What applications do a student need to make money. How to make money if you are a schoolboy

A child is not much different from an adult, especially in his desires and requests. The child is also affected marketing gimmicks that give rise to the thought "I want this phone" in a small head. Or laptop, camera, tablet, bicycle. The easiest way is to ask for a cherished birthday present. However, parents cannot always afford such expenses. In addition, they want the child to have such qualities as frugality and thrift by adolescence. And in order to achieve this, you need to allow the child to independently save money for the coveted purchase.

Where to get money for a student

  1. The main item of the child's income is pocket money that comes from the parental budget. These include grandmother's "ice cream".
  2. The second source of income is cash gifts. If the child does not have an urgent need for any purchases, perhaps gifts for birthday or other holidays should be presented in monetary terms? Let the child collect the amount he needs and buy himself what he dreams of.
  3. You can negotiate with your child about some mutual services. For example, a child will vacuum at home every day after coming home from school. For this, the mother undertakes to give the child all the little change after arriving from the store. But here it is very important not to cross the fine line. The child should understand that certain household chores, doing well in school, obedience and good behavior are responsibilities for which they should not ask for rewards. It is just as natural that the baby eats the food prepared by his mother and rides the bike his father bought.
  4. If a student wants to get closer to his dream and quickly buy what he has in mind, perhaps he will want to sell some unnecessary things that he no longer uses. For example, videos that have become small in his leg, a flash card, if he has one more, a collection of stamps or cars.
  5. The most interesting and rather difficult way to get money is to make money. If a child wants to buy the phone of his dreams, let him make money on it. This does not mean that your son has to go to the factory and get up to the machine. Modern professions allow even the youngest workers to earn extra money.

Important! The fundraising process should be fun and engaging. And then the child will be drawn into it and will add up every penny. And for this you need to buy a beautiful piggy bank. A piggy bank is bad in that it is impossible to calculate how much money is in it. If you know a certain amount that is required to buy a "dream", it is best to have a nice box. In it, you can store the collected money, replenish stocks and re-calculate the cherished savings.

There are many ways to earn money that even schoolchildren can do. Here are a few of them.

  1. Promoter. This is an advertiser who invites customers to the establishment. Usually a student has to work in a costume of a fairy tale or other character. With his charisma, perseverance and acting, the employee invites potential customers to visit a cafe, playground, gas station and other establishments. It takes fun, discipline, and energy to stay in this job.
  2. Distribution of flyers. This is another job that does not require special skills and abilities. The student is given a pack of leaflets and an indication of the location. Usually, flyers are handed out where there is a large crowd of people. It's very important to be honest here. Many unscrupulous workers simply throw away a stack of flyers, telling the employer that they have given everything away. It's easy to check. Each pack of flyers receives a certain number of calls from customers. This percentage is about the same. And if the flyers were simply destroyed and did not fall into the hands of potential customers, there simply would be no calls.
  3. Posting announcements. This is a great way to earn money for a student. But you need to remember that ads need to be glued on more than one area. To do this, you will need to go around more than one quarter. Therefore, it is best if you have a bicycle at hand.
  4. Courier. This is a demanding job for older students. You can view advertisements in city newspapers - is it necessary where a courier is required to deliver documents or goods. Usually, employers are happy to hire schoolchildren and students because they agree to lower wages. For courier work, it will be better if the student has a bicycle or public transport pass.
  5. Home assistant. Schoolchildren can post notices to nearby houses. For a small fee, the child can make small purchases, throw out the trash, walk the dog, look after the children for a walk. This is very a good option... Because most people are simply unable to carry out their daily activities due to their busy schedule. Such assistance would be mutually beneficial.
  6. Work in a cafe. You can walk around the nearby catering establishments. Perhaps someone will agree to hire a child for several hours a day. The child can peel vegetables and fruits, carry light boxes, be on parcels and earn extra money as a waiter.
  7. Bicycle rental. For the summer, you can get a bike rental - this is great view earnings. For a small fee, you can help the owner in receiving and lending bicycles, keeping records. And if the boy understands technology, bicycles can be assembled.
  8. Internet. This is a very affordable way for teenagers to make money. Today there are many types of online earnings. This is copywriting, surfing sites, clicking on links, writing reviews. If you have no problems with the Internet, you can look for a decent job there as well. The main thing is not to send any money to anyone. If you need to pay for work, be sure that scammers are talking to you.
  9. Computer literacy. Many teenagers are well versed in computers and other gadgets. For a small fee, you can offer to teach adults computer literacy... After all, many adults (and especially the elderly) need a patient teacher who will help them master fashionable techniques.
  10. Tutoring. It is suitable for older students. Think about what subject is best for you. Perhaps you can improve your junior schoolchildren in mathematics or Russian. Post an appropriate notice for the area and do not forget to include your phone number.
  11. Work in the yard. Depending on the season, the child can offer his services in the yard work. For a monetary reward, a student can remove snow in winter and weed a vegetable garden in summer. Offer neighbors to paint the fence or chop wood in the village for a nominal fee.

Doing any job is not easy. But it is much more difficult to find her. Don't be shy about offering your services. Many people really cannot find themselves an assistant who would carry out their minor assignments for little money. Perhaps you are so necessary for someone right now!

How to save money for a student

All efforts will go to waste if you do not learn to save. We have already covered how to increase income. But in order to accumulate the required amount as soon as possible, you need to minimize your expenses. To do this, you need to analyze what the money is spent on and how you can reduce costs. Most of the student's money is spent on breakfast. It is quite possible not to buy them, bringing equally delicious sandwiches from home. You can also skip crisps, croutons, chocolate and soda. Or reduce the consumption of harmful substances to a minimum. In order not to buy soda, you can take clean water or compote with you from home. It is not only tasty and healthy, but also free! Gifts for friends can be bought at discounts or on sale. Various goods will cost less in markets than in supermarkets. Sometimes you can go to the movies not five times, but two or three times to keep your money intact and safe. Savings must be economical!

These simple tips help the student to earn, preserve and increase their capital. The correct attitude towards money is laid in childhood. Remember this.

Video: how to make money for a student

There is a widespread belief that it is impossible to make money on the Internet without your own website or investments of personal funds. This is not true. There are a lot of proven ways to make money that will not require either one or the other from the user. In addition to an additional source of income, networking can help you gain first experience and discipline. The money earned can be spent on goods or services online, as well as withdrawn to bank card.

Quick navigation:

Earnings on a mobile phone (Android and iOS)

To make money on a smartphone with Android or iOS, you can use the application AppRating... First you need to install this application from Play Market or AppStore (depending on your smartphone). The job is to simply download applications. For one download, you can earn up to 25 rubles. The number of possible downloads per day is not limited. The download speed depends on the quality of the Internet connection. with special zeal, it is possible to earn up to 150 rubles per hour. Funds are credited either to online wallet Webmoney, or to the account balance mobile phone... Absolutely everyone can handle this part-time job.

The second application for making money is called AdvertApp, install it too, to generate income from two sources at the same time.

We earn money by entering captcha

Every network user was faced with the need to enter verification characters in order to confirm the action. However, few people know that it is possible to earn money on this. There are special applications that just need to be installed in the browser, and they will automatically recognize captchas. However, not all characters can be entered by the program, some of the verification characters can only be recognized by a person.

Service RuСaptcha.com offers additional earnings to everyone by entering captchas. For 1000 solutions, the user will be credited with 36 rubles. It should be said that this is a rather difficult job. To receive a tangible income in this way, you need to possess a blind seal in both Russian and English layouts. Otherwise, you will be able to earn no more than 360 rubles a day.

More sites for making money on captcha:

  • Anti-Captcha.com
  • 2Captcha.com
  • Kolotibablo.com
  • MegaTypers.com

Collecting free bitcoins

Bitcoin is the first and most popular digital currency that can be obtained not only through mining. There are a large number of sites that give out this currency for free every hour. These services are called bitcoin faucets. The best among them is the website freebitco.in

To start receiving bitcoins, you just need to register a wallet for receiving cryptocurrency in the blockchain system and register on the mentioned site. In addition to the hourly distribution of Satoshi, the developers provide a free weekly lottery, the main prize of which is 1 bitcoin. There are also a number of attractive bonuses for activity on the site.

Other good bitcoin faucets:

  • Bonusbitcoin.co
  • Bitfun.co
  • Moonbit.co.in
  • Freebitco.in
  • Dailyfreebits.com

Viewing ads for money on the Globus-inter website

Lovers of passive earnings, as well as schoolchildren and students, are advised to pay attention to the Globus-inter service. This is a unique advertising platform through which everyone can earn money without investment. All that is required for this is a computer or smartphone with stable Internet access. The job is to view ads from other users. To start making money, you need to install a special application that will periodically display an ad. For viewing one video or post on the internal balance of the system, the user will be credited with a payment of $ 0.03. You can earn no more than $ 1 per day.

It is worth noting that the service provides for a referral program, which consists of 7 levels. To earn more than $ 1000 per month on the Globus-inter service, you need to invite only 7 people to the system. It is important that 7 people also register using the affiliate link of each of the invitees, and so on. Here is a table of potential income depending on the number of affiliate program participants:

Earnings on Globus-inter requires almost no user attention. After registering in the system, you should actively promote the affiliate link. To do this, you can use forums, social networks, classified sites and other resources. It is important to note that if the user himself stops viewing advertisements, then earnings under the affiliate program will not be credited to him.

Video: Work for students and adolescent schoolchildren on the Internet - how to make money for a teenager and schoolchildren

Earnings on clicks (mailers)

Mail services (the second name of the box) is a common way to generate additional income, which is mainly used by schoolchildren and novice freelancers. The essence of making money lies in completing various tasks:

  • viewing advertising sites (30-60 seconds);
  • reading letters;
  • registration on sites;
  • performance simple tasks on social networks (likes, reposts, subscriptions, etc.).

Postal services (boxes) are income that does not require special knowledge or special practical skills. That is why adolescents are engaged in this, in their free time from school. If you devote 3-4 hours a day to earnings on buxes, then at the end of the month you can count on income from 5,000 to 8,000 rubles. The funds earned will need to be withdrawn first to an electronic wallet, and then to a bank card. Transaction fees range from 2.5% to 3%. The service on which the income was received charges a symbolic commission of 1%, but if the money is needed urgently, the user can create a request for an urgent withdrawal of funds. In this case, the money will be credited to the e-wallet within 24 hours. For urgency, you will need to pay an increased commission, the amount of which is set by the administration of a particular site.

Verified Russian-language mail services include:

  • SepSprint.ru
  • Wmmail.ru
  • SEOfast.ru
  • ProfitCentr.com
  • Web-IP.ru
  • WMzona.com
  • Vip-Prom.net
  • Raymoney.ru
  • Socpublic.com
  • CashTaller.ru

To earn more, we recommend registering on several sites at once. The fact is that the list of tasks for earning is limited and is updated only 1-2 times a day. Therefore, in order not to waste time, it is recommended to register on several services.

Creation account not complicated, this will require:

  • enter a login and come up with a password for authorization;
  • provide an email address.

After confirming the registration, you can immediately start working. On some sites, it is necessary to link a phone number and a Webmoney wallet so that you cannot create many accounts at once.

Writing comments for money

Surely you periodically comment on something on social networks or on websites, but you do it completely free of charge. There is a site that pays to write comments and reviews for advertisers. To earn money, you need to leave reviews about various products or services. After the review is published, payment will be made for each review. Withdrawals are available on Webmoney or Webmoney, the minimum wage is 100 rubles.

Exchanges for working in social networks

Almost every Internet user has an account in one of the popular social networks. Today, a schoolchild or student can earn pocket money even on this. To receive additional income from social networks, you will need to complete the following tasks:

  • put likes;
  • add to friends;
  • subscribe to public pages;
  • make reposts;
  • leave comments.

Every modern student performs these actions daily and absolutely free. To start making money on this, you should choose an advertising service that is ready to pay for performing simple actions. It is recommended to give preference to only trusted sites.

These include:

  1. A proven service for making money on all popular social networks, including YouTube video hosting. Payment is credited to the user's internal balance immediately after the task is completed. The minimum amount for withdrawal to an electronic wallet is 20 rubles. You can earn up to 300 rubles a day on simple actions. The number of paid tasks depends on the user's account level in social network... The more friends and subscribers, the more you can earn.
  2. Vprka.com Earning money by completing standard tasks in social networks. Payment can be received in the form of special chips that you can use to promote your group or page.
  3. BossLike.ru One of the most popular advertising services for making money on your own social network account. The payment for the action reaches 0.25 kopecks. Payments are made to an electronic wallet within 24 hours. To create an application for payment, you will need the minimum allowable amount on the balance sheet in the amount of 30 rubles.

The choice of services for making money on social networks is not limited to these sites, you will find several more similar exchanges in the article. To increase income, it is possible to register accounts on several social networks, and then create accounts on the mentioned sites.


Websites for automatic earnings

Passive income on the Internet is possible without your own website and additional investments. To do this, simply register on one of these sites:

  1. JobPlant
  2. Teaser

These services allow users to automatically earn up to 100 rubles per day in the background. The money is credited to the user's internal balance. Payment is made for viewing ads and is up to 5 kopecks for each banner. To start receiving money, you need to go through a quick registration procedure and install a special extension in your browser. Further, minimal activity is required from the user. Funds will be credited to your account balance automatically. Earnings can be withdrawn to an electronic wallet.

In addition, there are special programs for automatic surfing (browsing advertisers' websites one by one). A similar opportunity is offered by services

  • WMmail.ru (WMmail Agent)
  • WMRfast.com

To earn money, you need to register and install on your computer special program... After that, you will need to log in to it and start browsing the sites. Before starting such an activity, it is recommended to install on your computer good antivirus as some sites may contain malware... Also, many users complain about the decrease in computer performance and Internet speed due to the work of automatic surfing programs. Therefore, before installing special applications, you should think about the appropriateness of such an income. A safe option would be to use such programs in virtual machine but it will take some technical skills to create it.

Writing articles for money (copywriting and rewriting)

Writing informational, news or commercial texts is a very promising source of income. The advantage is that earnings are limited only by personal qualities:

  • author's experience and areas of expertise;
  • patience and endurance (in the early stages this is the most important factor);
  • self-discipline;
  • literacy.

Almost everyone can earn money by writing informational or commercial texts. By devoting several hours a day to this business, after a while, you can achieve high rates of return. If earlier it was not possible to gain author's experience, then it is recommended to familiarize yourself with specialized educational materials. In order for the finished article to be in demand, important criteria should be taken into account:

  • absence of stylistic, spelling, semantic and other types of errors;
  • thoughtful and consistent structure (introduction, body, conclusion);
  • the presence of explanatory illustrations (if necessary);
  • informational value.

Taking into account the above criteria, a novice author will be able to find regular customers in a relatively short time.

  1. Writing articles on order, observing all the requirements of the customer.
  2. Write about what you like and put ready-made articles for free sale.

Both methods can be combined.

How to start making money writing articles

To make money on copyright texts, you should select 1 or 2 copyright exchanges. The most popular services are ETXT and Advego. Registration will take a few minutes. After authorization, you need to specify information in the profile and complete test tasks to check literacy and to determine the level of qualifications. The higher the competence of the author, the more highly paid for his work.

eTXT is a text exchange where you can sell an author's article or complete a work to order. The minimum wage for performers on the service is 5 rubles per 1000 characters of text without spaces. In the absence of author's experience, it is recommended to start work with these orders. In the future, it is possible to increase the payment up to 150 rubles per 1000 characters. It will take discipline and hard work, as well as creativity. The money earned can be withdrawn to a bank card bypassing payment systems. The commission will be 4%. The minimum amount for payment to a bank card is 1000 rubles, and to an electronic wallet - 250 rubles. If you work only with light orders for 2 hours a day, then it is possible to earn up to 5,000 rubles a month. It all depends on personal goals and ambitions.

How to get earned money on ETXT service

After the author accepts the order for work, the indicated amount will be blocked on the customer's account. After completing the order, the funds will be credited to the contractor's balance within 3 to 4 hours. The minimum payment amount is 250 rubles for electronic wallets and 1,000 rubles for a bank card.

In this case, the user will need to pay a service fee:

  • 2% for owners of a WebMoney wallet;
  • 4% for withdrawing funds to a bank card;
  • 1% to transfer the earned amount to the Qiwi wallet or Yandex Money.

After creating a payment request, the specified amount will be credited to the user's details within 5 working days. The administration of the ETXT service provides for the possibility of urgent processing of an application for payment of earnings. To do this, check the corresponding box when creating a withdrawal request. In this case, an additional commission of 5% of the payment amount will be deducted from the user. Funds will be credited within 24 hours, including weekends and holidays. In case of a delay in the urgent payment of funds by the administration, no additional commission will be charged.

Taking paid surveys

An interesting way online earnings that are suitable for absolutely everyone. The job is to participate in social surveys. There are many services on the Internet that are willing to pay users up to 150 rubles for 1 survey. In addition, each of them has a registration bonus. After registration, you will need to specify the most detailed personal information and personal preferences. The number of surveys that will be offered for filling depends on this.

Platnijopros.ru - Popular service among schoolchildren and adolescents. For registration, 10 rubles will be credited to the internal balance. the work consists in filling out questionnaires, for each of which the system pays from 50 to 200 rubles. Notifications about new polls are sent to the email address specified during registration. The main disadvantage of the service is the small number of questionnaires. You can earn no more than 2,000 rubles per month.

Other reliable and proven sites for making money by taking surveys are:

  • I-say.com
  • Internetopros.ru
  • Rubklub.ru
  • Anketolog.ru
  • Voprosnik.ru
  • Surveys.su

It is possible to earn up to 2,000 rubles a month on one site, therefore, in order to increase income, it is recommended not to be lazy and register on all the mentioned services. The potential monthly income in this case can be up to 25,000 rubles. To receive constant polls to the email address specified during registration, it is important to indicate as many personal interests as possible when registering on each site. Payment will be made to the account balance of each site. When the minimum amount for payment is reached, the user will be able to create an appropriate application. The funds will be credited to the e-wallet specified in the profile.

Another similar site is AskUsers.ru

To receive payment, you just need to evaluate sites on the Internet. With a responsible approach, it is possible to earn up to 15,000 rubles a month. You will need to devote 1-2 hours a day to work.

To start earning, you need to go to the service website and register. You only need to specify the email address. Within 3 minutes you will receive a letter with a confirmation link, which will indicate the data for authorization on the site. Next, you need to install a special program on your home PC, log in and start making money. As the tasks are completed, the user's rating in the system will grow. This determines the amount of payment for each assessment, which can reach up to 50 rubles.

Bonus: Two more working ways to earn money for a student


Write in the comments in what ways you have already tried to make money at home and what result you got. And also be sure to write what methods are not even worth trying, so that the rest are warned!


The easiest way is posting. There are forums that pay for communication. For example, you need to raise their rating or promote them. So if you understand something about the topic of the forum, you can take part in this.

The second way is to work with text: rewriting or copywriting. If you have at least four in literature, then you will be able to work with the text. Rewriting is essentially writing. You just rewrite someone else's text in your own words. Copywriting is more like writing short essays on a given topic. It is not necessary to have the makings of a young writer, it is enough just to competently express your thoughts.

Students in special language schools can try their hand at translation. Customers do not always need translation high level, sometimes someone simply may not know a foreign language at all, but have a need to figure out what this or that text is about. For such work, it is not at all necessary to have a translator's diploma.

It is equally important to organize how you receive your money. The easiest way is to use Webmoney or Yandex.Money. However, in order to cash out, you will need to open a bank account. To open an account, you must have a TIN, so it is easier to open it for one of the parents (and start an Internet wallet, respectively, on them). You can also transfer the received money to yourself and your loved ones, for example, to mobile phones, and in return receive cash from them.

You should not expect easy and quick money from earning money on the Internet, as well as from part-time work somewhere distributing leaflets. However, having organized your work correctly and finding conscientious and regular customers, you can have quite a decent income by the time of graduation.


Work for retirees Work for people with disabilities How to make money on the Internet for a student? No need to rush! For example, compare how much we have to study in order to have some kind of profession only by the age of twenty - this is on average about 15 years and almost every day for 5-6 hours. So for organizing your business on the Internet, make it a rule to devote 1-2 hours to this work every day.

Useful advice

Despite the seeming utopia of this desire, the student really has good chances to make money, and very decent, if we are now talking about making money on the Internet. Website development - how The best way make money for a student. A lot of site owners started their way back from school and even despite such a young age, many managed to earn more than their parents brought together to the family!


  • how to make money in the summer for a schoolchild

The opportunity to earn your first personal pocket money is important stage in the life of a teenager. Some do it to help the family, others to save up for some thing or vacation.

For most parents, the question naturally arises: at what age and under what conditions children can work. Physical labor, which also brings material reward, makes a teenager more organized and responsible. When letting a child go to work, several criteria must be taken into account:

The absence of factors in this work that negatively affect health;

Successful combination of work and study;

Lack of medical contraindications for this type of activity;

Physical work should be within the strength of the teenager's age.

When applying for any job, permission from one of the parents may be required.

Teenagers can work after reaching the age of 14, but only non-commercial areas of activity can be selected. As soon as a child turns 16, he has every right to get a job in commercial organizations.

What type of activity to choose for earnings, adolescents decide for themselves: some earn through the Internet, without leaving their homes, others prefer physical work, which can be carried out both at home and outside of it.

For diligent and hardworking children, there is an opportunity to earn money by doing simple home work: making jewelry from beads or key rings, sewing bed linen, making soft or wooden toys, and so on. Some teenagers are engaged in creating websites, writing articles or abstracts, leading various groups, developing games or applications.

During the summer holidays, teenagers can be engaged in landscaping, mowing bushes and lawns, walking dogs or distributing leaflets.

In big cities, you can get a job in an organization that delivers pizza or other food products, or, alternatively, delivers mail or posting ads.

Some of the teenagers prefer to get a job in non-profit organizations that provide assistance to vulnerable categories of citizens: disabled people, sick and elderly people, large families or single mothers. Such work does not bring a lot of money, but thanks to it, the guys learn to be attentive and responsible.

And it doesn't matter what kind of job a teenager chooses, the main thing is that this activity will not only bring material rewards, but also teach the child to be more organized, disciplined and properly distribute the available funds.

Children often require pocket money. But there are situations when parents cannot provide and fulfill all the whims of the child. On this basis, scandals and squabbles arise. But a student may well earn a little money himself, without making any additional contributions. The sums will not be too large, but it will be enough for going to the cinema. The most popular question is: "How can a student make money?" This can be done via the Internet, as well as by contacting the labor exchange. Here everyone is free to choose what he likes. Do not forget that this kind of work can have a lot of pitfalls. How to avoid them and make money real, let's talk in the article.

Earnings without the World Wide Web

Many parents are concerned about the question: "How can a student earn money without the Internet?" You need to contact the employment center so that the proposed part-time job is within the power of the child. This option is more suitable for high school students. The proposed work could be: posting ads, brochures and much more. This kind of activity will not take a lot of time and effort. The schedule can be adjusted for yourself and perform tasks at a convenient time.

Alternatively, you can contact the district administration. There are special youth organizations there. Their goal is to help the student earn money and introduce him to work. As a rule, the work takes no more than half a day. The child is fed, supplied with all the necessary equipment and materials. The group has a chief - a foreman. Everything takes place under his leadership. Basically, this is work in the fresh air (landscaping, landscaping).

Of course, one can cope without the help of any special organizations. For example, get a job as a postman or promoter. The downside is that you have to work constantly, in any weather, the schedule cannot be adjusted for yourself.

How to start making money online?

It is quite simple for a student to make money on the Internet without investments, there are a lot of proven ways. At first, the profit will be small, but over time, earnings can increase, depending on the rating gained and the time spent on the computer.

What do you need to take care of right away? Of course, about the method of withdrawing money. To do this, you need to create an electronic wallet. It is better to do this using the WebMoney system. But since the service will ask for scanned copies of the passport, it is better for the wallet to be registered to one of the parents. If you need to get money in cash, you will have to get a bank card.

All procedures take no more than 15 minutes in time, but you may need the help of adults to understand all the processes.

What should be the job to interest a student

Do not forget that all schoolchildren are, in fact, children, so the work should have a number of specific qualities:

    Be completely legal.

    Have a flexible schedule, since no one has canceled the time for studying and completing lessons.

    Be interesting, varied, so that the student does not get tired of the process in a few days.

    Accessible to minor children.

    Simple so that a child can figure it out.

There are many ways how a student can make money on the Internet. The main thing in this hard work is perseverance, endurance, the desire to have pocket money and not depend financially on parents.

You click the link - you get money

One of the most common online earnings is through links and clicks. It would seem, what could be simpler? But even here there are underwater rocks... Customers, as a rule, always set a timer and a captcha, which must be entered at the end of the video or article read. It takes from a few seconds to 3 minutes in time. To make even a little money, you need to sit at the computer for days and perform monotonous actions. This is often annoying and annoying.

Another way to make money on such services is to write reviews for the viewed material. In this case, the payment increases slightly, but, again, there is one but: in order to get this job, you must have a sufficient rating, which a beginner does not have.

Play and earn

Very often you can hear the phrase from parents: “Stop playing computer games". But with the help of them you can make good money. And no investment is needed. So, in the famous "Tanks" you can sell equipment, equipment, entire accounts. And at the same time earn up to 10 thousand rubles. So a pleasant activity can develop into a stable income.

Other games that generate income are farming strategies. It will be difficult at first, but soon you can get good dividends from selling virtual eggs, raising cows and poultry. A rather popular question among children is: "How can a student make money?" This can be done using Internet portals with games. There is nothing easier than registering and enjoying the process, and after a while start making money.

Writing Articles

Answering the question of where to make money for a high school student, you can safely answer - on the Internet. Various portals offer a variety of ways. But there is one reliable and proven one - copywriting and rewriting. Simply put, it is writing articles. If you did your essays well and competently at school, this type of income is just for you. You can choose the topic yourself, reveal it in the way that suits you. There is one condition - all articles must be unique. This means that you should forget about just stealing material from another author.

It is better to work on proven exchanges. There, the administration makes sure that the customer fulfills his obligations and pays for his labor. For a start, the job may seem difficult and low-paying, don't despair, a few well-written articles, and the rating will creep up. At the initial stage, the monthly amount of earnings will be 800-1000 rubles. But later, incomes may rise to 6,000 rubles.

What is the advantage of working?

The advantage of this work is:

    Flexible schedule.

    Broadening your horizons.

    Consolidation of knowledge of grammar.

    Withdrawal of funds within 5-10 days.

Many parents, wondering how to make money for a 12-year-old student, stop at this option for writing articles on the Internet. Firstly, this type of earnings does not really distract from studies. Secondly, you can always choose a topic that the child understands (computer games, a review of cartoons, the specifics of toys, and much more). Thirdly, an adult can always help if difficulties arise.

Disadvantages of making money on the Internet

Of course, there are other ways how a student can make money via the Internet. This can be creating websites, working on exchanges, on social networks, watching videos, and much more. But, choosing a job on the World Wide Web, you need to know the negative points:

    Quite often there are charlatans who do not pay in the end.

    Takes much time.

    Vision deteriorates.

    Passive lifestyle.

Answering the question of how to make money for a student without investment, it is very important to understand that any work will take a lot of time. If the child is really ready for the first money, you can try the options for making money online. There is nothing dangerous or scary in this, the main thing is to work with the right sites and companies. High school students, on the other hand, have the opportunity to find work without using the Internet. This can be distribution of flyers, brochures, participation in promotions and much more.

How can a schoolchild make money on the Internet for pocket money, for large purchases, or even more than parents earn, if at the legislative level it is officially possible to work only from the age of 14, and even then part-time? In this article, we have collected one of the most complete lists of ways to make money on the Internet, suitable for teens and children!

On the Internet, there are many working ways to make money for a student, while combining work with study:

  • Streaming to twitch;
  • Online assignments;
  • And more than 20 more ways are described below in the article.

There are examples in the world when people of school age became multimillionaires. From the total, one can distinguish Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, offline millionaire Ryan Ross, who started selling chicken eggs, and Ashley Kwals, a social media designer.

Video at the end of the article!


Ways to earn money for a student

Consider the main ways to make money on the Internet that a student can use right now. To understand where and how you can make money, you need not only theory, but also practice. Therefore, choosing one of these ways, get down to action.

Completing assignments on social networks

The reward for one task is 5-10 kopecks.

Advantages of the method:

  • you can make money quickly;
  • the ability to withdraw the minimum amount of money (as a rule, from 15-20 rubles);
  • no skills required.

Cons of the method:

  • low cost of the task;
  • there are not always tasks;
  • the risk of account hijacking;
  • the risk of getting banned for spam.

Websites for making money on social networks

Internet surfing and clicks

To make money, you need to click on advertisements, links and view sites posted by the advertiser. Exchanges of this type (axes) are intermediaries between performers and owners or site optimizers. A reward (approximately 2-15 kopecks) will be charged for a normal viewing.

No special knowledge and skills are required. You must have an electronic wallet for withdrawing funds and Internet access.

There are other similar types of earnings on such resources. So, after viewing an advertisement, they can ask a question on its topic in the form of a test. For such tasks, the payment is higher.

Earning money from surfing and clicks on the Internet involves receiving small amounts, but in a very short time.

Pluses of the way

  • short terms for receiving remuneration;
  • the ability to withdraw any amount of money;
  • no skills required.

Cons of the method

  • small amount of remuneration;
  • there are not always tasks;
  • lack of growth.

Websites for making money on Internet surfing and clicks


There are several ways how to make money for a student playing games on the Internet and offline.

On these online games, you can earn without investment, which is absolutely safe. In order to receive income faster and more investments will be required, in this case there are risks of losing the money invested.

Important! These games exist for a limited time and will soon stop paying.

Examples of games with withdrawal of money:

Selling an upgraded account

The essence of the method is to register an account, upgrade it and then sell it.

The cost of one account can vary from 100 to 100,000 rubles. Depends on the level of pumping and the popularity of the game.

On average, a WOT account with Tier X tanks is sold for $ 50-100.

A popular online bulletin board for the sale of buytoplay.ru accounts.

Important! Game manufacturers are struggling with this type of income. There is also a high risk of being deceived when dealing with an unscrupulous buyer.

Selling artifacts in multiplayer online games

Having earned or won a rare artifact in the game, it can be sold to another player, the cost of an artifact starts from 50 rubles and can reach several hundred thousand rubles.

For example, in 2013 World of Warcraft sold for $ 14,000

Important! There is a high risk of being deceived.


Moderator work in online games is often paid for with bonuses, virtual currency and VIP statuses.

Finding a paid job for real money is extremely difficult.

It is required to follow gameplay, ban gamers who violate the rules of the game server.

Streaming and video blogging

The main income consists of voluntary donations (donations). Accounts with a large number of subscribers can serve ads from direct advertisers. Stream recordings can be uploaded to the Internet, for example, on YouTube, with subsequent monetization.

The main platforms for streaming

Esports and tournaments

Participation in tournaments and competitions with real cash prizes. An excellent offline way to make money on games. Tournaments can be held both on an amateur and professional level.

  • The prize pool for the Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft World Championship is $ 1 million.
  • The International Dota 2 World Championship has a prize pool of $ 18 million.
  • The prize pool for the Valve CS: GO World Championship is $ 1 million.

Professional players can claim monthly payments from sponsors or from the team in which the esports player is a member.

Examples of professional esports organizations
  • Virtus.pro;
  • Natus Vincere;
  • Fnatic;
  • Evil Geniuses;
  • Mousesports;
  • Moscow Five.

Posting (comments, reviews)

Posting (viral marketing) - writing and posting customized comments and reviews for money. Posting exchanges connect performers and individuals who need to advertise a product or revitalize a forum / group.

To earn money, a student needs to write comments or a review on a specific product and receive a reward.


  • does not require any investment;
  • money is paid as soon as the review is approved;
  • reviews are required, as a rule, real, that is, conversational style and it is not difficult to write them.


  • the account must have a positive history;
  • time is required to write the text;
  • reviews may not be approved and, as a result, not paid.
  • The review can be removed by the moderator.

Websites that pay for comments

Create accounts and groups for sale

Social media reach a huge audience, which makes effective advertising on such resources. Promoted accounts and groups with thousands of real subscribers have a certain value. To make money in this way, you need to register in one of the popular social networks and systematically increase your audience. This can be done by chatting in other groups, by posting interesting news to members, and by simply sending out invitations by hand.

It is not recommended to use automated cheat for recruiting subscribers, since in 90% of cases the account will expect a ban from the administration and the advertiser is unlikely to need a group with 10 thousand "inanimate" potential customers.

Prices for accounts and groups depend on the quantity and quality of their members. So, a group with 4 thousand live subscribers can be sold for 10 thousand rubles, and a Facebook profile with 1 thousand subscribers - for 4-7 thousand rubles. This product is always in demand and is unlikely to remain without buyers.


  • you can earn by communicating;
  • the prices for high-quality accounts are quite high;
  • does not require any investment.


  • big risks of banning the administration for being too active;
  • requires a long time and effort;
  • income is one-off.

Administration of groups and publics

As an administrator or moderator of groups and publics on social networks, a student is ideal.

Responsibilities will consist of:

  • in writing / publishing in the group the required amount of news per day;
  • cleaning spam;
  • answers to questions from group members.

You can offer your services directly to the site owners.

Payment here is negotiable and amounts to 5-30 thousand rubles per month or may depend on the number of published articles.


  • work will be a pleasure if the topic of the group is interesting;
  • does not require an initial investment;
  • is permanent.


  • writing and publishing is labor-intensive and time-consuming;
  • you need to be well versed in the topic of the group, become an expert in this area;
  • in order not to lose subscribers, it is necessary to carry out duties constantly, and missing 1-2 days, as a rule, will entail a refusal to cooperate.

Solving problems for money

One of the most available ways for a student, this is solving problems (mathematics, physics, chemistry and other subjects) for money. You can solve problems for elementary school students in the subject that you like and in which you are well versed.

You can find a customer in school publics and chats. Or you can register as an author on one of the services, but the requirements for performers are high and not every student will be able to become a performer:

Performing simple tasks online

Such exchanges are an extended version of the above-mentioned pay-per-click buxes. Tasks can be very different: participation in Internet voting, downloading files, simply registering on the site, passing surveys and tests. This type of job is suitable for the very beginners.

You can earn more than on the boxes, but not significantly.


  • does not require initial funds;
  • does not require special knowledge and is easy to perform;
  • money - immediately, as it is done;
  • minimum amounts for withdrawing funds.


  • small earnings;
  • creativity is not developing;
  • the number of tasks is limited.


One of the easiest ways for a student to make money on the Internet. You will need to reprint the text from a photo document or scan. You don't need to have any special skills, just type quickly. There are many offers on the Internet for this type of earnings. For 1 sheet of printed A4 sheet they promise up to 100 rubles.

In 99% of cases, such vacancies are posted by scammers who promise large fees and ask the employee to send insurance 400 rubles so that he will accurately complete the task, which they promise to return with a fee. After paying for insurance, employers disappear without a trace.


  • if there is an honest customer, there will be a stable income;
  • minimum labor costs;
  • mastering high-speed printing.


  • a large number of fraudulent customers;
  • conveyor work of the same type;
  • low pay.


Transcription is an activity similar to typing. You will need to print text from an audio or video file. At its core, it is a completely simple job that does not require any knowledge and skills.

Customers here, in comparison with typing, are more serious and, as a rule, are ready to pay decently. You can earn 50-150 rubles for every 1,000 characters of text printed.


  • does not require initial capital;
  • does not require any special skills;
  • may be permanent.


  • time-consuming;
  • some words cannot be made out;
  • it is necessary to write the text without errors;
  • monotonous tasks of the same type.

Taking online surveys

The mechanism of this method is that the participant responds to polls that are sent to him by mail, through online services, sometimes in the office of the company. Tests can be on a variety of topics and are mostly initiated by large manufacturing companies. The survey results are summarized and used as statistical information.

You need to get into the target audience of the company that ordered the survey.

Income is variable, as no more than 7-8 tests per month will be provided. With the withdrawal of money, there may also be problems. Some sites award points that are exchanged for coupons that entitle you to a discount / payment for goods in a specific online store. For one survey completed on the Internet, they are ready to pay 20-70 rubles.


  • tests are simple, you don't need to invent anything;
  • the pay is relatively decent;
  • if you register on multiple sites, the income will be higher.


  • difficulties in withdrawing funds;
  • few surveys for schoolchildren;
  • big time costs.

Smartphone (install apps)

Money is paid for the usual installation of an application on a smartphone. To work, you need a phone with an iOS or Android system and Internet access. For work on such exchanges, the performer will receive a reward (5-10 rubles per application), and the customer increases the popularity of his product.


  • you can earn money on the way to school;
  • does not require any skills and abilities;
  • no start-up capital needed.


  • there are not enough jobs on the stock exchanges;
  • applications cannot be deleted for some time;
  • the payment is very low.

Selling photos on photo stocks

You don't have to be a professional photographer to make money from photography. On stock exchanges (photo stocks, "photo banks"), the performer exposes the taken photos. In this case, the potential buyer will see them in a blurred form. In other cases, the photo is “submitted” to an exchange that pays a fee.

Shutterstock.com pays 25 cents for each download of a photo, but that figure grows as your reputation grows. Some people manage to earn thousands of dollars a month only on photo stocks.

Schoolchildren should pay attention to domestic photo stocks, where the requirements for photographs are lower, although the level of income is lower.


  • earning money for a hobby;
  • decent price for the sold photo;
  • the opportunity to succeed and develop in the field of photography and illustration;
  • a great way if you plan to develop as a photographer.


  • high requirements for the quality of photographs;
  • you need high-quality photographic equipment;
  • slow income.

Captcha input

Almost all sites put protection against bots - captcha input. To bypass these mechanisms on the Internet, there are services for the automatic input of alphanumeric characters. It is these exchanges that the student will be interested in as a performer.

Within 5-10 seconds, it will be necessary to enter the characters shown in the picture. There will be plenty of work, you can enter captcha at least around the clock.

For each correctly entered combination, the reward will be 3-4 kopecks.


  • no initial budget;
  • no special knowledge is needed;
  • simplest work.


  • boring monotonous work;
  • the lowest paid opportunity to make money on the Internet;
  • you need to be able to type quickly.

Crypto currency (mining)

The most famous and popular cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. One bitcoin at the end of October 2017 costs more than 300 thousand rubles. Mining this currency requires significant investments in equipment that are sometimes not available to adults.

There are 2 main ways to mine cryptocurrency:

  • cloud mining;
  • mining on our own equipment.

Unlike mining on your own hardware, cloud mining is more affordable because. does not require the purchase of special equipment and the allocation of space for it in the apartment.

Cloud mining services provide their server capacity for rent. A participant registers, where, on average, for $ 150, he purchases virtual equipment, on which the system starts working.

Also, the student needs a wallet for a crypto-currency, where money in bitcoin equivalent will be withdrawn for using the equipment. As practice has shown, 75% of the invested amount can be recaptured a year, and then the net income will go.

Popular services cloud mining:

The most popular crypto currencies:

  • Bitcoin (bitcoin, btc);
  • Litecoin (LTC);
  • Ethereum (Ether, ETC);
  • Dash (Darkcoin, XCoin);


  • the opportunity to receive fully passive income with time;
  • the opportunity to invest in the future currency of the world;
  • income is withdrawn daily.


  • unstable rate of crypto-currencies;
  • you must have initial capital;
  • good knowledge of mathematics (proportions and percentages) is required;
  • before starting, it is worth learning a lot of information and new terms (hashrate, SHA-256, Scrypt, base58check, etc.).

Affiliate and referral programs

Almost every exchange and service provider has affiliate programs. Each user is given his personal link there. Those who register using this link become referrals, from whose earnings and expenses a small commission is charged as a percentage.

To get income, you need to attract as many referrals as possible who will regularly buy services or goods.

Referral income depends on the referral program and the company's service industry.

For example, if a student decides to attract referrals to advego.ru, then, having 1,000 referral copywriters, you should not expect to earn more than 250-500 rubles a month. Moreover, their activity will only decrease. But if a teenager can attract referrals to a hosting provider with a mandatory monthly payment, where there is a good affiliate commission, then even with 10 referrals 400-500 rubles a month will come out.


  • does not require investment;
  • passive income;
  • there are multi-level systems (income from the income of a referral attracted by a participant);
  • referrals can be attracted from the pages of your social network;
  • classmates can be referrals.


  • it takes time to attract a lot of referrals;
  • commission amounts can be small and are regarded as a pleasant addition and bonuses for resource members;
  • users eventually stop working and income ends.


By uploading video files to the Internet, you can get decent money for a certain number of views.

Subtypes of this earnings:

Video blogging

A popular way among schoolchildren to make money on the Internet. The source of income is the placement of ads from advertisers and the inclusion of monetization of their videos.

Monetizing a channel on YouTube is available to any student; the main requirement is to respect copyright for music and video.


Stream is a live broadcast from a webcam, mobile phone camera or monitor screen. Most often, streaming is used by gamers, money is received with the help of donations (voluntary donations) and advertising on the air. You can also tell interesting stories, show the sights of your city, play board or active games and much more.

A great way to make money on games for a student of any age, you play and you also get money for it.

After the online broadcast, the video can be uploaded to video hosting and monetized views.


  • after the publication of the video, it can bring passive income for a long time;
  • having a hundred videos you can make decent money;
  • earnings are not difficult in themselves.


  • not all videos gain subscribers and views;
  • a lot of time can pass from the moment of actions and income;
  • you need to learn how to use video editing programs;
  • making money is time consuming.

Gray methods of making money on video

There are other not entirely legal schemes for making money on video, which will be more difficult for a student to implement. You can download someone else's video and post it on your channel. Thus, with minimal effort, many views are gained and rewards are issued.

It is very difficult to avoid the ban here, but it is possible through some manipulations. So, you need to change the resolution of the video, cut it, change the music, sound frequency, etc. Although, even after all these procedures, there will still be no 100% protection from the ban, as well as from the owner of the video, who can protect his copyrights ...


Freelancing is not just a part-time job, but a full-fledged main job on the Internet. Freelancing covers all industries from art design and copywriting to creating a full-fledged profitable website. There is a huge number of freelance exchanges in the network, where customers offer work, and performers offer services. Transactions can go through the system guarantee with a commission or on trust.

In order to compete and get an order, you need to have at least some skills.

However, there are tasks for beginners as well.

Let's consider the main types of freelancing suitable for schoolchildren.

Creation of simple websites

First, you need to study the practical information in order to understand such basic concepts as hosting, domain, and content management system. Then practical video tutorials are mastered step by step.

Potential customers are users who do not want to waste time on initial actions when starting a new project.

For the creation of one such simple site, you can get 1 - 5 thousand rubles, depending on the customer's requirements. Over time, you can increase your price tag.


  • all information on creating sites is freely available;
  • no initial capital required;
  • the opportunity to develop as a webmaster.


  • it takes several months to master the skills of creating websites;
  • big competition;
  • portfolio required;
  • large time consumption.

Advice! To get started, use the Ucoz website builders, they are easy to learn and even a schoolboy can figure it out.

Writing simple texts

Without the profession of a copywriter, not a single site would have been created. 97 percent information resources on the Internet are filled in by professional copywriters. Such work is considered to be the most demanded on the network. You need a competent written speech and perseverance. To get started, you just need to register on one of the copywriting exchanges.

At first, you should learn how to deliver the text, enter keywords, achieve the required uniqueness, work with related services.

Trust a student without a portfolio, there will only be simple low-paying orders.

For 1 thousand characters of the text will pay 20-50 rubles. After six months of painstaking work, incomes begin to grow. For many, the work of copywriting completely replaces the main job.


  • a huge number of proposals;
  • the opportunity to improve your speaking and learn a lot of new things;
  • permanent employment;
  • large fees with growing reputation.


  • low pay at the first stages;
  • takes a lot of time and effort;
  • a lot of competition for expensive orders.

Drawings and illustrations

It is necessary to post your drawings or illustrations on various sites (photo stocks, photo banks). Good way for schoolchildren who can draw well.


  • you can get orders with decent payment;
  • does not require investment;
  • there is an opportunity to receive income constantly;
  • you can offer the price of your services at any price.


  • big competition;
  • you need reputation and feedback to get expensive orders;
  • there is a risk that work on far-fetched reasons will not be paid.

Create avatars, headers for communities

On the Internet, you can make money by creating headers and avatars for communities and users. It is important to be able to work in graphics programs (Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDRAW and others). The main thing that most communities require for a headline or avatar is a certain size of the picture. After the size became known, there are several options for execution:

  • draw a picture yourself in graphics program or scan the drawing and cut to the specified size;
  • collect one of several paintings or photographs, that is, montage, then cut out the size;
  • cut the desired size from the finished picture or photograph.

The creation of a hat and an avatar costs from 100 rubles and more on the Internet, the work is simple, but it develops skills for mastering graphic design, which may come in handy in the future. But, of course, there is no need to use author's paintings, photographs without permission.

Maintaining your website or blog

The main way of income on a website or blog is advertising on it. However, you won't get instant income. This will require hard work for more than one month, or even more than one year. Taking into account my studies, blogging is a very profitable idea because it does not require immediate presence.


  • High income prospect.
  • Work outside of school.
  • The blog can be kept on the social network vk, fb, instagram.


  • At first, the work is not paid in any way.
  • It is required to explore new directions for blog promotion.

Sale of goods

The essence of the method lies in the purchase and further resale on the Internet with a small mark-up of goods. You can buy original lighters, electronic cigarettes, phone cases, jewelry, tools, put it all on services like Avito or Yula and get income.

Of course it is necessary to have initial capital to start this kind of business. For example, during the release of a new iPhone, it's time to buy covers for it, or even the iPhones themselves from Chinese industrial factories.

Popular message boards:

  • Avito;

Websites where a student can make money on the Internet

There are plenty of sites for making money on the Internet suitable for a teenager on the Internet. However, knowing where to make money does not mean you have it. Each of the methods is individual and requires a certain investment of time and effort, and somewhere good luck. Below is the pivot table sites where it is possible to make money for a student on the Internet:

Websites for earning money suitable for schoolchildren
Site Description Job cost affiliate program Category
likesrock.com The service allows you to earn money by watching short videos and completing tasks in social networks. 20%
v-like.ru Marketplace of tasks to complete on social networks. 5% Platforms that allow you to make a profit for completing tasks in social networks
vktarget.ru A project, to make money, you need to make reposts, put likes, join groups. 0.5 r Yes Platforms that allow you to make a profit for completing tasks in social networks.
profitcentr.com In addition to a large number of surfing sites, here you can get money on clicks, completing tasks, downloading files. If the amount on the balance does not exceed 30 rubles, then it will be paid to you automatically. No
wmmail.ru One of best projects... There are loads of assignments, emails, and surf sites here. The site has a forum where newbies can ask their questions. Minimal wage 0,1$ Yes Platforms where you pay for surfing the Internet and clicks
seosprint.net This is a ruble system, where there are also many opportunities for earning money. One of the best ruble projects for making money. No Platforms where you pay for surfing the Internet and clicks
golden-mines.biz Golden Mines is a popular online withdrawal game about hardworking gnomes. This is a simple and reliable project that pays steadily for more than 3 years. Over 30 million rubles have already been paid! Hire gnomes, collect and process precious ore. from 50 rubles Yes Games that pay for gameplay
golden-birds.biz Golden Birds is an updated long-lived bird game that works and pays honestly. The game supports all popular methods of withdrawing money, incl. WebMoney. A game without "bells and whistles" with simple mechanics: bought birds, collected eggs, took out profits. No Games that pay for gameplay
garantmarket.net Sell ​​any account. No
wot.accounts.name Sell ​​any account. No Platforms where you can sell the upgraded account
seo-fast.ru Performing simple tasks. Yes
etxt.ru Copywriting exchange No Exchanges specialized in posting comments and reviews
qcomment.ru The posting exchange specializes in writing comments. 3p 20% Exchanges specialized in posting comments and reviews
buytoplay.ru Notice board with game accounts. No Platforms where you can sell the upgraded account
Selling artifacts in multiplayer online games
acc-garant.ru Selling an account through a guarantor. 30% Platforms where you can sell the upgraded account
old-liked.ru System for completing tasks of varying complexity and focus 1 ruble per referral
www.turbotext.ru The TurboText exchange implemented a unique order for us - a large volume of articles was written in the shortest possible time, and the quality exceeded our expectations. No Exchanges of simple simple tasks online
socialtools.ru Service for making money on simple tasks in social networks. 10% from the customer and 50% from the contractor Exchanges of simple simple tasks online
globaltestmarket.com The largest international Project "Global Market Testing" fully justifies its name, covering more and more countries. No
surveyharbor.com An excellent option for guaranteed additional income. To withdraw money through PayPal or replenish the mobile balance, you need to dial only 300 rubles Yes Platforms for making money by taking surveys
whaff.com Probably the best app for making money today. 5p Yes
advertapp.ru One of the most popular applications for making money by downloading games in Russia, which every Android user should have 5p No Platforms for making money on a smartphone (installing applications)
appcent.ru The third most popular program for making money by downloading games from the Play Store, which must be installed in every smartphone. 5p No Platforms for making money on a smartphone (installing applications)
shutterstock.com every week he uploads one photo and one vector image for free download - these pictures can be seen immediately on the main page. 16r No
iStockphoto.com is the oldest (founded in 2000) and along with shutterstock the largest photobank of images, video and audio content. up to 3 $ No Places for the sale of photographs (photo stocks)
ru.fotolia.com belongs to the Adobe corporation, was established in 2005 and is actively developing. At the moment, there are more than 60 million images in the database. Photolia Photobank offers images and videos. 1$ No Places for the sale of photographs (photo stocks)
rucaptcha.com Odi the same site 2captcha.com 0.01-0.10 p 10%
leowork.ru To register you need a Payeer wallet 0.06 RUR per captcha up to 50% Platforms for making money on captcha input
2captcha.com Instant payments from 0.5 $ $ 0.5 per hour 10% Platforms for making money on captcha input
www.eobot.com Eobot is one of the oldest and most profitable cloud mining on the network. No
hashing24.com Hashing24 provides the most profitable cloud mining among the competition. In addition, this provider is also one of the most reliable, as it is one of the partners of the BitFury Group. 10% Cryptocurrency cloud mining platforms
genesis-mining.com Genesis Mining, along with Hashing24, is one of the most profitable and reliable cloud mining that newcomers to the mining industry should pay attention to. 2,5 % Cryptocurrency cloud mining platforms
youtube.com The largest video hosting service in the world. No Video blogging platforms
rutube.ru Russian analogue of YouTube. Yes Video blogging platforms
Hitbox.tv It is the official partner of the DreamHack Championship. The last Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournament No Streaming platforms
Twitch.tv Streaming platform created in 2011 with 15 million daily active users. Yes Streaming platforms
kwork.ru An online service store that offers out-of-the-box services. from 500 r until 6%
Freelance exchanges
Copywriter exchanges
www.fl.ru Starting to work with our website, you first of all need to fill out a freelancer portfolio, adding examples of projects and orders you have successfully completed. Indicate in the profile all the necessary information about your skills and experience, add contact information. 200 - 40,000 RUR No Freelance exchanges
workspace.ru a tender platform that helps digital service customers choose the best performer, and agencies find their client. 200 - 40,000 RUR No Freelance exchanges
www.helper.ru A resource for finding temporary work or one-time services. 200 - 40,000 RUR No Freelance exchanges
youdo.com A service that allows you to find contractors and customers for solving everyday and business problems. 200 - 40,000 RUR No Freelance exchanges
Completing assignments online or offline
advego.ru An exchange specializing in content writing, editing, rewriting, etc. 200 - 40,000 RUR up to 25% Freelance exchanges
toloka.yandex.ru Yandex.Toloka is a service that contains tasks for analyzing and evaluating content. Average $ 0.5 No Completing assignments online or offline
work-zilla.com Remote work exchange, for the selection and execution of a small task. from 100 r 7% from each referral payment Completing assignments online or offline
Freelance exchanges
Copywriter exchanges

How a student can make money on the Internet without investments

Most of the methods listed above are suitable for schoolchildren and allow you to receive money without investment and monetize, something that many do for free every day. Surfing the Internet, reposts, likes, sharing and following, all this allows you to make a profit.

Making money on the Internet without investment:

  • Surfing and clicks;
  • Games that pay money for the gameplay;
  • Moderation;
  • Administration of groups and publics;
  • Taking paid surveys;
  • Captcha input;
  • Some types of freelancing.

How easy it is for a student to make money on the Internet

Easy ways to earn money are associated with low incomes, do not use them if your goal is to earn a lot, and even more so quickly.

Easy ways to make money:

  • Completing assignments in social networks;
  • Surfing and clicks;
  • Posting (comments, reviews);
  • Performing simple tasks online;
  • Games that pay for the gameplay;
  • Moderation of games;
  • Creation of accounts and groups for sale;
  • Administration of groups and publics;
  • Performing simple tasks online;
  • Taking paid surveys;
  • Paid installation of applications on a smartphone;
  • Captcha input;

How to quickly make money on the Internet for a schoolchild

Quick earnings are characterized by small amounts and one-time, non-permanent jobs.

Fast ways to make money:

  • Completing assignments in social networks;
  • Surfing and clicks;
  • Posting (comments, reviews);
  • Performing simple tasks online;
  • Captcha input;
  • Some types of freelancing.

How to make a lot of money for a student on the Internet

Making a lot is problematic, but possible. This is due to the lack of experience, investment and knowledge. All of the following methods involve a large investment of time, money, as well as acquiring new knowledge and skills. You won't be able to earn much quickly and easily!

Ways to earn a lot:

  • Selling a boosted account;
  • Streaming and video blogging;
  • ESports and tournaments;
  • Cryptocurrency mining;
  • Affiliate and referral programs;
  • Video blogging and streaming;
  • Maintaining your website or blog;
  • Freelance;
  • Sale of goods.

How to make money on the Internet for a student: video

A visual video of how a schoolchild can make money on the Internet, guided by which you can succeed in your aspirations and endeavors:


As we understand, podromtok can make money in many ways and it doesn't matter on the Internet or without it, there are skills or they are not. The choice is huge, it all depends on the potential and desire.

The main advice, you need to choose what you like and develop in this direction, it depends on how much money you can get and whether you will enjoy it.

A student can and should earn money!

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