / APP" Store updates, from where they will also have to remove.

Again in Android 5.0 updates of preset applications are on the way "/ DATA / APP" in separate folders. Select unnecessary and delete.

6. Now it remains only to erase the Kechi and the built-in system applications and services databases that are in the folder "/ DATA / DATA".

Remove before installed applications, like gmail, Google Drive. or Maps. Systems S. android icon It is better not to touch (for example certinstaller.apk or packageinstaller.apk), since problems may arise in the system.

Removing Android system applications using the root uninstaller program

Standard Android applications can be deleted using root applications Uninstaller. Download.apk from our site and install.

1. After installation, open it and provide the superuser access.

2. Select the application from which you want to get rid of.

3. Click "Delete". Before deleting, you can make a backup.

In addition, the application can not be removed, but freeze. So they will stop working and disappear from the menu, but will not be completely removed.

How to Delete Standard Applications via ES Explorer

Some file managers have a special option to work with program files. Consider this feature On the example of ES conductor:

1. In the sidebar in the "Libraries" section, select "Apps".

2. At the top, click on "Custom", thereby turning the hidden menu. Select the "System" item in it.

3. Highlight programs that are no longer needed. In the list of options, select "Uninstall".

I think that the methods proposed by me will be enough to remove standard applications Android. Yes, there are analogues root uninstaller and others file managershaving a quick deletion feature of embedded applications. But 3 methods of which I told are the most comfortable.

This can happen with each - when trying to delete the application it turns out that it is impossible to delete it. And B. this case It is not about the built-in application to the firmware, which without root-rights is not removed, but about the most common, which you and installed on your device.

For example, some time ago we told about, and there also showed an application called Volume Unlock, thanks to which you can turn on the device by clicking on the volume zoom button. When working, the application receives administrator rights, so simple way Do not delete it. But what it looks like - we will show clearly.

We go to the settings and find the section "Applications".

Here we see the list of applications. Choose the desired (in our case - Volume Unlock).

And what do we see? That's right, the Delete button is inactive.

If you encountered a similar problem, it does not matter, it can be solved. To do this go to Google Play. And type the word "Delete" (without quotes) or Uninstaller in the search. Select the application from RHYTHM Software and install it. It is extremely small free appwhich does not even require the provision of additional rights.

After installing the application, we open it and see a list of all installed applications. We choose the desired one, taping over it once, then click on the "Delete selected applications" button, which is located at the top of the screen.

We agree with the removal and see the window in which it is written: "It is impossible to remove the package, because It is selected to administer the device. " Click "Administration Settings".

A window opens, remove a tick from the application.

In the new window, turn off the administration rights from the application by clicking on the "Disable" button.

After that, we get to the application page and see that the "Delete" button is activated.

Click on it and the application is removed.

Of course, in this way, you can remove viral applications that cannot be removed in the usual way. To delete system applications, the presence of root rights is required.

Second way

For this method, thank the user with the nickname Android, which in the comments suggested a less complex method of removing such applications. He told about a different method that requires the inclusion of debugging by USB. The user with Nick Valery said that you can use this method without debugging USB, for which thanks to him. And yet we show an example from uSB debugging - just in case. You also advise you to immediately open the Safety section (see the last three screenshots) and if it does not help, try to enable USB debugging.

Go to the settings. Here find the section "On the phone" (or "On Tablet").

After opening this section It will appear in the settings:

Go to it and check the box next to the Usb Debug item.

Here you will see a tick on an application that is not deleted in the usual way.

Just remove the checkbox, then click "Disable".

Now the application can be removed in the usual way.

Articles and Lifehaki

Each user of the device on the "green robot" should know how to remove in android unnecessary programs. After all, they not only clog the memory of the phone or tablet, but often and "eaten" the battery energy, "steal" speed.

As a result, the equipment can "hobble" than surely will soon begin to annoy the owner of the phone or tablet computer.

In addition, these unnecessary programs can "register" in the cache. And this again affects the operation of the device. Therefore, from such a trash should be easily eliminated.

Removal procedure

The whole process is simple to madness. Having done the removal procedure just once, you will probably clean your phone / tablet from the accumulated programs yourself without tips and instructions.

Well, while here's a short action plan. Stick all the points in order - and everything will turn out.

  1. Find on your device "Settings". Press.
  2. Now in the settings, find the "Application Manager". Again, press it in it.
  3. Decided that you will delete from android? Look for this program by name. Found? Then you are ready for the next step.
  4. You choose the necessary one (but the application is already unnecessary), click on it. You will be offered to "forcibly stop", "Clean the cache" and "Delete".
  5. You understand that you press, because your goal is to get rid of the "bread" you are not used, and the place is occupied. Click "Delete".
  6. How will the warning always jump out that the program will be deleted and are you sure in your actions. You certainly confirm that the application you do not need, so "delete, Andryusha, delete." Agree by clicking "Yes."
  7. Everything. The application irrevocably left your device.
On some devices, you can simply delete "dragging" into a virtual garbage bucket. However, in this way, all the "tails" are unlocked. Sometimes somewhere in the depths itself remains a trace, it also takes place, and the processes slow down.

Therefore, it is more correct to use the first method through the "Application Manager". Reliable and cleaner comes out.

What can not be removed from android

  • Even if it seems to you that this program you are not needed, but it is systemic / utility / stood initially, it is impossible to touch it. This can lead to "death" of android.
  • Even if you have never launched it and do not have the slightest idea why it is generally installed, it does not mean that it should be deleted.
  • In addition, many android devices that are still on warranty service, after removing such "embedded" initial programs lose the entire guarantee.
  • As soon as root rights you need to remove similar programs, manufacturers "wash your hands", refusing to you later free warranty repair and maintenance. All further "shoals" you will pay yourself.
So remove just what they themselves installed, so to speak, outsource.

You can install multiple applications and games on the smartphone when used branded shop Google Play. These can be messengers, customers social networks, banking programs and other software. Over time, most programs cease to be actively used, so a person decides to remove them. But how to do it, for obvious reasons, does not know. There are several ways to uninstall installed applications that we will talk in detail below.

The Android operating system is a very flexible platform, so it is not surprising that the ability to delete applications in it is implemented by default. And you can do this at once in several ways, which are described in detail below.

Method 1: Clean the icon from the screen

This method is the easiest, and allows you to delete the program without the need to enter the settings. It is enough to hold your finger on the icon of the desired application, and after transfer it to the basket icon or the Delete button.

A window appears on the screen in which you want to click on the Delete button to uninstall the program. The most simple method, but at the same time the most efficient.

Method 2: Remove the application through the settings

If the first method is not suitable for you for some reason, you can delete the application using the corresponding partition in the settings. To do everything right and preventing errors to help you will help the following instruction, suitable for almost all smartphones running android operating system:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Go to the "All Applications" section or "Program Manager" section.
  3. Find the necessary program And go to the page with it. To do this, just click on the name of the utility in the list.
  4. Click the "Delete" button and in the appeared window select "OK".

After that, the selected program will be removed from the device.

Method 3: Temporarily turn off the application

Unused application is not completely removed. It can be temporarily disabled, again using the built-in system capabilities. So this procedure is described in detail in the following instructions:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Go to the section "All applications" or " Software installed" Note that tab titles are directly dependent on installed firmware And Android versions.
  3. Go to the page with the program you want to disable.
  4. Click on the "Close" or "Disable" button. We also recommend cleaning all software data by clicking on the appropriate key.
  5. A window will appear on the screen, in which you need to confirm the procedure by selecting "OK".

To enable the selected application, you must restart the smartphone, or visit the appropriate settings section again. And that the program does not start when the smartphone is loaded, we recommend to remove a tick near the "Auto-site" item.

Use third-party software

Using the capabilities of the system, of course, you can delete unwanted applicationsbut it is not always convenient. If you want to get rid of a large number of programs, it is wiser to use third-party utilities. For example, enjoying great popularity among users app Remove. It is completely free, and you can install it from Google Play. After completing the installation, we will do the following:

  1. We accept the privacy policy by clicking on the "Accept" button.

  1. Celebrate applications necessaryDelete. It is convenient that in front of each package it is indicated by its volume. Also, the utility displays residual files from already uninstalled programs.

  1. In the window that appears, select "OK" to remove the selected software. If simultaneously deleted a large number of programs, then this procedure must be done for each of the applications.

Click on the "OK" button

Such programs are a huge set, so you can choose something else. And if necessary, delete the system application, you can use the ADB RUN utility designed for computers.

Each android smartphone has a lot of programs and services of various character. These are applications from the manufacturer, which are still installed at the factory, and different third-party software installed by the owner of the device itself. But some embedded programs and services are not mandatory for the operation of the Android system, and still set by the developer. Therefore, if desired, the user can disable or remove them. This will be discussed in our review.

From the article you will learn

Why install programs on the smartphone, if I can do it myself?

Many android users of smartphones cannot independently establish the program they need for many reasons. Some simply do not know how to install third-party software, while others do not even know that there are such programs and they can be very useful. And most users simply do not bother and use, as they say: "What is there," precisely for this, the preset of third-party services in mobile devices is calculated.

Manufacturers install programs for the convenience of the user, as if giving it a ready-made device, which can be taken and used without problems on the type of installation of the desired software. For example, Google, which is the developer of the Android operating system, establishes its services to all smartphones, such as Play Market., Gmail, Google+, Maps, Docs, and so on. This is also done for advertising these very developments, and to provide a finished product, where you can perform the main tasks without reconfiguration.

Is it possible to remove the programs unnecessary to me and services from Google?

Unfortunately, delete services from Google easy The way it is impossible. To remove them, it is necessary to get root rights on the smartphone, that is, hacking the gadget, and this is difficult and risky. But you can disable all Google services. It is almost the same as deleting, just a little memory they will still take.

After turning off Google services, they will not be able to work, they will not consume the RAM and the battery, they cannot be discovered, but they will continue to be stored in the system. You can enable one or another service at any time and use it again.

What can be disabled or deleted?

Some system services on android are simply hanging in the background and are not used by the user. Let's figure out which applications you can delete or disable on a smartphone without consequences.

First of all, it is worth understanding that there are several types of pre-installed software, namely:

  • System. They are regularly used by the system for comfortable interaction with the owner. They cannot be removed, nor disable, and it is unnecessarily.
  • Services from Google. These services are also pre-installed and go absolutely with each smartphone on operating system Android. You can completely disable them without any problems if you do not use them with all or one of them, the benefit of them is independent.
  • From the manufacturer. Such applications are installed by the manufacturer itself and, often, can be deleted and disable, but in some cases it leads to the inoperability of some system nodes. You need to be neat, so we have prepared a list of all utilities that can be disabled. Following this list, carefully analyze your archive and clean it from garbage.

Disconnect unnecessary system services. Here is a list of all system services with a detailed description:

ScreensaveThis service adds new live wallpaper to the system. If you do not use standard live wallpapers - disconnect.
Wizard SettingsAn application to assist in setting up a smartphone when you first turn on.
Face recognitionNew way to unlock smartphone. Do not use - disconnect.
Synthesizer SpeechApplications for recognizing your speech. If you do not use voice search, voice control and do not run Google assistant - disconnect.
Print serviceCreated for printing through a smartphone.
Google One Time InitAn application for the primary setting of the smartphone can be disabled to all.
Google Services Framework.Disable if you do not use google services, in particular, Play Market and Google Games. This application strongly consumes the resources of the smartphone, so that it is better to disable it without the need. But if you use the market, it is strictly forbidden to delete this application!
TalkBackA program for helping people with disabilities.
Chrome.This is a browser. You can turn it off without any consequences.
EmailIf you do not use mail or use another.
FM radioIf you do not listen to the radio.
Musicfx.Equalizer for your music. If you do not use the standard equalizer - disconnect.
TrinketDecorations for the system.
DiskCloud storage of files in google disk.
Live android wallpaperIf you do not use alive wallpaper - disconnect. You can turn on and start using them at any time.
AccuweatherDaemonService.apk and AccuweatherDaemon.apk.These applications can be removed to save. random access memory. They are needed to update information on the weather widget.
DigitalClock.apk, Accuweatherwidget.apk, Accuweatherwidget_main.apk, AnalogClock.apk, AnalogClocksimple.apk and Deskclock.apkWeather widgets. Do not use widgets - delete.
audiotuning.apk.Reduces the volume of sound when listening to music.
Services from Google, such as: books, games, weather, news, press, movies, music, photos, google, gmail, duo, cards and the likeThese are all services from Google. You can disable those that do not use.
Gboard.Google keyboard. Delete if you use another.

How to remove third-party programs on android smartphone?

Use third-party removal software system settings Or, for convenience, download a third-party software package from the market for more convenient cleaning.

One of those convenient programs To remove other applications there are CCleaner. In this program, you can quickly and, most importantly, it is convenient to switch all applications on your device and, if necessary, remove or disable them.

If you do not want to download anything, you can easily use the standard android functions through the settings, about it below in the article.

Through CCleaner

CCleaner is designed specifically to remove garbage from the Android system. Thanks to it, you can quickly and without alarm remove unnecessary: \u200b\u200bboth built-in and downloaded by the user by the user.

The program is very convenient for cleaning the system not only from applications, but also from other garbage files by type of cache, documents, and so on. Now we will talk only about the function of deleting applications.

Download this program You can from the official app store from google companies called Google Play (or Play Market). .

To delete applications via CCleaner, do the following:

Through system settings

This removal method unnecessary applications No less convenient, but it will have to flip a list of all programs and services for a long time without any sorting.

To delete through the system settings, do the following:

  1. Open the Settings menu. You can do this through the notification cortex, click on the gear or start settings through a special langer in the smartphone launcher.
  2. Find and open the "Applications and Notifications" item. On older versions of the system, the item is called simply "applications".
  3. If you opened "applications and notifications", then open "Application Information". At the old versions of the Android, this item simply skip.
  4. Next, click on the Troetch at the top right. On older versions, simply tailor to the swipes to the right and left list of all applications to the "All Applications" filter.
  5. Select "Show system processes". On older versions, skip this item.
  6. Now, from the list of all applications, select those that you do not need and by clicking on them, in the menu that appears simply click on "Delete" or "Disable" depending on the situation. After disconnection, the application will remove all unnecessary files and how to roll back to old versionBut it all exactly will not disappear. For complete removal You need to install root, and it is unsafe and very difficult for inexperienced users.