How to open USB settings for Android. What is USB debugging mode on Android? What is used USB debug

Many ask how to enable (or, on the contrary, turn off) "USB debugging" in Android 4.2 and 4.4.

Theoretically "USB debug" is included here:

Settings -\u003e Applications -\u003e Development -\u003e USB Debugging (Set Flag).

However, starting with the version of Android 4.2, the Development menu item is not initially absent. However, it can be included.

It is necessary to go to the settings -\u003e about the phone (or about the tablet) and 7 times tap on the "assembly number" item. If everything works out - you will be told that you have become a developer, and you will have an appropriate menu item.

And if you quickly click on the string "Android version" - you will see interesting.

After turning on the USB debug mode, you can work with a device using the ADB utility. After that, features such as browsing debug messages, installation and removal of programs using ADB and other useful things. Also, some ways to get root rights require usb debugging. However, the enabled USB debug mode will prevent you from accessing the tablet's memory as a simple flash drive.

At the same time they shake I. problem with a recording on an external SD card.

How I already got this eternal "Plach Yaroslavna" about problems with the recording of files to the outer SD card under Android 4.4 and the councils of sofa experts on the mandatory use of patch, rutovania and other things. Lord, what creties live in white light. In fact, everything is simple and logical: starting with Android 4.4 non-system applications forbidden to write in someone else's folderAnd in your own, respectively, you can. At the same time - you will laugh - "own" folder is recognized simply by the name of the folder, which must match the application name. Simple and tasteful.

The authors of the application, which have a brain - have long taken into account and fixed everything. And for the applications of headless authors (such as Yandex developers, for example), the head and hands are among the owner of the device. You have? Fine, I will tell you now how to fix everything, on the example of the bombing Yandex cards:

1. First, we need to know the key name (ID) of the application. We go to the #Google Play Store store, open the page of the desired application and see this the most key name (ID) in the address bar, in our case from "https: //\" is understandable What is the name (ID) of the application is ""

2. Create through a system file manager (which goes with the official firmware and can write and delete anything anywhere) dadget for our application data in the format / Storage / SDCard1 / Android / Data / Myappname "- in our case with cards Yandex will be "/storage/sdcard1/android/data/"

3. Run the application and specify the created folder in it, if necessary (in the case of Yandex cards it is required) - restart the application.

4. We receive Profit - Yandex maps download and persist on the outer flash card in the place we specified.

And so for any application - without ruta!

At the same time, the usual (non-system) application cannot access someone else's data - that, in theory, should hardly impede your data with your data using embedded innocuous utilities and spy games. Rutation and rolling the patch that takes off this defense - accordingly discards you to the times of previous versions and leaves without protection, so it's better not to indulge, but to use the method described by me.

The following mode (in the original USB debugging) is a fairly useful feature that is intended for mobile application developers. It allows you to check programs in various situations. However, for users it will also be quite useful. For example, as a solution to an error with connecting to a personal computer.

However, before turning on the USB debug mode on Meizu or any other device devices running Android, it is worth dealing with that this feature allows.


As previously noted earlier, this mode is maximally useful for both program developers and ordinary users. With it, you can:

  1. Perform the testing of the application that is in the development.
  2. If you enable USB C Kingo Root Debugging Mode, it will help without unnecessary actions and problems get root access for a smartphone or tablet.
  3. With it, you can copy or move files from the device to the PC.
  4. Install the application that was loaded onto a PC not from a specialized store Play Market.
  5. As it was noticed earlier, using this function, you can successfully restore the non-working device.
  6. The presented mode makes it possible to install various versions of the firmware on your smartphone or tablet.
  7. Thanks to him, the user can make additional copies of applications, documents and various files.
  8. Using such a function, you can access various processes that occur to the system, and also be able to analyze changes in the behavior of the main components of the device.


Before turning on the debug mode via USB, it is worth it in mind that on different versions of the firmware, the function will differ. The following is the main list of places where it must be sought:

  • In versions of the firmware up to 3.0, debugging can be found in the subsection with the name "Applications", in which you can get through the settings section.

  • And starting from the operating system 4.2, this feature can be found in the menu for developers, which was submitted to the general list of settings available for change.

How to start the function?

It should be borne in mind that quite often devices manufacturers prefer to hide this feature from the eye of the user. This is justified by the fact that the unprepared user can try to install the firmware on the mobile phone that is not supported by them. Or he can decide to engage in an independent reinstall, during which an error may occur, entailing a breakdown of the device. As an example, devices from Samsung.

What if access is closed?

  1. Open the settings window of your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Next, proceed to the tab called "About Device".
  3. Launch the item named "Accounting number". Continue clicking on this line until the warning appears in which it will be said that the user has been assigned the status of the developer. Now you can start using a special menu.
  4. Curl into it by choosing a section, depending on the current version of the firmware. It can be either "developer parameters" or "Special Features". Options such as "Other", "More" and "Advanced Settings" are also possible.
  5. Finding into the required directory, mark the tick line with the desired function. It will be located in the list of the first.

If there is no access to the device

This method will be useful for those who have any problems with access to the device menu. For example, a broken screen or general problems with the phone. But before turning on USB debug mode, you should install third-party recovery-CWM. Alternatively, the previously mentioned Kingo Root. Now directly to the instructions itself:

  • The first thing you need to do is download to the QTAdB-CWM-EDITION computer and install it. It must be supplied to the root disk directory with the operating system.
  • After that, download the third version of SQLite. In the same root directory, make the SQLite3_Windows folder and make a fitting here.
  • After these manipulations, run on the Recovery Mode device.
  • Connect it to your personal computer.
  • Now run the Qtadb.exe file. It may occur so that the system will require enter the ADB.EXT directory. Perform this action and confirm the changes.
  • Now activate the ADVANCED name key and check the Mounting of the DATA section.
  • The next stage of instructions on how to enable USB debug mode. In the program window, click the "Files" key. On the left side, run SQLite3_Windows, and on the right to open the folder with the /data/data/
  • Next, move the settings.db file. It must be transferred from Database in SQLite3_Windows.
  • Using the combination of Win + R, run the command line.
  • Here enter the following:
  1. cD C: \\ SQLite3_Windows.
  2. sQLite3 settings.db.
  3. update Secure Set Value \u003d 1 WHERE NAME \u003d 'ADB_ENABLED'.
  4. .quit
  • Now open QtadB and transfer back settings.db. Perform overwriting.
  • The last step of the instructions on how to enable USB debug mode is to reboot your smartphone or tablet.

Check for detection

In the absence of results, it is worth checking on a computer detection. Although it costs to check it before you proceed to the instruction, how to enable USB debug mode:

  1. Make sure the integrity of the cable. Come along all its length. Pay attention to the chances and gears. Check it on another device or use the optional cord.
  2. Re-connect the device into an additional USB port of the computer. Most often, they are divided into those located in the housing (in front), and those that are installed on the motherboard (rear). It is recommended to use the second, as they serve longer and are better quality.
  3. Connect the device to another computer. If the connections did not happen, and the cord was not damaged, then, most likely, the connector broke down from your phone or tablet. Otherwise, you should attribute a computer to repair.
  4. Disable other devices connected via USB. Perhaps the ports simply lack nutrition. Check if you have licensed firmware. Download only with proven sources. Otherwise, you can completely damage the system of the phone or tablet. This will also lead to the incorrect work of debugging.
  5. Make sure you have the necessary ADB drivers. They must strictly match the specified phone model. You can find them on the licensed website of the device manufacturer.

Android users who want to modify the firmware or use the additional features of the operating system are faced with the need to enable USB debugging. In this article, we will deal with what this hidden function is intended and how it can be included on different gadgets.

The USB or USB debugging tab is first used by developers than and the location of this option is explained. Enabling the function allows the programmers to check the performance of the system or a separate application, to make backup copies of the work done, for example, the created application that is in test mode, flash the gadget, restore it with unexpected system failures or get root rights. Some of these features can be useful not only for developers, but also ordinary users when copying files or folders from a PC into a smartphone or vice versa. On this we will finish the introductory part and proceed directly to the methods for switching on USB debugging.

Turning on USB debug

Regardless of the manufacturer of the gadget or operating system version, the debug function is in the settings. Only in the settings its location differs depending on the version of the operating system or the gadget manufacturer. So, we present the most common places to search for the option.

In a considerable number of Android devices, to turn on debugging enough to go to the settings, open the Development item and check the box next to the debugging option via USB.

In some gadgets in the settings instead of the Development item, it is available for developers. This is just an option for writing the name, so the process of inclusion of debugging remains the same.

In the third case, an item intended to turn on debugging may be in applications. If you do not see the inscription development or for developers, then go to the applications and look for the item there. This location is used in Android versions 2.2 - 3.0.

In some gadgets, the developer parameters are in the item still in the device settings. It is there that you need to look for the debug option to USB.

In the versions of the Android operating system above 4.2, developer parameters are hidden in standard settings. Fortunately, they can be returned. To do this, go to the information about the smartphone or tablet, which is usually located in the settings yourself or the system section. At the point we find the line of the assembly number and click on it about 10 times. Returning to the settings you can see that the item for developers is unlocked and visible. Note that when using gadgets from Samsung, LG or Xiaomi, the device clause is located in the General section in the device settings.

Actions after switching on USB debug

By connecting the gadget for the first time after the debugger is turned on, a pop-up window will appear on the display, which is designed to confirm that you trust the computer to which Android-device is connected. Note that such a request will appear every time you connect your gadget to a new computer or laptop. Putting a tick in the pop-up window and pressing the OK button, you turn on the debug on USB.

In some cases, the gadget may not be immediately detected by a computer after turning on debugging. In this case, you need to check the availability of Android drivers on the computer. Some gadgets are not defined in the locked screen. We also do not recommend using the USB 3.0 connector. Finally, a fairly effective way can be switching the connection mode to the computer. To do this, after the connection, you need to pull the information curtain and change the PTP connection mode.

By activating debugging by USB one by one of the listed ways, you can easily get root rights or test custom firmware and other applications.

As far as not an advanced smartphone is still a dependent device. In many cases, a personal computer is still needed to work with the mobile device. In particular, when it comes to mobile development or restoring the device after unsuccessful firmware. For example, if the gadget fails, a cable (via USB) is required to reinstall the system to connect the smartphone to the PC. In order for a computer to detect your phone or tablet, the device is transferred to debug mode. In this material, we will try to tell how to enable USB debugging on android and for what else it may be needed.

What is USB debugging - what is it needed for

If you do not hit technical features, then debugging mode (this mode is also called debug mode) is the Android gadget function created to test new software products. It uses developers to assess the performance of their applications.

USB debugging allows you to perform the following tasks:

  1. Testing and checking applications to release them in Play Market.
  2. Getting Root-Rights (Hacking) Mobile Device.
  3. Copying files from the root directory of the operating system.
  4. Installation of software from third-party sources.
  5. Installing android unofficial firmware.
  6. Creating backups of devices (data archiving).

The debug mode can be used to restore the firmware, if, for example, it works incorrectly or the phone stops turning on.

How to enable USB debug mode on android

Enable USB debugging from a phone or tablet is made through the settings menu. This option is usually in parameters for developers or in the special features menu.

Often, this menu item is hidden, so that ordinary users could not move to debug mode and did not violate the system. Usually, the names of Samsung or HTC are resorted to this, while Chinese manufacturers are allowed to translate to turn on USB debug mode on a smartphone without unnecessary issues.

If you are the owner of a Samsung device or any other large brand that hides access to debugging, then you will have to do the following:

  • Open system settings.
  • Go to the "On Phone" submenu.
  • Click on the system assembly number until the device translates you to the developer status.
  • In the new status, you can again try to enter the parameters for developers and enable USB debugging.

Turn on USB debug across your computer

This method will be useful to those users on the devices of which for some reason does not work touchscreen, the screen is broken or there is no possibility to connect a USB mouse.

Often, to go to debug mode, you need to connect a smartphone or tablet to a computer. To do this, you will have to take advantage of additional tools and be patient.

So, to go to this mode through the computer, you need to do the following (this method is suitable for all versions of Android, including 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and higher):

  • First you need to upload the Platform-Tools and QtadB-CWM files (these are Recovery files to restore devices).
  • Move these files to the root directory of the computer to C.
  • Load the SQLite3 archive and move it to the SQLITE3_WINDOW directory on the C (it needs to be created independently).
  • We translate the gadget to the recovery mode and connect to the computer.
  • Run the previously downloaded Qtadb.exe file.
  • After you have opened the program, we find there sub-clause Advanced (extended) and watch the DATA folder is connected to a computer. The command line in the application will give a READY answer.
  • Then open the "Files" submenu. It is divided into two separate file managers. In the left FM, open the SQLite3_Windows directory, which was created before, and in the right open the /data/data/com.andoid.providers.setting/databases directory in Android.
  • We find the settings.db file in the right FM and drag into the left.
  • After you open the Start menu, select the execute item and enter CMD there.
  • The Windows command line will be launched.
  • On one you need to enter the following commands:

cD C: \\ SQLite3_Windows (to activate the command click "Enter")

sQLITE3 settings.db (to activate the command click "Enter")

update Secure Set Value \u003d 1 WHERE NAME \u003d 'ADB_ENABLED' (to activate the command, press "Enter")

Quit (to activate the command click "Enter")

  • Go back to the Qtadb application and update the data in the left pane.
  • After the update, drag the settings.db file back to the right-way, where it was previously.
  • The program will ask whether to replace the existing file - agree.
  • That's all. The phone can be used in debug mode.

What to do if after switching on debugging software using the device anyway is not determined?

Unfortunately, USB debugging is not always running. Often, even after switching to this mode, the device does not function in it properly. Why should this happen and what measures to take to solve the problem?

  • Make sure you have the Android Debug Bridge driver. It can be found on the Google website dedicated to the Android operating system. Different devices are available for different drivers. If there is no specific driver for your device, you can use universal.
  • Make sure your device is defined by the computer. If the cable or port is damaged, the device may not be displayed at all in the system, and, naturally, any of the debug mode, in this case, there can be no speech.
  • USB debugging may not work incorrectly on devices with informal firmware.


On this, actually, everything. Now you know how to enable the debugging mode of YUSB on Android. As you can see, if you clearly follow the instructions, it is not so difficult to perform this procedure. The main thing is not to lose and upload all the necessary files in advance. In most cases, the methods described above are needed only to developers and testers, but there are situations in which conventional users have to work with this regime, so it is better to get acquainted with the ways to include it.

Most people use their tablet or telephone in "as is" mode, without noticing different inconveniences in the work or just laying with them. However, a rather large category of users is trying to refine under their needs or be able to freely manipulate data and settings. Another category - employees of service centers. Debugging by USB is a method for those who want to meet with a tablet or telephone closer. Perform adjustments, changes, diagnose malfunctions and so on.

Everyone is a bit familiar with the principle of building the operating system. It should be clear to you to look for an answer to the question of how to enable USB debugging, you need to set the main menu in "Settings". However, the location and method of inclusion are very different. This, as well as the selection of the manufacturer of the device. Consider ways exactly how you can enable USB debug mode.

Standard option

In the firmware, where the manufacturer did not try to complicate access to the possibilities of ruting and flashing, as well as on devices without the possibility of fine diagnostics, android debugging on USB is turned on. In the "Settings" of the main menu, there is a section "Development" section, in which you need to put the box in front of the Usb Debug item.

Another version of the firmware

Similarly, the location and for firmware with the "close" version looks. For example, it may be the same "Setup" item, but further the submenu will be called "for developers", where you also need to check the box next to the debug option.

Operating system versions 2.2 - 3.0

Here is a more deployed menu, the development item is located at "Settings" - "applications". Next, the debugging mode on android is included in the same way as described above.

Other firmware

There may be a variant when the "Application" submenu in the "Settings" menu is called "More". Otherwise - similar to clause 3.

Operating system versions 4.2 and later

Here the Android option debugging via USB is deliberately hidden. To the activation check mark be available, you need to go, select the "On Tablet" item and click on the "assembly number". After that, the "Settings" menu will appear sub-clause "for developers", where the "Debug on USB" option will be available.

Other location

The item "On Tablet" may be located directly in the "Settings" menu. However, there are versions of assemblies of the operating system when you need to additionally go to the "System" submenu or "General". The rest of the debugging, as in paragraph 5.

Connection to PC

Before you are used to debug an USB or utility to get root access, you need to properly connect the device to the computer. The first thing that can create an obstacle on this path is the lack of drivers. However, this problem is solved. For brand devices with non-standard exchange protocols, everything you need can be found on official sites. In addition, phonebooks, pictures, music from device manufacturers are usually equipped with drivers sets. It is enough to install the appropriate utility.

As a good option, you can recommend the MobileDit Enterprise program, which offers a huge selection of drivers for all types of equipment. Or smartphones from Chinese manufacturers based on MTC processors. If you still do not manage to install the drivers, it is worth looking for them on specialized sites on the device model and the firmware version of the operating system.

When the drivers are installed, the first connection to the PC will require confidence confirmation. After installing the corresponding tick in the request on the tablet, the data exchange will be allowed.

Why do you need debugging?

Briefly list some tasks that can be solved by debugging by USB:

  • and sections responsible for setting up the operating system;
  • easy file transfer, bypassing built-in recoding systems;
  • restoration of work after incorrect installation of applications;
  • changing the version of the operating system to a newer one;
  • changing the firmware to gain access to individual device functions or language pack;
  • getting ROOT (RUT) rights.

Video on how to enable USB debugging on Android:

At the last point it is worth stopping in more detail, since the ruting is the reason for the inclusion of debugging via USB approximately 99% of cases.

Why "rut" a tablet or smartphone?

Ruth-access is, roughly speaking, maximum rights in the operating system. They allow you to backup all contacts, messages, phone history, and information.

By default, Android does not offer. Also root-access allows you to change the design: change application icons, system sounds, and so on. But most importantly, what can be done with such access is to adjust the processes that are loaded into memory.

The operating system is constructed in such a way that has an afterstart event. It can be a whole list of actions, up to the launch of other processes. Often it is a display of advertising, the collection of statistics and other frankly "unnecessary" things. With the help of root rights and small applications, you can flexibly manage the work of both Android as a whole and individual programs.